Muga |
Yvell. I thought of a fun combo for us. Probably not practical as it doesn't give the rest of the team anything, though. If you get the Intercept Charge teamwork feat.. I can ready action to attack someone charging me, using my brace weapon, and then we can use that feat to make it so anyone who charges anyone on our team gets double damaged to death.
Čemifobbar |
For prospective applicants, You just need to appeal to what the group needs.
@Čemifobbar : Your issue was less that we have paladins but that it is really hard to reliably heal you without mistakenly killing you.
@ Tessara Yandalëra : You might have trouble because I THINK every group basically has.. a Wizard/Full Arcane Caster though your going Arcane Arher.. so they see another caster rather than a martial ranged with some magic.
The accidental hurting bit is true. Which is why I kitted him up with potions of Inflict Wounds. At least I shouldn't have to worry about too many people stealing that sort of potion of his!
Just have to make sure not to get too close to an allied Paladin or Cleric doing the positive channelling thing!
Čemifobbar |
@Cemifobbar, both Green and Red could use more muscle.
I have made Green and Red have 7 total slots each, so if everyone is currently continuing except my characters, Green needs 3 more and Red needs 2 more characters.
@ GM Demonmoose: Since Green seems to have more openings and in need of some more muscle, I think I'll pick that group!
Red would would be fine too, if it was decided Čemifobbar would be better there than Green.
As Yvell pointed out, the only real problem would be around paladins or clerics inadvertently hurting him with a positive energy channel.
Čemifobbar |
Greetings! I'm one of the players in GMDemonmoose's threads. I'm dotting. GM is asking for us to vote for 3 players that we would want in Team Green. So I'll need to start looking at what all is here. Thus the dot.
Gah! What a lot of thread to go over.
@Nyssa Veshane: My (currently "unemployed") dhampir bloodrager is available for your group.
GM Demonmoose tells me that Green is in need of a bit more "muscle". Got that! And a composite longbow too! And definitely handy against incorporeal nasties and negative energy channels!
Chakos Hyluan |
I'm still here, anyone need an archer?
I do believe that we, the hearty members of Team Blue, have traded a first round draft choice, two promising prospects, and an Inquisitor to be named later, in order to obtain your services in our quest.
I further believe GM Demonmooose was going to drop you a note in your PM box, so check that!
Solaria Jesari |
Are any of the teams interested in an arcane archer? She's a character I've been wanting to play for a long time, but I won't make a pitch with her if she's unwelcome.
The Red Team are only now starting to consider the options and an elven arcane archer is one we are considering. As we are still looking at the options available, I can't say whether you will end up being asked to join or not. If chosen you would most definitely be welcome.
Tessara Yandalëra |
The Red Team are only now starting to consider the options and an elven arcane archer is one we are considering. As we are still looking at the options available, I can't say whether you will end up being asked to join or not. If chosen you would most definitely be welcome.
Cool! Just let me know if you have any questions!
Čemifobbar |
If a team is still in need of some "muscle" I'm free!
… available for a team, that is!
Čemifobbar (Dhampir Bloodrager)
Čemifobbar ("chem-if-OHB-bar") is a Dhampir who is tall, strong, lithe, and beguiling. He has a deathly white pallor, ivory-white pupils, pronounced canines, and long black hair with the sheen of obsidian. The most disturbing thing about his appearance, if anyone notices, is that he casts no shadow.
Čemifobbar was born and raised in the least likely of places. In a Kellid tribe; the Stone Bear. While his mother was carrying him, his parents found a stranger dying in an arctic storm. He was alone, unarmed, unarmoured and dying of numerous arrow wounds. Only when they went to his aid, did they see he was a dhampir. The stranger locked gazes with Čemifobbar's mother and she was knocked senseless with a feeling of a blazing incandescent icy fire and she suddenly knew that she was carrying a son who would be a dhampir. The stranger died at that moment. Nobody discovered who that stranger was.
His mother survived giving him birth, unlike most of the few women who carry dhampir children. Despite everything, his parents kept and raised him. He was their fourth and last child. Seemingly sickly, he grew to be stronger than most. Born with the name Tajkek, he became known as "Iron Tongue", for his innate talent for smoothing over disputes within the tribe.
None of the women in the tribe wanted him as a husband. Nor did he seem interested in having a wife and children. Eventually, all his nieces and nephews died of old age. But Tajkek Iron Tongue was now over ninety years old and still youthful and robust. His bizarre appearance was bad enough, but his inability to age was finally too much for the Stone Bear tribe and he was exiled.
He was stoic about his exile. Tajkek no longer had a tribe, and left it behind with no plans to return. He is ambivalent about his Kellid past. It shaped him. But it will not be what guides him.
He eventually found his way to Ustalav. One night, he was ambushed by six bandits. Caught unawares, his mind and body suddenly burnt with a glacial furor. As if in a dream, he killed all the bandits, even those who fled or begged for mercy. He felt no guilt about it. Only curiosity about how he became so much stronger than normal.
In the Ustalav city of Caliphas, he met a dhampir mercenary named Pavothael. He was delighted to find he was not unique! It was Pavothael who taught Tajkek to adopt a more regal demeanor. This is why Tajkek adopted the name "Čemifobbar". It simply sounds more regal than his old name.
Despite his natural elegance, and the training he received from Pavothael, Čemifobbar still prefers brute force over finesse in battle. He still does not fully understand his rages. But he does know they make his blood surge with both icy death and blazing life.
Čemifobbar then spent quite a few years wandering aimlessly through Galt. He found work as a night guard for the merchant woman, Gaftliff. The incessant political squabbling of Galt eventually bored Čemifobbar and he found his way into Taldor. He was hired as a body guard for a widow, lady Salvianella. He was really her fashionable "boy toy"; despite being over sixty years her senior. But the melancholy Salvianella soon lost interest in Čemifobbar and he started another aimless walkabout.
He recently wandered into Numeria. He has heard Numeria is dangerous. And therefore interesting. Despite being over one hundred and twenty years old, he is still strangely naïve in many ways. Death is also both friendly and familiar to Čemifobbar. It just has not claimed him. As yet.
Known to some as the "Soothing Iron Tongue" or the "Shadowless Charmer", Čemifobbar has an elegant bearing and demeanor that are at odds with his imposing stature, bizarre appearance, and drab garb. Even so, there are few who can resist the friendly charm he exudes with his assuring manner and sonorous voice.
He avoids bright light so people are less likely to notice his lack of a shadow. His deathly pallor and pronounced canines are disturbing enough as it is. He usually wears a cowl or hood, so people cannot see how strange he looks from a distance.
He prefers to use his charm to get his way. He has both talent and skill for this. He also has no qualms about using violence either. He has both talent and skill for that too.
Commands are one of the few things he cannot abide by. Suggestions and advice, yes, but not commands. He is charming, but if someone starts lording over him, Čemifobbar soon shows himself to be a glacial iron fist in a velvet glove!
Having lived much of his life in a Kellid tribe, Čemifobbar is motivated by simple curiosity about the world. He is not overly interested in wealth if he can't carry it with him. He is much more interested in experiences. Especially proving his mettle in battle.
Svetocher (Moroi-born Dhampir)
Bloodrager (Undead bloodline, Spelleater archetype), Level 4
Chaotic Neutral, Medium Size, Humanoid (dhampir)
Initiative: +4
Perception: +8
AC 19, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 17
HP 32 (40 while blood raging)
FORT +5 (+7 while blood raging)
REF +3
WILL +2 (+4 while blood raging)
SPEED 40 ft. (base speed, bloodrager Fast Movement)
• Falchion (2d4+6; 18-20/x2)
• Heavy Flail (1d10+6; 19-20/x2)
• Dagger (1d4+4; 19-20/x2)
• Composite Longbow (1d8+4, 110 ft.; x3)
• Sling (1d4+4, 50 ft.; x2)
• Dagger (1d4+4, 10 ft.; 19-20/x2)
SPACE; 5 ft.
REACH; 5 ft.
SPELLS KNOWN: Phantom Blood, and Windy Escape
STR 18 (+4), DEX 14 (+2), CON 12 (+1), INT 10 (0), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
(STR bumped up one for level four)
BAB +4; CMB +8; CMD 19
Traits: Prince, Restless Wayfarer, Reactionary
Drawback: Umbral Unmasking
Feats: Power Attack, Furious Focus
• Acrobatics +6 (1 rank)
• Climb +8 (1 rank)
• Diplomacy +11 (4 ranks) (Svetocher diplomacy bonus and Prince social trait)
• Handle Animal +5 (1 rank)
• Intimidate +6 (1 rank) (Prince social trait)
• Knowledge (arcana) +4 (1 rank)
• Knowledge (geography) +2 (1 rank) (Restless wayfarer campaign trait bonus)
• Knowledge (local) +5 (1 rank) (Restless Wayfarer bonus and is a class skill)
• Knowledge (nobility) 0 (0 ranks) (+2 race bonus for Svetocher - for reference)
• Perception +8 (4 ranks)
• Ride +6 (1 rank)
• Survival +8 (4 ranks)
Languages: Common, Hallit
SQ (Class Features):
• Undead Bloodline
• Bloodrage: 11 rounds per day
• Fast Movement: +10 ft. move, except with heavy load, and/or heavy armour
• Frightful Charger: Target hit by charge attack while bloodraging is shaken for 2 rounds
• Blood of Life: Fast Healing 1 while bloodraging
• Blood Sanctuary: +2 on saves vs. own spells and allies' spells
• Blood Casting (2 first level spells known)
• Eschew Materials
• Ghost Strike: while bloodraging, weapons have Ghost Touch property
SPELLS KNOWN: (CL 4, Touch +2, Ranged Touch +2, Concentration +5):
• Phantom Blood (level 1): Get temporary 1 HP/CL when knocked unconscious
• Windy Escape (level 1): Turn gaseous for one hit (only), get DR 10/- vs. said hit
Current Kit (Least to most costly, per item)
• Sling: 0 GP
• Sling Bullets (20): 2 SP
• Arrows (40): 2 GP
• Daggers (2): 4 GP
• Barbarian's Kit: 9 GP
• Explorer's Outfit: 10 GP
• Heavy Flail: 15 GP
• Potion of Inflict Lt. Wounds, CL 1 (4): 200 GP
• Composite longbow (for 18 STR), Masterwork, non magical: 800 GP
• +1 Cloak of Resistance: 1,000 GP
• +1 Agile Brestplate: 1,550 GP
• +1 Falchion: 2,375 GP
• Petty Cash: 34 GP, 8 SP
• Total encumbrance of 104 lbs. (medium)
Racial Features, Traits, Drawback and Feats … in brief
• Undead Resistance (Svetocher): +2 saves vs. disease & mind-affecting effects
• Resist Level Drain (Svetocher): no energy drain, recovers drained levels in 24 hrs (see dhampir text)
• Manipulative (Svetocher): +2 to Diplomacy and +2 Knowledge (nobility)
• Spell-Like Abilities (Svetocher): use Obscuring Mist up to 3 times per day
• Darkvision (Svetocher): see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet
• Low-Light Vision (Svetocher): see twice as far as humans in low light
• Light Sensitivity (Svetocher): dazzled in bright sunlight, or Sunlight spell area
• Negative Energy Affinity (Svetocher): negative energy heals, positive energy damages
• Alternate Weakness (Svetocher): -1 on saves vs. effects that deal positive energy damage.
• Prince (social trait): +1 Diplomacy & +1 Intimidate, and Diplomacy is a class skill
• Restless Wayfarer (campaign trait): +1 Kn. (geography), +1 Knowledge (local) class skill, one bonus language
• Reactionary (combat trait): +2 to initiative
• Umbral Unmasking (drawback): has no shadow, easy to observe, often unnoticed; DC 15 Wisdom check to notice in ideal conditions.
• Power Attack feat: -2 to hit, and +4/+6 (2-handed) to damage
• Furious Focus feat: ignore Power attack penalty for first attack in a round
Age: 126 years old
Height: 6 ft. 5 in. (196 cm)
Weight: 210 lbs. (95 kg)
Skin: Pallid white
Build: Muscular, yet lithe
Hair: Obsidian black, with an obsidian sheen
Eyes: Ivory, nearly white
Special: Has no shadow