DM Carbide |

Dropping in to pass the word, if you didn't see this:
I am thestrongangel's (Nick Goodner's) brother. I am not sure if he knew anyone on here but I know he was very much into pathfinder as a community.
Nick has passed away. He became sick around the 27th of December. He had been fighting a virus which destroyed his immune system. He contracted the flu and was not able to recover. He passed on the evening of Jan 1st.
http://www.stithfamilyfunerals.com/home/index.cfm/obituaries/view/fh_id/150 96/id/3542710
If you know anyone he might have known or have any questions please ask, I will do my best to reply - but I may not have access to this account for very long.

WabbitHuntr |

Sorry if this is out of place and I feel a little dirty about volunteering to fill your arcane void given the tragic passing of thestrongangel. But if you don't have anyone in mind I'd like to volunteer as I've been following along with your escapades so far.
I could get the following character statted up tonight
name: ?
LG follower of Iomadae
Wizard Evoker Admixture 1/ Sorcerer 5(Sage/False Priest archetypes)/Evangelist Prestige class 10

GM Choon |

I have recruited a player from the recruitment thread. I actually know her from a coupe other games, and I believe her RP skills are up to the task of representing or dearly departed Strongsngel in his character.
I'm sorry, Wabbit. This was the player I was waiting on. If she decides to not continue I will contact you.

El Ronza |

Hi, folks. I'm the player Choon mentioned, and I'll be stepping in to fill Silas' shoes. I might need a while to look over the character, figure out what he's capable of, since high-level play is a little... crazy.
I look forward to playing with you all, though I regret the circumstances that led me here.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Taerine: you do know that each point of burn you take your hit die in non-lethal damage so that is 17 damage per point of burn (total 34 non-lethal)....I play a hydrokinetisit in PFS and learned this the hard way) unless have a way of gaining burn at reduced damage.
Yes, I realize. But I've been forgetting my elemental overflow, which is why I finally decided to accept some burn.
So at 17th level, if I take 7 points of burn, I can add +6 to my Con, which would give me back almost half of those HP. I could then add +4 to my Dex (boosting my AC and to hit) and +2 to my Strength (which likely won't matter at all). So that's effectively 68 points of damage for those benefits. It'll also boost my attack rolls and damage with my blasts (+5/+10).
I'm mostly curious to play with the class and see how it works (as my inclination is generally conserve resources). You DEFINITELY could be right that this is a lesson I'll learn the hard way, but I think at our advanced level it's worth the risk. I think at lower levels that burn's going to matter a lot more but it's worth the risk here at higher levels.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Yeah. I think scaling may be an issue with the kineticist. At low levels, burn is a major danger and it's tough to reduce. By these levels, I've boosted my defenses and Con enough that I'm not super worried about wandering around already down 70 hp and I can almost always reduce all my burn to 0 unless I want to take it.

Talon Shadowblade |

dodge? he only misses on a 1, 2, or 3 everything else hits. at least in the shadow plane he can't hit me, or find me.
then i may make a surprise attack.
also what are the effects of multiple doses of poison on the same target?
I think I read it increases the save DC by 2 for each additional dose.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

At the risk of feeling like a really insensitive ass, can I suggest we remove Silas from the game?
While normally I wouldn't mind playing him for a single module, at this high level and with his build as a summoner (meaning I'd basically be playing three things), it's a little more work than I want to do, honestly.
I'm not sure why the person you recruited to take over the character disappeared, but I think we could just retcon him out ... :(

TarkXT |

So, I suppose it's time I went ahead and got down in writing what I've been thinking for months.
I'm more or less done with Pathfinder.
I still find it fun but I find it harder and harder to will myself to get involved with it. Write for it, play it, run it, take the time to even look at the forum, whatever.
The truth of the matter is after over a decade of D&D much of which I've been writing I've little to really show for it in terms of gain and little in the way of a future. Add to the fact that I find it hard to dedicate time in my day (between family, work and hobbies) to this and an even greater lack of desire to post in what seems to be an endless and often pointless cycle of debates over a game and it's just wore me out.
So, I'm calling it. I still have an iron gods I play over skype and I'm continuing my 3pp game since that still has me engaged in. I'm sorry to all of you about this and I appreciate you giving me the time. I did have fun and I have one contractual obligation I should fulfill for a book on polearms but from now on I'm dedicating my writing to other things.
So again thank you, sorry, and goodbye.

Taerine Doumont |

Just FYI, the ball and chain is home from medical school through May 1, so my posting may be a bit spotty for a bit (though I usually still have time to do quick updates). Feel free to DMPC me as needed.
That said, I think we're down to three players. Do we want to try to recruit a couple more? No strong feelings on the topic, but I thought I'd raise the idea.

GM Choon |

I have a proposition.
Both my Witchwar games have suffered casualties. Literally in one (RIP thestrongangel). Both games are down to a less than optimal number of active participants. How would youall feel if we merged games to make a viable party out of the two suffering groups?