GM Captain Trips - Kingmaker! (Inactive)

Game Master Chad Newman Link

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M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

Dendarial seeks out the priest of Erastil immediately to share the news with him, inviting both Hadin and Karse to come with him.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 1 HP: 9/9 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 14 | Fort: +1, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | Init: +6 | Perception: +2

His tasks complete, Will joins the group as they explain their findings, "I am ready to go once you finish your report. That is, unless our new plan is to kill them with old age?" laughs the bard.

*Party Loot* *Helper Map*
Barbarian/2 - HP25 AC16 T12 FF14 CMD17 | CMB +6 , +1EarthBrkr +7 (2d6+7/x3/B) | F5 R2 W0 | INIT+2 | Perc+6 Surv+6

Brom also, now finished with this shorter-than-normal conversation with Oleg, stands to declare his readiness. "It vas good to return, but as zhe ozhers are still about zheir business, ve should be back to our as vell. I do not zhink Krasa vould approve of zhem dying as doddering old fools. HaHA!" and laughs along with Wills joke.

Male Human Paladin 1 I AC 16 T10 FF 16 HP 12/12 F+ R+ W+ I Init+0 Per+3

Surprised, Hadin answers to Sir Karse as they walk to see the priest

Of course I felt the sanctity of the place! We- well, mostly you, as I was down quickly- did something good for Erastil and his followers, by beating this huge bear. Maybe it was the stress of the battle that hindered your soul. But know that the place is devoid of threat, we could go back whenever we want. This time, I'm sure you will feel the holiness of this ancient temple.It was a rightful battle you lead. May the blessings of Erastil shine upon you!

When they are with the priest, Hadin is nearly back to is shy and unsure self, but he beams with joy, and his happiness is overwhelming. Bowing deferently to the priest, he says

Wise one, we have good news for you and for all those who worship Erastil. My companions have defeated the mighty bear you have seen in your dreams, and the ancient temple is safe again. I'm sure Denderial can trace a map for you to use, so you can find the path easily. Sir Karse lead the fight, for the greatest glory of Erastil, and he even saved me after the claws of the bear pierced my armor.

Suddenly , Hadin blushes,and looks around, whispering
I hope Auntie didn't hear that....

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 1 HP: 9/9 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 14 | Fort: +1, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | Init: +6 | Perception: +2

Will twitches slightly at the mention that Sir Karse saved Hadin from his wounds, but stays silent, reminding himself that this was an Erastil fight and Sarenrae knows the truth of his deeds. If Sir Karse is showered in glory for his deeds, it would only befit his station as a knight of Erastil.

Silver Crusade

Male Half-Orc Paladin of Iomedae (Shining Knight) 1 || HP 19/19 (19/19 nonlethal) || AC 18/10 Tch/18 FF || F+7 R+3 W+9 || CMB +3 CMD 14/14 FF || Init +0 || Perception +3, darkvision (60 ft.)

"You give me glory overmuch, Hadin. I did not stand alone against the beast, neither was it my prayer that staunched the flow of your lifeblood." Karse replies with an air of dignified calm.

Male Human Paladin 1 I AC 16 T10 FF 16 HP 12/12 F+ R+ W+ I Init+0 Per+3

You'll get your share of the glory nevertheless, Sir Karse. You were in the front line, with Brom, fighting the bear, while Dendarial and Will send arrows into the beast. I know that, because i was by your side. Then I remember only the massives paww, the stench of the bear breath, the pain...

He shivers
Then I remember coming back to my sense, with my friends and copmpanions around me.And I'm the one honored to call you friends.

M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

And do not forget brave little Acio here. Den scratches the bird on the top of the head. It staggered the large beast with its dive, preventing it from fully attacking you. Had it not, well, I fear you would not have survived another swipe from the creature.

Just realized that is likely the truth. IF the attack it was deprived would have landed Hadin would not have survived. Of course it might have dropped Hadin when he went limp and landed its last attack on Brom or Karse.


Catching up, pardon my inability to post the past few days.

Oleg greets Brom, happy to see the large man in one piece, "Things are unusually quiet these past days I must admit. I'm sure it has no little part to do with the work you have done these past weeks. Bandits are hiding under rocks, and that is only a good thing! This season promises to be a bountiful one indeed if this keeps up." He shows an unusual amount of joviality as he slaps the large man on the back and shares a rare smile with him.

Meanwhile, Dendarial shares the news of the fight with the bear at the shrine with the priest, who is staggered by the information. "I cannot believe it! Erastil blesses me with forgiveness, that which I never hoped to receive. I cannot thank you all enough! Know that for as long as I draw breath, the blessings of Erastil shall be yours."

Game terms, Jhod is now willing to cast any divine spells within his ability on the party free of charge. This is a permanent boon.

Jhod then turns to his belongings, and glances back at the ranger, "Please, would you and your friends be so kind as to take me to the site? I must properly prepare it for Old Deadeye and bring it back to function. My hopes are to remain there and allow it to once again serve as a temple to the faith."

M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

Den nods, a smile on his face. I thought it would be so. Though I follow the Wanderer this pleases me. I will take you back to the temple and help you in any way I can to make it secure. I believe you and this temple will be a boon to these lands for years to come. He looks to the others for their thoughts and comments.

*Party Loot* *Helper Map*
Barbarian/2 - HP25 AC16 T12 FF14 CMD17 | CMB +6 , +1EarthBrkr +7 (2d6+7/x3/B) | F5 R2 W0 | INIT+2 | Perc+6 Surv+6

Brom, still happy at the unexpectedly pleasant exchange with Oleg, moves to join the conversation with the priest, catching the tail end of the conversation. "Goodman Jhod, Dendarial is right zhat ve vill take you zhere. I do vorry for the alone-ness zhat you vill find zhere. Ve are about zhe charters business and cannot stay overlong. Do you plan on a guard or somezhing to be vizh you?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 1 HP: 9/9 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 14 | Fort: +1, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | Init: +6 | Perception: +2

Will is pleased at the joy erupting from the Erastil priest. "Brom has the right of it. We can take you there, but your safety will be your own concern, as we must continue to deal with the Stag Lord. While I would think the bear's presence kept many things away from the place, and it will take more than a few days for things to be bold enough to enter, there is no telling what may decide to visit."

Will also approaches Oleg as they get ready to go, "Good sir, we found these items and they seem to be beyond me to determine the nature of their magics. If the other group returns before we do, would you ask Castor and Winifred to examine them as well? Perhaps they can see what I cannot."

Ready to move out and drop off the priest.

M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

After the excitement settles down Den will find a moment to ask Jhod a question alone. I would like to accept your generous offer of spell casting. There is a divine spell that can increase the quality of mundane item, making them masterwork. If you have access to such a spell I would be in your debt if you could cast it on my bow. It fits my body well and matches my strength perfectly but it is not of the highest quality I fear. Is such a thing possible? I understand that there is a costly material component that is consumed in the casting and would of course want to provide that myself.

*Party Loot* *Helper Map*
Barbarian/2 - HP25 AC16 T12 FF14 CMD17 | CMB +6 , +1EarthBrkr +7 (2d6+7/x3/B) | F5 R2 W0 | INIT+2 | Perc+6 Surv+6

Ohh I hope he can cast that!

Brom is sure to give Jhod and Dendarial their space, but can't help but overhear the word Masterwork thrown out, and lingers nearby to ask Dendarial what's being asked when the two are done conversing.

M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

And I just realized I do not have the gold for that at the moment. I was thinking 150 gold, which is right for armor, but only half enough for a weapon. :(

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 1 HP: 9/9 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 14 | Fort: +1, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | Init: +6 | Perception: +2

If you need a loan, Will's got you covered


Jhod nods to the ranger, "Is is within his glory to allow me to be able to provide such a casting. If you can produce the required components I will be happy to cast this for you in the morning, once I have sought his blessing." He then addresses Brom and Dendarial and says, "If it is within Deadeye's power I will be safe in his home. If I am slain, that is the way of things, and as it should be. I am at peace knowing that he showed me the way to redeem myself, and you were able to become an instrument in that redemption. Making everything as it once was is my own risk to take, no matter the outcome."

Oleg can provide the parts needed for the spell, which would amount to 300gp total.

*Party Loot* *Helper Map*
Barbarian/2 - HP25 AC16 T12 FF14 CMD17 | CMB +6 , +1EarthBrkr +7 (2d6+7/x3/B) | F5 R2 W0 | INIT+2 | Perc+6 Surv+6

Brom nods his head deeply, respecting the mans comittment to his god and his fate, "Is very brave!" he says with accepting finality.

Ret ta go.


Ready to escort Jhod back to the temple as soon as we resolve the masterwork weapon issue. Let me know who is coughing up what amount! :)

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 1 HP: 9/9 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 14 | Fort: +1, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | Init: +6 | Perception: +2

Well, if Dend has 150, Will will provide the other 150. If our loot masters will make the appropriate notations.

Seeing Dendarial in negotiations with Oleg over some spell components, Will produces a few coin purses of his own, "I believe this will cover the gap in your costs Master Oleg. We need Dendarial to be at the top of his game when facing the Stag Lord. I'm sure he will repay me in time."

M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

I will indeed. You have my thanks.

Depending on what this armor ends up being, and who else might need it I might be going into party debt for it as well. :(

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 1 HP: 9/9 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 14 | Fort: +1, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | Init: +6 | Perception: +2

And that is why I've never liked the even loot distribution. Warrior types are inherently more gear dependent than casters during the early game. If Will's gear falls a little behind the gear curve, it matters less than Dend or Brom who's purpose in combat is to use that gear and fell the badguys. When we start finding rods/rings/cloaks/etc... then it'll be his turn to gear up.


Don't worry, I do my best to throw in items for everyone. Much of what you have found isn't even in the AP. I make sure I keep things appearing for everyone, it is just a matter of when you find them. :)

M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

Before we were to dispose of that scimitar Den would have to consider when/if he might take weapon finesse. He is not really a melee type though so that is likely a bad path to do down. I hate to see good magic weapons leave the party though. Hope someone needs it.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 1 HP: 9/9 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 14 | Fort: +1, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | Init: +6 | Perception: +2

I'm thinking that was for Will, given his newfound divinity, however his current sword holds more sentimental value to him, and so he wouldn't switch, even for a +1 weapon. I thought you have the +1 short sword?

M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

Never wrote it down. Den may be carrying it. The plan is to sell it though. Shame our halfling rogue can't use it. The truth is that Den should seldom move into melee. The plan has gone wrong if he does. :) So, based on that Den will not pick a melee weapon for himself for quite some time.


Let me know if we are all good. If you two are producing the 300gp then Jhod would cast the needed spell the next morning as requested.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 1 HP: 9/9 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 14 | Fort: +1, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | Init: +6 | Perception: +2

We are all good, Dend and Will each supplying 150. Will's ready to deliver the priest and move on with the story!


Ok, once Jhod is delivered, what is the group's goal? I'm pretty sure you initially set out to scout out the Stag Lord's camp before catching the tracks and finding the temple to Erastil. Is that still the plan? Anything else I need to be aware of before I zoom you along in an orderly yet chaotic fashion? :)

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 1 HP: 9/9 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 14 | Fort: +1, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | Init: +6 | Perception: +2

That is still the plan. Scout around the camp, level up, then go for the throat so to speak... :D

*Party Loot* *Helper Map*
Barbarian/2 - HP25 AC16 T12 FF14 CMD17 | CMB +6 , +1EarthBrkr +7 (2d6+7/x3/B) | F5 R2 W0 | INIT+2 | Perc+6 Surv+6

Brom goes out into the woods to try and knock over stumps and small trees with his beloved Krasa while the last few errands are completed at camp.

On with the plan!

M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

If the hex with the new temple is not completely explored, I am for doing that before moving on.


Onward we go!

The party gears up the next morning, after helping Jhod gather his belongings, and sets out for the temple of Erastil as their first stop. They arrive late that afternoon, without any issues along the way. Overland travel has become more reliable with the group's constant comings and goings, and there has been much less activity in the northern area of the Stolen Lands because of it. When the group arrives, Jhod is immediately taken by the sight of the temple, and once more thanks the group for finding and cleaning the site. He unloads his belongings inside the temple, which once housed the strange bear-turned-man, and sets himself to work. The group is invited to spend the evening at the temple with Jhod, and departs the next morning to continue their trek.

They head southeast, towards the Tuskwater, and is surprised by the sight of a massive boar rooting through the ground as they near the end of the forest, where it breaks into open plains. Realizing that this boar is likely the one called "Tuskgutter", the party quickly runs it down and finishes the beast off, claiming its tusks as proof of the deed.

At this point Tuskgutter is a trivial encounter for the group, so we won't run through the combat of it. Needless to say you can claim the reward upon your return to the trading post.

At night on the second day of travel the group comes to a lightly forested ridgeline, and peering beyond it they see what can only be the Stag Lord's fort. A wide span of hillside surrounds the fort on all sides, with a narrow path of hard-packed earth that winds up the hillside approaching the Stag Lord’s fort—this path is 30 feet wide, 300 feet long, and provides no cover. The remaining hillside surrounding the fort is a swath of hill devoid of shrubbery save for isolated thorny vines, but periodic large boulders provide better cover for a stealthy approach.

M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

And we have roast Pork and fresh bacon for a while. :)

Den recommends that he scout the fort solo, but that the rest of the group remain out of sight but close and within hearing of any trouble. If the party agrees Den will scout at night, using his low light vision and his stealth ability (+15 vs humans) to move around the area of the fort looking at how its laid out and protected. His perception is +9 to notice things, and +11 to see hiding humans. Finally he is +9 Survival to track humans and find their tracks. Maybe he can get an idea of traffic as he scouts. He would not want to cross a road and would double back once getting to the main road leading into the fort.

Not sure what else was the goal. Can we completely explore this hex while here?

*Party Loot* *Helper Map*
Barbarian/2 - HP25 AC16 T12 FF14 CMD17 | CMB +6 , +1EarthBrkr +7 (2d6+7/x3/B) | F5 R2 W0 | INIT+2 | Perc+6 Surv+6

During the day Brom stays focused on the fort and the area immediately surrounding it, looking for patrols, guards on the walls, and the like. He tries to observe routes and movements, and general level of readiness. "I vish ve had a vay to stir zhis nest vizhout being found, see vhat zhey did." he remarks casually to the others.

While Dendarial is gone Brom cleans his weapon, Tuskgutters carcass, and gazes into the blackness where the ranger disappeared to, listening for any distress from his friend.


Working on the map for this one. Might not be ready until tomorrow. If anyone else is doing anything specific let me know.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 1 HP: 9/9 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 14 | Fort: +1, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | Init: +6 | Perception: +2

As Dendarial begins advison of his plan, Will interjects, "I thought we wanted to patrol around the fort first, and get some more practice in before we tackled the fort directly. I'm confident in your stealth skills, but if things go wrong, we could quickly find outselves out numbered and out matched. If you insist, I'll give you Sarenrae's blessing, but I am concerned."

*Party Loot* *Helper Map*
Barbarian/2 - HP25 AC16 T12 FF14 CMD17 | CMB +6 , +1EarthBrkr +7 (2d6+7/x3/B) | F5 R2 W0 | INIT+2 | Perc+6 Surv+6

Brom purses his lips at Wills concern, "I zhink you are right to be concerned Vill. I am zhinking zhis scouting by Dendarial vill be ok as long as ve avoid direct contact vizh zhe enemy. If zhe Ranger is in trouble ve can vizhdraw and regroup, I am zhinking."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 1 HP: 9/9 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 14 | Fort: +1, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | Init: +6 | Perception: +2

"I hope you are right Brom, I hope you are right. This Stag Lord is said to be an incredible archer, so I'm worried that Dend may not be able to retreat faster than his arrows fly."

*Party Loot* *Helper Map*
Barbarian/2 - HP25 AC16 T12 FF14 CMD17 | CMB +6 , +1EarthBrkr +7 (2d6+7/x3/B) | F5 R2 W0 | INIT+2 | Perc+6 Surv+6

Brom nods slowly, considering, "I had not heard zhis thing, but it is zhe night time and Dendarial vill not be going inside."

Silver Crusade

Male Half-Orc Paladin of Iomedae (Shining Knight) 1 || HP 19/19 (19/19 nonlethal) || AC 18/10 Tch/18 FF || F+7 R+3 W+9 || CMB +3 CMD 14/14 FF || Init +0 || Perception +3, darkvision (60 ft.)

Karse is likewise nervous about letting Den go out on his own to scout, but holds his tongue, knowing that he (Karse) would only slow the ranger down and give away his position.

Male Human Paladin 1 I AC 16 T10 FF 16 HP 12/12 F+ R+ W+ I Init+0 Per+3

Hadin voices his concern too

Be careful, Dendarial. Dont take any unnecessary risk. Before you go, I have a question: do you think we should try to do a diversion on another side of the fort so you have a better chance to go unnoticed?
Maybe some magic lights from the stars, or even something as mundane than a starting fire?

M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

The ranger pales slightly. No my friend. I appreciate your concern but let us not set the fort to alert. My eyes are keen in starlight and I am very quiet moving in natural environments. I will not close with the fort so anyone there trying to observe me will have a hard time (distance penalties to perception is -1/10 feet after all). I am only getting lay of the land and looking for guard locations outside of the walls. If I need a diversion I'll send Acio to you.


I tried to make a map for the area, but it was too large to fit into Roll20 properly, so I'm going to have to detail it out as best as I can in text.

From where your vantage point is you have a 300 yard span between your position and the fort itself. The fort is roughly 90 feet wide by 140 feet long by your best estimation and is surrounded by a 20 foot high wall of sharpened logs. The fort itself sits on top of a hill, and all approaches are roughly 30 degrees in angle. A single road leads from the front gates to the north and is about 10 feet wide. The approach to the fort from all other areas is covered with grass, scrub bushes, and stones. There are larger stones fairly well spaced out which would provide some cover from observation.

The main things I need to know right now are; who is scouting, where are they scouting, how close do they want to get to the fort, and what everyone else is doing while this is happening. Also, what time of day are you doing these actions?

*Party Loot* *Helper Map*
Barbarian/2 - HP25 AC16 T12 FF14 CMD17 | CMB +6 , +1EarthBrkr +7 (2d6+7/x3/B) | F5 R2 W0 | INIT+2 | Perc+6 Surv+6
Dendarial the Ken Hunter wrote:

And we have roast Pork and fresh bacon for a while. :)

Den recommends that he scout the fort solo, but that the rest of the group remain out of sight but close and within hearing of any trouble. If the party agrees Den will scout at night, using his low light vision and his stealth ability (+15 vs humans) to move around the area of the fort looking at how its laid out and protected. His perception is +9 to notice things, and +11 to see hiding humans. Finally he is +9 Survival to track humans and find their tracks. Maybe he can get an idea of traffic as he scouts. He would not want to cross a road and would double back once getting to the main road leading into the fort.

Dendarial only, and at night. Brom is carefully observing troop movements and numbers from their current vantage point during the day. As so how close he's getting... Dendarial?

M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

Where is the tree line? My understanding of our goal is to get the info you just provided Trips. Not sure we need any more. Do we?

*Party Loot* *Helper Map*
Barbarian/2 - HP25 AC16 T12 FF14 CMD17 | CMB +6 , +1EarthBrkr +7 (2d6+7/x3/B) | F5 R2 W0 | INIT+2 | Perc+6 Surv+6

I was hoping to identify if regular guard patrols went out or not and monitor those, if we haven't seen any then I'm all good.


The tree line is 300 yards from the outer gates of the fort. You can see the basic details of the fort without any issues. If you are looking for additional information, such as the amount of garrison, guard habits, defenses, etc. you are obviously going to need to be closer. It all depends on how much or how little information you all are satisfied with.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 1 HP: 9/9 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 14 | Fort: +1, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | Init: +6 | Perception: +2

I believe at this time, were just wanted a bit of understanding on where the fort is, and general layout. We'll work on more details like the guard patrols and patterns when we are in assault mode. From our vantage point, have we seen anyone leaving the fort, hunter/gatherers?

M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

Den wants to circle the fort inside the tree line, looking for any signs of pickets or guards stationed outside the walls specifically. When he gets to the road he will look for frequency and kind of traffic, but not cross the road. Instead he will double back and search around the other side, again to the road and back.

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