GM Captain Trips - Kingmaker! (Inactive)

Game Master Chad Newman Link

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Brom pulls on the door, his muscles tightening to the breaking point before the portal finally gives way with a mighty screech. Dust flows from inside the portal as the party peeks inside. The interior room is roughly 30' x 30' and is fairly nondescript. A thick layer of dust covers the floor and several urns in the corners of the room while an old carpet is centered on the floor. To the north a break in the wall opens into another room, where an ancient table can be seen.

There appears to be no sign of life stirring from within.

M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

Den, at the base of the stairway to the west watches as the door comes open. Perplexed he asks I wonder what had Acio all worked up.

Can we see daylight coming through anywhere? Is there any other light source?.


There are no light sources inside the tower. Remember, this is also at the end of the day, so sunlight is becoming scarce at this time. Dusk and all that follows is fast approaching.

Silver Crusade

Male Half-Orc Paladin of Iomedae (Shining Knight) 1 || HP 19/19 (19/19 nonlethal) || AC 18/10 Tch/18 FF || F+7 R+3 W+9 || CMB +3 CMD 14/14 FF || Init +0 || Perception +3, darkvision (60 ft.)

Karse enters the tower boldly, his flail at the ready.

*Party Loot* *Helper Map*
Barbarian/2 - HP25 AC16 T12 FF14 CMD17 | CMB +6 , +1EarthBrkr +7 (2d6+7/x3/B) | F5 R2 W0 | INIT+2 | Perc+6 Surv+6

Brom is right at the half orcs shoulder when he enters, Krasa readied as Dendarial reminds them of Acio's earlier unease. "It is being very dark" he remarks idly.

M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

Will, we need a light. Can you conjure one up or should I be lighting a torch?

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 1 HP: 9/9 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 14 | Fort: +1, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | Init: +6 | Perception: +2

In answer to Dendarial's question, Will chants a few arcane words and reaches forward to touch Krasa, causing it to shine like a beacon in the darkness. He then illuminates a few fletching on some of Dendarial's arrows, and his own holy symbol. "Now they shall know Krasa comes."

Rough day at work, or this would have happened earlier.

*Party Loot* *Helper Map*
Barbarian/2 - HP25 AC16 T12 FF14 CMD17 | CMB +6 , +1EarthBrkr +7 (2d6+7/x3/B) | F5 R2 W0 | INIT+2 | Perc+6 Surv+6

Brom grins happily at the Bards words, "Zhis is very good." he states, gazing at his shining weapon.

Will Thatcher wrote:

In answer to Dendarial's question, Will chants a few arcane words and reaches forward to touch Krasa, causing it to shine like a beacon in the darkness. He then illuminates a few fletching on some of Dendarial's arrows, and his own holy symbol. "Now they shall know Krasa comes."

This actually just came up in the other thread as well and was addressed before I had a chance to respond. Light only works on one target per caster. If you cast it on something else the original goes out.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 1 HP: 9/9 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 14 | Fort: +1, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | Init: +6 | Perception: +2

Then only the head of Brom's hammer shall be glowing!

Male Human Paladin 1 I AC 16 T10 FF 16 HP 12/12 F+ R+ W+ I Init+0 Per+3

Hadin follows Brom and Karse, and open his eyes wide, trying to see what hides in the darkness... until some light shine from Krasa, by the virtue of Will's little miracle

Thank you.. it's way better that way.

Says the young man, smiling at Will


As Karse makes his way inside the building and towards the break in the wall to the north he realizes that it opens into another room, roughly 15 feet by 20 feet in size. In the center of the room is an old table, covered with a thick layer of dust. Upon the table are serving plates and place settings, covered with a foul substance that can only be the remains of an uneaten meal. Oozing piles of black and green cover the plates, and the air is foul with the smell of rot and decay. Along the eastern wall is another opening leading further into the tower.

Silver Crusade

Male Half-Orc Paladin of Iomedae (Shining Knight) 1 || HP 19/19 (19/19 nonlethal) || AC 18/10 Tch/18 FF || F+7 R+3 W+9 || CMB +3 CMD 14/14 FF || Init +0 || Perception +3, darkvision (60 ft.)

Karse pauses to let the others catch up before moving deeper into the tower.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 1 HP: 9/9 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 14 | Fort: +1, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | Init: +6 | Perception: +2

Will mutters a few arcane words, allowing him to see magical auras and scans the area for anything interesting while he follows close behind the others.

Male Human Paladin 1 I AC 16 T10 FF 16 HP 12/12 F+ R+ W+ I Init+0 Per+3

Hadin looks around him, trying to discern first if the old tower seems solid enough, then if anything evil comes in their way (by the pricking of his thumbs maybe?^^)

*Party Loot* *Helper Map*
Barbarian/2 - HP25 AC16 T12 FF14 CMD17 | CMB +6 , +1EarthBrkr +7 (2d6+7/x3/B) | F5 R2 W0 | INIT+2 | Perc+6 Surv+6

Brom sticks close to Karses side, his mighty hammer raised high to illuminate as much as possible. The muscles in his arms twist and stand out as he effortlessly holds the heavy weapon aloft. His nose and mouth twist against the putrid smells in the air, but he clenches his teeth against it. He speaks quietly, "Zhe dwellers appear to be very gone." he comments to the group, but he relaxes not a whit as they press deeper into the tower.

Male Human Paladin 1 I AC 16 T10 FF 16 HP 12/12 F+ R+ W+ I Init+0 Per+3

Let's just prepare to their hasty return...I don't like this, even if I cannot say why.

Hadin assures his grisp on his weapon

They must have gone a long time ago... Do you see any recent traces of passage, Dendarial? Your eyes are way keener than mine, even if the light is helpful.

F Short Eared Owl Animal Companion

The owl gives a nervous hoot, suggesting that at lead he things the threat here remains.

M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

The ranger scans the floor for any signs of recent passage.

Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21


As far as Dendarial can tell there has been no movement in the tower for at least a few years, if not more. Apart from the movement of the party the tower is completely silent.

Waiting on folks to move themselves, I'll try to post a screenshot of the layout shortly so those without map access can see.


Image Here

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 1 HP: 9/9 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 14 | Fort: +1, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | Init: +6 | Perception: +2

Seeing nothing on the magical spectrum, Will whispers to his nearby companions, "I see nothing unusual. Is Acio usually so distressed by ruins, or does he spy an ambush our eyes miss? Either way, we should investigate this place further, just to be sure."


Acio was circling a very specific spot on the upper wall of the tower, so unless the ambusher was clinging to the wall it would be unlikely that an ambush was the object of his concern. Well, kinda. :)

M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

Dendarial quiets his animal friend and moves forward. Acip is usually very calm. You can count on some danger awaiting. Let us keep up our guard.

*Party Loot* *Helper Map*
Barbarian/2 - HP25 AC16 T12 FF14 CMD17 | CMB +6 , +1EarthBrkr +7 (2d6+7/x3/B) | F5 R2 W0 | INIT+2 | Perc+6 Surv+6

They've locked my map access down hard at work. Would someone please move my piece on the map? Brom intends to stick right near Karse while in the tower. I'll do it when I get home now that I realize you're waiting on me to move it. Thanks!

Brom pushes forward into the next room, "Let us be pressing ahead Karse, zhe smell is very not velcome to Krasa." and moves ahead himself, keeping the shining earthbreaker aloft.

Intending to move 2 squares east of the table in the next room.

Silver Crusade

Male Half-Orc Paladin of Iomedae (Shining Knight) 1 || HP 19/19 (19/19 nonlethal) || AC 18/10 Tch/18 FF || F+7 R+3 W+9 || CMB +3 CMD 14/14 FF || Init +0 || Perception +3, darkvision (60 ft.)

Karse nods his acknowledgement and proceeds to peer around the corner.

M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

the clever DM has arranged it so that I can only move my piece. Sorry Brom. I tried.


Hah! I love when I foil a subversive plot to move the barbarian out of my clutches!

Sir Karse walks into the room, moving to the next doorway. The swirl of dust wafts through the air as he passes and he is forced to bat away more than one errant cobweb from his path as he moves.

As he nears the opening in the eastern wall he is greeted by what appears to have been a bedchamber at some point. Along the east wall lies a mouldering four poster bed covered in cobwebs and a thick layer of dust and filth. Along the southern wall are a pair of dressers to the western portion of the room, while along the southeast wall is a tall wooden armoire. Nothing appears to have been disturbed in this room in years.

In the center of the bed is a deep brown stain, and a mass of what appears to have once been a body. Years of decay and rot have dessicated the corpse into a husk.

Brom quietly moves into the room, passing the paladin as he takes in the scene. He notices as he stares into the room that the temperature has dropped considerably.


Image link above has been updated.

*Party Loot* *Helper Map*
Barbarian/2 - HP25 AC16 T12 FF14 CMD17 | CMB +6 , +1EarthBrkr +7 (2d6+7/x3/B) | F5 R2 W0 | INIT+2 | Perc+6 Surv+6

Image link not updated for me (19 minutes after)

Brom, though not cold yet, still shivers slightly as the temperature drops. He looks back to Karse, "Is it being colder for you as vell Karse?" he asks curiously, his hand tightening on his weapon. He steps closer to the body to look it over.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Male Human Paladin 1 I AC 16 T10 FF 16 HP 12/12 F+ R+ W+ I Init+0 Per+3

Hadin follows his friends, not wanting Brom and Karse to take all the risks by themselves.

Wonder how long this tower has been abandoned... But is it truly abandonned?

can't move my token either. Would like to be not too far from the other warriors, if fight comes. Cpt Trips, nothing Evil sensed so far?

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 1 HP: 9/9 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 14 | Fort: +1, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | Init: +6 | Perception: +2

Will continues to follow in the back, occasionally refreshing the light spell on Brom's earthbreaker. "Sarenrae warm us, it does seem to be getting colder. Dendarial, I'm no woodsman, but it strikes me that this rapid cooling does not seem natural. Am I right?"

M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

Den moves up, his bow ready. No, not natural at all. A haunt perhaps?

I am hoping this AP was written before haunts became so popular/common place.


Or that I haven't fabricated this entire part of the adventure, which I fully plan on doing in a LOT of the AP? :) And of course you can follow that up with, Does the GM like to throw haunts into adventures? :)

The image looks right for me Brom, I blame your work! Maybe refresh your browser window, cache will do that, as the file has the same name.

Dendarial and Hadin move further in to the tower as Karse and Brom scan the room for any signs of danger or recent occupants.

All is very quiet. The temperature continues to fall as well, everyone's breath beginning to become visible as they exhale.

Hadin, you should be able to move your token as well now.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 1 HP: 9/9 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 14 | Fort: +1, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | Init: +6 | Perception: +2

”I don’t like how cold it’s g-getting.” says Will with a shiver. ”I didn’t p-prepare any environmental p-protection spells today. If you ever hear me c-complain about the heat-t, you have my p-permission to c-cuff in the back of the head-d.”

M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Cold, cold, what can cause cold?

Any signs of brown mold?

*Party Loot* *Helper Map*
Barbarian/2 - HP25 AC16 T12 FF14 CMD17 | CMB +6 , +1EarthBrkr +7 (2d6+7/x3/B) | F5 R2 W0 | INIT+2 | Perc+6 Surv+6

Shaking himself briskly, like an irritated bear, Brom strides forward angrily to the next doorway. His skin is starting to form goosebumps, whether from cold or rising alarm it is hard to say. "Let us move." he says after finding no obvious information about the body, the air around his mouth turning white with expelled breath.

Please move me 3 east 1 south.

Silver Crusade

Male Half-Orc Paladin of Iomedae (Shining Knight) 1 || HP 19/19 (19/19 nonlethal) || AC 18/10 Tch/18 FF || F+7 R+3 W+9 || CMB +3 CMD 14/14 FF || Init +0 || Perception +3, darkvision (60 ft.)

Karse moves into the room proper to where he can see out of the south exit.

Male Human Paladin 1 I AC 16 T10 FF 16 HP 12/12 F+ R+ W+ I Init+0 Per+3

Can i take a closer look to whatever remains are in the bed? I know how to tend to wounds, maybe- if the corpse isn't too old- i can get some information about the cause of its death? What do you think?

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 1 HP: 9/9 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 14 | Fort: +1, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | Init: +6 | Perception: +2

"If you want Hadin. May Sarenrae guide your investigation." says Will, imbuing the paladin with a minor spell. "Do you guys think we should start a fire to warm up a bit before we continue?"

Male Human Paladin 1 I AC 16 T10 FF 16 HP 12/12 F+ R+ W+ I Init+0 Per+3

The young man nods, and walks carefuly to the bed, making sure he doesn't come in contact with the stained sheet.

Erastil, please guide me on the way of truth...

Heal check to try to detect the cause of death 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

*Party Loot* *Helper Map*
Barbarian/2 - HP25 AC16 T12 FF14 CMD17 | CMB +6 , +1EarthBrkr +7 (2d6+7/x3/B) | F5 R2 W0 | INIT+2 | Perc+6 Surv+6

The barbarian watches Hadin look the body over with apparent expertise, his breath puffing out rhythmically, "Vell, vhat is zhere to be seen good Hadin?" he asks curiously.

Helper map updated. Moved Hadin by the bed since he's using a heal check to examine it.

M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

No. No fire. Dendarial says, still thinking about brown mold.


Hadin moves to the bed and looks over the remains. Due to the age of the corpse it is difficult to say exactly what caused the death, but there are no signs of any weapon wounds or punctures that are evident. The hands of the corpse are near the upper part of the torso rather than at the sides of the body where you would generally expect to see them if the pose was staged.

Brom and Karse move up to the open doorway to the south, which opens up to reveal an ancient study. Bookshelves line the walls and numerous vases and urns are lined up along the southern wall. To the east stands a writing desk and chair, its contents covered with webs and dust. Ahead, the room leads to a circular staircase of stone.

As the group continues to investigate, the sound of a scream can be heard somewhere above, followed by the thumping of feet against wood and stone. A brief moment later another scream of pain can be heard, louder this time, and then all goes silent once more.

*Party Loot* *Helper Map*
Barbarian/2 - HP25 AC16 T12 FF14 CMD17 | CMB +6 , +1EarthBrkr +7 (2d6+7/x3/B) | F5 R2 W0 | INIT+2 | Perc+6 Surv+6

Brom freezes at the sound of a scream, his whole body listening. He looks at the others and then starts running up the stairs to find the source of the cries. The light from his weapon bounces crazily as his body moves with speed.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Bard 1 HP: 9/9 | AC: 18, Touch: 14, FF: 14 | Fort: +1, Ref: +6, Will: +0 | Init: +6 | Perception: +2

Not wanting to be left in the dark, nor have Brom face whatever was causing the screams alone, Will dashes off after the barbarian, hoping the others follow quickly behind him.

M Elf (Falconer) Ranger 2 (Per: +9/(11 Human) Init:+4, HP 19/19 AC: 18//14/14 F: +4 R: +7 W: +2/4 vs enchantment)

Its likely a ploy to get us to rush forward. Den warns, but he moves to keep up with the group.

*Party Loot* *Helper Map*
Barbarian/2 - HP25 AC16 T12 FF14 CMD17 | CMB +6 , +1EarthBrkr +7 (2d6+7/x3/B) | F5 R2 W0 | INIT+2 | Perc+6 Surv+6

indubitably :(

Silver Crusade

Male Half-Orc Paladin of Iomedae (Shining Knight) 1 || HP 19/19 (19/19 nonlethal) || AC 18/10 Tch/18 FF || F+7 R+3 W+9 || CMB +3 CMD 14/14 FF || Init +0 || Perception +3, darkvision (60 ft.)

"So much for the place being deserted," Karse notes sourly.

Male Human Paladin 1 I AC 16 T10 FF 16 HP 12/12 F+ R+ W+ I Init+0 Per+3

Rising his head from the dead body on the bed, Hadin hears the shriek, and see Brom storming out of the room, carrying the "enlightened" Krasa with him.
Suddenly in the dark, he tries to follow, banging his knee against a bedpost in the way

Hey, wait a minute!Some of us need light, you know!

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