GM Birch's Council of Thieves

Game Master Birch33

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Apologies for slow posting - I tend to do most from a work laptop and our Firewall has been 'strengthened' to include any site with uploading capabilies and forums!

Plan B is already in operation.

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier (Standard Bearer) 3
Quick stats:
AC 19, T 13, FF 16; HP 21/28; F +4, R +3, W +1; CMD 20; Init +3; Perc +3; SM +3; Resolute 1

Damn, Birch. That throws a spanner in works. :/

Just to move the discussion over to the appropriate thread: I agree, Del should have a non-speaking role. Because holy shit of course he should.

Novennia as Drovalid seems to make the most sense, because if she botches her acting rolls again, she can probably make up for it with showy combat. She tends to be good at that kind of thing.

It would be disappointing if Krokod had a smaller role, so I stand with Yix on that point. Language barrier aside...

AC 15, Fort +1, ref +6, Will +2 human Rogue 2 / wizard 1
Acrobatics 9, Appraise 8, Bluff 11 Climb 5, Diplomacy 6 Disable Device 8, Disguise 6, Escape Artist 8, Intimidate 2, K. Arcana/Dung/Local 7, Perception 6, Sense motive 5, SleightHand 7, Stealth 9, Use Magic Device 7

Here is Del's shopping list. Keeping up with the long list of knick-knacks.

6,000 gp

-500 Living the High Life
-1,800 Hat of Disguise
-2,000 Gloves of Reconnaissance
-50 Feather Token: Anchor
-50 Universal Solvent
-600 Feather Token: Tar and Feather
-400 Feather Token: Tree
-400 Feather Token: Catapult

Gloves of Reconnaissance:

Each of these fingerless worked leather gloves look as though they have seen heavy use, and often bear the stains or scent of grass or wet mud.

On command, the wearer can use the gloves to see and hear though solid material no more than 15 feet thick by placing both hands on that material. The gloves can be used for 10 rounds each day. The rounds need not be consecutive. s-of-reconnaissance

Feather Token Anchor:

A token that creates an anchor that moors a craft in water so as to render it immobile for up to 1 day.

Universal Solvent:

This substance has the unique property of being able to dissolve sovereign glue, tanglefoot bags, and all other adhesives. Applying the solvent is a standard action.

Feather Token Tar and Feather:

This token can be directed to float to any point within 60 feet and then burst into a mass of sticky white feathers that adheres to all creatures in a 10-foot radius. The clinging feathers affect creatures in the area as a glitterdust spell. er-token/tar-and-feathers-token

Feather Token Tree:

A token that causes a great oak to spring into being (5-foot-diameter trunk, 60-foot height, 40-foot top diameter). This is an instantaneous effect. er-token/tree-token

Feather Token Catapult:

This token creates a standard catapult (see Siege Engines). The catapult disappears after 12 hours. er-token/catapult-feather-token

Is this OK

Del - that works for me.

When you're all spent up, let me know and you can move to the next stage. If you want to RP the purchases, just post in the game thread. Posting from my phone is hampering my muse, but I shall overcome!

M Elf Wizard/3

Shopping list incoming . . .

Male (3 out of 4 first level spells left) Human (Irrisien) Sorcerer (Fire)- 1/HP: 6/8, AC 11 (t 11, ff 10); F: +1, R: +1, W: +3; Perc +1//Init: +1

Sorry, I'm way behind

M Elf Wizard/3

Scienter purchases some fancy threads suitable for his role at a cost of 75 gold (using the cost of a noble's outfit as a guide). He further purchases a Headband of Ponderous Recollection (+2 INT, associated skill is Knowledge(Religion)) for 5,100 gold.
He will also purchase 5 potions of Cure Light Wounds for 250 gold.

He will pocket the remaining 575 gold for future use.

Male (3 out of 4 first level spells left) Human (Irrisien) Sorcerer (Fire)- 1/HP: 6/8, AC 11 (t 11, ff 10); F: +1, R: +1, W: +3; Perc +1//Init: +1

How much WOULD a costume of high quality cost?

Liberty's Edge

Male Catfolk Bard (Street Performer) 3

A masterwork disguise kit could handle that.

In my case, I want to pick up a hat of disguise for sure.

I think the cost of really expensive clothing is up to you. Just like real life - the cost can vary by 1000%

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier (Standard Bearer) 3
Quick stats:
AC 19, T 13, FF 16; HP 21/28; F +4, R +3, W +1; CMD 20; Init +3; Perc +3; SM +3; Resolute 1

Shopping list (just because it's been too damn long and I feel singularly responsible for this slowing):

+1 greatsword (2,350 gp)
Potions of bull's strength (2 @ 300 gp each)
Polish of inconspicuous armour (750 gp)
A tabard or standard of some sort (to act as cavalier's banner)

Would this be available?

All of these are fine by me. Are we waiting for anyone?

And OOC, can I have one of those potions please, I think my GM persona could do with one right now ;)

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier (Standard Bearer) 3
Quick stats:
AC 19, T 13, FF 16; HP 21/28; F +4, R +3, W +1; CMD 20; Init +3; Perc +3; SM +3; Resolute 1

I assumed I was the one holding it up. What would be a reasonable price for a really swanky tabard?

Totally made up price = 100gp. This would both look good and afford the benefits that a banner would when you reach the requisite level.

M Elf Wizard/3

I used the 75 gp cost of a noble's outfit in Ultimate Equipment by analogy. Based on its description, it's loaded with enough bling to meet almost any standard of garish.

I can go with 75gp

Male (3 out of 4 first level spells left) Human (Irrisien) Sorcerer (Fire)- 1/HP: 6/8, AC 11 (t 11, ff 10); F: +1, R: +1, W: +3; Perc +1//Init: +1

SO sorry I fell behind. At this point, I think Krokod would just get a fancy costume for a hundred gold, claim it was worth 200, and pocket the spare if he could get away with it ;)

Just to say I've had a close bereavement in the family. As you might expect, my focus is not on the game. As it may be a few weeks before I'm in a position to move forward, I must pause things until the New Year. Expect to see me back something like Monday 5th January when I plan to also return to work. Sorry for the situation but as I always say to others, RL comes first. But rest assured, I will be back.

AC 15, Fort +1, ref +6, Will +2 human Rogue 2 / wizard 1
Acrobatics 9, Appraise 8, Bluff 11 Climb 5, Diplomacy 6 Disable Device 8, Disguise 6, Escape Artist 8, Intimidate 2, K. Arcana/Dung/Local 7, Perception 6, Sense motive 5, SleightHand 7, Stealth 9, Use Magic Device 7

No worries
Wish you wellness through this difficult time.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier (Standard Bearer) 3
Quick stats:
AC 19, T 13, FF 16; HP 21/28; F +4, R +3, W +1; CMD 20; Init +3; Perc +3; SM +3; Resolute 1

I'm sorry for your loss, GM. Take care of yourself, stick by your family, and I'll be happy to resume this when you're good and ready.

Male (3 out of 4 first level spells left) Human (Irrisien) Sorcerer (Fire)- 1/HP: 6/8, AC 11 (t 11, ff 10); F: +1, R: +1, W: +3; Perc +1//Init: +1

Very sorry for your loss.

Liberty's Edge

Male Catfolk Bard (Street Performer) 3

Happy Holidays everybody! Hope you have a very merry happy wonderful blissful jolly fantastic whatever holiday you celebrate!

AC 15, Fort +1, ref +6, Will +2 human Rogue 2 / wizard 1
Acrobatics 9, Appraise 8, Bluff 11 Climb 5, Diplomacy 6 Disable Device 8, Disguise 6, Escape Artist 8, Intimidate 2, K. Arcana/Dung/Local 7, Perception 6, Sense motive 5, SleightHand 7, Stealth 9, Use Magic Device 7

Happy Festivus Everyone!

-Posted with Wayfinder

OK - I'm back...let's see where we go from here.

I'll understand if people are a little slow to begin with - I have been gone for some time.

And thanks for your patience :)

Liberty's Edge

Male Catfolk Bard (Street Performer) 3

Here and ready to go. No worries DM. Can we get a quick recap of what's going on?

AC 15, Fort +1, ref +6, Will +2 human Rogue 2 / wizard 1
Acrobatics 9, Appraise 8, Bluff 11 Climb 5, Diplomacy 6 Disable Device 8, Disguise 6, Escape Artist 8, Intimidate 2, K. Arcana/Dung/Local 7, Perception 6, Sense motive 5, SleightHand 7, Stealth 9, Use Magic Device 7

Just checking in

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier (Standard Bearer) 3
Quick stats:
AC 19, T 13, FF 16; HP 21/28; F +4, R +3, W +1; CMD 20; Init +3; Perc +3; SM +3; Resolute 1

Still here and ready to go. Good to see you back, GM. =)

I'll recap once at least one more person checks in...

M Elf Wizard/3

I'm here.

Male (3 out of 4 first level spells left) Human (Irrisien) Sorcerer (Fire)- 1/HP: 6/8, AC 11 (t 11, ff 10); F: +1, R: +1, W: +3; Perc +1//Init: +1

Been a crazy time for me, but I'm here

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier (Standard Bearer) 3
Quick stats:
AC 19, T 13, FF 16; HP 21/28; F +4, R +3, W +1; CMD 20; Init +3; Perc +3; SM +3; Resolute 1

Is that enough for a recap? It's two more people now! ;-)

Liberty's Edge

Male Catfolk Bard (Street Performer) 3

I am going to hide this thread so that it's no longer cluttering up my campaigns tab. If the game ever gets moving again, please PM me and I'll be happy to join back in.

M Elf Wizard/3

@Yix, likewise. PM me if the game ever restarts.

Male (3 out of 4 first level spells left) Human (Irrisien) Sorcerer (Fire)- 1/HP: 6/8, AC 11 (t 11, ff 10); F: +1, R: +1, W: +3; Perc +1//Init: +1

How does one hide the thread? I feel foolish for asking

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