Sacerdos Echthileon |

0 - Detect Magic
0 - Read Magic
0 - Light
1 - Cure Light Wounds
1 - Shield of Faith (used)
1 - Protection from Evil (Domain)
Wis 18(+4): DC 10 + 4 + Spell Level
Daily Powers
Channel Positive Energy (6/6)
Touch of Good (7/7)
Touch of Law (7/7)
"We could track them, perhaps. See of they're intent on regrouping and returning in strength..." Sacerdos wasn't sure, hut he'd rather purge then from the region than the uncertainty of a future attack.
The cleric turns to Farther Zantis. "Father, are they're others who need healing? Our are we free to give chase?"

Lorilon Minkmasher |

Standing proud over the corpse of his fresh kill, Lorilon almost gains a few feet in stature with pride.
"Victory is surely ours, friends! Well done Bedlam, and you as well Katrin!"
He retrives a piece of cloth from his pocket and cleans the blood from his blade.
"Well then, who's next?"
Lorilon smirks while looking around, trying to spot more of the foul creatures.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Bedlam Bottomland |

Bedlam looks around for more Goblin scum.
Me knows you are out there...
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
We need to organize a hunting group. I suggest the seven of us go and round these turds up!

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After smashing the skull of the leader Katrin gives an intimidating glare at the goblins her hammer still dripping with gore from the smashed skull of their leader. The goblins turn tail and run away she swings at any trying to flee from her and yells "Ha Ha ha! Run you green bastards! Its not going to save you from my hammer!"
She looks to the others after Zantus heals Bedlam and says, "Well done my fellows. Let us follow the trail those cowardly fools have left. They'll likely lead us to the main group of Goblins. We don't have time to waste here. The more time we rest the more trouble those buggers are going to cause. We'll have time for healing when all the goblins are dead below our feet!"

GM BigBusMan |

[/i]Suddenly from the north you hear the sounds of a dog Frantically Barking, and a mans voice screaming for help..[/i]
Father Zantus looks at the group anp and says:
"Hurry!!..I will stay here and tend to the wounded and do what I can for them..but you must Hurry!!..and save whoever that is..may the gods bless and Protect you!"
The group Heads off to the north out of the festival square and finds themselves just east of the White Deer, and close to the North gate of Sandpoint..

Sacerdos Echthileon |

0 - Detect Magic
0 - Read Magic
0 - Light
1 - Cure Light Wounds
1 - Shield of Faith (used)
1 - Protection from Evil (Domain)
Wis 18(+4): DC 10 + 4 + Spell Level
Daily Powers
Channel Positive Energy (6/6)
Touch of Good (7/7)
Touch of Law (7/7)
Sacerdos unlimbers his crossbow and positions himself by one of the stalls, sweeping the sights on his weapon from left to right in search of a target.
Perception Check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

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Katrin rushes into the square with her massive polearm at the ready and looks around to see where the enemy is in order to start engaging some goblins in battle.
Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 2
Katrin not seeing any goblins in the immediate area, moves to a location where she can provide best cover with her polearm and protect the cleric from attackers.

Lorilon Minkmasher |

Lorilon proceeds around the corner on the opposite side of the stall Sacerdos went to. He sheathes his Bastard Sword and equips his Shortbow once more - aiming to both give ranged support and hold off any would-be attackers seeking to assault the more fragile members of the group.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Seeing as how we're not in combat, he moves further than his 20' in addition to re-equipping his bow.

GM BigBusMan |

"As the you arrive on the scene, you are just in time to see A goblin riding a goblin dog, kill the dog who was barking with his horse chopper. With a Blood Curdling Yelp,the dog crashes dying to the ground. As the goblins kin (who were themselves cowering nearby as the dog was handled) throw up a cheer and emerge from hiding."
Everyone please confirm your starting location on the map before you start the combat rounds..thank you
"The Goblins are distracted by their kill, they turn their attention to a man who is hiding behind a couple barrels, they do not hear you approach and you have an opportunity to strike them.."
All Players can act in the surprise round in order that you post, after you all have acted I will roll initiative, and we will go from there.

Sacerdos Echthileon |

0 - Detect Magic
0 - Read Magic
0 - Light
1 - Cure Light Wounds
1 - Shield of Faith (used)
1 - Protection from Evil (Domain)
Wis 18(+4): DC 10 + 4 + Spell Level
Daily Powers
Channel Positive Energy (6/6)
Touch of Good (7/7)
Touch of Law (7/7)
Sacerdos draws a bead on the goblin (lowest on the map) and fires.
Light Crossbow: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (5) - 2 = 3 (90ft distance)
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 5
He'll begin reloading the weapon this round, staying close to the vendor stall for cover.

Lorilon Minkmasher |

If we are allowed both a Standard and a Move action, Lorilon will move 15' east then 5' north (20' total) and fire his bow at the goblin riding the dog. If only one action is allowed, he will simply fire an arrow at the goblin rider.
Lorilon quickly jumps to, the sight of the goblins makes his blood burn - even more so as they slay the poor hound. He makes a few quick steps forward, swiftly retrieves an arrow from his quiver, places it upon the string and halts as he draws it and releases.
Ranged Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4
His form is solid, his aim true - the arrow pierces through the air, aimed dead center at the monstrosity responsible for the dog's death.

GM BigBusMan |

I was allowing everyone to move your tokens to wherever in the field you wanted to start from, I realized it was a big field and would probably take at least 2 rounds for most to get within melee distance, so i thought i would let you move your token closer "before" starting the combat..so Lorilon if you wanted to start from the 15ft position or closer you could shoot from there if you wanted to..does any of that make sense?..I was going to assume that you guys were at least halfway across the map before combat started.

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"To aid others must be the order of the day, we must hurry. All of you will surely remove any threats that are encountered, quite able bodied."
I take aim at the goblin on the far right, if facing them, just within range.
Attack 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Damage 1d8 ⇒ 3
"Your fate.....
I moved myself on the map, I'm unsure if it's real time. I am one square north of Sacerdos' position on the original North Gate map. The action seems to occur while I'm sleeping, I suppose that is fate.

Bedlam Bottomland |

Bedlam runs across the yard, toward the North Gate, screaming:
Come on, Goblin dogs! Horse lovers! Time fer dinner!
He ends his run and awaits the Goblins with shield and warhammer at the ready, banging them against each other to create noise!

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Katrin moves forward into charge distance from the Goblins and yells out, "HEY ULGIES! COME AND GET ME YOU DIRT EATING BASTARDS!" She holds her polearm at the ready, preparing her polearm to strike at any goblins who charge at her. (Bracing her polearm to counter a charge if possible in the surprise round.)

Bedlam Bottomland |

Bedlam will charge the Goblin Rider when it is his initiative.
Bedlam yells loudly--with enough glee to raise the ....better NOT say that!....the hair on the Goblins necks!
warhammer: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 221d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Eat dirt, you Horse-loving filth!

GM BigBusMan |

"Sacerdos Misses his Shot"
"Lorilon Makes his shot and deals 4 points of damage to the Goblin Commando"
"Carrion Makes his shot Not sure what you used, if you specified I missed it and deals 3 points of damage to Goblin#3"
" Everyone else Moved into positions and readied themselves for battle"
PF-1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
AT-1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
KH-1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
LM-1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
BB-1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
CH-1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
SE-1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7
Goblin1,2,3- 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Goblin Commando - 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Goblins1,2,3, Goblin Commando, everyone else.
"Goblins 1,2,and 3, Spying Katrin and realizing that she was a women..and thinking that she would make an easy Target..all rush to her swinging their dog Slicers in the air
Attack Goblin1: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5
Attack Goblin2: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3
Attack Goblin3: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (8) - 2 = 6
Ride: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
"Katrin Not being a Normal women by any sense, deftly dodges all three attacks..a meanancing look comes into her eye.."
"The Goblin Commando Readies a Shot with his Short Bow..he rides his Goblin dog down and over into striking distance of Lorilon and lets his arrow fly.."
Attack roll: 1d20 + 5 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 5 - 4 = 19
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3
" The Mounted Goblin returns the wound that Lorilon Gave to him, the goblins Arrow pierces Lorilons shoulder and he takes 3 points of Damage

Sacerdos Echthileon |

0 - Detect Magic
0 - Read Magic
0 - Light
1 - Cure Light Wounds
1 - Shield of Faith (used)
1 - Protection from Evil (Domain)
Wis 18(+4): DC 10 + 4 + Spell Level
Daily Powers
Channel Positive Energy (5/6)
Touch of Good (7/7)
Touch of Law (7/7)
Sacerdos, sees the damage the gnome receives and leaps forward to render aid to his new comrade in arms. With his crossbow crooked in his arm, the cleric chants a prayer to Empyreal Lord Ragathiel and grasps the carved pewter symbol hanging from a chain at his belt.
Channel Positive Energy: 1d6 ⇒ 2 points to Lorilon.
"Quickly, Lorilon, prevent those vile things from surrounding Kartin!"

Bedlam Bottomland |

Bedlam yells with glee!
And yer mudder is a dog!
He swings at the goblindog with his warhammer.
warhammer: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 151d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
can't remember if goblin dogs are considered 'goblinoid' or animal for bonuses so I didn't include them

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Katrin having drawn the goblins into her trap springs it when they rush at her with their dogslicers. First she does her readied action against the first charging goblin attempting to impale it on her pointed end of her polearm.
Braced Weapon Attack (Goblin 1): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17 damage: 2d12 + 6 ⇒ (9, 10) + 6 = 25
Braced Weapons do double damage when used against someone charging. Not sure if this also doubles the damage modifier as well or just the dice. It functions similarly to someone charging with a lance on horseback.
After doing this she then uses her extended reach on her polearm to do attacks of opportunity against the remaining goblins as they enter her threat area, swinging at them with a wide arc with the hammer end of her weapon. (She can attack of opportunity 4 times a round as she has combat reflexes and a dex mod of 3. I get Attacks of Opportunity as in order to charge me they have to pass through a threatened square due to my pole-arms reach)
Attack of Opportunity Goblin 2: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25 damage: 1d12 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Attack of Opportunity Goblin 3: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 damage: 1d12 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

GM BigBusMan |

good lord..I think i need to up the CRs of these encounters..lol..Bedlam CRB pg.157 Says its an Animal, not goblinoid, so that was right..Katrin, According to d20pfsrd Your Braced weapon attack does double damage only which means to me it just doubles the dice..anyway it killed the 1st goblin, i will then move your next two attacks to goblin 2 and goblin 3..which you also killed..lol
Katrins Attack impales the first goblin on the end of her polearm..she then swings it around and catches the other two goblins squre in the heads and they fall dead..a large pool of goblin blood covers the ground under Katrin..

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The first goblin dives at her only to get impaled like a shish-kebab on the spear end at the end of her weapon. With the body still attached she does a wide swing with her hammer pulping the skulls of the other two goblins with a mix of the dead body of their fellow and the hammer head of her Lucrene hammer.
"GOTCHA!" she yells out as she easily dispatches the 3 goblins with little effort. She shakes the the goblin off her weapon and surveys her handwork with a prideful smirk on her face.
Remember GM we're a 7 man party, don't be afraid to adjust the encounter difficulty by adding a few extra goblins. Most modules are built for a 4 man party. Adding 1/2 again extra goblins to the fight might have made it more fair. Not that it would have prevented me from doing what I did however ;). The readied action is my action for the turn however my initiative jumps to what the goblins were the next round. So my init is now 24

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Anders moves 10' south then 5' southeast then 5' north so that he flanks the goblin dog. he will use power attack as it looks tougher but easier to hit
Flanking attack with power attack: 1d20 + 4 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (8) + 4 + 2 - 1 = 13
damge if hits: 2d6 + 4 + 3 ⇒ (6, 1) + 4 + 3 = 14

Bedlam Bottomland |

nice Katrin....really nice!...also being a 7 person party, I would up the CR's by 1/2 again or look on pg. 398 CRB table 12-3...having a great time GM....Thx!

Lorilon Minkmasher |

Lorilon, having seen the damage done to the goblins by Katrin alone - draws a fresh arrow from his quiver and let's another arrow fly towards the riderless beast.
Ranged Attack: 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 - 4 = 17
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1
"Thank you, Sacerdos! Remind me to buy you a drink, once this is over!"

GM BigBusMan |

"The Goblin dogs lets out a screeching yelp as Anders Attack connects with its head..the dogs skull shatters and it falls dead at his feet.."
"Lorilon Puts an extra arrow into the dead beast ..for good measure.."
Thank you Bedlam and Katrin, I will read up on upping the CR of the encounters, I think it will be a little bit before we have to fight anything again, so it should give me a little time to study it and see what needs to be done..=}

Bedlam Bottomland |

Bedlam moves over toward Katrin--breathless with exhilaration--and eyes the stranger warily, holding his brain-splattered warhammer.
this Human female can fight!

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I had used a light crossbow. I at least did some damage, but I'm rather outclassed right now with the meleers, but that's normal for casters to start.
It appears we are done. Wonderful job to all of you, and you two seem especially adept at ending lives, even if they are goblins.

GM BigBusMan |

"The citizen steps out from behind the barrels and glances around nervously looking for any more Goblins..he then makes his way over to the group..he stops as he passes by Katrin..turning to face her he says:
"Why Ma'am You have the most amazing skills I have ever seen in a such a beautiful woman..The way you wield your weapon is simple amazing!!..I thank you for saving my life!" He looks around at everyone.."..I thank ALL of you for saving me..My name is Aldean Foxglove..and I am eternally in your debt!!"...
The man takes Katrins hand and kisses the back of it as he bows to her
”I will Be in town for a few more days, Im staying at the Rusty dragon, so when you get a moment, please stop by and see me so I can Reward you properly for saving me today!”

Bedlam Bottomland |

Bedlam watches the Noble intently.
He frowns as the Noble extends his thanks to Katrin, then remembering the rest of them.
if she had a beard...
Aye, then, there may be more of the runts about. I wouldn't feel too safe yet!
Bedlam smiles at the Noble and heads off toward where the chanting come from, looking for more play!
perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

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"Please excuse us, Sir." Anders says to the nobleman, "Duty calls."
Anders trails along beside Bedlam, looking for the chanters.
perception: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (6) - 2 = 4
Well. it was worth a try!

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She allows the man to kiss his hand. She then gives him a bow and says "Katrin Helgunnr, spearmaiden of the Land of the Linnorm Kings at your service Aldean Foxglove."
She straightens up and continues to talk to the man.
"Indeed, my skills with arms are without compare in these lands and my knowledge of military tactics serve me well in dealing with these hideous creatures. They failed to realize that charging a woman with a long weapon opens them up to a devastating counter-attack, stupid goblins that are. As for the reward, I will graciously accept it but for now I would suggest you get yourself to the safety of the inn Milord for there is likey more goblins about. I wish you safe travels."
She looks back to the dwarf, "Quite so Bedlam, we've got more goblin hunting to do. Let us continue our search and make sure there is none of those buggers left alive to threaten the town."

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She looks at the badly wounded goblin and then says to the others, "Keep this one alive. I'm sure we'll get a larger reward if we bring in a live capture. He could be interrogated for information concerning this raid. Afterwards lets search some of these goblins, they might have coin on them."

Bedlam Bottomland |

Bedlam raises his hammer, only to lower it again as Katrin speaks.
He frowns, but complies.
lucky runt!
Bedlam looks to the others.
I expect that the rest of the villains have scurried back to their holes. Let's extract what equipment from the dead as we can, although me thinks it will be worthless Goblin junk

Lorilon Minkmasher |

Lorilon pokes the Goblin with his Bastard Sword, unable to comprehend the gibberish-chatter it produces - he speaks to it in common with a harsh tone in his voice.
Intimidate: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
"Speak, Goblin - and in the common tongue if you comprehend it! Who sent you here, what are you after and why are you putting Sandpoint to the torch - those three questions I'll need you to answer, and I'll cut them out of you if need be!"