GM Batpony |
Because of the funky gravity, there is no "falling", and when you are on the ground, you can't walk either. (moonwalk!) exit relative to the ground is 30ft high.
Jian Sheng |
Thanks for the clarification. Tempted to post a MJ moonwalk gif =P
will save: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
will save: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Jian Sheng manuevers herself to the exit area of the chamber, smiling broadly at the sensation of weightlessness and flight. I could get used to this When she lands, she calls out to her companions "That was wonderful! Come on guys, you all should try flying!"
Glorin Too-Tall |
Can we climb? Otherwise I've only got a 1 in 4 chance of launching myself in the proper direction, much less land.
And who here can use a wand of healing? I've been beating myself up with every step in this adventure, and if I take another 5 points of damage, I won't be able to function well as a frontliner.
GM Batpony |
I guess I don't see any real issue with using the walls as handholds to glide yourself, but strictly speaking, you will not be passing the test put before you, and it could have repercussions.
Without any difficulty at all, Jian Sheng traverses from the centre of the room with the treasure chest straight for the exit. Korez follows her lead to move about in the same direction. The chest itself is locked with merely a simple lock. Disable DC20 or strength DC20
Glorin Too-Tall |
To be honest, Glorin doesn't even know why we're listening to creatures who so clearly just want to jerk us around. Remember he's the one guy that was knocked off the ledge and they couldn't even be bothered to acknowledge it.
Furthermore, isn't the test to retrieve the chest? The test was not to fly. To be perfectly frank, these guys are the enemy, in Glorin's mind.
GM Batpony |
Fair statement, I'll accept that you can shimmy using the walls. Still a DC 10 climb for each half speed movement.
Xavian Slingblade |
Xavian will go back to the group now that they have secured the chest.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29
Assuming I made it, the halfling will check it for traps and try to open it up.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
I'll take 10 on the DD for a 21 if I can.
Korez |
will: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
will: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Inspired by the spirit of the heavens, Korez takes off flying towards the exit and manages to land gracefully.
GM Batpony |
I messed up, it's DC25 on the high tier. But there's nothing holding the group back from taking 20.
Korez finds no troubles himself in gliding to the exit, where-as Xavian hop and skips off the floating stones to easily make his way to the exit.
Glorin, still at a lost of what the groups ambitions are following the elemental, attempts to scale to the exit via the walls. Inira and Yliss watch on before deciding which path to take.
Once everyone arrives, Xavian inspects the chest before opening it and does not find any tampering. He disables the chest after a few tries and inside finds a feather token, potion of levitate, and braces of armor +2.
As you open the chest, the Iyasset explains the next and final test that lies beyond the corridor. "Ahead of us lies an intruder, a nuisance to the sacred grounds. She needs to be removed, preferably forcefully."
Inira McCullagh |
Sorry - holiday weekend left me more AFK than I expected. Inira would have tried flying, but taking the 5 dmg is easy, since that + NL will be healed together. Then she will ask someone to use her CLW wand on her to heal up after.
Will: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Will: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
"Removed, but not destroyed? What is this creature?"
If no one takes the items, Inira will. She can use the bracers, but as an archer, isn't planning to need the AC though, so if someone in the front line or a spellcaster can make better use of them, please do so.
Glorin Too-Tall |
Taking 10 on the Climbs for a 16.
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
...That'll do.
Winds whipping around him, Glorin grumbles to himself, "Foul literal windbag... Oh, yes, crashing about is great fun. Let's just fall in whatever direction we choose..."
Xavian Slingblade |
Xavian could use the bracers as he does wander into battle.
GM Batpony |
No worries, I recognize it's the Easter break, so had slowed down. We'll pick back up to the next section in the next 24 hours or so.
Inira, too, proves herself to be a master of the flight as she breezes past Glorin scaling the side of the cliff in a somewhat angry manner.
Iyasset replies to Inira's question, "She is born of the earth, but not an elemental, yet she seeks to become one. Her actions desecrate this place!" He waits for everyone to start making their way to the next area.
Jian Sheng |
I dont need the bracers of armor, but I wouldn't mind the potion of levitate just in case. Also, what kind of feather token is this?
Jian Sheng nods to herself at Iyasset's reply "Could it be the person that we're hunting? But there is no mention of the bird..." As for the items in the chest, she ignores the bracers, pockets the potion while giving the feather token a critical look...
spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
GM Batpony |
Looks like you didn't meet the DC of the feather token!
Korez |
spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
"Let me take a look at that feather token. Aha! I know what this is- it's a fan feather token."
To Iyasset, Korez asks, "Why does she seek to become an elemental? And what is so bad about that desire?"
GM Batpony |
Glancing at the Undine's way, he retorts with a hint of prejudice in his voice, "Desire's are one thing, but to act on them and become a monsters. Especially in such sacred ground. This is wrong.
Iyasset leads you on a downward slope in to a large chamber, unlike the open air, you find yourself going underground for a moment. The chamber stands out as particularly artificial among the otherwise rough trenches from before. The circular chamber is approximately 45 feet in diameter, with a clay-colored floor, rocky walls, and a ceiling that rises to at least 40 feet in height.
Eight statues ring the chamber, each sheathed in an element that clings to the figurines like an aura—constantly burning fire, a swirling cloud of fog, slate-colored stone, or a pocket of water held in place by an invisible force. Triangles etched into the floor connect matching pairs of statues. At the center of the room stands a large wooden desk with several jars on top. Some jars contain nothing more than a bit of dirt or rock, while others are grislier, containing blood or, in one case, a disembodied eye.
You recognize the statues as effigies of the elemental lords. You may make a perception check DC 20, if you pass you may read the ??? spoiler.
The statues are in pairs, but the pairs are not truly matched. They somehow have subtle differences.
In the middle of the room, a female oread stands with two small humanoid creatures that are thin, has leathery wings, small horns, and a mischievous smile. You observe the oread to have some unusual characteristics, her left arm is completedly living stone, as if that of an elemental, and one of her eyes is an emerald. Kn Planes DC13 to identify the creatures.
What do you do?
GM Batpony |
And looking conspicuously back at Glorin, in perfect common replies, "Clearly. You're not welcomed here."
I'm hoping sometimes going to say "it's not you, it's me."
Xavian Slingblade |
From what we heard, neither are you. Do you know why that would be?
GM Batpony |
She stares at the group with a cold look.
Mechanically speaking, she is unfriendly, so you're going to need to convince her diplomatically, if you're going to chit chat nicely.
Xavian Slingblade |
I tried by asking a question. If a roll was needed,
Diplo!: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
GM Batpony |
What I meant is, she needs to be at least indifferent before she answers any questions about herself, else she'll remain in a state of agitation. So you'll need to say something to convince her you're not enemies, you can keep that roll if you want, but i'll just let you guys know that roll didn't meet the DC, you guys may attempt to aid another to improve Xavian's 21.
Korez |
"We do not wish to harm you. We have only come to converse with you. I am a creature of the elements myself and I am very interested in how you came to turn your arm into stone."
diplomacy AA: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Xavian Slingblade |
Right, we were asked to see if you would leave this place and we'd prefer to do it amicably. I just thought I'd ask you if you knew why someone would want you to leave.
Glorin Too-Tall |
"Come now, we know the reason for that. We're all being judged by our willingness to dance like monkeys for a literal fart. Honestly, miss, I'm sure your story and your needs are far more interesting and useful."
Diplomacy AA: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18
Jian Sheng |
As Jian Sheng walks into the chamber, she takes in her surroundings, noting the statues, the connecting triangles into matching pairs, and the jars.
knowledge religion to study room/jars(?): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
knowledge planes to study room/jars(?) : 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
These are...effigies of the elemental lords...but there's something... Anything unusual about the jars?
perception v ???: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12
Before she can study it further, she spots the occupants of the room. Besides, the oread with the stone arm, she notices the two smaller humanoid creatures beside her and tries to place where she has seen those creatures...
knowledge planes to identify creatures: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
aid another: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (2) - 2 = 0
As the others attempt to reason with the oread, Jian Sheng has an uneasy feeling and draws her blade casually "Your name please, and what you are doing here"
sense motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Inira McCullagh |
Knowledge(religion): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (14) + 16 = 30
"I notices as we came in, these statues of the elemental lords are clearly paired up, but while the pairs look like matches, there are some subtle differences."
Inira stands back, ready to fire at the small creatures if a battle ensues, but she is happy that her friends have tried a diplomatic solution. "I expect you have your reasons for being here, and clearly those that put us up to the task of removing you have their reasons as well. I hope you will speak with us to at least try to come to a peaceful resolution."
Diplomacy Aid: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (9) + 0 = 9
GM Batpony |
Jian Sheng recognizes the imp like creatures as salt mephits, born from the elemental plane of earth.
What are your questions? You get 3
The jars have nothing special, just regular old alchemical components.
The half(?) Oread continues to look extremely uncomfortable as the group converses to her. "I appreciate some of your concerns, but the trust between the elements of the desert and I are long gone. The fact that you side with the Ainsi is enough reason for me not to trust you." She eyes Iyasset with disdain.
Iyasset whispers to you all, "She cannot be trusted! Remove her forcefully!"
GM Batpony |
Forgot to mention, accumulatively you're at 25 diplomacy but that did not meet the check. So what now? I'll still accept rerolls if you have any, if you want to try to bump that diplomacy up. Else you'll need to force her out!"
Inira McCullagh |
"I had assumed this was just some sort of test, but now I wonder if there is more going on here than we were told. Why do they need us to perform this task? Why doesn't this Oread leave to avoid a fight?"
Inira is pretty much a weapon, and not so useful in this sort of thing.
But if it will help...
Diplo aid: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10
GM Batpony |
It actually does help, did pass DC was 26!
Jian Sheng, your sense motive roll doesn't reveal anything new that she hasn't told you. She clearly dislikes the Ainsi. And she has not been lying about anything.
After a moment of consideration, she starts to understand that you are not allied with the Ainsi, but it still confuses her why you travel with him.
"You may have my trust now, but I've not let my guard down." She mentions looking at her Mephits. "My name is Qiarah, I am descent from a long line of nobles who oversaw the building of the lost city of Tumen, so I am told. My research into that has made me realised my ancestors part in enslaving the elementals. I am here to find Inner peace, and am attempting to transform myself to a true elemental. Obviously the elementals believe my experiments to be an insult to them, much less doing it in their precious temple. But I could carae not about that."
Xavian Slingblade |
Why would they object to you trying to become like them? It seems you have a viable reason to attempt such an action.
GM Batpony |
There's a short gush of wind as the elemental of air interjects. "It is not what she does! But where!" He says somewhat annoyed. The oread scorns at him.
If you wish to talk her to leave, it's another diplomacy. If you don't make her leave, as far as you're concerned, it is a failed test which means Iyasset considers you not the prophet and does not share with you furthet information on Jamila.
Xavian Slingblade |
Does it absolutely matter where you do whatever it is your are trying to accomplish? Obviously, wherever it is, it seems to greatly distress this one. Surely there is a simple compromise?
Diplo: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Glorin Too-Tall |
Glorin looks horribly annoyed at Iyasset's constant impatience. "Excuse me, do you know how a prophet... uh, prophetizes? No? Then let us take care of this and it will be done!"
He sighs an audible grunt and grumbles, "Exterminate our rats. Fetch the thing we placed there. Kick someone out because we don't like them, but not so much that we can be arsed to do it ourselves... I swear, I've belched more formidable winds than this."
Diplomacy AA: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (13) - 1 = 12
Jian Sheng |
aid another: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (11) - 2 = 9
Jian Sheng grows increasingly impatient at this prolonged negotiations "Will you leave or will you force our hand? Choose quickly"
GM Batpony |
Additionally, you should know this. The statues of the elemental lords played a key role in the binding magic of the Osirian wizards.
After a bit of a push, she reluctantly accepts that for the best, and for no blood to be shed, that she would leave the place. She packs her belongings and calmly makes for the exit, but it is not without giving a few disapproving looks, mainly to Iyasset and Jian Sheng. She does leave behind her two wands.
Glittrdust 4 charges
magic missile CL5 8 charges
Iyasset looks towards the group."Good riddance, well, it looks like you have passed all the task. We may go meet the elder now."There is a slight hint of annoyance in his voice though. He floats himself towards the exit on the far side of the room and waits for the group.
Korez |
spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
"I can't tell what either of these wands are for. They sure look fancy though! And it occurs to me- the statues of the elemental lords played a key role in the binding magic of the Osirian wizards."
Korez follows along behind Iyasset when the group is ready.
Inira McCullagh |
Inira follows along, glad to see the temple is secured without bloodshed.
"Glorin, you might want to tone it down a bit. Like it or not, we need this information, and insulting these air spirits will not help our chances."
Glorin Too-Tall |
Glorin looks Inira over. "Hmm, perhaps. But I doubt this is the only way to get the information we need. I'll hold my tongue."
Jian Sheng |
Jian Sheng sheathes her sword as the Oread leaves At least no unnecessary blood was shed this time
spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
She inspects the wands left behind and exhales "How useful. One wand releases magical dust that glitters, blinding enemies and revealing invisible foes. These other releases a trio of magical missiles that unerringly strike the enemy...Korez perhaps you might find these of use?"
GM Batpony |
You can continue to do anything else if needed, but I'm going to push the adventure forward.
Iyasset brings you forward, a steep staircase leads to open air again, where the walls of the trench quickly diminish in height, giving a clear view of the desert beyond the Sandflow Source.
Suddenly, without warning, as you exit, a burst of fire at the edge of the trench flares up into several roughly humanoid shapes, all of which begin advancing toward the site’s entrance. A faint rumble of earth joins the elementals, and then a massive, stout woman made of stone appears. Similarly, she is as big as Iyasset.
“The Ainsi continue to cause us trouble,” she says in a slow grumble. “And now, you ally with these flesh-things. Do you really believe them to be the prophets?”
Slowly, her rocky face shifts into a half-smile. “Prophet or not, the Goanron Triumvirate would have a use for you. Join us, and we will give you rewards that make the offerings of the Ainsi pale in comparison. The Ainsi are flighty and careless. The only certainty with the Ainsi is their tendency toward violence and treachery. Whatever they’ve promised you, they would just as soon throw you off a cliff and steal from your corpse."
Iyasset interjects, angrily "Do not be deceived by her words! The Goanran are nothing but fools, they probably do not even know where the Janni is! Come with I, and ignore these beings."
In rebute, the Earth elemental roars. "But we do know where Jamila is, we have much more to offer than the filthy Ainsi!"
They both continue to shout names at each other, claiming their tribes are more worthier and that each of their leaders know better of Jamila.
At the end of this conversation, you need to pick a side to follow to meet their leader. Map is updated