GM alientude's Shackled City

Game Master Kyle Smith 700

The frontier city of Cauldron has a dark future rapidly approaching. Will a disparate band of adventurers be able to save it?

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I've never GM'd a PBP before, but I received the Shackled City hardcover a few weeks ago and am very enamored with it. Since I'm new to GMing a PBP, I don't have any idea how much time and preparation will be required of me to do it. As such, I'm committed to completing the first chapter of Shackled City - Life's Bazaar. After the game goes for a bit, I'm sure I'll have a better idea how much work this will be, and I'm optimistic that I'll be able to commit to completing the entire adventure path.

So, that introduction out of the way, here's the details.

Download and read the Player's Guide.

Sources allowed
CRB, APG, UM, UC allowed. Almost anything published by Paizo accepted, but I reserve the right of veto. 3rd party not allowed unless I'm so enchanted by the character concept that I can't say no.

Character Creation

20 point buy. More than one dump stat is frowned upon, and I expect any dump stat to be roleplayed properly.

Max hp at first level, half rounded up after that.

Max starting gold for your class.

2 "normal" traits. If you are a citizen of Cauldron, you must also pick 1 additional trait from those listed as Campaign Traits in the Player's Guide (you should download and read this). Note that these traits have both benefits and secret drawbacks. Being a citizen is not required, but all citizens must pick a Campaign Trait.

Some flavor of good alignment is required - LG, CG, or NG only.

What's expected of a player

Download and read the Player's Guide.

I want characters, not stat blocks, for the recruitment. Give me an idea of who the character is, how they'll act both in and out of combat, what they're interested in, what ties to Cauldron they have, etc. Backgrounds that interconnect with other characters are great. Characters that are well fleshed out stand a much better chance at getting into the game. That all being said, I understand the love of creating characters, so if you post a stat block along with your character information, great!

I expect players to post at least once a day during the week. Weekend posting is optional, although there's a very good chance I'll be available weekends.

I do not expect players to have experience with PBPs.

If you've played or GM'd Shackled City before, please let me know. This won't automatically disqualify you.


The party will be between 4-6 players.

I will be posting images of maps as we go, updating them each round in combat. This method of tracking combat may be up for discussion after the first chapter is completed if it is unsatisfactory.

Shackled City is set in Greyhawk. However, that's a setting I know nothing about, so Greyhawk lore will not be used. While Golarion's gods will be used, the game will not be set in Golarion. Since the AP takes place in Cauldron and it's surrounding environs, there won't be much need for information about distant lands. If you want to incorporate being a foreigner, feel free to write up a little detail about the place you come from.

Recruitment will close on February 19, at which point I'll decide on the players (assuming enough people apply!).

Did I mention to download and read the Player's Guide? Yeah, you should do that.

I check these messageboards multiple times a day, so if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dotted...though my favorite god is Greyhawk...yay St. Cuthbert.

As three alignments are allowed and a druid can only be one of them--I propose a human NG druid of Sarenrae who is a somewhat antisocial bear shaman. Mark of the Beast will be my campaign trait.
ST 18; WI 14; DX 14; CO 12; IN 12; CH 7

dotted...looking at either bard or magus (if allowed)

Magus is allowed, as is any class from CRB, APG, UM, and UC.

I'll get to work on an urban ranger with the scarred soul trait.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Dot. Thinking about a summoner. I'll read up and see what I come up with.

I am very much interested in this, havent done a PBP in quite some time.
Not sure what Dotted means, but consider me dotted. I will try to have something up in a day or two

Chainmail wrote:

As three alignments are allowed and a druid can only be one of them--I propose a human NG druid of Sarenrae who is a somewhat antisocial bear shaman. Mark of the Beast will be my campaign trait.

ST 18; WI 14; DX 14; CO 12; IN 12; CH 7

This would be fine. Just be aware that a large part of this AP is in a city, and a bear animal companion would probably be difficult to get past the guards.

spalapagas wrote:

I am very much interested in this, havent done a PBP in quite some time.

Not sure what Dotted means, but consider me dotted. I will try to have something up in a day or two

Dotted is a reference to the dot the message board puts next to any thread you've posted in.

ahh i see, well I hope to create a Neutral Good character who was enslaved and forced into becoming a Gladiator and just recently obtained his freedom. Some sort of warrior class, not certain yet

Liberty's Edge

I'd like to present Sir Adolphus Ministhrien, a lesser noble from a large country estate outside Cauldron (perhaps Kingfisher Hollow?) He considers himself a master of the greatsword (fighter) and has illusions of grandeur that include wooing the lofty Lady Thifirane Rhiavaldi.

Can I select the Nobility trait from the Players Guide, even though he is a noble from outside Cauldron's city limits. I imagine my family has done some business with the Vanderborens, perhaps even involved in rural estate sales.

Armor Expert: Fastidious in the extreme, since his knighthood ceremony, Adolphus has cared for every suit of armor he puts on with expert treatment. Leathers are always well treated, braced, buffed and padded, Chains and plates perfectly oiled to prevent rust. Adolphus cares a significant amount about his appearance, particularly because he knows it has a bearing on his reception in the courts of Cauldron's noble families.

Extremely Fashionable: For the exact same reasons, Adolphus only dresses in the most fashionable of clothing and accessories, though it costs him extra coin.

Chaotic Good alignment: Adolphus will fight for his noble ideals, but cares little for how society or the powers that be define ideals he should fight for.

Instead of the druid, how about an aasimar cleric?

okay well here is the whole back story for Ryleer Calimzer

Fairly Long:

Life has been hard for Ryleer the Gladiator. He has no fond memories, not even of his childhood.
Ryleer was born into a poverty stricken family who had no need for another mouth to feed.
At an early age Ryleer learned the true nature of life and what it takes to survive. growing
up with a drunkard father, a "whore" of a mother, 4 older brothers and 1 sister (10 years older) cant
be easy. Ryleer was always considered the runt of the family and was constantly bullied by
his brothers, be it an actual beating or taking his food away, Ryleer lived in a state of constant
fear and hunger. Ryleer being the youngest was generally ignored by his father and mother, but
his sister, Bykeni, did her best to make sure that his scrapes were clean and that he was getting
at least some food. at the age of 6 Bykeni started to teach Ryleer how to read and write.
Ryleer had a lot of trouble with this and struggled to get past knowing his alphabet. Now he
was not only the physically weak one in the family but also the dumbest. Despite this, Ryleer
continued to try under the calming guidance of his sister. One evening Ryleer was awaiting
Bykeni to return from the market so he could work on his writing again. Bykeni was late returning that
evening. Worried a young Ryleer ran out to try and find his sister. After an hour or so of searching, Ryleer
found his sister lieing at the edge of a street near a dark alley where he could ahve sworn he had seen a shadow
dissapear. Upon inspection, Bykeni was severly beaten,with lacerations, broken teeth, and legs in awkward positions,
wheezing, and coughing blood. Terrified Ryleer ran back to his home to tell his father what had happened.
The father and brothers went out for several hours and when they returned grim faced Ryleer could tell that his sister,
the only one who loved him, had died.
Ryleer changed a bit that night. From this point on Ryleer disdained reading and writing, knowing the bare minimal
and instead put all his focus into no longer being the runt of the family.


Ryleer has become known around his household as the cold and quiet one. No longer a runt, Ryleer is taller than
any of his brothers and can handle himself in any fight. In fact he was secretly aspiring to join the knights academy
so he could protect any woman whom he held dear to himself in the future. However it was painfully obvious that his social
class would never be able to get into a school of that nobility. Ryleer settled on self training, going out every day to
improve his fighting skills. On one fateful day, Ryleer was training out in a "secluded" field when he encountered a
beautiful maiden watching him from a distance. Clad in his piecemade armor and makeshift weapon, he approached the girl
with a smile. The maiden greeted him happily and they chatted for quite some time. He never learned the maiden's name
and she never learned his, he hoped that this would keep some distance from her, because he felt he would not yet be able
to protect her. Expecting that to be that, Ryleer thought he would never see her again and he continued his training.
Suprisingly the maiden arrived at his field everday just after noon and watched him train, but they never spoke to eachother.
After a period of this Ryleer began romanticizing this woman and he hoped that somehow she had some feelings towards him.
He finally went up to her again to speak to her and she was pleasantly suprised by this. Finally learning her name was Eriss
he asked if she would like to take a walk with him. Compliant they began to walk towards the city. It felt right to him, having
her at his side. As they passed the kinghts academy he told Eriss of his dreams to go to that school. At that time a young
man stepped out from the doors dressed in poilished armor and a rapier attached to his side. He looked like he had never been
in a fight before his armor was that pristine. The noble buy turned to Ryleer and sneered as he walked towards them.
"You, Street Rat! You better leave her alone! I bet you were going to steal from her wearnt you?"
shaking his hands Ryleer tried to explain the situation, but it seemed to the noble like it was too far-fetched.
"Have at you Nave! I challenge you, you are guilty and I will show everyone!"
The noble swiftly unattached his rapier and dashed forward to initiate upon Ryleer. Ryleer side stepped and quickly stepped
aside and swatted the noble with his improvised weapon upon the back of his head. The noble got up bleary eyed and called
for the guards, saying that this bandit came from behind in an attempt to steal from him. The guards subdued Ryleer and began
pulling him away as he watched Eriss obviously distraught waving goodbye to him.
In his cell he was told by the guards that he was to be charged for his assault upon a duke's son.
He would be sent to the slave auction where he would be sent off to the highest bidder.
At the auction he was examined by many lavish rich men. He was purchased by a man by the name "Lanista" Kiev a large
wealthy man. What Ryleer learned was that a Lanista was a man who ran gladiator schools.

Near the End

Ryleer spent the first 3 years in the
Gladitorium learning rigorus training and obtaining profiecency with many weapons. He was trained in the art of the
gladiator, all of its in and outs. While Ryleer despised the idea of spectator combat he understood that he had no choice
but to partake in it until he had earned enough to pay his way out. After 3 years he went out for his first match, an
exhibition against another one of the Gladitoriums students. Ryleer quickly defeated the man with the flat of his blade
and was not even nicked in combat. He was good at this. Match after match, Ryleer defeated each of his foes without worry.
sometimes obtaining a few scratches, but he was far better off then the men he left bloody on the field. He never killed them
unless commanded. His first loss in a non-exhibition match did not occur until he was 12 years into his gladiator life.
A Battle Royal was the cause of the loss. The Battle Royal started with 30 and was quickly cut down to 5. A prodigy of his
trade, Ryleer was assaulted by the other 4 men until he was senseless, then the slash at his legs brought him tumbling down.
Odd, I feel like Im 6 again, being beaten upon by me brothers. Seemingly dead the other 4 men continued to brawl until a victor
was declared. At the end of the event, the clean-up crew came out to dispose of bodies, and when they went to grab Ryleer's
body, He opened his eyes and looked at them with a grin.
"Dont take me for dead yet men"
Rushed to the medicus, Ryleer was treated for major cuts, broken legs and possible infection. Ryleer was unable to train for
almost a full year. Ryleer returned to training as soon as he was able to. Ryleer was back into the fighter circuit again midway
through his 14th year and to his dismay had been forgotten by everyone. Ah well thats life. A large tournament was announced
to happen in the next few months, where the victor of the "Largest Battle Royal Ever" would earn a large sump of coin. 4 men from Ryleer's
Gladitorium were chosen, with him being the last of the 4. Ryleer was not excited at all.
Ryleer fought for over an hour against 50 men. He was performing exceptionally, starting with a sword. Slaying his
first opponent he took the man's spear and killed another in the swarm. Quickly spinning around a stab he smashed the man with
his shield and left him dead in the sand. Ryleer continued on his path to victory dispatching one man after another, until just
one other man was alive. The other man grinned and Ryleer recognized him as another man from his gladitorium.
"Come Ryleer! Pick your weapons, I will earn this victory and with it my freedom!"
Ryleer, looking at the masses of bodies, picks up a sharp edged shield with loose strappings which he attaches to his left arm
and a second shield with a large spike and attaches it to his right arm.
With a grin he sprints towards his old aquantiance who braces for this odd attack. Stopping 10 feet away Ryleer spins and deftly
unattaches the 1st shield and throws it at his opponent. While the man tries to parry the spinning-blade-like-shield, Ryleer
runs in and smashes his second shield upon the unwary man's solar plexus where he hears an audible crunch at which point the man
collapses gasping for air.
Ryleer has won the battle royal, with his prize money he bought his way out of slavery.
Ryleer has spent 15 years of his life in that hell-hole waiting for this day.
With nowhere to go Ryleer follows his heart. leaving all his memories behind Ryleer ends up at the gates of Sasserine in hopes
of adventure and coin.

Ryleer is a tall and very well built man with raven black hair tied back and ice blue eyes and rather unkempt.
Wearing slightly revealing clothing, it is possible to see a brand of some sort on his right bicep
and a lot... a lot of scars.
He appears quiet and not overly talkitive, but he does seem trustworthy to those who befriend him

he is neutral good, while participating in many bloodsports, Ryleer hated every moment and never forgets the nightmares
of the pit..

sorry if its lame, i tried haha

stardust: You do need to be a citizen of Cauldron to take one of the traits. Just throwing out some ideas that may pique your interest:

- The Ministhrien family is on hard times, and is looking to secure a closer alliance with the Vanderborens by engaging Adolphus to one of their young daughters. Adolphus, however, has grander plans: Lady Thifirane Rhiavaldi will not be able to resist his charms.

- The Ministhrien family is actually related to the Vanderborens. Due to the relatively recent acquisition of nobility by the Vanderborens, the Ministhriens want to strengthen the family bond, so Adolphus is boarding with the Vanderborens.

Chainmail: I prefer core races, but am willing to accept other 0 HD races as long as the character concept is strong.

Liberty's Edge

Either of those will work for me, I just wanted to introduce a noble that was of a different family from those in the Player's Guide. The second one seems the best, as that did happen in medieval times quite a bit.

I am also contemplating transferring him to Cavalier of the Order of the Sword, but not sure if that fits my idea of him so far.

spalapagas wrote:

okay well here is the whole back story for Ryleer Calimzer

** spoiler omitted **

sorry if its lame, i tried haha

It's not lame, thanks for applying. Just a couple things:

- Cauldron is the setting for the AP, not Sasserine, so I imagine you'd want to have him arriving at the gates of Cauldron. The idea of him searching for adventure is a good one, as Cauldron is fairly renowned for being welcoming to adventuring parties. The Lord Mayor welcomes them with open arms, usually, and Lord Sibour Vhalantru even has a great many statues carved to honor adventurers.

- Just a few details on locations in your background would be nice: simple names of cities and general location/distance from the Cauldron region.

- What class do you envision Ryleer being?

I am seeing Ryleer as a fighter using a spiked shield in one hand as his weapon and a smaller shield in his other for shield bashing.
I was uncertain of which towns/villages nearby would have support gladiator sports. On a 2nd read of the handbook, I guess it would make sense if he left Sasserin and arrived at Cauldron

None of the areas immediately surrounding Cauldron would support a gladiator arena, at least not officially. I'd recommend Ryleer coming from a somewhat distant land.

Ryleer shall hail from Kalstrand located in the south eastern part of the continent. Here Gladiator fights are acceptable and enjoyed by many.

Liberty's Edge

Would it be alright if Adolphus has Heart of the Streets racial ability instead of Skilled?

Also, can he take the human favored class bonus of +1 to CMD vs two combat maneuvers: I chose grapple and trip.

what level does Shackled city end and finish?

Liberty's Edge

I have about 25 gp left over... Are there any suitable pasttimes that nobles partake of regularly. (I was thinking something like snuff).


I've heard some good things about Shackled City. I'm thinking of submitting an arcane caster... probably a wizard of some sort from the academy in Sasserine.

(Let's see if I can post this without the paizo web site going down for a few hours again...)

Dotting -- for some reason I can't get at the Guide at the moment (but then, I've been having a flaky connection all day)

Tilnar wrote:
Dotting -- for some reason I can't get at the Guide at the moment (but then, I've been having a flaky connection all day)

try rebooting the router, Modem and some of the switches/Hubs that do the connection.

I did and now my connection is clear again.

stardust: Alternate racial traits and favored class bonus are in the APG, so they are allowed.

Snuff is available, although it's not that expensive a pasttime. Per the CRB, 1 lb. of it costs 5 sp as a trade good. Figure that you'd be buying it as an end product, and it'd probably be around 1 gp per half pound. Since Cauldron exports a coffee, Adolphus could also be a connoisseur of high end coffee.

Taanyth Tuilinn: Shackled City starts at 1 and goes all the way up to 20.

Sound interesting.
I could try half orc,ex miner and currently small time criminal(rogue).

About the traits,can we pick identical or all players have to choose different ones?

Valeamon: Players can have the same Campaign Trait as another.

I have two ideas brewing in my head so I will dot now and ponder on the possibilities before posting something more concrete.

How about a NG dwarf cave druid?

Darthal Blackaxe background:

Some dwarves love the mountains, the sky, and the world outside.

Some think it was a mistake to ever leave the caves.

Darthal Blackaxe loves the darkness beneath the earth, the silence of deep caverns, the stillness of stone, the places where light has never been. His earliest memories are dreams of the shadowed caves far below, and the things that lurk therein. Sometimes he dreams himself as one of them, and he would stay in those dark caves if he could.

His clan has other needs, and has always had them. Son of of the clan, he obeys their demands. Another clan is selling stone in the city of Cauldron, black glassy stone that belongs to Clan Blackaxe, whose sacred axes were long ago made of obsidian in the days before Torag taught them metalworking. And someone must go to Cauldron to find out details, see who allies with Clan Arduun, where the stone is going and where the money comes from. Someone is needed who knows stone very well.

Someone like Darthal, who practices the old rites of the Dwarves, and knows the earth beneath as few dwarves do. It does not matter that he has never been to Cauldron and knows little of its people; few can be spared from the preparations for war and revenge, and Darthal does know stone.

The night after he was told, and the night before he departed, Darthal dreamed new dreams, of himself deep beneath the earth, lost in lightless caverns, one with the shambling deformed horrors that dwell far below.

It was strangely comforting, until he woke. Since then he has shunned sleep when he can, and dreamed horrors when he cannot. But, obedient to the will of his clan, he went, arriving recently in Cauldron. So far, he has discovered little, being unfamiliar with how the city operates, but he has no doubt the trail will eventually lead underground, and there the earth will tell him things.

Humans are surprising and amusing, he finds, and gnomes and halflings a source of endless entertainment. Unrooted, flighty, and yet they give rise to so many things. Painting, dance, stained glass, and a dozen other art forms, all reliant on light, unlike the weight of stones in darkness, or the sound of music echoing back from the foundations of the earth, but keen and appealing while they last. The city respects and trusts dwarves, which gives him some peace of mind. Nothing compared to the ancient glories of dwarven culture, of course, but... amusing, nonetheless. And coffee is a marvelous invention, better than ale any day of the week.

If only the dreams would go away...


Str 10, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 19, Ch 8

Traits: Dream Haunted (campaign), Deep Guardian (magic), Glory of Old (religion)

Alternate racial traits (APG): deep warrior, lorekeeper, stonesinger

Feat: Spell focus (conjuration)

Skills: Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (nature), Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Survival

Nature's bond: Darkness domain (special ability of cave druid from APG)

Okay - Here is the aasimar cleric trying for awesome background based on the demon killing campaign trait. His background allows you to make him pay for any bonuses with the knowledge either he is a bastard or had a diety tamper with his birth--both scary things for a small town.

I can make a human cleric slightly less powerful (extra feat and extra skill actually may be better than the +2 CHA and resistances).

Note: I grabbed the nerfed family heirloom trait to give Diurn just bastard sword proficiency. The 'original' version with +1, proficiency, and a masterwork item seemed excessive.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Working on a Fletchling Summoner, with a Black scorpion type Edilion. Should have it started tonight.

Darthal Blackaxe: Looks good. I take it you would focus on spells and summoning?

Diurn Selestro: Not sure which trait you mean when you say the demon killing campaign trait. Perhaps Scion of Surabar, which does mention how Surabar helped defeat the demonic army.

I'm a little confused about the background. What demons did Adriana help drive from the land? Cauldron has been around for over 500 years, with no demon invasion happening during that time. If you'd like, you can clarify it by having the demon army pushed back be in a different region, with Adriana having moved to Cauldron after the battle.

Glancing over your stat block, it looks like you intend for him to be a battle cleric?

The Heirloom Weapon trait (definitely using the updated version) gives proficiency with a Simple or Martial weapon. A Bastard Sword is an Exotic weapon that can be wielded with two hands with Martial proficiency. I'd be fine allowing you having Martial proficiency with it, but wielding it one-handed would be considered non-proficient use.

In the Bestiary, Aasimar are described thusly:


Aasimars look mostly human except for some minor physical trait that reveals their unusual heritage. Typical aasimar features are hair that shines like metal, unusual eye or skin color, or even glowing golden halos.

I would like some degree of description explaining what traits reveal your heritage. While people might assume you're a normal human at a glance, with much interaction, it should be obvious that you're something else.

scranford: I like the idea. Be aware that a Fetchling with a glowing magical rune in its forehead would certainly draw startled looks and would impact people's reactions to you.

Darthal would indeed focus on spells and summoning (no animal companion, cave druid gets wild shape two levels later). Earth-type spells, most likely (I've been thinking about this one for a while.)

Darthal doesn't know a lot about Cauldron, but I figure he would figure out what's going on. His assigned mission from Clan Blackaxe (basically, intelligence gathering, though I'm very open to GM adjustment on this) gives him a reason to be here, poke around just about everywhere, and make friends as necessary.

I played in one Shackled City campaign that got a few levels in and then tanked; I don't remember that much about it.

Darthal Blackaxe: I'd imagine Darthal might also be in Cauldron to press Clan Blackaxe's claim to the new obsidian vein. Since the various mines in the hills surrounding Cauldron fall under the city's jurisdiction, it would make sense to have an official representative of Clan Blackaxe in the city.

The only issue I see is that of citizenship. As I said in the introduction, you don't need to be a citizen, unless you want to take a Campaign Trait. It shouldn't be hard to work in, however. Clan Blackaxe could own a small house they use for their infrequent trips to Cauldron. Since Darthal is a member of the family, he could claim citizen status, even if he's just about the only member of the Clan to ever do so. I'd also ask you to work in that Darthal's been in Cauldron for a couple months, at least. He could be very frustrated at his lack of progress in pressing his Clan's claim. Bureaucracy's a b%!&&!

Darthal can easily spend a couple of months in town before the campaign starts, no problem there.

I think the Clan might have picked someone else to press the claim in the courts -- someone with, oh, ranks in Diplomacy and Profession (Lawyer) and Knowledge (local/engineering/nobility). Darthal will of course attempt the job if ordered, but I see him more as someone gathering information for the Clan than doing all the talking. I'm thinking he was sent to help the main negotiator with something, exactly what is up to you. (Identifying stone? Enchanting stone? Guarding the place? Blessing the final transaction? Getting someone out of the way?)

I like the idea of the Clan having a very small house kept mainly for diplomatic purposes. Probably very overcrowded right now since it's only supposed to have the Clan's agent plus a couple of servants plus a strongroom for documents and treasure, and now it has a negotiator, his staff, Darthal, and maybe a couple of guards or flunkies on top of the permanent crew, all sharing the 1.2 bedrooms (ambassador displaces agent from the main bedroom, agent displaces servants from their trundle bed, flunkies are sleeping under the negotiating table, and Darthal and the servants are sleeping on the kitchen floor).

Does that work for you?

How about Clan Blackaxe has heard rumors that Clan Arduun (which has a greater presence in Cauldron than Blackaxe) has shown an unusual amount of interest in the caves beneath Cauldron, and the Blackaxes want to find out why?


Background modified to fit the Surabar story.

Weapon proficiency bastard sword chosen. No cheese--let's burn a feat to show our commitment to the d10 one handed sword.

If heirloom weapon can grant +1 to hit after spending my feat for proficiency--I will definitely go for it. If not, I will probably go the boring rich parents route and start with a mwork weapon. I still like the trait dangerously curious as I like a cleric that can use magic devices as an interesting twist. I will work that into his background too.

Really Interested in this AP. will work on a concept, my mind is goign in too many directions right now.

Liberty's Edge

HERE is a picture of Sir Adolphus if anyone is interested.

Diurn: Looks good now.

stardust: Sir Adolphus is a fan of the Deus Ex augmentations, I see. ;)

Liberty's Edge

lol... well, the face part was what I was focusing on. :P

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Finally coming up with the concept. I usually make the character first and see what it inspires as a here's the basic character. I'll be driving all day tomorrow, so I'll try and come with a concept for history and background, then type up tomorrow evening.


Male Fetchling Summoner 1
CG Medium Outsider (Native)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision (60 feet), Low-Light Vision; Perception +0
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10. . (+3 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2
Defensive Abilities Shadow Blending; Resist cold 5, electricity 5
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed Strike +0 (1d3/20/x2)
Spell-Like Abilities Disguise Self (humanoid only) (1/day), Summon Monster I (6/day)
Summoner Spells Known (CL 1, +0 melee touch, +3 ranged touch):
1 (2/day) Mage Armor (DC 14), Rejuvenate Eidolon, Lesser
0 (at will) Acid Splash, Mage Hand, Detect Magic, Message
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Extra Evolution
Skills Craft (Alchemy) +5, Knowledge (Arcana) +5, Knowledge (Planes) +7, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +5
Languages Common, Draconic
SQ Eidolon Link (Ex), Life Link (Su), Share Spells with Eidolon (Ex)

Damage Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Cold attacks.
Damage Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Eidolon Link (Ex) You have a link with your Eidolon, but share magic item slots.
Life Link (Su) Sacrifice HP to prevent that much damage to your Eidolon.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Shadow Blending (Su) Attacks against a fetchling in dim light have a 50% miss chance instead of the normal 20% miss chance. This ability does not grant total concealment; it just increases the miss chance.
Share Spells with Eidolon (Ex) Personal spells can be cast on your Eidolon instead.
Summon Monster I (6/day) (Sp) Use summon monster spells as spell-like abilities, with durations measured in minutes instead of rounds.

Also with the characters strange background thinking about Shattered Soul as the campaign trait. Feedback appreciated. Still need equipment and the two other traits.

Posting to collect info on the people who have applied so far.

Relatively complete applications:

stardust - Sir Adolphus Ministhrien, Human Fighter
spalapagas - Ryleer Calimzer, Human Fighter
tonyz - Darthal Blackaxe, Dwarf Cave Druid
Chainmail - Diurn Selestro, Aasimar Cleric

Incomplete applications:

Benoit LeBlanc - Possibly a bard or magus
Kratzee - Urban Ranger
osuracnaes - Arcane caster of some kind
Valeamon - Half-Orc rogue
scranford - Faruk El'amin, Fetchling Summoner

Going by the stuff in the Player's Guide...

It mentions that casters from Sasserine might be interested in the Cauldron region to find out about these 6-armed creatures. Is this a possible adventure hook to base some background on, or is it just flavor? Trying to figure out why a wizard would be in Cauldron. :P

osuracnaes: There's plenty of reasons a wizard would be interested in Cauldron, depending on his area of interest:

- Adventuring sort of wizard? Cauldron has had many a group of adventurers based out of it, and the city is in general quite welcoming of adventurers.

- Scholarly wizard? The demonic army that Surabar drove out of the land would be a fascinating subject for study. The very fact that Cauldron rests in a dormant volcano presents interesting possibilities. The persistent rumors of a giant beast that resides in the lake could pique a wizard's interest. There's also a good number of decent-to-well-stocked libraries in the city.

- Power-hungry wizard? Cauldron is an influential city in the region, and would be a dandy place to improve your power base.

Basically, just about any reason you can come up with would probably fit in to Cauldron. Let your imagination run wild.

Since you're using Golarion lore, I'm guessing locations are part of that too?

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