Forward Ye Heretics

Game Master Radavel

Brox RedGloves


WS: 47 | BS: 46 | ST: 35/55 +7/+9 | TO: 46 +8 | AG: 36 | IN: 34 | PR: 51/61/71 | WP: 37 | FE: 59 | Initiative: +5/+6/+7 | Infamy: 23 (1/2) | Wounds: 17 | Corruption: 0 | Movement: 3/6/9/18 | Legion Power Armor H/A/B/L: 8/8/10/8 Athletics: 35 Awareness: 51 Charm: 59 CL: War: 34 Command: 59 Dodge: 36 FL: A. Astartes: 34 FL: Long War: 34 FL: Horus Heresy: 34 Intimidate: 35 Ling: L. Gothic: 34 Nav. Surf: 34 Op. Surf: 36 Parry: 46 Scrutiny: 51 SL: Tac. Imp. 34 Legion Bolt Pistol 46/36 Rng: 30M RoF: S/2/-- Dam: 1d10+9 X Pen: 4 Clip: 8 Rld: Full Special: Tearing X4 Clips for Pistol Legion Power Sword 47/37 Dam: 1d10+15 E Pen: 6 Special Balanced Power Field
(53 posts)
Man in Ice

WS: 37 BS: 32 St: 35/45 To: 42 AG: 40 In: 35 Pr: 42/52/62 Wp: 59 Fl: 50 +2 | Inf: 35 Pts 2/3 Corr: 29 Wounds: 8 | Initiative: +6/ +10 | XP: E: 5300 / Spent 5300 Acrobat 40 | Aware: 62 | Charm 50 | CL: Imperium/Scream Vort 35 | Deceive 50 | Dodge 40 | FL: Psyker 35 | Interrogate 59/79 | Parry 37 | Psyinscience 52 | Trade: Astrog 35 L Pwr Armr H/A/B/L: 7 | Neural Whip 37 r: 3m 1d10+5 I pen 0 Flex Shock | Stub Revolv 32 r: 30m S/-/- 1d10+3 I pen 0 clip 6 rld 2F Reliable
(164 posts)


Belros Verzar

Chaos Space Marine Chosen
(168 posts)
Friendly Fighter
The Warlord

(1,366 posts)

The Doom That Came to Sarnath

Hobgoblin Commander
Xaman Ekmaztal

WS: 42 BS: 44 Str: 41 (61) [10] T: 45 [8] Agi: 36 Int: 40 Per: 53 Will: 52 Fell: 38 | Movement: 4/8/12/24 | Initiative +10 Wounds 18/18 Infamy 2/2
(39 posts)


Wax Golem

WS: 31 BS: 30 Str: 32 T: 46 Agi: 31 Int: 60 Per: 30 Will: 36 Fell: 34 | Movement: 3/6/9/18 | Initiative +5
(22 posts)