
Game Master acecipher

A Fate/Stay Night based game taking place in its own metaplot universe.

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Lol. Touko is amazing.


That was an impressive explanation. Thank you.

Out of curiosity, may I request to receive reports as to what the familiars are able to see? It should help to make the line between IC knowledge and OOC knowledge a little more clear, and thus aid in avoiding meta-gaming. Thank you.

Etrius wrote:

That was an impressive explanation. Thank you.

Out of curiosity, may I request to receive reports as to what the familiars are able to see? It should help to make the line between IC knowledge and OOC knowledge a little more clear, and thus aid in avoiding meta-gaming. Thank you.

Indeed. Itf your famliars do find anything I will tell you. However do notify me of deployments and changes over PM.

Hello everyone, pardon the absence. I've been experiencing problems with my internet connection, which all but culminated last night. It should be fixed by Monday afternoon hopefully. That said, I will attempt to post from my cell from now in given that I've already slowed things down enough as it is.

Once again, pardon any inconveniences I may have caused during the past week.

Alright, then. PM incoming with detailed deployment data.

Thank you.

:dragon: DAC GM wrote:

Yes. Please only use one post if you're going to be doing multiple IC posts, and just make clear in paragrapth form who is speaking. Also if you do something that long again use spoilers.

Also yey, terrorism occurs here.

5 mandatory random character questions to hide the one important one:

1) does your character favor large or small breakfasts?
2) where does your character get their water from: Tap, bottle, or filter pitcher?
3) who does your character ship shirou with: Rin, Sakura, Illya or Saber? (you may PM this answer, along with all the others).
4) when is your characters birthday?
5) how does your character prefer their coffee/tea: black, or with milk, or maybe sugar?
6) Do you know why I'm having you do this exercise?

1)I personally prefer large breakfasts, but frugality is important to remember so I only eat them on occasions

2) the temple gets its water from the lake in the back and from several wells around the temple.
3) I believe miss Saber-san would be the best match for Emiya-kun, she is the ideal woman, however I do not know such details. I will have to ask him next time he visits the Temple
4) why are you panning to get me something?
5) Who puts milk or sugar in tea, ah wait some people do for western teas don't they. Well I tend to drink mostly traditional teas, so plane
6) I don't know but being so nosy can be dangerous so you should probably stop asking such questions

Err, guys, can you tell me one thing? What's the point of the save game stuff? For example, I prepare a plan, execute it, kill a target, and the then bang - load game, and the target is alive, knowing the attackers plan and his servant abilities, so the original plan is no more functional. This renders the attacker in the worse position then everyone else, because he gave up some information about himself, while getting nothing in return

I believe the point is to be used in the event our own plan get's us killed; I.e. we make a bad call when we decide to storm a bad guys lair, and end up dieing horribly because of something very stupid we did in hindsight.

That sort of stuff.

Just realized I skipped number 5. He prefers coffee with sugar, although sometimes he'll drink it black if he needs an extra burst of energy from the bitter taste.

And I'm thinking along the same lines as Regalus.

I also agree with Regalus, although this is all assumption, considering every Master is a PC I doubt the GMs would want a person to die very early on despite another Master being on top of their game and plot another's death they would probably intervene and save said person.

I think the save/load thing is more for the attacker than the attacked, since you're attacking someone's home base with little to no knowledge of their servant. You might end up taking an Ea or Gae Bolg to the face. Requiring YOU rather than your enemy to load.

Also concerning some points people made in the gameplay I'd like to address.

Warning contains Fate/Stay spoilers:

First the Rider class is not the fastest, that's Lancer, the class requirement is that you don't have to be a spear wielder to be a Lancer class you just have to be very fast. To take an example in the VN Fate route, it is implied Gilgamesh had a hard time killing/hitting Cu Chulainn. Sure Medusa is quite fast, but we can all agree Alexander is not the fastest servant around.

Riders are known for what they rode during their lifetimes whether it be a steed(Zero), ship(Extra), or a phantasmal beast(Stay).

Secondly killing a Master does not kill the Servant right away. In one of the bad ends where Shirou refuses to enter the war, Arturia said she has several days to find a new Master before her mana runs out. In addition Medea lasted quite a number of days in the Ryuudo forest before Souichirou finds her. Just because they don't have Independent Action doesn't mean they just croak when their master hit the bucket. It depends on how much mana said Servant has left and their willpower to stay in the world.

And I said my piece, sorry about the rant.

And indeed Touko is awesome. If you made her your enemy. You're gonna have a bad time.

Spoilers for Fate/Stay night


Due to her magic core (dragon heritage), Arturia was noted as having a far greater reserve of mana than normal. Medea, likewise, was noted as being able to survive for much longer due to her massive mana reserves. It was made reasonably clear, in Medea's case at least, that they were losing those reserves fairly quickly...

While killing a Master might not kill the servant immediately, it will greatly weaken them after a while, and with continued observation a kill can be assured.

As a side note, I expect that we'll all be re-loading if someone uses Ea at full power...

Well, since it's really hard to make Gil pull it out, I suspect, we'll see Ea only in the finals, where it wouldn't be dramatic to just let the players save/load

Fate Spoilers:

And I agree with you at all points, as I said it depends on how much mana the Servant has. Sorry if I caused any offense but in your post it sounded like the servants keel over when their master died too.

And again I agree, killing the Master will weaken the servant greatly, and is the easier way to win the battle than a servant vs servant fight.

And yes a full power Ea would reset everything. Everything. But it was just used as an example because everyone loves that broken NP

Okay. I have two things to say:


2) Due to insistance, the plot is going LEEEEEROOOOOYY JENKINSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.

Have a nice day 1.

:dragon: DAC GM wrote:

Yes. Please only use one post if you're going to be doing multiple IC posts, and just make clear in paragrapth form who is speaking. Also if you do something that long again use spoilers.

Also yey, terrorism occurs here.

5 mandatory random character questions to hide the one important one:

1) does your character favor large or small breakfasts?
2) where does your character get their water from: Tap, bottle, or filter pitcher?
3) who does your character ship shirou with: Rin, Sakura, Illya or Saber? (you may PM this answer, along with all the others).
4) when is your characters birthday?
5) how does your character prefer their coffee/tea: black, or with milk, or maybe sugar?
6) Do you know why I'm having you do this exercise?

1) Small, when I eat too large a breakfast, it just adds to places you can't see

2) Bottle or tap
3) February 4
5) tea, plain

No offenses that I can see. What's obvious out of character might not be so obvious to a character working from limited information, however.

As for Ea...it is a nice weapon, which I'm hoping that no-one has. It would be hard to have another grail war without a planet, after all...

Leeroy Jenkins plot, eh? I'll bring the dragon hatchlings.

If you're gonna be pulling leeroy well........... at least I have chicken

OK to explain some of the confusion independent action means the servant can take action without having a master. servants can hang around for a while without master, and in this war that's even longer, but they cannot materialize or use any skills without one, unless they have independent action. This also means they can ignore orders from master's they have contracts with.

the saved games are for when you may not realize it but it is highly possible for you to make a stupid choice that you cannot get out of. An example that has already happened before I invented the term: If Fujou Ishida had tried to interfere in any way with the monolith he would have been killed by another servant's noble phantasm, that Archer could have and would have done nothing about, but there was no way for him to know that without me saying so ahead of time. We (DM and GM)'s prefer not to tell you about why these situations are so dangerous to your character so you can have as much freedom to act as possible, so a save is something like the plan I think you have is probably going to kill you, but lets see how it plays out and if you do something different than what I thought then never mind. This function is mostly to protect you from NPC's

I like how everyone notices the Leroy Jenkins but neglects the 'YAY TERRORISM' part.

I'll be having words with whomever is behind that one later...preferably words that are highly energizing, with many acute angles. Also, could you please respond to the last PM I sent you regarding said activities? I'd like to know if my second attempt at number six was incorrect or not...

Thank you. Please have a nice daycycle.

sorry, guys, will be offline for at least a day

Ah, okay. Also if I ask you to make just a check please make it in this thread.


Male Human Ranger 2

Also guys, if you want, we have a facebook group. Feel free to add me (Andy Perrine). I'm the one who goes to UCLA.

OK after seeing Archabald's perception check I'm realizing there may be some potential problems with character sheets my email is nlrosenthal@gmail.com please share your character sheets with me ether as google docs or email them to me (I can't see them if you just PM them to me). All skills are supposed to be capped at 20 for normal characters and this only changes for specific circumstances that are limited. If you have any skill above 20 leave it as is for now, and PM me any back ground story reasoning you have for it. I will then tell you how to adjust your sheets based on what you tell me. For example, if your character is a homonculus you are allowed additional magic stats. some characters may be allowed additional cunning, etc. but with no information or back story a perception of 30 makes no sense, and I am skeptical as to allowing it.
sorry for the inconvenience, but as game system writer I'm just concerned =P

start wrapping up your day 0 activities because $#!+ is about to go down

Could either you or acecipher please pm me what you have, if anything? Thank you.

I don't really have anything other than what people have PM'ed me.
(thanks by the way to those who did)
I also haven't been able to open some of the google docs that have been PMed to me.

If no-one has the sheet, then I suppose that I shall start building another one.

Expect a PM in around an hour...

Oh yeah. I did have the sheet buried in a pile of PMs and its all good, except for the one skill thing. But yeah.

Servant Watcher wrote:

OK after seeing Archabald's perception check I'm realizing there may be some potential problems with character sheets my email is nlrosenthal@gmail.com please share your character sheets with me ether as google docs or email them to me (I can't see them if you just PM them to me). All skills are supposed to be capped at 20 for normal characters and this only changes for specific circumstances that are limited. If you have any skill above 20 leave it as is for now, and PM me any back ground story reasoning you have for it. I will then tell you how to adjust your sheets based on what you tell me. For example, if your character is a homonculus you are allowed additional magic stats. some characters may be allowed additional cunning, etc. but with no information or back story a perception of 30 makes no sense, and I am skeptical as to allowing it.

sorry for the inconvenience, but as game system writer I'm just concerned =P

start wrapping up your day 0 activities because $#!+ is about to go down

I'll try to e-mail them tonight /tomorrow morning at the latest.

Matthew Swift wrote:
Servant Watcher wrote:

OK after seeing Archabald's perception check I'm realizing there may be some potential problems with character sheets my email is nlrosenthal@gmail.com please share your character sheets with me ether as google docs or email them to me (I can't see them if you just PM them to me). All skills are supposed to be capped at 20 for normal characters and this only changes for specific circumstances that are limited. If you have any skill above 20 leave it as is for now, and PM me any back ground story reasoning you have for it. I will then tell you how to adjust your sheets based on what you tell me. For example, if your character is a homonculus you are allowed additional magic stats. some characters may be allowed additional cunning, etc. but with no information or back story a perception of 30 makes no sense, and I am skeptical as to allowing it.

sorry for the inconvenience, but as game system writer I'm just concerned =P

start wrapping up your day 0 activities because $#!+ is about to go down

I'll try to e-mail them tonight /tomorrow morning at the latest.

cool thanks and Acecipher when you find the PM's plz forward them to me

Use magic1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31

:dragon: DAC GM wrote:

5 mandatory random character questions to hide the one important one:

1) does your character favor large or small breakfasts?
2) where does your character get their water from: Tap, bottle, or filter pitcher?
3) who does your character ship shirou with: Rin, Sakura, Illya or Saber? (you may PM this answer, along with all the others).
4) when is your characters birthday?
5) how does your character prefer their coffee/tea: black, or with milk, or maybe sugar?
6) Do you know why I'm having you do this exercise?

1) Small, better to space food out when you can get it

2) Tap. all the taps
3) My character wouldn't care, Shirou can make up his own damn mind
4) Birthday?
5) Is it free? then with milk and sugar, get more nutrients that way
6) *leaves in middle of question*

Sooooo everyone, sorry for the delay, we're just writing out an epic battle between servants to open up hostilities as they should be. However, once this is done, it is essentially bedtime for everyone. This means the start of a new day. This means I need orders from everyone.

So, first off: I need the time you wake up. We've been somewhat lazy with when everyone gets to bed today, just kind of handwaving it, but it shouldn't be too big a deal. However, do note that if you deprive yourself of sleep, you will start becoming disadvantaged.

Next, I need your Daily Schedule! This outlines generally where you will be when, and trying to do what. Such activities include:

-Explore a section of town! This can be as specific as you want, but the largest you can specify to explore is a quadrant.

-Explore a particular location or type of location! For instance, libraries, because last game's Assassin was always hanging around at libraries; as such its a bit of a meme to get an encounter at a library

-Meet with someone at a certain location! You must have contact info for the person, or be able to find it.

-Look for certain items!


-Use a long-cast-time magic ritual or prepare magical supplies!

-And many more (Seriously just ask)!

So yeah, do that for the whole day. It can be as simple or complex as you need it to be, but if you have some reason to change the later parts of the day notify me as soon as you can please.

--Ace/Touko Aozaki.

To bed at ten, up at 12:50 due to restlessness, just falling back asleep now.

I suspect that I have 4-5 posts to go before I get to the daytime...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My character would of gone to bed early, around 9. He would of woken up at 6 and started preparations. I'll send a PM on how he'd start his day (depending on a few factors) later today.

I think the big question here is....... Will Bruiser wake up before me and cause a huge ruckus waking us all up?

Hey everyone, sorry for the bit of a delay, Watcher is swamped with work so he can't finish writing his fight scenes or other posts, and I've been busy keeping a good friend of mine from breaking down as her world implodes. So yeah. I still could use some plans from everyone else who everyone who hasn't finished up day 0 yet, because I'll just start day 1 this evening if I don't hear from Watcher yet. So yeah.

A check
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Okay, also just posted the news for Day 1. Sorry for not posting it much earlier, work pulled me aside to do other things.

So how are all the other players doing? I'm Jake and id like to get to know u guys more :)

(plz note my character has a polar personality regarding people lol )

I'm doing fine, but everyone else? I dunno. We were moving along quite nicely a few days ago, though.
Speaking of which, how is everyone? Still here?

I am, there's been a lot of changes in very little time in my family as of late; this, coupled with technical issues and tests I had last week, have prevented me from posting.

Hoping to be more active now that things have begun settling down again.

Yeah.... As I said, girlfriends birthday was this past weekend. And I kind of love her greatly, and as such spent quite a bit of time working on stuff for her, including cookies made from scratch, two poems, and homegrown roses. And I was able to spend quite a bit of time with her. However, my life is quite the hellish one. I'll try to get some more stuff posted SOON TM, IE tonight or something. So yeah. Just kind of hard to type with a girl in my arms.

Also EVERYONE READ THE NEWS IF YOUR CHARACTER WOULD. If you have any topics that interest you and you want to read more, PM me or post it here, and I will tell you more.

I've been busy too. I was trying to get in as much time as I could with my wife last week, since I just flew across the county for my job Sunday, and will be gone for 3 weeks.

Hopefully will get a post in tonight.

Sorry for my recent lack of posts...just no time available.

That should be finished shortly.

Well yeah, slow posting speeds are fine, since school is starting very soon for myself and watcher. And I will have VERY little time to do anything, and this will pro ably be my one fun activity, so yeah.

PM sent, with details about what he would look into and do on Day 1.

Of course, this depends on [Ability X], and what info he is able to gain from it.

Mhmm. Well....

Sorry for lagging on day 0 for so long; I would have updated it yesterday but my wifi adapter broke. And sadly, all today I am busy. HOWEVER, when we get back Sunday, WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO MOVE ON TO DAY 1! And yes. Hopefully watcher will return too. So yeah.


2nd book of the Night Angel trilogy......................



Have you by chance read any of his lightbringer series of books (specifically the new book, the Blinding Knife)? If so how was it?

Edit: Btw, Ace, did you get my PM? I know you've been busy with that IRL disease, just wanted to make sure you got it ;)

I have not read the lightbringer series :P its on my to-do list though

Also, what day is everyone on? it seems that we are all on different days, and I think I'm on the night of day 1, but it could also be night of day 0 so IDK

I'm at around 1:15 AM of day 1, getting ready to speak firmly with Caster about engaging so early...

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