Isamu takes the time to look through the days news, giving Aono a warning about the apparent tampering with the city's water supply. Given the timing it was likely being done by another Magus; but to what end he was unsure, coupled with the string of murders he certainly had many things to look into. He was particularly distressed by one article, though after a moment quickly realizes how silly he's being and moves on without a second glance. Once the food was ready, the young man said his thanks and dug in; though never being one to enjoy a quiet meal he soon tries to remedy it. "So, have you had a chance to run into Beserker yet?" Perception1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
Isamu beamed, welcoming the delightful surprise and distraction from his pondering,"Well, good morning beautiful!" he greeted, leaning in and giving the young maiden a quick kiss. "Sleep well last night? Hope Beserker's little storm didn't keep you up," he inquired before heading over to the fridge, and picking up an apple. "Hmm, I'm in the mood for pancakes; how 'bout you?" chimed merrily Isamu, offering Aono fruit with his free hand. Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Hello folks my bad, sort of dropped of the face of the earth due to tech issues and tests. Back now. Akaianeko: I'm sure you'll get your chance soon enough. When a game's been on hiatus this long, especially when it's coming back up after changes on the GM side of things, tend to take a bit to get the ball rolling again. ...especially when some players take longer than they should sending the gm requested info *stares guiltily at the floor*
Hello everyone, pardon the absence. I've been experiencing problems with my internet connection, which all but culminated last night. It should be fixed by Monday afternoon hopefully. That said, I will attempt to post from my cell from now in given that I've already slowed things down enough as it is. Once again, pardon any inconveniences I may have caused during the past week. |