Falcon's Hollow MiniAP

Game Master Azure_Zero

Falcon's Hollow
DarkMoon Vale

Droskar's Crucible

Dungeon Level 01

Character Images

NPC Folder 1
NPC Folder 2

NPC Females:

Recruitable NPC height Reference.
Front Row: Eve, Lady Cirthana, Noya, Vona.
Back Row: Mary, Mina

Recruitable NPC Data

Eve: 5'9"
Lady Cirthana: 5' 10"
Noya: 6'0"
Vona 6'6"
Mary: 6'9"
Mina: 7'6"

NPC Males:

Recruitable NPC Data

Hu Wang: 5'9"
Harold: 6'0"
Jack: 6'0"
Luk: 6'3"
Roger: 6'4"
Duke: 6'5"
Locksly: 6'7"
William: 6'9"

Planned Time Gaps.

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Male Human | Wizard (Diviner: Foresight subschool)/ Level 3| HP: 13/21 | F:+3, R:+3, W:+3| AC: 12 | Diplomacy +2, Perception +6, Knowledge arcana: +9, Knowledge local: +9, Knowledge nature: +9, Knowledge planes: +10, Spellcraft: +10, Craft (alchemy): +9, Use Magic Device +7| Spells; Euphoric Cloud, Detect Thoughts, Summon Minor Monster, Color Spray, Grease, Detect Secret Doors -0- Detect Magic, Acid splash, Dancing lights

Darion’s morning:
After playfully feeling the moving babes in Eve’s belly Darion gets up out bed to start the day. Yes my love I think I will spend a bit more time trying to figure out the mysteries of that place. But after all this time my focus has changed to just ensuring that nothing dangerous remains there. You and our family is my top priority now. So unless duty calls and my services are needed my priorities lie with providing and protecting our family

He kisses Eve on the forehead as she continues to lie in the bed. I feel like bacon, eggs and tubers for breakfast. How about you?


Bathhouse Backyard

Noya replies back
"It should be normal for dreams of carnal relations given that you've got some succubus in you now.
And it wouldn't surprise me if later you started looking more at the men."

on the mention of the odd dream adds
"What was the odd about?"


Corindus' Morning:

Mary replies back to the proposition of her husband.
"Well that would be a nice change of pace for the morning...
I'll have; your Egg omelette, some bacon, some hash browns and some fruit juice.

And I might have seconds if the little ones are hungry when I check in on them, as get the feeling this morning they are going to wake up extra hungry this morning.

Oh and can you please check in and make sure the girls and the boys are up doing their morning chores and ready for breakfast..."


Darrion Morning:

Eve slowly sits up holding her belly and replies
"I feel like have some egged bread with that syrup, we bought from Mr Craft in the spring."

She slowly gets out of bed and gets dressed.
"Let's make sure the boys and the girls are up, and that they have atleast started getting things ready to start breakfast and their chores."

Female Succubus-Touched Monk (Scaled Fist) Lv.2 | 14s-16d-10c-14i-10w-18x | HP:13/13 | KP:0/7 | SF:2/2, DC16 | AC:17-17t-14ff | 3fs-6rs-3ws | CMD:19-21gr | +9:Dance, +8:Stealth, +7:Acro-Escape-Religion-Swim, +6:Climb

Wu Chen says, "I must not look at men that way. I made my vow as a child. I did not consider attraction to women, but did promise Shelyn I would not lie with men. It may be best for me to avoid awakening this desire, even with a girlfriend. I live alone and do not seek love, and certainly not lust. Dance and training are al the fun I need, and Shelyn is the only one I need to please. In matters of love, I have my little siblings.

"Better I remain a maiden and keep my thoughts of love pure. I do not want to end up like many women from seven years ago, bearing children, not knowing who fathered them. I vowed never to consume alcohol the next day. I can never trust a man offering a drink. If a man takes advantage of me, serves him right if my succubus body sucks out his soul." She winces at her own words.

Would my succubus body really do that?
K:Religion: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

She asks Noya her question if she doesn't already know, then answers Noya's

"The dream was a courtroom drama..."[/b] She goes on to describe the dream in detail. As to why it's strange. "It wasn't as fun as my other dreams. That may be a good thing. Is there a way I can just... not dream of sex? I'm probably doing it wrong anyway. I've never actually seen a man in that way."

Male Human, AC 17 (T 13, FF 14), CMD 18, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1, Init +4, Perception +6, HP 15/27 Ranger (Skirmisher) 3

Corindus' Morning:
His wife's request might have overwhelmed him if he was thinking clearly. As it is, though, the sheriff's mind continues to be dominated by the voices from his dream. While other dreams would have normally faded into dimly remembered echos, the memory of this one stares him dead in the eye as Corin shoves kindling into the stove.

He sets some sparks with flint and steel, and as he waits for them to spread among the wooden twigs, Corin fetches the eggs, potatoes, and pork. On a normal morning he might have worried about taking such a sizeable chunk out of their weekly food budget for a single meal, but again his mind is not entirely in the waking world.

The sound of roughhousing and whining distracts him from the food preparation and helps to ground him back in reality.

His hands are upon his eldest daughters' shoulders before they even notice their father's approach. He applies no force. With simply the weight of his knotty fingers on her shoulder, Miara releases her grasp on Tiara's hair. She mutters an apology, directed more to her father than her twin. Corin also shoots a glance towards Horace, who'd been watching from the side of the room, as if to say that this involved him, too.

He tasks Horace and Tia with making the beds and some other cleaning, while Mia is sent to burn off some energy by bringing in some firewood from the cord leaning against the cabin. Now that his mind is now sharpened, Corin returns to breakfast and begins shredding the potatoes while waiting for the slices of butter to melt in the pans he set on the stove.

Although he tries to avoid it, his mind casts back to the dream. Instinctively, he suspects his old adventuring mates probably had similar visions. Thus, he decides to check in with them when he heads into town for the day.

succubus is under Knowledge(Planes)


Bathhouse Backyard

Noya replies back
"You don't really suck out men's souls, it's more like you consumer their Yang to help balance your extremely large amount of Yin."

"Just a vague dream, aren't all dreams vague.
As for controlling the content of your dreams that is something you'll need to figure out,
as it appears your mind is tilting to one subject due to your succubus blood."


Darrion Morning:

"I know it is a good spring morning, but we all have things to do.
I'll check up on the girls, can you check up on the boys before I start making breakfast."


Kinshara Morning:

"Seems your still a half-awake dear, bad dream?,
I'll check up on the kids and get breakfast started."


Corindus' Morning:

After breakfast is ready everyone is at the table sans Mary and the two youngest.

A good 25 minutes pass into the meal before Mary enters the room with a face saying "I called it."

She sits down with the rest and starts eating.
"Miara remember it's your turn for watching over Grachius and Gellius as Tiara is going to help the Lockslys out in running the Kirk today.
As you avoid doing it last time, as I have my hands full looking after Aerodus and Morvius and doing some of the housework."

Miara "Mia" Droven

Corindus' Morning:

"Ah, but I wanted to do have some fun my friends, and want to get ready for the summer festival's tournament."

Horace Droven:

Corindus' Morning:

Adding with a bit of a playful smile
"Guess I get to be the one to play, after I tend to the chickens as usual...."

Miara "Mia" Droven

Corindus' Morning:

Mia replies with a unhappy face, playing somewhat with her braided hair.
"No need to rub it in twerp."


Corindus' Morning:

Mary replies to Mia
"It is one of your chores young lady, and remember you won't get any Full blade training for a month if you decide to disappear before I say you can go and have some fun."

Mary replies to Horace
"Your sister is right, Horace, don't rub it in."

Female Succubus-Touched Monk (Scaled Fist) Lv.2 | 14s-16d-10c-14i-10w-18x | HP:13/13 | KP:0/7 | SF:2/2, DC16 | AC:17-17t-14ff | 3fs-6rs-3ws | CMD:19-21gr | +9:Dance, +8:Stealth, +7:Acro-Escape-Religion-Swim, +6:Climb

"I do not want to consume a man's Yang—how gross!" Wu Chen realizes she may be overreacting. "Oh, sorry... maybe I am overthinking this because that demoness scared me with all her talk of corruption.

"But I am glad you are willing to help me understand my changes. It is easier for Father if I talk to you instead of Vona."

She looks at the baby belly, and asks rather giddily, "Is the baby kicking?" It should be obvious to Noya that Wu Chen wants to feel the baby kicking. For all of the teen nun's talk of avoiding men, she adores the result—the earliest stages of life!

Male Human | Wizard (Diviner: Foresight subschool)/ Level 3| HP: 13/21 | F:+3, R:+3, W:+3| AC: 12 | Diplomacy +2, Perception +6, Knowledge arcana: +9, Knowledge local: +9, Knowledge nature: +9, Knowledge planes: +10, Spellcraft: +10, Craft (alchemy): +9, Use Magic Device +7| Spells; Euphoric Cloud, Detect Thoughts, Summon Minor Monster, Color Spray, Grease, Detect Secret Doors -0- Detect Magic, Acid splash, Dancing lights

Darion’s morning:
Very well my love, but how are you feeling today? The girls and I can make breakfast after I check on the boys. How about you just continue to rest

Male Human, AC 17 (T 13, FF 14), CMD 18, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1, Init +4, Perception +6, HP 15/27 Ranger (Skirmisher) 3

Corindus' Morning:

"I'd almost forgotten about the festival," Corin groans. "I'm not looking forward to making sure folks don't have too much fun."

A knowing smile then crosses his face as he turns to his oldest son, aiming to rein in his attitude.

"You know what, Horace? I think you're old enough to help your father clean up after breakfast," he says proudly. "If you want to grow up strong, you can't be afraid to hoist a few bowls and pans."


Bathhouse Backyard

Noya replies back
"I think I should of made it more clear, Yang is energy, kinda like the energy between magnets and essence like once's aura.
This is not only for your benefit, but possibly the towns as well if things start going down another path."

Noya seeing Wu Chen eyeing the pregnant belly adds
"Your free to feel, but I think she's resting some.
As she's not as active as her other siblings so I think she'll be less physically energetic of the children, maybe a thinker.
She and her siblings all come from the ultimate expression of Love and Lust."


Darion’s morning:

"I'm feeling fine, though the back ache is a real pain in the back at times.
I'll be at the table when you and the girls have everything ready."

Miara "Mia" Droven

Corindus' Morning:

Looking a bit down knowing that she could lose a month of learning the Fullblade replies
"I'll watch them, and hope Gellius doesn't do his stupid poop prank again.
It's disgusting and a pain to clean up."

then she thinks about the tournament to pick herself up.
"The fullblade is my ticket for winning this year's tournament."

Tiara "Tia" Droven

Corindus' Morning:

With her long silver hair starting to gain a natural curl
Tiara replies to her sister's words and her confidence in her shield and sword training.
"A large blade does not mean guaranteed victory, if the tournament used a narrow dungeon setup, you'll be in last place, a shield and long sword are best for any environment setup for this year's tournament."

Miara "Mia" Droven

Corindus' Morning:

Miara stops playing with her long silver braid and replies back to her sister with her competitive smile.
"We'll just see who gets victory in this years tournament."

Horace Droven:

Corindus' Morning:

Horace replies back to his father
"Sure dad, then I'll check the chickens and see if anything needs to be done, as I've already replaced their water, switched in some clean hay and feed."

Tiara "Tia" Droven

Corindus' Morning:

Tiara does a bit of a pay back to her sister for pulling her hair this morning.
"Looks like Horace is more responsible then his tomboyish older sister."

Horace Droven:

Corindus' Morning:

Horace replies back to his sister with a big goofy smile
"Really Tia?"


Corindus' Morning:

Hearing Tiara provoke her sister some adds
"Girls no more provoking each other or you'll both be grounded.
As I don't want to be dealing with another one of your fights.

And your be looking after all four of your younger twin brothers for the month your grounded."

Female Succubus-Touched Monk (Scaled Fist) Lv.2 | 14s-16d-10c-14i-10w-18x | HP:13/13 | KP:0/7 | SF:2/2, DC16 | AC:17-17t-14ff | 3fs-6rs-3ws | CMD:19-21gr | +9:Dance, +8:Stealth, +7:Acro-Escape-Religion-Swim, +6:Climb

Wu Chun feels the round belly. "This is a beautiful stage of life, but not one I will experience. I cannot not break my vows. I learned a hard lesson the one time I expressed a willingness to compromise my vows thinking what I did served a greater good.

"Now I know better: Shelyn comes first, so my vows must." The girl considers Noya's words, and says, "This Yin you speak of... if lying with a man is not an option, what then? Am I to look for romance in the woman's bath?" Though Wu Chen finds herself attracted to women as well as men, she isn't entirely serious. "I think I am too sweaty from my workout to attract a mate. But I do appreciate you explaining this change.

"Please forgive me if I am resistant to the idea of becoming a wife and mother, but I will only act on advice that does not make me an oathbreaker. I cannot be with a man, no matter the benefit to me or the... town?" With a quizzical look, she asks in semi-jest, "Am I really such a prize?" Father's advice comes out in the form of a follow-up question: "What kind of prize would I be if I gave myself to the whole town? I do not wish to be a participation trophy!"

She rises to head to the bath, though she waits to see if her pregnant friend needs a hand up. If Noya wants to join Wu Chen in the woman's bath, she is happy to continue this conversation while relaxing.

She does not care if other women overhear her. If anything, she wants gossip to spread that the local succubus nun does not want a boyfriend. —Especially not some hunk standing under the mistletoe at a Crystalhue party!

Male Human | Wizard (Diviner: Foresight subschool)/ Level 3| HP: 13/21 | F:+3, R:+3, W:+3| AC: 12 | Diplomacy +2, Perception +6, Knowledge arcana: +9, Knowledge local: +9, Knowledge nature: +9, Knowledge planes: +10, Spellcraft: +10, Craft (alchemy): +9, Use Magic Device +7| Spells; Euphoric Cloud, Detect Thoughts, Summon Minor Monster, Color Spray, Grease, Detect Secret Doors -0- Detect Magic, Acid splash, Dancing lights

After breakfast Darion Kisses Eve and cleans up the dishes. He then waves goodbye to his family as he goes for a final time to investigate the strange rooms where Wu Chen and the succubus were found. His resolve has changed just like he told his wife, to ensuring no one can be harmed anymore from the place.

He visits casually with various townsfolk on his way then meets Luk there and explains that after studying the site for seven years, he now only wishes to ensure everyone’s safety and doesn’t care to unlock any secrets here

Male Human, AC 17 (T 13, FF 14), CMD 18, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1, Init +4, Perception +6, HP 15/27 Ranger (Skirmisher) 3

Corindus' Morning:
Corindus turns his attention back to his two oldest children

"Before you two begin dueling right here at the breakfast table, perhaps you girls should give a thought to the other competition. Who else is competing this year? Maybe your old man can give you some strategic advice? I'm pretty sure that's not against the rules," he says to Tia and Mia with a wink.

Wu Chen goes to the women's bath in the bathhouse and no one is there.


Undergound area

Luk sees Darrion enter the rooms they've been studying for the past 7 years.
"Morning Darrion, let's see if we can crack this part of the room's setup, as it has stumped us for the past week.
And I figure we have only figured out about half of this room,
and then figuring out how to disable all the spells and make it safe.
I still gotta say whoever made all this was either a genius or a madman,
using single runes in multiple spells and even doing it with spell schools that oppose each other."

Tiara "Tia" Droven

Corindus' Morning:

Tia smiles a bit at her father's words
"I'm sure that Natsume and Katsume will be joining.
Even without armour they are hard to hit and are sneaky in their fights."

Miara "Mia" Droven

Corindus' Morning:

Mia also smiles a bit at her father's words
"I'm sure that Jim and Jane will also be joining.
And they'll be using their size and preference for two-handed blades."

Mia sighs some
"The only one I think will be the real problem is Damien, since he predicts things so well and targets one's weak points.
Doesn't help his spell books already has a ton of cantrips and beginner spells.
Who knows if he's even giving Danika and Boden tips for the tournament.
Though Danika would likely go at it with a single graceful one handed weapon, Boden spents a lot of time in the woods and have not seen how he fights yet."

Tiara "Tia" Droven

Corindus' Morning:

Tia also sighs some at the mention of Damien
"Don't remind me of how easily he took both out last year."

Then continues
"We also have Nawe, and Aliyah, but Aliyah isn't as strong in combat as Nawe is.
We also have Tina and Lina, Lina is kinda like Natsume and Katsume, but she does prefer light armour and is sneaker, Tina is a like myself though physically weaker, she is hardier and more personable, then myself."

Miara "Mia" Droven

Corindus' Morning:

"I think we can count on Peter and Anna joining in
Peter is like Tina in most regards, But Anna does boost herself up with her extracts.
And last but not least Ben and Jen, Ben is like Peter, but Jen is like myself."

Horace Droven:

Corindus' Morning:

"I should be old enough for the tournament next year.
And hope to prove my strength."


Corindus' Morning:

Mary adds in her own words
"I don't think your the only one who might be giving tips to their kids for the the tournament this year, dear.
But the addition of double team tournament will mean, if the girls go for that one as well, they will need to think of a team partner whom they can work with.
And I can easily see Natsume and Katsume being one of the teams as well as Jim and Jane.
But their likeness would mean they have a common weakness.
The most troubling team I could see forming would be Damien and Boden, since each covers the other's weakness and has variety in attack methods.

Female Succubus-Touched Monk (Scaled Fist) Lv.2 | 14s-16d-10c-14i-10w-18x | HP:13/13 | KP:0/7 | SF:2/2, DC16 | AC:17-17t-14ff | 3fs-6rs-3ws | CMD:19-21gr | +9:Dance, +8:Stealth, +7:Acro-Escape-Religion-Swim, +6:Climb

After relaxing in solitude, Wu Chen dries and dresses, then takes a stroll around town.

Miara "Mia" Droven

Corindus' Morning:

Mia sighs some
"If there is a tag tournament, I can bet Billy and Bobby Barns are going to enter as a team and they cause trouble..."

after a few moments adds with a slightly troubled face
"Oh Dad, if Deputy Hawks mentions me causing trouble hear him out, as I didn't start it, it was Billy and Bobby Barns."

Horace Droven:

Corindus' Morning:

Horance adds with a slight smile on his face
"What'd you do sis....."

Male Human, AC 17 (T 13, FF 14), CMD 18, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1, Init +4, Perception +6, HP 15/27 Ranger (Skirmisher) 3

Corindus' Morning:

Corin turns his eyes upon Miara, but he quickly scales back the frustrated ire of his first glance. While many fathers' first instinct is to be gruff upon learning that their child had misbehaved, he wanted to temper his approach.

"I'm glad to be hearing this straight from you, Mia, rather than trying to keep quiet about it," the father says, still perfecting his tone to affect an air of wisdom. "I will hear Deputy Hawks' side of the story, but first I want to hear yours."

Before his daughter can begin, though, Corindus directs Tiara and Horace to finish cleaning up from breakfast in order to keep them from taunting their sibling.

Miara "Mia" Droven

Corindus' Morning:

Mia starts talking about the events,
"I was walking along going to see if Jim and Jane were available so we could train together, and then Billy and Bobby Barns
approached me and tried to provoke a fight out of me, saying various things.
But I just turned it around on them and then they threw the first punch and I fought back without losing my cool and only injured them a bit."

"Gotta thank Auntie Noya for helping me disciple myself some, otherwise I might of lost it and really railed on them and regretting more things later."

Billy and Bobby Barns are Incubus tieflings, and given their possible alignment could of been at greater risk of injury if she did lose it and rage on them.

Times goes by and it comes to be about past Noon.

Wu Chen enter's the Busty Minotaur and sees new faces to town just leaving the Busty Minotaur.

Darrion and Luk are so focused on their work they don't notice it is Lunch until Danika comes dropping off Her father's lunch, and
Obromi drops his father's lunch off as well.

Kinshara is working at her half-way house.
Roll a perception check.

Corindus is in his office going over his paperwork and is preparing town security for festival since the one seven years ago showed how many weak points for crime and unwanted crooks to do what they want were present.

If no spoiler remember to include a OOC mark with the character's location

Deputy Hawks:

Corindus' Office:

"Afternoon Boss, Seems your tomboy of a daughter gave Billy and Bobby Barns a good fight.
Mr Barns filed it after the fight, but I looked into it so there would be no bias in finding out the events especially in the public eye as usually when it deals with Maria and a fight.

I check with every witness that saw it and were close enough to listen on the works said.

Seems the Boys were looking for a fight, but always prefer it if the other throws the first punch so then they could beat them claiming it was self defense.
Your Daughter seems to of set them off when she replied with
"If your stronger then most why are the two of you trying to pick a fight with one girl at the same time?"
The boys being bullies and being hit back with a truthful reply showing their own weakness threw first.
I'm amazed she kept her temper more so in check this past month especially with what the boys said."

"I'll be speaking with Mr Barns and telling him what I found out about who really started it.
And is it Ok if I add that if the boys attempt a fraudulent report and it is found to be fraudulent, that we won't ever take their word again or add that they'll have a fitting punishment?"

"I'll be speaking with Mr Barns and telling him what I found out about who really started it.
And is it Ok if I add that if the boys attempt a fraudulent report and it is found to be fraudulent,
that we won't ever take their word again or add that they'll have a fitting punishment?"

"Oh and seems your tough tomboy daughter may have a soft motherly spot
as I think the boys were looking for something to bully and she put herself in their view,
as Maria walked through a small cluster of shrubs that the boys were going to walk by.
I found traces of a nest box on the ground hidden by the shrubs.
About the size for a cat I think, as the nest box was not there when I was checking the paths of each party involved,
but there is evidence it was there in the last 24 hours.
So she might of moved it when no one was looking and busy looking else where."


Undergound area
Danika enters as she does normally
"Hey daddy, Here's your lunch."

she plays with her long red hair some before adding with a big energetic smile.
"Can I go over to hear Mary Droven's place to hear stories of her times on the sea and the few other places she's been?
As I do enjoy hearing some of her stories as she's one of the few women in town that have experienced excitement outside of the hollow."


Undergound area
Obromi enters and drops off his father's lunch
"Here's your lunch father, have you figured out that annoying intersected rune yet?"


Undergound area

"No we have not, son and hopefully it'll be figured out soon."

Female Succubus-Touched Monk (Scaled Fist) Lv.2 | 14s-16d-10c-14i-10w-18x | HP:13/13 | KP:0/7 | SF:2/2, DC16 | AC:17-17t-14ff | 3fs-6rs-3ws | CMD:19-21gr | +9:Dance, +8:Stealth, +7:Acro-Escape-Religion-Swim, +6:Climb

Wu Chen makes a slight polite bow and says, "Good morning." If the pair does not stop to chat, Wu Chen enters the Busty Minotaur.

In either case, she reminds herself, Do not judge their suspicious appearance too quickly, but keep your guard up. The succubus touch is your lesson for underestimating and empathizing with a brazenly ovbious evil woman. Do not repeat this error!

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