Euan's Second Darkness (Inactive)

Game Master Euan

Roll 20 Map
Treasure Sheet
Map of the Land of Black Blood

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Spirits Dispenser 15
F12R11W19;Appr+5;Dip +7;HandAn+4;Heal+11;Arc +19;Geog +19;Local +13;Nat+14;Pls21;Rel+19;Perc+25;Barkeep+13;Sense+12;Spllcrft+21(+4moreIDing );Stealth+18(+4);Surv +11;UMD+21
Garridan wrote:
"I suggest we..."

Kaylayne nods along with Garridan's suggestion.

Ederin wrote:
" why don't we...?"

Kaylayne shrugs and is happy to do that as well.

"I just need a good night's rest before I go spelunking, that's all. I'm happy to march about wherever until then," Kaylayne notes as she stretches out her legs. She ponders as she tries to get her legs loose.

"Let's go with Ederin's plan. It's simple and quick," Kaylayne agrees after some thought. "Should be pretty easy for today."

Kaylayne moves to follow Ederin.

Roll 20 Map

GM Rolls:
1d20 ⇒ 1

Keeping it simple, and as there is plenty of time, the party searches half-heartedly the area around the town, but finds nothing of particular note in the cliffs. You do find one cave, but it is fairly shallow and doesn’t lead anywhere.

Night too is largely uneventful. Around about third watch a lone zombie strode into camp, but you fell it fairly quickly I’m sure.

Morning dawns (13 Arodus, 4709) bright and clear and you have the whole day ahead of you. Where do you begin?

For each half day of searching, please give me a Perception check. You may aid-another if you prefer, rather than rolling your own independent checks.

Male CG human bard 10 (arcane duelist) / Swashbuckler 5 | CMB: 13, CMD: 29 | F: +11, R: +19, W: +13 | Init: +10 | Perc: +18, SM +8 | Speed 30ft |

perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Dimitrio gets up, stretches, and mumbles "Eight more days to go." But quickly adds, "At most, let's not forget to look for a ship, people."

He then flavors and warms his rations with magic and gives everyone an enigmatic smile. "Don't look at me like that. I feel good about today." He sniffs the wind, "I can.. smell it."

He then claps Ederin in his shoulder, "Follow me today, Shorty. We're going straight south and then heading east. And don't forget to keep an eye out for caves and a ship. Oh, and Zincher; don't forget about him either."

│HP: 69/105 │AC:26 FF:21 T:18│CMD35 CMB +15│Init+9 │ Saves: F12,R20, W10│
Skills:Acro+7 Clmb+6, HAn+4, Intim+15, K:Geo +16, Dun+5, Loc+7, Nat +16), Lin+2, Perc. +20, Prof:Soldier +7, Ride +11, SenMo +20 , Splcrft+10, Stealth+26,Surv +20 │

Ederin looks curiously at Dimitrio and even smiles a bit, letting the bards good mood improve his own after a few days of being sour.

"Don't get too carried away Carini, I've still got a better eye than you." Ederin eats his morning's ration and checks his ammo and weapons, making sure everything is good to go before he leaves. When ready he follows Dimitrio and looks for a decent cave, using his knowledge of geography to point out likely spots.

Perception (1st Half of Day): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
K. Geo (if it helps): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Perception(2nd Half of Day): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
K. Geo (if it helps): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Spirits Dispenser 15
F12R11W19;Appr+5;Dip +7;HandAn+4;Heal+11;Arc +19;Geog +19;Local +13;Nat+14;Pls21;Rel+19;Perc+25;Barkeep+13;Sense+12;Spllcrft+21(+4moreIDing );Stealth+18(+4);Surv +11;UMD+21

Kaylayne groggily awakes in the morning. She had taken her shift during the night, and sometimes she wakes with hair and mind out of place. She takes some time to collect her thoughts and think upon things before she is ready to decamp.

After a bit of time alone, she is ready to move on.

Carini wrote:
"Follow me today, Shorty."

Kaylayne flashes a well-earned smile at the pair and she follows both them. She keeps her own eyes open for caves, and will breaks so she can scamper over or around a crag to get a look at things that the others cannot without climbing.

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22 Perception - Part 1
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18 Perception - Part 2

Human HP 115; AC 23, T 16/FF 20; F+11, R+14, W+14; Init +5; Perc +23; CMD 27/24FF

Lief flicks a look every once and a while during the night. He twists the ring on his finger, respecting its ability to provide nourishment and shorten the amount of time he spends sleeping, and he enjoys the quiet when the others fall asleep in turn. He takes time to prepare his formulae, and ready himself for the next day.


Expeditious Retreat, Shield, True Strike(x2), Cat's Grace(x2)

He watches the mixtures settle, so takes his turn sleeping, knowing that the titrations should reach precipitation just before he wakes.

He spends a little time looking over his hand crossbow as he waits for the others to wake. He tries to imagine Depora and her intent, while he turns over her weapon in his hands. He looks it over for signs of drow writing, beginning to wonder what it may look like should they encounter further drow while he bears a tool of theirs.

Lief listens to Dimitrio and Ederin as they take the lead. When he teases Ederin about Zincher, he unconsciously snarls.

Perception 1: 1d20 + 11 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 11 + (3) = 15
Perception 2: 1d20 + 11 + 1d6 ⇒ (19) + 11 + (1) = 31

Quick Ref:
F6R4W7;Percept +12;Spllcrft +4; Know. Relig. +4; Sense Motive +7; Initative +6;

Garridan takes some of his last remaining ale and spills it on the ground as he meditates on the course of cations the group could take today. Finally he asks, "Will we find the drow by searching for caves on this island."

Augury 74% chance of success. 74 % or less: 1d100 ⇒ 85 if you would rather make this roll feel free.

0 level - (4) Light, Purify food and drink, Mending, Detect Magic
1 level - (4) Bless, Divine Favor, Divine Favor , Protection from evil, Divine Favor
2 level - (3)Air step x 2, Augury

Roll 20 Map

The party spends the day following along the cliff, occasionally sending Kaylayne down to check out some rock formation or other, but otherwise walking slowly and, mostly, looking down.

You do in fact find several caves throughout the day, but none lead to Drow. (I'm assuming a take-10 search at the back of each cave for secrets. If you want to take-20, that's fine, you just don't get as far down the coast. Please let me know.)

By the end of the day, you're weary and eye-sore and all you have to show for it is one pound of Noqual that Lief found in the afternoon. Granted that was a bit of a surprise as you're kinda far from the blast site, but there you have it.

You feel like you might have more success along the coast from below. Or at least make better time. The terrain is about as tough (on the topside you've a forest right up to the edge so it's tricky to maneuver safely) but it's easier to see the caves from there. Marginally.

Male CG human bard 10 (arcane duelist) / Swashbuckler 5 | CMB: 13, CMD: 29 | F: +11, R: +19, W: +13 | Init: +10 | Perc: +18, SM +8 | Speed 30ft |
GM_Euan wrote:
You feel like you might have more success along the coast from below. Or at least make better time. The terrain is about as tough (on the topside you've a forest right up to the edge so it's tricky to maneuver safely) but it's easier to see the caves from there. Marginally.

Dimitrio's shoulders slump, his feet drag, even his mustache is turned down.

He shakes his head as if trying to shake away their bad luck and starts whistling an upbeat tune. After a while, he mumbles to no one in particular, "Well, at least we're one day closer to getting back to the Goblin..."

GM: I'm assuming you're keeping track of where we explored. So we went straight south from 'B' and then went east. How far did we get? If you went straight down from 'D', did we get there?

Roll 20 Map

Yes, I'm keeping rough track - you won't cover the same ground twice. You probably explored about a mile, mile and a half, over the course of the day. It's slow going as there are a lot of caves and potential caves to check out. You might make two miles at the coast level. Less across the board if you take-20 on your cave searches, but not a lot less.

It'll be a few days to search the entire coast no matter what. Not bad really considering the level of detail in your search. The boots help a LOT.

My understanding is you went straight south from 'B' and then east along the coast through the forest above the cliffs.

Quick Ref:
F6R4W7;Percept +12;Spllcrft +4; Know. Relig. +4; Sense Motive +7; Initative +6;

Garridan searches with his companions using his magic when he can to help.

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18

Casts Airwalk as necessary, (up to 2 times)

Roll 20 Map

Air Step I think you mean Garridan.

Air Walk would be incredibly useful as you could 'walk' 50' out from the cliffs or so and take in the whole scene. Much faster. Unfortunately Air Step isn't quite as good but it does help in some of the tougher spots to reach.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quick Ref:
F6R4W7;Percept +12;Spllcrft +4; Know. Relig. +4; Sense Motive +7; Initative +6;

You are right. One can dream, can't one.

Spirits Dispenser 15
F12R11W19;Appr+5;Dip +7;HandAn+4;Heal+11;Arc +19;Geog +19;Local +13;Nat+14;Pls21;Rel+19;Perc+25;Barkeep+13;Sense+12;Spllcrft+21(+4moreIDing );Stealth+18(+4);Surv +11;UMD+21

Kaylayne seems wearied, but not broken by their failure. She's willing to continue looking, and continues to do her part in the searches using her magic boots.

"Maybe the caves aren't the answer. Maybe we should be searching where the meteor hit more to see what the Drow were trying to destroy. Just that nothing makes sense to me yet."

Kaylayne continues to search via the route suggested by Ederin or Dimitrio.

│HP: 69/105 │AC:26 FF:21 T:18│CMD35 CMB +15│Init+9 │ Saves: F12,R20, W10│
Skills:Acro+7 Clmb+6, HAn+4, Intim+15, K:Geo +16, Dun+5, Loc+7, Nat +16), Lin+2, Perc. +20, Prof:Soldier +7, Ride +11, SenMo +20 , Splcrft+10, Stealth+26,Surv +20 │

Ederin sits on the ground as the day nears it's end and drinks a bit from his water skin.

"Maybe we try down by the coast tomorrow?" He wipes some beaded water from the growing stubble on his chin. "You lot want to camp here, or trek back to the village and take up our usual spot?"

Whatever the case Ederin keeps quiet until the next morning, trying to think of anything that may speed up their search. When they do set out in search of more caves, Ederin is somewhat distracted.

Perception 1: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
Perception 2: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

As the party searches, he pulls a couple rations from his pack and mutters a few magical words. He then walks up to the nearest tree and speaks loudly into the surrounding forest trying to make eye contact with any birds or other wildlife.

"Anyone hungry? I've got some food here if you can answer some questions?"

This better work. I feel like a proper fool.

Roll 20 Map

Most of the wildlife scatter in a panic as the large man suddenly starts speaking their language, but one largish albatross seems to linger.

The large bird shuffles toward the man, and grabs the food out of his hand. Giving him a meaningful stare, the bird stomps off and gulps it... waiting.

Just for clarity, this takes place the evening before you sleep.

│HP: 69/105 │AC:26 FF:21 T:18│CMD35 CMB +15│Init+9 │ Saves: F12,R20, W10│
Skills:Acro+7 Clmb+6, HAn+4, Intim+15, K:Geo +16, Dun+5, Loc+7, Nat +16), Lin+2, Perc. +20, Prof:Soldier +7, Ride +11, SenMo +20 , Splcrft+10, Stealth+26,Surv +20 │

Here goes nothin'.

Ederin pulls another ration from his bag and holds it out of reach. Not having ever talked to a bird before, he's not entirely sure what to expect.

"So, uh, bird. Have you seen any people or...elves I guess, um." He shakes his head and starts over, hoping he hasn't confused the animal.
"Have you seen anything that walks on two legs comin' in or out of the caves? If you have, can you show me which cave they use?"

He keeps a tight grip on the food in his hand, making sure he doesn't lose this one before getting some sort of reply.

Roll 20 Map

"Whaat!" it squawks. "Whaat!"

It pecks at the food, trying to get it out of your hand. Eventually it says, "Many caves, many caves. Uh, people, come from caves - there!" The albatross gestures to the east. Hard to say exactly where it's gesturing but somewhere maybe a mile or so further away.

It squawks again and bites at your fingers trying to get at the food.

│HP: 69/105 │AC:26 FF:21 T:18│CMD35 CMB +15│Init+9 │ Saves: F12,R20, W10│
Skills:Acro+7 Clmb+6, HAn+4, Intim+15, K:Geo +16, Dun+5, Loc+7, Nat +16), Lin+2, Perc. +20, Prof:Soldier +7, Ride +11, SenMo +20 , Splcrft+10, Stealth+26,Surv +20 │

That's somethin' I guess, don't know what I expected.

Ederin offers the bird half of the food he's holding and shows it the rest, so it doesn't fly off right away.

"Come find us in the morning. If you can show me the right cave, I'll give you more food." He tosses the rest of what he's holding at the albatross, wondering if it will even remember who he is in the morning.
Worth a shot I guess.

Done with the creature, Ederin turns back to camp lets the rest of the group know that a bird has a confirmed sighting of 'people' in caves to the east, half expecting them to laugh it off when he does.

Male CG human bard 10 (arcane duelist) / Swashbuckler 5 | CMB: 13, CMD: 29 | F: +11, R: +19, W: +13 | Init: +10 | Perc: +18, SM +8 | Speed 30ft |
Ederin Valenta wrote:
Done with the creature, Ederin turns back to camp lets the rest of the group know that a bird has a confirmed sighting of 'people' in caves to the east, half expecting them to laugh it off when he does.

Dimitrio raises his eyebrow and looks at his other companions as Ederin told his story.

"Ok, so you went to the woods by yourself and a little bird told you about the people and the caves?"

He barely contains a chuckle, "So, did the little bird tell you anything else? Like where the unicorns are hiding?"

He claps his knee and bursts out laughing, "I'm-- I'm sorry, Shorty. It just all sounds so funny, especially coming from you who are always serious and stuff."

Sorry for nonsense post, but I just couldn't resist. :) And GM, I feel your pain; I always have 'trouble' talking for animals in the games I GM.

Spirits Dispenser 15
F12R11W19;Appr+5;Dip +7;HandAn+4;Heal+11;Arc +19;Geog +19;Local +13;Nat+14;Pls21;Rel+19;Perc+25;Barkeep+13;Sense+12;Spllcrft+21(+4moreIDing );Stealth+18(+4);Surv +11;UMD+21
Dimitrio Carini wrote:
"Ok, so you went to the woods by yourself and a little bird told you about the people and the caves?"

"A bird told you, huh?" Kaylayne says with a smile. "At least that is something I understand more. The eyes of nature are everywhere."

Kaylayne gives a look to Ederin.

"Sure. In the morning we'll see what the birdie saw. If it works, maybe we'll try the same for Zincher."

In the morning, before they enter the bird cave, Kaylayne will use her wand to create 3 weaponized stones.

Roll 20 Map

The night passes without incident and the dawn rises... though late as clouds block the sky. Rain today.

No birds seem to welcome Ederin the following morning. Do you try for another animal? Head to the rough location and search? What's the morning plan?

Quick Ref:
F6R4W7;Percept +12;Spllcrft +4; Know. Relig. +4; Sense Motive +7; Initative +6;

"Might as well listen to the bird," Garridan suggests to his companions as they make their preparations to search.

│HP: 69/105 │AC:26 FF:21 T:18│CMD35 CMB +15│Init+9 │ Saves: F12,R20, W10│
Skills:Acro+7 Clmb+6, HAn+4, Intim+15, K:Geo +16, Dun+5, Loc+7, Nat +16), Lin+2, Perc. +20, Prof:Soldier +7, Ride +11, SenMo +20 , Splcrft+10, Stealth+26,Surv +20 │

Ederin shakes his head when he realizes the bird isn't coming back.

"At least we know we were going in the right direction."
Ederin heads towards the next stretch of land hoping they can find the cave without another awkward bird conversation. If the party is unable to find a cave that they believe is the one they're looking for by midday, Ederin will attempt to find another animal in the immediate area, using the same tactic as last night to see if any can point him in the right direction.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human HP 115; AC 23, T 16/FF 20; F+11, R+14, W+14; Init +5; Perc +23; CMD 27/24FF

As Ederin makes his report, Lief takes in the part where he had talked to a bird to retrieve intel. He nods and waits to follow the bird whisperer to the next spot of investigation. "So, you have some skill with magic, as well as a bow, eh?"

The young man considers the nature of magic that can facilitate the conversation between bird and human brain, and chuckles, when his thoughts turn to a cartoonish version of Ederin's brain being not too far from that of an albatross.

Male CG human bard 10 (arcane duelist) / Swashbuckler 5 | CMB: 13, CMD: 29 | F: +11, R: +19, W: +13 | Init: +10 | Perc: +18, SM +8 | Speed 30ft |

After eating some bacon-flavored... something, the bard is ready to start exploring again.

He massages his feet before putting on his boots and speaks, "Well, as long as the little bird told you to explore an area we haven't explored yet, I think that's the way we ought to go."

The bard mumbled, "Seven more days to go..."

perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Roll 20 Map

GM Rolls:
1d20 ⇒ 16

I presume you march from here to there directly, and then begin searching again, rather than searching all along the coast from here to there. You can always come back and close the gap later if need be.

It's mid morning when you stand at the edge of the cliff, hoping to find the home of the drow on the island. Kaylayne climbs down and begins a search while the party fans out a bit above to look for overhangs or other signs of caves.

Still need morning perception checks from Lief and Kaylayne please.

Spirits Dispenser 15
F12R11W19;Appr+5;Dip +7;HandAn+4;Heal+11;Arc +19;Geog +19;Local +13;Nat+14;Pls21;Rel+19;Perc+25;Barkeep+13;Sense+12;Spllcrft+21(+4moreIDing );Stealth+18(+4);Surv +11;UMD+21

Kaylayne climbs down and begins a search while the party fans out a bit above to look for overhangs or other signs of caves.

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17 Perception morn
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23 Perception afternoon

Roll 20 Map

Perception Lief: 1d20 + 11 + 1d6 ⇒ (20) + 11 + (4) = 35

Fine, critical for the party. I see how you are... sigh. Damn dicebot.

Lief leans way out, possibly helped by Garridan's Air Step, and suggests Kaylayne follow a particular ledge he spied from above. She does, and finds clear signs of passage along a path leading up to a stone wall.

Spirits Dispenser 15
F12R11W19;Appr+5;Dip +7;HandAn+4;Heal+11;Arc +19;Geog +19;Local +13;Nat+14;Pls21;Rel+19;Perc+25;Barkeep+13;Sense+12;Spllcrft+21(+4moreIDing );Stealth+18(+4);Surv +11;UMD+21

A path!

Kaylayne holds her hand out to stop the others, trying to let her get an unobstructed examination of the path and where it leads.

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20 Survival -tracks?

Roll 20 Map

Kaylayne is alone on the ledge, the rest of the party is some 80' or so above her at the top of the cliff.

You do find tracks, lots of them leading to and from a blank wall. The ledge rises slightly along the cliff face toward the east away from the wall. Do you go up the trail? If so, how far?

│HP: 69/105 │AC:26 FF:21 T:18│CMD35 CMB +15│Init+9 │ Saves: F12,R20, W10│
Skills:Acro+7 Clmb+6, HAn+4, Intim+15, K:Geo +16, Dun+5, Loc+7, Nat +16), Lin+2, Perc. +20, Prof:Soldier +7, Ride +11, SenMo +20 , Splcrft+10, Stealth+26,Surv +20 │
Lief Anemoi wrote:
"So, you have some skill with magic, as well as a bow, eh?"

Ederin sheepishly rubs the backs of his head and laughs a bit. He's doing his best to be good-natured about all the ribbing he's gotten for speaking with a bird, so he's thankful that Lief has brought up something else.

"Happened a little after we dealt with Depora. Was doin' a bit of meditatin' an' suddenly I had all this knowledge in my head." He shakes his head, debating the idea of explaining his vision, but he figures the bird talk is making him sound crazy enough. "Don't quite know everythin' I can do yet."

Later, while Kaylayne walks along the ledge below Ederin sits quietly by the edge of the cliff, bow ready, incase she needs help while she's alone.

Spirits Dispenser 15
F12R11W19;Appr+5;Dip +7;HandAn+4;Heal+11;Arc +19;Geog +19;Local +13;Nat+14;Pls21;Rel+19;Perc+25;Barkeep+13;Sense+12;Spllcrft+21(+4moreIDing );Stealth+18(+4);Surv +11;UMD+21

GM Evilan:
Kaylayne follows the path (going away from the wall) for a bit, but not walking along the path (on a cliff or whatever) and tries to figure out where it goes on the island. She'll go for about 50' or so, then return to the party and explain what she found.

She wants to find a spot where the party can join her easily.

Human HP 115; AC 23, T 16/FF 20; F+11, R+14, W+14; Init +5; Perc +23; CMD 27/24FF

Almost subconsciously, Lief manages a very good look around, helping the others to locate their next location.

Ederin wrote:
"Happened a little after we dealt with Depora. Was doin' a bit of meditatin' an' suddenly I had all this knowledge in my head. Don't quite know everythin' I can do yet."

Lief nods knowingly. "Epiphany. It's a mysterious event in and of itself, but I'm glad your the recipient of it, and not a man like Zincher." He smirks, and taps his temple.

While the others look to the cliff's edge, Lief keeps an eye on their flank.

Perception: 1d20 + 11 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + 11 + (4) = 21

Roll 20 Map

50' is not too far, and it's clear from what you can see the trail slopes slowly - could be a half mile or so before it reaches the summit. So folks could climb down here, or walk a mile (half there half back) and return here in an hour or so.

Lief doesn't see anything sneaking up on the party.

Kaylayne climbs back up to the party and explains she found a trail, with heavy traffic, leading to a wall on one end, and the other stretches maybe up to a half mile away to the east before reaching the summit.

The ledge is ~80' down from the lip of the cliff where you're standing now. Presuming you have 50' ropes, you'll need to find another ledge to cling too in order to climb all the way down. Or walk about an hour or so to return here.

I think there may also be other options open to the party, but those are the most obvious.

You're at area 'G' on the map (link).

Quick Ref:
F6R4W7;Percept +12;Spllcrft +4; Know. Relig. +4; Sense Motive +7; Initative +6;

Garridan considers the situation, "It might be best if we take the long way and walk around to the the trail. Too much can go wrong if we try to climb."

Spirits Dispenser 15
F12R11W19;Appr+5;Dip +7;HandAn+4;Heal+11;Arc +19;Geog +19;Local +13;Nat+14;Pls21;Rel+19;Perc+25;Barkeep+13;Sense+12;Spllcrft+21(+4moreIDing );Stealth+18(+4);Surv +11;UMD+21

Kaylayne nods.

"Ayep. And it will give me and Ederin some time to examine the trail might be humanoid or animal tracks," Kaylayne adds. "I'll need more time to sure. And maybe Ederin will see something I didn't."

│HP: 69/105 │AC:26 FF:21 T:18│CMD35 CMB +15│Init+9 │ Saves: F12,R20, W10│
Skills:Acro+7 Clmb+6, HAn+4, Intim+15, K:Geo +16, Dun+5, Loc+7, Nat +16), Lin+2, Perc. +20, Prof:Soldier +7, Ride +11, SenMo +20 , Splcrft+10, Stealth+26,Surv +20 │

"Right, last thing we want is to be surprised while climbing down, walkin' it is."

Taking point the short man keeps his eyes out for any tracks as they travel, relying on Kaylayne to point out any if they were similar to what she found on the ledge. Anything suspicious

Survival - Track: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17

Roll 20 Map

The party moves east along the cliffs until they figure the trail must line up, but it’s devilishly hard to find. It takes another half hour of searching before you finally find it. It’s clear that on this end, the path has been very carefully hidden. But you do find it and walk along it.

Ederin doesn’t pick up anything new, nor does Kaylayne. From her earlier examinations though they’re definitely humanoid tracks, which Ederin can confirm. As you reach the end of the trail, it’s clear to anyone who looks that the tracks lead right up to the wall.

Male CG human bard 10 (arcane duelist) / Swashbuckler 5 | CMB: 13, CMD: 29 | F: +11, R: +19, W: +13 | Init: +10 | Perc: +18, SM +8 | Speed 30ft |

perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Dimitrio looks at the wall, "Magic? Illusion?"

He surveys at the area carefully and carefully prods the wall with his rapier to see if it is indeed real.

Roll 20 Map

The wall is real, and resistant to Dimitrio's prodding and investigation.

Spirits Dispenser 15
F12R11W19;Appr+5;Dip +7;HandAn+4;Heal+11;Arc +19;Geog +19;Local +13;Nat+14;Pls21;Rel+19;Perc+25;Barkeep+13;Sense+12;Spllcrft+21(+4moreIDing );Stealth+18(+4);Surv +11;UMD+21

Knowing that something *must* be here, Kaylayne takes her time to examine the wall.

Take 20 Perception(s): 31; Detect Magic as well: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16 Spellcraft on any lingering auras.

Roll 20 Map

After a few minutes of searching, Kaylayne does indeed find a secret door right where she expected one to be. She detects no lingering magic in the area however (other than the party of course).

Human HP 115; AC 23, T 16/FF 20; F+11, R+14, W+14; Init +5; Perc +23; CMD 27/24FF

Lief steps up, his interest renewed in, of all things, a secret door. "Caves are natural enough obscure haunts, you'd think it's unnecessary to build a secret door. But here we are." He pauses a moment to allow Kaylayne to move out of the way, then he takes a closer look at the door. "Dimitrio, lend me your eyes, and possibly your fingers. Don't want to miss any redundancies built into an already redundant wall."

Perception Check, Traps: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (12) + 11 + 2 + (6) = 31
Disable Device, Traps: 1d20 + 15 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 15 + 2 = 31

Roll 20 Map

The door does not appear to be trapped, so no disabling seems to be required.

Male CG human bard 10 (arcane duelist) / Swashbuckler 5 | CMB: 13, CMD: 29 | F: +11, R: +19, W: +13 | Init: +10 | Perc: +18, SM +8 | Speed 30ft |
Lief Anemoi wrote:
Lief steps up, his interest renewed in, of all things, a secret door. "Caves are natural enough obscure haunts, you'd think it's unnecessary to build a secret door. But here we are." He pauses a moment to allow Kaylayne to move out of the way, then he takes a closer look at the door. "Dimitrio, lend me your eyes, and possibly your fingers. Don't want to miss any redundancies built into an already redundant wall."

His curiosity peaked, the bard plays second fiddle to Lief's skills. He seems reluctant to admit it, but the kid was smart and actually better than he is.

perception aid another: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
disable device aid another: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Quick Ref:
F6R4W7;Percept +12;Spllcrft +4; Know. Relig. +4; Sense Motive +7; Initative +6;

At last we found something. Perhaps now we can return to our business, Garridan thinks. He asks "Are we going in?"

Human HP 115; AC 23, T 16/FF 20; F+11, R+14, W+14; Init +5; Perc +23; CMD 27/24FF

Lief steps back, satisfied with his study of the door. "Not sure. You catch a mouse by luring it outside its hole. Don't suppose we care to wait and see what's been making all these tracks?"

Spirits Dispenser 15
F12R11W19;Appr+5;Dip +7;HandAn+4;Heal+11;Arc +19;Geog +19;Local +13;Nat+14;Pls21;Rel+19;Perc+25;Barkeep+13;Sense+12;Spllcrft+21(+4moreIDing );Stealth+18(+4);Surv +11;UMD+21
Garridan Brewmaster wrote:
"Are we going in?"

Kaylayne seems to think that the party is going in and pulls out her wand of magic stone, and uses it on a trio of stones.

"We know they are humaniod, but we don't know when they were made...could be Zincher's from his night time visit, could be older. No point in waiting that I can see."

Now girded with stones, Kaylayne is ready to enter.

Quick Ref:
F6R4W7;Percept +12;Spllcrft +4; Know. Relig. +4; Sense Motive +7; Initative +6;

With trepidation, as he recalls his helplessness during his last encounter with one of these drow, Garridan casts light on his blade as he enters the cave.

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