Dungeon Master S's "Curse of the Crimson Throne" (Inactive)

Game Master Chris Marsh

Completed Final Post

  • Grym
  • Sandor
  • Morkeleb
  • Gaius
  • Ferox
  • Odric

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    Active Buffs:
    Per Diem:
    Spells 1st 6/6 | 2nd 6/6 | 3rd 0/6 | 4th 3/4 | 5th 3/3 Judgements 5/5 | Bane 15/15 | Dimesion Hop 150/150
    Male Human Inquisitor 15 | HP 108/120| AC 24 FF 19 Tch 17 | CMD 27 | F+13 R+12 W+13 | Perc +23 | Init +9

    Ferox is in.

    Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Cleric 11; Trapspotter 22; Init: 5; AC: 31; T: 18; FF: 30; HP: 145/122; Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 11

    Um... Everybody better be in.

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    I'll operate with Grym and Bucho being close by, but if Phil wants to change his mind, no worries.

    As you approach the palace you're intercepted by a patrol of six house guards who politely but firmly demand to know your reasons for approaching the palace. Let the checks begin. Diplomacy if you're being cordial, bluff if you're lying OR you're trying to deliver some kind of innuendo, nudge nudge, know what I mean, know what I mean? Intimidate if you're ....intimidating."

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)
    Gaius Lirsiiv wrote:
    Um... Everybody better be in.

    If Gaius asks for Thorgrym to come along, then he will. The ranger will defer to the Calistrian in such matters.

    Grym keeps his mouth shut but the rest of his senses open during the "parley".

    Perception 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 11 + 2 = 33

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    I've got everyone's Perception rolls now. I'll assume you're constantly on the look out. I'll give the appropriate level of description as we go. If things change I'll ask for another roll, but suffice to say, the ranger's got his eyes fixed on everything.

    Male Human Wizard (Enchanter: Controller) 17 Init +6; AC=19; T=16; FF=17; HP 23 / 92

    Morkeleb bows respectfully to the guards, and motions an opened hand toward Gaius, indicating he would speak for us.

    Take 10 on Diplomacy to Aid Gaius = 11, for a +2

    Active Buffs:
    Per Diem:
    Spells 1st 6/6 | 2nd 6/6 | 3rd 0/6 | 4th 3/4 | 5th 3/3 Judgements 5/5 | Bane 15/15 | Dimesion Hop 150/150
    Male Human Inquisitor 15 | HP 108/120| AC 24 FF 19 Tch 17 | CMD 27 | F+13 R+12 W+13 | Perc +23 | Init +9

    Mork, how are you aiding, exactly?

    Ferox steps forward, his Key proudly displayed hanging from his neck. He gives a slight nod of his head to the guards as he approaches.

    I am Ferox Kerr, Inquisitor of Abadar. My companions and I seek an audience with his grace, Lord Arkona. We wish to discuss with him the security of Old Korvosa and the ouster of the former Emperor Pilts Swastel. We would also like to talk with Lord Arkona about the disposition of two of his guests. We would be much obliged if you could see us to him.

    Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

    Oh, +2 for Saviors of the City. Not sure what other bonuses might apply.

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    +2 for tying in something extremely apropos to Arkona interests.

    Active Buffs:
    Per Diem:
    Spells 1st 6/6 | 2nd 6/6 | 3rd 0/6 | 4th 3/4 | 5th 3/3 Judgements 5/5 | Bane 15/15 | Dimesion Hop 150/150
    Male Human Inquisitor 15 | HP 108/120| AC 24 FF 19 Tch 17 | CMD 27 | F+13 R+12 W+13 | Perc +23 | Init +9

    Then a 24 Diplomacy check

    King of Korvosa

    Odric aids Ferox with subtle reassurance and bolsters his credibility and that of the group by politely introducing himself.
     1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 aid another diplomacy

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    The guards lead you into the entry, whereupon they return to their patrol and the you are greeted by a tall, pleasant man who wears an eyepatch. He introduces himself as Carnochan, the palace majordomo. Carnochan has you reiterate your request, and since you wish an audience with Glorio, you are taken to the visitor’s lounge, where Carnochan asks you to wait while he determines if the master of the palace has time for you. You are on the map in the lounge.


    While in the waiting room, you notice a "ripple" in the air above you. It's only on the edge of your vision, and when you turn to look, it moves. It's not an invisible creature, but it is ...something. Unfortunately you don't have the training in the magical arts to identify it.

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)

    While waiting, Grym very quietly mentions this to Mork. He is also careful not to point as the ranger thinks someone is invisibly spying on them.

    Male Human Wizard (Enchanter: Controller) 17 Init +6; AC=19; T=16; FF=17; HP 23 / 92

    I looked at the spoiler since Grym filled Morkeleb in

    Morkeleb's eyes narrow, and he takes a careful look around, seeing if he can discern what Grym noticed.

    Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 4
    Spellcraft: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (20) + 15 = 35

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)

    Grym also subtlely tells the others there is some sort of magical effect above them. A probable spy or spying spell.

    Male Dwarf Fighter 15 Urban Ranger 2 AC=32 (CMD base 37+ specials); T=16; FF=29; HP 183/183; Init+8; Per +22; +18F+14R+9W

    Well if we're being observed lets give em sumtin to watch

    Lookin at Odric Hey lad since we're sittin around doin nuffin right now, there's sumtin I need ta talk to ya about Sandor says with a serious voice and look.

    Since there wouldn't be any good time ta bring this up, we need ta tell ya sometin about ya feet. Ya really need ta get them nails trimmed one of em is almost green. I could show ya how to do it lad, or we could get one of Gaius's courtesan friends to get ya right. If ya let em go much longer ya won't be able to fit ya boots right. 'N lad if there's one thing they taught us at the war college, keep tha feet happy, cuz if ya can't march and maneuver ya 'ave lost.

    Sandor finishes his statement with a concerned look, nods and then sits back. Those that know the dwarf realize that he is trying his hardest not to crack a smile.

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    Sandor's play stands in contrast to this comfortable room is warmed by a large fireplace, its marble sides and mantle carved into a parade of capering monkeys and tigers. A large sofa sits to the north, while a few comfortable looking chairs sit to the south. Carnochan reenters the room, "The master will see you know upstairs."

    You are led upstairs into another lavishly decorated room. The air in this chamber is incredibly warm and humid, filled with steam rising from the bubbling oval bath set in the floor to the southeast. The walls, ceiling, and floor are set with polished marble tiles of alternating blues and greens, giving the entire chamber a pervasive aquatic feel. Three lacquered wooden benches sit just north of the bath itself. Relaxing in the bath is a ruggedly handsome man with an extremely beautiful pair of women. One is a pale Chelishite, the other is a dark skinned Vudrani. Upon your arrival he spanks them to leave. "It is good to finally meet the heroes of Korvosa. You seem to be everywhere our city needs. Indeed, you seem to be the cure for not just disease, but upstart emperors" he adds with disdain. "What can I do for you heroes?"

    King of Korvosa
    Dungeon Master S wrote:

    Sandor's play stands in contrast to this comfortable room is warmed by a large fireplace, its marble sides and mantle carved into a parade of capering monkeys and tigers. A large sofa sits to the north, while a few comfortable looking chairs sit to the south. Carnochan reenters the room, "The master will see you know upstairs."

    You are led upstairs into another lavishly decorated room. The air in this chamber is incredibly warm and humid, filled with steam rising from the bubbling oval bath set in the floor to the southeast. The walls, ceiling, and floor are set with polished marble tiles of alternating blues and greens, giving the entire chamber a pervasive aquatic feel. Three lacquered wooden benches sit just north of the bath itself. Relaxing in the bath is a ruggedly handsome man with an extremely beautiful pair of women. One is a pale Chelishite, the other is a dark skinned Vudrani. Upon your arrival he spanks them to leave. "It is good to finally meet the heroes of Korvosa. You seem to be everywhere our city needs. Indeed, you seem to be the cure for not just disease, but upstart emperors" he adds with disdain. "What can I do for you heroes?"

    Ooc- was "spanks" an autocorrect? Also wtf is Geezer Butler doing here?

    Male Dwarf Fighter 15 Urban Ranger 2 AC=32 (CMD base 37+ specials); T=16; FF=29; HP 183/183; Init+8; Per +22; +18F+14R+9W
    Dungeon Master S wrote:
    Indeed, you seem to be the cure for not just disease, but upstart emperors[/b]" he adds with disdain. "What can I do for you heroes?"

    Gives Gaius a conciliatory look. Sorry mate that your play went unnoticed. The King of Spider's is not to blame for the Emperor's death.

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)
    Odric the Stout wrote:

    Ooc- was "spanks" an autocorrect? Also wtf is Geezer Butler doing here?

    Gives them a smack on the rear as they leave the room.

    I totally see the Geezer reference too.

    Grym does his best not to stare at the two women as they leave, thinking they could be the distraction for something else.

    Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Cleric 11; Trapspotter 22; Init: 5; AC: 31; T: 18; FF: 30; HP: 145/122; Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 11

    Gaius looks long and approvingly at the women as they leave and makes no attempt to hide it. While doing so, he catches Sandor's look and only smiles and shrugs. He then turns to Ferox, looking for the cue.

    Lord Arkona. I am Gaius Lirsiiv. My companions: Odric The Stout; Sandor Stouthammer; Morkeleb The Enchanter--called, 'Morkeleb The Mighty', by some; and our tracker Thorgrym. Over there is Inquisitor Ferox of The Bank of Abadar. Though I'm sure you already know our names. It is an honor to meet you. Your reputation for charity to the poor and for your leadership in these dark times are well known to us. Speaking personally, I'm mostly impressed by how you keep your private life, private.

    Gaius turns his gaze, briefly, to the door the women exited through and is visibly hungry. He collects himself and continues.

    I also wish to compliment you on your exquisite taste. Most of what Vudra has to offer, I've yet to sample or experience. But I also see some Chelish pieces here and there in your home, and you could say I've developed a taste for The Chelish.

    We come here hoping to appeal to your dedication to Korvosa, and seek your aid. We've lost something. We would like to find it, and you have certain resources that we lack. Perhaps we can help each other? We are not without resources of our own.

    Gaius glances quickly at Ferox, seeing if there is anything he wishes to add, and then back to Lord Arkona for both the reply and to watch, carefully, as Arkona responds, carefully cataloging his body language and speech patterns.

    Diplomacy (if you want it):1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19
    Bluff (if needed for the innuendo, both sexual and criminal) is +8

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    I also need a Sense Motive from the lot of you before I craft my reply. I'd do it, but I'm on duty right now.

    Active Buffs:
    Per Diem:
    Spells 1st 6/6 | 2nd 6/6 | 3rd 0/6 | 4th 3/4 | 5th 3/3 Judgements 5/5 | Bane 15/15 | Dimesion Hop 150/150
    Male Human Inquisitor 15 | HP 108/120| AC 24 FF 19 Tch 17 | CMD 27 | F+13 R+12 W+13 | Perc +23 | Init +9

    Sense Motive: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29

    At Gaius's glance, Ferox steps forward, offering a slight nod of his head to Lord Arkona.

    Greetings, Your Grace. As my companion has stated, we are here seeking your help. Since the Queen has "quarantined" Old Korvosa, you are the last remaining authority in this section of the city. We were able to eliminate a threat to that authority and regain some measure of stability here for you. I hope that you can see it within your benevolence to aid us in further establishing lawful order here in Old Korvosa.

    Diplomacy to Aid: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20

    Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Cleric 11; Trapspotter 22; Init: 5; AC: 31; T: 18; FF: 30; HP: 145/122; Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 11

    That's my bread-n-butter, Dungeon Master.

    Sense Motive:1d20 + 16 ⇒ (10) + 16 = 26

    Add 8 (holy cow... Really???) if he's attempting to bluff us?

    Active Buffs:
    Per Diem:
    Spells 1st 6/6 | 2nd 6/6 | 3rd 0/6 | 4th 3/4 | 5th 3/3 Judgements 5/5 | Bane 15/15 | Dimesion Hop 150/150
    Male Human Inquisitor 15 | HP 108/120| AC 24 FF 19 Tch 17 | CMD 27 | F+13 R+12 W+13 | Perc +23 | Init +9

    Dang. Yeah, a +8. Nutty.That was not accounted for in Ferox's roll.

    Ferox and Gaius, at least, have a measure of him.

    Male Human Wizard (Enchanter: Controller) 17 Init +6; AC=19; T=16; FF=17; HP 23 / 92

    Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11 <--must be distracted...

    Morkeleb remains motionless and impassive, except for a slight nod when he's introduced. Other than that, he remains almost transfixed, watching the Lord with unblinking--but, in this circumstance, not very perceptive--eyes.

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    The conversation with Lord Arkonas strays into the banal topics of the upper echelon. He discusses the infrastructure repairs since the plague. He talks at length of the territory of the Guard, Grey Maidens, and Sable company. He drones on for about 5 minutes, patently ignoring your opening.

    Sense Motive DC 25:

    He is giving off EXTREMELY subtle, but unmistakable hints that he REALLY dislikes Queen Ileosa.

    Sense Motive DC 30:

    He also suspects that the queen's new crown is a source of her freakish power... and he's intrigued.

    "Now, let us speak plainly. What is it that you seek of me?"

    Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Cleric 11; Trapspotter 22; Init: 5; AC: 31; T: 18; FF: 30; HP: 145/122; Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 11

    Gaius looks at his companions, shrugs, and turns back to Lord Arkona.

    He's either testing us or for some reason can't speak plainly himself.

    Bluff to deliver a secret message to Arkona:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

    Well, I'll come right out with it. Fencing lessons. We hear you may be able to arrange a meeting with an instructor, or failing that, be able to tell us where we might find one, now that the academy has burned down. I think they had some kind of insect problem--something I'm sure you don't have here. It's a pity, really, though I hear The Crown never signed off on their teaching methods, but I'd like to evaluate those for myself.

    Message: I'm playing along. We're looking for Vencarlo Orisini and our leads led us here to you. He's missing after his home and the school were attacked and burned. The Red Mantis are involved. We think he has information that can be used against Queen Ileosa.

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)

    pretty slick Gaius!

    Grym on the other hand stays quiet during the exchange. The ranger has no appreciation for the subtle and clever speech.

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    "You of course ask for something very difficult to deliver. Let it not be said that I am not a kind and benevolent ally." At this he slides a ring off his finger. The ring is made of mithral, the top of which is flattened and polished to a mirror finish. With a flick of the wrist he tosses it to Morkeleb (without ever breaking eye contact with Gaius.)

    "Let us dispense with the innuendo. What you ask is... complicated. Both Vencarlo and Leolandus have been sent to the Vivified Labyrinth. Knowledge (Local). I can't exactly retrieve them, but I will give you directions to the entrance. It is a deadly place."

    In your minds you all "hear" Glorio "speak", [i]Beware, there are rotating rooms controlled by levers. Do not get lost. It's called a labyrinth for a reason."[/i/

    Male Human Wizard (Enchanter: Controller) 17 Init +6; AC=19; T=16; FF=17; HP 23 / 92

    Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

    Morkeleb catches the ring, and turns aside to immediately Detect Magic and hopefully identify whatever dweomer is on it.

    Spellcraft: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 22

    Male Dwarf Fighter 15 Urban Ranger 2 AC=32 (CMD base 37+ specials); T=16; FF=29; HP 183/183; Init+8; Per +22; +18F+14R+9W

    Ok here it goes. Sandor's not saying much just nodding, and watching. He's following the unsaid conversation that Gaius and he are having, but he doesn't want to betray that he's clued in. Are their any ulterior motives he has in giving us this ring?

    Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 + 8 = 36 Not a clueless dwarf for once.
    Know Local: 1d20 + 7 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 7 + 3 = 17

    Who's is Leolandus?

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    I meant Neolandus, the chancellor.


    1d20 ⇒ 13

    No hunches on any ulterior motives. Morkeleb, it's definitely a Ring of Evasion

    Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Cleric 11; Trapspotter 22; Init: 5; AC: 31; T: 18; FF: 30; HP: 145/122; Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 11

    Knowledge Local:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26... What is the Vivified Labyrinth?

    And in return, Lord Arkona?

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |


    you recall rumors of this notorious dungeon, a place said to be used by the Arkonas to torment and test prisoners and agents alike.

    "In return what?"

    Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Cleric 11; Trapspotter 22; Init: 5; AC: 31; T: 18; FF: 30; HP: 145/122; Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 11

    Gaius looks at The Lord and takes his measure of him again.

    I apologize. I'm not used to assistance that doesn't come with a price attached. Please forgive me. Do you know why they are in The Labyrinth?

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    "HA! If you think I'm giving you assistance, you don't know the Labrynth. It's practically a death sentence. I'm just not going to get in your way. It's not worth the resources. I know you won't stop til you get them back. The way I figure it, you could take out half of my normal guard in a fight, maybe a quarter of my elites. It's not worth losing my assets."

    Male Dwarf Fighter 15 Urban Ranger 2 AC=32 (CMD base 37+ specials); T=16; FF=29; HP 183/183; Init+8; Per +22; +18F+14R+9W

    Sandor is obviously getting frustrated with the conversation why the hell must ya beat around the bush so much.

    Finally with an exhausted sigh Sandor says to Gaius, but everyone can hear. It's obvious he knows why they're in tha labrynth, 'n it's kinda obvious he's puttin on a show for someone by sayin pretty words to our ears, and other stuff in our head. Sorry Gaius, but lets get the games over with. I'm sure our host knows the Labrynth forwards and back, could lead us right to Vencarlo and Neolandus, but all this is, is another higher class game of blood pig

    My apologies, and I don't mean ta offend, but we have humans in our party, they don't live long enough for this many flowery words they will be needin a cane to walk out of here.

    King of Korvosa

    Damn, I just remembered again that I have a herald. Too bad I remembered right after we were introduced to a nobleman in his mansion. Whatever.

    Odric looks impatient, but carefully maintains a respectful posture and demeanor. Sir, where is the entrance to this labrynth? Can we rest here briefly before attempting to plumb its depths?

    Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Cleric 11; Trapspotter 22; Init: 5; AC: 31; T: 18; FF: 30; HP: 145/122; Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 11

    Gaius rolls his eyes and gives Sandor a look that clearly says

    YOU wanted to parley.

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)

    For a moment Grym gets confused on the where abouts of Ferox and Odric, then the rangrr shakes his head. Now is not the time to worry about strange things. Soon the party will be hip deep in a labrynth adventure.

    Male Dwarf Fighter 15 Urban Ranger 2 AC=32 (CMD base 37+ specials); T=16; FF=29; HP 183/183; Init+8; Per +22; +18F+14R+9W
    Gaius Lirsiiv wrote:

    Gaius rolls his eyes and gives Sandor a look that clearly says

    YOU wanted to parley.

    Sandor takes his admonishment, but not remorsefully Sorry lad. Talkin was the right thing to do, but that talkin just made me realize something. I'm gonna stop here, cuz what I've ta say from here won't help, and I'm sure everyone realizes it. said with a quiet grumble.

    Why is it so hard fer people in power or those who have wealth not to play games with people's lives? Why play this game of crowns? Sandor tunes out the next things lost in his own thoughts.

    Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Cleric 11; Trapspotter 22; Init: 5; AC: 31; T: 18; FF: 30; HP: 145/122; Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 11

    You're a practical man, Lord Arkona. It seems as though we're to be tested against your labyrinth. I trust there will be no... Reprisal... When we exit your maze?

    Aside from that and Inquisitor Ferox's questions, I'd really like to know what your role in all this is.

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    Sorry for the delay, will post today.

    MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

    "In my courtyard is a statue of an elephant. On the middle of the plinth is a pressure plate. The rest of the directions are self explanatory. Your dwarf speaks truly, if not bluntly. I'll not double cross you when you're done. My need for the two of them is less than yours. Go. Go with my appreciation for you not getting morally supercilious."

    Male Human Ranger 17, AC 30, HPs 202/202, Int +5, Fort +17, Ref +15, Will +9 (Bucho AC 31 HPs 175/175, Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +8 +4morale)

    Grym keeps his "game face" on but internally smiles at the thought of a deadly labrynth. Bucho feels his happy energy and bounces a little on his front paws knowing something exciting is going to happen soon.

    King of Korvosa

    Rest for the night. In the morning lets meet at the statue.
    ▶▶ ▶▶ ▶▶
    Nice statue!

    Male Human Wizard (Enchanter: Controller) 17 Init +6; AC=19; T=16; FF=17; HP 23 / 92

    After leaving Lord Arkona, Morkeleb shares the properties of the Ring of Evasion. Who should wear this?

    I reserve the right to scribe a scroll or 2 before we go, as it's overnight--I don't have time to review my stuff now. Must be tonight (Tuesday).

    Male Half-Elf Unchained Rogue 4/Cleric 11; Trapspotter 22; Init: 5; AC: 31; T: 18; FF: 30; HP: 145/122; Fort 9, Ref 13, Will 11

    Rich do you need some healing love before we rest? I can dump four channels. Should be enough for everyone.

    Active Buffs:
    Per Diem:
    Spells 1st 6/6 | 2nd 6/6 | 3rd 0/6 | 4th 3/4 | 5th 3/3 Judgements 5/5 | Bane 15/15 | Dimesion Hop 150/150
    Male Human Inquisitor 15 | HP 108/120| AC 24 FF 19 Tch 17 | CMD 27 | F+13 R+12 W+13 | Perc +23 | Init +9

    Nice avatar, Odric. :)

    Ferox is tip-top. Ready to rock that labyrinth.

    Male Dwarf Fighter 15 Urban Ranger 2 AC=32 (CMD base 37+ specials); T=16; FF=29; HP 183/183; Init+8; Per +22; +18F+14R+9W

    Sandor would appreciate at least one channel. If the ring would fit under my gauntlet I wouldn't mind it. Evasion for a dwarf in plate yess plz. But if I'm not demanding it if someone else wants it.

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