About Rylan of the Circle of Magi
Rylan, Male Circle Mage
Level: 2nd
Communication: +1
Constitution: +1
Cunning: +3
Dexterity: +2
Magic: +4
Perception: +1
Strength: +1
Willpower: +3
Cunning (Historical Lore): +5
Cunning (Healing): +5
Constitution (Stamina): +3
Speaks and Reads: Trade Tongue and Reads: Ancient Tevene
Talent (Lore): Novice
Arcane Lance: 16 yards range, 1d6+4 damage.
Spells: Heal (1 Mana=1d6 Health, 1-3 Mana), Rock Armor (3 Mana for an hour's 4 Armor Rating, up to 6 hours for each additional Mana spent, 3-8 Mana), Mind Blast (50 yards visual targeting, 2 yard radius of knocked prone and possible loss of major action, 3 Mana), and Daze (10 yards visual targeting, 1 target must save with his Willpower (Self-Discipline) else the target takes -1 to all ability tests and cannot take any actions on it's next turn; a successful save has the target taking just the -1 to all ability tests, 2 Mana)
Mana: 28
Health: 29
Defense: 12
Speed: 12
Coins: 1 Silvers
Equipment: Backpack, Traveler's Garb, Waterskin, a Wand, Quarterstaff (Dexterity, 1d6+1), 2 Pairs of Candles (4 total, purchased), 1 Empty Flask (purchased), Flint and Steel (purchased), 1 Vial of Black Ink (purchased), 5 Pints of Oil (purchased), Healer's Kit (purchased), Lantern (purchased), Belt Pouch (purchased), 20 yards of Rope (purchased), 1 Magical Wand (a gift from a tranquil friend, +2 to damage with Arcane Lance), holding one "light" box on behalf of the party.
General Background: A Human Circle Mage sent by the Circle to help curry favor with said nobleman by watching over his wayward son; has some experience with the rigors of travel hence his being chosen for the task at hand.