Dead Suns Starfinder Book 1 (Inactive)

Game Master DoubleGold

Map, yeah, Map
[dice=init]7+1d20[/dice] TszK
[dice=init]2+1d20[/dice] K'Klacklun
[dice=init]1+1d20[/dice] Af'val
[dice=init]4+1d20[/dice] Kei'jon
[dice=init]2+1d20[/dice] Wheeler
[dice=init]5+1d20[/dice] Kozak.Tyrnis's
[dice=init]1+1d20[/dice] Zefram Cochrane

[dice=perc]1+1d20[/dice] Af'Val
[dice=perc]4+1d20[/dice] Kei'jon
[dice=perc]5+1d20[/dice] the bug
[dice=perc]5+1d20[/dice] K'Klacklun
[dice=perc]2+1d20[/dice] TszK
[dice=perc]1+1d20[/dice] Zefram
[dice=perc]0+1d20[/dice] Kozak
[dice=perc]1+1d20[/dice] Wheeler

The name says it all, the first adventure path book in Starfinder Society Forum. This game is reserved for 1 person. I will take 5 others, for a total of six. This will not be first come first serve. When you sign up answers these questions

1. What makes you and your character a good team player?
2. Do you have Alien Archive? This won't affect your chances of getting in.
3. If there is a way to solve a situation other than combat and still collect all the rewards, would you? How hard would you try? Or do you prefer to slay everything?
4. Are you okay with trying to finish the game in 11 weeks? Botting you okay? Things we can do to speed up the game a tad suggestions if any?
5. New to Starfinder? This won't affect your chances of getting in either.
Game starts April 5th or when I get six players I deem worthy, whichever comes first.

Is this exclusively for SFS?

1. I make a point of building my character to fit a niche that the team needs, and doing my best as a player to help everyone have fun and get their time in the spotlight. As for how the characters do it, it varies -- I haven't settled on a specific concept to pitch yet, so I'll elaborate further when I do.

2. I do. I generally purchase all the books on PDF as soon as they're released.

3. Absolutely. Generally speaking, even if I'm playing the combat character, I as a player will often prefer the diplomatic solution, and my combat character will support the diplomat accordingly. While I do like a dash of combat, I generally don't prefer that to be the main focus of the game.

4. Sure. Not sure how feasible that is, but I'm willing to give it a shot! That said, while I can guarantee daily posting pretty easily, if you're looking for several posts a day every day in the interests of speed, that's probably more than I can commit to. As far as botting goes, it's always fine if I have to be gone or if something like a combat roll is hinging on me; likewise other players including things I do in atmospheric posts. 'Oh look, you just negotiated a truce with the Downside Kings since your post yesterday!' would be a little more botting than I'd want to have happen.

5. Not new to Starfinder, although I am new to SFS. I just registered the other day, and have yet to play or run an SFS game. I've been running Starfinder since September of last year for my RL game group, though, and specifically Dead Suns.

Since I'm looking to play an Envoy in Tark's game (assuming I'm chosen for it), and since I played a Technomancer in my sadly recently defunct Discord game, I'd be looking to play something different this time. A soldier or an exocortex mechanic, possibly.

This is for SFS, specifically for him and whoever wants to join

1. What makes you and your character a good team player?
I try to have my PCs engage with others in banter, philosophical discussions, and other roleplay. I post regularly, been playing RPGS for a long time, and generally have a good grasp of the rules (though I do make mistakes).

Although my shirren character, K’Klacklun, seeks to assert his independence, he recognizes the need for community. His belief is that creativity, which he primarily manifests in his mechanical constructs, is the ultimate expression of one’s individualism. He tries to make unique objects for others to use and enjoy. He loves also to explore new things.

2. Do you have Alien Archive?
I have the book and am seeking to complete more than one of the boons.

3. If there is a way to solve a situation other than combat and still collect all the rewards, would you? How hard would you try? Or do you prefer to slay everything?
Absolutely, K’Klackrun generally seeks to avoid violence, but recognizes that it is one of the hard realities of life, particularly among the dangers posed by space exploration. He is willing to put himself at personal risk of harm if it will help prevent others from getting hurt. He prefers not to kill any other sentient beings and acknowledges that the way one faces death can be a powerful expression of one’s uniqueness and individuality—which he greatly values.

4. Are you okay with trying to finish the game in 11 weeks? Botting you okay? Things we can do to speed up the game a tad suggestions if any?
I am looking for quick, but don’t want to sacrifice fun. I am okay with botting and appreciate when it is used reasonably (say within 24 hours of no post) to keep things moving. If I can think of ways to keep things moving, I will certainly pipe in.

5. New to Starfinder?
Been playing SFS since September and recently started GMing it. Been roleplaying as a player and GM for decades for Pathfinder, D&D 3.5, D&D 3.0, various Star Wars and Star Trek rpgs, and numerous others.

TarkXT wrote:
Is this exclusively for SFS?

Gotta SFS character? you can join. It will be fun. You would make three, though I prefer to have six if possible.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I've played, but if you need peeps to fill a table I can hop in.

Ugh, no. But with so few Starfinder games and this not being a scenario exactly I guess I can suffer it.

If you are still looking for players, you may wish to post in the SFS Castamirs Flaxseed Station Recruitment thread.

I'm signing up and making a character now.

In the meantime.

1. What makes you and your character a good team player?
Lots of reasons but mainly the rationale that corpses make for poor roleplay and interparty conflict , while occasionally entertaining, often serves just to bog down the game . Character development is one thing, pointless back and forth is just wasteful.

2. Do you have Alien Archive? This won't affect your chances of getting in.

3. If there is a way to solve a situation other than combat and still collect all the rewards, would you? How hard would you try? Or do you prefer to slay everything?

Depends on how clear those solutions are and the resources available. Sometimes just blowing it up is the simplest, safest solution to trying to solve the four fold puzzle of quantum infinitium or be sucked into the singularity of NULL.

4. Are you okay with trying to finish the game in 11 weeks? Botting you okay? Things we can do to speed up the game a tad suggestions if any?

11 weeks seems fast but I'm willing to give it a shot. Most pbp ap's putter out at book 2 or 3 though I managed ot be in one RotRL game that lasted up to book 4 just about.

5. New to Starfinder? This won't affect your chances of getting in either.
Game starts April 5th or when I get six players I deem worthy, whichever comes first.

Yes. I'm not likely to go to a con with this or anything but I know some rather efficient gm's on this board who run SFS and it seems like a reliable way to get games.

Oh, to be clear I'm not dming all 6 books, just the first book. 11 weeks to finish the first book and only the PFS portion of it, which is only about 2/3 of the book.

DoubleGold wrote:
Oh, to be clear I'm not dming all 6 books, just the first book. 11 weeks to finish the first book and only the PFS portion of it, which is only about 2/3 of the book.

Oh that's entirely doable.

I know you haven't asked for backstories for the characters yet, but as I was thinking about concepts, the idea of this big scary Vesk mercenary adopting/getting adopted by a couple of street kids on Absalom Station grabbed me.


Kozak sighed. It had been a year since he left military service behind him. He completed his service obligation, of course – that was his duty, after all, and he would sooner cut off his own right arm than dishonor himself by abandoning that. For all that he had been raised on the teachings of Damoritosh, he had not found conquest to his liking. Where was the glory, the honor, in crushing an opponent that was outgunned and overmatched? He supposed that most of the stories of glory and honor in battle that he’d grown up hearing about were from back in the Swarm War, when the foe was so fearsome that they banded together with their enemies in the Pact Worlds to stand against it. Now there was an opportunity to win glory and honor! He’d hoped he’d find something similar, if on a smaller scale, in the mercenary work he’d taken up to earn his living since leaving the military. The pay wasn’t bad, he supposed, and there was no shortage of work, since having a Vesk on the payroll for security was something of a badge of honor in some circles here in Pact Worlds space, but there was still something missing. He wanted more.

He pushed the door to the modest apartment he was renting on the lower levels of Absalom Station, only to be greeted by a blood curdling shriek and an attack from above, coupled by a second figure going at him low and trying to take his legs out from under him. Anywhere else, his reaction might well have been different. Here and now? Kozak let out a hearty guffaw and grinned at the half-orc girl that had her arm around his neck, and reached down to ruffle the hair of her younger brother before settling in for a bit of roughhousing with the two kids who had become like family to him, and, he had to admit, had made the station into far more of a home than he’d ever expected.

He’d met the two of them not long after he arrived on Absalom Station. Not overly concerned by the sketchy neighborhood, he’d been looking for a cheap place to live when he happened across a rather one-sided altercation between a group of five human kids, probably age ten to twelve. The half-orc girl’s brother was down and obviously hurt, and she was standing over him and wasn’t budging, despite the fact that she was at least a few years younger than them and outnumbered. He’d let out a snarl and told them all to run. Given the presence of the giant, well-armed and armored Vesk, the older kids did exactly that. The girl, on the other hand, stayed exactly where she was. She was obviously terrified, but whatever was going to happen to them, she wasn’t going to leave her brother. That had impressed him enough that he decided to stay and do what he could to patch the kids up. He was no doctor, but he wasn’t any stranger to providing first aid in the field. The rest…well, it fell into place over time, and he had no regrets.

OOC Notes: Kozak's dissatisfaction with his career as a mercenary, his desire for something more, is meant to act as one of his motivators for joining the Starfinder Society -- he's looking for the higher purpose that he just didn't find in conquest. Additionally, while he still considers Damoritosh his primary deity, he's found himself increasingly drawn to some of the tenets of Iomedae. Oh, and my assumption is that he'd have been off-station for a little while on a job and was returning, which is why he'd end up on the shuttle with the other PCs.


Dalri is a 9 year old half-orc girl who grew up in the lower levels of Absalom Station, while Saban is 7 year old boy who appears to be fully human. Kozak doesn’t know (and hasn’t asked) whether Saban and Dalri are half-siblings or even just chose each other as family – he’s seen the loyalty they have for one another, and that’s more than sufficient for him.

Sovereign Court

1. What makes you and your character a good team player?

Well, I have been in a number of APs over the years, and several have managed to actual stay together until the end of book 6; I would like to think that suggests that I can be a team player.
As a member of the SFS, my character has had to learn to work with other experts, valuing the expertise of others to shore up the gaps in their own skill-set.

2. Do you have Alien Archive? This won't affect your chances of getting in.


3. If there is a way to solve a situation other than combat and still collect all the rewards, would you? How hard would you try? Or do you prefer to slay everything?

In general, I don't try to slay everything, but if something is looking for a fight, I will generally try to finish it. That said, if talking your way around an encounter is an option, I am quite open to it; Starfinder is a little less hack/slash than Pathfinder, after all...

4. Are you okay with trying to finish the game in 11 weeks? Botting you okay? Things we can do to speed up the game a tad suggestions if any?

Yes, and Yes.

5. New to Starfinder? This won't affect your chances of getting in either.



Hello, I would be interested!

1. What makes you and your character a good team player?
Well, to be honest I as a player strive for a harmonious atmosphere so even though I play very diverse character concepts the actions of the characters always have the group and the story in mind.

2. Do you have the Alien Archive? This won't affect your chances of getting in.

3. If there is a way to solve a situation other than combat and still collect all the rewards, would you? How hard would you try? Or do you prefer to slay everything?
To be honest that depends on the character! ;-) I have played stupid thugs and intellectual diplomats. As I would like to play an Operative, Mechanic or Technomancer I would rather not fight much. :-D

4. Are you okay with trying to finish the game in 11 weeks? Botting you okay? Things we can do to speed up the game a tad suggestions if any?
YES, I usually post 2-3 times per day and would love a game to finish fast. Often progressing the story depends on GM input so using spoilers to reflect character options (without telling the players what to do) can speed up the game in my opinion.

5. New to Starfinder? This also won't affect your chances of getting in.
Yes, I just started two to thre weeks ago but have good grip on the differences to PF. Although I need to look into spaceship combat a bit more. ;-)


Scarab Sages

If you want another player, I'd like to join

1. What makes you and your character a good team player?

I like to get along with everyone and avoid conflict and try to work with other characters instead of going solo.

2. Do you have Alien Archive? This won't affect your chances of getting in.


3. If there is a way to solve a situation other than combat and still collect all the rewards, would you? How hard would you try? Or do you prefer to slay everything?

If it looks like a viable option, sure.
No, but if a fight is started I'd prefer to win it

4. Are you okay with trying to finish the game in 11 weeks? Botting you okay? Things we can do to speed up the game a tad suggestions if any?

Sounds like a posting rate of once a day? I'm fine with that..I might be able to do more but I can't guarantee that every day..
Botting if fine within reason (delaying me/putting me on full defense to keep the action going/making a basic attack , sure).

Not sure what you mean with the second question..outside of what I consider standard pbp "short cuts" - as soon as 2 people agree on a course of action and nobody has strong objections at the same time..go with that. No multiple days in party discussions on what to do. Roll init for everyone, if possible try to cluster it a bit so it isn't player -enemy - player - enemy, etc if at all possible.
Even if it's player A- player B, player C ..don't have them go in that order but just have them post when they can..everyone can just delay on their turn anyways, so it's within the rules. If it's realy needed, just post I'll Do X after B has done Y
If there is something hidden, post it in a spoiler block - this will cut down players trying to look for something in every room/door they encounter an only roll for it when it's relevant.
For spaceship combat use the guidelines Hmmm (I think it was her) posted somewhere so everyone basically posts at the same time instead of waiting for phase 1 to complete, then go to phase 2 then continue to phase 3 ..which can take up to 2-4 days to do instead of 1.

Use player editable maps so everyone can move their own character around (I once had a game where that wasn't possible..caused a bunch of confusion on where everyone was/could do)

At the end of combat list loot instead of people having to mention they do it..stuff like that

5. New to Starfinder? This won't affect your chances of getting in either.


Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

1. What makes you and your character a good team player?
Wheeler is designed to be a team player - he has the ability to remove common conditions in combat. He has a lot of skills designed to fill any role the party might need him to. I like to bring easy to bite into character hooks for my characters - for Wheeler its his upstart multi level marketing campaign.

2. Do you have Alien Archive? This won't affect your chances of getting in.


3. If there is a way to solve a situation other than combat and still collect all the rewards, would you? How hard would you try? Or do you prefer to slay everything?

I am bringing my envoy and usually try to pursue diplomatic options where I can.

4. Are you okay with trying to finish the game in 11 weeks? Botting you okay? Things we can do to speed up the game a tad suggestions if any?

Yes to all of the above. My biggest suggestion would be to check in on players posting history to see if they've been capable of maintaining a fast clip. For starship combat, I think it might be best to have us lay out a particular "default" strategy so that we can post all of our dice rolls in short order after the pilots maneuver and roll initiative.

5. New to Starfinder? This won't affect your chances of getting in either. I actually got to run some of the first tables of SFS at Gen Con. I have been a sporadic player since.

Okay, not sure how many people we have, cause some of you post with your main alias and then your PFS alias. Others are a maybe and you didn't say with 100% certainty you want it. If you could all post with your PFS alias in discussion and gameplay, that'd be great. I'm counting 6 to 8, but this helps me see how many characters we have, and I'll probably have to cut one of you, but this makes things easier since creating a gameplay thread automatically gives you a character section.
Meanwhile not sure if Starfinder has a players guide like pathfinder does, I recommend you read it.

PS: You all had good answers and I'll reread them all once I know for sure how many of you really want to play and let you know.

Okay a recount of everything says 7. Which I believe is the maximum allowed in PFS. I went ahead and just counted all the people who answered the five questions. If that is the case, you are all in.

Woot! I'll get an alias created either tonight or tomorrow, then.

Scarab Sages

Thanks, looking forward to this. With 7 players I think I'll make a new lvl 1 character. There might be something nice in Pact worlds to try.

Still waiting on the last two of you to post in dicussion and gameplay. Oh and if you could make the perception, saves and init appear so I can see it easily. If you have darkvision write it next to your perception number.


Hello, I think I am late to check in, correct? You already have 7 players?

I was counting the people who answered the questions, somehow I ended up with more than 7, even though only 7 answered.

Edit: you can always try Ed's Dead Suns starfinder recruitment. He is suppose to have six already, but a few people haven't responded.

I also am starting a dead suns AP over here. Curently have 2 spots reserved and looking for 2-4 more.

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