Dain's King Maker Chronicles - Combat Thread

Game Master dain120475

This thread is dedicated to the players involved in Dain's King Maker Chronicles.

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"No doubt the others may want some as well, hmmm?" Aliento says, giving Arasmes a cool look.

You suddenly hear a loud crunching of booted feet behind you. Turning around you see Sir Dashan stepping up. Apparently he has heard the rest of you and your words.

"What is the meaning of this? he says fairly barks out.

"We art here - with grim deeds afoot - and a chance to redeem a holy site of some dark abomination? Yet what was the cause of this blight? Hearken all - it was disharmony! Strife! It was a nature to cause discord among a community of friends or family - have thee all gone mad? Has something snatched thy wits? Contain thyself!"

He moves to an inch in front of Aliento, staring hard at his companion, his friend, and the person who he calls "brother". Sir Dashan stabs a blunt finger into Aliento's chest as he talks.

"Thou! Master thy concerns - aye, no demon is a friend to the faith - but this is only one of their basterd breeds - and no pureblood! Further - neither he nor the creature that lingers on his shoulder are filled with evil vices... He is, at worst, a coward who fears abuse for his bloodline alone - that thou should be so unsympathetic to that vice grieves me mightily," Sir Dashan said.

"And as for thee," he says turning to Brett and Kae "This one admits to having secrets - no doubt he has many more," Sir Dashan says, waving vaguely at Arasmes.

"But what? Do thy think he plots to seek thy kingdom? If thy uncover such proof then act on it and hang him, burn him, or execute him as thy see fit. But surely that is not in the forefront of thy mind? No, what concerns thee now seems to be that he is not as forthcoming with thee as thy would privately hope."

Sir Dashan looks down at Brett with anger in his eyes for this waste of time.

"Mark well this - All free folk are given to their own vices - he seeks his privacy for he is afraid. He admits that he was a former slave - all his life without honor and groveling like a dog in the dust - yet now he seeks to rectify that shame. Hearken to that if anything - for he may slip into poor habits - yet this is common, for all folk stumble - yet judge him not on how frequently he stumbles, but rather on his determination to pick himself up and how hard he attempts to move on!" he says to Brett especially, and Kae'etil as well.

"And as for thee sir," he says turning to Arasmes, Qwykee quickly attempting to look very penitent.

"No man loves a coward - and thou stink of fear - Yes, I say it is a stench - but mark this; a stench may be cleansed. Bathe thyself in courage - speak words of truth and do not fear it - for if thy should die for the truth, then so be it! Further, it is better to die then to live in shame of thy bloodline - or a fear of scorn or abuse. If they mock thee for thy blood, rend thy clothes and offer them thy flesh to scourge. Say unto he who should abuse thee Strike, sir - I fear thy abuse less then the honor that I know is in my heart. I cannot shame myself by hiding my nature, for I know it is both good and honorable!"

"Then thy shall see that none would assail thee, or not long - for thy courage alone in who thou art would be the bastion that turns the blade - you would wear it as a shield, and it would stand for thee as a foundation. Know then thyself - and take pride in what thou art - that courage will draw to thee honor - even from those who would call themselves thy enemy," he says sternly to Arasmes, yet to the Tiefling he pauses - putting his heavy hand on the southerner's shoulder in a comforting fashion, encouraging him with a physical gesture.

You observe that Sir Dashan had not done this with anyone else - not even Aliento - Sir Dashan is not a very demonstrative person... You sense, then, that at least with Arasmes he is doing his best to encourage him, despite his extremely direct words.

"And thee," Sir Dashan says turning to Anuk-su with a stern scowl "where is thy heart? Do thee not trust in my honor? I am here of a purpose - to do the deed that must be done; purge this temple of the dark force which causes strife among confederates. I shall not see this at my very doorstep, and never from one of such high and noble a destiny. Where thee as a son unto me I should beat thee for thy insolence to a guest in thy land - for so he is. When he sins outright then thou may scourge him - but his existence is allowed by the grace of the gods. We cannot contest their choice in allowing him to be born - nay! We must judge him on his actions, not his birthright- no matter how contemptible that may seem to us - he is being with a soul - it is to that which we must attend to," he says, staring down with a fierceness on Anuk-su - perhaps more strong because he naturally excepts more from a dragon and a noble woman - even though she may only be a child - in his eyes she should know better.

Turning once he surveys you all sternly.

Then, he walks to Ariarh.

"Lady - thou hast said this potion lasts but an hour - if thy would permit me?" he says, taking the potion from Ariarh, then bowing low before her.

He then lifts the potion and drinks it down instantly.

"There - the die is cast! There can be no delay - there can be no more time for words but these," he adds.

Then, drawing his blade from its sheath he falls to the earth and stabs the tip into the river bank, holding the hilts.

Aliento, chastised by his words into silence, also follows suit, pulling out his sword, and also kneeling with him.

Brett takes off his own hat, and does likewise with his blade.

"Gods of the Celestial realm - hear my plea; my allies and I seek a boon - that thy would bless us and keep us safe - that if we should die gloriously, or live heroically - that it is with thy glory that the deed is done. Commend our souls into thy spirit - and let us live or die in either case by doing our best for thy glory, not ours," he says, invoking the gods as he kneels in the mud.

"For our lords; for our countries; and for our gods," Sir Dashan says, then he kisses the hilt of the weapon, bends to kiss the earth itself, and rises, jerking the weapon from the ground and wiping the mud off on his cloak.

"Arise, arise! Fell deeds await - a sword day; a grim day, ere the moon rises!" he says, as if invoking a chant.

Aliento removes his sword from the ground, as does Brett. The two Ustalavians stride boldly forward into the mist, Brett pauses and looks back at you all.

"He's right, damn it! If we're going to beat this thing - we need to be a team - to act as a team - no time for all this hash - for now we act as a community if we're meant to clean up the strife on' the bloody temple! Come on! Yargh!" he roars out, even as you see the form of Sir Dashan striding boldly forward into the haunted mists with Aleinto coming up quickly after him - and Brett charging forward with a wild cheer, pausing only a moment to drink from the potion Ariarh gave him.

Female Silver Dragon My Level of Class is unmatched by any and all!
Ariarh Kane wrote:

Ariarh opens her satchel to take a flask of the chemical compound and from her backpack she draws two flasks of holy water and a magical potion against enchantment etc. and hands the four items to Brett.

Arasmes, did you take any of these potions when Ariarh was offering them to the group back at Saravale? I don't remember seeing a post. Sorry.

Ariarh - you see Anuk-su shudder visibly at Sir Dashan's words to her, and you can see her trembling slightly as he he barks out his orders at you all - as if he is a captain and you are all soldiers under his command.

You give her a worried look - for you know he was especially stern with her - and his words were not friendly.

You see that she has closed her eyes somewhat and has hugged her arms tightly around her chest, and you lay your hand on her shoulder, asking her in a hushed whisper if she is alright.

Private Response to Ariarh - yeah, another one (:

"I think I better understand what thou meant about the supposed rewards of emotions," she says, looking up at you with wide eyes.

You are somewhat surprised, expecting her to be hurt, or depressed at what he said, and you say so to her!

"How so? He spoke the truth, as thou no doubt observed! He was right - I was acting poorly, but did thy mark it well? He treated me not as a child - but as one of thee equally - to him I may as well be an ally, not a burden. And, moreover - his chastisement was fair and just. Perhaps he was correct, also - in that we have been arguing on the very doorstep of a place of strife - whatever dark forces that exist within that mist - they may be reaching out to sully our mood and heart! Yet, did thy mark him - he rallied us - he moved us - a bold man, grim and true - a man of action, and a stern will besides!"

She glances back into the mist, suddenly tugging at your sleeve.

"Come on - thou hast heard him - fell deeds await - we cannot tarry. I must join him on the quest," she says, urging you to hurry.

As you follow she turns a beaming face toward you.

"His presence, his charisma, his force of will - his mannerisms - oh Ariarh - would that I were older and stronger - I would let him ride me until he collapsed from exhaustion," she fairly gushes about her "hero" and how he acted; his blunt manner, and his courtesy - his critique and his kindness; but most of all his passion and his courage.

You recall the true meaning of the euphemism she used, though - and nod knowingly, remembering her evaluation of Sir Dashan and his actions -

Yes, this is certainly not a sexual thing to the young girl when she saw the man acting this way; but a dragon thing...


Female (totally, totally) Succubus

Qwykee cannot hear what is said between Ariarh and Anuk-su, but when she sees the dragon girl's look at Sir Dasah, especially after hearing her his speech, she leans in and whispers to Arasmes.

Qwykee's sage words to Arasmes concerning what she deduced from looking at Anuk-su's face:

"Hey, boss - I'll have what she's having!" she says with a laugh.

Then Qwykee turns and stares long and hard at Sir Dashan as he stride through the mist, and you can also hear her mutter to you:

"Say um, boss? You think that knight is, um... like, you know... like.... um... how do they say it? Like, you know.... a virgin? Because, um.... No, no - think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts..."

"Man - being good really sucks!" she pouts.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Ariarh had drunk her potion against enchantments just prior to the conversation regarding Arasmes and Qwykee. She unstops the vial and calls Dior to her side and tells him she will administer the potion so he too is protected somewhat. He lifts his beak and gives his mistress easy access, and as she pours the potion into his beak he swallows the liquid.

She turns to Anuk-su as the little girl tugs at her, eagerly wanting to follow Sir Dashan, and asks, "Have you taken your potion against enchantments? If not, I would ask that you do so before we boldly follow the others into the mist. And, Anuk-su, please stay close to me. I cannot protect you if you are away from me."

Ariarh draws her dragon tooth dagger from its sheath in ready before she takes her own steps toward the mist.

Arasmes stands stiffly during Sir Dashan's speech, when he speaks of being proud of who he is and not letting fear dictate his life, it strikes a cord more powerful than any he had experienced thus far in his life. To think that a man like that, holy and pure, would not revile from his touch and in fact would speak as to an equal has a profound impact upon Arasmes demeanor. He takes a shuddering breath and wipes a tear from his eye before looking first at Caliphana and then the others saying He is right...I have let fear guide me. No more will I be a slave to my past. My time is now.

Arasmes concentrates for a moment before 1d3 ⇒ 3 elementals of air in whirlwind form appear in front of him speeding into the mists and hopefully parting them. He follows immediately behind.

The air elementals in whirlwind form move at 100 and are attempting to clear a path through the mist for us as wide as they can which if they are all in a line together is 30' wide. They are 20 feet tall in whirlwind form as well. They will avoid our allies so as not to injure them with the whirlwind.

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

Shaezon remains silent, but does raise an eyebrow when Qwykee comes out. Several thoughts race through his head, but he doesn't feel the need to speak on the matter as others have echoed some deviation on his thoughts.

When someone says succubus he thinks "But why is she so small?"

knowledge planes 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Shaezon drinks the anti-fear potion before heading into the mists.

Ariah, is their another potion for mister or have they all been accounted for? If yes, Shaezon asks for it and gives it to Mister. Either way mister is staying close to Shaezon.

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

Swapped some spells out. Now have available Gust of wind, burning gaze, Protection from evil, See invisibility,

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Shae, Sir Dashan took the last magic potion against enchantment, drank it and moved into the mist. Sorry, Mister!

Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:

Arasmes stands stiffly during Sir Dashan's speech, when he speaks of being proud of who he is and not letting fear dictate his life, it strikes a cord more powerful than any he had experienced thus far in his life. To think that a man like that, holy and pure, would not revile from his touch and in fact would speak as to an equal has a profound impact upon Arasmes demeanor. He takes a shuddering breath and wipes a tear from his eye before looking first at Caliphana and then the others saying He is right...I have let fear guide me. No more will I be a slave to my past. My time is now.

Arasmes concentrates for a moment before 1d3 elementals of air in whirlwind form appear in front of him speeding into the mists and hopefully parting them. He follows immediately behind.

The air elementals in whirlwind form move at 100 and are attempting to clear a path through the mist for us as wide as they can which if they are all in a line together is 30' wide. They are 20 feet tall in whirlwind form as well. They will avoid our allies so as not to injure them with the whirlwind.

Alas - there is sorcery afoot here! You can see that the air elementals do in fact push back the wind - but no more then fifteen feet from their very body (I.E. a twenty foot diameter!) Further, the "gust of wind" pushes the fog back ten feet above their heads - so that means that you can see thirty feet above you. After that - the fog is like thick mist - and seeing through that mist is the same as heavy clouds - that is, 50% miss chance and so on, just as if you were looking through standard fog - but the "standard fog" is now moved back ten feet in every direction from the elementals. Still - you realize if you space them right, you will be able to give yourself a line of vision that is 75 feet in width... The other problem is that one round after the elementals pass by - the mist gathers again behind them... This will be very difficult indeed, you believe!

Naturally you can direct the whirlwind as you would - but again, after one round of advancement things are clear, but then they are shrouded again right after that round... be advised, if they move forward 100 feet - then you will see them advance and wait - but only for a moment, before the mists closes behind them like a curtain...

Shaezon Silverfall wrote:

Shaezon remains silent, but does raise an eyebrow when Qwykee comes out. Several thoughts race through his head, but he doesn't feel the need to speak on the matter as others have echoed some deviation on his thoughts.

When someone says succubus he thinks "But why is she so small?"

knowledge planes 1d20+8

Shaezon drinks the anti-fear potion before heading into the mists.

Ariah, is their another potion for mister or have they all been accounted for? If yes, Shaezon asks for it and gives it to Mister. Either way mister is staying close to Shaezon.

Your mind ponders this question for a moment...

Logic suggests that the Succubus is far too small (though, at her size, she is in correct proportion - she is not a mutant or something like that - only tiny succubus, if that is what she is. However - you also know that such creatures radiate evil - and the paladin said she did not. Logically then, there is more to her then you may know of...

Of course - your mentor once said Logic is only the beginning of knowledge...

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Ka'etil nodds at sir Dashan's point, dischord and chaos are what corupt this site. How are we to fight this when we ourselves are not united?. As Dashan continues, Kae cringes slightly at the accusation pointed at him.

Cringing slightly as the man downs his potion and states that it is the time for action, Kae sighs to himself, muttering, "Action, another one going to go charging blindly into danger, loudly clanking along," and downing his potion, starting off on his way.

He pauses briefly as the men kneel to pray, cocking his head, never really having understood such displays, yet some find spirituality more modivating than roaring and promises of carnage and victory.

"To each their own," turning quickly on his heel, following imediatly behind the palidin...

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Worried that Mister would not be as protected as the others in the party, Ariarh moves over to the pseudodragon, and gently touching his head, she casts Resistance (+1 resistance bonus on saves). Speaking to Shaezon, "It lasts a minute and at least something I can do for him. If necessary, in this battle, I can cast it again on Mister if he is close enough to touch."

Ariarh Kane wrote:
Worried that Mister would not be as protected as the others in the party, Ariarh moves over to the pseudodragon, and gently touching his head, she casts Resistance (+1 resistance bonus on saves). Speaking to Shaezon, "It lasts a minute and at least something I can do for him. If necessary, in this battle, I can cast it again on Mister if he is close enough to touch."

"Thank you. Ive been through this once. I know what to expect. "

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Shae, if you see this, we're all logged into Skype and Maptools and hoping to see you soon! :)

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Map-tools fight to come monday night, 10-ish EST soon as Dain gets home, so we play soon as he arrives! this is the final fight of the temple, and if we can start earlier, that'd be awesome!!!

If you can't make it or are going to be late - please let me know...


F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

10-ish is kind of late for me, but I'll be there for the first part at least. Depends on how long it lasts.

Shaezon Silverfall wrote:
10-ish is kind of late for me, but I'll be there for the first part at least. Depends on how long it lasts.

I may be home earlier - possibly even as early as 9 - though it is more likely going to be 9:30 - 10. The sooner you get on, the sooner you get on is better...

Okay, have a good day, and expect me when you see me!

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

So, What happened?

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

dain's gonna put stuff up on the main board. it's a surprise...


Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

The GM's posting may be a rather lengthy one so you guys can see what happened in total by the end of the battle. Stay tuned. I know he was going to work on it when he got home from work today.

He did.... after a long night - I read it - out-fracking-standing!

I should send him my warmest regards... He's really quite amazing - but it's only the main board...

To all -

The following is the beginning of the new thread for new AlT's. They will slowly be worked in throughout the course of the week...


- Beginning of Quest –

Isani - you shake yourself awake from the dizziness. What strikes you mostly is the color of green here… To be sure, you’ve seen this before; in the palaces, and the gardens – but here the color is nearly obscene, as if it has been used in a cavalier fashion that blankets everything with such casual abandon.

As your eyes flutter open you gradually become aware that you are strangely alone. This strikes you as curious, however. You were supposed to be with others – yes – you remember that much…. You were with a group. A man promised you all a fresh start, a new beginning in a green land far to the north. A land filled with hope and promise…

You had been taken to a small estate to the far west of the great city – you saw other travelers; some of them pilgrims, some of them eager colonists looking for new land – others still you guessed may be running from things – or perhaps they simply were nervous about the power of this spell?

You didn’t know then – and you didn’t ask. Instead, you said nothing. You felt it was best to simply remain quite – to remain – inconspicuous as possible. You were afraid for your birthright – your “heritage” – as it were – but most especially the voice in your head; your little whisperer, your guide – warned you against the journey.

Oh yes – she was always warning you of things – she always spoke, and hinted in vague references, but in the end you were never sure as to what was happening, or what she meant – you only knew that her words seemed like goads, even when the advice proved sound and true.

Yet this time you did not agree – this time you would ignore her – and even as you milled about the dirty estates, your own nerves seeming to agree with the voice of the haunting girl – whispering in your head – you refused to listen. You pressed on – the dirty looks of the men there? The suspicions that grew on you? You dismissed them!

Aye, indeed – why should you listen to them? Why should you concern yourself with them – you made a decision – and were going to stand true to it – no matter what the consequences were – and you would not be put off with “sensible planning” – “sage advice” – “sound logic” – or anything else that lent itself to safety while it shackled you like a fish in a glass bowl.

Even so – you shook your head and tried to clear your eyes and looked around – you were clear of one thing now – this place was not what you expected…

Firstly; where was the rest of your party – your companions? Where did they go – was there not a great deal of you? Was there not a whole host of you coming? Yet, even so – you do not see any of them…

Huh! Well – I warned thee properly, it cannot be said otherwise – as if I – a royal – who should inhabit thy soul – would dare give thee false advice! – came the voice inside your head.

”Quiet now, Eirene,” you mutter to yourself, hoping to calm the voice.

Even still – thy should thank me – I bent what powers I had to aid thee in thy foolishness – it was by my actions and by my designs that I did this thing – and now thy are estranged from thy companions! Nay – do not thank me – it was the least I could do! – you hear.

You grit your teeth hard at this, and suddenly try to master your thoughts.

”What? Why should you do that?” you ask angrily.

Fear not – all shall be made clear – in time… – you hear back.

”Naturally – now you decide to become cryptic…” you say with a sigh, then, looking up at the rolling hills in front of you, you let out a deep sigh and are resolved to see what you will do next.

You have no companions, no friends, and no direction – and do not even know where you are. Only the presence of a tall series of trees poking over the hills in front of you seem interesting, and the hills around you and below you – you turn and look and see nothing but naked grass for miles.

As you ponder your next move – wondering if you should trudge to the steeple of the hill for a better view – you suddenly hear the sound of shrieking metal and the screams of violence over the ridge.

What, then – shall you do?

Male Half-dwarf - also known as a "Mul" Gladiator... and others... 6th level

Below you see a heavy set man – he is wearing a wide belt with metal links; bracers on his arms, a ring on his finger, but no armor but a short loin-cloth and heavy sandals. His skin is a dusky, honey colored, and he is bald. He is thickly muscles, and in each hand carries a short sword; surrounding him are the bodies of three men, and even now he is squaring up against another, and final man – and with quick work – he slices him into pieces with brutal savagery.

Crouching on the ground he quickly cleans his blades, and rifles the corpses, even as you watch him in shock. Then glancing up – he sees you, and with a rush – he moves forward to you with a great speed for such a heavy-set creature.

Moving close – you can see that you were incorrect in your assumption. This is no man – but something else. His face is broader – flatter – and somehow more squat. His eyes are a dusky brown, and his nose is wider, and his frame is very heavy – he is, perhaps – a little over six feet in height, but the power he has in his muscles alone seems to be daunting.

Suddenly looming over you he looks down into your differently colored eyes.

”Who are you witch! Speak – but have a care – if you try to cast a spell on me – I shall cut you down where you stand!” he says, looking down on you intently.

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3

Isani's hands stretch out in the short distance between her and the male and her nails transform into sharpened claws. She is not attacking him at present but defending her position seeing she is unaccompanied in this strange, green land.

"Peace! I am no witch! I am a Priestess of the Everlight, the Lady Sarenrae. And who are you, Ghareeb?" Isani's deep accent flows melodically in a voice steady and assured, even as she stands alone against this stranger.

Diplomacy with heavy set man: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30

Male Half-dwarf - also known as a "Mul" Gladiator... and others... 6th level

"What sorcery is this! Stand down, witch, or I shall kill you even now!" the blood-stained warrior barks out in rage, his eyes turning to a muddy brown ice.

His blades are raised, and his face dark.

Intimidate: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3

She takes a shaky 5" step back, alarmed by the raised blades and the male's harsh command.

Isani retracts her claws and lifts her human hands upward in a conciliatory gesture,

"Peace, I implore, Ghareeb. This is no sorcery and I am no witch! My claws are a natural part of my race. I am Priestess to Sarenrae! I would like to know your name." Isani repeats herself, wondering if the male's brains are dull and he cannot comprehend her and hoping he will be calmed.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29

Male Half-dwarf - also known as a "Mul" Gladiator... and others... 6th level

Hearing the dulcet voice and the cloying words of this young desert flower in front of him, Khromm tilts back his head and lets out a harsh bark of laughter, even as he suddenly reverses his blades and thrusts each home on the sheaths dangling from his massive belt.

"Ha! Fair enough woman!"

"You can call me Khromm - though you don't mention your own name, I see! Well met, then - Priestess of Everlight the Lady-Sarenrae-Ghareeb!" Khromm adds, reaching his massive hand over gripping her own with a suddenly friendly handshake - his grip nearly crushing her hand like a vice.

His broad nostrils inhale the perfume of this sweet rose in front of him.

"By the gods woman - you have the smells of home on you! Aye - and the curves of the moon - and lips that'd fair make a ripe fruit blush!" he says, with a heary laugh.

"What brings you to this place then, eh? Bloodsport maybe? Nay - you don't got the look for it - say; what in gods name are you, anyway - and what are you doing here?" he asks, as if finally seeing you.

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3

She tilts her head slightly, watching Khromm with one pale blue eye and one amber eye. The man seemed to be commending her looks, while his handshake had rattled her teeth.

"Good day, Mister Khromm. I am called Isani, Isani Isu. Ghareeb is a term my people use to describe a male stranger, it is however not my name."

His demeanour had altered dramatically and for that blessing she was indeed grateful and she sent a silent prayer of thanks to her Lady Sarenrae.

"To answer your question in regard to what I am, Isani bristles a little at this, I am a changeling, Mister Khromm. Have you heard of my race?" Her honeyed accent is stronger than previously.

Pausing to observe his face and eyes before continuing,

"I have been brought here to find and embrace my destiny. My life in Sothis had become shadowed by danger and my father believed this new land would be more accommodating for a person such as I. Where is your homeland?" Isani bestows Khromm with a polite smile.

Male Half-dwarf - also known as a "Mul" Gladiator... and others... 6th level

"Well then - well met; Isani Isani Isu!" he adds, turning slightly, and smacking her ample buttocks with his hand, and striding past her dramatically, even as she jumps forward slightly.

"Changeling? Never heard of it! What did you change from? Eh - never mind, woman," he calls back over his shoulder.

"Homeland's south o' here - call it Osirion - deep deserts out there," he adds, striding up the hill and glancing down the grassy valley below.

Turning back, he sees her multi-colored eyes on him - and he pauses to flex his bulging muscles, giving her a true eye-full, and letting her drink it all in hungrily.

"Yeah - well - enough of all this talk, Isani Isani Isu - it's time we be out of here, eh?" he adds, striding back down to the grassy plains.

Looking into the grass, he happens to notice one of the dead men is grinning a macabre death mask, he halts a moment - cocks his head and stares, then lowers to the ground with a panther-like grace that causes the desert blossom to fairly gasp in his startling speed and fluid agility.

He jerks one of the swords out and reverses it, smashing the pommel against the dead man's jaw, and then, reaching into the pulped skull fragments and suddenly pooling blood - he plucks out something and holds it up to the light.

"Must be tired - nearly missed it," he adds, muttering to himself, and in the gleam Isani can see it is a gold tooth, which is quickly pocketed.

"Well - what are we waiting for? You going to stand there all day - or are we getting out of here," he says as he bounds up, looking over Isani with a somewhat impatient glance, even as his eyes mold her dress to her body.

"Come on, Isani Isani Isu - let's be off!" he says, and then turns to wander off even as you run to catch up...

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3

"My name is Isani Isu!"

The impertinence of the man! Never before had a male touched her with such familiarity and none of the males of her homeland would have been so forward as to smack her posterior. She could hear soft laughter and knew Eirene was enjoying her discomfort. "I do not find this amusing, Eirene. Quiet!" The spirit continued her laughter.

And did not Khromm know the capital of his country, their homeland? She was not sure whether to pity the man's dullness or laugh at the absurdity of the conversation regarding Osirion. Least he was treating her as a friend now and not an enemy. Or she hoped he was.

Suddenly Isani remembered she had travelled through the portal with her dearest horse. Sadiki! She swirled about, the verdant landscape melting into a river of green. A short distance behind her she spied Sadiki grazing with relaxed ease. She took long running strides toward him, careful not to spook him, and gently speaking his name until the horse looked up and bobbed his head. She stroked his forehead once and then examining her saddle was relieved to see that her gear had safely made the passage with them. Isani effortlessly lifted herself onto the saddle and with a brisk command and using her knees began guiding Sadiki toward the fast paced Khromm.

Calling out, "Mister Khromm, where are we headed?" Isani nudges Sadiki into a gallop to make up the distance. The half-dwarf, for she presumed he was such, had not said a word as to their destination and she could not in good conscience follow a ghareeb through this strange land without finding out where he was leading them to.

Blessed Everlight, lend me your wisdom and strength. Isani devotedly touches the silver ankh about her neck.

Male Half-dwarf - also known as a "Mul" Gladiator... and others... 6th level
Isani Isu wrote:

"My name is Isani Isu!"

The impertinence of the man! Never before had a male touched her with such familiarity and none of the males of her homeland would have been so forward as to smack her posterior. She could hear soft laughter and knew Eirene was enjoying her discomfort. "I do not find this amusing, Eirene. Quiet!" The spirit continued her laughter.

And did not Khromm know the capital of his country, their homeland? She was not sure whether to pity the man's dullness or laugh at the absurdity of the conversation regarding Osirion. Least he was treating her as a friend now and not an enemy. Or she hoped he was.

Suddenly Isani remembered she had travelled through the portal with her dearest horse. Sadiki! She swirled about, the verdant landscape melting into a river of green. A short distance behind her she spied Sadiki grazing with relaxed ease. She took long running strides toward him, careful not to spook him, and gently speaking his name until the horse looked up and bobbed his head. She stroked his forehead once and then examining her saddle was relieved to see that her gear had safely made the passage with them. Isani effortlessly lifted herself onto the saddle and with a brisk command and using her knees began guiding Sadiki toward the fast paced Khromm.

Calling out, "Mister Khromm, where are we headed?" Isani nudges Sadiki into a gallop to make up the distance. The half-dwarf, for she presumed he was such, had not said a word as to their destination and she could not in good conscience follow a ghareeb through this strange land without finding out where he was leading them to.

Blessed Everlight, lend me your wisdom and strength. Isani devotedly touches the silver ankh about her neck.

”Well – that’s the real trick, isn’t it sweets,” Kromm says, turning to look back at the wyrd-eyed girl, noticing how the girls eyes seemed nearly glued to his posterior.

- Ah lad – don’t mind her overmuch – it’s the same all over – the ladies can’t help themselves from gawking –

”Not too sure myself…” he adds with a wave of his hand westward.

”Over there be the closest thing to civilization – but I don’t think you want to go that way,” he adds with a grunt.

”It’s not a safe place – seems to be a town of such – but it’s filled with slavers – and other such dross as that. And beyond that? Far to the west of that is even worse…” he adds, jogging quickly across the grass by the lass.

”You start getting into dark forests – jungles and so on – they say the lands there are haunted, as it were – no one goes that way – or if they do – they don’t come back,” he adds.

”I was brought here by the bloody slavers – reckon they had the same planned for you – but I slipped free pretty easy. I’ve been scrounging around here – killing them that wander too far from the town – don’t care much for slavers… Anyhow, the last lot I knifed back there,” he adds, jerking his thumb toward the slaughtered folk behind him – ”I overheard them that they have trading with another town – and that town’s out to the north east.”

”Since I don’t like slavers – and I’d rather not stay here any longer – I figure I’ll find this new town they mention – and maybe head on in and knock a few heads together – earn some coin – drink and whore – you know, the usual…” he adds with a shrug, even as he senses the obvious acceptance of such a sensible plan.

”Yeah – I know what you’re thinking – the last town could have been cut down fast and sure – by my blades of course – but there’s too much folk there – spellslingers all – and you can’t fight magic with just steel – so I lit out and then, well… here we are,” Khromm said with a grunt.

”Well – what’s your story, eh?”

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3

"The same befell me. It took me a little longer to realise the deliverers were in reality slavers but I managed to make my ... escape with my horse Sadiki before they could corral me with other betrayed countrymen and women." There was an underlying anger to her rich accent, caused by the implication of such a betrayal to her people. Also, she could not divulge her secret to this ghareeb, of Eirene's existence -- he would believe her mad or possessed and his blades would fly once more and cut her down.

"I seek a fortress, one within the capital city of Saravale, named Cloudwatch Keep. This is where I must go, where my Lady Sarenrae bids me to travel. Is this where you go?"

Recollecting what she had witnessed when she first crossed paths with this half-dwarven male, and listening to him retell his killing exploits with the slavers, Isani boldly asks, "Mister Khromm, how did you know the people from the settlement you slew were slavers? Did you exchange words with them? Did they threaten you or try to capture you?" Her accent seemed to caress every word, especially in the pronunciation of his name.

Male Half-dwarf - also known as a "Mul" Gladiator... and others... 6th level
Isani Isu wrote:

"The same befell me. It took me a little longer to realise the deliverers were in reality slavers but I managed to make my ... escape with my horse Sadiki before they could corral me with other betrayed countrymen and women." There was an underlying anger to her rich accent, caused by the implication of such a betrayal to her people. Also, she could not divulge her secret to this ghareeb, of Eirene's existence -- he would believe her mad or possessed and his blades would fly once more and cut her down.

"I seek a fortress, one within the capital city of Saravale, named Cloudwatch Keep. This is where I must go, where my Lady Sarenrae bids me to travel. Is this where you go?"

Recollecting what she had witnessed when she first crossed paths with this half-dwarven male, and listening to him retell his killing exploits with the slavers, Isani boldly asks, "Mister Khromm, how did you know the people from the settlement you slew were slavers? Did you exchange words with them? Did they threaten you or try to capture you?" Her accent seemed to caress every word, especially in the pronunciation of his name.

”How’d I know they were slavers? Well – they had slave pens, and had slaves, and had shackles and such – and they tried to make me a slave – which is why I killed the bleeders... Of course, I could be way off the mark – but I doubt it,” he adds, shaking his head at your question.

”Saravale? Cloudwatch Keep? Nah – never heard of them. I’m just running the grass looking for a half-way decent town to get drinks and be happy. If that’s the names of the town – well – what can be said? I sure as hell didn’t name them – or I might have given them something downright impressive! But anyway – I know about two places where there be civilization – three, if you count the one I didn’t visit – one of has slavers, and the other doesn’t… I say we head for the one that doesn’t – makes sense to me – but keep an eye peeled – there may be trouble on the roads, heh?” he adds, and you notice that he has a composite bow on his back, and a quiver of arrows besides, as well as a small collection of gear slung over his shoulder.

”You want to try this new place – or want to go back to the old one? I ain’t picky – you just say what your plan is, eh?” he adds as you to advance.

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3

Isani sharply stares at the male with her mismatched, different coloured eyes, wishing she could more readily comprehend the speech of this ghareeb.

"Mister Khromm, I am unsure of what you are asking, but I believe I would rather head away from the slave town than toward it and haunted forests are better given a wide berth. So, if you lead, I shall follow. This green land looks all the same to me presently."

"And, Mister Khromm, are you comfortable running beside my horse? I feel social etiquette dictates me to ask, and, also provide an alternate mode of travel."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Half-dwarf - also known as a "Mul" Gladiator... and others... 6th level

Khromm is quite comfortable jogging alongside your horse. It seems he has rather remarkable endurance – you believe his race is fairly hardy, and this is consistent with his bloodline, as well as (you suspect) his training.

After moving quickly over the grass for some time, you eventually halt to make some sort of crude camp. Khromm has brought down a large, hairy, four-legged creature (an elk, actually – though you would have never seen such a beast), and has spitted it and is cooking the meat.

Basically – he gives you the rundown on what has happened to him here.

- The Rundown –

Like you, Khromm was brought to the land from Osirion. His task was to provide entertainment fro the men who were running the town. Formally – he was meant to be a gladiator or pit fighter – but “got into it” with one of the caravan guards before he was brought here magically. When they were all close together – for the magical transportation, he slid the guard near him, killed the guard, and then plucked the keys from the man even as the party was moved through the magical gate.

Like you, many of the people had horses, gear, carts, and so on – including the barred cart Khromm had been locked in. Once through, he managed to open the lock, grab some gear – including the items that had been stowed to provide him for the fights – and then escape.

Khromm informs you that the city you were heading too was roughly two miles west of you. It is formed on the south side of a swampy morass – the swamp had spilled out of the forests near by, and layered the plains with foul-smelling bogs; flanking the western and southern side of the swamp there were stranger trees, more leafy – and thicker and denser, as if the elevation was lower from the sun.

His description of the western “forests” matches the description of a “jungle” – if you push far enough west – from the town – they will move away from a deciduous forest and into a jungle terrain.

The town is made up of mostly slavers – and the “citizens” that are brought there seem to be dedicated to the task of being forced to search through the swamps and bogs – the lords of the town seem to think there is something important there – though he doesn’t know what!

Khromm admits that he saw little of the town – but can give you some basic details.

- He believes the town has about 4,000 – 5,000 people.

- He believes that, of this number – there are, perhaps – about 20 or 30 “leaders” – nobles, magic users, priest types; who manipulate and run things in a sort of “theocracy” – the leaders act as if they were part of a “Cult” – and reference the “Black Koda” – though what that is – Khromm doesn’t know. He thinks the “slaves” are kept in line through threat of fear or magical intimidation.

- He believes that there is also (roughly) 100 or so acolytes – dedicated to this “cult” – in laymen’s terms you’d feel these types are probably: Level 2 – 3 Fighter, Cavalier’s, or possibly Ranger or Rogues – they act as guardsmen, police, militia, and a town watch. There are foul things in town – but there are also foul things about town in the jungles – Khromm believes that these men are “committed” – as Cult Members he thinks they will die for their master as a zealot.

- Khromm has seen mostly desert types there – but admits there are other odd races about – many he has never seen. He would not be surprised to see more such odd creatures about soon.

- He also admits the town has at least 20 – 40 mounted soldiers, though how much of that is there, he does not know.

- The town itself has a large wall around it. The wall is made out of mud taken from the swamp and baked into bricks. The wall is roughly ten feet thick and about fifteen feet high. It surrounds the entire town.

- Khromm informs you that the “leaders” of the town live inside something that looks like a squat “pyramid” – each layer is fairly wide, rises about ten feet, and moves closer toward the center. He says he saw five “layers” on the pyramid – the final layer a broad, flat area – with large buildings on to house the chief officers and such. He has seen one formal stairway to go up – but it is pretty heavily guarded.

- Khromm has left this place because he heard rumor that some of the lower level thugs – and their Cultish masters – had found a town to the North East near some heavy cliffs and had traveled there to “Check out the Competition” – as it were.

- Khromm feels that if this town to the North East IS competition to the town to the West – then it may also be something that could help you on in getting a little “pay back”.

- Khromm encourages you to be watchful to the trail – he is nervous that there may be other folk about who are equally dangerous – possibly these “cult members” in disguise. As for the town you are headed to? It is possible that this town is safe and good – or at least, better then what he found.

- Khromm reckons that – by his count – you should arrive in the town by no later then the: 12th of Ghozrah.

- Khromm does not always speak in Third Person - but in this case - why not?

”Well then, sweets – any more questions?” he tosses out at you as he feasts on the greasy, dripping, steaming chunks of recently… er… cooked?... elk meat!

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3

"A courageous act to escape the slavers, Mister Khromm, and quite diligent of you to obtain such information regarding this enemy camp. The right course would be to ride toward the "competition", this town built by heavy cliffs." She is silently mulling over a theory. "I have heard through my father's contacts that the town I seek, its fortress "Cloudwatch Keep" is built upon towering cliffs. Could they be one and the same?" Isani is not really asking Khromm but simply questioning out aloud.

She grows silent again, the sound of the crackling fire and Khromm's voracious appetite filling the space. The remnants of the cooked meat in her bowl lies untouched as she considers the information concerning the cult and the theocratic organisation,

Knowledge, History (re set up of cults and rise of Black Koda): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Knowledge, Religion re Black Koda (re tenets and such): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Knowledge, Local (know hidden organisations, rulers and locations): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

Unexpectedly she asks, "What languages do you speak, Mister Khromm?"

Good to go with Lazurien whenever you want to bring her in. But no rush, just fyi.

Male Half-dwarf - also known as a "Mul" Gladiator... and others... 6th level
Isani Isu wrote:

"A courageous act to escape the slavers, Mister Khromm, and quite diligent of you to obtain such information regarding this enemy camp. The right course would be to ride toward the "competition", this town built by heavy cliffs." She is silently mulling over a theory. "I have heard through my father's contacts that the town I seek, its fortress "Cloudwatch Keep" is built upon towering cliffs. Could they be one and the same?" Isani is not really asking Khromm but simply questioning out aloud.

She grows silent again, the sound of the crackling fire and Khromm's voracious appetite filling the space. The remnants of the cooked meat in her bowl lies untouched as she considers the information concerning the cult and the theocratic organisation,

Knowledge, History (re set up of cults and rise of Black Koda): 1d20+9
Knowledge, Religion re Black Koda (re tenets and such): 1d20+10
Knowledge, Local (know hidden organisations, rulers and locations): 1d20+8

Unexpectedly she asks, "What languages do you speak, Mister Khromm?"

”Cloudwatch Keep on towering cliffs? How the hell should I know…” Khromm says, not really answering – just stating the answer aloud..

”I speak the Common Tongue, of course – and the language of Dwarves – my trainer was one – and Giants – there are many types of them in the deeper deserts – for a time I did work as a bounty hunter – and that’s where I picked up elven. So not everyone can understand me – well, what of it? Any person can understand this,” he adds, hefting one of his blades.

Regarding Knowledge Checks

You recall that there is some sort of creature in the deep deserts – but only by rumor – called the “koda” – but you are not sure. If so – the creature was an insect like beast, not unlike a giant beetle – some saw it with golden chitin and a black skull on its back. You can recall nothing more of the creature, however, other then it was rumored to be very dangerous, and often seen on or around plagues.

You wonder, then – if this gang merely used the symbol as a fearsome crest – like a black hawk – or a white elephant – or some other noble or intimidating name…

It’s possible – it would certainly make a fearsome symbol – but something strikes your fancy and you think there may be more too it then that… You wonder, then – is there chance that the creature may be related to pagan gods or worship? You are not entirely sure… but you think that this aspect bears investigation.

Lazurien wrote:
Good to go with Lazurien whenever you want to bring her in. But no rush, just fyi.

Indeed, sir – I was planning on bringing in Kae first – as I’ve read through his backstory and details – but if I don’t see him tap the board in the next 24 hours – you’re up!

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3

Looking across the fire at Khromm, Isani ponders the great divide in their communication.

"Ah yes, your blades, fearsome indeed. However, Mister Khromm, I prefer communication through words and it is prudent, since we travel together now, that we find languages we have in common and can use in any given situation. Thus my question." Her accent is like the rolling desert dunes, undulating in its richness.

"Symbols and crests have been used for centuries to distinguish regions and religions. This Black Koda gang or cult could be using such crests to instill fear and perpetuate that fear. The creature, the Koda, is said to have existed once in the heart of the desert lands, a most dangerous insect likened to a giant beetle, most prevalent in plague-ridden environments. The koda may be associated with the old ways, the pagan gods once revered. But then, if we speak of Undeath and Disease, Plague, the goddess Urgathoa is the principal suspect. Undead and dark necromancers are her primary worshippers, though those who hope to become undead, such as a vampire’s minions, potential liches, and so on, seek her favor as well. As such, her priests must often keep their dark activities a secret. There is much to investigate. This Black Koda cult should be presumed dangerous, Mister Khromm, but I gather you know this. And, you mentioned there were at least 100 acolytes in the town whom would die to fulfil their master's will? This is troubling. I wonder if the "competition" is aware of the cultists and their numbers... Once we arrive in the town to the north east, we should seek audience with the leader. This land seems to be festering with its own troubles. Blessed Everlight, guide our mind, heart and hands!"

Taking 20 on Knowledge, Nature (to recall more information regarding the Koda insect/beetle) for a total of 28.

Male Half-dwarf - also known as a "Mul" Gladiator... and others... 6th level

"Huh! Black Koda Cults - hundreds of acolytes - giant beetles - and a whole host of poxing, sodding, scum! Heh, heh - but don't worry, lass," Khromm says, turning to favor the dark desert rose with a look that - undoubtedly - makes her very heart tremble with unmitigated lust.

"If it bleeds - I can kill it! he says - hefting his weapon, and running his thumb over the edge of one his swords grimly, as he turns to face the wind, the fierce gusts stirring about him - blowing the damp sweat over his heavily chiseled muscles.

"Now - as for warning this next town," he says, turning back from the quickly evaporated wind to the cool, yet haunting shadows that fester under the clouded sky "Yeah - you might have something there... maybe... But first we need to know price! And who the hell are these people up north - got to tell you - I don't trust northern folk overly much - but then again; you might have something! Maybe we should see the leader of the little berg up that way - give him the news - but after he gives us a fine mug and a finer wench - or whatever the hell you prefer - then; we drink! We dine! We rut! And then - gods wiling - we sleep and wake up to do it all again," he adds, giving her a knowing smile, even now observing the young lass's imminent look of passion.

Ahhh these ladies - but then - what are you going to do, my lad? After all - it's me!

- Meanwhile –

Your epic conversations with the extremely verbose and articulate Khromm have led you to believe that heading north as quick as possible may be the best thing you can do – if only for your sanity! Therefore, your conversation tacks back and forth while on the trail – even so – you sense that some sort of action is nigh!

The two of you have journeyed for another twenty-four hours. Though you are eager to travel east, you have found yourself moving constantly to the west as you head north – this is because – to your immediate eastern flank – there is nothing but wide marshes, crisscrossed rivers, small lakes and large ponds.

If a caravan came to the north east, it would need to keep clear of that – and, further, Khromm’s skill in the wilderness has allowed him to see (on occasion) ruts in the grasses and plains which are unmistakably wagon trails and hoof prints. Though he is not familiar with this type of terrain – he is not baffled by the signs and has made it clear.

As you continue to charge forward you see that the ground has become broken and dangerous – the grass has given way to large stones, and craggy rocks, and you are often forced to move slower then you would prefer – simply to avoid injury for either yourself our your goodly horse as you move forward.

However, it seems clear now that you must be on the right track – for there is clear evidence – without even a cursory examination – that you are able to see what looks like a track between the boulders and crags. You are either growing closer to civilization – or you are moving close to dangerous terrain that could house dangerous animals.

In any case, as you advance you notice that – over the next ridge – there is what looks like circling crows! They seem to be wheeling back and forth – moving down now and again in the cleft of some hills.

Khromm tacks his course in an almost absent minded fashion and moves over the ridge – what you see below surprises you both!

There, in small canyon – perhaps fifty to sixty feet in width – forty or fifty feet in depth and running nearly a mile or two to the north east – is what looks like a small massacre!

You can make out a few horses – but most of them have fled south down the canyon (you could move to catch them though – if you wish) – but there is also a heap of men who lay dead – they are wearing heavy robes, some of them wearing armor – and many of them had been carrying bows or spears.

Khromm smiles grimly and draws his blades – with nary a word he leaps from rock to rock until he is at the bottom of the canyon (you can get a horse down the canyon with a little difficulty – but not much – it is getting out of the canyon that seems tricky. However – common sense suggests that if these men had rode into the canyon – there is very likely a way out for their horses – and perhaps this canyon will provide an actual trail for you to traverse!)

In either case – as you enter the canyon you see Khromm has defaulted to his usual method of dealing with the poor unfortunates that have suffered – he is picking through the bodies for loot, and with the usual quickness and fierce looks at his surroundings which make you believe he is not someone who is going to be taken by surprise!

Laying on the ground, however – is one that may not be dead! Isani – you think you see movement near one of the bodies. Even still – though you’re fairly certain Khromm has noticed it too – you also notice that he is doing nothing to move to assist. In fact –you suspect that he’ll be dodging over soon to finish off the remains rather quickly…

What do you do?

Current Image of what the situation may look like – roughly…

Not sure what Laz looks like – I’ve seen two pics on the boards that seem to fit the bill of what your character could looks like – One of them seems correct – the other does not seem correct – though maybe we could use it instead – because… Ahem! – why not? I’ll let you see what I mean here –

Probable Pic – in masculine form

No reason this can’t be your character – because it says “Strix”, right… so, just saying…

If you can find another link that has a better pic for your character, please toss it up – my efforts to find things didn’t go well – and besides – everyone generally has an idea in their head what they want, especially in an image form – so, toss it up when you can!

Isani Isu wrote:

Looking across the fire at Khromm, Isani ponders the great divide in their communication.

"Ah yes, your blades, fearsome indeed. However, Mister Khromm, I prefer communication through words and it is prudent, since we travel together now, that we find languages we have in common and can use in any given situation. Thus my question." Her accent is like the rolling desert dunes, undulating in its richness.

"Symbols and crests have been used for centuries to distinguish regions and religions. This Black Koda gang or cult could be using such crests to instill fear and perpetuate that fear. The creature, the Koda, is said to have existed once in the heart of the desert lands, a most dangerous insect likened to a giant beetle, most prevalent in plague-ridden environments. The koda may be associated with the old ways, the pagan gods once revered. But then, if we speak of Undeath and Disease, Plague, the goddess Urgathoa is the principal suspect. Undead and dark necromancers are her primary worshippers, though those who hope to become undead, such as a vampire’s minions, potential liches, and so on, seek her favor as well. As such, her priests must often keep their dark activities a secret. There is much to investigate. This Black Koda cult should be presumed dangerous, Mister Khromm, but I gather you know this. And, you mentioned there were at least 100 acolytes in the town whom would die to fulfil their master's will? This is troubling. I wonder if the "competition" is aware of the cultists and their numbers... Once we arrive in the town to the north east, we should seek audience with the leader. This land seems to be festering with its own troubles. Blessed Everlight, guide our mind, heart and hands!"

Taking 20 on Knowledge, Nature (to recall more information regarding the Koda insect/beetle) for a total of 28.

Unfortunately you are not able to "take 20" with a knowledge check - though you can "take 10" - which represents your basic knowledge without the check.

With a ten though -

It should be noted that this creature is somewhat mythical, so you don't really know much about it with "nature" - though the creature it is "based on" via myth/legend - is a small insect - like a beetle or a scarab - it is carnivorous - often found near bodies and known to feast on corpses - it is considered "vermin" - and, as it feasts on bodies - this causes the more superstitious to believe that it carries plague with it...

You are not sure what this has to do with the myth of such a creature - though, again - your memory seems to recollect that such creatures were supposed to be giant in size in the deep deserts - more then that - you cannot say with Nature - though perhaps another skill...

OH NO! What the hell is Khromm doing? Better check it out...

Better picture that I heavily modified to fit a Strix. Some alterations to the picture: She would be wielding a beautifully crafted black wood longbow. She is much more heavily muscled than in the picture as well, she is not extremely large but is very toned and cut with very little body fat. She has wild white hair and her skin is a dark smoky grey. When she opens her eyes you will see eyes similar to Arasmes actually in the sense that they are completely black, no whites of the eyes and no iris. Also she has a strange nose in that it it is more of two vertical diagonal slits for nostrils meeting a small ridge (think like Voldemort from the Harry Potter movies)

Lazurien wrote:
Better picture that I heavily modified to fit a Strix. Some alterations to the picture: She would be wielding a beautifully crafted black wood longbow. She is much more heavily muscled than in the picture as well, she is not extremely large but is very toned and cut with very little body fat. She has wild white hair and her skin is a dark smoky grey. When she opens her eyes you will see eyes similar to Arasmes actually in the sense that they are completely black, no whites of the eyes and no iris. Also she has a strange nose in that it it is more of two vertical diagonal slits for nostrils meeting a small ridge (think like Voldemort from the Harry Potter movies)

Well - it's not bad... Although - there is something to say for pic two I tossed up... ;)

If I read it right - their skin is supposed to be "ebon" - is this a deviation from the class feature to be "smoky gray" - or just flavor? Flavor works for me - just need to know if there was something else I may have been missing...

FYI - we can work you in as soon as Isani makes her move - unless Khromm acts first - because - oh no!

Which reminds me....

Isani - you're up!

For clothing and armor she is wearing an excellently crafted black shirt of finely linked chain (Masterwork Chain Shirt), she has a black leather strip bound around her shoulders and arms. At her waist she has an excellently made belt with a silver buckle that has a flexed arm embossed upon the metal holding up a long tattered red skirt that has been slit along the sides for ease of movement.

Black skin is kind of hard to do on photoshop as when you go to darken it it washes out the detail, hence the reason why I went with dark smoky grey. She's a light skinned sister ;-)

Female Changeling - Osirion Cleric 4/Oracle 3

Isani slides off her horse and safely tethers Sadiki to an outcropping, away from the majority of the bodies. Khromm was wandering, from body to body, scavenging as seemed to be his way. Isani bends her head just a little and issues a quick but respectful prayer over the fallen, dismayed by the number of dead, far too many to administer rites to. Who could have perpetrated this carnage? One of the cultist groups? The Black Koda?

"Mister Khromm, I will be searching over in this area. Perhaps there is a life still among these poor souls." Khromm barely acknowledges her and that did not deter her. The half-dwarf was quite capable of protecting them, if his boasting was accurate.

Movement catches her eye. Praise the gods! Isani begins to deftly make her way toward the motion, around the bodies, careful not to tread upon them and mindful of the situation as a whole. She was not sure whether it was friend or foe yet she had to find out. Mister Khromm did not seem like one who would administer to the fallen or injured and so she was efficient in her steps before he could rush over and slide his blades through the unfortunate creature.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

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