Dain's King Maker Chronicles - Combat Thread

Game Master dain120475

This thread is dedicated to the players involved in Dain's King Maker Chronicles.

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Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Kae makes the Full attack previously posted full attack on troll 2, making a 5' step from P/Q:3/4 to O/P:2/3, out of range of Troll 1.

Ka'etil Malas'rae wrote:
Kae makes the Full attack previously posted full attack on troll 2, moving up to O/P:2/3, out of range of Troll 1.

Your move is brutal and you are now allowed to slash the troll - smiting him from range - his body is rent assunder - but you suspect that even though he is dead - it will only be a matter of time before he begins to regrow.

You sense that a good fire spell could finish this creature's corpse properly - if only there was someone with fire to assist...

Troll 1 took 71 damage - he had only 61 damage left - but, in the end, he was ahead by 14 HP - gone when the Trolls stopped raging - meaning the troll is really, really dead - but even a simple farmer can tell you that fire is needed to make sure it won't regenerate.

The troll has negative 24 HP and regens at 5 a round - after 5 rounds, if no fire is applied - the troll will be up to 1 HP, though he will be "fatigued" as he burned out his raging. Unless, of course, he suffers 1 point of fire damage while dead.

Troll 1 is all that is left - mostly dead and nearly finished - shall anyone complete the task?

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

I'm mostly finished with my finals! YAY! Just some editing and i'm GTG.

Shaezon joins the group by the troll and attempt to stick his rapier in it to keep it down.

Rapier 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 161d6 ⇒ 5

"Could you direct an elemental this way please?" Shaezon says to Ariah, but without waiting for an answer he looks at one of the elementals and says "استاد شما مایل به شما برای سوزاندن این بدن به خاکستر.

"Your master wishes you to burn this body to ash."

Mister materializes (not literally, but he has high stealth) out of the nearby foliage near the troll and proceed to sting him (repeatedly if the troll is unconscious)

Mister stealth 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (2) + 23 = 25

Mister sting 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 (one damage if it hits)

Troll needs a fort save per sting to not fall asleep DC 14.

Sting—injury; save Fort DC 14; frequency 1/minute for 10 minutes; effect sleep for 1 minute; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

To Shae

If Ariarh wants it to happen - the Fire Elemental at N1 can swing in on top of the dead troll.

And though normally getting down from a fifteen feet roof and running the roughly 70 feet, drawing your weapon and stabbing the troll would normally take more then 1 round. However; as the troll is dead - and talking is a free action - you are free to take this action as it has some very nice flavor to the scene.

The other troll; who is prone and nearly surrounded by the dogs Arasmes summoned is still alive - though I suspect that when Arasmes chooses to he can order his dogs to finish the Troll - and they probably can, unless he rolls poorly.

Ariarh - if the other Troll is finished this round - as is likely - you can order the Fire Elementals to burn him as a free action - this applies if he is dead or unconcious - if he is living - well - we'll see what happens next.

Good Luck!

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1
Dain GM wrote:

To Shae

If Ariarh wants it to happen - the Fire Elemental at N1 can swing in on top of the dead troll.

And though normally getting down from a fifteen feet roof and running the roughly 70 feet, drawing your weapon and stabbing the troll would normally take more then 1 round. However; as the troll is dead - and talking is a free action - you are free to take this action as it has some very nice flavor to the scene.

The other troll; who is prone and nearly surrounded by the dogs Arasmes summoned is still alive - though I suspect that when Arasmes chooses to he can order his dogs to finish the Troll - and they probably can, unless he rolls poorly.

Ariarh - if the other Troll is finished this round - as is likely - you can order the Fire Elementals to burn him as a free action - this applies if he is dead or unconcious - if he is living - well - we'll see what happens next.

Good Luck!

I thought that might be the case, but since combat is effectively over I just ran with it.

Also just submitted my final, so I am back. ;-)

Shaezon Silverfall wrote:
Dain GM wrote:

To Shae

If Ariarh wants it to happen - the Fire Elemental at N1 can swing in on top of the dead troll.

And though normally getting down from a fifteen feet roof and running the roughly 70 feet, drawing your weapon and stabbing the troll would normally take more then 1 round. However; as the troll is dead - and talking is a free action - you are free to take this action as it has some very nice flavor to the scene.

The other troll; who is prone and nearly surrounded by the dogs Arasmes summoned is still alive - though I suspect that when Arasmes chooses to he can order his dogs to finish the Troll - and they probably can, unless he rolls poorly.

Ariarh - if the other Troll is finished this round - as is likely - you can order the Fire Elementals to burn him as a free action - this applies if he is dead or unconcious - if he is living - well - we'll see what happens next.

Good Luck!

I thought that might be the case, but since combat is effectively over I just ran with it.

Also just submitted my final, so I am back. ;-)

To all!

Regetably the combat is far from over - the troll shall rise up and rush away - at 5x 40 feet he'll outdistance all but Kae - each round he'll be regenerating - then he'll turn around - at full health and with most of your spells extinguished - and open up a propper can of "whup-ass" on you all!

This is because it seems like Arasmes is currently holding action - both he and his dogs are poised - eagerly anticipating the chance for the Troll to escape and so offer a real challenge to you all! On the other hand - perhaps Arasmes has not posted yet and will, no doubt, throw up his post soon...

To Arasmes: Ahem... *cough* *cough*

Once the troll is dead, it is likely the combat is over - he is, after all - prone - and is theoretically flanked by five or Arasmes's dogs - not to mention the three elementals - the flaming sphere - Mister, Dior and the rest of you - and presumeably the entire remains of the village - the Duke's forces - and the outriders from Brevoy...

Of course, I've been accused of having very good luck - and seeing players roll many natural 1's.

This could all occur, no doubt - but probably won't - once we've seen Arasmes's rolls...

As soon as they're up - this combat should be over! Unless Arasmes manages to miss everything and I get a bunch of Nat. 20's in a row - but the odds of me rolling high are very slim. I typically roll very low, as we've all seen... So I doubt this troll will be a problem...

Then again? Stranger things have happened.


Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

So, we waiting on Arasmes before anything else can be done?

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Fire Elemental #1 hearing the Ignan command of the wizard, heeds the directive and takes a 5ft step over to N0 and stands atop the broken and dead body of the troll creature, letting his dancing flames seep continually into and incinerating Troll #2.

Just for overkill sake... Arasmes begins casting a moment before his dogs attack, their speed and ferocity increasing markedly. Kae also feels similar effects upon himself. Casting Haste, my last level 2 spell for the day. Cast on dogs 1-4 and also Kae. HASTE

Dog 1 on Troll 1 attack 1
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Damage if hits
1d6 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Dog 1 on Troll 1 attack 2
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Damage if hits
1d6 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10


Dog 2 on Troll 1 attack 1
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Damage if hits
1d6 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Dog 2 on Troll 1 attack 2
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Damage if hits
1d6 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Dog 3 on Troll 1 attack 1
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Damage if hits
1d6 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Dog 3 on Troll 1 attack 2
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Damage if hits
1d6 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Dog 4 on Troll 1 attack 1
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Damage if hits
1d6 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Dog 4 on Troll 1 attack 2
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Damage if hits
1d6 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9


Dog 5 on Troll 1 attack
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Damage if hits
1d6 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

The last troll is destroyed - it falls dead at negative 8 Hit Points.

It's rage wears off suddenly and it suddenly drops to negative 22.

It is dead - but slowly regenerating in death - it shall take 5 rounds before the troll is fully regenerated and rises from death to move again.

But even before that can happen, a fire elemental crawls onto the face of the Troll and squats on it - letting out flames which finish the Trolls chances of ever rising again.

The battle is over - tap back to the Social RP page for more details.

Kae - Let's see what happens...

Meawhile – toss up Ini to see who goes first.

One-eyed man –

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21


1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

The one-eyed man jerks out a dagger from under his tunic and throws it at you!

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

IF he hits - it shall do damage - mainly because of surprise round (via sneak attack).

1d4 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + (6, 5) = 15

As a free action he pull another dagger...

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Ka'etil Roars as the dagger sticks, then turns to the Half-Ogre not wanting to give him a chance to attack, takes a 5'step and...

Rage, Claws, Lightning Charge, Sneak Attack

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
1d8 + 1d6 + 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (4) + (4) + (2) + 7 = 17

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
1d4 + 1d6 + 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (2) + (3) + (1) + 7 = 13

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
1d4 + 1d6 + 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (2) + (3) + (1) + 7 = 13

Your body crackles with electricity and you thrust your claws into the creature!

You manage to tear it - ruining its torso and sundering one of its massive arms, which falls to the ground in a bloody heap, tumbling from the body!

The bar is sizzling and the smell of burnt ozone is in the air.

You've literally fried this creature, along with sundering his arm - and as you turn your gaze on the other man - ready to blast him with your rage alone - you can vaguely hear the bartender shout out -

"No blasters, no blasters..."

This strikes you as vaguely odd, yet, the one-eyed man throws another dagger... and with quick draw, jerks out a second as a free action and throws it too!

First attack...

1d20 + 8 - 4 ⇒ (3) + 8 - 4 = 7

IF it hits

1d4 ⇒ 1

Second attack...

1d20 + 8 - 4 ⇒ (8) + 8 - 4 = 12

IF it hits

1d4 ⇒ 2

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Kae growls as the knives miss him, then Electricity charges as he rushes the one-eyed man.

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
1d8 + 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (5) + (6) + 7 = 18

Your horns lift the villain up, toss your head about and tear right through his ribcage, dropping the body to the ground like a wet heap!

Okay, mister fancy pants - back to the story board...

Ahoy - Temple Battle Ahead!

Okay - let me know if there is an issue on reading this map - if so, I shall try to correct it.

Temple Battle Map

Meanwhile - the following characters are at the following Coordinates.

Anuk-su - AN - 9
Arasmes - AM - 7
Ariarh - AM - 9
Brett - AL - 6
Caliphana - AM/N - 7/8
Dior - AM 10
Kae - AM - 8
Mister - AL - 5
Shaezon - AM - 6

Aliento and Sir Dashan are slightly behind, not on the map, getting the horses organized.

(Your horses and gear are behind you).
There is no combat now/yet - you are free to tell me what you want to do.

Other then an overwhelming sense of edginess, you have seen no enemies, but know the full moon is tonight!

Good hunting!

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

I can read it well enough, but the Icons are a bit hard to make out. It may be better just to number them or something.

Yeah same with me, the icons are a bit hard to make out.

EDIT: Also Caliphana is currently only medium sized so she only takes up one square. I haven't enlarged her...yet ;-)

Arasmes secures Thwayya with the other horses with a few words in Kelish assuring him he will return and promising a treat when this business is finished.

I apologize for the abruptness of this summoning but I feel we should take every advantage we can. Everyone this is Qwykee and she will help us with the task at hand. Please excuse her appearance and I apologize she has a...unique...sense of humor. With that Arasmes summons Qwykee to appear.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Ariarh will secure her horse Tal with the other horses and assures him with some gentle words and a pat on his neck.

She takes her backpack and slings it over her shoulders and checks her satchel, ensuring she has her CLW potions (3 vials remaining - each curing 1d8+1 points of damage), 2 flasks of holy water, 1 oil and tar chemical potion and 2 enchantment/magical potions. Since the magical potion against enchantments etc. lasts an hour, she decides it is better to drink them now before entering the formal Temple grounds. Ry has her golden dragon-tooth dagger, scimitar and her sling (with a pouch of pebbles) attached at her belt.

She turns around to Anuk-su and offers the little girl a magical potion (against enchantment etc) as Ariarh is not fully aware how developed the silver dragon's spell resistance is as she is only six years old. (As dragons grow older, their spell resistance increases but I am currently unaware how it is with a wyrmling such as Anuk-su.)

If Anuk-su does not require the magical potion, then Ry will administer it to Dior, to give him some aid (+2) against such charm, compulsion and enchantment spells.

Ariarh drinks a magical potion herself. Ry has Resist Nature's Lure (+4 bonus against spell-like and supernatural abilities of the fey). If this magical potion acts pretty much like this druid ability, then she will not drink a potion and leave it for another in her group.

In this quest, Ariarh will act as a support player ... healer and where needed she will use her spells. With that in mind, Ariarh has memorised the following spells at dawn: Orisons: resistance, create water, stabilize, light and spark. 1st level: CLW, CLW, CLW, Entangle (at higher level). 2nd level: Bull's Strength, Flaming Sphere and Burning Gaze. 3rd level: CMW, CMW. She can swap out a prepared spell for any Summon Nature's Ally spell of the same level and lower. She also has the domain spells: storm burst, obscuring mist, fog cloud and call lightning. She has Daylight 1/day as an Aasimar. And in wildshape (small and medium creatures) she has the ability to cast spells as normal.

Ariarh listens as Arasmes introduces Qwykee. When Qwykee appears, Ariarh will try to discern what manner of creature she is.

Knowledge, Nature: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20
Knowledge, Planes: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Ariarh (on AM9) will turn her head to Anuk-su (on AN9) and quietly asks her if she can see anything hiding in the thick fog or whether the way is clear.

"Anuk-su, dear one, do you see anything lurking in that fog cover?" Ry leans to the left, making some room for Anuk-su to look around her and into the foggy forest.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Clarifying question for the GM: How far was our camp site the previous night from the Temple of the Elk? I'm trying to figure out something to do with my music box. In addition, can the music box fit inside my backpack? I brought the music box with me on this quest but I'm trying to determine where I would have housed it, depending on its size.

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

Heading out for the night. WIll think about my response and post something sunday.

To all -

1. Sorry - been doing multiple stuff/things tonight. Is everyone good for an actually formally hosted MapTools battle tomorrow (Sunday) night? Tap in if yes... and toss up a time.

2. Qwykee looks like a six-inch Succubus - with long black braids, and a cheap "tinsel-like" halo perched on her horns - she is also wearing a long white robe, and is carrying a strange musical instrument (more on her response, as well as the other NPC's soon to come).

3. Anuk-su can see through the clouds and mist - but her vision is obfuscated - she can only see half of what she should be able to (in terms of relative length) - and cannot make out the true distance that she should! This tells you all clearly that the fog is, at least on some level - magical.

4. Your Music Box is extremely large, bulky, and is not something that is easy to bring on quests, but more of something that is best kept in a home - also because of how fragile it is. Also - the time is now close to 7:00 PM when you arrive - which means you have been up and awake for a long time after the sun has risen...

5. More to come - still doing chores/multi-tasking...

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

I can make a Skype session on your Sunday night (my Monday). I can work around you guys in the US regarding the time (but it has to start after 9.30am my time -- after 5.30pm EST for you).

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

My sunday is basically open. Just let me know what time and I'll do my best to be there.

"Somebody wake up Hicks! Er... I mean - Kae!" barks out the grizzled Colonial Marine Sergeant at the missing barbarian...

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

"Hey, How long do these potions last, Ry", holding one of the anti-charm potions.

Ka'etil turns to Arasmes and raises an eyebrow at Qwykee as she appears, momentarily, unsure what to make of the tiny thing on Arasmes' shoulder...
K arcana: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
"What, um, who is ... that?" Kae asks the summoner, stepping closer to get a better look at the little creature.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

"They last an hour, Kae."

Hearing Kae's question, Ry decides to share her knowledge, "I do believe that is a succubus, if my knowledge is correct. Albeit, a shrunken one in some angelic garb."

Kae - you are not sure...

Certainly she looks like a Succubus might - though she is far smaller - one of them should be man high at least - for the purposes of their projects...

Yet she is not dressed as one might be...

No blatantly sexual clothes; no revealing outfits; no overly sexual gear or devices to lure or tempt you. Rather - the gear she is wearing seems to be having the opposite effect - and she looks distinctly un-sexy in her big white robe and silly "halo".

Seeing you look at her, she suddenly realizes that you can see her, hopping up on Arasmes's shoulder, she quickly dusts off her shoulders, clears her throat and says in a loud voice...


Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Ariarh quirks an eyebrow at the tiny succubus' "Ta-da!".

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Ry affixes her sapphire gaze on Arasmes.

"Who is your friend, Arasmes?", nodding toward Qwykee. "You have given us her name but I would be most curious to hear more about her before we go any further." Ariarh's voice is level, no-nonsense, and she is hoping to hear an honest explanation from the summoner.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

"An' how in the hells didja you come across that thing ya've got there?" he asks the summoner, his normally proper manner of speech lapsing, and loosing some of its elvish accent, instead sounding like a more natural common spoken by a slightly less than wholesome sort of class.

He rises to his full height, and cocking his head at the creature, his expression goes flat as he looks down at the little demoness. He's never heard of a miniature succubus before, and is very much unsure of the situation, especially with the dumpy robes and silly little hat. His face seems slightly paralyzed somewhere between rage, confusion, and laughter, while trying to maintain composure, leaving him simply staring hard at Qwykee.


WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING RIDING ALONG ON THE DEMON-BLOOD'S SHOULDER??? THE HELL STANDS BEFORE ME HERE? WHAT TREACHERY IS THIS? he screams out in his mind, in a less than diplomatic "entreaty" to his ancestors. The roar reverberates throughout the entirety of his very being, as every part of his psyche is deeply offended. His hate of Fiends and binders like his father, the sense of betrayal by someone he spoke for, conflicting with the desire not to judge others for their origins and a strange curiosity as to what this creature is, as it does not fit his notions of a demon in the least...

Female Silver Dragon My Level of Class is unmatched by any and all!

Anuk-su turns and looks at Arasmes, her eyes narrowing - the lavender colors inside shine like slivers of ice. Even though she is in human form, you can hear her hiss like a dragon might...

It is quite startling...

"Thou... and all thy many secrets... How many more would thy keep from us, and what is thy true purpose here," she says flatly to Arasmes, yet you can all sense the question is meant rhetorically.

Then she looks at Ariarh and speaks in Draconic - not caring if Qwykee or Arasmes can hear this or not.

In Draconic:
"Thou has already chastised me once for undue action with thy comrade when he revealed his true form in the council chambers - Very well, I shall therefore not strike now, even inasmuch as I am acting against my wont - for no doubt it would be considered lowly in thine eyes; as I count thee like a sister, I shall not wound thy feelings on this matter. Yet I share with thee this wisdom - if thou would permit me: Thy may judge a man best by the friends he keeps... Thou has brought this person into our midst - I do not trust him - and each day I see more reason to trust him less... What, therefore, shall he conjure next? On such guesses I shall remain silent. Indeed, I shall keep, then, my true thoughts in the very vault of my private heart, so they do not sully the feelings of any others - But of those thoughts I shall only now say that thy keep allies who I do not trust."

After her words, she gives Ariarh a long look - as if to reinforce her words - but she does nothing except watch the young druid with a flat expression, gauging how she takes this statement, and waiting for a reaction.

Finally, she says aloud to Ariarh, in the Common Tongue so that any may hear...

"If he betrays us - any of us - then he shall die, I swear it," she adds.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Aye, Arasmes did return with her and the others from Oleg's township. Yet, the way that Anuk-su judged the introduction, it is as though she blamed her for his deception. Part of her could not blame Anuk-su, even understood her concern and mistrust. Ry kept the direct look between herself and Anuk-su.

Draconic reply to Anuk-su:

"Anuk-su, firstly, I would not consider you lowly in any capacity. I see the creature on his shoulder, pretending to be something other in her poor disguise. I would hear the summoner's answer and explanation before I will act. If I judge him as speaking falsehoods or tales, I shall hold him accountable. And, if he, or any friend of his, betrays us, then I swear to you that he/they will be punished."

Ariarh's sapphire eyes are lit with an intensity akin to Anuk-su's lavender/silver eyes. Ry is trying to maintain a balance, a calm, and giving Arasmes a chance to explain. Yet, she is trying to quell the tension brimming in her young ward, her little sister.

"Arasmes, looking at the summoner, "My ward is most concerned as I believe we all are", Ry's hand gestures to the folk around her. "We are entering Erastil's holy site and you have introduced such a creature to us. What are we to think? How are we to proceed? I would ask for full disclosure. I would demand it, respectfully, as a councilman of Saravale."

Ka'etil Malas'rae wrote:

"An' how in the hells didja you come across that thing ya've got there?" he asks the summoner, his normally proper manner of speech lapsing, and loosing some of its elvish accent, instead sounding like a more natural common spoken by a slightly less than wholesome sort of class.

He rises to his full height, and cocking his head at the creature, his expression goes flat as he looks down at the little demoness. He's never heard of a miniature succubus before, and is very much unsure of the situation, especially with the dumpy robes and silly little hat. His face seems slightly paralyzed somewhere between rage, confusion, and laughter, while trying to maintain composure, leaving him simply staring hard at Qwykee.
** spoiler omitted **

Thy Ancestors Speak:

Hearken then, boy - thy see before thee one with great power - he is one who would sit at the Head of All Tables - if that means anything to thee... Divine what thy will of its meaning, though - surely thou art competent in such matters...

As for his companion - you see on his shoulder a thing unto like a weapon, for in the hand of another thou might see chaos and destruction - yet in his hand it is like unto a rod of iron! And surely this rod - it is like a scepter - a tool of power that he may yet seize as his own, should he choose to...

Comfort thyself therefore with this thought on that creature that clings to his shoulder; thy need only fear IT on the day that thou would fear HIM - if that thought brings thee peace - be comforted, but; at the least, be vigilant. A watchful eye is oft lest deceived then the complacent..

Though it is also said: All that glitters is not gold - therefore; be mindful instead of the deed that is done, not the word that is spoken or the image that is perceived...

Brett says nothing, looking at Arasmes as he stands there with Qwykee on his shoulder. He has slid his musket from his ponies saddle - and is checking the sites, even as he is shoulder a full horn of powder.

He glances up at the sky - gauging the position of the sun and the oncoming night, and slings the musket over his shoulder. Brett finally speaks - but he is talking to Ariarh, not anyone else.

"Save yer breath, lass," he says flatly.

"We had a whole trip from Oleg's place down to the village - the whole bloody trip he could have said something pleasant-like, sort o' eased us into things, eh?" Brett adds, sliding his sword loose in his sheath, checking it's edge, then sliding it back into the sheath.

"I thought we were some sort of mates after the troll fight - but he kept his secret, well and good - and when we got home he swings it out. Then, on the whole time we be at Saravale - what does he say on this thing? Nothing - naught a blessed thing," Brett adds, his voice still flat.

"You got any o' those potions for all - I reckon on it may be useful," he adds to Ariarh - you can see he's upset about the issue with Arasmes clearly - but he is not upset with Ariarh - though it does seem like he is taking it out on her a bit.

"Meanwhile - this whole trip - this whole bloody trip - what have I been angling over? What were my words? What was my recommendings? What's the plan? - If I said it once, I said it a bloody dozen times. If this thing on his shoulder be an asset - ye think he'd share it with the group, eh? But nay - he don't be sharing naught - nor doing anything on it... We had days alone on the trail that, if we done know what this thing was - we could have tooked it into account. Now what? Why - we go to battle, like as not - and in a moment or two besides - if we knowed what this creature be - what it do - what it be about - then maybe we might be making good plans on how to work it into our plan... But, ye know what? We knowed nothing on that. Nay - we know nothing at all..." he says giving Arasmes a long look.

"I thought we be mates, lad - thanks heaps for letting us know about this... this asset? Right before the fight - it be a hell o' a nice way to lay ye cards on the table - as they say... If ye had the decency to let us know in advance - well... ye know what? It don't matter - ye had near three days on the trail to say something, ye do what ye want to do," Brett adds, turning away from Arasmes and looking now at the fog.

Arasmes waits for the torrent of questions, demands, and in some cases insults upon his honor, to subside before answering. Full disclosure would take a good deal longer than we have here I am afraid as we are on the doorstep of a great evil. Suffice it to say she is part of the reason I was able to return from death at Oleg's. Believe this or not as you see fit but through her twisted logic she is actually seeking to do good in the world and through me she is getting the opportunity to do so. As far as keeping secrets about my powers and abilities, there are a great many things that I can do that you have yet to see but that is true for all of us. Should I sit and spend days telling you each and every instance of my life to assuage your suspicions? Would it even matter if I did? My actions are the only way you will learn to trust me not my words or stories. As far as Qwykee goes, the responsibility for her is mine alone and I would not have brought her into our midst unless I believed she could help our cause, which she can. If my every action is going to be questioned and looked upon with suspicion simply because of my race then once this is done perhaps I should move on...as this will then not be the land I had hoped it would be. Until then I hope you would give me a modicum of respect and allow me to help in the manner I see fit. If you do not wish my help please say so but we do not have the time nor do I have the inclination to explain myself every time I do something. He sighs and takes a deep breath before continuing I apologize if I sounded harsh but I have been dealing with suspicion and hate my entire life and it wears on me. Turning to Brett he says Do you explain everything about YOUR self Master Rowan? Do you tell everyone everything you can do? If it had been an angel sitting on my shoulder...no comments from you Qwykee...would we be having this discussion? If it had been Ariarh that had summoned it? Or Shaezon? That is not the type of thing that mates do. We cannot be friends without trust which is something none of you have with me. Once you are willing to trust me and my judgement and loyalty then we can start calling ourselves friends. Until that time I will always do what I feel is in the best interests of this land and its people until such time as I am asked to leave or I depart for the next realm of existence. As it is I was not sure that I would even bring Qwykee out but seeing what we are up against first hand I felt it better than not bringing her at all. Now if there are no more objections, lets get this business completed. Arasmes kept calm for the most part during his speech except where he was talking about you and he supposedly being friends then he got heated as it became clear he does not consider those who mistrust him to the extent that you all do can be friends with that as a basis.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Arasmes' heated dialogue grates somewhat on Ariarh, but not due to dislike of him or his Tiefling race. This was such a precarious situation and she was trying her best.

Ariarh looks at Arasmes. "In detailed I meant as much as you can in this short time frame. I am mindful of our deadline and the nature of the enemy, Sir." Ariarh pauses to draw breath. "My concern lies not with your race, Arasmes, even though our two races are ancient enemies, but in your seeming habit of keeping pertinent details to yourself. If you spoke up in a timely fashion, in regard to your true identity and the presence of the succubus we may have openly dealt with it and determined the visibility of your intentions and nature. I do not discount all that you have gone through, the great prejudices and grievances you have suffered because of your bloodline. I simply seek a certain openness from everyone of my acquaintance as it gives me an opportunity to experience their goodness and not just assume it. I have offered you my friendship and have not taken it back since discovering your true identity. Trust is a hard thing for me at the best of times, yet I try to give people the chance to aid me in trusting them. Is this explanation clear enough? It seems that you do not trust us either to accept you for who you are. It would have helped us to know of Qwykee before we got to Erastil's temple ... But there is nothing we can do about the past. We are all here to do the best for this land, its people and creatures. And we have to find a way to come together, sincerely, for all our sakes and the future of this land." Ariarh's look is not harsh, it never was. She is simply trying to find a way to peacefully and honestly coexist and find a way back to a semblance of group harmony, of the spirit of community.

Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:
Arasmes waits for the torrent of questions, demands, and in some cases insults upon his honor, to subside before answering. Full disclosure would take a good deal longer than we have here I am afraid as we are on the doorstep of a great evil. Suffice it to say she is part of the reason I was able to return from death at Oleg's. Believe this or not as you see fit but through her twisted logic she is actually seeking to do good in the world and through me she is getting the opportunity to do so. As far as keeping secrets about my powers and abilities, there are a great many things that I can do that you have yet to see but that is true for all of us. Should I sit and spend days telling you each and every instance of my life to assuage your suspicions? Would it even matter if I did? My actions are the only way you will learn to trust me not my words or stories. As far as Qwykee goes, the responsibility for her is mine alone and I would not have brought her into our midst unless I believed she could help our cause, which she can. If my every action is going to be questioned and looked upon with suspicion simply because of my race then once this is done perhaps I should move on...as this will then not be the land I had hoped it would be. Until then I hope you would give me a modicum of respect and allow me to help in the manner I see fit. If you do not wish my help please say so but we do not have the time nor do I have the inclination to explain myself every time I do something. He sighs and takes a deep breath before continuing I apologize if I sounded harsh but I have been dealing with suspicion and hate my entire life and it wears on me. Turning to Brett he says Do you explain everything about YOUR self Master Rowan? Do you tell everyone everything you can do? If it had been an angel sitting on my shoulder...no comments from you Qwykee...would we be having this discussion? If it had been Ariarh that had summoned it? Or Shaezon? That is not the type of thing that mates do. We cannot be friends...

Brett looks hard at Arasmes but says nothing, only shakes his head after the long speech about trust – considering they met the gentleman less then two weeks ago – and in that time have given the man a home in the city – have provided him free supplies and courtesies, and have – moreover – allowed him to sit in on the very council meetings and listen to their private plans and considerations for the nation – even going so far as to share food and drink with him and ask him for his opinion on their plans, strategies and policies – asking him as an equal, interested in what he had to say, and happy to be respectful of those thoughts.

And now this?

Brett shrugs his shoulders as he looks at Arasmes.

”Whatever, then – we had three days on the trail to say something… Ye knew what ye were doing,” he adds, turning away and glancing up at Ariarh.

Ry lass – what’s the straight word on the potions?” Brett asks, turning away from this conversation.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
Brett Rowan wrote:
"Ry lass – what’s the straight word on the potions?” Brett asks, turning away from this conversation.

"There were six magical potions to use against charm, compulsion and enchantment spells. Anuk-su has a potion, as do I. I believe Shaezon took one from me before we left Saravale. So, there are three magic potions remaining, unclaimed."

"Also, Shaezon, Kae and I took one flask each of the chemical concoction of oil and tar. There is still one flask unclaimed. Of the ten flasks of holy water, I took one, Shaezon took two and Kae took one. Which means we have six remaining. I have all the unclaimed potions and alike in my satchel and backpack if anyone requires them presently." (If anyone else claimed any of the other potions and holy water and I missed you out, my apologies.)

”Hear me well, Master Rowan,” says a hissing voice from behind you all.

You turn and see Aliento striding forward, looking beyond at the mists.

”The demon-spawn speaks the truth – it would be better to confront the matter at hand, for surely it shall test our mettle with sterner challenges. Afterward, perhaps, you may choose to deal with other issues as you see fit,” he adds in a hushed voice.

He turns and looks at Arasmes with a sardonic smile.

”You are wise in your actions, sir – very wise, I should say… Secrets are the first foundation to power. All learned folk know that this is true – it is certain you have many secrets – for you yourself said so. Why then, therefore, we doubt your own words?"

"Rather – we should applaud you, sir," Aliento says with keen gaze at Arasmes, studying his face, trying to read it, to understand what is going on.

"You are quite admirable - if I may say so... Yes, admirable indeed... Your very determination alone should be admired. For – how did you put it? Ah yes! You will always do what you feel is in the best interests of this land and its people . Yesss.... A noble ideal, to be sure – though, perhaps sir, one might ask you who empowered you to judge what is best for the citizens of a nation which is foreign to you – as well as what is best for the land itself?”

”Indeed sir, I fear that what has put the good Halfling out of sorts was not your determination to use powers to better the land which the Halfling and his fellow companions govern - no, not even the suggestion of a desire to govern the land as you see fit and best – but rather, why should you wait until there is no chance for discourse – no opportunity to discuss such matters?”

Aliento turns to Ariarh.

”No doubt you are right, my lady - there is nothing we can do about it now. On the journey here we may have had ample time to discuss things – but, perhaps – this waiting until the very last moment was intentional – not accidental? Yet as dark as that thought may be - a better question is; if waiting until we had no chance to even talk to him about this summoned creature was his intent - why should that be his desire? Why should he wait until we approach a holy temple to contest a dark creature on an auspicious day aligned to a dark ceremony before he reveals the presence of a demon that, apparently, serves him - though he does vouch for the fact that it really is a good demon, not a bad one... oh no, not at all.... Indeed, he says it is a good demon... that alone should be enough for us," Aliento says, not watching any of you, only the forest.

"Perhaps it is all mere coincidence that he waits until we can say nothing... but if it is not coincidence - then what does he really gain?”

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Ka'etil shakes himself from his revere, and his expression softens as the voice of dragons echos in Ka'etil's mind. "Hold on a moment, my friends," Kae says, extending an arm to the others, still standing close, looking at Qwykee.

"I have a power to consult ancient draconic forces, old beings. By this power, I believe that neither Arasmes, not this Qwykee are necessarily inherently evil. She seems to be some sort of aberrant. She is powerful, although..." he says, now turning to Arasmes, slitted eyes narrowing, yellowing slightly as sparks cackle through the whites, "and everything depends upon what that power is used for."

Ariarh Kane wrote:
Brett Rowan wrote:
"Ry lass – what’s the straight word on the potions?” Brett asks, turning away from this conversation.

"There were six magical potions to use against charm, compulsion and enchantment spells. Anuk-su has a potion, as do I. I believe Shaezon took one from me before we left Saravale. So, there are three magic potions remaining, unclaimed."

"Also, Shaezon, Kae and I took one flask each of the chemical concoction of oil and tar. There is still one flask unclaimed. Of the ten flasks of holy water, I took one, Shaezon took two and Kae took one. Which means we have six remaining. I have all the unclaimed potions and alike in my satchel and backpack if anyone requires them presently." (If anyone else claimed any of the other potions and holy water and I missed you out, my apologies.)


"Actually lad - ye be pretty much way off. Short answer be is that I just don't care fer getting jerked around is all," Brett says with a scowl at Aliento; pretty much ignoring Arasmes at this time.

"If ye're offering lass - I'll take a spare o' whatever ye can offer - I got a hunch we'll need it," Brett says, still staring at the mists.

Ka'etil Malas'rae wrote:

Ka'etil shakes himself from his revere, and his expression softens as the voice of dragons echos in Ka'etil's mind. "Hold on a moment, my friends," Kae says, extending an arm to the others, still standing close, looking at Qwykee.

"I have a power to consult ancient draconic forces, old beings. By this power, I believe that neither Arasmes, not this Qwykee are necessarily inherently evil. She seems to be some sort of aberrant. She is powerful, although..." he says, now turning to Arasmes, slitted eyes narrowing, yellowing slightly as sparks cackle through the whites, "and everything depends upon what that power is used for."

"Of a certainty sir... what is his power used for? Yes, I should say that that is the question," Aliento says, giving Kae a strange look from under the hem of his hood.

"Yet if he prove false? What then?" Aliento asks...

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Ariarh opens her satchel to take a flask of the chemical compound and from her backpack she draws two flasks of holy water and a magical potion against enchantment etc. and hands the four items to Brett.

She sets aside one of the magic potions for Dior as she remembers the last encounter her griffon had with the fell Crow.

Remaining: We have 4 flasks of holy water and 1 magic potion against charm, compulsion and enchantment spells.

Looking around the others of the group, "Would you gentlemen care for any of these before we enter this land?"

Arasmes, did you take any of these potions when Ariarh was offering them to the group back at Saravale? I don't remember seeing a post. Sorry.

"Thanks, lass," Brett responds, pocketing the potions.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

"Aliento, you are correct in thinking that the timing is suspicious, and perhaps it could be prudent to keep an eye on him. But this threat is immediate, and I myself would be of greater use on the front, but another can observe his actions. Ensure he continues to act as he did at Oleg's."

While placated for the moment, Kae is still reluctant to fully trust Arasmes after secret after secret, but still reserves judgement. A pragmatism in action, and confidence that any betrayal could be countered. He's only one man that nearly died, did die, at the hands of mere barbarians. worst comes to worst... Kae shrugs to himself, And if he's on our side, as he says he is, then there's nothing to worry about.

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