DaJelly's Sunless Citadel (Group 1) (Inactive)

Game Master DajellyMan

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Looking to see who would be interested in playing though a revisitation to the Sunless Citadel. Campaign will take place 50 years after a group of adventurers first ventured into the depths of the Citadel and killed the evil druid Belak and cut down the Gulthias Tree. Nobody has ventured down there since... until now.

20 point buy.
Level 1
Two traits. (Or three and a flaw)
Average starting gold.
All published Paizo allowed.

Why hullo thar, everything in profile. Character is currently level 2, but he would start play as a fighter.

Ive got a request to be able to use Temple Sword for the one fighter level, since I wont get actual proficiency until the first Monk level at level 2.

I am interested have a character later.

I would be interested in making one of the new hybrid classes, I was thinking the rogue Alchemist combo

Eventually he would be under this profile, though it is currently an archaeologist bard.

I'm interested, will pick my brain for a character then post when I've cooked somethin' up.

Ok that's four there which is what is prefer but I might take 5 or 6 if there's enough interest. I'm fine with the temple sword, but it won't have monk or trip until level two (so it's basically a re skinned long sword til then)

I can fill whatever role is left. Is there crafting?

I'd be interested in bringing a magus to the table

Yea there is crafting.

Sunless... Any "more appropriate" deities? Cleric?

I can get a profile up by tomorow if that's fast enough!

i got my basic stats up, i need to spend a little more time with the pdf, but will get it up

when do you need the profiles finished by?

i will keep the same basic backstory, i think being a pathfinder or former pathfinder works for this

As soon as you can, I am ready to go whenever you all are. Deciding I'm going to take six so here's a tentative list of players.

- deliverance

- Drovik

- rombolt

- rameth

- Alex mack

- edit: forgot you Gerard.

- and grumdar, if you wanna get in on this I guess I could take one more, or if someone doesn't get their character done or something.

I'm fine with using playtest classes, in fact I would encourage it.

So unless any of you step down that'll be our party. First come first served.

Great, I will have him finished up tonight

ok DM, pretty much done, I have to select my traits and feats, and gear, but that is it.

I think he will be more of a melee type, though probably just fight with a dagger, he is more focused on his investigations.

Note he is NOT a face character.

Edit: Feats and Traits done. Later on tonight I will alter his backstory slightly, put all the easy info into the profile, like his attacks etc, and buy his gear, but otherwise he is finished

Edit scratch that. Going knife master rouge.

Knife master rogue eh, Drovik? ;p

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks I would love to get into this game. Let me go over what the others have written and find a good type for the party. I also will be using the ACG playtest to make the character.


Looks like another fun game DajellyMan!

Lol. I'm thinking about running two groups. With the amount of people, and I have enough free time so... I guess I'll plans on two parties.

I'm glad you found the thread veks! I was actually just about to pm you.

Ok so I am gonna run two groups running the same campaign. One will be (for the most part) be testing the new classes.

Everyone post ther characters and I'll split up the two teams and well get going.

OK done and done. Investigator complete

Ok Ramesh go ahead and post in the discussion

You are the first official member of group a, which shall be (mostly) the new classes.

Ok I'll try a Bloodrager with the Aberrant Bloodline, maybe double wielding Kukris...


Kogam Spiritflame
STR 18 DEX 15 CON 16 INT 7 WIS 10 CHA 12

Init: +2, Perception +4
30 Ft. movement
HP 13 AC 19 (T 12 FF 17) CMB 5 CMD 17
WIS +0 (Birthmark) REF +2 Fort +5

Attack +5 Kukri (1d4+4)

HB: Dual Talent

Defender of the Society

Class Abilities:
Staggering Strike: Opponent hit
Fast Movement

Perception +4
Acrobatics +6
Swim +8

Traveling Clothes

Well I guess we will be playing together alex!

Grand Lodge

For those of you who will get in the Jello's game you are in for a fun and fast paced game...

Enjoy !

Sent you a PM. If the non-ACG concept is less useful (i.e. you want a pure ACG for Team 2) then I'll go Slayer.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'll go with a (Human or Asimar) War Priest of Iomedae.

Roland de Ridonport

I was looking at the Skald, but that one needs a lot of rework according to the playtest posts.

Grumdar wrote:

I'll go with a (Human or Asimar) War Priest of Iomedae.

Roland de Ridonport

I was looking at the Skald, but that one needs a lot of rework according to the playtest posts.

Yeah I was looking at Skald, but apart from the likely revisions I felt the problem for me was twofold - first not all the party would always want to benefit from ragesong, and even if they do, they are fatigued afterwards. Just seems a bit hit and miss.

I was also thinking Hunter, but it seems to have a lot of reconsiderations in its sticky post. I would love to see a Spell-less Hunter archetype that gets a better animal/beast companion...

Nuts to it, I'll make a ranger. Why not. brb with alias/sheet. :P

Hey Jammy, I have changed character for the fourth time in this recruitment. Strait aasimar caster cleric. This is still walter.

Origami - what character are you planning? Maybe the cheaper seats (including me!) can get in on group 2.

I'm willing to round out the team, whatevers needed. Could go melee Cleric of Sarenrae.

Sovereign Court

Ok, got the Aasimar Warpriest of Iomedae fleshed out.

I gave up the Angelkin's Alterself spell like ability for an additional +2 to Wisdom.

roland how did you get a MW sword?

Sovereign Court

the trait Chosen of Iomedae gives a MW Longsword and Light 1/day (Sp).

How do you trade the spell like ability for +2 wisdom? I dont think thats a thing...

Sovereign Court

the rule is in Blood of Angels, pg 18, variant Aasimar abilities.

DajellyMan wrote:
All published Paizo allowed.

I normally can only get to play PFS, so there are a lot of options I never get to use. But I know about them. :)

sorry if i seemed combative, I was just curious, I couldn't figure it out is all

Sovereign Court

No worries... I do the same thing when I look at other character. I like to know how they do the different makeups.

Never thought anyone being combative... I am just responding from my phone at the time. I dislike typing on it when I am replying to a post.

Also, not combative here. I'm sort of in the same boat as Rameth, although I also get an itch when I see things done wrong and have to scratch it ;)

The Variant abilities are strictly random rolls. It does go on to add that GMs can allow them to be chosen, but I hardly think choosing more stat bonuses counts a "character concept".

If its allowed though, I've got a pretty sick inquisitor build id like to try...

Sovereign Court

If it is not allowed, it is a simple change of the race to the default Aasimar build. Reduce str to 14, gain daylight 1/day (Sp), dip goes to +9 and heal goes to +0.

Gerard- I've sort of been thinking you need a bard? Arcane Duelest archetype!

ouo i sort of want to get in on group 2!

Ok so! I failed my saves vs alcohol (;p) and just woke up and am slowly getting my brain so work. So if everyone could post who they are and what they're playing I can get us into teams!

(I realize most of you, if not all of you, have done this. But my hung over brain needs clarity)

Its-a meeee...uhm, Garroth.

Rameth is an investigator and is already in group 1

Ranger started up, not finished yet. Using this Alias.

Garroth, you are starting as fighter an taking monk 2nd level, correct?

Sovereign Court

Aasimar Warpriest here

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