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Thoradin tends to the blonde woman's wounds. She wakes with a start, half sputtering, half giggling. As she becomes more aware of the situation, the noises stop."Yes, yes, she confesses, "Deandre had illusions of making a name for herself. She wanted to be the next big name in Absalom's underworld." The woman looks past the party towards where the red-haired woman's corpse fell. "I've never seen someone's head cave in like that. It's simply amazing."
After a brief detour to the authorities to hand the surviving woman over, you arrive back at the Grand Lodge just as the last hues of red and orange are fading from the horizon. Venture-Captain Vaslin receives you immediately, listening with interest as you recount the day's exploits. He nods approvingly as you turn the mysterious box over to him. "Well done. It seems you all have the skills it requires to be productive members of the Society after all. I realize it may not have been the most glamorous of assignments for you, but I assure you not every mission involves running errands about Absalom."
Vaslin opens a drawer behind his desk and extracts several sealed pieces of high-quality paper which he hands out to each of you in turn, "As a little reward for a successful first day, I've secured these invitations to the Snapdragon Festival celebration for each of you. You should have just enough time to clean yourselves up and make it over to the Lantern Lodge to join the party. It should be a good opportunity for you to meet some of your fellow Pathfinders." He returns to his chair and smiles knowingly, "I'm sure there will be at least one Venture-Captain in attendance who could use your assistance."

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***Later that evening***
Only the luckiest or most influential Pathfinders receive invitations to Amara Li's annual Snapdragon Festival celebration, and wise recipients take advantage of them. The aroma of blooming orchids and flowing wine mixes with the acrid tang of recently exploded fireworks, and the strangely discordant music comes from a duo of Tian women playing an unusual stringed instrument and a reed flute. The crowd mingles calmly, most guests clearly hoping to be seen more than actually paying attention to those with whom they converse, though the plum wine seems to have affected many who now move about the lodge's grounds waving sparkling wands of fire and shooting whirring, whizzing fireworks into the sky about the koi pond.

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Thoradin attends the Dinner in his Finest Dress robes, Wearing his Holy Symbol around his neck, and his trusty hammer on his belt. While the event's Food and Wine Don't excite the Dwarf like a good old Dwarven Celebration, the Fireworks astound him. While Enthralled by the explosions, he trys to keep an eye on Tanrov, and his love for the plum wine

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Although slurring his speech and staggering occasionally, the burly youth does not appear to be a volatile or hostile drunk. The only danger he poses to anyone would be if he fell and dropped his massive frame on them.
"I fffeel fineee, big guy", he answers. "Why aren't you enjoying yourself? My brother always said you shouldn't trust a man that doesn't trust his liquor", he says wagging a finger at the Varisian.

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As each of you enjoys the festivities in your own way, you all make the acquaintances of other Pathfinders, receive formal but meaningless introductions to local dignitaries, and catch sight of a handful of local politicians. As the evening proceeds, a servant approaches to politely informing you that your hostess, and head of the Lantern Lodge, Amara Li has requested your presence.
As a group, you are led to Amara Li’s private study, where you find her seated on a reed mat before a low table set with an exquisite porcelain tea set. She motions for you to sit with her around the table, and once the door is closed, begins talking in a low, hushed voice without even the hint of a Tian accent, "“Well met, Pathfinders, and welcome to the Lantern Lodge. I hope you find the Snapdragon Festival and my hospitality worthy of your time and energy. I have not brought you here for mere pleasantries, however, and wish to ask you to partake a dangerous mission on my behalf.
"Long ago, one of my most esteemed ancestors, who was rich in power but poor in sense, gave a gift to a foreign prince, a gift that prince did not deserve and my foolish ancestor had no right to give — a ceremonial jade katana. At the time the gift was sent, its recipient was invading this island. He laid siege to Absalom from his fortress in the foothills of the Kortos Mounts. Like those who came before him, the warlord failed to take Absalom and perished in the attempt. On the very day of his defeat, his castle crumbled to dust in a violent earthquake and has been lost to the centuries ever since. My family’s heirloom was lost with it.
"A recent report by a group of Pathfinders gives me hope that they have finally found the ruin, and I might finally recover my family’s treasure. I’m looking for an intrepid group to retrieve it for me, and I’m hoping that is you. The fame and wealth you will doubtlessly recover will bring you much honor within the Society, and if you deliver the katana to me, you will have my favor as you begin your careers as full agents of the Pathfinder Society.”

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Amara Li smiles as you accept her offer and passes a folded sheet of paper across the table. "These are directions to the keep's location. It should not be difficult to locate. Although your exploration the ruined keep will be as Pathfinders, I would consider the retrieval of the katana a personal favor to me. In the mean time, feel free to enjoy the rest of tonight's festivities before heading out in the morning."

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Amara Li dismisses you with a smile. You leave her study and return to the party in time to witness two elven men play-jousting with tiny sticks, the ends of which glow and spark wildly. Their improvised swords draw arcs of light through the air as they dramatically sweep their arms back and forth. A small crowd of guests watch on.
From across the impromptu swordplay, three men chat amongst themselves. Upon spying your return, one of the men extracts himself and heads in your direction. He is decked out in a bright blue overcoat with polished gold buttons, goal eagle epaulets, and a fine black felt tricorn hat - the military fineries of an Eagle Knight's ceremonial uniform.

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The military officer speaks loudly and confidently, as if he wants the entire party to “overhear” your conversation, “Greetings, Pathfinders! I hear you’re headed out into the Cairnlands on official Society business. Best of luck outside the city walls, though you look like sturdy enough adventurers. Perhaps not Eagle Knight material, but qualified for the work of a Pathfinder.
“A word of warning, though, friends — beware the walking dead. The crumbling ruins surrounding the city are rife with them, and you’re likely to run into more than your fair share over the course of your career. Undeath and the undead are more than just a physical peril, however. Undeath is the worst kind of slavery. And it should be eradicated like all servitude, whether to aristocracy or to mental control. Being enslaved to the flesh beyond when Pharasma calls one’s soul to the Boneyard is a fate I wouldn’t wish upon my greatest enemy. So while you plumb the depths of Asad’s Keep, remember your solemn duty to your fellow man — both living and dead. Any undead you encounter along the way should be freed of their earthly shell."

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The Eagle Knight appears as if he has more to say, but before he can voice his thoughts, a member of the serving staff, decked out in a finely crafted silken robe, approaches the major, whispering something in his ear. A curious expression forms on the knight's face by the time the servant has finished delivering his message. With more volume than his proximity would warrant, the major addresses your group, "You'll have to pardon me, but there is urgent Eagle Knight business that requires my attention. Good fortune on your quest." He bows quickly and heads towards the exit.
No sooner has the major left than you find yourself in the presence of yet another party goer. This one is a well-dressed Keleshite man. In contrast to the Eagle Knight, he is soft-spoken and subtle. With a strong Kelish accent, he ushers you all to the side, away from the larger crowds and activities of the party going on around you.
“Like a fast-spoken djinn, I’ll get to the quick. I am Prince Aaqir al'Hakam and I know where you are going. House Damaq of Qadira claim the ruin, but we are willing to allow you access for the price of a small deed easily accomplished during your adventure. You will be well compensated, I assure you, for profits are most rewarding when shared. I assume treasure-seekers like yourselves are interested in such a proposition?”
Without waiting for an answer, he continues, his eyes intent and his posture rigid.
“The ruin is Qadiran, which is why we claim it, and we are willing to defend it, but there are really only certain things left in Asad’s Keep we are interested in: trade agreements, of which we believe there to be many within the ruins. All we ask that you do is to turn over all trade agreements you find to us as soon as you return to Absalom, as we will be able to hold the signers to them even centuries after their signing.
“The satrap of Qadira—nay, the entire Padishah Empire of Kelesh—has much to offer the Pathfinder Society, and I personally have no qualms about sharing those resources with you, specifically. Shall we shake on this agreement?”

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Tanrov, still a bit buzzed, turns down to the broad dwarf, "This isn't anything like the parties my brothers and I had with the Swords. Those usually involved a lot less random people asking you to do things and a lot more drinking and fighting", the towering youth explains.

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Politely ignoring the implications of your comments, the Keleshite man calmly nods to Hekirin. "Both parties stand to gain much from such an accord. I am pleased you recognize this. I will trouble you no further this evening."
The man backs away, helping himself to the sake offered by a passing servant. You all relax again when, after a moment, no further dignitaries, officers, or ambassadors appear to take an interest in you. In fact, most people have their attention drawn to the far side of the koy pond with a thunderous boom. A half second later there is a dazzling display of lights overhead, followed by a round of applauds.

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The rest of the evening proceeds enjoyably. Although other Pathfinders, political representatives, and influential socialites that you are introduced to hint at prospective work, none are as direct about it. You each remain in attendance for as long as you feel it wise to do so, considering the journey that awaits you in the morning.
Feel free to incorporate an antics that might occur while your characters are still at the party. Otherwise, I'll assume you all get a night's rest, do some preparatory errands in the morning and set out before lunch.
Travel to the site is arduous; the terrain is rocky and marred with the scars of millennia of wars, making it thirsty work for you to get to your destination, but encounter no resistance. The directions you received lead to a small gully. At the end of the gully, about fifteen feet above the ground on a cliff face, is an ancient, ironbound door. Its wood is dried and cracked. Directly in front of the door is a steep slope of rubble and dust-crusted debris that, as luck would have it, provides a path—albeit a rough and difficult one — right up to the door.

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Tanrov drinks well into the night, even after Andrazi leaves to get some sleep. He eventually gathers the courage to approach Srina but can't seem to find her. =( The elf seemingly gone, the young barbarian retires drunk and alone.
The following morning Tanrov follows along steadily despite the rough terrain and the residual effects from the previous night's festivities.

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Earlier that day...
As the party meets up at the city gates, a slender elf with short blond hair jogs up to the group. She introduces herself as Nara Faulhyrst. Although the name doesn't mean anything to any of you, the folded piece of paper that she offers explains that she's been assigned to join your expedition to Asad's Keep by Venture-Captain Valsin.
Fast-forward back to the present...
Perception checks
Andrazi: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10
Tanrov: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Hekirin: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Thoradin: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Nara: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Surprise round! Give me an initiative roll along with your reaction to the situation.