DM Sinvel's A Pound of Flesh in Freeport!

Game Master Sinvel Menter

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Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

"Not to worry Suny. Flag or I will do the talking with the other helping out. I'm fine setting things right with Gartold. Welby's helped us this far."

Don't think I ever put it back down :)

Male Half-elf Bard(Street Preformer):4

"Of course my dear Miss Mishael, this little one has done his job so far. Though we will need to signal if this spot doesn't give us the proper clues." He says as he gestures towards the funeral home.

He then looks down to Welby after Karsielle hits him with her special touch, "Come on Halfling you forgot your under the protection of our lord Bloody Flagg you have nothing to fear."

Diplomacy:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30

Welby's eyes glaze over for a moment as Karsielle's powers take over the short man, and he seems to be reassured by Suny's and Bloody's words that he doesn't speak another word. A soft "Thank you..." flutters from his lips.

Yes, I'd call it 11am.

If you would like to talk to Gartold for Welby, someone just give me your speech to Gartold and a Diplomacy check.

Male Human Ranger (Urban) 4

Silas is a touch jittery as they enter the warehouse district, though not overly so. For those who know what kind of things happen here, it isn't unwarranted.

Gladly, though, they are here for a purpose that appears to be swiftly resolving itself. Admittedly, arm-locking a frightened halfling isn't what he'd been planning to do with his morning, but neither had a swim in the bay either. I suppose life gives us many turns.

Returning the frantic Welby to the group, Silas is relieved to see Karsielle sooth him. "Let's get him back to the Saltshacks, talk to Gartold, and then deal with this. Do you want me to scope this place out? I...know my way around this district pretty well. It won't be hard."

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

"Sure Silas, that sounds like a good plan. I think Flag and I can probably handle things with Welby and Gartold. Karsielle, I think you and Suny can go either way."

F Exotic Elf TBA

Mishael's words to herself and Karsielle elicit a peal of silvery giggles from the sun bronzed Elven lass,

"Oooo...she is perceptive!"
Suny says laughingly to Karsielle in their 'native' tongue
"Unless my grasp of speaking in their people's tongue is awry again...?"
She finishes with a grin, but slightly questioning look to Karsielle.

"Well, we's already gathered that me gabbin'll be likely doin' more harm'n good with me going t' Gartold." Suny adds by way of a partial explanation of what passed between herself and Karsielle. " stayin' about an' lookin' t'be" Suny frowns and look to Karsielle, "Now I know 'lay-about in't th' right word..." She mutters....


Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

"Ok, so Karsielle, Flag and I go with Welby. Silas will snoop. You'll stay here as his backup."

Going to let Black Flag make the main speech to Gartold. Mishael can assist.

Male Human Ranger (Urban) 4

"Alright. I'll give the place a good look." Silas gives a confident smile. "Come on Suny. I'll take point." Silas immediately begins his work, hardly even waiting for the others to leave.

Stealth:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

It could hardly be said that he began his work silently, however. Perhaps I don't remember as much of this place as I think I do, Silas thinks to himself, his swords tapping against the suddenly thinned walls of an alleyway.

Female elf Cleric/4 HP: 27/27

Karsielle smiles kindly at Suny, "Never underestimate yourself Suny" she whispers quietly, "Your skills are much need be our little band." Straightening up, the elven woman wishes Silas luck as he makes a few investigations. "We won't be long, hopefully Welby will be safer back in his own part of town. OK, then Mishael, BF off we go. To Gartold."

On the journey, Karsielle will attempt to get Welby to offer the group an open invitation to his home, an hence entrance as friends to the Saltshacks.

Aid BF: Diplomacy against males 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

Aid BF 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Great idea on making that deal with Welby.

Bloody, Mishael, and Karsielle escort a weary Welby back to his neighborhood. Together, they meet once again in Gartold's office.

Gartold looks up from his work and lets a scroll rest on his desk as he sits back in his chair. "Well? What was Welby able to answer your questions? If your accusations are true, and I can confirm them myself, we will deal with Welby here amongst our clan. What say you?" he barks in perturbed manner.

Bloody gets +4 to his diplomacy, as Mishael and Karsielle add credence to his words to the halfling leader.

Male Half-elf Bard(Street Preformer):4

Sorry it's been a crazy weekend, sorry for the delayed response but here we go.

"It seems your dim witted clan's man has gotten into a bit of trouble, it seems his drunken boasts were believed and were taken by a group of grave robbers. The one quality act he preformed it seems was he has so far kept the shacks away from this groups sight. My master has agreed to take care of this problem that plagues the district. And we have gotten Webly to agree to give all his ill gotten gains and put them towards the clan. That is why I am here, to score this deal so Webly doesn't get any flak from the other clan members and to let him keep his simple place within this halfling haven." The Scholar offers towards Gartold.

Diplomacy:1d20 + 16 ⇒ (9) + 16 = 25

F Exotic Elf TBA

Suny smiles in reply to Karsielle's comment then slips out into the street after Silas.

Stealth:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Then she simply wanders along in Silas' wake keeping an eye upon the man while perusing the various shop fronts and store wares.

Perception:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

"Oooo! Shiny!"

Meh on the dice roller. (-_-)

Will have an update in a day or two. Bad combination of being sick and a ton to do at work...

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

No problem DM Sinvel. Will watch for you. Have really been enjoying this game.

Male Half-elf Bard(Street Preformer):4

No problem bud, we all get those busy work weeks! Having a fun time too!

P.S. I hope my speech for Sir Webly was alright hehe.

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

I bet he just needs extra time for that huge map with about 20 halflings swarming us :)

Mishael wrote:
I bet he just needs extra time for that huge map with about 20 halflings swarming us :)

Haha! How did you know?

Gartold's gruff demeanor visibly relaxes after Bloody's opening statement, and the old halfling asks some details about Welby's actions and his recent attempt to redeem himself. The three adventurers assure Gartold of Welby's willingness and assist him during Gartold interrogation. After a good 15-20 minutes of conversation, Gartold is satisfied and agrees to let Welby stay in the Saltshacks under some sort of probabtion period.

Used your good rolls for the entire conversation. You are free to meet with the others staking out the mortuary, just wondering if you intend on giving Welby back his box of keepsakes or keep that as a

Back at the mortuary, Suny and Silas try to look inconspicuous in the narrow alley across the street from Goodrest Mortuary.

They don't see much until nearly the end of an hour of waiting, when the see a skinny older man walking down the street. He looks right into the alley where Suny and Silas dwell but doesn't seem to acknowledge the two of them before taking out a ring of keys from his pouch and using one to unlock the door and entering the mortuary.

About ten minutes later, the rest of the group can be seen coming back from the direction of the Saltshacks.

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

I'm sure Karsielle would rather keep the "fee" and it isn't going to take much convincing for Mishael

Spotting Silas and Suny, Mishael stops shy of the mortuary and wait for the two to approach her, Karsielle and Flag. As the arrive she asks, "So, any luck checking out the mortuary?"

F Exotic Elf TBA

Uhm...jus'a point, but I weren't tryin' be be all sneaky, like. I were wanderin' about th' street, lookin' in't shop windows an' checkin' out their wares while occasionally lookin' in'a direction of th' establishment'. See, I were also hopin' t' garner a look-see at th' back o' th' place, as well as th' side an' what-not. Hope that helps! (^_^)

Perception:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

Seeing a certain some one slip into 'the' alley, Suny attempts to slip in as well.

Stealth:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

'Hey-YA! There!" She exults even as she throws her arms around Mishael's waist in a fierce hug.

Male Human Ranger (Urban) 4

Silas nods at the old man, inwardly cursing at his lack of proper stealth. I guess I'm losing my touch. He can't help but chuckle at Suny's exuberance as their friends return. Meeting with the rest of them, he simply says "I can't spot anything out of the ordinary here. Some old man just wandered by and unlocked the door. He must at least be somewhat important if he has a key."

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

Mishael returns Suny's hug and listens as Silas recounts the events since they have been apart. She fills the two on the meeting with Gartold and then asks, "So, knock and talk? or try to sneak in?" I'm for a sneaky approach. I don't think these folks are going to reveal anything.

F Exotic Elf TBA

"Ahy as fer goin' in all 'sneaky' like?" Suny asks in reply to Mishael's question, Suny describes everything she's seen in her wanderings around the local streets and shops.

DM's exposition as to the general lay out of the Target Establishment and the buildings/businesses surrounding it.

Knowledge Local: 'Taking Ten'=15

Until her companions gently shush her amiable seeming rambling to which she suggests -happily bouncing up and down,

"SO! While we's all thinkin' up a plan, why dun't we retire t' that eatery I did spy over yonder? Where we's c'n keep an eye on'a buildin's front as we discuss our newest headin'?" She suggests, indicating the nearest convenient tavern even as she leans closer to Mishael, whispering to the group,

"Since, if'n we is goin' t'be all 'sneaky' like, we's prolly gon'a be doin' it in'a dark t'gether. Be I right? Hence, some where's t' lay about while we's waitin' fer it t'get some what duskier." (^_~)

Again, using her knowledge of the local terrain and topography to direct folks to the place which fits the bill. (^_^)

Male Half-elf Bard(Street Preformer):4

"Well it is a mortuary, so we could pose a few people that lost a very beloved and very rich family member to get an idea of the place and figure things out." The Scholar offers the group.

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

"Hang on Suny. I think Black Flag has a good suggestion. We can get some idea of the interior and then come back the dark as you suggest. I can play the azhari bodyguard." she says with a wide grin.

F Exotic Elf TBA

Suny nods at Fang's words and Mishael's suggestions. Then she looks at herself, then to Karsielle, the to herself and back to Mishael...

"Uhm....I think me self in't in'a bests of clobber t'be goin' along with Flag's idea some how..."

She points out quietly. Indicating the simple, if slightly tattered, light canvas shirt and similar material that she's wearing wrapped about her hips. Her bare toes wiggle absently upon the cobblestones of the alley-way. The paucity of her attire, however, doesn't seem to bother her outlook any. (^_^)

"So's...either I skip off an' go do some shoppin' fer more duds...or maybe there be another idea?" She asks.

"I dun't mind pokin' about in'a shops here abouts while folks go an' have a look-see in'a place. A'sides, me way o' speakin' in't th' best...." She says to allay any worries her friends may have about her being 'left outside' though she does frown slightly, "Unless I jus' keep t' usin' me native words...?" Then she giggles,

"Though I don't suppose me native ways o' dressin' would be all'a more of an improvement?" (^_^) Sudenly, a thought does strike her and she bounces up and down with glee,

"Here now! Why dun't we take advantage of that? Get me all gussied up in feathers an' beads an' what not? Make of m'self a right Island Princes? Then, ye c'n be es'plainin' things t'meself an' such when we's are goin' about our snoopin' inside!" She suggests excitedly.

Female elf Cleric/4 HP: 27/27

Karsielle winks at BF, "As a priestess, I would have no problem asking to see the dead in the mortuary. There are many followers who might want their bodies preserved and made attractive before the final absolution and blessing from our beautiful congregation. It might be fruitful to see the morticians skills." She purrs into BFs ear, and to be joined with such a handsome friend in this adventure. She pecks his cheek and retreats.

Suny, don't forget that you still have your outfit from the upscale
pleasure house the group went to a few days ago.

Seems like there are three options: A) go in to mortuary with swords raised during the day, B) Try to sneak in at night, or C) Go inside now posing as customers to get a better idea and then sneak in tonight. Which does the group choose?

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

I'm in agreement to go in now to get the lay of the land and then to decide whether we get more aggressive or try to sneak in later.

Male Human Ranger (Urban) 4

Option C is what Silas would choose.

Male Half-elf Bard(Street Preformer):4

"That sounds like an outstanding plan my dear." He gives lecherous smile with that comment. "I think we can combine both plans, where you my priestess goes in first with your idea and then me and Mishael will move in as a mourning merchant and his bodyguard. So Kariselle could go look around while they are distracted. What do you think?" The scholar offers.

Obviously going with C.

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

"Sounds like fun. Shall we create a little disturbance so Karsielle can slip in further?"

F Exotic Elf TBA

Option C! (^_^)

Aye, yah I may be havin' them cloths, but that dun't mean I be [i]wearin/[i/] them clothes. How long to scoot back and kit up wi' 'em? Folks wouldn't mind the slight wait, would they?

Suny grins happily at Flag's plan, " d'ye want's t' me be fittin' in, then?" She grins mischievously at her freinds.

Female elf Cleric/4 HP: 27/27

Karsielle nods in agreement, as she adjusts her clothes, making herself look as seductive as possible, pouting and coloring her lips, combing her hair to show her long white neck. She crosses the street and without looking back tries the door to the mortuary.

OK, option C. Just not sure who is pairing up. Is it Karsielle and Silas going together followed a little later by Bloody and Mishael? Will Bloody still be in disguise as someone more astute? What will Suny be doing?

Whoever goes in first:
There is a thin rope hanging on the exterior of Goodrest Mortuary beside the door. With a pull, a bell inside the building can be heard ringing. Within a few moments a very well dressed man opens the door. The blood red fabric of his jacket looks expensive and the tailoring is impeccable. The brown velour of his lapel matches his pant which are accentuated with an impressive pair of leather shoes.

"Yes, may I help you?" says the man who is older yet quite distinguished looking.

F Exotic Elf TBA
DM Sinvel wrote:
What will Suny be doing?

Aye, that be th' good question. Prolly run off t'get better kitted fer whut be doin'...maybe...? >_>

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

Suny, I thinking getting your better duds is a good plan. Mishael is definitely going in with Flag.

Female elf Cleric/4 HP: 27/27

Karsielle, nods to Silas as she walked over, winking she quietly speaks, "My good looking bodyguard, follow behind."

She bows her head slightly in recognition of the man's welcome. "Indeed you may. I wondered if I might take a look at your facilities and workmanship? Recently we have had to lay to rest daughters of the Savored Sting, whose features and beauty had been destroyed by disease and putrification. Our best efforts to redress this desecration of beauty did not produce the results we had desired. So here I am, looking to find someone who possess such skills. So can you help?"

Diplomacy against males 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23 This is mainly true as she is describing the laying to rest of Topaz, hence no bluff.
Is this the same man that was seen entering the shop previously?

The older man opens the door widely and extends his hand. "I believe you are in the right place then, welcome." he says with an expressionless face. "I am Arteud Goodrest, and this is the finest mortuary in all of our fair land."

Inside the doorway opens into a long hallway with two doors on the right before ending in an opening that displays a small garden in the back yard. He leads Karsielle and Silas into a the far doorway. "We are known for our care and expertise in such cases as yours. As you can see, Goodrest Mortuary is the pinnacle of our craft."

Inside the center of the room is a large glass covered stone box that leaks frigid vapors. Two blue-skinned corpses lie in the box upon a bed of arcane glowing ice crystals. Shelves lining the rest of the walls contain a manner of strange unguents, powders and creams. Upon a short steel table, rest a variety of strange tools, needles, prongs, scalpels and hooks for eviscerating body parts from corpses.

Male Half-elf Bard(Street Preformer):4

"Will wait a little bit let her get her bearings in there and then start distracting, hehe." Bloody then pulls a small mirror from his pocket and takes a look at himself then turns to Mishael and Suny, "But first I'll need to change, I think its time to bring back an old friend...."

Disguise check using Disguise self:1d20 + 20 ⇒ (4) + 20 = 24

He's new guise is a famaliar form but the Sir Captain's usually bright teal suit is now a somber dark purple. "Sad news has brought back the Sir Captain of the Lucky Scallop here, you see my father Merchant King Bolind Drago has finally fallen to his illness and I, Sir Captain Kip DRago, his only heir must find the proper place to lay him to rest. Of course money is no problem." Sir Captain Kip Drago holds out his arm to the sky as he finishes with a tear dripping from his left eye.

Perform(Acting):1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

F Exotic Elf TBA

Racing back through the streets, Suny misses Flags masterful display....Knowledge Local:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 (To quickly find her way there and back, Running away and 'sauntering back', so as not to return hot, sweaty and flustered (^_~)__)

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

"Oh Captain Drago. I am so sorry for your loss. And, I have heard that there are many scheming to claim your father's fortune from his only heir. Fortunately, your loyal servant is here to protect you from harm."

Female elf Cleric/4 HP: 27/27

Karsielle looks at the bodies lying there, "May I?" indicating the glass lid. "Do you do this with all your bodies? It's so interesting. Pray tell me what this is and gas." Her face shows great inquisitorial interest, wondering how they do this thing.

"Perhaps my friend can open it, it's too difficult to me." she nods at Silas, her voice warming to the task in hand. "It would help in our discussions if we could see your process of taking in, preparing and releasing the body, for your skills would be of interest to our ladies."

Arteud steps in front of Karsielle as she reaches for the lid. "Please, madam, the contents of this box are extremely dangerous if handled incorrectly. They can be quite dangerous to the living." he says in a raised tone of voice. As he does so, two large men with bloody aprons appear out of a doorway on the right side of the room. They peer in inquisitively.

"The content of this box assist me in keeping the corpses preserved until a ceremony can be performed. I've worked a lifetime perfecting the make up of its ingredients, so you will understand my secrecy." Arteud says with a pleasant smile.

He walks over to the door that the two men just peered out of and motions for the two adventurers to enter. "Sorry, I can't show you my exact process either, but here is client on which we have done quite a nice job."

Inside the adjacent room three-oversized granite worktables occupy the remainder of the room, upon the center one rests the naked corpse of an elderly man. His stomach is splayed open and filled with a pile of white powder and several glass tubes shunted into veins and arteries slowly leak bodily fluids into small steel pans. You also notice dozens of drainage holes puncture the tiled masonry floor.

You notice the man's face looks very natural and pleasant. A sign of quite remarkable craftsmanship.

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

Judging that enough time has passed, Mishael loudly bangs open the door to the mortuary, "Hallo! Anyone here? Is this the Goodrest Mortuary? Please come and attend upon my master at once!"

A loud banding can be heard coming from the entrance along with muffle shouting. "Um, will you excuse me for a moment?" Arteud says to Karseille and Silas before opening a door that leads to the entry hallway. The two are left in a room with an exquisite looking corpse on a table and two large men who are working on getting the dead body's torso sown back together.

After her disruptive request for entry, Mishael is greeted at the door by a very perturbed looking old man. "Yes, can I help you?" he says in a not so friendly voice.

Sir Captain starts to speak but catches himself and covers his mouth with a handkerchief. He begins to sniffly and then tries to speak again, "You see sir I am Sir Captain Ki....*cries* Sorry for my rudeness but I lost my pa..*sniff**sniff*" He then waves his bodyguard to finish his sentence.

Perform(Acting):1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

Mishael allows fire to flare in her eyes as she feigns distaste at the old man's callousness, "Good sir, we've been assured that the Goodrest Mortuary is perhaps the finest funeral establishment in town. How dare you speak to the good captain so after his terrible loss. This is Sir Captain Kip Drago. No doubt you have heard of him and his father the Merchant King Bolind Drago. I'm sorry to say that this poor man's father has at last expired after a long illness. I'm sure we can take our business elsewhere if you are too busy for us."

Bluff 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

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