DM Sinvel's A Pound of Flesh in Freeport!

Game Master Sinvel Menter

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F Exotic Elf TBA

In her room Suny quickly wriggles and shimmies into her 'good' clothing and then begins to strap and buckle on her leather armor and 'gear'. Catching sight of some of the room's other gear scattered about does bring a smile of fond remembrance to her features though. I 's a comin'! (^_^)

Silas and Karsielle, are you doing anything of note while Artued is at the door? However, note that you are not alone.

The old man's expression changes slightly. "Forgive me, usually when someone bangs loudly on the door instead of ringing the bell it is some sort of riff-raff or beggar." he says and opens the door invitingly.

"I am Artued Goodrest and this is, indeed, the finest mortuary in all the land. Unfortunately, I am currently meeting with other clients at the moment. If you will please wait in my office upstairs I will be with you shortly."

Artued guides the two down a hallway into a small courtyard in the back arranged with many colorful flowers and shrubs. To the right is a set of stairs that lead along the side of the back of the building to a door on the right, evidently the mortician's office.


Kip looks away from the man holding the handkerchief up to his face and cries a little into it, and glances back seeing the mans reaction.

Perform(Acting):1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Bluff:1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

Female elf Cleric/4 HP: 27/27

Karsielle walks over to one of the men, looking closely at their work. She runs her finger down one of the men's arms, "Never knew you had to be so strong to do this work." she smiles seductively at him. So tell me, "What's it like to work here?" feigning her interest as she squeezes the muscles on his arm, before she continues. "So what else do you do here, surely not just this. A man like you, strong and clever. You must do a million of things, so what do you do in your day. Do you stay here all the time? I mean live here?." she giggles "you have me all a tissy."

Diplomacy against males 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

Mishael pats Sir Captain Kip Drago reassuringly on the shoulder, "There there Sir Captain. I know the loss of your father has been hard on you. I'm sure this man didn't mean to make you wait. He probably has assistants that could tend to his other clients."

She turns to Artued with the sweetest smile she can manage, "Sir, I'm terribly sorry about this. My captain is simply devastated and isn't himself right now. Are you sure you don't have someone else that could assist your other clients right now?"

Bluff 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
Diplomacy 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

F Exotic Elf TBA

Suny jogs quickly through the streets, returning to the place where the others are currently 'exploring'. Just before the final corner she stops, catches her breath and liberally 'sprinkles' herself down with her own 'Prestidigitation' spells to clean herself down and give herself a final sprucing up before calmly but briskly walking towards the Mortuary. (^_^)

He crosses his arms and gives a big huff, "Tell the man to hurry then." As he waits taps his foot loudly getting the attention of them and exposing some of his fine jewelry(part of his disguise check).

Male Human Ranger (Urban) 4

Doing his best to look unperturbed by a body being sewn up, Silas wanders about the room, careful not to touch anything. I wonder what could be found here. Mayhaps a clue as to our dear captain's whereabouts?

Sorry guys, should have an update later today.

The tall man stares back at Karsielle. "Uh...I don't know. Cut bodies and take out their insides and stuff. And, down in a warehouse a few streets over." he says with a bashful smile.

Silas and Karsielle, give me perceptions please.

Artued pauses for a moment, thinking. "Very well, I am at your service. I'm terribly sorry about your father. What may I help you with? We offer many services to keep the body of the deceased beautiful for any sort of ceremony one would like to host."

Sir Captain stares at the man while covering his mouth with his handkerchief. He waits a moment the moves over and whispers to Mishael, "Tell him I wish to some of his examples of there services to make the deaceased as he put it beautiful and then move on to the coffins and have fun with it if you wish." Then moves back to staring at the man.

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

"Mr Goodrest. I'm sorry my Captain is so terribly distraught. Tell us of these services you offer. And then, perhaps you could show us some examples. You see, the poor man's father had a terrible accident. Very messy."

Female elf Cleric/4 HP: 27/27

Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Male Human Ranger (Urban) 4

Perception:1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13

"Very well, I have others doing the very same. I will show you as well. Please follow me."

Artued walks the pair down the hallway into the room with the glass covered box and then into the room where Karsielle, Silas, and Artued's two helpers all stand, looking at the corpse on the table.

"This poor soul was in quite terrible condition when he was brought to us, you will have to take my word at that, but as you can see he now looks bright and almost cheerful. I do have a few finishing touches that I could perform if you would like to see." he says to his prospective clients.

Artued then proceeds to grab some instruments which are rolled up in a leather case and work on the man's face. The tools he uses are odd and completely foreign to anyone in the room. While he works everyone can hear Artued mumbling something that sounds like arcane speaking, and the deceased man's face can be seen moving without direct touch from Artued's hands. Every now and then a small blue arc of some sort of energy comes off of his fingertips.

Sir Captain feigned shock and suprise to the man's techniques, then leans towards Mishael and whispers, "Ask him if he can get the deceased to move more intensely my father was fond of an certain dance could it be possible for his wake...."

Spellcraft:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

What manner of devilment is this? Is this man sorcerer or cultist? Mishael stands open-mouthed at Artued's work, brought back to the moment by Drago's whisper. The corners of her mouth twitch, but she forces them back hoping Artued and his guards missed it. "Sir, my captain would like to know if it is possible for your craft to provide even more stand...or even dance?"

Female elf Cleric/4 HP: 27/27

Karsielle continues to talk to the tall man, "Whilst your master is engaged with his other customers, could you continue the tour and take us round the house of rest? " she speaks in her sultry voice, offering more than is spoken.

Mishael wrote:
"Sir, my captain would like to know if it is possible for your craft to provide even more stand...or even dance?"

"I'm sorry, but we do not do such things here. If that is more of what you had in mind, I could refer you to a few places that perform I believe there is an "establishment" in Scurvytown and perhaps another out at Drac's End." Artued replies.

Karsielle wrote:
"Whilst your master is engaged with his other customers, could you continue the tour and take us round the house of rest? "

The simple man glances at Artued, who is conversing with Mishael, and then looks at Karsielle nervously. Without saying a word, he walks out the door, taking Karsielle's hand on the way out.

When in the adjacent room, the one that contains the box of vapors."Well, this room...uh, you've seen. And...uh, well this is the here leads to a very nice garden, such." the in-eloquent man says as he leads Karsielle to the small back yard which is very nicely manicured.

A set of stairs go up to a door way on the right side. Behind the adjacent stables off to the left, are a few wood crates and other items of storage. One the items Karsielle spots is a barrel, which looks suspiciously similar to the kind Welby used to fill with the Saltshacks fish (among other things as Karsielle knows) to sell.

Bloody and Mishael, please give me perceptions.

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

"Oh sir, I'm terribly sorry. I'm sure we did not mean to offend."
Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Diplomacy 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

F Exotic Elf TBA

Suny stops at the last corner, gives herself a final 'once over' with a last sprinkling of 'prestidigitation' before drawing herself up straight and then casually beginning to walk along the street where in the Mortuary is located.

Female elf Cleric/4 HP: 27/27

Taking the man's strong arm as they walk, Karsielle asks, "Sorry, I don't remember your name?" her silky voice continues, as she shakes her hair in the sunshine, "Don't you think its a wonderful day, why don't we take a look closer to the sky and look out over the roofs." as she gaily skipped up the stairs, pulling the at the man's arm with her. She smiles and laughs with the man, pulling him closer. As they reach the top, she innocently asks what's inside and can they have a sneaky peek.

Perception:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Artued's face is stoic. Mishael genuinely can't tell if he was comment meant he was offended. He continues speaking, "Very well. As you can see, my services are unparallelled in this area. Truth be told, I've never come across one more skilled than myself in all my travels. Of course, such expertise does come with a price."

Bloody, as you listen to Artued's and Mishael's conversation you think you see something odd. The slab that hold the dead man's body goes all the way down to the floor. But where one would normally expect to see a layer of grout where the slab meets the floor, you instead see an ever so thin crack, as if the slab is not attached to the floor at all. It looks as though this slab may be moved, possibly concealing something below it.

"As such", Artued continues, "please follow me to my office. Letting others see my work in progress is not something that I'm accustomed to doing. This room is usually off limits in respect for the deceased that rest here."


The tall man looks down with slight bewilderment on his face. "Um...yes, I'm Eugene. And that is the office up in there. Hey, we can get to the the bell tower through there. If you'd like to see like that then we should go to the bell tower. It's real pretty up there." He then pulls Karsielle's hand and drags her up the stairs somewhat excitedly. Eugene opens the door politely for Karsielle to enter.

Inside the small office consists only of a single oak desk and a few chairs framed by bookcases filled with dusty tomes containing records of the deceased. Green velvet curtains cover the room’s only window and the room’s sole light leaks feebly from the pewter candelabra on the desk. The office smells slightly musty and faded sage paint on the walls is starting to peel in the corners. A staircase along another wall leads up.


Suny just let me know if you want to jump in and join the suddenly crowded mortuary or do anything else.

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

"Yes yes Mr. Goodrest. Thank you so much for showing us your work. It is quite impressive." She looks over at Sir Captain Kip Drago and then quickly snaps her head back to look again as if she has seen something on his face. A sad look crosses her face as she brushes a finger over his cheek and pats him on his shoulder. "Oh dear, this has really been quite hard on you hasn't it my Captain. Perhaps you should wait in the front while I discuss business with Mr. Goodrest in his office."

Bluff 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

F Exotic Elf TBA

Aye, I've got me introduction all lined up, no need t' be frettin' abouts m'self! (^_^) Am kind'a busy with Real Life atm, so's don't no one worry none abouts m'self. I'll throw me line in when I've the more chance. (^_~)

As Captain Kip Drago notices the slab he pretends to be lost in sadness to study it further. As Mishael raises back out of his studying, He whispers to her, "Your Captain needs to figure something out, this has been a strain on me let them find me a place to rest while you make the arrangements. And just put the dancing as a test to make sure they didn't make my father a fool that should smooth it over." As he finishes his whispers he looks somber and gives the man a nod to confirm what his bodyguard suggests.

Guys, I'm on spring break this week. So I won't be around a computer much. Sorry for the delay, but we'll come back full force on Monday.

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

No worries. See you Monday.

Female elf Cleric/4 HP: 27/27

Karsielle pulls back a bit, "Don't pull so much Eugene." She slows down and looks around the office, "No really Eugene, but no one's been in here for a while have they? Gosh we could be naughty and have a peep around." she says conspiratorially. She moves to open the curtains. "Let's at least see this funny old office properly, might even have your wage account here? Oh alright, we'll go upstairs, just let me open the curtains first"

She takes a quick look around the room, trying to see anything of interest, should she have time later to have a good look round. Before following her escort upstairs.

Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Eugene lets up when Karsielle resists going up the next set of stairs.

"Oh, no. Mr. Goodrest used his office every day, but he just don't like to clean I guess. We used to have someone clean it, but he let her go once he got all of those fancy clothes." the tall man says as he emulates Karsielle and looks around the room a bit with a slightly bored look on his face.

He squints a bit when Karsielle opens the curtains. Even with the added light in the room there isn't much more that Karsielle notices on first glance.


As Artued gets ready to escort Mishael to his office he looks around and notices that someone is missing. He looks to Silas "Where did your master run off to?"

Male Human Ranger (Urban) 4

"I think she was speaking to one of your men, last I checked. She often prefers I not follow her too closely when she is...'chatting' with someone. I really couldn't say where she's gone off to, but I will certainly go find her if it is a bother to you, sir."

Female elf Cleric/4 HP: 27/27

Seeing nothing of interest in the office, Karsielle shuts the curtain again and nods to Eugene, "Time to take in the views then.."

F Exotic Elf TBA

Suny saunters casually along the street, looking and taking careful note of building signs until she stops and peers at one certain establishment.

She walks up to the front door and examines the surrounding architraves, her eyes finally coming to rest on the bell chord. She reaches out and pulls said item once, most vigorously.


Eugene smiles and takes Karsielle's hand once again and they run up the stairs together. The next floor appears the be Artued's bedroom and is decorated quite handsomely. Eugene doesn't stop and continues to drag his new friend up the next flight of stairs.

Karsielle, perception please.


Silas, sense motive please.

Artued stops for moment and then starts to shuffle people out of his work area. "Alright everyone, please follow me out to the courtyard." he says as he opens the door back to the hallway. After the last of the group has left the room, Artued goes to his last remaining servant and stands on the tip of his toes to speak something directly into his ear. He then follows the rest of his "customers" into the hallway and leads them to open grassy area in the rear. The servant closes the door and a latch can be heard closing into place.

"Since your master seems to have disappeared for the moment I will tend to the captain's needs first." he says to Silas before turning to Mishael. "Please, follow me up to my office and we can work out the details and costs."

Anyone in the courtyard can make a DC 12 perception check.

DC 12:
You spot a barrel which looks suspiciously similar to the kind Welby used to fill with the Saltshacks fish (among other things as Karsielle knows) to sell.


Bloody, where are you "resting"? In the courtyard?


As Artued is about to start leading Mishael up to his office, the mortuary's door bell rings down the hallway. Artued mumbles something under his breath. "Excuse me..." he says in an obviously annoyed tone before walking down the hallway.


Bloody, Mishael, and Silas are alone together in the courtyard for the moment.


It isn't long before the door opens and Suny can see the old mortician. "I'm terribly sorry, I am with other customers. Please come back in an hour or two." he says hurriedly and then tries to close the door.

F Exotic Elf TBA
DM Sinvel wrote:

It isn't long before the door opens and Suny can see the old mortician.

"I'm terribly sorry, I am with other customers. Please come back in an hour or two." He says hurriedly and then tries to close the door.

At the man's quick and brusque tone, Suny matches his haste with her own.

"Come,-I-be. To-meet someone here,-m'self-is. An...arraignment, it-was-been-made." She insists, stepping forwards to limit the closing of the portal in her face, even as she does her best with her speech and manners. She does smile to re-assure the fellow that all is well.

Diplomacy:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16


Female elf Cleric/4 HP: 27/27

"Not so fast, Eugene, let a lady follow in her own time." as she looks into the bedroom, after a bedroom can be quite interesting!!!

Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

Perception:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Captain Whispers to his bodyguard, "Start the work, I will be needing some air and will join you in a little bit."

He then moves to sit down on the barrel to see the worker's response to him being near the familiar item.

Sense Motive:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
"What do you see there Captain? I don't think he can see you from behind the door."

Mishael walks over to the latched door and listens to see if she can hear Artued's servant in the hallway.
Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Karsielle, you notice that the décor of this room is far different from office below, with newly painted cinnabar walls and gold light emanating from a metallic bronze orb suspended from a ceiling chain. A plush feather mattress rests on a brass bed near massive hand-carved wardrobe. On the far wall, flowing velvet draperies frame a glass-paned door that open to a garden balcony.

"We can't stay in here. Artued lets me go to the bell tower but I can't be in his bedroom long." Eugene says.


Artued stops from closing the door. "Yes, well, who exactly are you meeting here? Perhaps they are already inside?" he says to the cheerful Elf.


Bloody, the workers are not in the courtyard. The group is alone for the time being while Artued tends to Suny.

Mishael, the door is thick and you can't hear much. You are about 15 feet away from Artued while he is talking to Suny at the front door.

F Exotic Elf TBA
DM Sinvel wrote:
Artued stops from closing the door. "Yes, well, who exactly are you meeting here? Perhaps they are already inside?" he says to the cheerful Elf.

Suny steps back and then bows quickly before straightening again and replying,

"Ah...To meet Mistress Karasi-elle was arraigned." She indicates herself,

"I am of companion to her?" The Elfven lass says, though her lack of Human language skills now appears to be telling.

"Arraigned business we have together." She finishes with a slight nod.

Female elf Cleric/4 HP: 27/27

Seeing such finery in the bedroom, Karsielle takes a second look, "Eugene, let me say a quick prayer to thank the gods for showing me such a fine room. Go keep watch for Artued, so he doesn't catch the two of us looking in his room. Then we'll go upstairs." she winks as though including Eugene in any naughtiness or wrongdoing against his employer. She offers a short prayer to Calistra to give her insight into any magic in the room.

Detect Magic as she looks around the room.
Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Female Azhari
AC 22/19/17 HP 30/32 F+5 R+8 W+1 Init+4 Per+6

"Hm, a little too close to see about going back through there. Captain, is that barrel empty or full?" Mishael walks over to the barrel and sees if it will rock easily or with difficulty.

Eugene gives a nervous glance at Karsielle and goes back down the stairs a few steps and looks into the office. Karsielle raises her hand and scans the room for any magical auras but senses nothing.


Outside Bloody and Mishael look inside the barrel to find it empty but are nearly overcome by the horrendous odor.


Artued opens the door for Suny. "Follow me."

Everyone has one more round to explore/talk before Artued returns.

Male Half-elf Bard(Street Preformer):4

Sorry I misread that we were left alone.

Captain will shift into Eugene and gives Mischael a wink before he sneaks back to that room they were at.

Disguise:1d20 + 20 ⇒ (11) + 20 = 31

Bloody, when everyone left the room shortly before this a pretty loud sound of the door being latched from the inside could be heard.

Everyone else, I'll give you all more time if you'd like to do anything before Artued returns in one round.

Female elf Cleric/4 HP: 27/27

Unable to find anything, Karsielle calls Eugene and they make their way upstairs. She scans the compound and surrounding of the funeral parlor looking for any weakness in its defenses. "Such a fine view, Eugene."

Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

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