Thorn's End Guard

Sir Captain Kip Drago's page

43 posts. Alias of Roidrage.

About Sir Captain Kip Drago

Alignment: Unprincipled
Race: Elf

Random Details:
Birth Order: Second Born
Weight: Thin
Disposition: Nice guy
Family Origin: D-bee, family came in from a rift.
Sentiments toward the Coalition: Wary. Heard lots of things about the Coalition and the bad seems to outweigh the good.
Sentiments toward Non-Humans: Hates Demons.


Language and Literacy(American): 94%
Language and Literacy (Elven/dragonese): 98%
Math basic:80%
Basic Electronics:40%
General Repair and maintence:50%
Computer Operation:60%
Radio: Basic:55%
Surveillance Systems:40%
Pick Locks:45%
Find Contraband:36%
Demolitions Disposal:80%
Pilot Robots and Power Armor:76%
Pilot Robot Basic
Pilot Robot Elite: Triax X-series
Pilot Robot Elite:
WP Energy Pistol
WP Heavy Energy Weapons
Hand to Hand: Expert
Weapon Systems:50%
Pilot Hovercraft:60%
Boxing and Acrobatics
WP Sword
Robot Mechanics:35%
Sense of Balance: 60%
Walk a tightrope: 60%
Climbing: 40%
Prowl: 30%

Attacks per melee: 5
+1 to strike, +3 parry, +3 to dodge, Init:, Pull punch +4, Roll with Impact +3, Roll with punch +7, Save vs Horror factor (Impervious to robots, -2 to supernatural) Save vs Electrocution +2.

Class Abilites:
Fanatic Robophile Skill:64%
Hotwire Robot Vehicles and power armor: 50%
Triple Damage against Robots(On a natural 18,19,20)
Maximum Performance: Cut stunts in half and inrease speed by 5%

Power Armor Combat(basic):
+1 to attack per melee,
+1 to strike and parry
+1 to dodge, +3 to dodge while flying
+2 to roll with punch, fall, or impact (explosion), reducing damage by half.
Critical strike, same as pilot's hand to hand.
Punch: 1d6 MD
Kick: 1d4 MD
Leap kick: 2d4 MD
Body flip: 1d4 MD plus victim loses initiative and loses one attack that melee
Body Block/tackle/Ram: 1d4 MD, plus 50% chance of knocking opponent down. Counts as two attacks.

Power armor Combat training (Elite)::
+2 additional attacks per melee.
+2 to strike and parry
+2 to dodge and +5 when flying
+3 to roll with
Body Flip/throw: 1d4 MD, plus victim loses initiative and an action.
Body Tackle/Ram/block: 1d6 MD, 70% Chance of knocking down opponent.
Punch: 1d6 MD
Kick: 1d6 MD
Leap Kick: 2d6 MD

Samson aka X-10A Predator Power armor:

MDC of Main Body: 380
Weapon Systems
X10-453A Pulse Cannon(1, Right Arm)
1d4x10 MD per burst, single shot 2d4 MD
Range: 4000ft.
Payload: unlimited

Dual Shoulder Mini-Missle Launcher:
Missle type: 2 plasma mini missles (1d6x10)
Range: About a mile
Payload: Two

Punch: 1d6+1
Claw Punch: 2d4
Claw power punch:3d6
Claw Crush or Tear 1d6+1


TX-26 Particle Beam pistol (5d6 MD, 15(c)) 3 long clips
NG-E4 Plasma Ejector (6d6 MD, 12(c)) 3 long clips.
Vibro-saber (2d4 MD)
Light fusion blocks (2)
Medium Fusion Blocks (2)
High Explosive grenades (4)
Plasma Grenades (1)
T-43 Explorer (MDC-70, Camouflage)
2 sets of street clothes
pilot jumpsuit
black paint stick for camouflage
Portable tool kit
Automatic lock pick release gun
lock pick kit
doctor's stethoscope
Electro-Adhesive Pads
PC-3000 hand held computer
PDD pocket audio recorder/player
pocket laser distancer
pocket flashlight
pocket mirror
infrared distancing binoculars
tinted goggles
soldering iron
box of disposable plastic gloves (100)
utility belt
duffle bag
air filter
3 weeks of freeze dried combat rations.
Credits 2000
Black market items 6000

Multi optic eye
Universal headjack and ear implant
Amplified hearing
Toxic filter