DM-Salsa Presents: The Shadow Queen (Inactive)

Game Master AdamWarnock

The town of Hammenholdt has been lucky. Prosperous from trade, the town has been able to afford peace as few can.

But its luck has run out and something from the darkest shadows now plagues the town.

Battle Map

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Hammenholdt, a town north of the county seat in Vikersberg at the mouth of Hammen's Pass. The town has grown steadily since its founding from the trade that uses the pass and the rich veins of iron, silver, and copper in its mines. Despite the closeness of the Draketooth Range, Hammenholdt has been quiet for most of its existence. that is until patrols, travelers, and traders began to disappear on the roads north adn south of the town.

I'm going to try something a little bit different than the usual recruitment. I want to GM a short game that may go further if the players are interested. It's not going to be anything too fancy storywise.

What makes this different is that I want you to come up with your characters homeland. Feel free to link it to another player's character if you wish. This doesn't have to be detailed, but something that's interesting to read is more likely to get in than something that is short, but rather lacking in flavor.

Character Creation:

-20 Point Buy
-1st level
-average gold
-All Paizo allowed, no third party
-no ninja, samurai, summoner, or gunslinger
-Core races plus Aasimar, Tiefling, Sylph, Undine, Oread, Ifrit, and Changeling

Submission Guidelines:

-Character stats
-Character Background
-Character's Homeland


1. How long have you been playing RPGs? What got you started?
2. What is your favorite character from fiction (This can include characters from modules and APs)?
3. What is your favorite character that you have created?
4. What makes your character unique?
5. What do you expect from me as a GM?
6. What is your favorite color?
7. What do you think my favorite AP is?

I look forward to seeing what you come up with. Recruitment will stay open until Sunday March 16, 2014. I'll announce who made it within 24 hours of closing recruitment.

Oohooo! Glad to see you back! I'm definitely dotting for interest, and I need to come up with something good. Are the playtest classes allowed, by chance?

Glad to see you back, Salsa! Hope this means you're doing much better for yourself these days. Your Runelords game was one of the best I've ever been in - I loved your style, so I'm sure I'll work up an application!

I'm not making a dedicated "I want in" comment just yet - I'm waiting to see if I can get into another game first. If not, I'll be making an application for this one.

I do like the idea of a short game that could be extended, possibly.

Quick question, because I will inevitably draft character concepts: Would you allow a Skinwalker character, and would you allow such a character to be roleplayed as an afflicted Lycanthrope (I.E.: The kind unable to spread the affliction)? What about Lizardfolk?

ShadowyFox wrote:
Oohooo! Glad to see you back! I'm definitely dotting for interest, and I need to come up with something good. Are the playtest classes allowed, by chance?

Sorry not this time around.I want to wait until Paizo releases the book first. And yes, I am doing much better now.

El Ronza wrote:
Glad to see you back, Salsa! Hope this means you're doing much better for yourself these days. Your Runelords game was one of the best I've ever been in - I loved your style, so I'm sure I'll work up an application!

I'm flattered you enjoyed it that much. If this goes well, I'll be looking into getting that game up and going again.

Inlaa wrote:

I'm not making a dedicated "I want in" comment just yet - I'm waiting to see if I can get into another game first. If not, I'll be making an application for this one.

I do like the idea of a short game that could be extended, possibly.

Quick question, because I will inevitably draft character concepts: Would you allow a Skinwalker character, and would you allow such a character to be roleplayed as an afflicted Lycanthrope (I.E.: The kind unable to spread the affliction)? What about Lizardfolk?

First one I will have to think about. The second one is a definite no. Good luck in the other recruitment!

Mmkay, good to know. If I apply, my current character ideas include: A wererat (Skinwalker) rogue (someone who has been afflicted most of their life and hates it), a dwarven miner who works in the town and happens to be a retired adventurer, and a priest of a farming goddess.

I'll be honest I am mostly interested in long campaigns, since I always try to be an optimist, I am hoping your short campaign will morph into a long one before its over.

1. How long have you been playing RPGs? What got you started?

I've always read about pen and paper rpgs but never played any games till June of last year.

2. What is your favorite character from fiction (This can include characters from modules and APs)?

Hmmmmm don't have any specific favorite, but I do tend to gravitate towards scoundrels and anti-heroes like Han Solo and Conan the Barbarian.

3. What is your favorite character that you have created?

Of the characters I created for games here? I guess if I had to pick a favorite it would be Karl.

4. What makes your character unique?

The one I picked as my favorite or the character I'll be creating for this game?

5. What do you expect from me as a GM?

To provide a decent story, setting and battles, to enforce whatever posting rules you put on the players, to both allow a chance for rp and keep the game moving and to hopefully incorporate parts of the character's backstories into the adventure.

6. What is your favorite color?


7. What do you think my favorite AP is?

Curse of the Crimson Throne?

Silver Crusade



1. I have always loved the fantasy world ever since I read my first fantasy books. I never got to play at my school as it was incredibly small and country to the core.
2. Don't Hate me but I love Drizzt, I also like Jarlaxle, both are imo very unique and well made characters.
3. hmmm. My favorite character... Thats a tough one, I haven't made many due to limited playtime/groups. But I think my favorite character was my angel-kin anti-paladin that fell, repented, and came back stronger as a paladin again over the course of a great campaign. (he almost dead several times!)
4. I think the most memorable thing about the above character is his morale greyness, he was a tyrannt bent on ruling all "mortal races" after falling do to an extremely harsh event. But he always loved his son more than life itself, and would do anything, even release those he had subjugated or dominated.
5. A good story, character tailoring (if only slightly and in certain areas), fair play, and most of all, a good time!
6. This is DEFINITELY the hardest question from these.. arg, im going to go with dark blue.
7. I can't say, as I haven't played many, and only 1 through. but...RotR or WotR.

character and crunch will come in a bit.

For question number four, I meant the character you're submitting. Sorry for the confusion. :)

Dotting for interest. Will try to whip up a character as soon as I can.

Dotting for interest :)

Will rustle up something this evening...

Posting for interest. I have the stats and questionnaire in the profile, just working on a homeland and background.

My favorite characters might have been ones changed by unexpected events, and I have had fun with those characters, but they haven't been my favorites. My favorite characters have been the most plain everyman characters I can make. Refusing to yield their perspective of the world for as much and as long as possible. Demanding that the things that mattered to grandma need to matter still.

They are my favorite characters in fiction, too, because they are the ones that are easiest to accept, to identify with. They are the ones who take a fantastic story and make the suspension of disbelief far easier than the story itself ever could.

I've done the feudal farmer drafted into an army and turned adventurer (multiple times with a couple of variants). I've done the Mongol warrior exploring the world beyond the empire. I've done the wood elf outdoorsman dealing with city folk. I've done the barbarian who is more cultured (just differently cultured) than those he ends up associating with.

The challenge here is for me to not only figure out what kind of normal I want to work from, but to create and describe the society where that is normal, and to sell it before I can sell the character concept. Heck, normally I try to pick a culture and then build an everyman based on that culture. Trying to define the culture first? Interesting challenge.

Gotta think on it.

I think I am going to pull out you all enjoy yourselves.

Sorry to see you go, Wolfgang. Hope you have fun in what ever games you are in :)

Dark Archive

I am also interested and am working with Black Dow on intertwined backgrounds now.

DM-Salsa wrote:
If this goes well, I'll be looking into getting that game up and going again.

... that would be like Christmas and my birthday rolled into one, and I think my head might have just exploded. One step at a time, though... once I kick this illness' butt, I'll come up with a concept for this. =)

@ drayen: Cool. I look forward to reading them.

@ El Ronza: Get well soon! sorry to hear that you're sick :(

Fallen_Mage here, submitting Delilah Fireblood, Tiefling Witch. Stat block, Questionnaire, Homeland details and Background in profile.

Do we fully create the character's homeland from nothing, or is there a world that we start from? (i.e. Golarion, Middle Earth, Real Life, etc.)

Posting interest

Cleric of Abadar
Race and crunch to follow. Oh are we using traits? If so are there Campaign specific ones?

Questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself.:

1. How long have you been playing RPGs? Since the flood. Well since Top Secret was a going concern anyway.

1a. What got you started? Moore era James Bond movies. They led to Top Secret which led to Gamma World which led to Ad&D.

2. What is your favorite character from fiction (This can include characters from modules and APs)? Too big a question... Flemings Bond? Tolkien's Tom Bombadil? Stela Gibbions's Flora Poste from Cold Comfort Farm. Far far too big a question.

3. What is your favorite character that you have created?
Probably Setebo. A Shakespeare quoting Beast totem Barbarian who is gleefully unaware of complexity. Think Dog from Red Dwarf and add RAGEPOUNCE!

4. What makes your character unique?
Frankly not much in the larger scheme. Vanilla support cleric with maybe a bit of archer for seasoning. For me though It will be one of the few times I have tried a cleric and a lawful one at that. Someone concerned with building community yet not overly authoritarian might be fun. A stretch anyway. That and I have never seen a Cleric of Abadar played.

5. What do you expect from me as a GM? That you do what you can to help us feel that our choices matter. The big direction may be forced by the adventure/campaign but smaller choices can and should have consequences.

6. What is your favorite color? Today, periwinkle.

7. What do you think my favorite AP is? Judging from the focus on communities I am guessing Kingmaker.

@ James Kondolow: You can use them as inspiration, but the world is one that I am going to stitch together from what you guys come up with, so it helps if it only has ties to places that other people applying come up with (Or the places I've named in the intro.) Think of it as collaborative world building.

Dotting, thinking of a wizard

Well, nobody's publicly shared what they came up with, yet, so leveraging that material is inherently difficult.

I'm currently thinking of a late 15ht/early 16th century European-style feudal nation, based heavily on the Rhineland area of the Holy Roman Empire. The Landsknechte are the "ultimate" military unit.

I'm thinking about presenting a simple pikeman trained to be part of a Landsknechte unit.

Based on the naming standards, it could BE the area you described, or a very near neighbor.

Silver Crusade

I think I will submit either a cavalier or an arcane caster. hm

Here's what I came up with:


Name: Swamp of Fell Lovers

Description: A long, narrow strip of wooded marshland that runs between the Human settlement of Dunmark and the Elven Citadel of Inthelares.

History: Originally called the Shadow Marsh, names so because no matter the time of day it always appeared to be twilight. It held little danger outside of the usual swamp wildlife that on occasion, would take the life of a traveler. Then around 427 years ago, a disagreement broke out between the two cities and several small skirmishes ensued.

During the final skirmish, each city’s most powerful wizard stepped forth to dual and end the conflict once and for all. This contest lasted three days and raged all over the marsh. On the third day, each wizard cast a powerful offensive spell at the other. The two spells collided in midair, causing a massive and blinding explosion of arcane energy. When the smoke cleared, there stood seven succubae where the mystical burst originated. Somehow, the two wizards had managed to detonate their spells right on top of a small rift between the planes, and consequently allowed these demons through. The succubae quickly dispatched the wizards and tried to set out from the swamp. They met a heavier resistance than they had anticipated and retreated back into the marsh. It is there the demons, known as the Seven Sisters, reside, snatching the occasional traveler brave enough to venture within, trying to avoid several days journey to circumvent the swamp. Some stories tell of the Sisters pleasuring themselves with their captives then killing them for the sheer joy of it.

It is unknown why the demons have not left the swamp, and although several groups of Paladins have gone within to eliminate the monsters, none have returned. The people of Dunmark have even attempted to burn down the swamp land to flush out the Sisters, but for some reason flames, neither mundane nor magical, had any effect on the trees. Some speculate this is due to some lingering magic from the wizards dual, while others claim it to be the Seven Sisters trying to stay in hiding, no one knows for sure.

I've been looking over these for a couple days now. I'm currently in a table game, but it is progressing rather slowly. We are only meeting once every two weeks on average for about 5-6 hours a session. I don't have a ton of role-playing experience, but I have had several experiences in short bursts of a couple months here and there, if that all makes any sense. I tried a 2nd ed. play-by-post several years ago and it was painfully slow. I'm sure there are plenty of people that would be better players than myself, but what is the learning curve for these sessions? I'm familiar enough with the game mechanics, but would this be fit for somewhat of a rookie?

I'm loving the Zen Archer concept and various builds right now. I'd probably go that route.

Working up something for this now. Just to check: Does "All Paizo Classes" include archetypes? I'm not certain I'll be using one, just want to make sure.

Nevermind the above question, decided not to use a template. Here's my submission:

Kylar Bannon
Male Half-Elven Abjurer
Neutral (with a lean towards Neutral Good)


Pertinent Details From Statblock (still under construction):
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 14, Chr 8

Barred Schools: Evocation and Necromancy
(Half Elf) - Skill Focus(Spellcraft)
Silent Spell(?)

(DM-Salsa, I'll finish this up before the deadline if you say I need to for your decision, but otherwise I'll probably wait to see if Kylar is chosen before fully statting him out. If that's okay, let me know any information you'd like for the decision).

Character Background:

Kylar hails from the nation of Nashec, a kingdom formed ages ago by refugees fleeing the elves invading their homeland. Though the war is centuries in the past, a strong anti-elven sentiment still runs through it's people – much to the misfortune of Kylar himself, born to an elven father and human mother.

Both Kylar's parents were mercenary soldiers, who often left him in the care of a close friend when they were out on jobs. Kylar often assisted his “uncle,” a bookseller, during these times – though half the time he would be reading the books he was supposed to be cataloging. He was an inquisitive young man of keen intellect, and due to the ostracization he encountered because of his elven blood, Kylar much preferred the company of books to people, developing an acerbic wit and taciturn manner to be used against the majority of people he met.

Shortly before he turned fifteen, word came from his parent's employer that both his mother and his father had been killed during a job – slain, it was said, by a sorcerer against whom the mercenaries had been practically helpless. Bereft of his only close family (his mother's family having rejected her when she took up with an elf), Kylar eventually made up his mind to study magic himself, in order to bend all his learning and his formidable mind towards undoing its effects and protecting others from it.

Kylar sought instruction in magic outside of Nashec, in order to escape the stigma of his mixed blood, and has not returned to his home country since. Since leaving his schooling, he has taken work where he can find it, seeking to further his understanding of magic (and how to undo it) and find some greater purpose for his life.


Homeland: Nashec

Nashec was formed centuries ago by an influx of human refugees fleeing a destructive war in their home kingdom of Kaelia, where elves (tiring of the long harassment of their borders by the burgeoning human population) had launched a full-scale invasion. What little royalty joined the refugees in finding a new land never decided on single ruler. Now, the head of each house styles themselves Prince or Princess and Nashec is ruled via a council of these nobles. The politics of influence are exceedingly complicated and most commoners care only about which house holds sway in their particular region.

Since its foundation, Nashec first fought to support its parent kingdom against the elves. Once the attacking elven nations signed a peace arrangement, Nashec was forced to fight against Kaelia to secure independence, a war it won fairly handily due to the war exhaustion of the populace at home. This leaves Nashec in the strange position of being unfriendly both with the elven nations and Kaelia at the same time.

At first, the anti-elven sentiment was codified into law and elves were unwelcome in the nation of Nashec at large. The practicality of time and trade did their work over the centuries, and now no “official” discrimination exists, though a strong bigotry still runs through the populace. The only exceptions are generally merchants and the nobility who finance them, as trade with the elven nations is quite lucrative.

Geographically, Nashec is a hilly land with patches of light forest and scrub, surrounded on two sides by long sandy beaches and the coast. The capital city is built around the only natural deep-water harbor for many miles. The native human tribes have long since been absorbed into Nashec's people, forming the bulk of the population in the interior. The discovery of silver inland of the coast resulted in a boom of commerce which went a long way towards ensuring Nashec's survival in its early decades.


1. How long have you been playing RPGs? What got you started?

In various forms for about fifteen years. However I never managed to get a stable D&D/Pathfinder/any other system group going, and so have only played any system a couple times. I do a lot of acting, writing, etc. Also roleplay a bunch on forums in both rules and rules-free situations.

2. What is your favorite character from fiction (This can include characters from modules and APs)?

I could never pick a single favorite character, being a great lover of variety. However, for the sake of this question I'll go with Tolkien's Feanor, who showed us that elves can be covetous psychopaths too.

3. What is your favorite character that you have created?

See above. And even harder, because I do a lot of writing and thus create a metric s$%@load of characters. Assuming you mean characters I've created for roleplaying games, though, I'll go with Geralt Eletharion, a Protean fighter/sorcerer whose original concept had him as a gang-leader with an interesting history, who went berserk if anybody tried to tie him up (or cage him, or take over his mind, etc...). The alias I have for him here isn't quite the same – I have the original concept written down elsewhere.

4. What makes your character unique?

In short? He's a wizard who kinda-sorta hates magic, especially when it's used against people maliciously.

5. What do you expect from me as a GM?

A) A fun campaign!
B) Enforce the rules you state for your players, and follow them yourself as well.

6. What is your favorite color?


7. What do you think my favorite AP is?

I really don't know any of the AP's, so I'll just guess the most popular one I see on these forums – Wrath of the Righteous?

this sounds interesting. i had actually quit pathfiner all together and am looking to get back into it. This might be a good chance :)
So dotting, for now. I am thinking of a dwarf armored hulk barbarian that i created for a previous campaign, but he probably needs to be lvl 2 to really work. So let me think about it more!
probably a barbarian or fighter or some such melee character.

Arythain wrote:
Working up something for this now. Just to check: Does "All Paizo Classes" include archetypes? I'm not certain I'll be using one, just want to make sure.

As long as the archetype doesn't use guns, it's good. I must really come up with a good concept.

I am interested... I could adapt this character. The last work-over put her into a Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign shortly after a zombie apocalypse, so it's a bit particular and may require some adjustment.

I need two countries though, one like Andaron, a bit akin to France, and another ... well, originally it was Cheliax. I'd need devils and I'd need slavery... Not quite sure what to make out of this. It would be enough if the slaver who "owns" her dealt with devils and stood in contact with actual, physical ones.

The character is of the "Angelkin" variant of Aasimar, I took the rules from I think it's paizo, but I am not entirely sure. If the race is a problem it would be nice if you let me know. :)

View the profile to get an impression.

1. Well I have been playing rpgs as long as I can remember but most of the have been small short runs that are based mostly on ideas and rping rather than rules. Ive never done one of these online runs and I am really interested. What first got me into it was my friend’s dad’s AD&D books. We would sneak away with them find some sticks and stones to represent things and then try and decipher those poorly written rules with our 8 year old minds
2. My favourite fiction character is probably the main character from the series I just finished, Honouras Jorg Ancrath. I am a huge fan of Nicollo Machiavelli’s the Prince (in fact I wrote a few essays on it) and it was awesome to see a truly Machiavellien character in action
3. My favourite character I have created I think is a human woman named Liana. She is a powerfully driven character that has suffered immeasurable travesty from rape to torture. She is the daughter of a serving woman who was raped by a lord when he conquered the city she lived in. She later hunted him down and brutally tore him to pieces after setting her mother on fire and being inducted into an assassin guild. There is a lot more to her but there is just not enough space to write it all into here. Oh ya and she also was quite young when she accomplished all this
4. Well the character im submitting is still a wip, but I think what truly makes him unique is that he comes from a unique society (one that explores the idea of half-bloods) and he is also unique in that society in being an outcast of a society of outcasts lol
5. What I really care about is a fun. I have a good time when I am allowed to rp with the other players and explore the setting. I like it when a story is grabbing but not completely revealing. I don’t wanna be given everything I wanna work for it. Also ive had groups easily get off track on side tangents that are not even relevant to the game and after a while it gets old. If a GM has the capability to bring the players back to the game when they get distracted he can limit the amount of time spent out of character and he’s got my vote of approval.
6. Orange
7. No idea, I haven’t really played any and I don’t know anything about them.
Character and fluff coming soon

There is one point in the "What makes your character unique" section of the answers I sent you which I have indicated but doesn't become quite clear....

Perspective. Her comparably long lifespan, while still being mostly human, the decades she spent in slavery but but kept hope alive due to the help of her angelic ancestor, the fact that the people she had to kill from day to day where those who shared her lot, while her benefactor was her true enemy, her dreams and wishes which not only include her mortal life but also an afterlife, which is more real for her than for others, all that gives her a rather unique perspective on life and makes her assess the importance of things different than other people.

Are we supposed to use character traits in our builds?

@ 180: Oops, two traits, just change the fluff as needed.

@ Rayla: Angelkin is fine, you don't have to be limited to just one area, but I think coming up with three countries is going just a mite bit overboard. (Don't let that stop you though.)

Just a reminder, Submissions close on Sunday. I'm going to give you guys 48 hours to polish off the rough edges then I'll announce who's in on Wednesday.

Well, the good news is that I came up with a country. The bad new is, that I don't think it will make for a viable home country - I'll look around if I can use someone else's home country instead.

Green Hills Kingdom:

Alignment: NG
Population: 50,000 - Halfling 63%, Half-Elf 20%, Human 6%, Fey 3%, Others 9%
Government: loose council of mayors and elders
Head of Government: Council Elder, Mayor of Fairground Rucko Goodmead - LN Halfling Expert 6
Head of State: Her Royal Majesty Queen Becka Bluemill the Skilful, Defender of the Faith, Duchess of Marianbridge - NG Halfling Commoner 2
Major Settlements: Fairground 2500, Tradepost 6000, Goldbraid Mines 1800, Marianbridge 1000, Temple of the Country 700

Green Hills Kingdom is a rural dominated country that blends into a landscape of rolling hills which are in equal parts covered with broadleaf forests and grassy plains. There are several lush, beautiful but treacherous moors throughout the country, which mostly constitute its borders. The surrounding nations tend to belief that the land is cursed and whisper about terrors that haunt everyone who goes there at night. An army of human explorers was once beaten in their sleep by an unknown attacker and found itself outside of the borders of the country the other day (what actually happened was that they got themselves drunk with the strong mead with a few sleeping spices which the hospitable halflings gave them, and then carted out of the country, they all woke up with a serious headache and made up the story so they wouldn't have to admit what happened).

The halflings of the country all decend from halflings who once lived in the central kingdoms. A group of halfling adventurers who acquired some wealth and fame started an expedition into the area that was then a toxic swamp land which was then indeed haunted. Never was heard of them again by anyone but other halflings, so they were assumed dead. However, they adventurers actually managed to free the land of its curse, set the worst parts of the swamps dry with a few channels and a lot patience. Once tamed the land proved to be remarkably fertile for cultivation. Defeating the curse of the country put them on a good standing with the fey of the country and they were wise enough to stand out of the feys way and discuss the areas in which new fields were created with them, though the mutual respect between fey and halflings remain until this day, even though they still usually avoid each other and only the council has a few contacts.

Only in tradepost members of other species are tolerated. Gnomes are generally welcome but rarely come to the Green Hills Kingdoms. However, there is a romantic story spun around a half-elven warrior who would once save a group of twelve halfling maidens from a dragon. What actually happened is unknown, no one truly believes it happened exactly as it is told, but something did happen. Since that day, half-elves (but not their human or elven parents) are not only permitted but invited to settle in the country. The halflings have their reservations against lofty elves and the uncomfortable humans, but they do get along pretty well with half-elves. The code of conduct for half elves varies from that of halflings. While halflings hardly ever wear weapons in public, half elves are in encouraged to wear weapons and armor. They are not to become farmers but pick up a craft. Most half elves are rangers, guarding the borders, however.

The land has no real ruler. Whenever one is needed to represent the country to outsiders the winner of the last yearly harvest festival's beauty contest fills that role; a young, unmarried maiden who proved herself by her good looks, elaborate hair design, skill at reciting poems and, in the case of Becka Bluemill, her skill at tailoring, for she created the dresses she wears herself. The fancy titles change and are usually made up by the council. In recent years the queen has twice been a half elf, much to the dismay of her halfling contestants. In both cases she was labeled "Warrior Queen" and given more martialic sounding names, including at least one dragon she has supposedly slain. The harvest festival also includes crossbow contests. Half-elves may participate, but are asked to use short bows instead.

Every traveler who ever leaves the country is encouraged to uphold the myth of a haunted swamp land, only halflings and half-elves are invited.

Halflings usually settle in houses dug into the hills and timber framed houses in the larger settlements. Half elves often live in large community tents in the moor and move their settlements as the climate and whether changes in order to protect the country best and be hard to pin down. The communities of half-elves and halflings blend however and they are encouraged to do so, even though half elves have a problem with the ceiling height of halfling arcitecture. It's not uncommon for halflings to adopt half-elves into their families, especially when the roof needs fixing or they are fruit tree farmers. It has recently declared 'appropriate' to build new houses with a ceiling height no lower than six foot at the lowest beam for that reason.

EDIT: Doesn't seem to be anything working well for me... I'll only briefly touch whatever countries I work for the story.

I've gone through the profile and swapped some references. The profile also includes the home country "Windgras Plains" now. What's still missing is the rule stuff to be adjusted for this campaign.

24 hours until submissions close. Every one will have 48 hours to polish their submissions after that. I'll announce the people who made it a day or two later.

Please, if you have not done so, post everything that is in this thread in one post. This will help me get through things more quickly and you have everything in a nice convenient place. Thank you all for your interest and I look forward to playing with you guys soon.

Alright, reposting, including the answers to the question which I originally PMed... Didn't really wanna make those answers all that public.

This is not my home country. The home country can be found in my profile.

Green Hills Kingdom:

Alignment: NG
Population: 50,000 - Halfling 63%, Half-Elf 20%, Human 6%, Fey 3%, Others 9%
Government: loose council of mayors and elders
Head of Government: Council Elder, Mayor of Fairground Rucko Goodmead - LN Halfling Expert 6
Head of State: Her Royal Majesty Queen Becka Bluemill the Skilful, Defender of the Faith, Duchess of Marianbridge - NG Halfling Commoner 2
Major Settlements: Fairground 2500, Tradepost 6000, Goldbraid Mines 1800, Marianbridge 1000, Temple of the Country 700

Green Hills Kingdom is a rural dominated country that blends into a landscape of rolling hills which are in equal parts covered with broadleaf forests and grassy plains. There are several lush, beautiful but treacherous moors throughout the country, which mostly constitute its borders. The surrounding nations tend to belief that the land is cursed and whisper about terrors that haunt everyone who goes there at night. An army of human explorers was once beaten in their sleep by an unknown attacker and found itself outside of the borders of the country the other day (what actually happened was that they got themselves drunk with the strong mead with a few sleeping spices which the hospitable halflings gave them, and then carted out of the country, they all woke up with a serious headache and made up the story so they wouldn't have to admit what happened).

The halflings of the country all decend from halflings who once lived in the central kingdoms. A group of halfling adventurers who acquired some wealth and fame started an expedition into the area that was then a toxic swamp land which was then indeed haunted. Never was heard of them again by anyone but other halflings, so they were assumed dead. However, they adventurers actually managed to free the land of its curse, set the worst parts of the swamps dry with a few channels and a lot patience. Once tamed the land proved to be remarkably fertile for cultivation. Defeating the curse of the country put them on a good standing with the fey of the country and they were wise enough to stand out of the feys way and discuss the areas in which new fields were created with them, though the mutual respect between fey and halflings remain until this day, even though they still usually avoid each other and only the council has a few contacts.

Only in tradepost members of other species are tolerated. Gnomes are generally welcome but rarely come to the Green Hills Kingdoms. However, there is a romantic story spun around a half-elven warrior who would once save a group of twelve halfling maidens from a dragon. What actually happened is unknown, no one truly believes it happened exactly as it is told, but something did happen. Since that day, half-elves (but not their human or elven parents) are not only permitted but invited to settle in the country. The halflings have their reservations against lofty elves and the uncomfortable humans, but they do get along pretty well with half-elves. The code of conduct for half elves varies from that of halflings. While halflings hardly ever wear weapons in public, half elves are in encouraged to wear weapons and armor. They are not to become farmers but pick up a craft. Most half elves are rangers, guarding the borders, however.

The land has no real ruler. Whenever one is needed to represent the country to outsiders the winner of the last yearly harvest festival's beauty contest fills that role; a young, unmarried maiden who proved herself by her good looks, elaborate hair design, skill at reciting poems and, in the case of Becka Bluemill, her skill at tailoring, for she created the dresses she wears herself. The fancy titles change and are usually made up by the council. In recent years the queen has twice been a half elf, much to the dismay of her halfling contestants. In both cases she was labeled "Warrior Queen" and given more martialic sounding names, including at least one dragon she has supposedly slain. The harvest festival also includes crossbow contests. Half-elves may participate, but are asked to use short bows instead.

Every traveler who ever leaves the country is encouraged to uphold the myth of a haunted swamp land, only halflings and half-elves are invited.

Halflings usually settle in houses dug into the hills and timber framed houses in the larger settlements. Half elves often live in large community tents in the moor and move their settlements as the climate and whether changes in order to protect the country best and be hard to pin down. The communities of half-elves and halflings blend however and they are encouraged to do so, even though half elves have a problem with the ceiling height of halfling arcitecture. It's not uncommon for halflings to adopt half-elves into their families, especially when the roof needs fixing or they are fruit tree farmers. It has recently declared 'appropriate' to build new houses with a ceiling height no lower than six foot at the lowest beam for that reason.

Answers to the questions:

1. How long have you been playing RPGs? What got you started?
I think I was between 12 and 14 years old. Being 36 now that would be 22 - 24 years. I don't remember what got me started but I always liked spinning stories together.

2. What is your favorite character from fiction (This can include characters from modules and APs)?
That changes constantly. For the time being I'd say Batgirl, as written by Gail Simone in DC's "The New 52" series.

In part that because I traditionally hated the character - it's an obvious rip off of an existing concept, she didn't even have an own identity, what set her apart from batman was that she was a dumb cutie and primarily served as target for Robin's flirting attempts. The way that Alicia Silverstone played the character gave it the rest.

However, the way Gail Simone writes her makes her feel so alive... all her emotions seem plausible, all her drives understandable. She's weaker than the others of the bat clan, she has mental and physical traumas of the past at which she's still chewing, but all of that, along with conviction and compassion, makes her even more of a fighter. She's the heart and soul of the clan, and unlike others, donning the mask does not change her. Whether she's wearing the costume or simply out as Barbara Gordon, she is always the same person.

3. What is your favorite character that you have created?
Davenyel. Forgotten Realms Aasimar Ranger / Silver Star of Selûne. Was created straight to level 10 (meaning 8 class levels given the ECL if I remember correctly). I never played that character however, the round did not come to be.

The total of the background was more than 10k words and suprisingly some people actually read it and send positive comments on it. It was about a ranger who sees a Drow Priestess of Eilistrae dancing with her bastard sword naked in the moonlight and instantly falls in love with her. The group of drow is still hunted by the drow from the underdark, which come out at night to take them down, sending demons after them to chase them over the day. Davenyel as a guide familiar with the territory like no drow tries to help them, even though the priestess he was in love with unmistakably shot him down as soon as she realized what he was truly after. ... well the story goes on for a while, mostly but not exclusively down to the level of individual dialogues. In the end he manages to negotiate with a group of moon elves to let the drow of Eilistrae settle on their land and in a final battle they manage to retreat there. Oh, he gets the girl in the end for a single one night - after he had already left she catches up with him. Since the ground is frozen and doesn't feel cold as an aasimar, but she does, he is obliged to keep her warm after all.

4. What makes your character unique?
It's a character of extremes, as you may see from what inspired her. She's a barbarian, falls into rage in battle and fights with true divine, uncompromising anger, but she she is generally a kind and sociable person who isn't easily offended but instead reacts to with a hearty, disarming laugh rather than a threat and her sword.

She is straightforward, seemingly simple, deliberately highly sexualized and seems to care little about decency. But she is a decent person with the experience of 74 years, she just cares little about shifting conventions. She is just as she pleases with little patience for conventions but shows a remarkable degree of understanding for the troubles of others. She is also secretly a very romantic person, her dreams simply go beyond her mortal life.

Perspective. Her comparably long lifespan, while still being mostly human, the decades she spent in slavery but but kept hope alive due to the help of her angelic ancestor, the fact that the people she had to kill from day to day where those who shared her lot, while her benefactor was her true enemy, her dreams and wishes which not only include her mortal life but also an afterlife, which is more real for her than for others, all that gives her a rather unique perspective on life and makes her assess the importance of things different than other people.

And I think all this contradictions still make a conclusive whole if you look at the character and the background.

In her direct way she is deeply honest and upright person. She follows her heart and she has a very great heart and that's the bottom line under every detail.

5. What do you expect from me as a GM?
A challange, opportunities for everyone to bring themselves in, adaptability if things don't go as planned... but first and foremost a lot of fun. :)

6. What is your favorite color?
Deep Blue

7. What do you think my favorite AP is?
Erm, AP = Adventure Pack? I don't know. If you invent your stuff yourself, probably whatever you created yourself and like creative works better than assembly line adventures.

I'm still going. Coming up with homelands is haaaaaard.

Still pulling something together with Drayen - hopefully we'll make the submission deadline - busy weekends and different timezones are'nae making it easy!

Looks likely we'll be a pair of exiled Northmen looking to make names for themselves.

Drayen will probably be going with a Druid (Bear Shaman) and I'll be a Ranger (Freebooter) - [aiming to multi-class with Fighter (Viking)]

Delilah Fireblood
Female Tiefling Witch 1
CN Medium outsider (native)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 6 (1d6)
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee sickle +3 (1d6+1)
Ranged light crossbow +3 (1d8/19-20)
Tiefling Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +2)
. . 1/day—darkness
Witch Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4):
1st—burning hands (DC 14), mage armor
0 (at will)—daze (DC 13), read magic, spark (DC 13)
Str 13, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 14
Feats Brew Potion, Weapon Finesse
Traits alchemical adept, charming
Skills Bluff +3 (+4 vs. characters who could be attracted to you), Craft (alchemy) +11 (+13 to craft alchemical items), Diplomacy +2 (+3 vs. characters who could be attracted to you), Knowledge (nature) +7, Perform (sing) +2, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Bluff, +2 Stealth
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Elven, Orc
SQ hexes (cauldron), patron spells (enchantment), prehensile tail
Other Gear crossbow bolts (20), light crossbow, sickle, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, belt pouch, belt pouch, candle (10), cauldron, chalk (10), flint and steel, grooming kit, ink, black, inkpen, mess kit, mirror, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 27 gp
Special Abilities
Alchemical Adept Raw materials are not consumed on failed craft checks for alchemical items.
Charming +1 Bluff/Diplomacy/save DC for a language-dependent spell vs. targets who could be sexually attracted to you.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Familiar Bonus: +3 bonus on Diplomacy You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Prehensile Tail Your tail can retrieve small objects on your person as a swift action.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.


Female Thrush
CN Diminutive magical beast (animal)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5
AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +4 size, +1 natural)
hp 3 (1d8-2)
Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
Melee bite -1 (1d2-5)
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 1, Dex 15, Con 6, Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 6
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 3
Feats Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Diplomacy -1, Fly +12, Perception +5, Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft -1, Survival +3
Languages Abyssal
SQ improved evasion
Special Abilities
Flight (40 feet, Average) You can fly!
Improved Evasion (Ex) No damage on successful reflex save; half on failed save.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.

Physical Description:

Delilah stands at about the height of an average woman and the alluring curves that turns heads. On top of that, she has shimmering raven black hair, smooth creamy skin and enchanting sapphire eyes. But like other Tieflings she has small horns, which she keeps hidden under her hair, and a simian-like tail, kept hidden under her dress. Her attire is deliberately arranged accent her figure, exposed midriff, low cut cleavage, dress slit up one side to allow her to show off her shapely leg.


Name: Swamp of Fell Lovers

Description: A long, narrow strip of wooded marshland that runs between the Human settlement of Dunmark and the Elven Citadel of Inthelares.

History: Originally called the Shadow Marsh, names so because no matter the time of day it always appeared to be twilight. It held little danger outside of the usual swamp wildlife that on occasion, would take the life of a traveler. Then around 427 years ago, a disagreement broke out between the two cities and several small skirmishes ensued.

During the final skirmish, each city’s most powerful wizard stepped forth to dual and end the conflict once and for all. This contest lasted three days and raged all over the marsh. On the third day, each wizard cast a powerful offensive spell at the other. The two spells collided in midair, causing a massive and blinding explosion of arcane energy. When the smoke cleared, there stood seven succubae where the mystical burst originated. Somehow, the two wizards had managed to detonate their spells right on top of a small rift between the planes, and consequently allowed these demons through. The succubae quickly dispatched the wizards and tried to set out from the swamp. They met a heavier resistance than they had anticipated and retreated back into the marsh. It is there the demons, known as the Seven Sisters, reside, snatching the occasional traveler brave enough to venture within, trying to avoid several days journey to circumvent the swamp. Some stories tell of the Sisters pleasuring themselves with their captives then killing them for the sheer joy of it.

It is unknown why the demons have not left the swamp, and although several groups of Paladins have gone within to eliminate the monsters, none have returned. The people of Dunmark have even attempted to burn down the swamp land to flush out the Sisters, but for some reason flames, neither mundane nor magical, had any effect on the trees. Some speculate this is due to some lingering magic from the wizards dual, while others claim it to be the Seven Sisters trying to stay in hiding, no one knows for sure.

On the edge of the Swamp of Fell Lovers, in a hut obscured by haunting mists, lived a Succubus by the name of Esmerelda, though everyone knew her as Hady, the Swamp Crone. For years, folk visited her to purchase potions that protected travelers as they journeyed through the swamp. Little did they realize that most of these potions were little more than water blended with herbs to give the impression of mystical properties. The elixir’s that truly were magical, however, did not protect from anything. Their true purpose was to mark specific targets for the Seven Sisters. Delilah’s father, a promising young man on his way to apprentice under the Elf wizard Celendethil, was one such target.

Delilah never knew her father, beyond what her mother told her, but she always believed that she had a connection to him in some way. At a young age, she began to show quite an aptitude for crafting potions. Her mother then began having her make the ‘protection potions’ and they were even more believable than before. As the Tiefling became older, she began to show another natural talent, her ability to charm and seduce men into doing almost anything. One morning, a thrush arrived in Delilah’s window, but this was no ordinary thrush. It spoke to her, and made promises of power and adventure if she would but take the bird as a pet. The demon’s daughter agreed, and the thrush began to teach her much. After months of communing with Ada, the thrush, Delilah convinced her mother that she could do more for the Seven Sisters if she explored the world and perhaps found a suitable place for them to set up shop. Seeing the potential to expand their influence in the mortal realm, Esmerelda agreed to let her go. That was several months ago, and Delilah has learned much of the world, but there always seems more to learn.


1. How long have you been playing RPGs? What got you started?

>>> I have been playing RPG’s since about fall of 2001. I got started when I received the Dungeons and Dragons movie (I had no experience prior, so I claim ignorance for that), and I got curious about the game. A friend of mine lent me her 3rd Edition PHB and I’ve been hooked ever since.

2. What is your favorite character from fiction (This can include characters from modules and APs)?

>>> Hmm, this is a tough one. I really don’t have a single favorite. Just to list some of them, I’d say: Almost all of the main characters in the Belgariad series; Jarlaxle; Artemis Entreri; Corran Horn from I, Jedi; Prince Gar from the Kingmaker, Kingbreaker novels; the list goes on.

3. What is your favorite character that you have created?

>>> Once again I can’t say I have just one, but I can narrow it down to two: Ithriel Latairn and Thomas Glint. Both of whom I have used/ am using on these forums.

4. What makes your character unique?

>>> I like to think what set my character apart, is that she is an Intelligence based caster who uses seduction to get what she wants instead of spells, although she certainly has them available for those whom resist her charms.

5. What do you expect from me as a GM?

>>> I expect a compelling story, getting your players to think outside the box, and fair judgment throughout the game.

6. What is your favorite color?

>>> *Resisting the urge to say the next line* Green

7. What do you think my favorite AP is?

>>> Well, to be honest, I really have no idea because I’ve had no experience with you on these forums.

I have not finished purchasing gear, yet, but I need to post before the deadline, so . . ..

I figure picking languages doesn't really work until we know what the languages spoken in the various nations actually are . . ..

Character Stats:
Init+4 (Dex+3; Tactician+1)
Speed 30’
Lawful Neutral

BAB+1 Melee+3 Ranged+4 CMB+3
Bill +3 for 1d8+3 @ x3, S/Brace, Reach, Defensive, Disarm, Dismount)
Shortsword +3 for 1d6+2 @ 19+, P

+2 to 1 Attack of Opportunity per Day (Tactician)
+2 CMB to make Trip Attempts (Improved Trip)
4 Attacks of Opportunity per Round (Combat Reflexes)
Can make Attacks of Opportunity while flat-footed (Combat Reflexes)
-1 Attack for +1 Dodge (Combat Expertise)
Brace – When readied versus a charge, deal double damage
Reach – Threaten & Attack at 5’ instead of adjacent
Defensive - +1 Shield bonus when Fighting Defensively or on Full Defense
Disarm - +2 CMB on Disarm attempts
Dismount - -1 on Ride check to remain mounted after hit by this weapon

AC17 T13 F14 CMD16 (Armor+4, Dex+3, Str+2, BAB+1)
+2 CMD vs Trip Attempts (Improved Trip)

HP 11 (10+[Con+1x1])

Fort +3 (Con+1)
Ref +3 (Dex+3)
Will +1 (Wis+1)

2+2 Int+1 Skilled+1 Favored Class
Modifier Skill Attribute+Ranks+Class+Specified(+Conditional)
+ 5-Acrobatics 3+1+0
+ 3 Appraise 2+1+0
+ 1 Bluff 0+0+0+1 Trustworthy
+ 6-Climb 2+1+3
+ 2 Craft 2+0+0 *
+ 5 Diplomacy 0+1+3+1 Trustworthy
+ 0 Disguise 0+0+0
+ 3-Escape Artist 3+0+0
+ 3-Fly 3+0+
+ 1 Heal 1+0+0
+ 0 Intimidate 0+0+0 *
+ 1 Perception 1+0+0
+ 5 Profession (Carpenter) 1+1+3
+ 3-Ride 3+0+0 *
+ 1 Sense Motive 1+0+0
+ 3-Stealth 3+0+0
+ 1 Survival 1+0+0
+ 6 Swim 2+1+3

Combat Expertise
Improved Trip
Combat Reflexes

Combat: Tactician (+1 Initiative; +2 to 1 Attack of Opportunity per Day)
Social: Trustworthy (+1 Bluff & Diplomacy & Diplomacy is a Class Skill)

Gear (so far)
x11.0.0 Bill (1d8/x3/11#/S/Brace, Disarm, Reach, Defensive, Dismount)
x10.0.0 Shortsword (1d6/19+/2#/P)
100.0.0 Chain Shirt (+4/+4/-2/20%/30’/25#)

5 14 S 14 +2
5 14 D 16 +3
2 12 C 12 +1
5 14 I 14 +2
2 12 W 12 +1
1 11 H 11 +0

+2 Dex
Normal Speed
Bonus Feat

Fighter (Polearm Master) 1
Bonus Feat
All Simple & Martial Weapons.
All Armors and Shields, including Tower Shields.

Character Background:
Erich was born in the village of Rantum, West of Rodenbach and deep inside the Hardtwald forest. His family were carpenters, specializing in cabinetry. As the third son, there was little expectation that Erich would have a place in the family business, and his parents tried to ensure they set aside some money to help him find a start somewhere else.

When the time came for Erich to move on, he had no idea where to go or what to do. Lacking any good ideas, he walked to Kiel. After he got there, he discovered that the money his parents had gifted him was enough for him to pay his own way though one of the Landsknechte schools instead of needing to sign an indentured servitude contract like most of the students do. That would allow him to start as an officer, responsible for his own unit, instead of being someone else’s foot soldier. The reputation of the Landsknechte and the opportunity to be part of that was too tempting for a young man without his own vision.
His unexpected problem was that the school was happy to accept full tuition money from more students than there would be officer billets. Erich graduated and found that there was no unit for him to lead. “We promised that you would be capable and qualified to lead a unit, not that we would have one for you.” The lack of compassion behind that statement didn’t dedicate Erich to the structure of the Landsknechte. Quite the contrary.

Young Erich finds himself trained to part of the most powerful mercenary machine in history, but unemployed.

The nation building exercise has hints of history, but I really need a sense of the neighbors and the physical layout of nations in order to be able to make full sense of the sketch I lined out.

Holstein is a Northern coastal nation, with Mountains sheltering it from the South and East and reclaimed wilderness threatening it from the West.

Character's Homeland:
Alignment: LN
Population: 110,000 – Human 72%, Half-Orc 8%, Half-Elf 7%, Dwarf 5%, Halfling 4%, other 4%
Government: Feudal Monarchy
Head of State: His Holy Majesty, King Randolf, a human boy of 6 years
Head of Government: Our Blessed Regent, Holger Gottschalk, a human scholar and religious leader
Major Settlements: Kiel [Capital] (28,000), Lubeck (10,000), Neumunster (8,000), Rodenbach (8,000), Weilerbach (5,000), Flensburg (3,000)

Flensburg sits on cliffs overlooking the Northern sea, with a valley hidden behind the cliffs providing protection from the worst of the Northern wind-driven weather as well as a natural hot-spring fed water supply. The area around the city is a rich agricultural are, producing far more non-seafood foodstuffs than anything close to it on the Northern coast of Holstein.

Kiel sits on both sides of the Trave river, up against the mountains and next to the waterfall and lake formed by the mountainous water supply. In Dwarven style, the human castle is built into the mountains, with the approach protected by the lake. The local economy is focused on working the products of the mines from the neighboring hamlets.

Lubeck is the major port city of Holstein, with the core of the city actually on an island set in the mouth of the Trave river, but still deep inside a large cove which protects the port from the harsh Northern storms.

Neumunster is the largest internal trading city in Holstein. It sits two days ride in-land on the East bank of the Trave river, and connects to both Flensburg and Weilerbach by road. The city has a thriving artisan community, dedicated to converting much of the raw materials which move into the town into finished goods in order to increase profits.

Rodenbach lies North-West of Kiel, on the edge of the oak and pine filled forests. It is larger than might be expected because it has frequently served as the first serious line of defense from invasion.
Weilerbach is the most major town in the plains and hills area of Holstein that serves as the breadbasket for the nation. The area also provides Holstein’s most famous exports: tart apples and sweet pears.

Long ago, the church of Abadar expanded its sphere of control and power, managing to build a Theocracy that covered an amazingly large portion of the continent. Not everyone is willing to accept the rigid structure that the Theocracy brought into their lives, however, and the nation fell. Mostly.

Holstein is the remnant of that Holy Empire of Abadar.

The willingness of the people of Holstein to accept others based on their contributions and not on their appearance has led to an ongoing, slow increase in the number of half-breeds who raise families as part of the community.

Since the Holy Empire of Abadar has collapsed, and much of the civilization retreated back to more comfortable zones, Holstein has had to regularly defend itself from the creatures who reclaimed the less-weather-protected, once again wild lands to its West.

Rodenbach has a long history of producing woodsmen and guerilla combatants. Kiel has schools dedicated to teaching the Landsknechte. Landsknechte mercenary companies provide a fairly constant stream of money into Holstein. Enough so that the original restrictions imposed on those units to accept contracts only from employers approved by His Holy Majesty have been willingly forgotten.

His Holy Majesty, King Randolf, was orphaned by a magical disease imposed on the city of Kiel by a sect of Urgathoa after several Landsknechte units were involved in destroying their attempt to infiltrate a sea port in another nation.

1. How long have you been playing RPGs? What got you started?
Since the summer of 1979. I was 14. A friend asked me if I wanted to play a game based on LotR. I made a Wizard using the 1st Ed PHB and he took me through something he had cobbled together using the Red Box. The only thing I really remember about that particular event was his description of how I could have gotten the wealth hidden in the dungeon. Once inside the treasure room, I had to use every door in the room both to leave and enter the room, without using a single door twice in a row, and all the doors were connected to common hallways on either side that went nowhere else. He didn’t understand why I quit going through doors once I established they went nowhere. I’m still confused why that would be a reasonable trigger to reveal the treasure.

2. What is your favorite character from fiction (This can include characters from modules and APs)?
A solid everyman. I loved Bilbo while reading The Hobbit. I loved Samwise Gamgee while reading LotR. I was disappointed when that Shea Ohmsford was NOT an everyman, and tried to focus more on Flick instead. Without failings, bad assumptions, negative prejudices and simple mistakes, an everyman stops being an everyman.

3. What is your favorite character that you have created?
Wow. Uhhhh . . ..
The character that gives my own ego the most boost was Tsaong Pei, a human Mongol warrior I created for use in the first large shared campaign set in the world of Arcanis. He was a loud, over-confident, self-righteous HUMAN, who was quick to act and frequently suffered consequences as a result. When the company who sponsored the campaign published their Player’s Book, a couple of years into that campaign, Tsaong Pei was chosen as the example of what a human is.
My single favorite?
There was a concept I was exposed to during RPGA Classic play, that I have latched onto and used a couple of times since. The character is a simple farm boy, not especially intelligent, but fairly wise, easy to get along with, and strong like ox. Oh, and he had a dream where his god told him that he was selected as a Paladin, and should go out and do the right thing. He only believes half of that. He believes he should go out and do the right thing. He doesn’t believe that he’s a Paladin. He’s just a farm boy trying to make the world around him a batter place, and he just wants to find a place where he can settle down and get back to farming. But I can’t really claim I created this character, since I copied it.

4. What makes your character unique?
If anything makes Erich Kaestner unique, it is the guy driving the character sheet. There are a finite number of ways to build a useful character, and a finite number of character personalities generally used in storytelling.
The build is a reach battlefield control build. It has the potential to prevent damage to the party without requiring that every opponent be made dead as quickly as possible.
Erich is a capable young man. He is also still a lost little boy, trying to figure out how he’s going to make his way in this great big, expensive world. He knows basically three things: How to do carpentry, how to use a weapon and how to negotiate a contract and payment.

5. What do you expect from me as a GM?
An occasional kick in the butt. Everybody gets distracted, and sometimes the camera shifts focus to another character and it becomes easy to watch instead of participate. Those are times when the kick is appropriate.
An engaging story that our actions and choices help shape. Opportunities for each character to shine and be the star. An interactive world that largely doesn’t care who we are or why we think we’re important until we do something truly impressive ro that matters to the individuals at hand.

6. What is your favorite color?
For decades that answer was blue. I’ve been shifting towards green, though. I’m close enough to declaring it changed that I’m not really sure at this point. My wife would still tell you blue, but there’s almost no blue in my closet anymore.

7. What do you think my favorite AP is?
Wild guess time? The next one!
Based on evidence? You’ve tried running Curse of the Crimson Throne twice before . . .. Your primary account’s campaign history shows about the same number of runs of RotRL and CotCT . . .. I would say the additional attempt to run CotCT shows a slight inclination towards that AP.

@ El Ronza and Black Dow: Don't worry, Just post something like what class your character is. That's enough to be considered a submission.

/me smirks at hustonj's country

Neumünster and Lübeck are written with "ü"... that's a different sound in German. If you don't have an "ü" it's correct to use "ue" instead, meaning Luebeck and Neumuenster, respectively.

Feel superior all you want. If your intent was to educate, you would never have chosen that phrasing. That's a shame, since education helps everyone while smug helps no one.

My, I didn't mean any offense... I was simply offering a slight correction, since I realize that this is difficult to discern for someone who is not used to umlauts or accents. I found the way you created your home country amusing, but not in a negative way.

"smirks at" was the source of the negative tone as I read. In case that needed clarification.

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