DM-Salsa |
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The wind howls over the impossibly tall mountain peaks of the Fangwall. Ice and snow whipped into a flurry by the bitter gale saps strength and warmth from anyone foolish enough to expose themselves to the winter storm. Lightning, as cold as the very wind howling through the mountains, flashes, revealing a single serpentine figure rearing up above the stone of a ledge jutting out over the deep, glacier-carved valley. For a moment, the world stands still, save for the lone figure silhouetted by lightning as it takes in a deep and mighty breath. All hangs in still silence before a bellowing, defiant roar cuts through the gale of the wind and the rolling thunder to echo through the valley.
A roar that heralded the dawn of a new age.
Hello! and welcome to a homebrewed, sandbox adventure inspired by Skyrim from The Elder Scrolls series. Before I get down to brass tacks, I want to say that while it is certainly inspired by Skyrim and the start will be similar, this is not The Elder Scrolls setting. There are no Khajit nor Argonians. It's also entirely possible, despite the name, that you never do anything dealing with dragons and it's all background to what your characters are doing. So, if you are looking for Skyrim: the RPG, this might satisfy that itch, but don't come in expecting it to.
That said, I've learned a few lessons from the last time I had a recruitment, so I hope things go a little more smoothly this time around.
Character Creation
- Attributes: 25 Point-buy
- HP: Max at 1st level, Half max +1 after that. (d6 => 4, d8 => 5, d10 => 6, d12 => 7)
- Starting Level: 3rd
- Starting Gold: 0 gp, you're starting off with no gear.
- Races: Aasimars, Changelings, Dwarves, Elves, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Humans, Ifrit, Orcs, Oreads, Skinwalkers, Sylphs, Tieflings, and Undine.
- Allowed Material: All Paizo and Spheres of Power with the following exceptions:
-- Spheres of Power replaces Pathfinder's normal magic system. This means that all casters are now spherecasters and will need to use their spherecasting archetype. You are free to pick a casting tradition if you want, and even encouraged to make one of your own if you feel like getting creative.
-- No Occult
-- No Firearms, Gunslinger, Tech items, or related archetypes and classes
-- No Summoner, Ninja, or Samurai
-- No Evil
- Using the Background Skills system, including Artistry and Lore
- Using Automatic Bonus Progression
Submission Requirements
- Read the document here: Nordholm Setting Document
- Character Stats
- Background explaining where you came from, and what you have done to wind up in a secret Imperial Garrison and slated for execution. Note that this doesn't have to be a criminal act. It could be refusing the advances of some officer or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time, like gathering firewood when a patrol happened to come by. If you have an animal companion or familiar, you'll need to explain what happened to them too.
- Character's Personality
- Character's Appearance, including how tall they are.
Things to note
-The setting document is written in broad strokes for a reason. Don't be afraid to add things into your background that aren't in the setting document.
- Elves reach adulthood at 25 years of age.
- Changelings reach adulthood as per their father's race.
- Aasimars, Ifrits, Oreads, Sylphs, Tieflings, and Undines reach adulthood as whatever race they would have been if they hadn't been plane-touched.
- Elves that are from Nordholm (Arctic Elves, Dusk Elves, and Savage Elves) can elect to use the following attribute modifiers: +2 CON, +2 DEX, -2 INT. If you are using Hero Lab, just go to the personal tab and add two ability score (starting) adjustments under permanent adjustments. Use one to increase CON by 4 and the other to decrease INT by 4.
- The common tongue for Nordholm is Nordic. Characters from one of the families that stayed behind after the last Imperial Expedition fifty years ago start with the Imperial common tongue as a bonus language.
- If you see something here you have a question about, please ask. I probably have forgotten something despite my best efforts, however, if I say no, then please don't pester me about it. All it will do is annoy me and hurt your chances.

Darthrancor |

Dotity dot dot, Dot DOT!
EDIT: Hypothetical Question, When you say
No Firearms, Gunslinger, Tech items, or related archetypes and classes
Does that include the Bolt Ace? (the Gunslinger Archytype that uses crossbows instead of guns)

AdamWarnock |

Read through the Nordholm Setting Document. I posted about my character concept in the interest check thread, and I'm looking to make a character that worships something akin to a Daedric Prince. Do you have something like them?
Hmm, I was debating on whether to use the Golarion deities or not. There could be something like them, if you really want there to be. As I said, the doc was written in broad strokes so it's not like I can't work that in there. The sticking point is the no evil stipulation and if I'm remembering correctly, most of the Daedric princes are considered evil. and their followers are not exactly the most sane of people.
Here's what I can do, and this goes for anyone who wants to play a cleric or worship a god/higher-being/whatever. If you have an idea about your god, pitch it to me and I'll work with you to fit it into the setting. If you don't, tell me what you are looking for and I'll come up with something. Keep in mind that many people in Nordholm worship spirits, a practice that many Imperials consider quaint, or at least those imperials that have never had to face down a Norden shaman.
I'll also look into the Daedric Princes to see if I'm off base about what I said earlier. If you don't mind, could you post your concept here as well so I don't have to keep track of two threads?

thelizardwizard |

DM, Just a suggestion if you wanted to add something khajiit/argonian like, they do have races that are very similar (such as catfolk for khajiit) just a possibility, I'll be playing either a nord or imperial equivalent most likely.
I am sad about not being able to make a kineticist "evocation mage" however haha

DM-Salsa |

Definitely. If you don't have the book, I believe the wiki has all you need. It can be found here.
To replicate the Thuums, you'll need to take the Verbal drawback, and then pick spheres to represent the different Thuums.
@Alientude: Read up on the Daedric Princes and it seems that they're more elder gods than demon lords. That said, if you don't mind waiting a day, I can see what I can come up with.

Tenro |

Kinda sad I can't play Khajiit or Argonian... Ah well.
I'm very interested in this. I'm not very familiar with spheres of power though, could I make someone that can do shouts like in skyrim? I had this idea for a Skald...
You definitely could.
I'd suggest looking at Armorist for a full=BAB warrior type. the Soaring Blade archetype will get you full casting with Telekinesis sphere, though that would be shouting back 1 enemy at a time Spheres of Power rules contained HERE.
Elementalist might be a better route. I have to go to the gym and then study so I don't have the time to go more into detail. the Destruction sphere is a good place to look, but the full-BAB types tend to be low casters (meaning less force damage). Destruction is good because you can easily do area attacks, but Telekinesis is good for flinging one person back (among other things) if that is what you are going for.
Hedgewitch would be a good solid route as well, and with some good feat/talent choices you could keep your Destruction CL competitive.

DM-Salsa |

Adamwarnock, Just a suggestion if you wanted to add something khajiit/argonian like, they do have races that are very similar (such as catfolk for khajiit)
I know, and not including those races was a conscious decision.
I am sad about not being able to make a kineticist "evocation mage" however haha
There's always the destruction sphere. :)

Tenro |

Adamwarnock, Just a suggestion if you wanted to add something khajiit/argonian like, they do have races that are very similar (such as catfolk for khajiit) just a possibility, I'll be playing either a nord or imperial equivalent most likely.
I am sad about not being able to make a kineticist "evocation mage" however haha
Destruction Sphere
sphere-specific drawback: Energy Focus: Forcetalent: Admixture
feat: Telekinetic Admixture
Telekinesis Sphere
talent: Divided mind

Grovestrider |

....could I make someone that can do shouts like in skyrim?
Someone on the playground forums posted this which you might find helpful to emulate specific shouts.

Tenro |

Icewalker seems like it might be fun, would that be appropriate for the campaign? I wonder, since their theme seems to be explore the glaciers/floes. Would water, earth, fire, or air be the more appropriate elemental to transform into (per the Elemental Transformation talent of the Alteration sphere) for that theme?
Other than that, what is the general feel for the idea of a necromantically-themed character?
Does your prohibition on Summoners extend to the idea of someone primarily using the Conjuration sphere?
I see a lot of people leaning towards full casters so i might lean more towards a low-caster. haha

Arythain |

I'm so happy I got to that joke first.
Will have a character concept up soonish (tonight or tomorrow). This is my first exposure to Spheres of Power and I'm already loving it (and already considering converting my own homebrew setting to a Spheres of Power setting... but I should probably learn it more closely first).
Question: Does the Empire actually rule any areas of Nordholm, still? Or are the Imperial remnants all subject to whatever local rulers they have? I'm considering an "oppressed by those pig Imperials" backstory.

Tenro |

Yes, as it has been said, every spherecasting class can pick whatever spheres they want.
That said, Incanter gets the MOST choices of spheres/talents (30 from levels alone).
Additionally, you should note that some classes/archetypes are better at some than others. For instance, no one will beat a Shifter at Alteration sphere, or a Fey Adept at Illusion, or a Symbiat at Mind, Soul Weavers are generally better at Death than others, but some others can come close.

Tenro |

Spell pool, are you required to spend these when you use the abilities you gain from spheres, or only when it says to spend them? (Such as empowering the effects you gain from the sphere)
If the ability doesnt say it costs a spell point, or an additional spell point, then it doesn't cost.
For instance, a character with 5 caster levels and the destruction sphere can throw 3d6 blasts all day (like the Warlock of olde) but has to spend a spell point to make it 5d6. and another spell point to make it an orb/sphere/wall/etc.
As a general rule, anything that lasts longer than a round will likely cost a spell point.

DM-Salsa |

Icewalker seems like it might be fun, would that be appropriate for the campaign? I wonder, since their theme seems to be explore the glaciers/floes.
Most Definitely.
Would water, earth, fire, or air be the more appropriate elemental to transform into (per the Elemental Transformation talent of the Alteration sphere) for that theme?
Air, Earth, and Water more so than fire if you're going for fitting into theme of Nordholm. Imperials and other people from the southern lands might use fire, but as I said, it's rare.
Other than that, what is the general feel for the idea of a necromantically-themed character?
Necromancy is generally reviled in all but the most deranged of clans/tribes. Most of the ones who practice it tend to be mad.
Does your prohibition on Summoners extend to the idea of someone primarily using the Conjuration sphere?
No, so long as you keep up with what you summon. The main reason for the summoner ban was because I don't want to deal with reviewing the eidolons.
I see a lot of people leaning towards full casters so i might lean more towards a low-caster. haha
Maybe, but I don't think anyone's submitted anything yet.
so, if I went encanter, I can literally pick and choose spheres/talents as I wish? is that correct? If so this is gonna be cool. ALL DA MAGICS.
You can pick any sphere/talent you want as long as you qualify for it with any casting class, but as I understand it, the Incanter is basically the Dial-a-Mage class.
I'm so happy I got to that joke first.
Will have a character concept up soonish (tonight or tomorrow). This is my first exposure to Spheres of Power and I'm already loving it (and already considering converting my own homebrew setting to a Spheres of Power setting... but I should probably learn it more closely first).
Question: Does the Empire actually rule any areas of Nordholm, still? Or are the Imperial remnants all subject to whatever local rulers they have? I'm considering an "oppressed by those pig Imperials" backstory.
It's kind of a sticky situation, The last Imperial expedition left fifty years ago, but there are some that remained behind in small towns and villages on the coast. In theory, those towns and villages are Imperial territory, but the kings and jarls of Nordholm claim dominion over those same towns and villages and extract tribute in exchange for not being razed.
There have been rumors that the new emperor is looking north for new conquests and treasures, but beyond the traders that come from the south, there doesn't seem to be anything that points to those being anything more than rumors.
You don't necessarily have to be from Nordholm to be oppressed by the Imperials. The Empire is vast and has had many conquests over the years. It has also been on the wane for the past century, but the past two emperors have begun to turn things around, which means several places that had freed themselves have once again fallen under Imperial rule. Your character could have ran from one of those reconquered territories.

DM-Salsa |

William here, this is the alias in using,
Will you be allowing the alternate traits? Rolled or choosen?
Alternate racial traits? Yes.
Alternate Tiefling and Aasimar abilities that replace their SLA? No.You may choose a heritage if you are playing a tiefling or aasimar if you wish.

Denenor |

Good morning, GM. This is Harakhty from the other thread. I plan on fleshing-out this alias for the submission; it's from another campaign that didn't take off.
I'm composing a young scholar of Isport, slightly out of sorts as he doesn't see exploring the great beyond to the North as interesting as harnessing the land around him to be more hospitable. He will be an incanter with a focus on the weather sphere, some delvings into the light sphere to complement the research.
In looking through the Spheres of Power materials, I notice they now have some archetypes. In particular, is the mage archetype something you think could work in this setting? Given Isport is home to some magical research, I feel such an idea would not be too far-fetched. It would also give some political framework within the organization for me to expand upon in Denenor's backstory.
Though I have a rough idea of relatively geography in the setting after reading your document, do you have a map by any chance to see?

WarforgedMan |

Hey Salsa! I think my comment got missed in all the excitement your game is getting! :D
I was wondering if you'd be willing to try out Path of War by Dreamscarred Press. If not, no worries, just let me know.
I'm thinking of making a Barbarian or something akin to that, a good old Nord who sells his talent to the greatest bidder but still loyal to his homeland.