DM Papa.DRB - Rise of the Runelord 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Papa-DRB

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Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

"Thank you Lady Hannah. If I or the others can ever be of any help to you please do not stop thinking about me...I mean do not stop to think about asking for us." with that exchange he smiles and moves to the porch as quickly as possible.

When the others make their way out he is standing beside the mumbling Olaff grinning from ear to ear.

Male CN human (Ulfen) fighter (viking) 7 | HP: 67/67 | AC: 28 (14 Tch, 26 Fl) [+2 vs. critical] | CMB: +11, CMD: 31 | F: +9, R: +6, W: +8* | Init: +6 | Perc: +8, SM +2 | Speed 30ft (20ft in armor) | Active conditions: none.

Hearing steps behind him, Olaff stands up a bit too quickly and has to hug the porch's wood column to regain his balance and looks at Tylur, "Carre to help, frriend? Dis column is rreally heavy..."

After a couple seconds, he releases the column and steps away from Hannah's shop, looking at the grinning man behind him. "De last time I saw a frriend o' mine smiling so much, he vas going to get some booze and some boobs... I'm game forr both of dem!"

I also have no preference... I'm actually enjoying to RP a drunk!

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Tylur wipes the grin off his face at the northerner's rather direct remark. "What smile are you talking about? Just happy to feel the sun on my face is all. Will you be fine walking or do we need to find a mule cart to drag you around all day?"

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

Hannah wipes the tears from her face and returns your smiles and well wishes. Hearing Cordwin's concern over the Ulfen fellow, she steps out with you onto the porch and lays her cool hands on Olaff's shoulders. She murmurs a prayer to Gozreh and heals him of his bumps and bruises. "He'll still be feeling his ale for a while... Only time will help that."

You make the hike back up the hill to the north side of town to inquire after Father Zantus only to learn that he is quite busy ministering to those who lost loved ones in the recent raid. Naffer Vosk is similarly busy with his burial duties, so you are left to while away the afternoon how you choose. You remember the friendly fishmonger and return to procure the octopus he recommended earlier.

Ameiko looks pleased at your find and gives you a wink before she takes the still flailing cephalopod to the kitchen to prepare. Before long, your stomachs are rumbling for an evening meal and the smell of an exotic, spicy seafood stew drifts through the common room of the Rusty Dragon.

The elven Ranger, Shalelu joins you for dinner that evening, eager to discuss the recent troubles and strange happenings with the local goblin tribes. But no one has much to say with such delicious aromas demanding your attention.
Feel free to narrate through some afternoon shopping or dinner roleplay if you like. The seafood stew will be something like THIS if you'd like to react in character.

You have barely finished your meal when a cry for help splits the calm, quiet night air. A woman with tear-streaked cheeks rushes into the Rusty Dragon, crying out for the Heroes of Sandpoint. She holds a howling baby girl with one arm and pulls behind her a young boy, his eyes wide with fear and shock. The same young boy who was in here looking for Alexei Domashev just this morning.

"Please! You have to do something! You have to help my husband! He's fighting that monster all on his own and I'm terrified he won't survive!" She drops the boy's arm to grip Cordwin's and the boy immediately uses his now free arm to cradle the other one, which you can now see is hurt, covered with fresh bites. "Please!" She cries again, fresh tears leaking down her face. "You must come! There's no time to explain!"

The elf rises immediately, her chair flying back with the swiftness of her motion. Shalelu needs no explanation. "Goblin!" She growls and the distraught mother nods. "Come! We must be quick!"

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Having gotten some interesting information from Hannah, Cordwin is just happy following Aurora around and exploring Sandpoint with his new companions. Tylur, René and him are kept busy corralling Olaff especially when the big guy spotted 'de vomen'.

Cordwin is still uneasy about his dinner waving to him with eight arms but knows that Ameiko will be cooking something good up. She did not disappoint! Corwin shovels mouthfuls of the sea creature into his mouth washing it down with ale. He is about ready to sit there and savor the aftertaste when a woman screaming draws his attention. She asks for the heroes of Sandpoint and Cordwin's first instinct is to look around the room until he realizes they are the heroes of Sandpoint! As the woman leads him outside, Cordwin glances back to make sure his companions are following. He does not want to face this monster alone. When Shalelu growls 'goblin', Cordwin shouts to Ameiko, Prepare seconds! We'll be hungry again when we take care of these pesky goblins!

Male CN human (Ulfen) fighter (viking) 7 | HP: 67/67 | AC: 28 (14 Tch, 26 Fl) [+2 vs. critical] | CMB: +11, CMD: 31 | F: +9, R: +6, W: +8* | Init: +6 | Perc: +8, SM +2 | Speed 30ft (20ft in armor) | Active conditions: none.

Walking around town and plunging his head inside a barrel of water or two, Olaff was slowly recovering from his inebriation. When the others met the fishmonger, Olaff could not believe the disdain that the eels were receiving from the other buyers and also how cheap they were... without thinking twice, he tossed the man a big gold coin and followed the others with an enormous basket filled with eels, dismissing any attempt to dissuade him or ignoring any funny looks. What is wrong with this people?

After threatening and shouting down half a dozen people that he was not 'going to put the town on fire' and 'wasn't drunk', he managed to spend the remaining of the afternoon smoking all his eels. This is ridiculous... how this people cook without drinking?... It is simply not possible!

Olaff finished his task almost at the same moment that Ameiko finished her seafood stew, storming inside the tavern and distributing his food to the patrons, reserving the 'specially good parts' to Ameiko and his 'new friends'. When he noticed the townspeople were suspicious about his food, he raised his fists and threatened them, "Hey! Ya'll eat dem and den ya'll tank me!... ya bunch trrollheaded morrons"

Profession (cook): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19 To give you an idea, to cook a meal of exceptional quality is a DC 20 check.

Olaff of course tried Ameiko's dish and was delighted by the taste. "Ya have a gift, voman! Dis is prretty good, almost as good as ulfen food, ha!" he laughs as loudly as his headache allowed, eating both the stew and his own eels, washing it down with some ale. When looked sternly by the small woman (which appeared to be angry with him for some unknown reason), he simply added "Vat? Noting betterr to get rrid of headake dan a couple mugs o' ale... a frriend of mine avoided a hangoverr forr almost trree monts vit dis... he died ven he slipped frrom de keep's valls but dat isn't de point herre, rrite?"

Olaff shrugs when the woman enters, not understanding why she was so worried. Why merry to a man who can't defend her from simply goblins? This people from the south are too soft I think... When he notices the others are actually moving to help, he sighs before retrieving his heavy oak shield and his weapons. Looking at Ameiko, he jokes. "Ourr food vill be cold but my eels arre also serrved cold!" Turning his attention to the crying woman, he simply asks: "Verre?"

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

Now I want sea food and that is expensive here.

Smiling at Hannah, That was a kindness Hannah, I am sure when he sobers up he will be grateful. And that you for your time.

After leaving the shop Aurora is content to spend the remainder of her day showing the others around. What places she does remember the petite woman is more than willing to babble about while the places she does not remember much about she is more than willing to go and ask someone.

Grinning at the suggestion to go to the fishmonger, The seafood was one of my favorite things from here. Raising an eyebrow at Olaff's purchase but it gets the drunk out of her hair for a little while. He is far enough from any buildings that I do not think he will burn anything down.

Once seated at the table Aurora opens her mouth to start with a list of questions but falls silent with the arrival of Shalelu. Sitting quietly and simply listening to the conversation. Then the wonderful smell arrives and so does Olaff. More willing to trust the professional she digs into the octopus first, waiting until many others have tried the eel.

Once the woman and her children rush in Aurora quickly moves over to the older child pulled by instinct, Can I see your arm little man?

Assuming he is willing to let her look at it, you mentioned multiple bites. I am going to heal the little one first. If you cannot tell children are a great way to distract Aurora. By the time she is done with that the others would have started to leave putting Aruora just behind the.

cure lt wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Smiling at the young boy and gently laying her, now softly glowing, hands on his arm, Mend what is broken.

Looking quiet surprised that that just happened but the sound of the others moving distracts her and she scrambles up to rush after them.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Tylur spends the rest of the day in silence going between the loss of Sabina and the great beauty of Hannah. He makes sure to keep his emotions inside from the eyes of the others. He hoped he might see Hannah again – or maybe he really just wanted to see Sabina – but felt a little selfish for feeling so smitten at just seeing the elven lady. He longed for something in his life and having Sabina leave only made him realize how devoid his life was of friends.

Visiting some of the townsfolk only augmented this lonliness. He greeted each one cordially but he knew that he was no savior. No hero. He was just someone who had done what he had done all his life. Survive. Maybe that was why he was so quick to take up this hero mantle and why he found himself in the company of people he told himself he had no real feelings for. Why should he? They were all strangers who were forced to do something that they had been given no other option. Soon these thoughts began to dull the earlier excitement he had. He was thankful when Ameiko served her octopus dish. The aroma alone made wish he could just sit here until the end of days filling his stomach on all these delicacies.

He immediately looked up as the woman and child rushed into the inn and knew he had found that purpose.
"Let us hurry. If these goblins are attacking it means something else is afoot."

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

René sniffs the soup and then shrugs. The soup actually looked a lot more normal than he would have expected given the oddly waving tentacle thing they had spotted earlier. He swallowed a spoonful appraisingly. While he had been to other ports before, he generally hadn't actually had access to anything more exotic than the local fish. It actually wasn't half bad. The tentacles were kind of off-puttingly chewy, but the broth was actually quite rich and flavorful. The smoked eels weren't half bad either, though he found himself missing the delicious brown sauce and rice some Tian acquaintances had made once. Damn, if I'm not careful, I'm going to get used to this kind of treatment.

He's in the midst of contemplating why exactly that would be a bad thing when the group of people run in, reminding him exactly why. He sighs and then casually saunters after the rest of his group. Man, what is it with the goblins in this area? I guess this leads even more credence to the idea that someone else is behind the goblins.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

GM Rolls:
4 + 1d4 ⇒ 4 + (1) = 5
Shalelu Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Cordwin Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Tylur Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
René Initiative: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Olaff Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Aurora Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

Goblin Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Barett Initiative: 1d20 ⇒ 13

Initiative Order - Round 1
Barett Club attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Goblin Knife attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 Damage: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
-------------------------------------------Round 2
Barett Club attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Goblin Knife attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
-------------------------------------------Round 3
Barett Club attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Goblin Knife attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 Damage: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
-------------------------------------------Round 4
Barett Club attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21 Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Goblin Knife attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 Damage: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Confirm?: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
-------------------------------------------Round 5

Olaff - still running, will arrive in round 6
Cordwin - still running, will arrive in round 6
Aurora - move action spent

Aurora heals the boy's wounds, but he only stares ahead. His mind's eye still held but whatever horrible vision he has seen.
Ameiko steps forward, her arms open wide to receive the baby girl so that the mother will be unburdened to lead you onward. She gratefully accepts the offer and passes the baby over to her while Bethana takes the boys hand to comfort him. Before you make it out the door, you hear the boy begin to speak in stuttered words broken by his heaving sobs. "I... told them... there was... a monster... they didn't... believe me..."

The mother runs at full speed, pulling her skirts above her knees. She rounds a corner and sprints onward, nearly stumbling in her desperation to save her husband. She heads north on River Street, past the Scarnetti Mill and as she runs out of breath, she points the way to her home. Fortunately, the door stands ajar, the soft glow of firelight marking it clearly in the evening dusk.

You run as fast as your feet will carry you, trying to make it in time to save this fool commoner from his fate. René is the first into the house, Tylur hot on his heels. The elven ranger, Shalelu follows next and a breaths later, Aurora arrives in the doorway. Aurora, since you spent a standard action before running, you only have one move or standard action available as you arrive at the house.

Olaff and Cordwin, being a bit slower than the rest are still making their way up the street.

The door to the child's bedroom is open and a small dog lies in a pool of it's own blood on the floor. René witnesses as the man scores a blow and is cut badly by the goblin, which has retreated to the cover of the closet. The man looks staggered, one more cut may end him.

Ok, I cobbled together a map for this encounter even though none was provided. The map is on slide 4 and there is an image of poor little Aeren Barett as the goblin attacked on slide 5. René, Tylur and Aurora are up!

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Round 5

Cordwin tries to run as fast as he is able, but the others soon outpace him and Olaff. Come on ye big giant! There be goblins to kill!

Male CN human (Ulfen) fighter (viking) 7 | HP: 67/67 | AC: 28 (14 Tch, 26 Fl) [+2 vs. critical] | CMB: +11, CMD: 31 | F: +9, R: +6, W: +8* | Init: +6 | Perc: +8, SM +2 | Speed 30ft (20ft in armor) | Active conditions: none.

Round 5

Olaff runs besides the dwarf, smiling at his comment, "Ha, I could rrun fasterr but den ya vould feel silly for arrivin' late! So I am accompanyin' ya!" as his head still hammers, he adds with a less joyful tone, "...but I still do not underrstand vy dis voman's husband needs help... if he can't defeat a simple goblin, vat is role in his family and clan? In de norrth, derre is no place for veaklin's..."

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

René quickly surveys the room, taking in the goblin's position as well as the man's less than healthy skin pallor (plus, y'know, all the blood on his clothes). His eye twitches slightly at the man's stupidity (or was it "heroism"? The went hand in hand so often...): he apparently got the creature cornered in a tiny room with a door but hadn't bothered to try to slam it shut, thus safely locking it in and keeping him and his family safe?

"'Ey, you! Err..." Damnit, had anyone ever actually said what the guy's name was? "Goblin-fighter! We brought th' Ranger Shalelu, so you can come on out an' get patched up. Well, what'cha waitin' for? Move it an' git outta their way!" He waves for the man to withdraw while giving the goblin a suspicious glare.

Hmmm, if the goblin stays where he is, at most two people could reach in for melee attacks, though it'd be a bit awkward for the second. We could lure it out and maybe get at least 4 people surrounding it, though we don't actually have that many people. We have at least 3 people who will likely want to get in melee distance, at which point the fight's pretty much over. Goblins aren't especially known for their strength and apparently the resident tour guide knows some healing, so there's a good chance even if he suffers another blow, he'll be fine.

René then takes a step back, indicating that the unnamed man should do likewise.

Standard action: Evil eye. Goblin has -2 on all its attacks for 7 rounds. DC 14 Will save to reduce that to 1 round. Then a 5ft step back to clear the doorway.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin, almost out of breath says to Olaff, be goblins to kill! Cordwin was not usually bloodthirsty, but he is a dwarf after all and all dwarfs are taught to hate the vile goblins.

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

Stepping over to near the door and behind René. Sir please get out of that room so that this men can take care of that monster.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

Master Barett withdraws as requested, looking rather the worse for wear. The goblin is actually hiding in a hole smashed in the floor of the closet, putting any attacker at a disadvantage.

Shalelu begins coaching you on how to deal with the goblin. "Though they are small and physically weak, do not underestimate a goblin. They are masters of stealth and capable of great feats of agility!"

If I figured Shalelu into this APL, the resulting goblin could kill you all. Thus, she will only spend her actions to grant you all her hunter's bond. You all get a +1 to attack and +1 to damage vs the goblin. I adjusted the order for the delays.

-------------------------------------------Round 5
Olaff - still running, will arrive in round 6
Cordwin - still running, will arrive in round 6
Shalelu - grant's hunter's bond to the party
Barett - withdraws
- move action spent

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

To be clear, René wasn't delaying; the evil eye was his entire turn. Sure, he still had his move action, but there wasn't really anything he wanted to do given his estimation of the goblin vs the rest of the party.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Thankful that the man had now withdrawn after René's counsel Tylur moved forward heeding Shalelu's caution. Unraveling the chain about his waist he looked down at his most precious item, Scorpian's tail.
"I will heed your caution Huntress Shalelu."

Taking several steps Tylur started to slowly twirl the chain while approaching the goblin carefully noting the less than ideal surroundings for this battle.

Listening to Shalelu was similar to listening to his mentor he had also taught Tylur to respect one's opponent and that in underestimating them you became your own enemy.

As he moved closer to the closet he spied the red eyes of the goblin looking back at him and he sprung at the creature sending the spiked end of his chain forward.

Move 15 ft and attack with spiked chain using expertise. AC 17 now for Tylur.

Spiked Chain + expertise+ hunter's bond: 1d20 + 4 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 4 - 1 + 1 = 18
damage: 2d4 + 3 ⇒ (4, 3) + 3 = 10

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

-------------------------------------------Round 5
René - Evil eye on goblin, steps back
_Will save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Olaff - still running, will arrive in round 6
Cordwin - still running, will arrive in round 6
Shalelu - grant's hunter's bond to the party (+1 to hit and damage)
Barett - withdraws
Tylur - moves and attacks with spiked chain, misses
Aurora - move action spent, heals Barett
Goblin - Knife attack, evil eye: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 5 - 2 = 20 Damage: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
-------------------------------------------Round 6


René seems to cause the goblin to doubt itself for a moment, but the effect does not appear to last long.

Tylur moves in and swings his chain, but it rebounds against the ragged hole in the wooden floor. The goblin sneers at this new attacker and narrows his eyes as he darts out, stabbing into the fighter's calf muscle. Tylur takes 3 damage.

Then Olaff and Cordwin arrive through the door. René, Olaff and Cordwin are up!

Male CN human (Ulfen) fighter (viking) 7 | HP: 67/67 | AC: 28 (14 Tch, 26 Fl) [+2 vs. critical] | CMB: +11, CMD: 31 | F: +9, R: +6, W: +8* | Init: +6 | Perc: +8, SM +2 | Speed 30ft (20ft in armor) | Active conditions: none.

As Olaff enters the small room he notices this isn't going to be an easy fight... used to battle on the open field, this experience was new to him. Drawing his sword as he moved, Olaff jumped into the bed tried to open the goblin's guard so Tylur could hit the creature. "Ya arre outnumberred creature... want to come out and fite one-on-one? I'll not even use my svorrd! I challenge ya!"

Aid Another (Attack), hunter's bond: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 1 = 10

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

René's eyes narrow almost imperceptibly. Damn, didn't expect him to resist that so easily. Perhaps I should be more careful. His eyes flick to the loud Northerner, noting the arrival of both him and the dwarf. Well, thus far he's cast sleep in every conflict I've seen him in. Perhaps this will be no exception. Or perhaps his Dwarven hatred will prove to be the stronger and he'll go for something more...lethal.

He claps his hands together loudly before gleefully rubbing them together and yelling at the goblin. "Hee hee heee! Yer in fer sum trouble now! Yessireebob, no more surprised, unprepared townfolk for you. Now yous be fightin' th' fellas who just now went and dealt with..." He takes a moment to carefully count on his fingers before holding up four of them. "Three whole big, nasty dogs. Ya can't beat a dog so yer doomed agin them." He continues to snicker briefly.

Standard action: Evil eye the goblin's saves. -2 on all its saves for 7 rounds. DC 14 Will save to reduce that to 1 round.
Move action: Cackle to extend the evil eye 1 round

@Cordwin: Don't feel pressured to cast sleep (or any save based spell) just because René thinks you might. He's going to have to deal with some growing pains as he tries to independently figure out what you're likely to do in combat. Plus the saves will help him in the future anyway. :-)

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

Five foot step over and healing the man.

Taking a quick step over to the man, "I am going to heal you, ok." Assuming that he has no objection to that she sets her hands on him.
Cure light wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Once the glow has subsided, "Your family is over at the Rusty Dragon. Those men will take care of this, go to your family."

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Round 6

When Cordwin bursts into the room he quickly sees the goblin in what looks like a closet. Not wanting the little pest to some how get away, Cordwin incants his favorite sleep spell. DC13 Will Save

@René: No pressure at all. I might as well keep you sleep until it no longer works on the foes we'll be facing!

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

GM Rolls:
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
1d20 ⇒ 3

The goblin's luck seems to have run out as he succumbs both to René's influence and Cordwin's spell. The goblin crumples to sleep beneath the floorboards of the house.

That's combat over unless you manage to wake him up before you secure him somehow.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Tylur watches as the goblin falls to ground in a deep slumber thankful for the quick outcome.

"We can't leave it here so should we be transporting it to the sheriff's office or are there any stockades that we can lock this creature up in?" he looks towards Shalelu for guidance.

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

bluedove did the man stay or leave?

Flinching at the out of place laughter. Her eyes widen at Tylur's words, "You are going to let a monster like that live?"

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

Combat ended before his turn, so he is still here.

Barett speaks up, "That thing's been hiding here since the raid. It terrorized and attacked my boy! It killed poor Petal for trying to protect him. And you want to lock it in jail like some common criminal?" He gives you an incredulous look.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin breathes a sigh of releif that his spell worked. He turns to Barett. Good sir. Many of us are strangers to ye fair town. We don't know how ye mete out justice here, so we thought we would bring him to the sheriff so ye can punish him according to ye laws. If'n he lives or dies matters not to me.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Corwin doesn't think the man is buyin' what he's sellin' but figured he'd try.

Male CN human (Ulfen) fighter (viking) 7 | HP: 67/67 | AC: 28 (14 Tch, 26 Fl) [+2 vs. critical] | CMB: +11, CMD: 31 | F: +9, R: +6, W: +8* | Init: +6 | Perc: +8, SM +2 | Speed 30ft (20ft in armor) | Active conditions: none.

To Olaff, seeing the creature falling to sleep was a rather anticlimactic finish for the fight, and clearly not worthy the effort of parting him from his eels. He sheathed his sword nevertheless and hang his heavy oaken shield on his back, before turning around to leave the bedroom, almost stepping on the dead dog, "I tink de man has de rrite to kill de crreaturre if he vishes, because he lost his dog and it trreatened his family... ve should not have interrferred in de firrst place is vat I tink." the man then shrugged.

"But do as ya vish... ve arre in yarr land, not mine... in de nort ve have harrderr men dat can prrotect deir families against pests, ya know." Olaff continues, unable to hide his judgement about the man's lack of strength is his opinion.

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

Aurora's mouth drops for a moment, shock clear on her face, before snapping at Olaff, No we are not in your lands! People here have manners.

Crossing her arms before continuing, Not every person can be a hulking brute. Everyone has their own skill set. Not everyone revels in bringing death where ever they go! Anger has brought a heathly red to her cheeks as she nearly snarls at Olaff.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

"I understand your anger sir. The creature has killed terrorized and killed a member of your family and this has not been singled out to only yourself. Many of your friends and neighbors have been forced to suffer the same pains. We sir only ask that we only be allowed to imprison this creature so we can put an end to these dark days. I will not stop you from ending this miserable creature's life but I ask you to reconsider based on it might lead us to finding if there are more of these creatures about and if that is the case where they may be hiding."

Tylur watched the anger in the man's face and knew his words would probably fall on deaf ears. Still he knew it was the correct course of action to take. Especially if more of these goblins about the last thing needed was for a mob of angry farmers to go about hunting and getting themselves hurt or killed.

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

Taking a deep breath and pulling her glare away from Olaff to look back at Barett, There is no need for you to have to bother your self with that creature anymore. I am certain the guards will put it to death but they may have some questions for it. Tylur is right.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24 Woot!

Male CN human (Ulfen) fighter (viking) 7 | HP: 67/67 | AC: 28 (14 Tch, 26 Fl) [+2 vs. critical] | CMB: +11, CMD: 31 | F: +9, R: +6, W: +8* | Init: +6 | Perc: +8, SM +2 | Speed 30ft (20ft in armor) | Active conditions: none.

Olaff readied himself for a retort... oh, he liked this, but then he looked at Aurora closely, her size, her pale and unscarred skin... he sighed and prepared to leave the room, "Dis is pointless... I vill alvays be de brrute barrbarrian in yarr eyes. Ve ulfen arre people just like ya, molded by ourr harrsh land... ven ya arre rready to take off yarr blindfold and get past yar prrejudice, den ve can talk... I vill be vaitin' outside." he nodded to all present in the room before leaving.

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

Looking down for a moment then refocusing on Barett, Damn my mouth went ahead of me... I will deal with him later.. when I am more calm.

How about I take you back to your family and let waving a hand over to Tylur, René, and Cordwin, them deal with the goblin? I am sure they are worried about you.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Listening to these two you might think they were fated to be with one another...hmmm.

Just looking at the hulking size of the northerner and the petite frame of Aurora he just could not see it happening.

But then again what would I know here I am fawning over an elf who is probably old enough to be my great grandmother if not older.

"Maiden Aurora while a part of me agrees with you it would be best to have Olaff stay and yourself stay with us."

There are far too many of these goblin occurrences going on and hopefully keeping the northerner here might be the additional persuasion needed to get this man to release the goblin to us.

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

René stayed silent between all this banter, occasionally letting out a soft chuckle at everything. As they talked/argued, he made his way carefully over to the sleeping goblin, pocketed it's dagger-- clearly to make sure it wouldn't have access to it--, and started to tie it up. After all, if they weren't going to kill it, the last thing he wanted was for it to wake up and start attacking them all again.

He kind of half agreed with the Northern though. Based on how he looked when they walked in, he'd probably be dead if they hadn't shown up, yet he was getting mad at them for not outright killing the creature? The way René saw it, the ones who had incapacitated it, got final say. Which here meant Cordwin. Plus he was admittedly curious as to if the goblin's presence here was as innocent as it it seemed. Although looking around, it didn't look like there was much about this particular house to have been targeted. But the goblin might have still had an interesting reason for sticking around after the raid.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

Barett is clearly offended by Olaff's words. "Pests? Pests?! I'd like to see you stand against that pest one on one, you arrogant Northman!" But Corwin and Aurora manage to soothe his temper and he decides to seek out his wife and son. "Fine, do what you like with it! But if it escapes and hurts someone else's child, you remember that I wanted to make sure that couldn't happen. On your own heads be it!"

René has pulled the goblin out of the hole in the floor and bound it as best he can. The dagger it was wielding appears to have been fashioned from a broken goblin weapon called a horse-chopper. Seems this goblin has an industrious streak.

GM Rolls:
1d20 ⇒ 12
1d20 ⇒ 6
1d20 ⇒ 17

Assuming you will be heading for the garrison now, let me know your marching order and who will be carrying the bound, sleeping goblin.
Roll me some sense motive checks!

Male CN human (Ulfen) fighter (viking) 7 | HP: 67/67 | AC: 28 (14 Tch, 26 Fl) [+2 vs. critical] | CMB: +11, CMD: 31 | F: +9, R: +6, W: +8* | Init: +6 | Perc: +8, SM +2 | Speed 30ft (20ft in armor) | Active conditions: none.

With high armor, good amount of hp, a nice perception and the role of trapfinder, I think Olaff will take the point in almost all occasions... let me know if you disagree, of course!

If Olaff noticed that the man was offended or if he even cared about it was unsure but the ulfen only answer to the man was a sonorous laugh before he approached the bounded goblin, checking the bounds, and then throwing it over his shoulder, "Man, dis crreaturre stinks! So, verre do I put dis bag'o crrap?"

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

"Thank you sir for trusting in us. We would rather the onus be our burden then yours. Your family waits for you at the Rusty Dragon." turning to the large northerner. "Off to the garrison, Olaf and it might be better to cover the goblin as opposed to walking in plain sight with it. Perhaps there is a burlap sack here we can use?"

Perception:searching for sack or container: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

I imagine the tiny healer would stay in the middle, where she is safest.

Nodding at Barett, "We understand that this will be on us."

Perception to look for something to cover the Goblin: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

oops Tylur would be beside or behind Olaff

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

I guess that leaves me mid to back of the group?

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

think so unless you want to walk like the gang from The Wizard of Oz

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

GM Rolls:

1d20 ⇒ 8
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
1d2 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1
Shalelu Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Cordwin Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Tylur Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
René Initiative: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Olaff Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Aurora Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Goblin Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Aurora heads into the kitchen area searching for a sack of some sort. Her instincts are rewarded when she locates an empty potato sack folded neatly on a shelf in a cabinet. She picks it up and heads toward Olaff who is now carrying the bound goblin out of the small child's bedroom. She notices something odd about the goblin's sleeping posture and stops to look more closely.

Too late, she realizes the goblin is only feigning sleep and is instead surreptitiously wiggling loose of it's bindings. She opens her mouth to warn Olaff that it is trying to get free, when it springs from his arms.

Initiative Order, Surprise
Goblin - Escape Artist: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 escaped!
---------------------------------------Round 1


Goblin is loose, but unarmed thanks to René. Aurora gets a surprise round action as she was the only one who saw through the gobby's bluff.
Then René, Cordwin and Tylur are up! Map positions have been adjusted.

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster

Letting an rather undignified squeak when the goblin springs out of Olaff's grasp. Reaching down to grab at her dagger. "Dirty liar!"

Male CN human (Ulfen) fighter (viking) 7 | HP: 67/67 | AC: 28 (14 Tch, 26 Fl) [+2 vs. critical] | CMB: +11, CMD: 31 | F: +9, R: +6, W: +8* | Init: +6 | Perc: +8, SM +2 | Speed 30ft (20ft in armor) | Active conditions: none.

Olaff yells as the goblin struggles and puts a finger in his eye, "YA FILTY PEST! Oh, ya better get down until I grrab my svorrd, because once I get it, I VILL CHOP YARR HEAD OFF!"

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Whoo Hoo! Rare Internet connectivity!

Cordwin is still rather pleased with himself for putting the goblin to sleep. With the man going to rejoin his family there is nothing left but to take the gob..

Cordwin's inner self-congratulatory is interrupted as the goblin starts to wiggle. Why you little! Cordwin says as he grabs the hammer from his back.

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

René starts chuckling again, though parts of it sound a little forced. Crap, it's still awake and between me and safety. And...I'm the one with its dagger. Which hopefully at least means it's less of a danger? Maybe I can help make it a bit less dangerous... As he mentally goes through his options, he backs slowly away.

Standard action: Evil eye goblin's to hit. DC14 Will save.
Move action: Cackle to extend evil eye by a round
Not an action: 5ft step backwards

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Tylur seems at a loss unsure what to do. Attacking it on Olaff's shoulder seemed very unwise for even as big as the man was one errant strike with any weapon would probably cut the northerner.

Tylur felt there was only one thing left to do. Running forward he tries grabs the creature before it can retaliate against Olaff or worse run off into the town.

grapple: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

I'm at work if something could move my token behind Olaff that would be great! Thanks

"Hold still!"

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