Yuki Kaijitsu |

We will get there sooner. I'll try and be done in the next couple days, things are better here already - just need to take care of those games in-progress first so I don't stall there longer than necessary while building a new char :)

Correna Soulburn |

OK, I admit I cheesed out and simplified my backstory as a simple local native looking for a way to explore ancient Thassilon. Sorry. Is that OK? Or do I need a more interesting background?

Storyteller Shadow |

Damn sorry passed out early last night and forgot to finish my PC!
I will try to be done tomorrow or the latest Tuesday night.

Yuki Kaijitsu |

Waiting for the mechanical 'ok' before I start the fluffening.
For the Scion of Legend/Parent part, while Lia might be more flavorful, I believe I would rather stat up Ran.
Lia is in an active Runelords game, after all - so the one I'll provide as Sihedron Hero is the Father, from Shattered Star.
(That said, Lia, assuming she survives, does have Spheresinger PRC complete. That means Lucid Dreaming, Dream Council, etc. It stands to reason she would sometimes contact her kid in dreams - so if you want to point us somewhere or give us a hint, that would work great for that.)

Correna Soulburn |

Sorry Correna, I forgot about your question. No, you need a very long or complex backstory. The most important single thing would be your amount of time in Roderic's Cove and the nature of your connection to the place.
OK...I can't tell if you are being funny/sarcastic or not...so I will work on that ASAP.
Storyteller Shadow |

OK, I will try to get to this by tonight when I get home, apologies again for my delay!

Correna Soulburn |

So...I'm assuming we are moving to a new Thread for the new AP soon? Or are we going to make do here for now?

Genevieva Ree |

OK, besides equipment she is complete! Average starting Gold correct? I might just start with a starter kit and spellbook at the moment so I don't need to get too far into the weeds with items I do not think...

DM Púca |

I've created the campaign page, and the discussion and gameplay threads are active.
Here's a link to the discussion thread:
There's not much set up yet, it turned out to be a busier weekend than I expected, but I'll be working on it over the next few days.
As far as your characters' connection to Roderic's Cove is concerned, this is what I found looking back through the character sheets.
Genevieva: Shorter time in town, a few weeks or a month or two? Not a long time resident.
Correna: I'm not sure, but your background seems to imply you grew up in the area? The farm is nearby in the vicinity or close to town? Like I said, I can see that implied maybe, but I'm not sure. Are you still living there, or have you left home and traveled to Roderic's Cove?
Grial: You're in Variasia, but don't mention Roderic's Cove specifically. Why are you there? How long?
"Yuki": Am I right to assume you're wherever Genevieva is? You share the same amount of time in town, etc.?
There is a reason I want to know. I'd like to handle Knowledge Local in the first part of the campaign a little differently than usual. Depending on length of tiem and purpose, I'm going to give each character some "free" information, about the town and it's people tailored to their circumstances. Being a lifelong resident won't give you more information than short term residents necessarily, but it will give you different information.
It's always seemed awkward and well, dumb, to have characters who have lived a place all their lives know nothing more about it in the beginning than someone who just showed up. On the other hand, nobody's knowledge of a place will be identical. So as an example, Genevieva may know who staying at the inn, and a couple of people who work there, better than a local. Correna may know her way around the shops, but little about the inn. That sort of thing.
So, each character will start with a couple or so locations they know without rolls. Same with NPCs. The information may or may not overlap.
I'm hoping this will also streamline things some at the beginning since we can skip rolls for some places, and some of the gathering info diplomacy stuff.
I would even take this a little farther and customized DCs on checks for characters based on their backgrounds. One character may know a fair amount of connected or adjacent information and so have an lower DC than another character who doesn't know those things. However, whether or not I go that far with it depends on you all being alright with that change to how skills work.
Anyway, you'll all be starting out initially at the center of town on market day. It isn't essential that you all now each other, but Roderic's Cove isn't a very big place so you'll probably all recognize each other by sight at least. Let me know those local background details and we'll get things rolling.

Yuki Kaijitsu |

One more thing@Genevieva: Ran did in fact have a sister - and he knew nothing about her fate, and most was left open. Lia also had a brother.
What I'm saying: You could not only be a guardian "technically", but you could be a proper aunt - regardless of body.
@Puca: Aye, I will have been with Genevieva. I'll try and get the profile finished ASAP.

Storyteller Shadow |

One more thing@Genevieva: Ran did in fact have a sister - and he knew nothing about her fate, and most was left open. Lia also had a brother.
What I'm saying: You could not only be a guardian "technically", but you could be a proper aunt - regardless of body.@Puca: Aye, I will have been with Genevieva. I'll try and get the profile finished ASAP.
OK. Let's merge the backgrounds together once you are written up :-)

Correna Soulburn |

Correna was raised in Roderic's cove. She longs to leave and explore ancient Thassilonian ruins however.