DM organized's Kingmaker

Game Master DM organized

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I’m recruiting one or two players for a Kingmaker campaign I’m about to launch. I already have 4 players lined up.

Games will be held 2-3 times on month, on Friday or Saturday night in four hour blocks. Time is flexible depending on group needs from week to week. Ideally we’ll run from 7-11pm central time.

The game will be hosted using Ttop RPG, a free virtual table top. Ttop RPG incorporates text chat, and we will not be using mics or webcams.

I’ve found that text chat lends to an exceptionally deep role playing experience. Role playing will be a major element of the game.

There will be a brand new player in the game, and several players with deep 3.x experience, but limited in Pathfinder. There will likely be a good deal of teaching going on as we play.

Please respond here, in full, when you have the time. I won’t be making any decisions until next Monday (Aug. 5th). Order of applications will have no impact so please take your time.

Character Creation Guidelines
15 point build
Max HP at first level
150 gold
1 trait (campaign)
Races limited to core (human, dwarf, elf, Halfling, gnome, halforc, half elf)
Any other Paizo materials ok, minus alt rules (words of power, called shot, ect).

Please read over the Kingmaker Players Guide.

You don’t need to post your entire character sheet but this is what I do want to see.

1. Player Background (when did you start playing, favorite systems, anything you want to include.)

2. Availability

3. Knowledge of Golarion on a 1-10 scale. 1= I know nothing/ 10= Paizo developer

4. Race/Class/Alignment/Ability Scores/Campaign Trait

5. Character Background/Personality/Aspirations

Thanks in advance to anyone who takes to the time to apply.

Grand Lodge

Background: Started playing here on the Paizo boards, just a couple months ago. So Pathfinder is kind of all I know, along with some LIGHT 3.5 D&D knowledge.

Availability: Friday-Saturday. I can easily play between 7-11PM.

Knolwedge of Golarion: 1

Race: Gnome
Class: Bard
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Ability Scores: 10 STR/14 DEX/10 CON/14 INT/12 WIS/15 CHA
Campaign Trait: Rostlander

Character Background:
A short and well-traveled little gnome, Capriccio took to music at a young age. Learning the violin as his first tool for crafting song. He began to learn that he seemed to hold a power in his strings, one that could sway the minds and opinions of him with the right tunes. Following in his father's footsteps, he began a trader of goods when his 'job' at playing and performing for money didn't pan out.

Capriccio was ruthless at his job. Always trying to get the best deals, make the most money, wring every single copper he could from his customers. Even going so far as to hiring Thieves to steal from his competition and fencing the goods. All in the name of profit.

However, when he had thoroughly driven all the merchants from the Market Square of the city, and his customers knew about his ruthless tactics, people slowly stopped coming. Having heard the rumors swirling around him about his profits made. So, people feelings they had been scammed by him broke into his shop, stole everything of value and burned it to the ground.

Capriccio made it out alive with a bag of gold for all his years of effort. With his shop smoldering behind him, he set out on an adventure to build an even greater empire of wealth for himself, and acquire even more rare treasures.

Capriccio is a clever and successful trader. He built his life on getting the best deals and getting the most of others. He's very good and being convincing and speaking eloquently. Even using some of his Bardic powers to charm or entertain others to sway their minds. He isn't above hiring some muscle to do his dirty work for him, but he doesn't hire them to kill. Only to steal, or shake a competitor down.

To re-build his shop. Only bigger and better.

Links for your convenience:

Ttop Rpg Virtual Table Top
Kingmaker Players Guide

Dark Archive

Availabilty on the Friday only of the two days given.

Experienced RP er from way back. Been running/ playing virtual games for over two years now-originally on Gametable but now switched to d20 Roller. Favourite systems are Mongoose Traveller, Savage Worlds and Pathfinder.

knowledge of Golarion patchy but quite good: GM ing JR and CC: I have LOF in Reserve to run at some point. So maybe a 7?

Race: Half Elf/N /Ranger Trapper
Probably STR 16, DX 14, CON 12, INT 12, WIS 11, CHR 10
Trait: Brigand-reskinned as 'Bounty Hunter': but otherwise exactly the same.

A result of her River Trader mother and a wandering (and unknown) elf father, Ariel was raised among the river Traders of the River Kingdoms. Her aptitude for woodcraft lured her away from her family to pursue a varied career of scout, bounty hunter and general opportunist.

Her wanderings have led her north into Brevoy, where she has become aware of the Adveturing Charters....

This is a good opportunity for new players (since we're going to be in a teaching mode anyway) or someone with more experience with Golarion to help along with some of the flavor.

Very interested, will post up details tonight when I get home. If you dont mind me asking, what roles and classes are already.covered?

It looks like we have a Paladin, mage, cleric, and rogue type working on characters now, so the two I pick from here could be anything.

So, let us begin.


I have been playing DnD since 3.0 came out, though I grew up reading the rulebooks for ADnD. Im 25, to give you an idea of how much time ive spend reading various rulebooks. I have been playing Pathfinder since it was released, and have a pretty good knowledge of the rules. Ive been interested in an online game for awhile, due to my homegroup being too big. I have seen both sides of the GM screen, and am comfortable filling in whatever roles are needed and helping others with the rules. I generally prefer to play Martial, Knightly or Paladin esque characters. Almost always good characters.

I am in Eastern time, here in the US, so I believe im an hour ahead of you? So 7 your time is 8 my time. I get off work between 7-8 my time and can be home and ready by 8:30 on Friday, though on Saturday I can be available by 7 my time. I can play both days, no problem, and will be reliable for every session.

Knowledge of Golarion
I am familiar with a decent amount of the world, though mainly just from a Rise of the Runelords perspective and from what I have gleaned on the boards and the Wiki. I am most familiar with Cheliax and Varisia, and have a fair knowledge of the Gods of the world.

Id give myself a 6, 5 to be safe.


Fighter-Brawler Archetype

Neutral or Lawful Good

Ability Scores

Campaign Trait

I never knew my parents. All I can remember is growing up in the country of Cheliax, and being secretly raised in the faith of Cayden Cailen. I was raised by my Uncle, though he never gave his last name, or mine. I simply knew him as Jonathan. As I grew older, my talents for battle became apparent, and my Uncle arranged for me to be trained by some of the finest in Cheliax. Unfortunately, I would rather spend my time with my fellow priest, drinking and brawling in true Cayden fashion. I honed my skills in bars across Westcrown, until my unknown past caught up with me.

During one of my Uncle's scheduled training duels, my opponent, a cocky young noble from the country of Brevoy, though I had never heard of it at the time. During our fight, the noble held nothing back, and went for my life. Though wounded, I took his life, but in turn was banished from the city for breaking the law. My Uncle, knowing my past had caught up with me, guided me to travel north, to Brevoy, and join an adventuring group taking on the charters. He reasoned that perhaps I would be safer hiding right under my foes eyes, where they would not look for me until it was too late.

Before I left, he gifted me with a scrap of cloth, with the insignia of a crossed swords above a chalice, over a field of blue. He told me that my family used to be prominent nobles in Brevoy, but they were betrayed and destroyed, myself the sole heir. He still would not tell me the actual name of my family, but said when the time was right, I would find it.

And so I left, traveling north to Brevoy...and adventure.

Alexander is a kind man, if a bit brash and reckless. Confident and cocky, he is eager to take on any challenge, and dreams of one day meeting his end, or his future, in the Starstone Test just like Cayden did before. Always quick to come to the aid of a friend, he is a loyal companion and true friend.

Alexander dreams of discovering his family name, and why someone from a country he had never heard of wants him dead. Like Cayden, he considers himself a freedom fighter and born adventurer, and is always looking for the next big adventure. Secretly, he hopes to one day start a family, though the thrill of passing the Test of the Starstone always lingers on his mind.

There we go, that's a good rough start for now.

The length of responses have been perfect for my considerations at this time.

Dark Archive

Here is Areils' sheet:

My initial four players (some friends I used to game with) met last night and finalized their classes.

Our new player initially liked Cleric, but decided to go fighter at the last minute. Probably not a terrible thing since it's less complex.

Also my rogue type ended up choosing a Ranger Trapper.

Paladin of Erastil - sword scion
Fighter - issian
Ranger-Trapper - pioneer
Fey blood line sorcerer - briggand

If anyone wants to tweak or resubmit due to redundancy, I would have no issues with that.

Arodus Valerii

Player Background:
I've been doing this RP thing for nearly two decades now. I've run and played things from TMNT to Cyberpunk. From Robotech to L5R. From World of Darkness to Saturday Morning Cartoon Action Hour.
I'm an RPer first and foremost. I play for story and growth. This is an interactive film script to me so it's all bout the tale and the numbers be damned.

Out of the two days it's Friday for me. My Fridays are open so wherever and whenever.

Knowledge of Golarion:
An easy 9. I hated AD&D, found it nothing more than an Arms Race and Powergamers playground. It had no depth IMO and tacked on as well as hallow settings, that did not seem to matter in the end anyway. So when my friends asked me to run something called Pathfinder based on 3.5 I headed for the hills. So once they caught me, nailed me to a chair through my hands and feet, stapled my eyelids open and force-fed my the books I fell in love with it. THIS is what D&D should have always been. I absorbed everything I laid my hands on. Gods to Daemons. Cheliax to Osirion (Yay! Someone created Kemet at last!) and the races and cultures. The only reason I do not say 10 is there is so much to learn.

Human of Chelaxian Blood.

Fighter (Going for a Showy Sword and Board type

Lawful Evil - Slooow up! Stop throwing food at me at listen! Arodus is an Imperial in his heart. He has a Warrior's mind and the fact is that Warriors kill and often they do not make excuses for why they do it. An enemy is killed over "meaningless" things like Flags in a war. Needs of the many vs needs of the few is some pretty cold DooDoo to say and to act on. He has his own code of honor and it's based on the battlefield and not the Royal Court. People often get stuck on the Evil and miss the Lawful. For any Empire to rise and stay strong you must have rules and codes and Arodus lives that....he just has no issues with blood and dominance.

Ability Scores:
STR: 15 (2 Human) DEX: 15 CON: 10 INT: 13 WIS: 10 CHA: 12

Campaign Trait:
Noble Born (Medvyed) "childhood friend of a noble scion"
Marcus Medvyed, and I attended my mentor all our young lives.

(Alexander The Great meets Riddick)
Arodus is a young man driven by what he feels is the weight of his blood and his father's failure.
From a once proud and powerful Noble House in Cheliax his father's play for more power was undercut by another weaker house he allied with. The other house felt it was safer to move up in power by betraying The Valerii than risking a loss by fighting with them against their mutual foes. The over all failure caused a massive loss of face and their exile was more a matter of punishment for failing than any kind of betrayal of the Throne. (The Valerii, while not supporters of Thrune never moved to rebel due to the deep loyalty in their line to "The Throne" no matter who sat on it. None the less with so many hungry eyes in The Empire one less powerful bloodline is always a good thing.)

Arodus tends to be serious about everything he does. A sort of cold focus surrounds him. An arrogance that he wears like armor may put some off but that is due more to misunderstanding than anything else since he does not bother trying to convince others of his greatness but is always pushing his allies to be better today than they were yesterday. A friend for life if shown respect and if you are of "what he calls" Honor.
Betrayal is the greatest sin any being can commit in his mind and a traitor is no better than a beast of the land. In fact lower than one.

He has a great respect for all the Gods but his main focus is Gorum and Asmodeus. Gorum for any Man of War that does not embrace Our Lord in Iron is a fool and Asmodeus for his focus on Law and Order at any cost.

Arodus is a young man caught between the epic tales told to him by his father and the filthy reality of his fallen status. He has seen other men rise due to their blood or who they knew but he, with the very blood of Gods in his veins, can only watch.
He will not accept that.
Arodus seeks to surpass the old Glory of his House and build it enough. Larger and stronger than it once was. He seeks to become a legend in his own time and to have his name be synonymous with Greatness. He will see to the creation of a new Throne of Man. An Empire that will rival Thassilon, Ancient Osirion and even Azlant. It will shine so brightly that even the Gods will favor it.

Character Background:

I am Arodus Valerii.

This means nothing. Not yet. It is simply who I am .......and I am nothing.
The first and only son of Castrian and Illumia of the fallen and shamed House Valerii.

The dead House Valerii of Cheliax. Once of Taldane. Once of Azlant!
Our Blood is that of the first men and the Lords of the World.
For Father the Glory of our past was not enough as long as the Devil Whores of Thrune sat above us in the now Infernal Cheliax.

...but this is not his story.

It is enough to say that his choices in allies were poor and we had snakes in hand when we thought we had swords.
We fled like rats to of all places Taldane where our old foes and resentful kin as one rejected and hounded us.
The River Kingdoms were next where we bartered and sold most of our great wealth to become faceless merchants. Time would bring us to Brevoy.

I am the brother of Valeria, who's Wyld blood pulses with the power of the First World.
And Drusilla who speaks with Trees.
It is no simple boast that ours is the blood of Legends. The Blood of Aroden. My blood.

Listen at me, sounding like a poet.
To the point then....

I am of War.
When most children played with sticks and tree forts I followed the Soldiers to war and back from the fronts.
Father would not allow me to go to the front but I bore shields and ran messages for heroes. I sat in as they spoke and many taught me the ins and out of conflict. No not the front lines but I have seen war and I have spilled the blood of the enemy. The greatest of my teachers, Varkis Brell the Hero of the Battle of Falling Stars.
He taught me nearly all I know and introduced me to Gorum our Lord in Iron.
Then he died. A sword through his face and out the back of his Helm. I carry it to this day.

...I grow tired of this talk now.
Mount up, we move out at dawn.

DM organized wrote:

Paladin of Erastil - sword scion
Fighter - issian
Ranger-Trapper - pioneer
Fey blood line sorcerer - briggand

If anyone wants to tweak or resubmit due to redundancy, I would have no issues with that.


I guess I spent so long creating Arodus that you put this up while posting.

Hmmm well if you have too much "fighty" going on I have a Great Witch Concept too, just let me know.

Dark Archive

Have reskinned my submission (Ariel) as a BArd Archaeologist:

Will have a different idea up tonight.

Will have Life Oracle up tonight.

So, let us begin.


I have been playing DnD since 3.0 came out, though I grew up reading the rulebooks for ADnD. Im 25, to give you an idea of how much time ive spend reading various rulebooks. I have been playing Pathfinder since it was released, and have a pretty good knowledge of the rules. Ive been interested in an online game for awhile, due to my homegroup being too big. I have seen both sides of the GM screen, and am comfortable filling in whatever roles are needed and helping others with the rules. I generally prefer to play Martial, Knightly or Paladin esque characters. Almost always good characters.

I am in Eastern time, here in the US, so I believe im an hour ahead of you? So 7 your time is 8 my time. I get off work between 7-8 my time and can be home and ready by 8:30 on Friday, though on Saturday I can be available by 7 my time. I can play both days, no problem, and will be reliable for every session.

Knowledge of Golarion
I am familiar with a decent amount of the world, though mainly just from a Rise of the Runelords perspective and from what I have gleaned on the boards and the Wiki. I am most familiar with Cheliax and Varisia, and have a fair knowledge of the Gods of the world.

Id give myself a 6, 5 to be safe.



Chaotic Good Cleric of Cayden Cailean.

Ability Scores

Campaign Trait

I never knew my parents. All I can remember is growing up in the country of Cheliax, and being secretly raised in the faith of Cayden Cailen. I was raised by my Uncle, though he never gave his last name, or mine. I simply knew him as Jonathan. As I grew older, my talents and lust for adventure grew, and my Uncle arranged for me to be trained by some of the finest in Cheliax. Unfortunately, I would rather spend my time with my fellow priest, drinking and brawling in true Cayden fashion. I honed my skills in bars across Westcrown, until my unknown past caught up with me.

During one of my Uncle's scheduled training duels, my opponent, a cocky young noble from the country of Brevoy, though I had never heard of it at the time, challenged me to a duel to first blood. During our fight, the noble held nothing back, and went for my life. Though wounded, I took his life, but in turn was banished from the city for breaking the law. My Uncle, knowing my past had caught up with me, guided me to travel north, to Brevoy, and join an adventuring group taking on the charters. He reasoned that perhaps I would be safer hiding right under my foes eyes, where they would not look for me until it was too late.

Before I left, he gifted me with a scrap of cloth, with the insignia of a crossed swords above a chalice, over a field of blue. He told me that my family used to be prominent nobles in Brevoy, but they were betrayed and destroyed, myself the sole heir. He still would not tell me the actual name of my family, but said when the time was right, I would find it.

And so I left, traveling north to Brevoy, feeling the call of The Accidental God...and adventure.

Alexander is a kind man, if a bit brash and reckless. Confident and cocky, he is eager to take on any challenge, and dreams of one day meeting his end, or his future, in the Starstone Test just like Cayden did before. Always quick to come to the aid of a friend, he is a loyal companion and true friend.

Alexander dreams of discovering his family name, and why someone from a country he had never heard of wants him dead. Like Cayden, he considers himself a freedom fighter and born adventurer, and is always looking for the next big adventure. Secretly, he hopes to one day start a family, though the thrill of passing the Test of the Starstone always lingers on his mind.

Here we go, a reskinned version of Alexander, but with the same basic premise. Went Cleric that way the group would have better access to spells they may need and Channeling for heals. In true Cayden fasion, id prefer for him to fight with a rapier when he must, though with this point buy im having trouble with stats. If I do get in, I really don't want to make a character designed to use an Agile Rapier in combat, but bleh...any other way of using the Rapier is going to make me useless in melee. All well, ill figure something out. But this is a rough idea. If one of your players chooses to go with Cleric instead then well...ill cross that bridge when I get to it!

I picture this guy as a swashbuckling free spirit, with a love of booze, ladies, and adventure!

Dark Archive

Saturdays are currently now free if that helps also.

Approaching last call for submissions.

Monday, right? I'm still working on mine. I need to read up a bit on the setting to finalize the background.

I'll decide sometime on Monday.

I'd like to stick with Arodus due to really digging his concept but if you feel two fighters are too many then Enter The Witch....

Wynter (Lavonia Jadwiga Elvanna) "The Witch of Red Snows"

Player Background:
I've been doing this RP thing for nearly two decades now. I've run and played things from TMNT to Cyberpunk. From Robotech to L5R. From World of Darkness to Saturday Morning Cartoon Action Hour.
I'm an RPer first and foremost. I play for story and growth. This is an interactive film script to me so it's all about the tale and the numbers be damned.

Friday for me. My Fridays are open so wherever and whenever.

Knowledge of Golarion:
An easy 9. I hated AD&D, found it nothing more than an Arms Race and Powergamers playground. It had no depth IMO and tacked on as well as hallow settings, that did not seem to matter in the end anyway. So when my friends asked me to run something called Pathfinder based on 3.5 I headed for the hills. So once they caught me, nailed me to a chair through my hands and feet, stapled my eyelids open and force-fed my the books I fell in love with it. THIS is what D&D should have always been. I absorbed everything I laid my hands on. Gods to Daemons. Cheliax to Osirion (Yay! Someone created Kemet at last!) and the races and cultures. The only reason I do not say 10 is there is so much to learn.

Jadwiga (Humans from Irrisen that are of Baba Yaga's Royal Blood)

Winter Witch (Old School Camp Tales come to life)

Lawful Evil (Noblesse oblige) or Chaotic Neutral

Ability Scores:
STR: 8 DEX: 14 CON: 10 INT: 17(+2/Human) WIS: 10 CHA: 14

Campaign Trait:
Noble Born (Surtova)
She was fostered with The Surtova in the hopes that she would die off.

(Julia Cotton meets Ursa)
Wynter is akin to a long harsh winter in many ways. She is a quiet and cold beauty that seems inviting in the right light but danger is implied at the same time. A still and silent sky could give way to punishing winds, cutting sleet or killing cold. She has a sensual way about her that draws some in but a slightly alien quality stares back from behind her eyes. She plays with her food, so to speak.

Jadwiga Lavonia "The Witch Queen" had a nice ring to it all her short life. Since she was a girl in Whitethrone, tales of her Greatest Grandmother kept her up at night through a mix of terror, awe and excitement. She knew she was not close enough to Queen Elvanna in blood nor favor to ever climb high enough but as the 100 years draws near she wondered if Baba Yaga could see in her what Lavonia saw in herself.
Now with even that dream stolen from her she claws her way through life in exile seeking to prove and test herself against Life. In the back of her mind an image of White Witches on Winter Wolves riding out of a Blizzard.

Character Background:
Lavonia Jadwiga Elvanna was born into the Noble courts of the Jawiga, the ruling class of frozen Irrisen. A land of Trolls, Winter Wolves and Icy Fey where monsters walk the streets and people hide in their homes from cold and beast.

Lavonia was never treated well in the palace due to some great crime her own mother committed against her betters. Because of Lavonia being High Born she was spared her mother's fate and given to a great aunt to be raised. What little she was able to put together, it seems that her mother had a thirst for power and knowledge that threatened the stability of the Nobility. Her Mothers constant power plays and manic research would lead to rapid advancement but nearly as often some sort of calamity. The final act had something to do with a Master of "The Frozen Hell".

None will tell her more, not even her Mother's true name, all record of her stricken from history but she left behind a legacy, "Witch of Red Snows", so called for her brutality on the battlefield and the way she could command the forces of winter to devastate foe.
To ensure she would not grow to be as her mother was, Lavonia was more drilled than raised. Noblesse oblige was used as a scalpel to carve her into form. Beatings and starvation to enforce the lesson.
She endured and learned. Her Great Aunt feeling Lavonia's power growing at a young age, nothing to speak of as of yet, a mere spark but for her age? Threatening.

It was decided that a "soft exile" was best to deal with the problem. Lavonia would bot be killed by their hands but she would die all the same and her cursed blood with her. She was fostered with Brodis Surtova, a scheming man with ties to the Regent of Brevoy far to the East. Brodis and his wife Julia had a son that was known to take advantage of farmer's daughters as well as drank too much. It was a happy exchange.

Now, of age, she has started to be more open about her research as well as her dedication to Witchcraft. Each Winter Court brought the Surtovas more and more shame and political damage. They were more than happy to send her off to the South to "Slum around in Restov", unaware of her interest in a certain Charter.

Normally wouldn't have a problem with 2 fighters, but when the party has a fighter, ranger, and paladin that's already three out of four fighter types.

Witch is a better option.

DM organized wrote:

Normally wouldn't have a problem with 2 fighters, but when the party has a fighter, ranger, and paladin that's already three out of four fighter types.

Witch is a better option.

Roger that Boss!

Wynter it is.

1. Player Background
I've been playing pnp for 15 years now and seriously roleplaying for about 10 starting with pbp and then following with 8 years on NWN purely RP focused servers. Currently I'm roleplaying in multiple ways, I still pbp though as the page where I used to play changed a lot and is now very casual and kid friendly I moved over here and to RPGateway. I also still RP in NWN and help build and create content for few servers and I also have 3 RL pnp groups and one roll20 online group. I enjoy most (a)DnD 2-3.5 edition (but I despise 4th) and Pathfinder though I'm also currently playing GURPS, VtM, SW:EotE, Shadowrun and few custom systems. I enjoy game systems and mathematics in theory but in actual game I prefer roleplay and character development over combat as I enjoy greatly to create and play complex characters that are fun to play not only for me but also fun to play with for others.

2. Availability
Both Friday and Saturday easily with 99% attendance, I hate missing a session and I avoid places without internet connection like a plague. Currently I'm available on US evenings/nights on all days but Thursday.

3. Knowledge of Golarion on a 1-10 scale.
3 at the moment I'm afraid as I've been playing pathfinder for a while but all games had been either set in FR or custom settings with only one set in Golarion and that one sadly didn't lasted very long as the DM had to cut it short. I don't have problem to read up on it, I did went through the kingmaker character creation manual and looked up some other information I needed for the character backgrounds (And that would be the main reason why I'm posting them at the last minute). But to be honest with new setting I usually instead prefer to just read up on the location and basics I need to make a well-set character and for everyone else it is much more fun to discover the world together with my character. I know a lot about FR yet I learned most of it during actual roleplay instead from books and I believe it is main reason why I hold that world so dear and have many fond memories of it. So I'd like to discover Golarion the same way.

4. Race/Class/Alignment/Ability Scores/Campaign Trait
I have two characters that could possibly fit in so I thought it might be best if I'll offer them both as they are very different and either of them would fit in the group in completely different way.

a) Rose Red Rake portrait
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Ability scores: str 12, dex 17, con 12, int 14, wis 10, cha 9
Trait: Brigand

b) Oak portrait
Race: Half-orc
Class: Druid (heavily focused on healing)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Ability Scores: str 14, dex 10, con 14, int 8, wis 17, cha 10
Trait: Pioneer

5. Character Background/Personality/Aspirations

a) Rose Red Rake - Cold scary lady, the professional

Rose might be an orphan, might be as she will never really find out, maybe they stole her, from what she heard she wouldn't be the first one but that's past long lost and it hardly matters. What she can remember is growing up in dirty brothel in poor district of the New Stetven. It was one of those where the owner figured out that orphans take a while to grow up but the employees that don't need the pay are the best. They grew up into it and most of them got used to it, it was all they knew so what would they change. But not Rose, she was a troublemaker, as a kid she didn't liked cleaning dirty rooms and changing dirty sheets and when she grown up enough to start to really "work", she hated that even more. The owner did all he could to discipline her and teach her proper manners. He knew nothing of sugar but was very familiar with whip yet no matter what he did as soon as Rose could stand up her fierceness returned. It was almost admirable as she grew even more resistant and stubborn with every punishment, but then again some customers did liked it that way. It worked well until that damned winter. The brothel was dirty low place though it was visited by occasion by wealthy citizens with more... peculiar taste as the owner was not too concerned about what they would do. This one was son of a wealthy merchant, while his father had a dinner at noble house the son was wandering darker alleys looking for a special dessert. He liked them fierce so he could tame them and he and Rose were quite familiar with each other, she had quite a few scars to witness. To his bad luck it was quite cold winter and someone forgot big iron rake lying in the fireplace and the short and beaten up girl was hateful and fierce enough to notice and use it well. She burned her hand but the other end was much more hot and she knew where to aim. Mutilated man folded like a closed book while losing any hopes of starting a family on his own collapsed on the floor producing a wail that would make a banshee proud. The owner ran up but what he didn't expected as soon as he kicked the doors open was still quite hot and red rake right between the eyes. Rose helped herself to clothes and money pouch of the merchant's son who was already halfway to being a daughter and ran out into the cold night.

She didn't knew much of the city, let alone Brevoy but she was smart enough to realize one thing, she had to get away because now there were people who had quite a reason to hate her and had enough money to make her pay. She spent ill gained money to get some more fitting and practical clothes, leather armour, travelling gear and a sharp dagger and headed south. Soon she found out that the life out there is hard and rough, but not more than she was already used to. She was quick learner and smart enough to earn a place in small bandit group. She learned the trade and started to call herself Rose Red Rake, spreading the story of what she did to a guy once and few more other stories to make sure they'd leave her alone. And so she quickly adapted among the group reputation of scary cold lady which grown even more as they found out that she didn't seemed to think twice before slitting someone's throat, as long as it was a guy. And as long as she was sure he earned it.

Not so long ago they did a job with another bunch, it was supposed to be robbery but due to greed of the leader from the other bunch it turned into a kidnapping. That night she was wary, she didn't trusted the other band and sneaked into the tent with the kidnap victim only to find out that the bandit leader had some ulterior motives. With his pants down and attention elsewhere he didn't noticed anything until she slit his throat in the cold blood. The lady or whatever she was appeared quite shocked but calmed down when Rose cut the ropes and let her escape before heading off on her own again, searching for a place where to lie low until number of people that have revenge plans with her doesn't drop to its usual value.

Rose is fairly short standing only at 5' 4" but her athletic body build and number of scars make her look more sturdy and resilient than frail. She has long brown-reddish curly hair, always unbound and quite often kind of tangled and cold light blue eyes that helped her quite a lot to master the art of deadly glaring. The most noticeable are the scars, there's quite a few even on her face, though few years ago she had some red tattoos made crossing her face to hide most of the scars or at least those that didn't made her look scary. She likes to look scary and for someone of her size she does darn good job at it. Also there's always very nice collection of tools and especially sharp metal things on her and she seems to like bandannas as they are quite practical no matter if you need makeshift bag or choke someone with it.

Rose appears to be very cold, merciless, focused on work at hand and not really bothering to hide her disdain of men, she grown to be bitter and cynical. She never had any real friends and doesn't get the concept much as she learned to make her way through the life on her own no matter what. Despite her origins she's very organized by her nature, in her job she's professional and perfectionist and she has set personal moral code and pride that seems nearly subconscious and natural to her and she rarely questions it. She finishes the job on hand if possible, she has her specific procedures and ways she works, she likes to plan and have strategy before an action, she would never allow for a woman to be harassed by a man, she has no problem killing those who she believes that deserve it and men can get into this group much faster than women yet she wouldn't kill someone who she considers innocent just because it would be convenient. This all sets her into the rare group of lawful rogues.
Towards others she's rather distrusting, keeping her distance and hiding her emotions. It's bit of subconscious protection for her when she makes herself to appear as cruel, scary, cold and rough as possible. But is that all there is to her, is she just hateful product of her origins or could there be something more than a brash cold rogue, only time will tell.

To survive and do her job, if possible use the situation to get something that makes either of those two easier as getting money, useful items, removing enemies and so on.


b) Oak - In the woods under big tree, gentle oak watch over thee.

Oak was born in woods, in orcish camp... somewhere, he can't remember where. His mother was a prisoner, or rather a slave after all those years. The orcs kept few humans for fun and all the woman work, to take care of their wounds and cook their meals. They broke sometimes but they could always raid a village or two and get more. Their young were weak and not as good warriors as orcs but they still had some use. Oak was one of those, he was odd child, always happy and always trying to wander into the woods. He had friends among the birds and squirrels and mice and he liked to talk with them. Adults were mean to him but he didn't mind, the butterflies were nice and his mother was nice too. She taught him the nice language that wasn't as rough as the one of the big adults used but he still liked the one of the birds better. But she told him nice stories too and the fairy tales ended happily but she always seemed bit sad. She taught him how to clean and bandage wounds too so they would heal and people get better, he found wounded bunny and it worked on bunnies too but he had to hide it because if adults would find it they would eat it. Mother also taught him to cook, she taught him the good foods and the foods adults liked, there was a big difference. Oak liked cooking more than fighting other kids tried to teach him, he was biggest kid with pink mother, as big as those with green mothers but he still didn't liked fighting. He tried to focus on it but then... oh look butterfly. He liked cooking more. And talking to his friends, he made more friends but he still had to hide them. He grown up to be as big as other adults but he remained different, due to his size some claimed that he has to be the chieftain's son but he made them dismiss that idea as something so puny couldn't be of his own blood. Then Oak's mother started to cough badly and soon died and he was very sad and he would've been very lonely if not for his friends. And soon when next spring came orcs left the camp and headed out to fight and Oak went with them because he was already big and they needed someone to cook and take care of their wounds. But soon Oak saw how orcs killed pink people, humans, in cold blood, even if they didn't fought back and burned their homes with more of them inside and he knew it is very bad to waste lives like this. He turned away and walked into a forest and when two orcs noticed and went after him to catch him all they found was unpenetrable thicket and thorny bushes.

Oak kept wandering through the woods, his friends helped him and he made many new friends too. He walked through the woods and when they had been scared or hurt he helped them and the woods smiled at him and gave him the life in his hands to help, heal and make the sickness go away. He helped young wolf who stepped into a trap and a wolverine who ate bad berries and elk with arrow in its back and many others. But he couldn't help all of them, so was the nature. Once he found sick wounded hunter and he helped him too because it was the right thing to do and it was fair. The hunter told him that all people in his village are sick, even the little ones and Oak left the woods to help. He came and he did cured those he could but soon there was another village where someone needed help, and then another. He travelled among humans but he still returned to woods, to his friends. Sometimes he met other nature people, he liked them and they were sometimes interested in him so he smiled at them, sometimes they told him interesting stories but most of them wanted to stay in the woods while Oak liked the life everywhere. Once he went into city and even though there were lots of stone and noise he found piece of nature in the middle of it too. The bushes had odd shapes but there were butterflies too. There were animal friends who needed help in the city too, some of them used to live with the humans but ended thrown out or their humans died. Often humans were mean to them and they needed his help so he stayed and helped them.

Then he headed south. He came near the land humans call stolen and he found it very odd because one can't steal a land like Jenny steals a shiny things. Jenny was one of his best friends, he knew her since she broke her egg, she was very little back then and he held the egg in his hand and there were little humans watching and one named her Jenny because humans like to give animals silly names. But Jenny liked it, she is bit odd for a raven, but Oak is odd both for human and for orc so they are good friends. The borders were harsh and many people and animals needed his help, there were often people hurt by the bad people living in the stolen lands. They hurt even women and little humans sometimes and it makes Oak grumpy like old bear.

Oak is big enough to pass for full blooded orc even though his appearance reveals his human side. He is big hulking behemoth, easily reaching seven and half feet. Even so up close he only rarely scares someone, he seems always bit absent minded and smiling kindly and he might seem bit stupid especially when he zones out which happens often if there are butterflies around. Yet there is that something that makes it almost look he knows something you don't, something in that smile probably. He usually doesn't smell so badly as he does likes to swim but his oddly blonde hair are usually tangled a lot with leaves and twigs randomly sticking out. One might easily muse if some pair of songbirds doesn't use his head as a nest at times and on second thought it seems quite likely. Same can be said about his beard but as he's still quite young it's not so wild or long. He wears patchwork-like robe put together from whatever piece of cloth people give him and aside the raven he seems also accompanied by fuzzy pony who is obviously way too small to be ridden by the half-orc but seems to loyally carry those few bags of possessions which are mostly herbs, bandages and other healing supplies. They can't be very heavy after all.

Oak is very kind spirit, he is bit odd even for a druid as he seems to have quite some natural talent for nature magic and other druidic means as he is purely self taught, with help of his animal friends as he believes he can talk to any animal, fish included. As he never had druid master he doesn't know about some specifics of druidic meetings or secret language. Oak respects the balance but believes that his place in the nature is to help, heal and protect. He is that kind side of nature of mothers taking care of their young and packs protecting its members. Despite his soft nature he can be angered by cruelty and pointless destruction. He might seem odd or even stupid due to his absent-mindness. His thoughts just seems to wander different ways but he can also be very empathetic and understanding both of people and animals and sometimes even beyond as there seems to be some deep wisdom behind his actions and words even though it's something that comes naturally to him, without much thought. He is quite strange but maybe in a good way, in one way he might resemble naive child and in other there seems to be wisdom of ages buried deep within.

Oak's goals are simple, help, heal, protect. He is wanderer who always keep going heading where he is needed and where he feels he should go by his intuition. As opposed to other druids he doesn't prefer one type of place or settling somewhere as he sees nature and life everywhere around himself no matter if it's forest, plains, city or a cave.

Recruitment is now closed. I will post a decision later tonight.

Eagerly awaiting a decision...

Tough call. I'm afraid I'm going to have to sleep on it.

Thanks applicants. All the submissions were quality in my opinion. It was very hard for me to choose.

One of the choices I've been struggling with is to add one or two players for a total of five or six. I've been back and forth on this almost daily since I made the initial post.

I really wanted to add two. I know how hard (and frustrating) it can be to post a quality application and get looked over. For the time being though I am only taking one. This is my first time GMing a live game using a virtual table top, and I'm concerned six players might slow the game down too much.

Inner Heru -
As I mentioned the fighter types got heavily represented, and I had concerns about Witch/Paladin inter-party conflict that I've dealt with in the past and do not wish to revisit. Also no Saturday availability was basically a disqualification.

Bad pixie and Caprico -
A bard sounded like a really nice addition. At the times when I was leaning towards six players my time was spent trying to decide which of you I would choose. Keep an eye on your inbox. If digital dice rolls, timers, and drop down AoE boxes speed up game play enough to counter typing time, I might be contacting you in the near future.

Shadoven & Wendigo Metalwolf -
Another tough choice. Given the needs of the party, the cleric seemed like the easy choice of 5th player right until the druid showed up and gave me something to chew.

I really liked the concept of the cleric of Cayden Cailean. I'm sure it would be a total credit to the party and bring much role play joy.

After reviewing my party composition and the adventure I'm going to go with Oak the half-orc druid. I find the player concept positively charming, and I think that adventure as written just has a bit more to offer to followers of Erastil and nature worshipers. Again Shadoven, keep an eye on your inbox. With new players nothing is for sure.

Wendigo- My email is in profile. Please send me a completed character sheet ASAP, or by Thursday afternoon at the very latest.

I'll reply to you with more info.

Thanks again and best wishes everyone.

No problem, and good luck to the chosen! Ill be watching my inbox.

I was in no way involved in this thread, but I just read through because I'm super interested in playing or running Kingmaker.

I just wanted to say something as a person who has submitted characters for selection in various campaigns:
to DM Organized, People really appreciate the explanation of why they got passed over or not selected. Even having nothing to do with this campaign, I have an immmense respect for you for the way you handled your selection. I will keep my eyes open in the future for any games that you run.

Good on you friend!

Thanks, I really appreciate that comment Geriatric. I'm serious when I say that I know the pain of being passed over, and making the choice was agonizing.

Our fighter dropped out. Party is in need of a high strength damage dealer. Healing has also been lacking, so a high strength cleric might be ideal. Party is heavily skewed towards good.

Post here with a basic build/concept if interested.

Game has settled in to mainly Friday nights (2-3 times per month, 6:30-10:30 pm central). We are about 1/3 of the way through the first part of the campaign.

Bump. I did try to contact my initial applicants.

Still looking for one more, or even two players.

Hey, I wouldn't mind joining

I'm a bit new to pathfinder. My friends have told me I pick it up fast though, so for the most part I shouldn't be a drag. I like to play characters with variety and flavor, not powergamed or one-trick-ponies.

Your current Friday night setup is perfect for me. I work Saturday nights

Knowledge of Golarion
probably a 2-3, I'm not sure. Aside from game mechanics I've only really looked at the deity list in any detail, in regards to world lore. I'd like to learn though!

Its been a few months from your initial recruitment, so I don't know what level you guys are. Any more info you could give on your campaign would be helpful, as I have no clue haha.

I don't have a lot of time this moment to create a character, but possibly a general gist:

Human Cleric, TN, worships Pharasma
Pump Strength
Healing Domain
Glory or Strength Domain
Combat Feats

I don't know a lot about fighters but my friends could probably help me out making a pretty nifty one. I don't mind creating a party-tailored character!

pm sent

The Exchange

Do you have room for a rogue/eventual arcane trickster? I have something in mind

1. I've been playing RPGs for 2 years now, mostly pathfinder.

2. I'm available on Friday nights with no interruptions in the foreseeable future.

3. Knowledge of Golarion on a 1-10 scale. 7



Lharsamael "Wait Still" Caern
Male Dusk Elf Rogue 1
CN Medium Humanoid (elf)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will -2
Weakness light sensitivity
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Rapier +3 (1d6/18-20/x2)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Spell-Like Abilities
. . 1/day—dream
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 7, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Weapon Finesse
Traits Forlorn, Magical Knack (-Choose-)
Skills Acrobatics +5, Bluff +5, Climb +2, Diplomacy +5, Disable Device +6, Escape Artist +5, Fly +1, Knowledge (local) +7, Perception +4 (+5 to locate traps), Ride +1, Sense Motive +2, Stealth +5, Swim -2, Use Magic Device +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, silent hunter
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan
SQ arcane focus, dreamspeaker, trapfinding +1
Combat Gear Caltrops; Other Gear Lamellar (leather) armor, Rapier, Backpack (44 @ 48.5 lbs), Bedroll, Belt pouch (2 @ 2.5 lbs), Chalk (10), Elven trail rations (5), Flint and steel, Grappling hook, Mess kit, Mirror, Piton (10), Pot, Rope, Smoked goggles, Soap, Thieves' tools, Torch (10), Waterskin, You have no money!
Special Abilities
Arcane Focus +2 to concentration checks to cast arcane spells defensively.
Darkvision (60 feet) (Darkvision) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Dreamspeaker +1 [Divination] & sleep spell DCs.
Light Sensitivity (Ex) Dazzled as long as they remain in bright light.
Magical Knack (-Choose-) +2 CL for a specific class, to a max of your HD.
Silent Hunter Reduce Steath penalty for moving by -5, can make Stealth checks while running (at -20 - includes reduced penalty).
Smoked goggles +8 save vs. visual effects, -4 sight-based Perception and you treat all opponents as having 20% concealment.
Sneak Attack +1d6 +1d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.

5. Lharsamael "Wait Still" Caern, Elven Arcane Trickster (err, eventual Arcane Trickster, right now rogue acrobat).


Born to an Elven mother deeply involved with a Calistrian temple in Restov and not knowing his father, he has spent most of his life in the Restov as a sacred prostitute. Earlier in his life, Wait Still could be seen performing for the pedestrians that gathered in its markets. In fact, he has a long history with local artisans, flattering them with honeyed praise and stinging taste. Despite this, he is not well known these day, having achieved much of his influence through pillow talk and casual guile. In his years as a sacred prostitute he has fingered the odd holy trinket, skimmed countless pages of ever more arcane spell books, and cuddled with an occasional animal companion or two.

Wait Still is a highly intelligent elf, though many wouldn't notice that upon first meeting him. His demeanor exudes an eternal playfulness, a youthful approach to life that many of the shorter lived races fight desperately to purge themselves of by adolescence. This is part of his charm, and his sometimes irrational behavior. He is also quite the accomplished contortionist, having trained in the art as a hobby during his early days in the city. Many of his relationships with his clients are non-sexual in nature and they instead seek his company to watch him bend into impossible shapes and positions with an ease and limberness that earned him a short-lived nickname, the envy of serpents. His common name "Wait Still" was chosen by his mother for reasons he never learned, though he suspects it has something to do with his father, and why the man has been absent his entire life. He rarely hears his full name, as his mother affectionately calls him Lharsa.

In addition to his sacred duties, Wait Still had spent a brief time in an academy within the city learning the arcane arts. Despite his knack for magic, his capricious nature proved too much for the school officials and he was kicked out after he was accused of repeatedly trying to engage one of his instructors, who was also a noble, in a tryst. These accusations were unfounded, and in truth it was Wait Still who was pursued by the instructor. He kept his mouth shut, choosing to expose the man later, eventually taking his revenge by seducing the instructor's son and leaving him heartbroken and embarrassed by his gay affair with a low class. As punishment for his deed, goons hired by the disgraced had a "V" branded on his thumb to humiliate him and remind him that he will always be a vagabond, never aspire to anything beyond the whore houses and pesh shops of Restov's lower class. Wait Still was not humiliated however, and welcomed the nonchalant thuggery, seeing the V as a reminder of his revenge well met and rewarded. Since his short time training to become a wizard, Wait Still has lost his arcane bond and never found a reason to recover or make a new one, though the thought crosses his mind often. Years after the incident, he still finds himself wondering if he should pursue his nascent spell casting abilities. HIs favorite clients are wizards whose spell books he reads into the early hours of the morning while they rest unaware near him.

Though he has a deep fondness of the place he's called home all these years, he has grown tired of the temple life and is ready to strike out and find new experiences. The prospect of helping flesh out a fledgling kingdom appeals to him and playing a role in the transformation of the stolen lands seems to be the task he was looking for.

Also, I know there's a stigma associated with players who role play followers of Calistria, but I promise I'll play this character with maturity and respect for the tone of the game

Hey there, not sure if you are still looking for players or not but wanted to try my hand. I will admit up front I know nothing about the kingmaker campaign although doing some quick reading it certainly sounds ripe with potential.

1. Started playing 3.5 I think about 3 - 4 years ago, jumped from PF to 4E in-between.

2. Friday nights work great for me so long as we don't start playing in the middle of the afternoon, after work I am completely free (5PM EST/GMT, I live in AZ so my timezone changes with DST).

3. Sadly I have to claim a 1 on this question, I know nothing about it but learning is half the fun of D&D.

4. Not exactly a full character sheet but I assume I can fill this in later assuming I garner some interest.

Garn Foeaxe
- Dwarf
- Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
- Chaotic Neutral
- STR(16)DEX(12)CON(16)INT(8)WIS(12)CHA(8)
- Brigand

5. Character Background/Personality/Aspirations


Life was never easy growing up in the River Kingdoms, violence and pain were common place, and the idea of law and morality extended only as far as the ideals of those currently in power.

Born in one of the various small, unimportant villages and slums that litter the River Kingdoms, to a small and unimportant barmaid named Tora. An unwanted bastard child whose mother was involved with less that savory characters, racking up a small fortune in loans, which would ultimately cost her life.

The gang leader who took her life, a man by the name of Rahric, helps himself to her meager possessions, including her son. Taking him as a possible investment, either as a slave or potential new recruit. Lessons were hard learned in the group, and most ended in violence leaving him bruised and broken. As they moved from town to town he would experience the thuggery and harshness of the world, and even be forced to partake in it.

Eventually the group would overestimate itself, crossing those even more dangerous than themselves. Caught and imprisoned in the city state of Tymon, the group quickly finds themselves guests of the arena, sentenced to fight, and in all likelihood die for their crimes. The matches are brutal, small groups are taken, 3 or 4 at a time until at last only Garn and the leader of the band remain. The events from there aren't entirely clear to Garn, but what he does remember, the bits and pieces, are the fear, the pain, and the sudden release, the feeling of freedom as he came to in the middle of the arena, axe in hand and a bloody Rahric below him. Their execution simply looks on with mild surprise before moving over to him to deliver a killing blow. He is stopped mid swing, Garn struggling under the large mans grip, saved from death with nothing but a word. Despite his sentencing, he is spared, his display garnering the attention of those from the gladiatorial college of Tymon.

He would spend the rest of his childhood in the tutelage of the masters and gladiators of Tymon, although his life had changed little from what it was. His days still spent enduring pain and mental strain, although this felt different, like being built up for something rather than for someone else's amusement. This continues into adulthood, his teachers of steel and pain, and his classrooms of dust and sweat eventually earn him freedom.

His many trials and tribulations teach him many things, but most of all they teach him there is value in knowing pain and hardship, drawing strength from it. While others run and hide from it, he must seek it out if he wishes to grow strong enough to maintain mastery of himself. For in this world, the strong hold dominion over the weak.


Garn breathes a harsh demeanor no less than the lands that bore him. He generates an aura of smothering focus, like a hot forge, off putting to most, but to those more intuitive the ever present drive of purpose is there.


In short terms, strength. Due to his rather jaded upbringing, he believes the only true path to freedom lies in ones own ability to keep from being swallowed up by the perpetual sea of those who would deny it. His personal belief of life being that the strong ultimately devour the weak.

PMs sent

Recruiting is once again closed.

Rolling for my HP for second level.

Hit Points: 1d12 ⇒ 3

Hopefully I am doing this right, its been a while since I have used a dice roller on forums.

I've got room for one more player. We are just about to start the second part of the adventure path.

Lantern Lodge

Dotting for interest.

1. Have been playing RPGs for about 6 or 7 years, mostly experienced with 3.5, but have been playing PFS for about a year now.

2. Friday or Saturdays are fine. Central time zone, normally get off work at 4:30, so about 5:30 or 6:00 would be good for me. I do close up the shop so occasionally i have to be late if customers are still in house.

3. Knowledge of Golarion: 3. most of my exposure to the campaign is through Pathfinder Society, so I recognize names and nations and places by name, but couldn't put it on a map. Do have a couple books with references to be able to map things though.

4. NG, Druid, Half Elf, stat line (racial to wis) 11 str, 12dex, 10con, 10int, 18wis, 12cha; Noble Born

5. Liam grew up the son of a trader of house Lebeda, his mother a forlorn elf that lives in the wilderness down towards the Stolen Lands. Growing up he learned to track and scout with his father as he went with him on many trading caravans across Brevoy and occasionally south to the border cities and posts. As Liam came of age, he felt a deeper call of the forest, and one night against his fathers wishes left a note and packed a backpack with food and other things he thought he might need, and set out into the forest. He was woefully unprepared, but knew that his mother lived somewhere to the south, and came across some druids. He begged them for their help, Liam seeking to learn and live with the wilderness and to find his mother. Most of the druids rejected him, but one of their number saw more in him and agreed to train the young man.

Liam is a goodhearted young man, barely past his 40th birthday. He is laid back, but is a fierce defender of the wilderness he has grown to love, and also of his family. His bond to nature is with the skies, he always looks to them when he thinks, and he communes with the endless sky when he takes his daily walks. He hopes to one day find his mother, and also to be able to seek his father's approval, even though he ran away so many years ago.

He aspires to be a great druid, and seeks to defend the forest from threats, and just wishes to be the best druid that he can be. Eventually, he wishes to seek out his father and try to make peace with him.

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