DM Jelani's Council of Thieves (Inactive)

Game Master Brian Minhinnick

This is my take on CoT. It's centered around the concept that the PCs are normal Wiscrani who get transformed into heroes via becoming synthesist summoners.

Encounter Map

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Going A hole new way with here, Just did not like the Pyro feel, fire in combat is always bad when you lose control, more evil than good.

So Change Azata-Blooded (Musetouched)

States change

Str 8 - Foil
Dex 17/19 +2 Race
Con 17
18 - Focus
13/15 +2 race

She going guns

Updated Nerin's background and personality slightly and added a small piece regarding Carapace, his Eidolon and his Summoner Rune.

7 days and 1 hour until recruitment closes!

With Arkwright stepping aside I think I'll abandon initial concept. I'll wrack my brains to try to find something that gets me going for this...

Maybe a fused eidolon archer, hmmm, and not a noble since they seem so popular. Maybe a hand crossbow user using extra arms to get more, multiweapon fighting and multiclassing into ranger after picking up the arms? Eidolon would pretty much need to be Serpentine for dex, then say three sets of arms. If I make him a half elf, for the weapon prof, take extra evolution I could get 9 evolution points at 4th level... Six for arms, dex boost, and a skilled or some such... Hmmm.

Or maybe I could go the whole hog and get eight arms and be a spider? Serpentine comes with a climb speed...

I have a question DM Jelani and your answer will change how I build my PC.
I have a way I wish to go called

"The Fire Harlequin" as the super concept,

but need to know will you allow this 3ed party class
Psionics‎ > ‎Psionic Classes‎ > ‎Cryptic -> grammaton

I have always wanted to play one.
To her every thing is a Patton and the Dance of the Fire Harlequin
its part of that. She will have a high IQ smart and hell and fast
in action and deed.

Here is two images of what I want her Syth look like when in
Fire Harlequin costume.

The Fire Harlequin.



This way she will be not so much about starting fire but using it in a dance of death.

She out side the working as a street entertainer.
that way she can be masted and see whats going on, on the streets.

No psionics, this is core Golarion. Sorry man.

O such a shame would have been so cool and licked with her back story
but I understand no worry's, there is a class humm let me see if I can get to the same place with core, Think its going to be

Having a good rethink, I think I know where I wish to go with her now.

Lady Incendia Anisha Rosala wrote:

O such a shame would have been so cool and licked with her back story

but I understand no worry's, there is a class humm let me see if I can get to the same place with core, Think its going to be

Gunslinger Archetypes‎ > ‎Pistolero

There's a couple features for an eidolon evolution that can let you do fire damage and so on if you wanted too.

Also, am I allowed to be annoyed that after I changed my concept three other people popped up to submit ranged characters? XD

At least Umbra is original in concept... -nods-

always was going for a gunslinger, you don't get many games with advanced fire arms, this may be my only chance to play one. :)

Had a good long think

This is not what you would do to Mini Max a Syth/Gunslinger but I want her to be smart as hell over whats good for her class as it fits better with the whole Idea

So going

Str 08 [Foil],-1 Dex 17,+3 Con 17,+3 Int 20 [Focus],+5 Wis 16,+3 Cha 15,+2

yes Cha low she could have had 20 but that's just dull and dos not fit what I now have planed.



List of Completed Applications:


David Grayson (M Aasimar Warrior 1; Former Dottari) Umbra; Bipedal shadow eidolon, ranged


Oktavia Deepshade (F Human Expert 1) Silver Eyed Shadow; Bipedal shadow eidolon, melee


Nerin Lakeward (M Human Adept 1; Fisherman) Bipedal bruiser crab-man eidolon










Belinda Thuru (F Half-Elf Expert 1; Research Librarian) Quadrupedal crazy aberration thing eidolon


I think that's still everyone. Did I miss anyone else who thinks they are finished? If you're not on the list please make sure you've got your alias, appearance, background, personality AND writing sample/in-character scene. Thanks :)

Silver Crusade

My submission


Nerin, just for giggles you should check out my synthesist character. He's a lot like you're planning, at least in eidolon form.


Xzaral wrote:

My submission


Edited you into the list, sorry I missed you (x_x)*

Silver Crusade

DM Jelani wrote:
Xzaral wrote:

My submission


Edited you into the list, sorry I missed you (x_x)*

I hadn't posted with the alias, just a link, so it was easy to miss.

DM Jelani wrote:

Nerin, just for giggles you should check out my synthesist character. He's a lot like you're planning, at least in eidolon form.


O I remember Rasso he was so much fun, snipping away at tentacle in the lighthouse hehe.

List of Completed Applications:


David Grayson (M Human Warrior 1; Former Dottari) Umbra; Serpentine shadow eidolon, ranged


Oktavia Deepshade (F Human Expert 1) Silver Eyed Shadow; Bipedal shadow eidolon, melee


Nerin Lakeward (M Human Adept 1; Fisherman) Bipedal bruiser crab-man eidolon










Belinda Thuru (F Half-Elf Expert 1; Research Librarian) Quadrupedal crazy aberration thing eidolon

Corrected a couple mistakes.

I want to say think you to the Lurker who sent me the link to


very cool idea thanks

:) not just ranged any more,

@L.I.A.R.Yep I would have said dervish dancer too. Seeing as you want ;) Gunslinger will be fun. Never played with one much, though I'm early on into two PbP's that have some blackpowder guns. One of my characters even has a musket but he hasn't fired it yet....

@DM Jelani - I like the sketch - is that yours? I was initially worried that Carapace/Nerin is less Superhero than bestial creature, but then I thought there are plenty of big bestial non-lycraclad-hero bruisers in comics. Also, I can only make what I want to play right? If it doesn't fit you can always use him as an NPC/mook....

Rasso looks like he'd make a great Aquanaut Base Class character from Alluria's Waves of Thought ...basically gets permanent evolutions....

I'm also currently working on a Symbiote Base Class fro my 3PP - you can see my announcement here: LINK

or just check the concept art HERE or HERE

Yeah, that's my sketch. It's kinda crappy though. I should redo it now that I can draw digitally. If you want to see some of my recent stuff check out my deviantart gallery

Nice work DM Jelani. I'm particularly impressed by the fact some of them were done on a mobile with Sketch!

I like the shadow sabretooth. Reminds me of something you might see here in Oz... at night... during some tainted astral conjunction.

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
@L.I.A.R.Yep I would have said dervish dancer too. Seeing as you want ;) Gunslinger will be fun. Never played with one much, though I'm early on into two PbP's that have some blackpowder guns. One of my characters even has a musket but he hasn't fired it yet....

Yep that's the way I am going to go with the "The Red Harlequin"

dervish dancer then Gunslinger putting points into Wis on levels

with a Harlequin look for the Syth, sounds mad but I'm going for
+2Dex and Sent for the 3 Ev point spend at 1.
Will take a hit on dex going down from 17 to 14 but I can now justify 20 Cha, as it links Syth with dervish.

GM rewriting Back story so make her an Dancer Artist for a living.

And the writing simple, linking in Child of Infamy being the root of her being a Red sheep of the family.

They were all done on my mobile actually. I'm working on a half elf paladin of Iomedae but it's slow going. I'm not that good at colors yet.

@L.I.A.R. I like it, both Harlequin styles and Dancer. With Scent. And Guns. :)

@ All on mobile? Wow. Color is my enemy. ;p The tattooed figure pic linked in Nerin's Description is me some years back, though the right arm is now a lot more filled in between the plates with black and I have a few more plates on the left side/hip to thematically match those on the right. As you can see, NO color in my ink.

Yeah. That's a lot of ink man! I've got two black and white pieces on my chest, but they're not that big. I like your stuff though.

Bump! Superhero-synthesists in Council of Thieves!!!!

Still 6 days left in recruiting. Got an awesome alter-ego you wanna run through a classic AP?

Jump in and get creating!!!

Yep come on down and submit a PC
Lots of fun and a great GM

Just a few tweaks but back story and PC scene done.
She 99% there

Ok she's ready, B

All done, hope you like her

List of Completed Applications:


David Grayson (M Human Warrior 1; Former Dottari) Umbra; Serpentine shadow eidolon, ranged


Oktavia Deepshade (F Human Expert 1) Silver Eyed Shadow; Bipedal shadow eidolon, melee


Nerin Lakeward (M Human Adept 1; Fisherman) Bipedal bruiser crab-man eidolon









Incendia Anisha Rosala (F Aasimar Aristocrat 1) Bipedal gun user eidolon; theatre mask


Belinda Thuru (F Half-Elf Expert 1; Research Librarian) Quadrupedal crazy aberration thing eidolon

Five days left until recruitment ends!

Any more be a good game trust me

I would expect a few more applications near the deadline.

The Exchange

So on an off note Jelani, I gotta tell you. I just got done reading "Steelheart" and that made me think of this campaign. I mean, who doesn't want to play a character named "Nightwielder" "Firefight" or "Limelight"

Human + Racial Heritage (Fetchling) + Shadow Caller + Synthisis

@CDL yep think that may be it lurkers waiting to see what left open in types. Healer of some kind would be good but....

My thinking on Licendia is his not many games offer advanced Guns
and I asked, "what if a Synthisis used guns in place of the a-typical natural weapons, claws pincers etc,?"

It would make for an interesting challenging PC humm..

Think that's the way I see others playing to, doing the not a-typical -> nice

I'm a lurker and I just wanna say that I have too many options and enough other campaigns to probably play a game like this. Also I've never played a summoner before and the options are massive,thinking of a 6-handed giant eventually wielding 6 swords, a flying lightning drake or a hydra.

For someone that never tried a summoner before that's a lot of options.

Still a work in progress; I will let you know when I have finished Geoffrey :-)

For the moment, I will say that he is a Craftsman (Alchemist), with a level of Adept.

His alter-ego will be 'The Alchemical Nightmare'.

5d20 ⇒ (17, 12, 19, 1, 13) = 62

If you guys want to read some really quick, post-modern fantasy novels that I found enjoyable and have a similar tone to what I'm going for in this game, check out Brent Weeks' Night Angel Trilogy. Don't read too much on the wiki though, unless you like spoilers.

New images new look, getting a better idea of how she looks now

New idea and name for super form

"The Blue Flame"

And some images of what she looks like now

Incendia Anisha Rosala

At home

Anger of the blue flame

"The Blue Flame 1"
The Blue Flame 2

her final blue flame look! I like this one best

Lady Incendia Anisha Rosala wrote:
her final blue flame look! I like this one best

Wow. That is an awesome pic!

Thanks days looking and found at last

GM its a bit hard for me think she would have claws in syth form
so do you think I could change it to armor-spikes GM?

I'm fine with reflavoring claws as spikes but they'd be mechanically the same.

Thanks GM she now looks like the image

25 hours until recruitment closes!

Was really hoping for some more applicants :/

It seems that real life has once again buried me up to my neck, Jelani. I will sadly have to bow out here. Best of luck, everyone. You are in for a real treat with any of Jelani's games.

Right now there are only three applicants whose writing is at the level I'm looking for. If I don't get another one before recruitment closes there's a very high chance this game doesn't go off. I'd rather put my limited energies into something more people are interested in. Perhaps one of the more popular APs.

I think the appeal of the other game was that you got to choose another class to gestalt with Synthesist at a higher level. That allowed a lot of versatility in character creation. At Level 1 with a Gestalt NPC class and Synthesist, there are only so many ways you can build a unique character.

Sorry to see you go CDL

DMJ lets hope others pop up :)

DM Jelani wrote:
Right now there are only three applicants whose writing is at the level I'm looking for. If I don't get another one before recruitment closes there's a very high chance this game doesn't go off. I'd rather put my limited energies into something more people are interested in. Perhaps one of the more popular APs.

I'd be very interested to know which three of the five you like. Seeing as Nerin's is by far the briefest that still leaves four very extensive backgrounds and/or in character writing. Unless of course my brief prose was engaging or inspiring. And by no means do I mean to suggest that length/volume is the prime candidate for what you look for. :)

Still, if you don't have what you need to go forward I understand DM Jelani. No sense working against the grain as it were. I'll keep watching until Recruitment ends or the concept folds.

Yeah, but gestalting synthesist with PC classes also created essentially game breakingly powerful characters. Synthesists are already a great deal beefier than all but the most optimized builds in other classes. I can understand why it might not appeal to a lot of people though. There were so many good ideas submitted that didn't get finished for whatever reason. Probably me saying I wasn't going to pick a party of "paragon/bruiser" archetype characters shot myself in the foot

Either way I do want to thank the people who took the time to complete characters. I hope the experience was fun even if they don't get played right now.

If this game doesn't get off the ground then I'll probably finish developing an idea I had for a universal archetype that's like synthesist-lite for any class before I open another recruitment.

Its me, he hates my Spelling, don't worry hes a mate RL and knows about why its bad :)

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