DM IRONlord |

The common room of the Evercandle Inn is, as expected, fantastically lit by the continuous flames of the candles that the place takes it's name from. It is comfortably furnished and spacious enough for quite a few people to use, yet arranged in a way that makes it feel cozy. The proprietor, an older woman named Soceal Murgrave, can be seen occasionally, supervising her business with her attendant always close at hand. A young girl can also be seen, effortlessly attending to the hospitality of those guests of the in in the room, bringing food and drink and such.
A group a five adventures are gathered around one of the masterfully built tables. Valki, Takek, Rhangil and the android most generally known as Othres have recently returned from an expedition into Numeria, seeking sky metal and any technological treasures, while a newcomer, a gnome by the name of Felix has come to Torch in pursuit of rumors of fantistic things below Black Hill.
When Felix mentions a search for Khonnir Baine, the others are taken aback, as he had just left on his second expedition into the caves before they had left on their expedition.

DM IRONlord |

No peeking, unless you can resist metagaming!

Valki Valka |

Normally Valki would not spare any time for townsfolk daydreaming out loud, but when he mentioned this woman's connection to the Torch, Valki waved to her husband that she would catch up to him later, and pursued the young man.
Tapping him on the shoulder, she got directly to the point. "Who was this woman you speak of? What was she doing here, and where did you see her last?" Looming over the man, she left her hand on his shoulder so he couldn't run off.
Also, does your intro mean that Valki's invitation to go find Khonnir Baine didn't happen?

Θ3Ξ5 |

With Valki Valka's pronouncement of intent to rescue Khonnir Baine and the mysterious gnome's insistence that he accompany them, Θ3Ξ5 pipes up. "If you three are serious about searching for Master Baine, this one may have heard something. One of the acolytes at the temple of Brigh thought that Silverdisk Hall was a likely source of involvement. This one is uncertain if this was merely speculation, or if there was some evidence that it is not aware of."

Takek Iron-Back |

Takek let concern color his face for a moment, as he considered.
"If Khonnir Bane is actually missing, and not just overdue, that does not bode well. Someone of his strength and competence would not be taken down easily, I would think. Nor through foolish decision making."
His own train of thought led him to smile again.
"Which means that a mission to rescue or recover him would be quite the challenge, indeed."
Takek nodded at Θ3Ξ5. "Treachery could account for Khonnir's fall, but what would Silverdisk Hall have to gain from stopping Khonnir from reigniting the torch? It would seem that, the longer the town goes without its primary source of income, the more it would hurt a gambling hall. And the... secondary businesses involved."

Felix Nimbledigit |

Felix looks between Takek and Θ3Ξ5. "Forgive my ignorance, but what is the Silverdisk Hall?"

Θ3Ξ5 |

Θ3Ξ5 Looks down at Felix. "Little one need not ask forgiveness, this one has taken no offense. Little one is new here, as everyone was at some point. Some more recently than others."
"Silverdisk Hall is a place of gambling. It is run by Master Ulreth. Some say that it is also a place of thieves and ruffians." Θ3Ξ5 back looks up to the others assembled. "Is there more to add?"

Valki Valka |
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While she grinned her predatory grin at the man, the smile didn't reach her deep blue eyes.
"Conspiracy!" Valki Valka declared. "I have heard that a purple-haired woman arrived before the Torch went out, and vanished when it was gone. One of Their spies, no doubt."

DM IRONlord |

While fulfilling her normal duties, refilling beverages and cleaning tables and the like, the young girl attending the common room approaches the group. She appears to be a human in her later teens, with reddish brown hair and some faint freckles on her lightly tanned skin. "Tch... Silverdisk Hall? Why, my mum says neither Abadar nor Asmodeus would touch that place. Been more than a few tennants we've had to turn out after the blew their fortunes at that place." She gives you all a severe look and adds, "I hope you're all not thinking of headin' over there. Make sure you pay for your stay in advance if ya do. Just sayin. Now, anybody need anything?"

Darthrancor |

"My thoughts exactly Valki Valka! Silverdisk hall wouldn't gain anything from stopping Khonnir, if they were acting alone. I've overheard rumors that there are Technic Leage spies in town. What if someone in the Silverdisk is in league with that purple haired woman, who we're assuming for now is a spy? Who has more to gain from the Torch going out Than the Technic League?"

Θ3Ξ5 |

Θ3Ξ5 responds belatedly to Takek's question. You, raise a good point, perhaps the Ropefists did not take part in the demise of the Torch. But they might stand to gain from the disappearance of Master Baine. He is a member of the town council."
As Rhangil announces his own theory about the Technic League, Θ3Ξ5 blinks. "Now they would stand to gain much from the loss of the Torch and the disappearance of Master Baine. That is much more likely. If they are involved, then this one would like to join you as well."

Valki Valka |

Intimidate: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 4 + 2 = 26 Woo!
"Anyone who fights the League has spirit, and is so welcome," Valki Valka agreed, not keeping it down at all. "But why do you wish to fight them, Othrev?" She seemed genuinely interested in learning what an android had to gain from such a fight.

Valki Valka |

Valki Valka punched Rhangil in the shoulder in approval. "That is the spirit! Let us root Them out from under every rock!" She raised her cup in toast, then drained it, preparing to stand and head for the gambling hall. "Let us go hunting at once. And if honor is not our only reward, so much the better!"

Θ3Ξ5 |

"You fight them Mistress Valka, yet you do not know how they treat this one's kind? To them, this one is little more than spare parts, it would be luck if it were to simply be vivisected. This one would not want any of its fellows to suffer that fate. This one has not functioned for long as things go, it would like to continue to function for as long as possible." Θ3Ξ5's voice has remained smooth and quiet this whole time, but grows slightly louder and quicker as it speaks of the Technic League.

Valki Valka |

It was clear that such an eventuality as Θ3Ξ5 spoke of had never occurred to Valki Valka. She nodded gravely. "It is Valki Valka. And your plight is reason enough. Be welcome, then, and join us. It may be that I can learn yet more of their evil ways from you, Othrev."

Takek Iron-Back |

Takek winced slightly at his wife's phrasing, hoping that the android would intuit what she meant, as opposed to what she'd said. But then he shook his head and smiled again.
In a voice pitched deliberately quieter than Valki Valka's had been, he spoke to the other four at the table.
"Perhaps we should go and speak to the council before we do anything else. If there is a battle to be had, it is always best to know as much of your enemy as possible, so as to be able to crush him more completely. And right now, our enemy is ignorance. We know not where to aim our swords, as it were."

DM IRONlord |

Θ3Ξ5 |

"Knowledge is power, just look to Khonnir Baine. If the town council is offering assistance to those willing to search for him, this one suggests that we speak with them before we start. Besides, we do not really know where that would be."

Takek Iron-Back |

"Well then, shall we be off to the Town Hall?"
Though not always as quick to action as his wife, Takek was, nonetheless, a priest of Gorum, and as such, was not the kind to dither once a course of action was clear. He looked around the table, and was clearly ready to stand and go, if no one else objected.

Valki Valka |
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Valki Valka relented; it was not truly her intent to terrorize the cityfolk. They could not be blamed for having no backbone - their lives were too soft.
Nodding, she patted the man on the shoulder, releasing her grip. "Very good. Before you go, can you tell me what sort of gear it was that was so fancy? I'm sure you noticed, since you are so clever."
After he answers, Valki will politely wish him a good day before heading for the group's meeting at the Evercandle.
"To Town Hall!" Valki Valka declared, ready to go.

Rhangil Vesperin |

"Sounds like a sound plan to me! Not much of one, but a plan none the less." Rhangil stands up and stretches.

Takek Iron-Back |

Takek stood up as well. With no objections heard from the others, he nodded and led the way out of the inn and towards the Town Hall.

DM IRONlord |

You make the rather short journey to the Town Hall in short order. You arrive and find the place relatively empty. Only a few members of the staff are here this time of day. A bored looking halfling sitting at the front desk eyes you suspiciously. When you establish you are interested in mounting an expedition under the hill, he tells you to wait a moment and hustles off down a hallway. A few minutes go by and he returns and escorts you to a conference room. "Ms. Freddert will see you in a few moments, please have a seat at the table." he says, and walks off.

DM IRONlord |

A bit of time passes, and then an aged, but still feisty and fierce looking, dwarven woman enters the room. She is dressed in finely made yet pratical clothing, as would fit an urban dwarf of high social standing. An extremely well made warhammer hangs off her belt, and you get the impression that despite her age, she could still wield it effectively. She takes a seat at the head of the table, one that is clearly meant for her, and speaks, "So, it is my understanding you wish to go search for Khonnir Baine? There is, of course, a reward of 4000gp, plus the cost of a resurrection scroll if he is alive. There is also a reward of 4000gp for any party able to reignite the torch, though Khonnir's recovery is our first priority. You should know, there have been five expeditions under Black Hill, and only Khonnir's first returned. Now that he is missing, that is a 100% failure rate. Any questions?"

Felix Nimbledigit |

Felix leans his staff against the wall and takes a seat. After the dwarf's brief explanation, he asks a few questions. "Where will we find the entrance to the caves under Black Hill? Who was in the five expeditions before us, in case they require rescue as well?"

DM IRONlord |

"There's an underwater passage connecting them to Weeping Pond. Khonnir noticed a large number of human footprints on the pond's banks - he was there the day the fires went out testing the water to ensure it hadn't suddenly grown more toxic - and he realized that a sizable group of people had entered the pond but had not emerged. Four teams in all have entered since then, but only one came back to report what they found - Khonnir's first expedition. Khonnir spoke at length with the council before going back in, and he confirmed what his group told us, despite how outlandish it sounded. The first team was a group of halfling adventurers, the second a group of local thugs, and the fourth a small adventuring party devoted to the worship of Brigh from out of town. Khonnir's team undertook the third and fifth expeditions under Black Hill, and it was on the fifth expedition-his second trip-that he went missing."

Θ3Ξ5 |

Θ3Ξ5 raises his hand to speak. "What was so outlandish about the reports of Master Baine's first expedition? What did they find? Anything you can tell us would be useful."

DM IRONlord |

Dolgrim looks at the android and says, ""The caves are inhabited by several enormous vermin and other scavengers, along with some strange humanoids who had the ability to blend into the shadows of the cave walls, and a nest of gremlins. Khonnir believed this indicated a deeper connection in the caves to the Darklands, but of more immediate interest was his discovery of a wall of solid metal deep in the caves. A wall made of a skymetal alloy called glaucite. He said it was like the kind we mine from the hills and surrounding plains, but formed into a structure with doors. It was near one of these doors that Khonnir found the broken automaton that he brought back after his first expedition."

Rhangil Vesperin |

Rhangil scratches his chin as his tail flicks curiously. "What other information did you gather from the automaton? And would it be possible for us to get a look at the automaton?"

Valki Valka |

Know:local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Valki Valka had been pleased to hear that this would be a true challenge. This talk of automatons and metal walls also pleased her, for all that it raised her hackles; this sounded like what she had been born to do.
She looked at Rhangil approvingly as he asked to see the automaton. It would be good to study such a thing up close, and learn where its weak spots were.
But one thing she knew was that you had to hammer everything out in a contract. "Dolga Freddert, I am Valki Valka. We must take additional supplies with us if we are to bring Khonnir Baine safely back from the Darklands beyond the skymetal wall, or wherever he might be. Will you supply us with what we need? A map, food, what else might be required?"

DM IRONlord |

She addresses Rhangil first, saying, "We gathered nothing from it, it was nonfunctional. Khonnir kept the remains at his workshop by the Foundry. You should head over there anyways, since his daughter Val is offering free boarding to anyone mounting an expedition. She also may have some useful information about Khonnir's first trip." Dolgrim then turns to Valki, "Once you're on the job, I'll give each of you a writ that you can show to any of the merchants in town for a flat 20% discount on any gear you need to purchase-I wish I could offer a greater discount than that, but that's the best I can do. Further, Val, Khonnir's adopted daughter, has closed down her father's tavern, the Foundry, for the time being. She's told me that any group that's going into the caves to look for her father can use the tavern, free of charge, as a headquarters and a place to rest between forays. Finally, the entrance to the caves is flooded. You'll need to swim a bit to get to the caves. Joram Kyte has agreed to cast water breathing on any group to aid in entering the caves-free of charge, of course. You can find him at the temple of Brigh or up at Crowfeather Palace when you're ready to go."

Takek Iron-Back |

Takek nodded as the questions were asked and answered. His eyes narrowed a bit as he thought over what he heard. Eventually, he spoke.
"Did Khonnir speak more of the 'metal wall?' Or of the tracks? Did he know who made them, or if those who made them made it beyond the wall? Do we suspect that those who made the tracks may have waylaid Khonnir's second expedition?"

Θ3Ξ5 |

Θ3Ξ5 reaches out a hand and puts it on Takek's shoulder. "This one understands your inquisitive nature, however, this one is of the understanding that the Founder indicated that further information about Khonnir's expeditions was to be provided by his daughter, Val. We do not wish to disturbed the venerable one longer than is necessary."

Rhangil Vesperin |

"That is interesting." Rhangil looks around at the others at the table with a smile and a chuckle. "I guess that tells us where we're heading before the caves!"
Rhangil pulls out his sky metal bauble and absently begins to play with it as he waits patiently for the others. "I'm with Othrev, I've got everything I need."

DM IRONlord |

The dwarven woman waves her hand when Othes speaks, "Not at all, not at all. I would not wish you to go with being fully prepared. I know very little about the wall, though. Khonnir examined it himself, and confirmed that it was an alloy of adamantine and iron, and that one of the doors in the wall was locked tight but the other was open. He had planned on exploring deeper beyond that door on his second expedition, but who knows if he actually made it that far? We also don't know who made the tracks. Word about town puts blame on the Technic League, but I think that's too convenient and obvious an answer. Khonnir was hoping to find out more by delving deeper into the caves, but who knows what he found in there ... or indeed, if he's even still alive?"

Takek Iron-Back |

Takek nodded and stood up, the movement pulling him free of the hand on his shoulder. He gave Θ3Ξ5 a smile and a wink, before turning back to the dwarf.
"Thank you for your assistance. I believe we are, as you said, 'on the job.' Is there anything else you would share with us before we go to speak to Val?"
If she has nothing else to offer, Takek is ready to follow the others to Val. Right after collecting that writ the Councilwoman mentioned...

Takek Iron-Back |

Takek collected his writ and handed the others around as they were ready. Then, looking around at the others, Takek took the dismissal for what it was, and opened the door leading out of the room.
"Shall we be off to the Foundry, then?"

Θ3Ξ5 |

"Yes, it would be best to speak with the daughter of Khonnir with all haste." Θ3Ξ5 stands and holds the door for the others. "This one is -- anxious? -- to see what monstrosity Master Baine has retrieved from these caverns."

Valki Valka |

"It is good," Valki Valka declared in agreement, stuffing her writ into a pouch. She nodded to Othrev as well. The android was growing on her. "As you say, let us see this monstrosity, and collect what gear and magic we will need. Fare you well until we meet again, Dolga Freddert."