DM Hector's Curse of the Crimson Throne

Game Master LordHector

The city of Korvosa is perched on the edge of anarchy, and the king is dead! This urban campaign of decadence and dark dealings casts the heroes against plagues, barbarians, riots, and worse!

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Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

If there are no objections, I assume you're heading to the castle.

Male Human Ranger (Urban) 6

Yes...sorry was waiting for the total of our plunder! Off we go, with the brooch well secured...

M Half-elf Cleric 1

Yup yup! To the castle we go!

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

The next morning, as you set out for Castle Korvosa, you note increased safety of the streets. Indeed, it seems the outbreaks of riots have been quelled swiftly thanks to the quick action of the Korvosan Guard, the Sable Company, and the Hellknights. (Note that it has been quite some time since Hellknights have been permitted to walk the streets of Korvosa.) A think tension remains in the air, however.

As a terrifying testament to the power of whatever mighty overlord ruled this land thousands of years ago, Castle Korvosa's long shadow looms over the city. A magnificent achievement of architecture, the castle's walls and spires rise high into the sky above. The entire structure looms even higher for its ancient foundation - a Thassilonian ruin in the shape of an immense flat-topped pyramid. Although one corner of this impressive foundation has fallen into ruin, the additions built onto the sides by eager and talented Korvosan masons have created one of the most recognizable landmarks in all of Varisia.

You all approach the massive structure from the Great Ramp. Normally, petitioners to the monarchy would wait within the Public Courtyard to speak to the Korvosan Guards on duty. But in these frantic times, the castle itself has been locked up tight and bristles with pikes and crossbows. The guards present demand to know your business as you approach. "State your business with the queen," one asks brusquely. You feel that extreme sense of discomfort as you note the multitude of crossbowmen lining up shots to your heads. "Be quick about it, now. And you had all best hope we like the answer."

Female Elf (Forlorn) Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

Alatáriël gazes in unabashed wonder at the terrible majesty of the castle as they approach. I've been this close before. It's so much larger than it looks! She is broken from her reverie by the harsh guards.

"We have business with the queen. We have founds stolen property belonging to her and are hear to return it."

Male Chelaxian Fighter/1

Henric's eyes scour the battlements and the gates, looking for a familiar face. The guilt of being AWOL seems to be crushing him, and his expression appears desperate.

Perception 1d20 ⇒ 10

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

Henric, you don't recognize any of these men. These would be the men who maintain guard around the castle, hence they don't report to the citadel often. They squint their eyes at Alatáriël. "Really now? And just what do you have of hers?"

Male Chelaxian Fighter/1

"This broach was confiscated from a cache of stolen goods in the West Dock district. Our associates in the temple identified it as royal property." he frowns somewhat. Strictly speaking it isnt a lie. "We thought it prudent to bring the item directly to her Majesty's palace, what with the current crisis."

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

The guards look at each other. They look at Henric. They look up at the crossowmen. Then they nod at you all. "[Head upstairs to the courtyard, but you'll have to leave your weapons with us. And before we hear the required but's and excuses of why you'll need to keep yours, with the troubles going on in the streets at the moment and the recent death in the royal family, there will be no weapons in the queen's presence. Period. You shall have them returned to you on your way out.[/b]"

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

The guards look at each other. They look at Henric. They look up at the crossbowmen. Then they nod at you all. "Head upstairs to the courtyard, but you'll have to leave your weapons with us. And before we hear the required but's and excuses of why you'll need to keep yours, with the troubles going on in the streets at the moment and the recent death in the royal family, there will be no weapons in the queen's presence. Period. You shall have them returned to you on your way out."

Male Human Ranger (Urban) 6

Dhan removes his weapons and hands them to the guard. He waits for the others to do the same, then heads to the courtyard with the others.

Male Chelaxian Fighter/1

Henric unbuckles his longsword, staring wistfully at the hilt... "My brother forged this for me." he says, to nobody in particular. "The hippogryphs were little Aaron's idea." he adds, tracing his hands along the pommel.

He smiles, mournfully and walks to the courtyard without a word.

M Half-elf Cleric 1

Before handing over the pistol, Alexei removes the cartridge to disarm the weapon. Politely, but firmly states This is one of the new alchemy based firearms. Please take care to not strike the cartridge or allow it near an open flame. Thank you for your service.

Female Elf (Forlorn) Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

Alatáriël hands the guards her bow. No use arguing. It is either hand it over or get pin-cushioned. As she follows the others into the courtyard, she feels awkward. It has been a long time since she has gone anywhere without it. She wraps her arms about herself as if to ward off the late winter chill in hopes of rubbing away the odd feeling of being unarmed.

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

A group of obviously nervous guards armed with heavy crossbows and swords escorts you up from the courtyard to the castle proper. As you reach the top of the pyramid and the wide stairs curling around to the third floor, you are greeted by a beautiful woman dressed in magnificent full plate armor. (Knowledge: Nobility, Local, or History if you'd like to see if you know of her.) She nods curtly at you as you approach.

"Greetings. I hear you've something that belongs to the queen. Is this correct?"

Male Human Ranger (Urban) 6

Knowledge-Local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Dhan steps forward, and with a little formal bow, answers the lady. "My Lady, we found this brooch in the hoard of a most villainous creature that goes by the name of Gaedren Lamm. Once we recognized that it belonged to the Queen, we hurried over to turn it back to its rightful owner.”

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

This is Sabina Merrin, the queen's handmaiden, bodyguard, and closest companion. You have heard it told that she is a master of the sword, and that her ferocity in battle and her gothic beauty is what caught the queen's eye. She was in the Guard before the the queen had her reassigned as royal bodyguard, handmaiden, and (rumor reports) lover. Whatever her actual relationship with the queen is, she is rarely seen far from her side.

She smiles heart-melting smile and steps aside, holding out a hand to welcome you to Castle Korvosa. As the guards make to follow, she steps in.

"You may return to your posts. These heroes pose no threat to the queen."

As you enter the castle, she quickly gets strait to business. She is obviously not one for mincing words. "How would you like to be introduced to the queen? she asks curtly.

Male Human Ranger (Urban) 6

"I am Dhan Semloh, citizen of Korvosa, my lady." He again gives a slight bow, and then moves aside for the next person to introduce themselves.

Male Chelaxian Fighter/1

Knowledge local: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

"I... must say, you look very familiar." Henric says, bewilderedly. Henric's chest puffs out at the word "hero".

"Introduced...? Surely there is no..." he bows low. "This is a great honour you bestow apon us. I am Henric, guardsman of Korvosa and protector of it's people."

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

You've seen this woman before. Her name is Sabina Merrin. She was in the Korvosan Guard for a short period of time. Despite most of the Guard having the hots for her, she rose swiftly through the ranks due to her dedication and sheer, bloody ferocity. She was brilliant with a sword. You had heard that she was moved to a position within the castle.

Female Elf (Forlorn) Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

Alatáriël smiles and briefly introduces herself "I am Alatáriël Erithrahd, paladin of Erastil and a humble citizen of Korvosa."

Male Chelaxian Fighter/1

Henric smiles inwardly, his formality slipping away. "Sabina! I didn't recognise you in the royal regalia. Good to see you!" he says, heartily, as his voice takes on a jeering note. "How's life off the streets?"

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

Sabina looks at Henric. You can tell she has absolutely no idea who you are. "Quite a bit better than it is on them these days, I hear."

As you round the corner, she straitens her back and announces you arrival in a loud, clear voice, then steps to one side to allow you to enter the throne room. Queen Ileosa sits upon the Crimson Throne. she is a vision of celestial beauty despite the black mourning dress and veil she wears in honor of her husband's death. A small silver coffer sits in her lap. The throne room itself is pristine but strangely empty - an open area with a vaulted ceiling, stained glass windows of past kings and queens looking down from the eastern wall, and crimson tapestries hanging down from the others. An immense fireplace offers additional light and heat to the hall, and a silk carpet provides a gently arching path to the throne's base. Sabina takes the brooch from you and hands it to her queen with a flourish, then takes up a position at the throne's left side as Ileosa addresses you.

"This brooch was stolen from me some time ago - I had not expected to see it again, truth be told. And yet, here on my darkest day, you come before me with kindness. The return of this brooch is much more than an honorable deed. It is inspiration. It is hope." She stands and begins to walk towards you.

"I love Korvosa, as my husband did before me. His death has shocked the city as it has me, but I will not see his legacy destroyed in death, and I shall not see my city torn apart. All Korvosa stands at the precipice of a disaster wrought by her citizens - these riots cannot continue," she says with fire in her eyes. "You have already done my heart a great service in returning this bauble to me on this dark day, and you shall be rewarded. Yet, perhaps you can serve your city more." she pauses contemplatively before returning to her seat.

"If you so choose, I shall have Sabina see to it that you have an escort of guards when you leave here - they can see to your safe journey to Citadel Volshyenek. I shall send word ahead of you to Field Marshall Cressida Kroft to let her know you are on the way - the Korvosan Guard is stretched thin, and it can certainly use the aid of heroes such as yourself. Now, I need to retire to my personal quarters - my grief has drained me. Again I thank you for the kindness you have shown me, and I hope your days of serving Korvosa are only just beginning."

With this, the queen directs Sabina to hand over the reward for returning the brooch - the bodyguard swiftly does so, handing the small silver chest to you. Inside the red velvet lined interior rest 12 gold ingots stamped with the royal seal of Korvosa. At his point, Queen Ileosa excuses herself. With a whirl of the hem of her mourning dress, Queen Ileosa is gone from sight. Sabina escorts you back out of Castle Korvosa. "Will you be requiring an escort to Citadel Volshyenek as per the queen's wishes?"

Male Human Ranger (Urban) 6

Dhan whisters to the others, "I think a platoon of guards will draw more notice then if we went on our own, but I leave the choice up to you."

Who has the silver chest??

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

It's for the group, but I'll say Alexei was the one she handed it to.

Female Elf (Forlorn) Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

Alatáriël looks at Dhan and nods slightly "I agree I know I would like to avoid drawing anymore attention to ourselves than we absolutely have to."

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

Bumping just to let you know I'm still here. I'll post what happens next in the morning.

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

Sabina nods. "As you wish." With that, she turns and returns to Castle Korvosa. You then begin the walk to Midland. As go cross the city, the evidence of the disaster that has befallen Korvosa becomes more and more evident. You are getting close to Citadel Volshyenek when you pass a drunken man wearing a guardsman's uniform leaning against the wall outside a tavern.

"Hey! Neffi!" he yells at Dhan as you pass. "What are you doing out of Shandpoint?" He stumbles in your direction. As he gets close, you can smell the grog on his breath. He is a lean man with bright green eyes and brown hair, and he reeks of stale sweat and ale. "Thish isn't really a great time to come visit me, ya know. King being dead and all." At this he begins to look very sad before cheering right back up. "Lemme getchu a drink. I inshist." He then begins to attempt to bring you into the tavern with him.

Female Elf (Forlorn) Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

"Ah...a friend of yours Dhan?" Alatáriël looks at Dhan with a bit of a confused look upon her face.

Male Human Ranger (Urban) 6

"Can't say as I know him. He must have me confused with someone else. Do you know him Henric?"

Male Chelaxian Fighter/1

Henric places a firm hand on the mans shoulder. Do I know him?

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

In fact you do. The man's name is Grau Soldado. He's a sergeant of quite good repute. You've never seen him like this before. He's normally a very nice guy. Apparently the current Evans have affected him worse than others.

"What?" he looks at Dhan in confusion. Realization seems to dawn on him. " Gods! I apologize, friend," he says ashamedly.

Male Chelaxian Fighter/1

"Sergeant, perhaps we should get you home..." he says, understandingly.

Henric grimaces and his expression sobers. "Guardsman Henric, reporting in. Can I get a sitrep? How bad is it... Sergeant?"

Female Elf (Forlorn) Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

Alatáriël expression of confusion disappears. "Is he the person we are suppose to be meeting up with?" An expression of questioning and worry slightly move over her face.

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

Grau turns slowly to look at Henric. Upon noticing his fellow guardsman he looks incredibly ashamed. "Sorry for you at shee me like thish, Henric. T'isn't prop-per." He stops as he sinks back to the ground slowly. " I think I've had a bit too much to drink, hehe."

Male Chelaxian Fighter/1

Henric hoists the man up, draping his arm around his shoulder. "Come on, Grau. Let's find you a place to sleep it off."

Male Human Ranger (Urban) 6

Dhan gets his arm under the drunken guardsman and helps keep him from falling onto the ground. "Here now sergeant, let me help you up. Should we take him with us to the Citadel? I am worried leaving him here alone with the people is such a volatile mood."

Female Elf (Forlorn) Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

Alatáriël shrugs and follows behind the three men.

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

Grau goes drunkenly along with you. You shortly arrive in Midland, with no more unusual encounters to speak of. Grau has by this point sobered up enough that he no longer has to have his hand held. You swiftly arrive at Citadel Volshyenek overlooking Jeggare Harbor. The place is currently operating on a skeleton crew based on the number of guardsmen you see around. Two nervous guardsmen stand at the entrance to the Yard, but allow you entry with nary a fuss. It seems you are indeed expected. One guard escorts you to the central keep, where a harried and tired-looking woman rises from her desk to greet you. This is Field Marshal Cressida Croft, an attractive, dark-haired woman dressed in red armor. She nods at Henric before introducing herself and asking for your names as she gestures for you to sit.

Male Chelaxian Fighter/1

Henric greets her with a long salute. "Guardsman Henric of the West Dock contingent."

"It's been a hell of a day, Field Marshall." he adds, wearily.

Female Elf (Forlorn) Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1

Alatáriël gives her a short smile before bowing. "I am Alatáriël, paladin of Erastil." She takes a seat.

Male Human Ranger (Urban) 6

"Dhan Semloh, finder and citizen of Korvosa. What is it that you want with us Field Marshall?" He leans casually against the door jam keeping an eye on the room and the hall at the same time.

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

Field Marshall Croft sighs deeply. "Ah yes, you are the ones sent by Queen Ileosa. Greetings. My name is Cressida, and heroes of your calibur are exactly what Korvosa needs right now. You've been on the streets. You know better than me how bad things are out there. It's breaking my heart to see Korvosa tear herself apart like this. Every little bit of aid we can get from upstanding citizens like you helps. If you're willing, I'd very much like to retain your services as agents of the Guard. I don't need to say, of course, that you'll be well compensated for these services."

Male Chelaxian Fighter/1

Henric looks somber as Cressedia makes her speech. "My loyalty remains here and with the people of fair Korvosa." he says, vigilantly. "I will double my shift until these riots are quelled, Commander."

Male Human (American) Dungeon Master (Action Movie Director) 17

"While I appreciate your zeal, Escalus, the special missions I've got in mind are a tad more important. We've got the riots under control for the most part. And while I don't personally agree with their methods, the Order of the Nail's help is tremendously appreciated." She leans back a bit in her chair and steeples her fingers under her chin. "You'll be sticking with these folk if they agree."

Male Human (Chelaxian) Magus 1

The loud rasp of iron on stone sounds behind the party. "Sent by the Queen?" asks a familiar voice. "What ladders have you been climbing, Henric?"

Marcus offers a casual wave towards his companions from the day prior as he steps into the room, then turns his attention to Marshall Croft.

"Marcus Ignatius," he introduces himself as he snaps his heels together. "Recently applied to the Order of the Nail. Call it a hunch, but I have a feeling that for the moment their priorities lie elsewhere, and I was hoping that in the mean time, I might offer my services to the Guard of Korvosa, and to that end I was directed to your desk."

Male Chelaxian Fighter/1

His brow furrows at the mention of the Hellknights, but he stays silent. "By your orders, Field Marshall. he says.

Male Human Ranger (Urban) 6

"As a citizen of Korvosa I agree with you Field Marshell. I cannot stand by and watch the city I live and work in fall apart. I am not sure if my skills will be of much help, but if so, then you have them."
Dhan pushes himself away from the door jam and joins the others infront of the desk, nodding as he does to Marcus.

Male Chelaxian Fighter/1

Henric's eyes widen in recognition. "Marcus. It's good to see a fellow brother in arms. Was the prisoner apprehended?"

Male Human (Chelaxian) Magus 1

"Slightly the worse for wear," Marcus confirms. "Titus was paid, and now, I suppose, he is gone. But truly, Henric - the Queen? Surely I can't have missed that much in a mere day."

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