DM Fflash |

Hidden Check!
Nowzai's impressive knowledge of the arcane and the planes seem to catch both Tygot and Asfelkir. The former due to the story's impressive array of planar creatures, and the latter due to the sheer magnitude and almost audacious nature of the tale.
One successful influence for each
Phase 5 Discussion about The Heroes of Cauldron tale
Changing Epik and Dalamus' influence checks to be part of this discussion. Not really a one-on-one scenario here, hence the discovery only portion of the last Phase.
Once Nowzai finishes, Jenya puts a fine point on it by specifically discussing the vacant position of Lord Mayor and the loss and likely death of the previous Mayor, "Historically, the Lord Mayor appoints a successor. Given that didn't work out well for us with Lord Vhalantru, we probably need to discuss how we shall fill that role and ultimately how to govern in the future." She then opens up discussion to the room using a simple method of hand raising and a series of "priority tokens" for each person that she shuffles based on who spoke last to ensure everyone gets an opportunity.
Lord Taskerhill immediately steps up to pontificate on the findings, finishing with, "It is evident that we put too much trust into an outsider, and that we need to bring leadership back home. As a locally grown nobleman who you all know well without any personal entanglements to keep me from dedicating time to the job, I am the best option for a safe and prosperous Cauldron."
Lord Aslaxin immediately follows up, praising the Heroes and calling out Ma'puande specifically by name as a charming example of classiness and the melting pot nature of the citizenry of Cauldron. He closes with, "We would be better served by a reluctant leader, one who doesn't want the position so much"
Lady Knowlern leaps on Aslaxin's closing statement with a surprise nomination of her own, "Then we should choose Jenya, she has proven herself capable, is local, and I for one certainly know she isn't clamoring for the job."
Jenya appears poleaxed by the nomination.
Meerthen leaps in with, "Your best candidate stands in front of you. No one is more pure of heart, has sacrificed more for this city, nor would be more able than Nowzai."
Epik and Dalamus pile on directing their discussion to catch Skie and Lady Knowlern's attention directly but get no visible indication of success.
Epik failed influence and Dalamus missed using the right skill
The rest of the discussion devolves into camps with the merchants focusing on the economics and taxes and the clergy focused on religious freedom and doctrine.
Only the Foreman and Kristoff remain quiet.
Epik and Dalamus' actions are above. Nowzai, Sam and Ma'puande can take action now

Ma'puande |

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 22
Ma'Puande moves to stand near Jenya. She whispers to her "You would make a good leader, if you want the job. It would, of course, make you insane if you took the job." Then she gives Jenya a quick hug.
She then says to all, "These are all great points, and I am sure once a leader is chosen, they will spend many hours agonizing about these points. But for now we should choose. there is an old saying of my people "A raft on a river will go in every direction, but the one you want, if it doesn't have a rudder." She clears her throat. " My Friends, we need a rudder. We need to have a leader, to steer our raft. My mind is made, please take only a few more moments to make up your own, then let us have a vote."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (20) + 21 = 41 <- Her skill at public speaking outshines my own.

DM Fflash |

Ma'puande gives a strong and succint speech indicating her unspoken preference through subtle innuendo. However, it is laced with honesty, decency and compassion and the astutue Lady Knowlern picks up on it and nods thoughtfully.
1 success. Lady Knowlern is struggling between candidates. She can be influenced without a roll to pick any one of her three (as yet unidentified to you) favorites now or you can continue to work on her to get her to pick Nowzai
Phase 6 -- Break
The discussion and actions continue on some more with the camps starting to form around the leading candidates: Taskerhill, Jenya, Nowzai and Aslaxin, who bregrudgingly accepted the nomination. Some discussion revolved around Vanderboren, but given the two nobles through their lot in with Nowzai early, they removed themselves from consideration.
Jenya steps forward as the conversation wanes down, [b]"Before we vote, we have two other items on the ballot for consideration and discussion first ... position of Town Guard Captain and our form of government. We will cast votes for all of them at the end of the day. We'll take a short break as I prepare the notes for the second session.
The group breaks up as servers bring around plates of delicacies, snifters of gnomish brandy and thin flutes of elven sparkling wine.
You may target anyone you wish to influence ... folks have started gathering around their favored candidates
It's at this point the party notices that Kristoff Jungerson is no longer in the room.

Epik |

Epik will attempt to understand how to influence Lady Knowlern. "Jenya's place is in the Church of the Inheritor leading Cauldron's faithful. Nowzai alone has the prescient intelligence and sublime leadership to make Cauldron great again - why not support his nomination?"
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

Nowzai al'Nazari |

Nowzai asks Sama'el to make himself useful and look around for Kristoff.
He then re-engages Lord Taskerhill, attempting to speak to the man privately. "My lord, before we can proceed in any earnest fashion, we must discuss the invisible elephant in the room. A magical sensor has been attached to you since you arrived. Were you aware of the spy in our midst?" He catches the man's eyes directly, looking for any sign of deception.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34 ... nice!

Sama'el Val'varen |

Perception - 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (20) + 17 = 37 - just to see if I noticed him slipping off but I obviously can't retcon to say I followed up but I could at least know what door he left out of and how long ago.
Sam will leave to follow casting invis on himself once he is clear of the rules regarding spells

Ma'puande |

Forgive me, but do we know who Kristoff Jungerson is?
Ma'puande mingles and listens in on the others discussions. She'll end up near Lady Knowlern, and strikes up a conversion and tries to talk up Nowzai, while not talking down the other candidates, especially Jenya.
She'll try to make note of who is in whose camp.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19

DM Fflash |

2 weeks since my last post. Obviously this format is not conducive to quick play. Thanks for running through the experiment, but I think I probably need to truck this along to the main game.
Since we have enough results for a vote, we'll move back to narrative telling instead of the phased approach. I'll shift numbers based on role playing not skills from here.
Epik and Lady Knowlern discuss Jenya for a bit and over time, Ophelia warms to the paladin, his pure heart carving through his abruptness and bluster. She finishes with, "You're probably right, but she'd really be good at it, you know?"
Ma'puande and Dalamus watch the Aslaxin group, and quickly realizes that it's a small Aslaxin group and a larger Jenya group. Jenya however appears to be supporting Lord Aslaxin! Thus her retinue is there with her. Other than Lady Knowlern who his engaged with Epik, Jenya appears to be selling her advocates on shifting their support to Lord Aslaxin.
Sam slips out of the room unnoticed and quickly catches up with the unhurried Kristoff who, an older man himself, is moving methodically through the streets.

Nowzai al'Nazari |

Any read off the Sense Motive check?
Nowzai shakes his head, all seriousness. "My lord, I make no jest. And it was not me who detected your tail, but the oracle Ma'puande. Given the gravity of the situation, I hope you will trust in my sincerity. If you were not aware of the sensor, then someone is certainly using you to spy upon these proceedings."

Epik |

Epik smiles and nods at Lady Knowlern, "You are correct, of course, Jenya would be a superb mayor. She would no doubt run the city just as effectively and efficiently as she runs the church. But, Iomedae has a plan for each of us. I have prayed to the Inheritor and I believe her intent is to keep Jenya in her current role and to allow another to run the city. You cannot deny that she serves an important role within the Cauldron by running the church? We must allow her to continue in that role. Who would do it otherwise? No one of her capability. And if that is true, then we must find who in this room could rule in a fair and just manner, similar to Jenya. Looking around the room at the others, I know of no better candidate than Nowzai. I pray that you allow both Jenya and Nowzai to fulfill their destinies and serve as Iomedae has ordained."

DM Fflash |

Sam brings up a good point. Where is Tlanextic? I'll assume he is waiting outside
Lady Knowlern responds to Epik with, "But look at what she has accomplished just today. She brought nobles, merchants and clergy together who hate each other and got them to discuss things civilly. In some way she need to be a part of this future government. She arbitrated all things so smoothly."
The noblewoman beams as she speaks never taking her eyes off Jenya even though she is talking to Epik
Nowzai and Lord Taskerhill's discussion becomes the focus of conversation for quite some time with some wanting to quit today's events until they know who is behind it. But eventually all agree that nothing discussed today is either a great secret or makkng anyone or thing particularly vulnerable. With a heavy sigh of relief, Jenya takes a quick vote and it passes to continue with the knowledge that someone else is watching. In other words, treat this as a public event.
The topic continues to discussion of the Town Guard Captain and the party quickly realizes there will be next to zero objection to Magma becoming Town Guard Captain in actuality. There are some concerns about nobility but given Lord Vhalantrus recent actions with an acquired patent, the objections fall flat and eventually the vote passes.
Jenya moves to the vote for Lord Mayor which is done by secret ballot. As she counts and tallies the votes on a piece of paper she begins to read them off, "Lord Taskerhill, 2 votes ... Lord Aslaxin 3 votes ... Lord ..."
She is interrupted as the ground rumbles ...

Jenya Urikas *NPC* |

Perplexed, Jenya looks around at everyone as dust falls from high parts of the Cusp and flecks of paint flutter down,
"What was ..."
The rumble is louder this time and shakes the floor and the building knocking several people to the ground. Exclamations go up as some pieces of stoneware and porcelain fall and crash.
Jenya's face is aghast as realization settles in, "It can't be ..."
You feel the same rumbles and notice Kristoff knocked from his feet and scramble-crawl in terror to a nearby shop entrance.
Up ahead though you see a red flowing circle in the sky that swirls and swirls growing bigger and bigger.

Nowzai al'Nazari |

Yes, Tlanextic would probably be keeping watch from outside or above the building. With that in mind...
Tlanextic, what is happening outside? Nowzai contacts the couatl telepathically. He casts a protective spell.
Magic circle vs evil
"What is it, Jenya?" Nowzai asks her to finish her sentence.

Jenya Urikas *NPC* |

Jenya stares at Nowzai for a moment, trying to formulate her internal panic into words.
"The volcano! It's awakening!"
As if to accentuate her point, a tremendous crack shatters the air as the building shudders, and groans and then splits in half, cracking along the northern and southern walls and along the ceiling. The floor shifts suddenly and the party leaps to the east as the others fall back to the west. The smell of sulfur and tar bubbles out of the widening chasm in the ground. Waves of heat pour out. Jenya looks at you in terror.
"We must evacuate the city! Get out there, help whomever you can. Cauldron is about to be lost to the volcano, we have to save the people!"

Epik |

Remaining calm, Epik rallies the crowd and attempts to direct an organized withdrawal from the building. "Have no fear, Iomedae will protect you and save Cauldron!"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (16) + 20 = 36

Nowzai al'Nazari |

Nowzai will help Epik and Jenya organize the evacuation. He will stay in the back, making sure none are trampled or left behind. When he gets a moment, he will cast communal stoneskin across as many as he can reach, protecting them from falling debris.
DR 10/adamantine for 10 points to 14 people.

DM Fflash |

Giving up on Sam
The party quickly organizes the group inside despite Jenya's protests to get out to the rest of the city first.
You are able to get everyone across the chasm without losing anyone and once outside, you are treated with quite a sight.
The sky has darkened significantly, casting the entire city in shadow. Roiling clouds amidst a red glow and purplish lightning create an unreal scene. The ground trembles and fissures open up here and there (most significantly smaller than the one that split the Cusp of Sunrise), pockets of gas, venting steam and expulsions of magma are visible in the distance as well. In the center of the city you see the central lake begin to bubble and boil.
Finally, the massive forming portal in the center of the sky is impossible to miss. As your gaze is drawn to it, you spy smaller portals begin to appear in the sky as well. The difference here are creatures begin to rain down all over the city and the countryside ... a closer look shows they are demodands!
Your actions saved all the key leadership of Cauldron. This will be important later

Jenya Urikas *NPC* |

Jenya looks at the city aghast and then quickly to you, "I'll get the leadership out the north gate quickly and we'll rally in Hollowsky at Ophelia's manor. We'll set up an evacuation camp there. You've got to convince the citizenry to leave. See if you can get the most dangerous areas first, convince locals to help and spread the word and then move on to another area of the city once you've done what you can."
She looks to the city again, "The lakefront is probably the most urgent. I'd then proceed either clockwise or counterclockwise as needed."
With that, Jenya barks a couple orders and the nobles, priests and merchants fall in line behind her as they move quickly to the northern gate.
Where to now?

Sama'el Val'varen |

Sorry, I thought I had posted and I hadn't seen anything new pop up until today.
Sam flies back to the party ASAP. He will help people as much as he can on the way especially if he sees any children in danger.

Dalamus Othreleth |

We are currently in the NE, according to the map, correct me if I am wrong
"Since we are in the Northeast, I say you guys start here and I will head down to lakefront and start working the area of Ash ave. We should send the Striders to work the opposite side of the city, so the Southwest area, starting maybe around Taskerhill's."
Dalamus will quickly head down to the lake front.

Epik |

Epik stares aghast as the demondands descend over the city. "Foul evil from the Cages of Carceri! My friends, we must slay these abominations. Yes, we'll save the citizenry, but then, by the righteous power of Iomedae, I swear I shall cleanse Cauldron of everyone of these beasts!"
He draws his sword and moves to intercept the demondands, but then halts and reluctantly follows the others to the Lakefront.

DM Fflash |

Lake of Fire
The party moves through the chaos and panic, dodging gas explosions and working their way toward pockets of civilians, getting them organized and flowing toward the closest gate.
Just shy of the lakefront. perhaps 100 yards, the party comes across a desperate sight.
The roads flow together toward an intersection that once formed an open square. The cobblestones seem to be covered in a thick layer of rough, black rock. Several pedestrians stand motionless in the center of the intersection; in fact, they look to have stopped mid-stride. Two additional figures are slumped over near the center of the intersection, either unconscious or dead. Whatever their situation, the tendrils of smoke rising from the bodies is a bad sign.
The people see you and scream and cry, waving their arms, obviously panicked.
Map updated. Actions?

Sama'el Val'varen |

Sam looks around for any ideas, "Nowzai, can you cover them all with enough resist energy to get them to safety?"
Any high enough ground I could get a rope to that we could rig up some sort of a zip-line kind of a solution?

Epik |

Epik waits to see what Ma'puande reports. If she sees no threat, he cautiously moves to the wounded and begins healing them.

Nowzai al'Nazari |

"Stay back!" Nowzai orders Epik and the trapped citizens. "That is cooled lava, but it is still extremely hot. Just touching it will set you on fire. I will conjure a solution presently."
Nowzai casts wall of stone, summoning an arched bridge of stone over the lava field.