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Saw captain america on opening day
Saw it on an early screening as well, probably the best of the franchise since Iron Man I, I love all the little in jokes, did everyone catch

Douglas Muir 406 |
Random: are any of you following Erfworld?
If you're not: it's a webcomic whose premise is that a gaming nerd from our world gets sucked into a world that's built on the rules of a turn-based strategy game. It has suffered from wildly uneven art over the years... twice now, they've started with a so-so artist who has gradually become good, then excellent, then left the comic. Here's a short Youtube summary:
Anyway, they're having a Kickstarter now. If you like the comic, check it out. If you don't know it, you can start with Book One here
-- or go to the kickstarter and buy it as an ebook for $5.
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1554093685/erfworld-print-book-2-and-d raw-book-3

Dren of the Dark Tapestry |

I would like to propose we start a group fund for wands, random scrolls, and stuff like that we use for the party. If you don't feel it is in line with an evil party that is fine as well but I at least wanted to propose it.
If we each take 10% of our loot share we should build up enough for these types of things.

Jax Naismith |

It would make things easier when it comes to the whole: "We need a new wand of healing, will everyone please subtract X from your sheet." "I only have Y." "Oh, well Player Z will pay X-Y for that portion." "No, no, Player A will help out too so its.."
and so on.
I didn't catch the Tommy Lee jones reference (had to look him up). Where was that? And why? I caught the rest of it though! And the fact Hydra has Loki's staff :D

Ulp |

In fine w that
Utility scrolls wands and potions galore

Douglas Muir 406 |
Yeah, Paizo's PM system is pretty crap. It lets you send and receive PMs, but AFAICT you can't sort and you can't search.
(Also, a search function for a campaign would be nice. Currently, if you're looking for something but not sure where it is, you have to do separate searches on the gameplay and discussion threads.)

Judge Tohram Quasangi |

Yep, that is a reason why I hate using PM for anything other than short and very infrequent communications. Otherwise, it takes forever to find things. On top of which, there is no way to link to the messages without just cutting and pasting them to another post.
If you have had a discussion in the PM and want to be able to find it, you can always post something in the OOC to enable you to later be able to track down the date of the PM. I currently have over 1000 PMs and hate having to search through them for things, which I have to do every so often.

Ulp |

Cуровую зиму |

We are still in the 'talk phase' nothing has changed. The Judge actually has the best diplomacy.
This guy has clearly attempted to threaten us with his buddy Booger. I do not see how these comments are terribly misplaced since this guy seems to have already said that he wiped out the 8th.
I do not think he attempted to threaten us with Booger, supposedly he is not even here. And I do not believe he said he destroyed the 8th, only that he knew of them. We may NEED information from him to avoid their ruinous fate.
At work now, more later.

Ulp |

Apologies...player knowledge bleeding into game knowledge.
Sorry sorry

Cуровую зиму |

I wanted to post and say something as Edmin but have not gotten a reply.
As is, I guess Cуровую can throw her voice as Edmin?
Its not really her style to make bar room jokes but its what the situation needs.

Douglas Muir 406 |
I note that you're throwing your voice to make Edmin say stuff that's almost 180 degrees opposite from what he was saying earlier -- viz., he's going from "stand down, we're all friends here" to "ha ha, tiny dick".
If that's what you want, go for it. Just sayin'.

Cуровую зиму |

I am at a loss to how to deal with the redcap.
It seems to want to interact, but I have no clue how to work the situation, since it was throwing out insults I was guessing that was a clue to how it was used to dealing with others.

Jax Naismith |

Its a fey. Don't ask it questions, don't directly insult it. You have to be cunning, asking questions via statements and poking fun at it in a way that is still somewhat respectful, but mischevious.
Come on, hasn't anyone read/watched anything with fey in it before? :P

Judge Tohram Quasangi |

Can't wait to hear the response. Hope I did not annoy him too much. I am sure I will get a scathing review, but at least that will give the Judge something else to be bitter about - other than the sun, the weather, the sun worshippers, life, and his current lot in (un)life.

Cуровую зиму |

I have a midterm Thursday and a long paper due Friday, on top of my regular work. This was my semi free day, I'll check postings tomorrow but it will be busy a little for me.
I should be able to have normal amount of posting by Saturday.

Jax Naismith |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Just got a full-time employment offer, but should still be able to post regularly once a day either in mornings or evenings depending on the shift. Only took five months to find full-time, hurrah job market!

Judge Tohram Quasangi |

Congratulations. I have been looking for 5 years. Fortunately as an attorney, I can also run my own shop. But, it is not how I really want to be "employed" as marketing is not my strong suit.

Dren of the Dark Tapestry |

My brother has been out of work for a year and a half. He does not have very good interviewing skills though. He is the kind of guy you hire for a production line or help desk.
He shows up every day on time, does a good job, does as he is asked, and never wants to be the boss.
The bad, he is overweight and shy. That pretty much makes people think he is lazy when they meet him...which he is not. Not a good position to be in with this labor market and him being 47.

Jax Naismith |

I'm a runner and have just started up fencing again, I might be able to pull off the heels with these calves. Bit hairy for drag though..and last time my wife waxed my chest was not a pleasant experience.

Dren of the Dark Tapestry |

At 4 AM when there are lingering patrons at closing time, sure!
You are probably the only one in the PBP that can stay up until 4am though these days in any case...lol
Dren might be a night owl but I can't stay up past 11pm...unless it is a real special occasion.

Douglas Muir 406 |
As to the job market, oh yeah. I'm currently employed and making a decent wage, I've spent four of the last six years as a freelancer. I was pleasantly surprised to be able to make that work, but it wasn't easy, and it was very stressful on my family. I was freelancing (and actively looking for work) when I started this campaign. Who knows where we'll all be when it ends?
Anyway, congratulations Jax!

Cуровую зиму |

I used to be a marathon runner. I would literally run 10k before breakfast a couple of times a week. Go me!
Then I had kids.
Suuuure the kids made you stop running.
What would you think about during those long runs?
I try to listen to audio book son the treadmill because music gets tedious after 50th time you listen to it.

Douglas Muir 406 |
Suuuure the kids made you stop running.
They're very time-consuming.
What would you think about during those long runs?
What does anyone think about anytime? I never was much into music while running -- too much hassle fiddling with the earplugs and whatnot. Running with a group is good, especially if you find a group that's about at your level.

Dren of the Dark Tapestry |

DnD sometimes...how much it hurts after 4 miles when you are heading up that big hill...a cold beer waiting for me after the race...how hot the girl is running in front of me :]
So just remove the shoes, outfits, chocolate, vacation and our list is pretty much the same...

Judge Tohram Quasangi |

What I think about while running is, "My god, why the heck am I running, I hate running for no purpose."
On the other hand, put me on a bike, and I can go all day. However, it is way too dangerous to listen to anything while biking.

Jax Naismith |

I doubt I could run a marathon, but I try to do a regular 1-2 miles everyday and have been trying to get back into doing a 30-60 minute workout as well. The only sports I enjoy, fencing and kitesurfing, have outfits that look terrible if you have a bit of paunch.. Have you ever seen a fat fencer? It looks bad. Same with a wetsuit.

Douglas Muir 406 |
Actually, you'll sometimes see a "divemaster" build that is... well, not fat, and not with a paunch. But more like a very fit normal person with an extra inch of fat all around. Long time surfers, same. Its like spending thousands of hours in the water causes your body to start trying to grow a layer of blubber. Spending thousands of hours surfing or scuba diving also makes you incredibly fit, so this results in a pretty distinctive body type.