DM Corvus' The Wages of Immortality (Inactive)

Game Master CorvusRed

When immortality is for sale, what price are you willing to pay?

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Male Human Bard (Arcane Duelist) 4 |Init +5 |Perc +7| HP 35| AC: 21 T:15 FF:17 | Saves F +4/R +9/W +5|

HaHA! Khol can be useful for intellectual stuffs.

well SOMEONE needs to light one of the candles already!

nudge nudge.

M Human Lore Warden 3/MoMS 2 | Init +7 | Perc +10 | AC 20 (24) / T 16 (20) / FF 15 | HP 29/41 | Saves F +8/R +9/W +6 Treasure

Thought I'd let Khol do it, since he got out the flint & steel first, and we all just had our little "be nice to the tiefling" moment. If he takes all day, Ajkanir will get on it.

Male Human Bard (Arcane Duelist) 4 |Init +5 |Perc +7| HP 35| AC: 21 T:15 FF:17 | Saves F +4/R +9/W +5|

Sorry, totally spaced on that one.

fair warning: I will be out of town from Thursday through sunday. Posting will resume after this absence on monday.

AC 10/10/10, HP 28/28, F+5 R+2 W+8, Init +3, Per +14

Hope you have a good time Corvus!

M Human Lore Warden 3/MoMS 2 | Init +7 | Perc +10 | AC 20 (24) / T 16 (20) / FF 15 | HP 29/41 | Saves F +8/R +9/W +6 Treasure

Presumably not being sentenced to the one-way-street hell of Boston again, then? Hope it's a good trip.

Don't forget to account for the Vicious enchantment when rolling for Elreem's attacks, I believe he suffers 5d6 damage there?

Male Eidolon Eidolon 5th (Init +7; Perception +7; HP 22/32; F+7, R+9, W+2)

Correct, save that its 4d6 waiting to see how many hit. If he manages to kill it can you let me know on which attack to - I'll always be taking the first d6 of vicious damage as Elreem's damage btw. If all the attacks hit and say the first three aren't enough to down it he takes 12 damage in this instance.

Yeah, 4d6 sorry. In the future, you can roll it under a spoiler when you post his attack rolls, just to minimize the number of posts. I'll make sure and address how much damage is dealt to Elreem / Razan when i wrap up after actions are posted.

Oh, and for everyone. When you are HOLDING an action, or DELAYING, just go ahead and post the die rolls for that action under a spoiler, so you don't have to post twice!

P.S. Elreem is a four legged buzz saw. Sheesh.

Male Eidolon Eidolon 5th (Init +7; Perception +7; HP 22/32; F+7, R+9, W+2)

Cool, and yes he is, but he'll take a great deal of damage in the process. I think I took vicious because I did not want to get caught by energy vulnerabilities, but its pretty darned scary damage wise.

Male Human Summoner 5 (Init +2; Perception -2; HP 2/43; AC 17, FF 15, Touch 12, Saves F+3/+5, R+3/+5, W+2/+4 all +2 if within Elreem's reach.)

I'd really suggest not taking a level of witch Natasha, we have a decent amount of healing with our various wands. Your hexes would likely be largely ineffective and your witch spells would only be CL1. Not so bad for one level, but when all the other Wizards are getting 4th level spells and you are like, "Awww man," that sucks, and the higher level you get the worse it becomes.

Of course you could potentially get a goodly number of 1d8+1 heals, but you can achieve that by buying a 750gp wand.

AC 10/10/10, HP 28/28, F+5 R+2 W+8, Init +3, Per +14

Yah, I wouldn't do that either. Its your call, but I agree with Razan's thoughts. Zahur can use quite a few healing spells through wands or scrolls. Since he's not a primary combatant, he can even help carry the load in combat although I think generally, we ought to try to heal outside combat.

Female Human Wizard 5; Init. +1; Senses Perception +2; AC 13 (+1 Armor, +1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 28; Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4

Yikes. I only had a chance of two in twenty to make that DC, and I rolled a one. o_o;

Male Human Summoner 5 (Init +2; Perception -2; HP 2/43; AC 17, FF 15, Touch 12, Saves F+3/+5, R+3/+5, W+2/+4 all +2 if within Elreem's reach.)

Better than rolling an 18 and still failing.

M Human Lore Warden 3/MoMS 2 | Init +7 | Perc +10 | AC 20 (24) / T 16 (20) / FF 15 | HP 29/41 | Saves F +8/R +9/W +6 Treasure

Just wanted to let everyone know that this weekend I will be leaving to go here for work. I will be gone 2-3 weeks, and my internet connection will be very spotty indeed, and I’ll be on a very different time zone as well.

I will post when I’m able, but if I’m holding things up, feel free to bot me as needed.

Male Human Summoner 5 (Init +2; Perception -2; HP 2/43; AC 17, FF 15, Touch 12, Saves F+3/+5, R+3/+5, W+2/+4 all +2 if within Elreem's reach.)

Wish I worked there, looks lovely!

AC 10/10/10, HP 28/28, F+5 R+2 W+8, Init +3, Per +14

Yeah, have a great time!

Female Human Wizard 5; Init. +1; Senses Perception +2; AC 13 (+1 Armor, +1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 28; Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4

Red alert! My network is being extra crappy, so I may not be able to get online - reliably - at home for the foreseeable future. o_o Please NPC me if needed…

update forthcoming, sorry for the delay, and thanks for your patience.

AC 10/10/10, HP 28/28, F+5 R+2 W+8, Init +3, Per +14

No problem. GMing these is a lot tougher than playing in them and we all wind up having other things come up sometimes.

Female Human Wizard 5; Init. +1; Senses Perception +2; AC 13 (+1 Armor, +1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 28; Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4

Advance warning: I will be going on holiday the 27th, and will remain away until the 5th. I should be able to get online during that time, but there are no guarantees.

The internet at home continues to be worse than spotty...

M Human Lore Warden 3/MoMS 2 | Init +7 | Perc +10 | AC 20 (24) / T 16 (20) / FF 15 | HP 29/41 | Saves F +8/R +9/W +6 Treasure

@GM - how should we handle attacks in our elemental forms? I assume I'm without my sword, since the polymorph rules say all my equipment would have melded into my body. So if I use the Large Air Elemental attacks from the Bestiary, should I just use its attack and damage bonuses? Or figure out what mine would be with the modified ability scores? And can I use Dervish Dance to add Dex to damage, since I'll be whirling around in Dervish fashion? And do my Crane Style feats still work?

Yikes - lots of questions, sorry. It's a little tricky trying to combine a Dex-based monster and a Dex-based PC.

I would say that you function solely as listed in the profile for a large elemental. Use the attacks and damage bonuses, as well as defenses.

Casters can still cast, but those without physical components.

As far as feats go, I would say that morphing int a new form does not grant you previously held feats.

if the form persists, Ajkanir may be able to figure out how to take advantage of feats in a new body, but as it stands, I'd say that you haven't had enough time to figure out how to crane style in an unfamiliar body.

This is my rationale. I am open to arguments against.

Essentially, all polymorphed characters function exactly as listed in the PRD.

Male Human Summoner 5 (Init +2; Perception -2; HP 2/43; AC 17, FF 15, Touch 12, Saves F+3/+5, R+3/+5, W+2/+4 all +2 if within Elreem's reach.)

Well typically in PF polymorphous effects only modify your existing ability scores, I think I remember you referencing an Elemental Body spell what level was it?

M Human Lore Warden 3/MoMS 2 | Init +7 | Perc +10 | AC 20 (24) / T 16 (20) / FF 15 | HP 29/41 | Saves F +8/R +9/W +6 Treasure

Sounds reasonable, and certainly less complicated. Though Elemental Body grants you bonuses to Dex and other abilities, as well as natural armor bonuses, so it seems they should play out in some way by affecting your existing abilities. But the spell doesn't really explain how, and it does polymorph you, so those rules should apply.

Not trying to argue against your approach, just noting some odd aspects to the rules - I think your interpretation makes sense. In any case, I'll wait until after the Janni acts.


the spell is somewhat simplified, and honestly, I had this plotted out before I even knew it existed. So I'll put it to you if you want to be affected as per the spell, or just function as an elemental for the time being, as per the bestiary.

Also, elreem's Vicious damage needs to be rolled for as well.

Male Human Summoner 5 (Init +2; Perception -2; HP 2/43; AC 17, FF 15, Touch 12, Saves F+3/+5, R+3/+5, W+2/+4 all +2 if within Elreem's reach.)

I think the rules are pretty clear, you would retain all viable feats, but dervish dance specifically requires a scimitar I believe so would be out.

Assuming its Elemental Body III which allows you to change into a large elemental I think Razan should look like this...

Fire Elemental Razan:

N Large outsider (elemental, extraplanar, fire)
Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11

AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+4 Dex, +4 natural, –1 size)
hp 48
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2
Immune elemental traits, resistance fire 20
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold

Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 slams +7 (1d8+4 plus burn)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks burn (1d8, DC 17)

Str 18, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 15
Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 21
Feats Mounted Combat, Ride-by-Attack, Spirited Charge, Extra Evolution,
Skills: Same except Dex based +2
Languages: Same

Male Human Summoner 5 (Init +2; Perception -2; HP 2/43; AC 17, FF 15, Touch 12, Saves F+3/+5, R+3/+5, W+2/+4 all +2 if within Elreem's reach.)

Functioning as the elementals would make us a great deal more powerful, but I don't think it makes much sense. Why would we gain BAB because we were transformed? A large elemental is CR 5, which we technically are to. For me it depends on the duration if its going to be swift just using the elementals stats would be easier, otherwise it does not take long to stat yourself up with elemental body.

well-reasoned argument. We will go with Elemental Body III then. sorry for the confusion.

Air elemental: As elemental body I except that you gain a +2 size bonus to your Strength, +4 size bonus to your Dexterity, and a +4 natural armor bonus.
You also gain fly 60 feet (perfect), darkvision 60 feet, and the ability to create a whirlwind.

Earth elemental: As elemental body I except that you gain a +6 size bonus to your Strength, a –2 penalty on your Dexterity, a +2 size bonus to your Constitution, and a +6 natural armor bonus.
You also gain darkvision 60 feet, and the ability to earth glide.

Fire elemental: As elemental body I except that you gain a +4 size bonus to your Dexterity, a +2 size bonus to your Constitution, and a +4 natural armor bonus.
You gain darkvision 60 feet, resist fire 20, vulnerability to cold, and the burn ability.

Water elemental: As elemental body I except that you gain a +2 size bonus to your Strength, a –2 penalty on your Dexterity, a +6 size bonus to your Constitution, and a +6 natural armor bonus.
You also gain swim 60 feet, darkvision 60 feet, the ability to create a vortex, and the ability to breathe water.

Also, gameplay thread will be updated tonight. Very sorry for the delay, left all my information at home.

Female Human Wizard 5; Init. +1; Senses Perception +2; AC 13 (+1 Armor, +1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 28; Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4

Hey, stuff happens. ^^

AC 10/10/10, HP 28/28, F+5 R+2 W+8, Init +3, Per +14

No problem. All clear now.

Zahur, you still with us?

(i'll give him a ltitle while today and then jsut plow ahead.)

AC 10/10/10, HP 28/28, F+5 R+2 W+8, Init +3, Per +14

Sorry, I've been totally swamped lately. Not that it matters anymore, but I do have a question. Could Zahur have used bane on his fists as an elemental or does it need to be an actual weapon?

RAW state that you cannot cast spells with material components while polymorphed. While i admire your problem-solving, Razan, the character is literally made of fire right now, and what you posted is impossible.

AC 10/10/10, HP 28/28, F+5 R+2 W+8, Init +3, Per +14

I thought it was a nice try too! :)

Male Human Summoner 5 (Init +2; Perception -2; HP 2/43; AC 17, FF 15, Touch 12, Saves F+3/+5, R+3/+5, W+2/+4 all +2 if within Elreem's reach.)

Fair enough, I agree that I can't strictly use them - though personally I feel thats a rule to prevent minmaxing use of polymorph and something I'd let slide here. I don't agree that a Fire Elemental burns everything it touches, why doesn't it burn anyone that punches it, or the floor then? It has the burn ability which is very different. There is nothing mechanically stopping a fire elemental wearing armor or using a spell component pouch. Its kinda like if an air elemental is really made of air how do normal weapons hurt it, we have to assume it eiother isn't really made of air, or its made of special air that has some oddly solid properties. Not that it matters I just think its an interesting point.

eh, fine, we'll let it slide.



Female Human Wizard 5; Init. +1; Senses Perception +2; AC 13 (+1 Armor, +1 Dex., +1 natural); hp 28; Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4

Whose turn is it now? *eager to keep blasting away*

Zahur's turn.

technical difficulties, will post again tomorrow,.

AC 10/10/10, HP 28/28, F+5 R+2 W+8, Init +3, Per +14

I thought it was Razan's turn. Was hoping that he and Elreem might have been able to finish things with Zahur's boost.

Zahur is correct. Razan's turn!

M Human Lore Warden 3/MoMS 2 | Init +7 | Perc +10 | AC 20 (24) / T 16 (20) / FF 15 | HP 29/41 | Saves F +8/R +9/W +6 Treasure

Hello all - just wanted to let you know that I will be away Sunday through Wednesday, and in all likelihood without computer access the entire time. So I'll be jumping back in Thursday of next week - feel free to bot me as needed.

AC 10/10/10, HP 28/28, F+5 R+2 W+8, Init +3, Per +14

Heads up that I'll be on a family vacation to Ireland starting tomorrow and running through the end of the month. I do plan to try to keep up with my games, but in the event Zahur lags, go ahead and feel free to play him.


update is coming. I'm sending a message to Razan to make sure he's still with us.

no word on Razan. Going to open recruitment once this dungeon has been completed, since it's almost over.

if posting is (still) spotty for the next few days, I'm sorry. I'm moving on friday and life is exactly what you would expect because of that.

AC 10/10/10, HP 28/28, F+5 R+2 W+8, Init +3, Per +14

That's too bad because Razan was a lot of fun, but I agree its time to move on. Good luck with your move. I'll be coming right back from this vacation into out own move although fortunately we have until the end of July to finish it and the move in within the same neighborhood.

M Human Lore Warden 3/MoMS 2 | Init +7 | Perc +10 | AC 20 (24) / T 16 (20) / FF 15 | HP 29/41 | Saves F +8/R +9/W +6 Treasure

It is too bad about Razan - he was quality entertainment, and quite useful in a fight. But he's also disappeared from a Skull & Shackles game I'm in with him, and hasn't posted in the games he DM's in a month or so, so I expected we'd lose him here too.

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