DM Corvus |
Thursday, November 8th, 1888. London, England.
To say that Whitechapel is an unsavory section of London would shock no one. Immigrants and refugees are crammed into every available inch of space. Squalor, desperation and violence are the norm. But since August, a new violence has been visited upon the women of Whitechapel. Called Leather Apron, The Whitechapel Murderer, and now, Jack the Ripper; four women have died at the hands of this monster; the killer vanishing into the darkness and mists of the narrow streets of the city after each attack.
Ink splattered across every paper proclaimed the murderer’s new sobriquet. Blood splattered across cobblestones proclaimed the murderer’s tally: Four women: throats cut, bodies mutilated, and no sign of the killer yet found.
The Whitechapel Vigilance Committee has been useless; their patrols impotent, their newly-offered reward a futile attempt at flushing out a madman. The Metropolitan Police Service may as well be chasing a ghost, that mocks them by post, with bloody letters and trophies from the victims.
None know, but the ritual is about to come to an end.
You have the misfortune of being near Dorset Street, on a fog-choked Thursday, November the 8th, when an unidentified killer commits one final act; ensuring immortality as a vicious legend, a notorious moniker, etched in the annals of history with the blood of five women.
Greetings and welcome to the recruitment thread for a new PBP Pathfinder game. This will be a somewhat restrictive recruitment and rule-set (at first) but will open to more character choices as the story progresses. This will also be an opportunity to playtest a new rule-set I have been working on for the past few weeks. (More on that later)
Races: Human. Only Human. This game takes place in the real world, non-human races are not available.
Ability Scores: 15 point buy.
Classes: The following PC classes are available initially:
- Fighter
- Rogue
- Bard
- Cleric
- Gunslinger
- Ranger
- Monk (martial artist archetype only)
Archetypes: For the most part these are selected on a case-by-case basis.
Skills: The following skills are not available to take at character creation
- Fly
- Knowledge Arcana
- Knowledge Dungeoneering
- Knowledge Planes
- Spellcraft
- Use Magic Device
Level: 2nd Level. For your first level, you must take a level in one of the following NPC classes:
- Aristocrat
- Adept
- Warrior
- Commoner
- Expert
Wealth: Maximum for first class level. GP will be considered British Pounds in game, but the value doesn't change. You get one free non-magic weapon.
Traits: Two traits. Please do not select from the same category twice. If you wish to re-skin a trait from any Paizo source into a real-world equivalent, feel free to include it. I will issue approval on all custom traits.
This game takes place in the real world. As such, magic does not exist. No spells, feats, magical abilities, or anything that would grant your character some ability that would qualify as unrealistic is allowed at character creation.
Guns: we will be operating at a 'Guns are Everywhere' level of technology. Advanced firearms are available.
Weapons: Other weapons are hard to come by. Swords, etc, cost double or more to purchase. (this to be determined on a case by case basis) Submit the equipment you'd like the character to have, and we will determine the cost.
Equipment: Only mundane, and non magical is available. Your equipment need not represent everything your character has on them.
Armor: As with weapons, armor is hard to come by. Prices will be determined on a case by case basis. At character creation, Leather, Studded Leather, Padded, Quilted Cloth and Armored Coat are available. Costs are normal for the above.
A note on setting and mood
This will be a Gothic horror campaign. Role-playing will be highly emphasized and excellent role-playing will be highly rewarded. Your characters will be ordinary folk faced with the extraordinary. As such, we will be utilizing a version of the Fear, Horror and Madness rules originally from 2nd Edition Ravenloft (these will be made available to all).
Combat will be rare, but brutal.
Characters will be picked on background first. Please include crunch information in a spoiler. No need for an Alias just yet.
If I have forgotten anything or you have any questions, please let me know.
Enchanter Tim |
Very interested. I have two characters in mind based on how soon magical classes might become available. If magic will continue to be rare, then a gentleman Archaeologist Bard who uses a sword cane and pistol. If other classes open up later, then I might consider a Gunslinger who becomes an Inquisitor later.
Mug |
I'd like to submit Detective Roland Clive.
Human Ranger (Infiltrator).
He's no Sherlock, instead putting himself in his targets shoes, trying to understand and even mimic them in order to take them down.
I understand Archetypes are considered, and I can easily drop the Infiltrator, I just loved the idea of a detective putting himself in the minds of killers to achieve justice. Sort of a 'Criminal Minds' approach.
Roland trudged on in the drizzle of the cold night, squinting up through the light droplets to see the partially obscured moon through some rooftops. He tries to squeeze against the building to take advantage of the slight overhead above and get a reprieve, but the droplets there just fell slower and fatter. After several futile seconds, he cursed under his breath and continued moving down the dark street. Four murders, he thought, and his inner voice lapsed into silence as he hopped an expanding puddle. He'd been on the case for some time, and knew he shouldn't be out alone, despite the preference of the madman to kill only women... it just wasn't safe. But he needed the reward, like everyone else, but Roland (Rolly to his friends) thought he had a better chance than all of them.
There were few people out that night, people scarcely seemed to leave their homes these days, especially at night. But there they were, hustling to some destination or another. Not like Rolly though, he was out for a different reason. He was hunting. Coming to a cross street he heard them, a couple of female voices speaking quietly in night. Almost without thought Roland melted back into the street and into a narrow, litter-filled alley. He kicked a bottle which cut through the sound of rain to clanked loudly on the empty street. He could hear the woman stop talking suddenly, hearing the sound of the bottle. Roland could sense their alarm, their growing apprehension and fear, even from this distance. He kept still and quiet, not moving as drips of water slipped off his cap and into his collar. After what seemed like hours, the woman started up again, dismissing the noise as a stray dog or cat. They walked right past his hiding spot, heads close together under a scanty umbrella, and continued past him, oblivious. Careful of his feet now, Roland eased himself onto the walkway behind them, and started after them, treading softly. They were too far for him to overhear, but he maintained his distance and watched them in fascination --how they walked and moved, how they huddled close together for comfort from the fear. Perfect.
Finally, one of them turned around, and saw his dark silhouette trailing after them. With a sudden and horrified scream she bolted, leaving her companion behind. The remaining woman turned more slowly, and Roland stopped, keeping his features in shadow. They stood there for several seconds, regarding one another, Roland watching the woman's every move. She seemed too frightened to do or say much, and Roland soaked it in, watching and feeling his blood start pounding in a weird anticipation. Then, he took a single heavy step her direction, and that was enough. She screamed and ran, her umbrella forgotten, and Roland ran after her. Can't leave a trail he though as he scooped up her umbrella and folded it in a smooth motion, hardly breaking stride as he chased the wide-eyed woman. Her dress interfered with her legs, he noted impassively, and realized he was gaining very quickly. Coming to the next cross street the woman stumbled to the left, not looking where she was going, too much attention on him and his closing proximity, They really should watch where they're going he thought. She screamed once more, and looked around, the street perfectly deserted, and tripped and fell into a puddle.
Roland stopped running ten paces away, chest heaving on his wiry 6' frame. He stalked closer to her, one arm holding the umbrella behind him, the other reaching out for her. She was too scared to even scream now, he saw, and wondered why no one had emerged to help her. Standing over her he stooped suddenly, and the woman closed her eyes at the sudden motion, certain this was the end. When nothing happened after a second she opened one eye, to see an open hand, palm up, hovering before her. "Sorry to give you such a fright ma'am, let me help you." Extending a shaking hand she reached out and Roland lifted her quickly to her feet, handing back her umbrella, opening it and placing it firmly into the woman's shaking grasp. "Detective Clive, ma'am, you and your friend seemed to need some looking after, the madman still loose and all. Just doing a quick patrol and then I'll be on my way. Let me take you to your door." Only able to nod a dazed acceptance of his offer, Roland walked her the 5 minutes to her door, removing his hand and ducking his head as the still-dazed woman practically fell inside, chuckling as the door slammed shut with a bang.
Replacing his hat he moved to an overhang and removed a pad of paper from a rain-proof packet, and a pencil. He spoke the words aloud as he wrote them, a bad habit from childhood, "Killer feels excitement and thrill during chase. Groups display no sense of loyalty during moments of intense surprise and fear. Woman unable to move quickly due to clothing...." He taps the pencil against his lower lip, and then raps his own head lightly as he remembers something, "Killer probably very light on feet and good at hiding." Pleased at all he'd learned and experienced tonight Roland placed his notes away carefully, not wanting to damage the precious paper in the rain. He started trudging back to his small flat, from which he ran his modestly successful sleuth business for many years. He wasn't rich, but that wasn't why he did it. He loved the thrill of discovery, as he better understood his opponents, he was able to then anticipate and predict certain patterns. Using this technique he'd brought many a criminal to justice. Tonight's experiment may have terrified a couple innocent women, but they'd proven invaluable as he tried to understand this 'Leather Apron' or whoever he was.
He entered his cluttered home, gave his customary sigh of regret he didn't have a female companion around to help keep the place clean... among other important tasks. He sat at his large desk, the best piece of furniture in the place, and transferred the notes from his smaller pad to a larger one, adding in a few more details as he recalled the whole experience. Tomorrow night he thought, tomorrow night I'll try again. He knew he was getting close, he could feel it. The sensations of the hunt came quickly and easily to his searching mind. It sometimes frightened him, how much he enjoyed putting himself in the shoes of evil men, thinking like them... But so far he'd been able to stop himself from crossing the line, from getting in too deep. Granted on the tough nights he scarcely slept... but it was a price he was willing to pay.
Ability Scores 15
Strength : 12 (1) 02 point buy + 0 racial + 0 level + 0 misc
Dexterity : 14 (2) 05 point buy + 0 racial + 0 level + 0 misc
Constitution : 10 (0) 00 point buy + 0 racial + 0 level + 0 misc
Intelligence : 12 (1) 02 point buy + 0 racial + 0 level + 0 misc
Wisdom : 16 (3) 05 point buy + 2 racial + 0 level + 0 misc
Charisma : 11 (0) 01 point buy + 0 racial + 0 level + 0 misc
Daniel Stewart |
I would love to play a newly emigrated oriental character with the martial arts background, if possible. He will have come over with his family, who were duped and sold into virtual slavery at the estate of a local nobleman. Since freeing them, he has settled in the local 'chinatown' with his family to run a kung fu school/traditional medicine shop. Will work on crunch tonight...
Ajkanir al-Atabiyah |
This looks like a lot of fun, with some cool character concepts thrown out already. However, I am resisting mightily and hoping I make that Will save, as I'm a bit overloaded in the PbP department at the moment.
I'm only posting to say that I'm in another of Corvus' PbPs and he's a great DM - reliable, lets you know when he won't be around for a bit, very good at characterization and description, and inventive with situations and scenarios. And fun. Did I mention fun?
dreamingdragon |
This looks like loads of fun.
Depending on the future availability of the Barbarian class, I would go fighter (the unarmed archetype whose name is escaping me) with an eye towards picking up barbarian (the improvised weapon archetype whose name is also escaping me). Alternately, could just take the catch off guard feat, (I'm thinking that a coat rack would be a polearm with the disarm quality....) He'd go strong on intimidate and enjoy playing "bad cop" during the roleplay sections.
He would be a local hoodlum with a strong desire to see order restored to the neighborhood. After all, them killings brings down the coppers, and that's bad fer business, never mind the poor girls is terrified....
Daniel Stewart | is the crunch for my character....I think I followed all the rules, but please check over.
Male Human Expert 1 Monk 1
LN Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +8
AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+1 shield, +2 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 14 (2d8+1)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +7
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed strike +2 (1d6+2/x2)
Ranged Shuriken +2 (1d2+1/x2) and
. . Sling +2 (1d4+1/x2)
Special Attacks flurry of blows -1/-1
Str 13, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 17
Feats Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Snapping Turtle Style +1, Stunning Fist (1/day) (DC 14), Weapon Finesse
Traits Open Palm of Irori (Vudrani), Quain Martial Artist
Skills Acrobatics +8, Craft (alchemy) +5, Escape Artist +6, Heal +10, Knowledge (nature) +5, Knowledge (religion) +6, Perception +8, Profession (herbalist) +7, Stealth +7, Survival +7
Languages Cantonese, Common
SQ ac bonus +3, stunning fist (stun), unarmed strike (1d6)
Combat Gear Healer's kit; Other Gear Shuriken (5), Sling, Sling bullets (10), Canteen, Silk rope, 86 GP, 9 SP
Special Abilities
AC Bonus +3 The Monk adds his Wisdom bonus to AC and CMD, more at higher levels.
Flurry of Blows -1/-1 (Ex) Make Flurry of Blows attack as a full rd action.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Open Palm of Irori (Vudrani) +1 bonus on Acrobatics checks; channel ki 1/day for extra damage.
Snapping Turtle Style +1 Gain +1 shield bonus to AC when at least one hand is free
Stunning Fist (1/day) (DC 14) You can stun an opponent with an unarmed attack.
Stunning Fist (Stun) (Ex) At 1st level, the monk gains Stunning Fist as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the monk gains the ability to apply a new condition to the target of his Stunning Fist. This conditio
Unarmed Strike (1d6) The Monk does lethal damage with his unarmed strikes.
Azrael Dukshi |
This looks like a pretty neat campaign. Color me interested.
I do have an idea with a class that you don't have approved right off the bat - I was thinking of a doctor/alchemist, a character who researches and produces medicine for people. Suppressing any of the magical abilities until they would be available, though. Would this character concept be feasible?
Enchanter Tim |
Mug inspired me to write a first-person background instead of the usual. So here's Jossem Rook, an Archaeologist Bard.
Along with his historical studies, he is a member of the wealthy Rook family. Joss also has some more private dealings which help finance his lifestyle.
Jossem closed his books and looked at the time. Damn, I didn’t realize it was so late. Mary will be furious if we miss the show.
He shoved the books into the drawer of his cluttered desk and grabbed his coat. He checked the mirror down the hall and combed his hair. It wouldn’t do to show up at Mary’s door looking disheveled, and he didn’t have time to return home anymore. He chuckled to himself and winked at his reflection in the mirror. After all, I have a reputation to keep up. What would people say if one of the Rooks showed up to a function looking like rabble. They might actually think about things before they take our money!
He picked up the items he had been cataloging from his desk and placed them back onto the cart. It was laden with items from expeditions in Egypt and the Transjordan area. Most of them were items of pottery, small trinkets, or even utensils. There were, however, a few rings and a couple daggers on the cart as well. The largest piece was an ancient scimitar found by Dr. Westone several years ago during his excavation near Alexandria. Jossem secured everything in the cart, making sure none of the pottery would fall out. He carefully wheeled the cart out of his office and down the hall. It was already dark outside, but there was enough light streaming from a few offices for him to easily make his way around the corridors of the Antiquities Department of the University College of London. It appeared several of his colleagues were also working late.
As he turned the corner into the Artifact Holding Area, a dark figure came right at him. The archaeologist jumped back and made a small shout. ”Relax, Joss, it’s just me!” the figure laughed. ”The Whitechapel Murderer goes after women, you know. You’re not that pretty!” The figure walked into the light, revealing a skinny fellow in a patchwork coat. He was grinning and laughing.
”Bloody Night, Rory! You scared me half to death. And yes, I know I’m not the type for the murderer. Still doesn’t mean I expect a dark shadow to come after me! What the hell are you doing in the dark?” Jossem tried to peer past the man, but it was too dark to see. ”Eh, I didn’t feel like lighting the lamps. I just needed to grab this scroll anyway. Professor Fitzroy and I are comparing some of the wording to a tablet found near the Ottoman border. He thinks he remembered similar phrasing. Who knows. Hey, don’t you have Mary have tickets t-” Joss cut him off. ”Yes, and if I don’t go now, she’ll have my hide. See you, mate.” He pushed the cart farther down the hall and lit a few lamps. It would be nice when the College put in those new electric lamps. He looked back to make sure Rory was gone. I wonder what he was up to? Probably nothing but...
Joss grabbed the scimitar and walked down the corridor and down the stairs. Reaching the storage area, he looked around for anything out of place. Nothing. He walked to the area for items waiting for storage. Ah, here we go. Joss picked up a silver ring from the 5th century and a small gold-covered statuette. Both were tagged that they had been catalogued already and were prepped for storage. And the others questioned why I would take so many hours in the dusty Collections section of the Department. Well, a Rook needs to finance himself somehow, right? Field excavations were great, but they don’t pay much. And with Jossem’s father sinking more investments into new shipping routes, a fair bit of spending cash was more than welcome. He tucked the two items into his coat and shifted the others to keep the space regular. Not that anyone will notice. These are just going to the warehouse.
He extinguished the lamps, dropped the scimitar back off, and walked out of the storage and holding areas. Grabbing his walking cane and hat as he passed his office again, he quickened his pace leaving the University. It was pouring outside, so he ran to the carriages.
Damn, we’re going to be late. Mary will have a fit.
DM Corvus |
@Ajkanir: Your glowing praise will not save your character from a horrible death. But thanks all the same!
@Mug - Infiltrator works just fine for me.
@Yorick - No insquisitors just yet.
@Nostrum / Gluttony - I think that if you make a cleric with the archetype of the Evangelist or the Cloistered Cleric they would still be an interesting class to play without divine powers. Also it would give you a jump when the divine does become apparent. I mostly intended it so people would feel inclined to play a priest. Granted, your character does not need to have cleric levels to actually be a priest at this point.
@Azrael - In my attempts to keep this as grounded as possible at first, I cannot allow an alchemist. If you want your character to be a Doctor or Scientist, I feel like that is mostly represented by skills and traits and feats at this point. Taking two levels of the NPC class Expert could also represent it, I think, and would be permissible in this instance.
To all - I apologize if this seems haphazard at this point. My intention is to make a completely grounded, real-world set of characters to throw into an unholy mess of a situation.
A further note on traits: Racial traits for humans from the ARG are perfectly acceptable to use, so long as they do not relate to granting magical abilities.
@ Daniel Stewart - looks good. where were the traits picked from and what bonuses do they give? I can't find them in the PRD.
@ Tim / Mug - I like what I see so far. interested to see crunch too when you get the time.
Daniel Stewart |
Here are the 2 traits I choose and the supplements they came from.
Race Trait - Humans of Golarion
Open Palm of Irori
Your practice of the tenets of Vudrani martial arts has granted you a perfect balance between body and spirit.
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Acrobatics and Knowledge (religion) checks. If you have a ki pool, once per day as a swift action, you may channel your ki during an unarmed strike, gaining a +2 trait bonus on one damage roll. This additional damage is precision damage.
Regional Trait - Dragon Empires Primer
Quain Martial Artist
Having grown up in Quain, you were taught under various schools of martial arts, and have used all you have learned to hone your fighting prowess.
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls when using unarmed strikes.
dreamingdragon |
"You never heard of Ma McIntyre's boys?" Tommy says, leaning casually on a heavy looking walking stick. He's a big man, with narrow eyes and worn clothes, about a half-step out of the gutter at best. "Guess you ain't from around here. Used to be we was a force on the streets, but with one thing and another, it's down to just me. I guess I'm the lucky one, only one of seven brothers to stay out of gaol or the grave. Me ma retired, an me sister Annie, well, she's the reason I'm keeping both eyes out for this Ripper character, ain't she? Don't want her ending up like the others."
"Meantime, I got Ma and Annie to look after, and me own Kate's got a little un on the way, so if you can spare a bob or two, that'd be lovely." He bares his teeth in a dangerous grin, and that walking stick makes a wooshing sound as it cuts through the air, and smacks against his palm hard enough that the sound echoes off the brick factory walls that line the street. "Or maybe you know something about Jack?"
Human Expert 1 Fighter 1
N Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +3
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 19 (1d10+1d8+5)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Club +4 (1d6+4/x2) and
. . Unarmed strike +4 (1d3+3/x2)
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Intimidating Prowess, Power Attack -1/+2
Traits Reactionary, Suspicious
Skills Acrobatics +6, Appraise +4, Disable Device +4, Escape Artist +6, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (local) +4, Perception +3, Sense Motive +5
Languages Common
Other Gear Club, 145 GP
Special Abilities
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
DM Corvus |
Mug |
Well I got the crunch done I believe. Let me know if something isn't adding up. Thanks!
Roland Clive "Rolley"
Male Human Expert 1 Ranger 1
NG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +8/+10 vs fav enemy
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 Studded Leather Armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 14 (8,5+1)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Brass Knuckles +2 (1d3+1/x2) vs fav enemy +4 (1d3+3/x2)
Ranged Starknife +3 (1d4+1/x2) vs fav enemy +5 (1d4+3/x3)
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 13
Feats Dodge, Point-Blank Shot
Traits Courageous, Suspicious
Skills Acrobatics +2, Bluff +2, Climb +1, Diplomacy +5, Heal +7, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (local) +5/+7, Perception +8, Profession (herbalist) +8, Ride +2, Sense Motive +11, Stealth +8, Survival +8,12/13/15 (regular,urban,tracking,fav enemy)
Languages Common
SQ Favored Enemy (Humans)
Combat Gear: Belt Pouch, Rations x1, Waterskin, Travelers Outfit, Journal(notepad), Ink & Inkpen, Mirror, Magnifying Glass. 83 GP, 9 SP
Special Abilities
Favored Enemy +2 Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival. +2 attack and damage. May make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures.
Level 1: Humanoid (Humans)
Enchanter Tim |
Ok, here's Jossem Rook.
I gave him a Courtier's outfit to simulate expensive and fine clothing (but not quite to the level of nobility) and 50 gp of jewelry consisting of cufflinks and a pocket watch.
Also, I gave him the Historian Trait from Legacy of Fire. It is, however from 3.5 where Bardic Knowledge worked differently. Historian states a +1 to all Bardic Knowledge checks. If that is converted to Pathfinder, it would basically be a +1 to all Knowledge Skills. Let me know if that's acceptable, otherwise I can change it.
Jossem Rook
Male Human Aristocrat 1 Bard (Archaeologist) 1
N Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +5
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 13 (2d8+1)
Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Sword cane +1 (1d6+1/x2)
Bard (Archaeologist) Spells Known (CL 1):
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 14
Feats Fast Learner, Lingering Performance
Traits Historian (Human - Garundi), Nimble Fingers, Keen Mind
Skills Appraise +5, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +6, Knowledge (arcana) +2, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +2, Knowledge (engineering) +2, Knowledge (geography) +2, Knowledge (history) +7, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge (nature) +2, Knowledge (nobility) +6, Knowledge (planes) +2, Knowledge (religion) +6, Linguistics +5, Perception +5, Ride +7, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven
SQ archaeologist's luck +1 (6 rounds/day), bardic knowledge
Other Gear Sword cane, Courtier's outfit, Cufflinks, Pocket Watch, Signet ring, 5 GP
Special Abilities
Archaeologist's Luck +1 (6 rounds/day) (Ex) Gain Luck bonus to attack, damage, saves, and all skills.
Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex) Add +1 to all knowledge skill checks.
Lingering Performance Bardic Performances last 2 rds after you stop concentrating.
Crellan |
Meet Father Paidraig
Father Paidraig
Male Human Cleric (Evangelist) 1
NG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +6
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Quarterstaff +0 (1d6/x2)
Special Attacks sermonic performance (standard action) (7 rounds/d, sermonic performance: counterspell, sermonic performance: fascinate (dc 13), sermonic performance: inspire courage +1
Spell-Like Abilities Bit of Luck (5/day)
Cleric (Evangelist) Spells Prepared NONE
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 10
Feats Extra Channel, Selective Channeling
Traits Family Ties, Underbridge Dweller (Magnimar)
Skills Diplomacy +7, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge (religion) +5, Perform Oratory +7, Perception +6.
Languages Common, Latin and Gaelic, Varisian
SQ aura, domains (luck), hero points, public speaker (-4 dc to hear), spontaneous casting
Other Gear Quarterstaff, Sling bullets (10), 24 GP, 7 SP, 11 CP
Bit of Luck (5/day) (Sp) - 0/5
Sermonic Performance (standard action) (7 rounds/day) - 0/7
Special Abilities
Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
Bit of Luck (5/day) (Sp) Target takes the higher of 2d20 for a d20 roll.
Cleric (Evangelist) Domain (Luck) Granted Powers: You are infused with luck, and your mere presence can spread good fortune.
Public Speaker (-4 DC to hear) An evangelist gains Perform as a class skill. In addition, she is trained to project her voice with great skill and effect; the DC to hear her speak in difficult conditions is reduced by an amount equal to her class level plus her Charisma modifier
Selective Channeling Exclude targets from the area of your Channel Energy.
Sermonic Performance (standard action) (7 rounds/day) An evangelist gains the ability to deliver a select number of supernatural and spell-like performances through the force and power of her divinely inspired preaching and exhortation. This ability is similar in all respects to bardic performance as us
Sermonic Performance: Counterspell (Su) Counter magical effects that depend on sound.
Sermonic Performance: Fascinate (DC 13) (Su) One or more creatures becomes fascinated with you.
Sermonic Performance: Inspire Courage +1 (Su) Morale bonus on some saving throws, attack and damage rolls.
Spontaneous Casting An evangelist does not gain the ability to spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells by sacrificing prepared spells. However, an evangelist can spontaneously cast the following spells by sacrificing a prepared spell of the noted level or above:
Underbridge Dweller (Magnimar) +2 to Perception checks in dim light.
My name is Paidraig FitzHugh, and I know there is a God, and he is watching.
For years I spoke for Sein Faine in London, representing the Irish on the street, to the papers, to whoever wished to hear. Charisma… that's what they said I had. The people loved me, the women loved me, and the message as I told it was of noble freedom fighters who would die for their religion and country. That was more than twenty years ago, and God explained to me how wrong I was.
I was religious as a lad, a good Catholic - communion, confirmation, all that. My prayers back then were more about getting to see what was under Molly Murphy's plaid than any true religion, but I believed in God, Jesus - the body and blood. I knew that the English way was blasphemy and that the Catholic Church and a free Ireland were worth fighting and dying for… were worth killing for. That was more than thirty years ago, and God explained to me how wrong I was.
He explained it to me not with words, but with what happened to me. That is how real lessons are learned. Talking stopped being enough for my mates and me. We were ready for what was called "direct action." To Sein Faine action was talking, and I'd had my fill of that. I wanted to be able to say that I did something about it, and so I met Sean O'Mallory and his boys to do something about it. We were to kill a Lord of Parliament, with a bomb because that was our way. The bomb was black powder, American - the best. We filled a football with the stuff, with small spheres of steel along the leather to blow outward at every angle. We could level a city block with it and there was no way that his lordship was going to get away from that one.
When the day came to set the bomb, I met up with Sean and his mates - I was to talk our way onto his lordship's estate and from there they boys were posing as my camera crew and were to plant the bomb. The plan was working like a dream, until they came back early from the cricket pitch… the wife and the two young boys. The bomb was set to blow…
No! Its not supposed to be like this…. They've got to get out! Paidraig runs over to the minster's wife and tries to explain that they have to leave the premises due to a newspaper engagement. "Sorry Ma'am, there is an interview going on for your husband and all, can you take the boys back in the carriage for just a short while? Just once around the block should do it."
The football comes rolling up the drive, just like it's supposed to. Dear God, no! Not like this! Paidraig grabs up the football and turns his back on the Lady and the boys, gripping the ball to his chest hoping that his body will reflect them from the blast. Sean and his crew come running towards him yelling at him to throw the ball and run. Paidrig hangs onto the ball and runs toward Sean and starts reciting, "Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of god …"
SILENCE… silence.
I woke up in the hospital the next day. Bobbies outside the door and I thought I knew what it meant, but they were just keeping the press away. I had trouble seeing and couldn't hear for days, but I made out the Times headline: Sein Faine Activist Saves Family of Minister. Ten fingers, aside from powder burns, barely hurt despite the black powder and the ball-bearings. Somehow, the blast had focused outward - tearing Sean O'Mallory and his boys to dog gristle. His lordship's family was fine, and I was unscratched and a true hero according to the paper. A true hero. I'd just tried to kill a man and almost killed his family. But for the Grace of God, I'd be dead as well as the lady and the boys. The Grace of God.
I couldn't handle the notoriety and fame that I didn't deserve. I snuck out of the Hospital and made my way to Westminster Catherdral. The priest there heard my confession face-to-face. He'd read the papers and knew who I was from the political pages already. I explained to him that it was a miracle, it was the Hand of God that saved the lady and the boys… saved me as little as I deserved it. He said I was the conduit of God's Will - like a saint I guess. I asked him to help me, hide me, take me in. And the Church did. For eight years I was a monk, than an acolyte and eventually ordained. I grew out a full beard and with my hair turning grey, there was little chance that anyone would guess that Father Paidraig was Paidraig FitzHugh.
Once I left the abbey, I began to preach among the Irish in London, the Packies, the Indians, the slums. While I've never had a miracle again, I know that my voice that once rose up in hatred against a perceived oppression now merely lifts up those who need it. The darkest corners of society is where I travel now, the Parkies know me, the Packies, Indians, the Irish... I carry my walking-stick, an old-school sheilieliegh, in case the rough parts get rough, but they that I am there to help now… I try to do God’s work now, because if he didn’t raise his hand and save me, the lady and her boys... I know there is a God, Heaven and Hell. I know that Mother Mary looked over me – allowed me to be the conduit of the Holy Ghost. Now I strive to channel that spirit again, through charity and the Word. I know I am here because Darkness can come again, and God, Mary, and the Holy Ghost preserved me for a purpose and I will serve until they see fit that I fulfill it.
Anthony Krast |
A couple of questions.
1: Since we are required to take an NPC class, do we get "Favoured Class" bonuses for levels in that class, even if your actual favoured class is the PC class?
2: How much refluffing do you allow? Im considering getting Eldritch Heritage and taking the Rakshasa bloodline. The effect of the bloodline power is obviously magical in nature just from where you are getting it, but the actual effect itself (+5 to a bluff check) isnt I guess what im asking is, would that feat fall under the "no magic" rule, or could I refluff it as simply being really good at lying?
3: Not allowing Knowledge Arcana. Even in our non magical real world, there were people who were "occultists" who believed strongly in such things. Would a character like that be allowed Knowledge Arcana? Or is all the "Arcane knowledge" such a person would have, simply wrong (in relation to the REAL magic)
4: Commoner. I can imagine alot of good backgrounds being based off this class, but in a group of inferior NPC classes this one is just laughably subpar, to the point where it might put people off using it as a base. Might I suggest letting people choose a Good save for the class?
5: I have an idea for a washed up Aristocrat Gunslinger who pursued a military career but ended up being badly wounded in Afghanistan, discharged from service, falling into alcohol and "substance" abuse as well as gambling. Has his family estate which he just barely manages to keep with what few assets he still owns.
Oh right, the question...I want him to be middle aged...Allowed?
DM Corvus |
Excellent questions!
1: Since we are required to take an NPC class, do we get "Favoured Class" bonuses for levels in that class, even if your actual favoured class is the PC class?
Answer: Yes, that sounds reasonable.
2: How much refluffing do you allow? Im considering getting Eldritch Heritage and taking the Rakshasa bloodline. The effect of the bloodline power is obviously magical in nature just from where you are getting it, but the actual effect itself (+5 to a bluff check) isnt I guess what im asking is, would that feat fall under the "no magic" rule, or could I refluff it as simply being really good at lying?
Answer: Not allowed, as Sorcerers and all sorcerer abilities (even gained through feats) are not viable at this point. Apologies, I should have been more clear on that. I believe there are suitable traits and feats that can boost a bluff check.
3: Not allowing Knowledge Arcana. Even in our non magical real world, there were people who were "occultists" who believed strongly in such things. Would a character like that be allowed Knowledge Arcana? Or is all the "Arcane knowledge" such a person would have, simply wrong (in relation to the REAL magic)
Answer: I would argue that occultists would fall under Knowledge: Religion in our world.
4: Commoner. I can imagine alot of good backgrounds being based off this class, but in a group of inferior NPC classes this one is just laughably subpar, to the point where it might put people off using it as a base. Might I suggest letting people choose a Good save for the class?
Answer: Yes! IF you choose Commoner as your NPC class you can pick one save to be the 'good save' I.E. you get a +2
5: I have an idea for a washed up Aristocrat Gunslinger who pursued a military career but ended up being badly wounded in Afghanistan, discharged from service, falling into alcohol and "substance" abuse as well as gambling. Has his family estate which he just barely manages to keep with what few assets he still owns.
Oh right, the question...I want him to be middle aged...Allowed?
Answer: Absolutely! Sounds like a great character idea!
@Crellan: An interesting submission, only there is some historical discrepancy (as far as I can tell). Sinn Fein did not come into being until the 1900's, technically. He may be a better fit for the Fenian Rising movement maybe? My knowledge on this subject is not concrete, however.
Anthony Krast |
I present to you, Richard Foxworthy (Name subject to change)
Richard has, for the most part, lived a rather typical life for someone born into a rich family. His father was a Major, and like his father, Richard made a career in the military. He was a Lieutenant when he was sent to Afghanistan to fight in what would later be known as the Second Anglo-Afghan War. It was here, during the Battle of Maiwand that he lost most of the men under his command, he himself being seriously wounded. He was sent home to a hospital bed, and later honorably discharged due to mental illness, "Not fit for duty". The illness in question was depression, survivors guilt and being borderline suicidal.
With his parent both passing away a few years later, he has fallen into gambling, alcoholism and drug abuse, barely holding on to enough of his parents wealth to sustain his self destructive behavior.
I can think of more, but for now that will be my application.
Normally I would never roll for HP when I have the option of half +1, but given Richards drug abuse I think I will leave it up to chance how well his health has held up :)
1d10 ⇒ 9
His eyes flew open, pupils shrinking to tiny points in a vain attempt to keep from seeing.
Everything was awash in flames, the very horizon a rolling inferno. All around him were strewn soldiers, men who had trusted him to lead them, men who had placed their faith in his leadership to see them safely through their campaign, safely home. But now they were face down in pools of their own blood, caked with sand and gore, unmoving, lifeless. Yet still they screamed, yelled for him to save them. The crackling flames, the screaming men, the very sounds threatened to drive him mad.
Then madness came for him.
Riding out of the flames it came, astride a steed as black as coal. As it neared it raised a long curved blade high, ready to strike as it came ever closer. The thundering of the steeds hooves drove all other sound before it, hammering relentlessly as it closed the last few yards. With the light of the flames mirrored across its blade, the sword flashed down towards him as the thundering of hooves threatened to burst his eardrums.
He screamed.
With a loud thud Richard crashed to the floor, empty bottles and well worn playing cards raining down around him, followed swiftly by an ashen cloud as an overflowing ashtray followed. Still not realizing where he was, he scampered into a corner, eyes wild with fear. He was drenched in sweat and his vision blurred as he tried to focus on his surroundings. But it was all secondary to the sound of thundering hooves. He could still hear it! For many long seconds he sat curled up in the corner, shaking and hyperventilating. Then finally he realized what he was hearing.
"SIR??!?! SIR!!?! Are you alright Sir!!?"
Gregory hammered on the door again.
Fighting to calm himself Richard managed to reply to the butlers insistent inquiries.
"yes...*cough* YES! Gregory im quite alright, but I wont be if you dont stop yelling!!"
Satisfied at finally getting an answer, Gregorys voice sounded through the door, this time calm and collected as usual.
"Very good Sir. Forgive the rude awakening, but when one finds the door to your chambers locked and no reply from within, one begins to fear he may be out of a job, that is to say, out of an employer, Sir."
Crawling back towards the table and his chair which had been tipped over, Richard managed to get the chair back on its feet, followed shortly by himself before taking a seat with a heavy sigh.
"Just another dream" he mumbled to himself, before picking a bottle off the floor and salvaging the remaining contents.
"Dont worry Gregory, ive not gone and killed myself just yet"
The door was silent for a moment.
"...Yes, quite right Sir. Will you be having Tea or Coffee this afternoon Sir?"
"I think you already know the answer to that question Gregory" he sighed.
"Very well Sir"
As he heard Gregorys footsteps echoing down the hall, Richard slumped deeper into his chair. Rubbing his eyes he looked at the table. It was strewn with more cards, bottles and pipes, but no money. Apparently the previous nights visitors had helped themselves to his winnings.
"Guess the house never wins"
Reaching for his pipe to soothe himself, he suddenly realized he was fresh out of "medicine". Cursing loudly, he staggered over to his coat rack and started the process of getting dressed and ready to go fetch some more. When you owed as many people money as he did, dressing to venture outside involved more than simply putting on a coat. Putting together his disguise was one of the few true joys left to him.
...Well, one of the few that didnt involve alcohol, gambling or his "medicine" at any rate.
Retrieving his old service revolver from its case, he paused for several long seconds to stare longingly at the barrel, before
snapping himself out of it and placing it inside his coat pocket.
Sneaking out onto the street, he wondered if maybe this would be the day something happened that would turn his life around.
NG Medium Humanoid
Init +5; Senses: Perception +3
Languages: English, Farsi
AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +3 Armor)
HP 21 ( 8(Aristocrat) + 9(Gunslinger) +2 Con +2 Favoured)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Unarmed strike +2 (1d3+1)
Revolver +4 (1d8)
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 14
BAB: +1; CMB: +2; CMD: 15
- Skill Focus (Disguise)
- Fast Learner
- Reactionary (+2 Initiative)
- Slippery (+1 Stealth, always a class skill)
Skills (14 ranks)
- Acrobatics[1] +7
- Bluff[2] +9
- Diplomacy[2] +9
- Disguise[2] +10
- Knowledge(History)[1] +6
- Knowledge(Local)[1] +6
- Perception[1] +3
- Sense Motive[1] +3
- Slight of hand[1] +7
- Stealth[2] +9
Racial Abilities
- Bonus Feat
- Silver Tongued (+2 to Bluff and Diplomacy, Diplomacy can shift attitude up to three steps instead of two)
Special Abilities
- Deeds
- Grit (1)
- Gunsmith
Anthony Krast |
2: How much refluffing do you allow? Im considering getting Eldritch Heritage and taking the Rakshasa bloodline. The effect of the bloodline power is obviously magical in nature just from where you are getting it, but the actual effect itself (+5 to a bluff check) isnt I guess what im asking is, would that feat fall under the "no magic" rule, or could I refluff it as simply being really good at lying?
Answer: Not allowed, as Sorcerers and all sorcerer abilities (even gained through feats) are not viable at this point. Apologies, I should have been more clear on that. I believe there are suitable traits and feats that can boost a bluff check.
Will I be able to take it once the casting classes aquire their magical abilities? Im gonna keep Skill Focus(Disguise) either way, just wanna know if I should be looking at another feat to take Eldritch Heritages place.
Crellan |
@DM Corvus. Thanks! I like the idea of a Irish Catholic priest in England during a time that it was difficult for both the Irish and the Catholics. Also, a genuine belief in miracles seems to be a good undercurrent for the campaign.
That said, tt seems that the Fenians or the Irish Republican Brotherhood would be more appropriate than Sinn Fein chronologically and I will correct that in his background if/when I make a formal alias.
Also, I have him planning on taking Aristocrat as his NPC class considering his political background/training if that seems appropriate.
Crellan |
@ dreaming dragon - Agreed, Tommy is exactly the type that the good Father would want to help get by. Remind him of why he is who he is without bringing back the darkness. I imagine there is a flask going back and forth when Tommy comes to the "church" for advice. "Say four Hail Marys and don't do that no more... Now what about the match this Saturday?"
Daniel Stewart |
My little bit of intro story to add some flavor..
”Get up you stupid chinaman! Get up so I can knock you down again!”
The rough laughter bounced off the close brick walls of Union Place. They had dragged me from the busy thoroughfare of King Street into this squalid close.
I should have known better and stayed north of the Penny Fields, but I was in a hurry to get back to the shop, and got sloppy.
I also know that I should not use my training against these round-eye fools, but lately I had become tired of being beaten and robbed just because of the colour of my skin and the shape of my eyes. So I decided to fight back.
As the tough’s lazily thrown fist sailed towards my face, I grabbed his wrist and, with a slight twist of my body, sent him tumbling into his friends. I knew I should have taken the opportunity to flee, but sometimes you can only be pushed so far. Smiling I motioned the tough to ‘come on’.
The shrill screaming of the bobbies whistles still echoed in my head as the local constabulary arrived to drag the 2 thugs off me. At least 3 more of their number lay scattered about the alleyway, not moving. I had not killed them, but made sure that they would not be getting up any time soon. As the policeman finished questioning the 2 men who so recently were beating me to a bloody pulp, he walked over, pad of paper and pencil poised to take my statement.
”Ok son, tell me, what happened.’
Spiting a mouthful of blood into the gutter and feeling around for loose teeth, I looked at the constable and said, ”No spkee engrish”
Growing up on the streets of Shanghai taught me no matter what trouble you may have with the local Tongs, the police are much worse. And that is true the world over.
Anthony Krast |
I know not every character in a party needs to have prior relations, and that people havnt been selected yet, but would Tommy possibly still be in the business of dealing with the shadier parts of town? Maybe Richard gets his "medicine" from him?
Maybe Tommy knew his father? Maybe Tommy was in the army at one point?
Im just spitballing atm, lemme know what you think.
Crellan |
Updated Crunch for Father Paidraig:
Father Paidraig
Male Human Aristocrat 1 Cleric (Evangelist) 1
NG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +7
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
hp 13 (2d8)
Fort +2 (+1 trait bonus vs. drugs or poisons), Ref +0, Will +6 (+1 trait bonus vs. mind-affecting effects)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Quarterstaff +0 (1d6/x2)
Special Attacks sermonic performance (standard action) (7 rounds/d, sermonic performance: counterspell, sermonic performance: fascinate (dc 13), sermonic performance: inspire courage +1
Spell-Like Abilities Bit of Luck (5/day)
Cleric (Evangelist) Spells Prepared (CL 1):
1 (2/day) Bless Water (DC 13), Bless, True Strike
0 (at will) Purify Food and Drink (DC 12), Guidance, Light
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 10
Feats Extra Channel, Selective Channeling
Traits Reactionary, Secret Revolutionary (Cheliax)
Skills Diplomacy +8, Heal +6, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge (religion) +6, Perception +7, Perform (oratory) +8, Sense Motive +6
Languages Common, Latin and Gaelic
SQ aura, domains (luck), hero points, public speaker (-4 dc to hear), spontaneous casting
Combat Gear Holy water; Other Gear Quarterstaff, Belt pouch (2 @ 1 lbs), Crucifix, Crucifix, Crucifix, Whiskey (per cup).
Bit of Luck (5/day) (Sp) - 0/5
Holy water - 0/1
Sermonic Performance (standard action) (7 rounds/day) - 0/7
Special Abilities
Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
Bit of Luck (5/day) (Sp) Target takes the higher of 2d20 for a d20 roll.
Cleric (Evangelist) Domain (Luck) Granted Powers: You are infused with luck, and your mere presence can spread good fortune.
Public Speaker (-4 DC to hear) An evangelist gains Perform as a class skill. In addition, she is trained to project her voice with great skill and effect; the DC to hear her speak in difficult conditions is reduced by an amount equal to her class level plus her Charisma modifier (
Secret Revolutionary (Cheliax) +1 to Will saves vs. mind-affecting effects, and on Fort saves vs. drugs and poisons.
Selective Channeling Exclude targets from the area of your Channel Energy.
Sermonic Performance (standard action) (7 rounds/day) An evangelist gains the ability to deliver a select number of supernatural and spell-like performances through the force and power of her divinely inspired preaching and exhortation. This ability is similar in all respects to bardic performance as us
Sermonic Performance: Counterspell (Su) Counter magical effects that depend on sound.
Sermonic Performance: Fascinate (DC 13) (Su) One or more creatures becomes fascinated with you.
Sermonic Performance: Inspire Courage +1 (Su) Morale bonus on some saving throws, attack and damage rolls.
Spontaneous Casting An evangelist does not gain the ability to spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells by sacrificing prepared spells. However, an evangelist can spontaneously cast the following spells by sacrificing a prepared spell of the noted level or above.
My name is Paidraig FitzHugh, and I know there is a God, and he is watching.
For years I spoke for Sein Faine in London, representing the Irish on the street, to the papers, to whoever wished to hear. Charisma… that's what they said I had. The people loved me, the women loved me, and the message as I told it was of noble freedom fighters who would die for their religion and country. That was more than twenty years ago, and God explained to me how wrong I was.
I was religious as a lad, a good Catholic - communion, confirmation, all that. My prayers back then were more about getting to see what was under Molly Murphy's plaid than any true religion, but I believed in God, Jesus - the body and blood. I knew that the English way was blasphemy and that the Catholic Church and a free Ireland were worth fighting and dying for… were worth killing for. That was more than thirty years ago, and God explained to me how wrong I was.
He explained it to me not with words, but with what happened. Talking stopped being enough for my mates and me. We were ready for what was called "direct action." To Sein Faine action was talking, and I'd had my fill of that. I wanted to be able to say that I did something about it, and so I met Sean O'Mallory and his boys to do something about it. We were to kill a Lord of Parliament, with a bomb because that was our way. The bomb was black powder, American - the best. We filled a football with the stuff, with small spheres of steel along the leather to blow outward at every angle. We could level a city block with it and there was no way that his lordship was going to get away from that one.
When the day came to set the bomb, I met up with Sean and his mates - I was to talk our way onto his lordship's estate and from there they boys were posing as my camera crew and were to plant the bomb. The plan was working like a dream, until they came back early from the cricket pitch… the wife and the two young boys. The bomb was set to blow…
No! Its not supposed to be like this…. They've got to get out! Paidraig runs over to the minster's wife and tries to explain that they have to leave the premises due to a newspaper engagement. "Sorry Ma'am, there is an interview going on for your husband and all, can you take the boys back in the carriage for just a short while? Just once around the block should do it."
The football comes rolling up the drive, just like it's supposed to. Dear God, no! Not like this! Paidraig grabs up the football and turns his back on the Lady and the boys, gripping the ball to his chest hoping that his body will reflect them from the blast. Sean and his crew come running towards him yelling at him to throw the ball and run. Paidrig hangs onto the ball and runs toward Sean and starts reciting, "Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of god …"
SILENCE… silence.
I woke up in the hospital the next day. Bobbies outside the door and I thought I knew what it meant, but they were just keeping the press away. I had trouble seeing and couldn't hear for days, but I made out the Times headline: Sein Faine Activist Saves Family of Minister. Ten fingers, aside from powder burns, barely hurt despite the black powder and the ball-bearings. Somehow, the blast had focused outward - tearing Sean O'Mallory and his boys to dog gristle. His lordship's family was fine, and I was unscratched and a true hero according to the paper. A true hero. I'd just tried to kill a man and almost killed his family. But for the Grace of God, I'd be dead as well as the lady and the boys. The Grace of God.
I couldn't handle the notoriety and fame that I didn't deserve. I snuck out of the Hospital and made my way to Westminster Catherdral. The priest there heard my confession face-to-face. He'd read the papers and knew who I was from the political pages already. I explained to him that it was a miracle, it was the Hand of God that saved the lady and the boys… saved me as little as I deserved it. He said I was the conduit of God's Will - like a saint I guess. I asked him to help me, hide me, take me in. And the Church did. For eight years I was a monk, than an acolyte and eventually ordained. I grew out a full beard and with my hair turning grey, there was little chance that anyone would guess that Father Paidraig was Paidraig FitzHugh.
Once I left the abbey, I began to preach among the Irish in London, the Packies, the Indians, the slums. While I've never had a miracle again, I know that my voice that once rose up in hatred against a perceived oppression now merely lifts up those who need it. The darkest corners of society is where I travel now, the Parkies know me, the Packies, Indians, the Irish... I carry my walking-stick, an old-school sheilieliegh, in case the rough parts get rough, but they that I am there to help now… I try to do God’s work now, because if he didn’t raise his hand and save me, the lady and her boys... I know there is a God, Heaven and Hell. I know that Mother Mary looked over me – allowed me to be the conduit of the Holy Ghost. Now I strive to channel that spirit again, through charity and the Word. I know I am here because Darkness can come again, and God, Mary, and the Holy Ghost preserved me for a purpose and I will serve until they see fit that I fulfill it.
Note: I had him memorize spells of the short that I think he would invoke blessings regarding as part of his normal duties. I realize that he won't have access to the magic, but it seemed as if a miracle were going to happen, these would be what he would have prepared.
Tommy McIntyre |
I know not every character in a party needs to have prior relations, and that people havnt been selected yet, but would Tommy possibly still be in the business of dealing with the shadier parts of town? Maybe Richard gets his "medicine" from him?Maybe Tommy knew his father? Maybe Tommy was in the army at one point?
Im just spitballing atm, lemme know what you think.
Tommy is definitely still on the shady side of the law. He's more muscle than anything, but he'd definitely know where to get your medicine. The main obstacle to their having a relationship is class and maybe a bit of race. I don't know much about the way the army worked back then, but if it makes sense, there's no reason Tommy could't have served for a year or two in Afghanistan.
You still have a pretty sharp line between officers and enlisted to overcome, but if Richard proved himself to be decent and fair and they had that moment of shared danger in battle to seal the bond. Back in London, it looks as if Richard is crossing over to Tommy's side of things, and Tommy'd certainly watch his back.
Crellan |
Seems like we have some great ideas among the submissions if not a large number. Is there a deadline? Just curious as this looks like an interesting campaign and I'm eager for the next steps.
@Richard - While Father Paidraig would be working against your destructive habits (and go so far as take the radical step of not drinking around you) he would likely be looking out for your sort and help out where he could. The dark side of town can be a small place and Paidraig walks the walk when it comes to looking for people who need help.
DM Corvus |
Well, the deadline is technically Sunday, but I'll call it now.
I have one RL friend who I'm trying to get on board with this, so he'd make six.
Meantime, the five submitted characters are all accepted.
Jossem Rook: Gentleman Archaelogist!
Tommy McIntyre: Irish (?) Ruffian
Roland Clive: gentleman Detecive
Ang Xin: Martial artist and foreign devil!
Father Paidraig: reformed? terrorist, Irish Ruffian, and Papist dog
Let us away to the discussion thread, newly minted, and solidify the necessary details.