About Anthony Krast------------------------------ Background:
Anthony's vision was blurry. His entire body screamed for air, his lungs desperately trying to expand before he passed out. His bones and skin screamed as well, the pain from the impact playing through his body in sickening waves.
"Weakling cant even climb a rope properly, a knotted one at that. If it wasnt for that brain hed be completely useless" "Oi, you alive down there or am I gonna have to do this myself" A trio of rough laughs rang out above him. Anthony's mind was starting to clear up, as was his vision, his chest heaving as he started to breathe again. He almost passed out again, this time from too much air, as he frantically sucked in the lifegiving air. Rolling around on his back he glared up at the dot of light above him, the hole he had been decending into when his strength had failed him. Perched on the edge was Malko, a smirk of superiority on the drows face as he reveled in the approving laughter of his two companions. "W-Why dont you come down here, *huff huff* and *huff*, say that?" He regretted his words emideatly. Malko wasnt the type to take any backtalk. Malko's arm whipped down and grabbed the rope, Anthony flinching and frantically scraping his feet against the ground to get up and run, anywhere, somewhere. "Yeah, thats right, run and get daddy his loot, or ill break that pretty little leg of yours again!" Anthonys knee ached from the memory alone, as he huddled into the darkness. It had never quite healed properly and he had been limping ever since. How pitiful he felt in that moment. Remembering where he was, he cast a spell of light to see. He liked to cast the spell, its soft glow reminding him of the days long past when he had studied the divine. He had never made it past the stage of Novice before all the trouble had started. He hadnt known about the Guild, how they had extorted the tiny church for protection. As the thugs had barged through the main hall, smashing chairs, lamps and art as they went, he had foolishly tried to stop them. Thats when he had met Malko. The memory made his knee ache again as he recalled being knocked to the floor before Malkos club had shattered his left knee. Shaking his head the memories faded and Anthony returned to the task in the present. The tunnel slowly decended into the earth, worked stone tunnel sections mixed with rough earth and rubble where times tooth had defeated the masons craftmanship. His knowledge of architecture though not wast, easily told him the place was ancient. The sections of tunnel that were still whole were so expertly crafted, they could have easily held up for centuries, millienia even. The fact that they had now fallen into decay would make them thousands of years old. The scrolls he had translated for the guild had only been a couple hundred years old at the most, and the text had made no indication that this place was any older than that. If Malko had known, he would not have been so quick to leave the job to Anthony alone. Or maybe he would. Ever since the underboss had stayed Malkos hand that night, stopped his club from hitting him again, Malko had tried to get him killed. Sending him into these musty tombs by himself was his favorite way of trying, although traps and undead had thus far been mercifully absent. But with Anthonys continued service to the guild, it would only be a matter of time. The tunnel opened up into a big room. The place was a mess, large sections of wall having been replaced by mounds of dirt which had forced their way inside. A trio of tiny waterfalls were bleeding from the ceiling, creating a large pool in the middle of the room. Some crack into the earth below was most likely hidden beneath the surface of the water, or the whole place would have been flooded long ago. Several other tunnels left the room but at a glance he could tell they had all collapsed or were far to unsafe to decend into. Then he saw it. At the center of the room, a large slab of marble, most likely a table, sat at an odd angle, a corner having tilted into the large pool of water. As he slowly inched closer he could make out a host of tools, a hammer, a chissel, and a few others he recognized, but many of them looked alien and strange, most likely devices of a magical nature. But they were all secondary to the glimmer of light that had caught his attention. Sitting half submerged in the water was what his monastic training easily identified as a suit of armor. It looked like leather armor, but it was made of metal, its dull silvery sheen reflecting the light. Mesmerized he waded into the water untill it was waist high, before reaching it. Gingerly picking it up he realized that it was indeed made of metal. Inspecting it closer, he was amazed to find it was a flexible mesh, not unlike the links of a chainshirt, but at a truly microskopic scale. He stood there for a while, marveling at the thing before realizing he had become cold, standing in the water as he did. Wading back to shore he put it down, shakily reaching into one of his scroll cases for a scroll of identification. With practiced ease he coerced the spell from its page, the armor glowing softly, as it revealed its secrets to him. Or rather it didnt. No information of function came to him, only a single word of activation, sofly bleeding into his mind. Out of sheer amazement he could not contain himself. "(Insert word here when I think of it)?" As he realized his mistake he watched in horror as the suit unclasped itself, metalic buckles and straps extending out from its center and reaching for him. Like some obscene octopus it lunged at him. He struggled briefly, but his strength was no match for it vice like embrace. Falling on his back as his arms finally gave in the suit wrapped itself around him, hugging him tightly. He felt like his ribs might give way under the pressure, his lungs once more gasping for air. As conciousness left him, he briefly felt the suit loosening its grip slightly, before darkness took him. --- There was a ringing in his ears. They came in short bursts, slowly changing pitch before finally becoming recognizable. It was Malko. Anthonys eyes opened wide. He was looking Malko right in the face, but he did not seem to notice him. "What in the hells is this crap? And wheres that coward run off to, theres no other exit" Malko was handling a dagger, poking it towards Anthonys face. He could feel it touching his cheek, but it did not hurt. And there was a soft metallic *ting*, as if the dagger was striking metal. Looking down his body, he realized why. His entire body was wrapped in metal, as if he had donned a suit of full plate. But he did not feel its weight or its presence against his skin at all. He had a sensation of being naked, as if the suit was his own skin. At every joint of the suit, knees, ankle, elbows, wrists, gears of varying sizes and design were visible. It looked archaic and arcane at the same time. "Lets get this thing open and see whats inside. With any luck theres a skeleton with some magical stuff still on it" Malko placed a hand on Anthonys head, steadying himself as he raised the dagger high above his head, clearly intending to strike at some seam to pry the suit open. Anthony looked on in shocked horror and amazement as his gauntleted arm shot off the ground, grabbing Malkos face and squeezing tightly. The elf howled as one of the suits fingers dug into his eye socket, the eye squishing and oozing out and around the finger in a sickening flow. The dagger still held high, Malko jabbed it into the gauntlet, frantically stabbing again and again as the suit rose from the floor, lifting Malko a full foot off the ground in its outstretched hand. As the suit got done with its motion, Anthony suddenly felt the weight of Malko. He was in full control of its motion. Malkos men were backing towards the door, horror written plainly on their faces as Malko continued to scream, dropping the dagger and using both hands in an attempt to pry open the fingers wrapped around his skull. The last thing they saw before running from the room in a panic, was the suit, or rather Anthony now, reaching down, enveloping Malkos left knee in his giant fist, and snapping it forward into an impossible angle. They did not however see him reach for another limb, and then another. Hearing Malkos screams and the snapping of bone was music to his ears. He felt powerful, in control. And he LOVED IT!! "If only he could look in my eyes, know that it was me destroying him bit by bit" He thought. Even as he thought it, his vision went dark for but a second. As light returned, he was watching Malko from another angle. Regaining his bearings he realized he was using his own eyes to see, looking out from the torso of the suit. Malkos one good eye saw him, suddenly hateful and ferocious. "YOU!?! YOU WONT GET AWAY WITH THIS ILL KILL YOU, YOU LITTLE BASTARD ILL..." His voice was cut off by the sound of his last good limb breaking. Mouth open wide as if to scream again, he instead passed out, hanging limp from the suits hand. As the room suddenly fell silent, Anthony snapped back to his senses. What was he doing? Admittedly it had made him feel amazing, but it had not been his own decision. Not completely. Raising his free hand he looked at it. It had been the suit. It had jolted him into action. His actions had been his own, but the will to act had been the suits. "What are you?" he thought. The response almost made him jump. "I am Protector, Defender, Bulwark, Shield. I am Guardian, Armor, Sanctuary, Sentinel. I am the one who heeds the call" Anthonys mind raced. He had so many questions, so much to learn. And he would ask them all in time, but for now he had more pressing matters to attend to. He looked at Malko. The Guild wouldnt take kindly to his actions. Even with the suits considerable apparent power, he doubted he could run and hide. He knew to much about their inner workings, had handled too many notes and done too much book keeping on their behalf. No they would find him and end him by any means. His only hope was to offer himself up as a better replacement for Malko. A superior intellect, a superior fighting arm. With any luck it would seem a good deal to them.... EIDOLON: http://i1287.photobucket.com/albums/a625/CasperPMC/scan0001_zps45d023ef.jpg ------------------------------ . ------------------------------
CN Medium Humanoid Init: +0 Senses: Perception +9 Languages: Common, Cyclops, Draconic Defense, Offense and Stats:
-------------------- Defense -------------------- AC: 18, Touch: 16, Flat-footed: 12 (+6 dex(Revelation), +2 Armor) HP: 60 (6d8 (48), +12 Con, +0 Favoured Class) Fort(1): +6, Ref(1): +8, Will(6): +7 --------------------
Speed: 20 ft. Acid Splash +3 (1d3 Acid) Cane +1 (1d6 - 2) lvl 0 spells DC: 16 lvl 1 spells DC: 17 --------------------
Str: 7, Dex: 10, Con: 14, Int: 14, Wis: 11, Cha: 20 (22) BAB: +3; CMB: +1; CMD: 11 Feats and Traits:
-------------------- Feats -------------------- - Arcane Strike - Extra Evolution - Extra Revelation(Sidestep Secret) - Great Fortitude --------------------
- Eyes and ears of the city (+1 Perception, always a class skill) - Slippery (+1 Stealth, always a class skill) Skills:
---------------------------- Skills (27 ranks, 4 Favoured) ---------------------------- - Bluff[6]: +15 - Knowledge (Arcana)[1]: +10 - Knowledge (Dungeoneering)[1]: +10 - Knowledge (Engineering)[1]: +10 - Knowledge (Geography)[1]: +10 - Knowledge (History)[1]: +10 - Knowledge (Local)[1]: +10 - Knowledge (Nature)[1]: +10 - Knowledge (Planes)[1]: +10 - Knowledge (Religion)[1]: +10 - Perception[5]: +9 - Sense Motive[5]: +8 - Spellcraft[2]: +7 - Stealth[5]: +9 - Use Magic Device[5]: +14 Racial Abilities:
-------------------- Racial Abilities -------------------- - Bonus Feat - Skilled (+1 skill rank pr level) Special Abilities:
-------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- - Fused Eidolon - Fused Link - Oracle Curse (Lame) - Oracle Mystery (Lore) - Persistent Eidolon (Eidolon remains even when sleeping or unconcious, replaces Summon Monster (DM)) - Revelation (Lorekeeper) - Shielded Meld Spells:
-------------------- Spells -------------------- ORACLE SPELLS KNOWN: Level 0: [Create Water], [Detect Magic], [Enhanced Diplomacy], [Light] Level 1 (5/day): [Comprehend Languages], [Cure Light Wounds], [Murderuos Command] SUMMONER SPELLS KNOWN: Level 0: [Acid Splash], [Daze], [Mage Hand], [Mending], [Message], [Open/Close] Level 1 (6/day): [Enlarge Person], [Expeditious Retreat], [Mage Armor], [Rejuvenate Eidolon (Lesser)] Level 2 (4/day): [Bulls Strength], [Haste], [Invisibility] Equipment:
-------------------- Equipment -------------------- COMBAT / MAGIC EQUIPMENT( 21 total Lb ): - Cane (Club), 1 Lb - Circlet of Charisma (+2), ? Lb - Cloak of Resistance (+1), ? Lb - Hat of Disguise, ? Lb - Handy haversack, 5 Lb - Masterworked Leather Armor (Eidolon Suit), 15 Lb - Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50/50), ? Lb - Potion of Invisibility x1, 0 Lb OTHER EQUIPMENT( 19 total Lb ): - Belt pouch x2, 1 Lb - Days ration x4, 4 Lb - Glass bottle x2, 2 Lb - Inkpen, 0 Lb - Ink vial, 0 Lb - Note Book (Wizard Spell Book), 3 Lb - Potion vial x10, 0 Lb - Scroll case, 1/2 Lb - Sheet of paper x10, 0 Lb - Silken rope (50 ft), 5 Lb - Small steel mirror, 1/2 Lb - Tindertwigs x10, 0 Lb - Winter blanket, 3 Lb 21 Lb Total (Light load = 23) Wealth: 2010 Gold, 4 Silver |