DM CH-P's CoT: The Bastards of Erebus (Inactive)

Game Master Feral

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Male Chelish Arcane Caster 12 HP: 98/123 AC: 38 FF: 23, Touch: 22 F:+16, R:+12, W:+19 Perception:+18(Effects: Mage Armor, Heroism, Barkskin+4, False Life, Freedom of Movement, Remove Fear, Shield

Well, unless someone asks him to do something or go somewhere, Xerath will just help train Livia some more. An Infernal mind is a terrible thing to waste you know.

Male thoradorian minotaur ranger (wild hunter) 5 [ HP 63/63 (0 NL) | AC 18 Tch 12 FF 17 | Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +5* | CMD 25* | Init +1 | Perc +8 | Effects: none ]

Oh time travel.

Day 2?

Maddok is noisily breaking his fast when he stops at the mention of vampires.

"You believe vampires to be on the move again? One would think with their defeat at Delvehaven this master vampire would have given up?", the Shoanti says.

"If you mean to hunt them, I will accompany you. Spirits willing, they will lead us to their master. He will make him pay for what he did to Vahnwynne."

Male Human (Taldan) Abadaran Militant 12
DM Are wrote:
Appario wanted to train with Antuin and the Gardeners at some point, which can happen on Day 3 or another uneven day.

Excellent clarification, Appario and I think that's a great idea now that we know that we have time.

On the next odd day, Appario will, as requested, seek to train with Antuin and the Gardeners, excited for the chance to further hone his combat skills and re-engage his military training.

Appario will schlepp up with a old set of scale mail armor (-50 gp, the heaviness of such will make Indemnity seem lighter by comparison) for training purposes.

"Antuin! Sir Gardeners! Might I enjoin you in your training today? What is first on the agenda?"

Appario - Training with the Gardeners:

Upon arriving at the warehouse once used by Jalki's gang of street thugs, Appario finds that while the warehouse looks unchanged on the outside, the inside has been transformed into a martial training facility (although certainly not anywhere near as well-stocked as those maintained by Abadar's faith).

Several of the Gardeners are already practicing; some of the more martially-inclined among them spar in pairs, supervised by Antuin, while the spellslingers practice in a separate group seemingly led by Tarvi, although this group also contains a few martial combatants.

Antuin comes over when Appario enters, extending his hand in greeting. "Welcome to our humble training facility, Appario. The agenda today is a simple one. Those proficient in the use of magics practice keeping their concentration while under threat, while those who prefer close combat seek to learn their opponent's fighting styles, to better defend against similar styles in the future."

Maddok - Day 2 (morning):

When Maddok gets downstairs to his smithy in the morning, he finds Rizzardo already outside. The youth reeks of confidence, yet once he gets closer Maddok notices several scars along his arms; scars that were not there the day before.

Once Maddok lets him in, Rizzardo grins, and gets straight to the point. "We killed a shadowbeast last night! My sword struck the final blow, but its defeat would not have come without the aid of the others. I hope we find another this night!"

Male thoradorian minotaur ranger (wild hunter) 5 [ HP 63/63 (0 NL) | AC 18 Tch 12 FF 17 | Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +5* | CMD 25* | Init +1 | Perc +8 | Effects: none ]

Maddok beams with pride and claps his young apprentice around the shoulders, "Good, your ancestors smile on you no doubt."

The smith points at Rizzardo's new scars, "And you bear the signs of the battle well."

As Rizzardo goes on about the hunt, Maddok raises a hand to slow the proud youth down. "I wish you luck on tonight's hunt as well but do not forget your responsibilities here. There's much work to be done", the Shoanti half-scolds.

Rizzardo's cheeks redden as he takes Maddok's scolding in stride. "Forgive me, master. Of course you're right. The day's work deserves the same amount of energy as the night's patrol." He quickly gets to work, continuing on the pieces of armor that were begun the day before.

Male thoradorian minotaur ranger (wild hunter) 5 [ HP 63/63 (0 NL) | AC 18 Tch 12 FF 17 | Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +5* | CMD 25* | Init +1 | Perc +8 | Effects: none ]

"Of course I still hope to hear of another slain shadow beast on the morrow", Maddok adds to show his pride in Rizzardo.

As work gets underway...

"I must leave later to aid the other senior Gardeners. It seems vampires are on the move again and my help is needed in hunting them and bringing them down. You know what works need finishing and how to clean up and close", Maddok explains.

When the time is right, Maddok will leave to join the others wherever it is we were supposed to be.

Male Human (Azalanti) Hp: 96/110, AC: 30 Bard 8/Fighter 4

Day two, morning.

As soon as Derek has risen from bed he sits at the end of it, considering what he should do before he goes to train with Antuin.

"There is one person I have not seen for some time, I should visit her and see how she fares."

Getting dressed in his newer more subdued outfit, Derek heads towards the "good" part of town, intending to check on his fellow follower of Cayden Caelian.

I should talk to the butler as well, servants knows things, he may have heard something useful.

Approaching the mansion, Derek knocks on the door and then politely waits.

Day two, afternoon.

Derek has been waiting outside the training facility for some time ahead of the scheduled appointment.
Waiting, watching, making sure not to be seen.

I don't want anyone to know...this is MY idea, my responsibility...

After he is sure the building is empty save for Antuin, he slowly approaches the door and slips inside.

Male Human (Taldan) Abadaran Militant 12

"Humble? This place is great!" Appario replies as he looks around. "You should have seen it when it was full of thugs..." Appario's voice trails off, wistful.

It was very clear what we were doing back then...

Perking back up, Appario grabs a practice sword and looks for a partner or two to practice with, more or less experienced it does not matter.

"Any tips or aid you can provide to me, Antuin, I would be grateful, and will pay the tips forward to others who might need them. I am no swordsmaster nor noodle-armed bardic drunkard, but I've lived through a few battles." Appario swings his practice sword a few times to get a feel for the balance and weight.

"Where should I begin?"

Female Changeling (Mauxi Mwangi) Mwangi Spiritualist 12

"I shall begin work promptly," Yahirma assures Derek as they return to the headquarters to consider any training and resource gathering necessary to present a resolute front against any vampires and haunts.

Over the next day or more, Yahirma will focus on constructing Derek's belt during her "work hours," though she soon notes that a particular residence has sent a signal for subtle assistance.

I'll be writing more for the butler's request later.

It doesn't seem as if the Mhartis investigation will take place immediately, so everyone can simply assume any amount of time of your collective choice passes before then. The ongoing side-adventures would also likely be finished before you begin the investigation, considering there is crafting to be done.

Maddok, feel free to return to the Sisters of Eiseth at your leisure :)


Appario - Training with the Gardeners:

Antuin laughs. "I can imagine! It was no easy task cleaning up the mess that was here when we first began." He takes Appario by the arm and leans in close, lowering his voice. "Rizzardo is full of confidence after his slaying of the shadowbeast. While confidence is good, too much of it can lead to carelessness. It might be a good idea if he is properly challenged."


Derek - Tilernos mansion:

Soon after Derek's knock, Alfern opens the door. He breaks out into a smile when he sees Derek outside. "It's good to see you again, master Keegan. Sascar has been doing very well since I began following your plan. Come, I will announce you."

He leads the way towards the living room, where Sascar is just finishing a hearty breakfast. "Master Keegan to see you, Mistress." Alfern begins clearing away plates, replacing them by water-filled goblets shortly afterwards.

She too smiles as she sees him. "What a pleasant surprise! Come, sit by me."


Derek - Solo training with Antuin:

Only Antuin remains within the warehouse/training facility when Derek makes his way inside. Antuin shakes his hand, then hands Derek a practice sword. "Alright. You wanted to start at the beginning. Let's try a few sparring rounds first. That should provide a good starting point, unless you have something else in mind?"


Xerath - Training with Livia:

Over the next several days (and weeks), Livia becomes increasingly confident in her newly discovered magical abilities. In addition to mastering the art of producing force missiles, she also begins experimenting on her own.

Male thoradorian minotaur ranger (wild hunter) 5 [ HP 63/63 (0 NL) | AC 18 Tch 12 FF 17 | Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +5* | CMD 25* | Init +1 | Perc +8 | Effects: none ]

Day 3: Sisters of Eiseth

After once again arming himself for the worst, Maddok closes down his smithy for the morning leaves for Westcrown's ruins with his apprentice in tow.

"Even though our last meeting ended peacefully, do not let down your guard", the big Shoanti warns his apprentice.

Male Chelish Arcane Caster 12 HP: 98/123 AC: 38 FF: 23, Touch: 22 F:+16, R:+12, W:+19 Perception:+18(Effects: Mage Armor, Heroism, Barkskin+4, False Life, Freedom of Movement, Remove Fear, Shield

Xerath seems honestly impressed with Livia's progress. "You've learned so much in such a short time. Even I took longer to develop my abilities. You should show the others. I think they would be impressed as well."

Can I tell what kind of bloodline(if its not obvious) she is drawing power from?

Male Human (Azalanti) Hp: 96/110, AC: 30 Bard 8/Fighter 4

Tilernos mansion:

Derek smiles back at Alfern and shakes him by the hand.
"No need for formalities between us Alfern, as long as it is just you and me I think we are on a first name basis."
As he lets go of Alferns hand, Derek gives him a friendly thump on the back.

Seeing lady Tilernos in an obviously happy mood, Derek smiles, takes her hand in his and kisses it gently.
"A pleasure to see you again my lady, you are looking well indeed."

Especially without all that atrocious makeup...

Training with Antuin:

Derek slowly begins to remove any bulky clothing, stripping down to a bare-chested look.
"You need to teach me the basics...from the very beginning, Derek bites back the pride that begins to well up in his throat, "and don’t spare the rod."

Taking a training sword in one hand, Derek approaches Antuin.
"You see an opening in my defence, don't hold back!
The creatures I've been fighting so far could have killed me many times over, I need to get good enough to best them without relying on the others."

There is an intense, almost insane need reflected in Dereks eyes as he makes ready to fight.

Maddok - Sisters of Eiseth:

"I won't. They might not like the way you reminded them of their fall from grace." Rizzardo grips the hilt of his sword. "I'll be on my guard."

Nothing out of the ordinary happens on the way to Massacre House.


Xerath - Training with Livia:

The tiny imp laughs. "Do you think so? Maybe I will show them! How should I do it to seem most impressive..?" She flies in circles around Xerath, pondering this.

Her bloodline isn't immediately obvious, but it seems as if she has a more intellectual approach than the average sorcerer.


Derek - Tilernos mansion:

The lady smiles. "Thank you! I've been feeling much better lately, too. I'm not sure why.. Perhaps the warm winds in recent weeks have had a good influence on me?"


Derek - Training with Antuin:

The knight nods. "All right. Get ready!" He assumes a fighting stance well-known to Derek to begin the sparring, and Derek has no problems evading the man's first few lunges. However, the knight switches stances and forms frequently throughtout their training, and on the few occasions he breaches Derek's defenses, even the wooden training sword provides a painful reminder of the fact.

Once both are heavily drenched in sweat, the knight calls for a break. "Your defenses are strong. I'm rarely able to get past them." He wipes his brow, then continues. "I would have you remember one thing. When you face opponents who realize they don't have the required technique to harm you consistently, such opponents will often become reckless, throwing caution to the wind in their attempts to draw blood. Reckless opponents can be dangerous, since they will often replace their technique with added force, making their few successful strikes all the more devastating."

Male Chelish Arcane Caster 12 HP: 98/123 AC: 38 FF: 23, Touch: 22 F:+16, R:+12, W:+19 Perception:+18(Effects: Mage Armor, Heroism, Barkskin+4, False Life, Freedom of Movement, Remove Fear, Shield

Intellectual? Intriguing.

"I know so. I'm sure you'll come up with something."

Male thoradorian minotaur ranger (wild hunter) 5 [ HP 63/63 (0 NL) | AC 18 Tch 12 FF 17 | Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +5* | CMD 25* | Init +1 | Perc +8 | Effects: none ]

Maddok - Sisters of Eiseth

Maddok nods.

"It was a bold move and not one to be made lightly. We have enough enemies without drawing the ire of devout assassins. Let us finish our business there and be done with them", the big Shoanti says.


Arriving at the Massacre House, Maddok looks around carefully before approaching the main entrance and knocking sharply.

Perception - 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

The area around Massacre House is, if possible, even more desolate than what you've been walking through since entering the ruins. Nothing alive can be seen anywhere near the building.

The process following Maddok's knock is much as their previous visit, although the sister at the door is perhaps slightly sharper in her demand that Maddok and Rizzardo leave their weapons outside before they can be let in.

Male thoradorian minotaur ranger (wild hunter) 5 [ HP 63/63 (0 NL) | AC 18 Tch 12 FF 17 | Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +5* | CMD 25* | Init +1 | Perc +8 | Effects: none ]

Maddok puts up the same spells as last time.

The blacksmith does as he's asked and looks to Rizzardo to do the same.

"What happened to the vermin outside the temple?", Maddok asks of the sister showing them in. "The area is... desolate."

Male Human (Taldan) Abadaran Militant 12
DM Are wrote:

Appario - Training with the Gardeners:

Antuin laughs. "I can imagine! It was no easy task cleaning up the mess that was here when we first began." He takes Appario by the arm and leans in close, lowering his voice. "Rizzardo is full of confidence after his slaying of the shadowbeast. While confidence is good, too much of it can lead to carelessness. It might be a good idea if he is properly challenged."

"Ah good, a worthy foe! And fellow beast slayer!" Appario smiles and makes his way to Rizzardo.

"Greetings, Rizzardo! I was told that we might spar together. I could use a good whooping and I would delight in seeing the technique that felled the shadowbeast. Please, show me what you have."

When Rizzardo is ready, Appario will warm up a bit with some acrobatics, trying to dance away from Rizzardo's blows through tumbling/acrobatics (and mobility), only striking out after the third miss. Appario will use this time to work on striking before and after movement, trying to keep as mobile as he can given the heavier armor he wears.

Maddok - Sisters of Eiseth:

The Sister replies without looking at him. "The risen dead crave nourishment."

Inside the monastery, things occur like the previous time. One Sister leads the pair to the meeting room, where the Mother Superior sits at the table. Unlike their last visit, no less than three Sisters stand guard inside the room during the meeting.

The Mother Superior speaks, without offering a seat to her guests. "You promised information on the assassin known as Maglin. What do you know?"

Male thoradorian minotaur ranger (wild hunter) 5 [ HP 63/63 (0 NL) | AC 18 Tch 12 FF 17 | Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +5* | CMD 25* | Init +1 | Perc +8 | Effects: none ]

Maddok watches the Mother Superior carefully.

"First the information we came for."

Appario - Training with the Gardeners:

"It will be an honor to fight you." Rizzardo smiles confidently as Appario approaches.

Unlike Appario's chosen style of tactical movement, Rizzardo's is one composed of power strikes. Appario notices the youth frequently leaving himself open to attack while lunging forward, but also notices the tremendous force behind his strikes when they hit his armor or bypass it to strike flesh.

Even so, Appario gets more hits in than Rizzardo does in the early going, forcing the youth to think more about his own defenses and pulling back on the power as their sparring continues.

Maddok - Sisters of Eiseth:

"You asked for much, but have given little. How do I know you will honor your side of the bargain?"

Male thoradorian minotaur ranger (wild hunter) 5 [ HP 63/63 (0 NL) | AC 18 Tch 12 FF 17 | Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +5* | CMD 25* | Init +1 | Perc +8 | Effects: none ]

"I have given you a name. Much can be accomplished with a name", Maddok counters.

"But as a sign of good faith I will give you something more. He employees two tools that mark him and make him stand out among those that deal in your trade. Quieting Needles and daggers bearing a specific maker's mark."

Male Human (Azalanti) Hp: 96/110, AC: 30 Bard 8/Fighter 4

Tilernos Mansion:

"Well, that is certainly a possibility, whatever it is, I am glad of it, you look positively radiant my dear."

Derek takes a seat opposing the lady.
"What shall we talk about today? The faith? Wine?
...pretty much the same that really.
Tell me, I am pretty new to moving amongst the upper crust as it were, are there any families in your opinion one should stay clear of?"

With a clear head, she may have information that can help the cause. I feel a little bad for trying to pump her for information, but I think after helping her, I am entitled to a little gossip at least.

Training with Antuin:

That's kind of you to say, but I am not sure my skill will be enough for what is to come.
I'll remember what you have said however, and try to look out for it, and try to avoid falling for it myself.
Now, let's go again!"

Maddok - Sisters of Eiseth:

Although her nun's habit serves to mask her emotions, Maddok senses some measure of satisfaction coming from the Mother Superior as she continues. "Very well. That will do, for now." She pauses, gathering her thoughts.

"You sought knowledge of the Drovenge family and the Council of Thieves. The two are linked. Originally coming to Westcrown from Taldor, several centuries ago members of the Drovenge family, then little more than a gang of criminals, joined other similar factions within Westcrown to form the Council of Thieves. This assembly came about as a means to end a brutal war that had raged between the various criminal elements of the city for several years."

"Over the following decades, the founders of this Council grew rich feeding off the spoils of crime, now that they no longer needed to spend resources and lives fighting eachother. This wealth then led to the purchasing of land, and subsequently also noble titles. The Council's leaders evolved into businessmen, no longer dirtying their own hands, and gained political respect and influence through bartering and blackmail."

"Six decades after the Council's formation, the families of the founders were among the most influential of Westcrown's nobility, with the Drovenge family standing tallest among them. However, the Council suffered a setback of sorts a century later, when growing concerns of banditry, kidnappings, and other criminality within the city led to the Queen herself taking an interest in the matter. The Queen opened wide the coffers of Cheliax, purchasing the increased subtlety of the Council. In return, the Council offered up a sizeable number of low-ranking guild members for the dottari to execute, leading to a proclamation of the Council's demise."

"The Council lived on, now focusing on less blatant crimes; smuggling, loan sharking, political blackmail, and the like. Keeping themselves out of the public eye, and rooting out any upstart gangs attempting to gain a foothold in Westcrown, the Council has kept themselves well hidden from common citizens in the centuries since."

She takes a break, sipping from a cup brought by one of the Sisters.

"Back to the Drovenge family. Following the civil war and House Thrune's decision to move the capital of Cheliax to Egorian, several of Westcrown's major noble Houses also relocated there, hoping to curry favor with their new rulers. The Drovenge House was by far the wealthiest and most influential of the Houses that remained in Westcrown, and once Vassindio Drovenge assumed leadership of the family this wealth and influence only continued to grow."

The Mother Superior looks directly at Maddok, almost defiant. "As you yourself brought up, our own influence has declined over the last century. Our records of recent events have suffered similarly; our sources are fewer in number and less reliable, and the Sisterhood rarely ventures into the city proper to obtain information on our own."

She sighs. "But I will tell you what little we know. We have learned that the Drovenge patriarch, Vassindio, died a month or two ago. However, his body has not been buried. The reason for this is unknown. Of Mammon and Vassindio's grandson, we know little. There were rumors a few decades ago, suggesting just such a connection, but we have not been able to learn more. The grandson has certainly not featured prominently in noble circles."

Taking another sip of her cup, the Mother Superior changes the subject. "The being known as Liebdaga is a pit fiend, the most powerful of devilkind. More powerful still, Liebdaga is an infernal duke, commanding legions of Hell's armies. Our few recent records show no mention of Liebdaga following Aroden's fall. If he has been slain, or if he still lives, is unknown to us. However, he is said to have the power to rise from certain death, suggesting that he may still live."

"Finally, you wished to know of Walcourt. It was once, before Aroden's death, a center of worship for followers of Founder Crucisal; the spirit of water travel and navigation, and patron to ferrymen. As Crucisal was among the founders of Aroden's faith, the estate was owned by the Church of Aroden, and would technically now be owned by the Church of Iomedae. However, the increasingly hostile political and religous climate of Cheliax following the civil war kept them from gaining use of it. The estate fell into disuse, and has since then been used for a variety of charitable causes. It has at times served as an orphanage, an alms house, or a flophouse. Some say the grounds are haunted."

Male thoradorian minotaur ranger (wild hunter) 5 [ HP 63/63 (0 NL) | AC 18 Tch 12 FF 17 | Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +5* | CMD 25* | Init +1 | Perc +8 | Effects: none ]

Haunted? Just like Delvehaven...

Maddok takes a moment to process the information, trying to make connections based on what was already known.

Content, Maddok nods.

"You have delivered the information as I asked and so I will tell you know we know about this Maglin."

"He, or perhaps she, bears weapons carrying this mark", Maddok explains quickly sketching the symbol. "This is the mark of a smith by the name of Telvyn."

"He's known to work for the most powerful and influential houses of Westcrown but his whereabouts are unknown. It's believed he hides among the people or possibly within the estates of one of the noble houses that employ him."

"All that's known about his description is that he has dead, soulless eyes."

Derek - Tilernos mansion:

Sascar's eyes light up. "Wine, yes! I love talking about wine." She frowns. "Didn't we speak of wine once before? I vaguely remember something like that. I hope I didn't make a fool of myself."

She puts a finger to her lips. "Families you should stay clear of. Hmm.. That would depend on your goals. Are they political, social, or commercial in nature?"

Maddok - Sisters of Eiseth:

Once Maddok finishes, it takes some time before the Mother Superior speaks, as if she's waiting for him to continue. Realizing no further information is forthcoming, she frowns. "That's not much to go on. But if you know no more, it will have to suffice. Leave us now."

One Sister leads Maddok and Rizzardo back to the entrance, where another Sister hands them their weapons as before. They're then ushered outside as quickly as the Sisters are able, and the door closes behind them.

Male thoradorian minotaur ranger (wild hunter) 5 [ HP 63/63 (0 NL) | AC 18 Tch 12 FF 17 | Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +5* | CMD 25* | Init +1 | Perc +8 | Effects: none ]

Maddok wasn't withholding anything. I'm pretty sure what's all we know.

Before being shoved out the door, Maddok speaks to the escorting Sister.

"You mentioned the risen dead. Have they taken over the ruins recently?"

I know. But she wouldn't know that :)


"Yes. Their numbers have grown, as has their ferocity."

Male thoradorian minotaur ranger (wild hunter) 5 [ HP 63/63 (0 NL) | AC 18 Tch 12 FF 17 | Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +5* | CMD 25* | Init +1 | Perc +8 | Effects: none ]

Okay, just wanted to be clear.

"What kind and where?" Maddok asks with growing interest.

The Sister stops, looking at him. "Many kinds. Everywhere. But we believe most of them stay near the Sunset Gate or the old boneyard. Now go."

Male thoradorian minotaur ranger (wild hunter) 5 [ HP 63/63 (0 NL) | AC 18 Tch 12 FF 17 | Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +5* | CMD 25* | Init +1 | Perc +8 | Effects: none ]

Maddok nods, collects his things, and leads Rizzardo out of the ruins.

"It's sounds more and more like Walcourt is where we will find our answers", Maddok says to his apprentice.

Male Human (Taldan) Abadaran Militant 12
DM Are wrote:
Even so, Appario gets more hits in than Rizzardo does in the early going, forcing the youth to think more about his own defenses and pulling back on the power as their sparring continues.

Appario holds up his hand to Rizzardo, trying to pause the action.

"Hold, friend, please. Let me catch my breath." Appario wipes away the sweat from his brow with his arm. "I've not had a fight like that in a while wherein I needed to dance so competently to avoid your blows. I guess you have noticed that sometimes the quick, careful swing is more effective against some opponents, eh?"

Appario leans over to breathe more.

"This armor is heavy and this training was good, friend Rizzardo. It was a good session, but I must retire to bed. Maybe we shall do more again tomorrow?"

Male Human (Azalanti) Hp: 96/110, AC: 30 Bard 8/Fighter 4

Tilernos Mansion:
Not as big a fool as I have been making of myself lately. And back in the days I was deep in my cups, I could have matched "wit" with you any day.

Derek calmly waves the lady's concearn away and smiles.

"Well, I am not yet sure, I am still a little unused to moving in high society. Tell me all about them please?"

Training with Antuin:

"Have you encountered the Falcata before? I need to know it's strenght and weaknesses if I am to use it well."

Maddok - Walking through the ruins:

Rizzardo gets a puzzled look on his face. "Why Walcourt? It sounded as if that place would only be important for the orphans."

Before Maddok can answer, Rizzardo reaches out an arm to stop him, lowering his voice. "Look!" He points towards a group of at least eight humanoids turning a corner fifty feet or so ahead, all wearing little more than soiled rags and moving with outstretched arms.

Appario - Training with the Gardeners:

Rizzardo looks thoughtful as he too wipes sweat off his brow and arms. "Yes. I must train more to figure out how to counter such a style. Tomorrow I must work late at the smithy, but I'll be here the following afternoon."

Derek - Training with Antuin:

Antuin puts away his training sword and loosens his armor. "The falcata? The weapon cuts like a sword, but must be wielded almost like an axe. I could never master it, but I've seen it used with great viciousness." He looks at Derek, measuring the young bard. "When one delivers a well-placed strike with the falcata, the blade tears the flesh with ease, cutting deeper than any other sword."

Male thoradorian minotaur ranger (wild hunter) 5 [ HP 63/63 (0 NL) | AC 18 Tch 12 FF 17 | Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +5* | CMD 25* | Init +1 | Perc +8 | Effects: none ]

Maddok heeds his apprentice's warning and watches the shambling dead.

"Troubling", the Shoanti says. "Let us watch them from a far. Perhaps they can show us the way to whoever or whatever is creating them."

Derek - Tilernos mansion:

"We should have wine in our cups if we are to speak of such serious matters! Alfern, bring that Taldan red I'm so fond of!" Once the wine is brought and their cups are filled, Sascar takes a quick sip of the drink. She seems to drink with a measured pace now, rather than throwing the wine down as she did at the Mayor's feast.

"Ah, that's better. Let's see now.. You should probably stay away from the Rosala family. The Ulvaunos are beholden to them, and they didn't like the way Thesing Ulvauno was upstaged in that play of yours." She smiles at him. "Of course, the Rosalas are out of favor in the highest circles anyway, just like the Khollarix and Mezinas families. I think it would be wise to keep a close eye towards the Nymmis family; the young Calseinica is growing to become a sought-after actress, which could grant them increased social importance."

She takes another sip of wine. "The Ciucci girl, oh my! Always at the forefront among the socialites. I think I remember your big friend sampling her ..wares.. at the Cornucopia. She hasn't been very active the last several weeks; perhaps her mother's death forced some sense into her. In any case, that young firecracker Delilee knows everything there is to know about the social life of Westcrown, and would surely be a fine acquaintance for you!"

Alfern interrupts by bringing a plate burgeoning with fresh fruit, bringing another smile to Sascar's face. "I was just thinking of asking for fruit! Thank you, Alfern." Addressing Derek, she continues. "Alfern is wonderful, don't you think so, Derek?" She picks up a piece of apple, savoring it before returning to tales of nobility.

"In matters of trade and commerce, it would be wise to keep close to the Grulios, Dioso, and Salisfer families, and perhaps even the Phandros. Their merchant holdings grow with every passing year, despite not yet being the strongest in Westcrown. But they play their cards wisely, and use their gold where it matters most. I think you would like Marcus Phandros; he dabbled in the arts once, when he was younger, and I still remember his scandalous dances!"

"If you desire political advances, keeping close to the Mayor and his most trusted allies, the Mhartis and Ciuccis, might be wise. Yet, the Salisfer and Julistarc families, and perhaps even the Phandros, could be a wiser choice. The Salisfers have attempted to gain political power for years, stroking the backs of everyone they can, and I believe they're now on the cusp of making a play for power. Ocatav Julistarc keeps himself and his family in the background, but he has strong ties to the Church of Asmodeus. Anyone who desires political strength in Cheliax would be wise to keep the Dark Lord close, or at least pretend to do so."

She takes another sip of wine, and picks out another piece of fruit. "Although the Drovenge and Oberigo families still hold vaster fortunes and even vaster political influence, it could be wise to distance oneself from them. The Drovenge House is a wild horse following Vassindio's death. His granddaughter is young, and may not be ready for the responsibility she now faces. She must learn quickly if she is to maintain her family's influence. Eirtein Oberigo knows everything that goes on in Westcrown, and is a wealth of gossip and information once the right buttons are touched. But he hasn't been seen in a month, and rumors swirl. Is he ill? On the verge of dying? Or is he already dead, and the family keeps it silent? The family has noone in a position to take over smoothly, and the consequences could be dire if the rumors are true."

Sascar pauses before continuing, taking a longer sip of her cup. "I haven't mentioned my own family. My father's withdrawal from the noble scene of Westcrown has left the Tilernos House as something of an outsider. We still have a great amount of wealth, and our name would open a few doors of commerce, but our importance in Westcrown is declining." She turns away, cheeks growing rosey. "And I may not have behaved quite like a noble lady should in recent years, either." Turning back to him, her voice is somber. "It pains me to say so, but being seen too much around me could be detrimental to your cause."

Maddok - Following the dead:

"Do you think that is wise? We are outnumbered already, and if they lead us to more of their kind.." Rizzardo leaves the question hanging while he draws his greatsword as silently as he's able, keeping it pointed towards the dead as they follow. "We can destroy them easily now."

Male Human (Taldan) Abadaran Militant 12

Appario thanks Rizzardo and Antuin again for the sparring time and returns to the safehouse.

Appario will spend the next few days managing his business affairs.

Unless someone needs me to do something. Everything seems pretty chaotic right now and not sure what threads I should be reading and following.

Male thoradorian minotaur ranger (wild hunter) 5 [ HP 63/63 (0 NL) | AC 18 Tch 12 FF 17 | Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +5* | CMD 25* | Init +1 | Perc +8 | Effects: none ]

"I am more worried about where they are coming from", Maddok counters. "And their numbers are not a danger."

"But how can I deny the slayer of shadowbeasts", the big Shoanti says with a nod.

Maddok chants briefly.

"Spirits of the Guardians - whose faithful protect the stream of time where all souls are born. Maddok of the Hawk Clan calls upon you! Send one of your dutiful warriors to aid us in our time of need."

Summon Monster 1/5

A mastiff with golden eyes appears.

Maddok points at the shambling dead and, after the archon blesses each of the warriors with a touch of its nose, Maddok motions for Rizzardo to join him in rushing the undead.

If it matters, Aid.

Aid Rizzardo 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Aid Maddok 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Aid Archon 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

As you approach closer, the undead hear your steps on the debris littering the ground. The eight undead slowly turn towards you.


Initiative checks:

Maddok: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Rizzardo: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Zombies: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2

Current Initiative order:
10 - Maddok (w/Archon)
7 - Rizzardo
2 - Zombies


Up first: Maddok. I don't think a map is necessary, but I can make one if you wish. The ground is difficult terrain, but you're within move+attack range. The zombies stay close together, and won't use advanced tactics.

Male thoradorian minotaur ranger (wild hunter) 5 [ HP 63/63 (0 NL) | AC 18 Tch 12 FF 17 | Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +5* | CMD 25* | Init +1 | Perc +8 | Effects: none ]

Maddok roars a warcry and closes the gap on the closest zombie.

Gripping his hammer tightly, the big Shoanti brings his weapon up in a crushing uppercut.

Rage, Power attack

1d20 + 16 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 16 + 1 = 31
1d6 + 21 ⇒ (2) + 21 = 23

Following in Maddok's footsteps, the heavenly mastiff easily pads through the rubble and lunges at a zombie.

The archon follows with a fearsome growl bringing forth the full force of its presence

1d20 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (4) + 8 - 2 = 10
1d8 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Activate Aura of Menace even though I don't think they can be affected.

Male Human (Azalanti) Hp: 96/110, AC: 30 Bard 8/Fighter 4

Training with Antuin:

"I am a fair hand with a sword, so let us try axes then.
But I have enough bruises for today,
Derek says with a slight smile, so let's start with you showing me how to hold and swing an axe properly"

Tilernos Mansion:

Wow, she really is a gossip, but she has a mind like a steel trap when she is sober. I may have unleashed one hell of a canny political animal now that I got her sober up.

"Bah, if anyone can turn your houses favour around then it is you. Why, with that wealth of information you have already proven you know what's what here in Westcrown.
Besides, I know something about being a child of infamy as the saying goes.
I have still not figured out of staring as Larazod was the right choice or not.
But I do know one thing, any house that holds Thesing in high regard is not a house I would like to be associated with."

A young firebrand that my brother had some fun with is not seen for a few months? I think I might just use that information to give my brother a scare, I might be able to scare some of the starch out of his underpants.

Without realizing it, some of Derek’s more easy going personality is slowly reassessing itself, bit by bit creating a balance between the hold happy go lucky Derek, and the new grim and darker Derek.

Maddok - Fighting the dead:

Aura of menace looks like a mind-affecting effect, but it doesn't say it is. I suppose that means undead should technically be affected, although that feels wrong. Until I've had a chance to think it over, it will affect them.


Will saves vs aura of menace:

Zombie #2: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Zombie #3: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Zombie #4: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Zombie #5: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Zombie #6: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Zombie #7: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Zombie #8: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

Following in Maddok's footsteps, Rizzardo unleashes a war cry of his own as he wades into combat.

Greatsword attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
Greatsword damage: 2d6 + 16 ⇒ (1, 6) + 16 = 23

Maddok and the archon eradicate one zombie each, and Rizzardo follows suit. Three of the five remaining zombies attack those happening to be near them, while the last two shamble forward.

Slam attack #1 (vs Maddok): 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 4 - 2 = 22
Slam attack #2 (vs Archon): 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 4 - 2 = 3
Slam attack #3 (vs Rizzardo): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Slam damage #1: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Slam damage #2: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Slam damage #3: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

One zombie hits Maddok, dealing 7 damage, while another hits Rizzardo, dealing 10 damage.


Up next: Maddok. Three zombies are within striking distance.

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