DM Barcas |

Okay, everyone! Let's finalize your characters. Post your PFS number here as well.
Your characters technically have not chosen factions yet. First Steps will introduce you to all the factions. If you have a faction-specific trait, just hang onto it. It won't be applied until you actually pick after the third scenario.
Email me your character sheet at ijduplechain@yahoo.com. Feel free to add me on Facebook as well. I don't think you'll find another Isaac Duplechain anywhere.
Anyone have any questions?

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pathfinder number is 42972.
I will have an emaile character sheet to you this evening.
Thanks for the opportunity, as well..
As far as the factions go, I was kind of setting this character up to be an unwilling member of Sczarni faction, due to past roots with the group. I'm not sure how that will play out, so I guess we'll see.
Also, you have an awesome, awesome name.

osuracnaes |

Cool - thanks for putting a group together!
I should have my character finished by tonight sometime. I'll be going with a human bard, a haughty actor from Oppara (Taldor faction, of course!).
My PFS # is 41837, this character will be #41837-1.
Looking forward to playing! :)

DM Barcas |

Read this! It's got a lot of good information.
Make sure to pick an avatar for your character. It's what I am going to use to make the maps.

DM Barcas |

Hopefully Dasiji will check in soon to claim his spot. If I haven't heard from him in about 24 hours, we can either start with 5 or look for a sixth.
@Astynnax This is a trait that might be good for you. It's PFS-legal, according to Additional Resources. Secondly, does he have a last name?

Linflass |

Hopefully Dasiji will check in soon to claim his spot. If I haven't heard from him in about 24 hours, we can either start with 5 or look for a sixth.
@Astynnax This is a trait that might be good for you. It's PFS-legal, according to Additional Resources. Secondly, does he have a last name?
I've never been big on last names, but I'll go with Trojas.
That's a nice fit, but I think I'll hold out for a faction feat since I've never gotten to use those in any of my games.
I very nearly chose this PFS-legal trait (from the Taldor book) before I decided to wait for a faction one:
Devotee of a Dead God (Aroden):
You simply cannot and will not accept that Aroden is dead. Your faith in his teachings and religion are stronger than ever. You gain a
+1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks and Knowledge (religion) checks.
One of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.
First measurable snow of the winter in Ohio. Woohoo!!!!

DM Barcas |

Let's take a minute to get to know each other while we wait for our final member to arrive. I'm from Houston, Texas, where I am a HPD officer. I'm currently on leave for my new baby (three weeks old today) and am very ready to get back to work next Tuesday. I'm 25 years old with a lovely wife, and am currently enjoying a cool front pushing the temperature into the low 50s.
Also, I'd appreciate a physical description of your characters.

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I'm up in B.C., and there's a snowstorm outside my window. *ahem* We've had about 5 feet of snow thus far this winter...(first measurable snow of winter. bah)
I'm 25, working on my M.Ed.. In between classes, I work at a Respite home, with children who are developmentally delayed, have behavioral issues, have mental or duel disorders, and/or physical limitations/disorders.
IRL, I'm a DM, of the homebrew campaign variety, have been published, and really, really hate math. A lot.

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I'm in Akron, but have been looking to get out of here (to Toronto!) for the past year and a half. Granted, I haven't been looking very hard. 27... computer programmer... mostly play piano in my free time and wish I could somehow make that my career. :P
Started AD&D as a DM in 1999, mostly played 3rd ed. as a rogue, then DMed a little 4th before discovering PF about a couple years ago. Currently playing a homebrew campaign IRL, but I'm a GM at heart and I've been working on a campaign. Wanted to play in some PbPs to see how they go before I try to run something though!

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I'm in the Portland, Oregon metro area, where I currently do entrance screening for a county courthouse. Apologies for the delay, but everybody's deferred business from the slack end of the year left me wiped. Also, I'm a reliable poster once a game gets started, but I've always been slow at getting a new character sorted out. I'll get right on it.
As for my RPG history, I've played a bit of a lot of different games, but mostly a bunch of AD&D starting in college in '92. I kind of skipped over 3.x though. Got into a few different PbP campaigns recently, one of which is still going, but I'm also interested in the PFS experience. As for math, I don't just love it -- I actually have a degree in it, and I've even taught it before. :)
Right. Back to getting things sorted out.

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Okay! I am Pathfinder # 36111. This character is -1. I intend to finish my character sheet before morning, including picking an avatar -- super hard for me -- but Facebook is right out. I made a page and then never did anything with it; I've been dreading dealing with it, and it won't happen right now.

DM Barcas |

Glad to have you here! We will get started tomorrow once you finalize your character and get it emailed to me.
Astynnax Trojas (PFS #23089) Human Cavalier 1
Dasiji Lekaya (PFS #36111) Human Ranger 1
Garauk Pathseeker (PFS #18676) Half-Orc Barbarian 1
Kehl Farren (PFS #42972) Human Rogue 1
Quintus Valorian (PFS #41837) Human Bard 1
Zavac Hawklight (PFS #42271) Half-Orc Oracle 1
Here is our final roster for this adventure. Check over it and confirm that the information is correct (thus checking in.) Tell me if your character is not PFS#-1, otherwise I will assume it is. (This means that this is the first of your registered characters.)

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This is a little different from sitting down with a bunch of random strangers, which is what my character was originally designed for. So, I think that I'll lose the Trapper archetype and drop the plan to multiclass to Oracle, and just do a normal Ranger instead. Character sheet well in progress.

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Lived in Columbus OH most of my life, but spent a few years down in Austin. Do budget/fiscal work for the county. Was a serious ultimate Frisbee player and am a world class Sherlock Holmes geek. I have written mystery stuff (fiction and non-) and read a LOT.
Got into pathfinder last year after a twentyish year break from non PC RPG-ing. I have a four year old who runs the household and PbP is the only way I can fit in playing. This is my third PBP but first PFS game.
Non work hour posts are from my nook color. Typing is not too bad but a little clunky. Please ignore any typos.

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NH here, District Executive with the Boy Socuts. Going to the patriots game tonight. 8 degrees not counting windchill, if you don't here from me next week, its becasue my frozen body is still in the uper seats!
IN RL i'm a DM for a ROTL campaign and playing in a Serpents Skull campaign.
Garauk is -4
I picture Garauk as having greenish grey skin tone. His orcish features are muted by his human blood, which made things tougher growing up among his orc brethen. Despite his teeth showing on each side, his face is not overly beastial. He keeps his dark red hair tied back in a warriors tail.

DM Barcas |

As a style note, if you roll any skill check, I prefer it in this format.
Skill Name 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
Description of action
Here's an example in reaction to a Perception check. If I have a reactive skill check, I'll put it in my post in a spoiler tag. Your reaction is the roll, along with a description of what you are doing (pass or fail). Feel free to look to better inform your description, as long as you don't metagame. Just a roll is not acceptable.
Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Example man looks around, his eyes settling on the beautiful woman walking down the street. He tries his best to drag his eyes away, but she is absolutely captivating. Unfortunately, she distracts him and he does not see the man with the gun over there.
We'll get to combat style soon!

Fredrik |

How important is Trapfinding? I ask because I ditched the Trapper archetype that would've given it to Dasiji, before I realized that Kehl doesn't have it either. I might be able to talk our DM into letting me change that back since we haven't done much yet, but I'd have to rewrite my background some, and I kind of like playing a normal ranger for a change. (My other active PbP character is a halfling trapper. What can I say? I like rangers.)

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So, Kehl's Knowledge/Local check and my Perception check would've been as well or better off if we'd taken ten. I've noticed in my other PbP that it's something I often forget to do, even though all it takes is not being under stress. This is my reminder to myself about that, and also about how taking twenty is an option when failures and time don't matter.