DM Alexander Kilcoyne's Kingmaker PBP- Chapter 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Alexander Kilcoyne

"We are essentially pawns in a larger game - what we have to find out is who it is that are making the moves, and what we can do to become masters of our own destiny."

Spymaster Casimir, Aldori Duellist & Statkari

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Male Halfling 8th level Fey Bloodline Sorcerer
Init +6 Perception +4 AC 21 Tch 15 FF 19 HP 62 Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +8 Spd 20' CMB +2 CMD 14 Acro+4 Bluff+11 Climb-1 Diplo+6 Disg+16 Esc+2 Fly+10 Know (Arca+6 Loc+7 Nat+7) Sense+0 Spellcraft+13 Stealth+14 Use Magic+12 Swim-1

Kip replies to the weary looking servant, We aren't expecting any further company... but would welcome it should it present itself! Kip smiles broadly before nodding in the direction of the unseen servants, he adding, Quite a flashy bit of fun yes? Do they break many dishes?

Your Humble Narrator


With the power of his momentum and weight behind it, the freshly healed General's flail crashed into the giant's bicep as the Hellknight finished his surge, the heads of his flail tearing muscle and flesh and near shattering the bone underneath. Before the giant had recovered from the blow, the two warriors had formed up in a shield wall once more.


None of you speak Gnoll, so why are you peeking in this spoiler? :).

Awesome Blow CMB vs Ricter (Failure!): 1d20 + 18 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (3) + 18 + 2 - 1 = 22

Despite the clear physical stamina the brute possessed, it was clearly badly hurt now. The giant roared commands to its warriors, who looked increasingly likely to flee despite the fact that each was unwounded. The gnarled brute focused its attention on Ricter due to the wounds he had caused it and decided to try and batter him away from the melee and disrupt the shield wall rather than keep trying for killing blows. The giant's tree trunk swept across in a powerful horizontal swing, once again seeking to make the Hellknight lose his footing and send him sprawling.

This time though, Ricter saw it coming. The Hellknight spun his flail faster and faster as the trunk approached, planted his feet and readied his shield. As the tree trunk was about to strike him, his flail met it in a counter-swing, slowing its momentum with a mighty blow. Calling upon all his expertise as a warrior, the magic within his belt and the divine protection of Order, Ricter planted his feet and crouched slightly to lower his centre of gravity. He took the makeshift club full on with his shield, the magically enhanced metal tiny by comparison to the oversized weapon. Although the force behind the blow forced Ricter back a few feet as the weapon met the shield, he managed to stand his ground and regain his position during the giant's back swing.

Kamelands Ambush

Round 10-

Ordered Initiative-

Prisoners- 15
Kundal- 13
Gnolls- 12
Malthir- 11
Fenna- 7
Ricter- 6
Giant- 1

Active Effects-

Malthir enlarged for the next two rounds.
Prayer- +1 luck bonus to attack, damage, saves and skill checks for Guardians. -1 to the same for the Giant.


Link (Init 11)



Prisoner Grapple (Fail): 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (4) + 5 - 2 = 7
Prisoner Grapple (Fail): 1d20 + 3 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 3 - 2 = 4

The two prisoners in the southern cages were both rough looking men and they seized the opportunity to assist their potential captors. They reached through the bars of their cage and tried desperately to latch onto the two Gnoll archers with their backs to it. Unfortunately, the Gnolls were made of far sterner stuff than two clearly weakened prisoners and snarled their fury at the two men as they failed miserably.

Aid Another (AC) (Success): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Aid Another (AC) (Success): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Aid Another (Attack Ricter) (Failure): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Aid Another (Attack Malthir) (Success): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Malthir AOO (Kills a Gnoll): 1d20 + 15 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 15 + 1 - 2 = 32
2d6 + 11 ⇒ (1, 3) + 11 = 15

Attacks on Malthir (Miss): 2d20 ⇒ (10, 4) = 14

Attack on Ricter (Miss): 1d20 ⇒ 11

Obeying the commands you cannot understand, the Gnolls moved into position, although Malthir whirled on one sneaking up on him and buried his longsword in its throat. The Gnolls had all swapped longbows for spears and attacked- some making feints to keep the two warriors occupied and two of them using their spears to help ward off blows to the Gnarled giant. Ricter and Malthir found themselves promptly surrounded although their great skill, armour and shield wall meant the Gnolls were more nuisance than deadly threat.

Malthir, Fenna, Ricter are all up.

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

Malthir with finally a clean attack on the giant, tried to end the main threat of this battle!

enlarged +2 longsword smite pwr atk prayer 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (2) + 11 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 - 1 = 21 dam 2d6 + 5 + 2 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (5, 2) + 5 + 2 + 7 + 1 = 22
enlarged +2 longsword smite pwr atk prayer full1d20 + 11 - 5 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (13) + 11 - 5 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 - 1 = 27 dam 2d6 + 5 + 2 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (6, 2) + 5 + 2 + 7 + 1 = 23

I of course had to pay the giant back with two wiff's...finish him Ricter.

Malthir growls in frustration.

HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

Edging closer to the melee, Fenna lays one tiny pale hand on the winged eye hanging from her neck, and stretches forwards her other whilst intoning a prayer, "let the stunning beauty of the Artist's work shine forth, and stand to prevent these bestial warriors from frustrating our noble efforts."

Move to D20 and cast colour spray, catching gnolls 11, 12, and 13.

Male Taldan Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 5/ Hellknight 3 HP:31/81 AC:28 F:+11, R:+6, W:+8, CMD:25*, P:+10, I:+2, AOO:+16

flail attack (+2 smite, +1 prayer): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (11) + 17 = 28

damage (+2 smite, +1 prayer): 1d8 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17

Iterative flail attack (+2 smite, +1 prayer): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29

damage (+2 smite, +1 prayer): 1d8 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

Edit: Reliable strike re-roll on first attack: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (19) + 17 = 36

Reeling for just a second, Ricter lashes back at the off-balance giant. The flail head swings through empty space as the beastial humanoid lurches to the side, but with split-second timing Ricter yanks the flail head straight back towards him mid-arc. It collides with the back of the monster's knee.

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16
Fenna Thistleswade wrote:

Edging closer to the melee, Fenna lays one tiny pale hand on the winged eye hanging from her neck, and stretches forwards her other whilst intoning a prayer, "let the stunning beauty of the Artist's work shine forth, and stand to prevent these bestial warriors from frustrating our noble efforts."

Move to D20 and cast colour spray, catching gnolls 11, 12, and 13.

Maybe you should think about Heighten raise the DC on color spray and it could be deadly...of course you don't cast that many offensive spells, maybe not that useful.

HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8
Malthir Al Dagon wrote:
Maybe you should think about Heighten raise the DC on color spray and it could be deadly...of course you don't cast that many offensive spells, maybe not that useful.

Problem with that would be positioning; a spontaneous caster takes a full round action to apply metamagic, so there'd be no movement before-hand.

Your Humble Narrator


Malthir continued to be thwarted by the rock hard skin of the Giant, as well as its hide armour, his sword not scoring any painful strikes. Beside him, Ricter's onslaught continued unabated. The giant staggered as his knee gave way under him for a moment and only the spears of the two Gnoll's defending him prevented a follow up blow from shattering his gnarled, wrinkled face.

Gnoll Will Saves (Modifiers hidden, two successes!): 3d20 ⇒ (4, 20, 18) = 42

Fenna released her signature colour spray spell but to her surprise, only one of the three Gnolls she targeted with it succumbed to the illusion.

Full VS Malthir (First, miss): 1d20 + 17 + 2 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (6) + 17 + 2 + 2 - 1 = 26
2d8 + 21 - 1 ⇒ (7, 7) + 21 - 1 = 34

Full VS Malthir (Second, hit): 1d20 + 12 + 2 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (16) + 12 + 2 + 2 - 1 = 31
2d8 + 21 - 1 ⇒ (3, 8) + 21 - 1 = 31

Roaring in frustration as its efforts to take Ricter out of the fight proved futile, the giant focused all its attention on Malthir, whose defence had been somewhat compromised by feints and a flank. Although the shield wall shored up his defences and helped him avoid an initial pummelling, the backswing slammed into the Baron with force enough to break most men's spines. The Baron was made of sterner stuff, especially having recently traded blows with the heavy hitting and now famous Warden Akiros Ismort. Nevertheless, he felt a rib crack under the heavy armour...

Round 11-

Ordered Initiative-

Prisoners- 15
Kundal- 13
Gnolls- 12
Malthir- 11
Fenna- 7
Ricter- 6
Giant- 1

Active Effects-

Malthir enlarge expires at the end of his action in Round 12.
Prayer- +1 luck bonus to attack, damage, saves and skill checks for Guardians. -1 to the same for the Giant.


Link (Init 11)



Aid Another (AC) (Success): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Aid Another (AC) (Success): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Aid Another (Attack, Ricter) (Failure): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Aid Another (Attack, Ricter) (Failure): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Aid Another (Attack, Malthir) (Failure): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Aid Another (Attack, Malthir) (Success): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

+4AC for Giant again and +2 to hit Malthir.

The Gnolls took heart as their commander finally scored a brutal hit on Malthir although looks of panic were exchanged initially upon Ricter's continued punishment. Seeing that their best chance for survival was to hinder the warrior's efforts against the Giant, they each abandoned trying for killing blows against the heavy armour, using their weight of numbers against the two men.

Meanwhile, Kundal had finally recovered from the nauseating vapours that had afflicted him. He got to his feet and started staggering towards his allies, blood-splattered great-axe in hand...

___________________________________________________________________________ _


The Ocelot-

The waiter appeared used to inquiries about the strange magic used to keep the place clean.

They perform immaculately actually sir... We used to have some incidents where patrons would bump into them and cause problems but the rotational design prevents that from being such an issue now. Terribly unpopular magic with the lower classes of course- no one wants to see themselves replaced by magic. Not that you'll have any trouble in here good sirs, we have security to keep the riff raff out.

The man spoke while directing Kip and Kalev to a window seat in a freshly cleaned quarter of the diamond shaped room. He offered a variety of fine beverages including a rather fine selection of wine and suggested the stuffed duck as an excellent "first course". The establishment had less than a dozen customers currently in attendance, all talking quietly to their companions and well spaced out from one another. It seemed patrons here often valued their privacy.

Don't worry about costs, it comes under the money I deducted from your "wealthy living" I asked for initially in Restov.

Lord Mayor's Estate-

Casimir's half-jest about throwing a fully armoured Hellknight brought on an appreciative chuckle from the heavily scarred Gorumite Alvar Orrick, breaking the tension on the table, if only for a moment. Heedless of Casimir's tone, he spoke, whether interrupting or speaking over Casimir after he finished chuckling. His voice was particularly gravelly given the nasty scar on his throat.

All them spikes on their plate make em' one damn nasty projectile i'm thinking. Next time I come up against 'Ellknights, i'll try throwin' one at the other, heh... he said appreciatively. Based on the man's size and reputation as a berserker, he could probably pull it off. That said, it didn't look like he put much stock in dodging or parrying blows, based off his many healed wounds.

The "Man of Iron" Mikael Lortovsky was first to raise an objection.

We had counted on the Guardians of the Greenbelt aiding our cause personally he told Casimir sternly. There was no reproach in his voice- it was almost entirely devoid of emotion, as though he had long ago done away with it. With all you've survived and accomplished, your small, elite band is likely worth a small force on the battlefield. Even more for special assignments. Add to that your Baron's strong affiliation with the Iomedae church, your Hellknights and a reputation with the common folk immigrating south... The value of your help would be far and above what mere levies you could muster. We have plenty of common warriors to call upon. Powerful individuals are a rare thing; the Swordlord Council itself is a meritocracy, may I remind you.

Perhaps an innocuous statement there at the end, but Casimir thought it may also have been a subtle reminder that some of the most capable duellists in Avistan were sat at the table. Whether Mikael wanted to goad him into challenging one of them or receiving a challenge or whether he meant it as a threat or warning was unclear to him though.

Casimir was able to finish without further interruptions and Lord Orlowska stepped in once again to fill the awkward silence that greeted his assurances.

Perhaps, some blame lay with us as well young Casimir the diplomat acknowledged. Due to the... delicate nature of your charter south, we were not able to be clear on any terms of our alliance. Of course you would have to look after yourselves- but I feel it is important for you to know, had you defied Surtova, Restov would not have stood idle and watched your Barony conquered. We are a powerful friend to have- and in times of need, one should not forget one's friends. We did not invite you here today to make further enemies; we accept your friendship, even if we would also welcome your swords.

Orlowska poured Casimir a glass of water, having noted that the long speeches were no doubt leaving him parched. With a paternal smile, he continued.

As for proof of Surtova's wrongdoing- our Lord Mayor had dearly hoped to offer you such, once wind of Duke Demid's extortion reached us. In fact, one of our top intelligence agents had already taken it upon himself to find it. It became something of a personal vendetta for him, as a matter of fact. We were most excited when word secretly reached us a few days ago that he had recovered such proof; we had hoped to clear the misunderstanding up when you arrived...

Orlowska sighed heavily.

Alas... Our man Stanislaw was intercepted by Stonehouse before he could return with said proof. It may be some time before we are able to recover it, if at all.

Casimir could feel the strings of the Swordlord's "unofficial Spymaster" beginning to tug at him... the man was good though. He showed no sign of expecting anything further from Casimir as he began to wrap up the meeting- although mentioning his Uncle's name was clearly not a mere slip.

A guard will be just outside the door to see you out of the front gate, Lord Casimir. While we cannot say we are overjoyed at how recent events have turned out, we would not say that we are no longer friends with Kardas. I bid you a fine day sir.

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2

At the mention of his uncle's capture, Casimir stood abruptly, almost knocking over his chair.

Damn you, Orlowska! As the Lord Mayor said, the time for coy games is past. You know Stanislaw is my uncle - if he has been captured, I must know all about it at once!

Male Taldan Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 5/ Hellknight 3 HP:31/81 AC:28 F:+11, R:+6, W:+8, CMD:25*, P:+10, I:+2, AOO:+16

"You will regret hindering me, mogrels!"

Ricter slams his flail at the giant once again, but instead of trying to guide the weaker backswing into one of the beast's few weak points he lashes out against one of the gnolls supporting it:

Flail attack vs giant (+2 smite, +1 prayer): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (20) + 17 = 37

damage (+2 smite, +1 prayer): 1d8 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17

iterative flail attack vs gnoll F22: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

damage: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

edit: Crit confirm vs giant: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33

"You think the law can't find you here!?"

Male (HP 26/71, AC- 23 T- 15 FF- 18 CMD- 28, F +11, R +10, W +6, P +15*, In +3*, AOO +17) Half-orc Ranger (Guide) 7/Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 1
Kip Bendybrook wrote:
Leaning in and speaking in a more hushed tone, though he knows the effort would prove fruitless if he was correct, he adds, Mind what you say dear friend, I would wager there are more discreet ears listening and eyes watching than one would expect... or can see with the naked eye!

Kalev whispers back, That would be prudent. Let us share stories from the road and leave the affairs of rulership behind for a few hours.

Male (HP 26/71, AC- 23 T- 15 FF- 18 CMD- 28, F +11, R +10, W +6, P +15*, In +3*, AOO +17) Half-orc Ranger (Guide) 7/Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 1

Kalev ordered some fine ale and duck, leaning back in his chair to relax for a bit. After a minute or two of silence, he yawned, a mixture of boredom and fatigue. I wonder what Mal and the others are up to? Probably out fighting brigands or worse...

The was a clear note suggesting Kalev wanted to be out there with them, if it was the case.

Your Humble Narrator


Ricter Crit Confirm Damage: 1d8 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17

Despite the Gnoll's guarding him, Ricter's flail was too quick and too powerful for the spears to deflect as it rose in a near vertical arc. The heavy spiked balls slammed into the muscular giant's chin, snapping its head back as its neck broke under the titanic swing. Following up, Ricter easily slew another Gnoll beside him.

The four ragged prisoners cheered with hoarse voices as the group quickly finished off the remaining Gnolls, Malthir cutting two more down. For a moment it seemed like one Gnoll might escape, but the recovered Kundal rode him down on his horse. The ambush had been turned around, the prey too strong for the hunters. Demons and hyena-headed humanoids lay scattered around the pass, along with a rune-emblazoned Giant. Blood slowly seeped into the sands from the dozens of wounds from both sides. The Kamelands had rarely witnessed such slaughter.

Kip, remind me to work out XP for that fight at some point. At work right now so not got the details on me. Combat over!


Mikael Lortovsky glared sternly at Casimir after his impassioned outburst and Rickard Sellemius all but snarled as his hand darted to his blade's hilt. Orlowska appeared to be taken aback by the outburst and was the very model of mild indignation before responding softly-

My sympathies young Casimir, I had not known you were so close. He was intercepted. We believe he had wanted to give the capital a wide berth as he returned from the west and had passed through Orlovsky lands. All went well until he was somehow discovered and captured by a vassal of Garrett Stonehouse, our adversary to the north. Our spies in that area indicate he is being held in Stonehouse's main castle at the heart of his demesne- Blackhearth. It is one of the largest and finest keeps in Brevoy with a rich history. Do you intend to rescue him, young Casimir? You would need to rely on deception, stealth and subterfuge rather than brute force. We will, of course, be keeping an eye on you if this is the case. We lose nothing by informing you- Blackhearth is one of our main goals. We do, extend the courtesy of informing you that we will be regularly scrying on your progress. Perhaps we will even be able to render assistance- you would do well to not resist our efforts... Orlowska mused.

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

Malthir gives a satisfied look at the battlefield and the evil they have broken this day.
He sweeps the cages with his ability to find strong evil before freeing and sending a wave of healing into the people in the cages.

I am Malthir Al Dagon, this is Fenna, Ricter, and Kundal. We are pleased to find you alive. What are you names and how did you come to be captives of these beasts?

Malthir will ask them for their stories and what they know of this enemy. Then they will search the bodies for anything of value as well as anything in camp of value with the others.

Male Taldan Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 5/ Hellknight 3 HP:31/81 AC:28 F:+11, R:+6, W:+8, CMD:25*, P:+10, I:+2, AOO:+16

As Malthir attends to the captives, Ricter looks more closely at the fallen giant. He remarks darkly to Fenna:

"This rune is the mark of Kostchtchie, a Demon Lord cursed by the Witch Queen. If we had merely faced the giant and it's gnoll minions I would have been confident that this creature was merely marked long ago and has wandered into this region of it's own accord."

He look over the slaughter at the fallen Dretches

"It wasn't alone, though. It had aid fresh from the abyss. Feeble aid but aid nonetheless. I worry that some more significant demonic power has an interest in this region."

Did we execute the color sprayed gnolls or are they going to be waking up shortly?

Your Humble Narrator

I have thus far assumed execution but you can declare keeping a captive if you wish to. More detailed response from me after work.

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

That's a safe assumption Ricter. We have enemies all around us, this worthless creature may be allied with one of the factions already against us or could just be a new one.
Maybe these prisoners can shed more light.
Fenna or Kundal, can you tell anything more about these creatures or their camp?

HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

Once the battle is over, Fenna casts a quick glance around to ensure there are no further threats before lowering her arms from her guarded posture, and listens from a distance as Malthir questions the freed captives.

"Quite true, Ricter," She nods to the Hellknight, "the prescence of this giant 'blessed' by Kostchtchie, along with its demonic allies does suggest the possibility of a cult of some kind... I do not know if this creature itself would have possessed the wits to form one itself, but perhaps there is a shrine or altar in the camp to shed more light on the situation."

"The creatures themselves, not a lot," the pale oracle responds to Malthir's question, "though has Ricter says, it would seem that they were worshippers of the demon lord Kostchtchie. He was once a terrible and wicked Ulfen warrior, who's hatred of women was matched only by his hatred of giants. His prowess in battle was legendary, and in time his arrogance led him to believe that he could coerce the Witch Queen into granting him immortality. Of course, Baba Yaga is not to be trifled with, and as a punishment for his hubris, she twisted him into the demonic form of a giant."

"What his worshippers would be doing so far south, I do not know."

Male Taldan Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 5/ Hellknight 3 HP:31/81 AC:28 F:+11, R:+6, W:+8, CMD:25*, P:+10, I:+2, AOO:+16

"It's lucky that you leave plenty of prisoners lying around Fenna"

Ricter goes over to the nearest color sprayed gnoll and kicks it.

"Wake up! On your knees! Do as I command and you may outlive the day!"

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2

For a moment, it looked like Casimir was about to fling a venomous remark at Orlowska. But then he sat back down, drummed his fingers on the table and said "Well, it would seem our interests coincide in ths matter. I would appreciate any aid or information you would care to provide while I ponder on how to get my uncle out of this predicament"

Your Humble Narrator


The prisoners wounds appeared to be mostly non-lethal in nature- the results of whippings and beatings rather than weaponry. Malthir found no evil in the hearts of the men before smashing the lock with the aptly named Liberator.

Three of the men looked to the fourth, almost instinctively. Well into his thirties, well-muscled and with several chest and stomach scars, he was clearly a warrior by trade. He answered, his accent marking him as a River Kingdoms man.

My... Lords and Lady. We are in your debt. We were sold, like common slaves he said and spat in disgust at the word. We're mercenaries- not a big company or nothing, just us lads from the same village in Daggermark. We signed on with a merchant, but it was a set up. The other guards got us drunk one evening, probably put something in our drinks. Next thing I know, we're gagged and stuffed into some hidden compartment in the wagon... Lost track of how long we were in there. Got sold to the big ugly giant, reckon they were going to sacrifice us. Where are we? What month is it?

Kundal cast an eye over the camp, giving it a quick inspection before responding to Malthir's query. He seemed a little ashamed that he succumbed to the demon's powers, despite his success against the leucrotta's.

Classic Gnoll raiding camp, Malthir. No women or children here... Were it not for the Giant, i'd say they likely marched far to get here, intending to raid and enslave; melting away in the force of strong opposition. Gnolls don't normally fight to the death the Half-Orc reported

Fenna confirmed her suspicions as her sharp eyes noted an crude stone altar set up on the cliff above, near where the archers had been set up. Getting up there would be simple from this side of the ravine.

Ricter's captive struggled feebly in his arms, the blindness having not yet worn off. By the time it did, the Gnoll did not seem to understand his words.

Carrion birds began to gather around the slaughtered battlefield. Those who had died furthest from the camp were already being fed on by a few. The sandy ravine was stained with the blood of dozens, the Dretch's in particular oozing blood slightly darker than most creatures.


Orlowska mirrored Casimir, also sitting down and continuing to speak for the council in that soft voice that seemed to put people at ease.

Directly? Very little. Thanks to your new treaty with Surtova, it would be ill-advised for you to be seen working with us. We do have an agent I can make available to you however, who is something of an expert on that area of Brevoy. An operative who knows not to ask too many questions and isn't known to be our man. I will put him and his Hat of Disguise at your disposal, until you return to Restov. He'll make contact tonight. Now... we're safe from prying eyes in here, but it would probably be best if it appeared to anyone watching you enter and exit, that you had a pretty hard time of it in here. Perhaps you fought in a duel. I do hate to ask young Casimir, but would you be willing to walk out of here with a sword wound? The thigh would be best I feel, a nice noticeable limp...

Rickard Sellemius was noticeably whispering to some of the others at the other end of the table.

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16
DM Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:


My... Lords and Lady. We are in your debt. We were sold, like common slaves he said and spat in disgust at the word. We're mercenaries- not a big company or nothing, just us lads from the same village in Daggermark. We signed on with a merchant, but it was a set up. The other guards got us drunk one evening, probably put something in our drinks. Next thing I know, we're gagged and stuffed into some hidden compartment in the wagon... Lost track of how long we were in there. Got sold to the big ugly giant, reckon they were going to sacrifice us. Where are we? What month is it?

Slavery is one of the worst crimes in the river kingdoms. It is lucky we came upon you in time. If we can't find your equipment with the goods we have found, feel free to help yourselves to any of the Gnoll armor or weapons.

What are your names? he walks up and shakes each mans hand firmly as he give his name.

We are just completing our survey of these lands. It is the 3rd of Gozran. I suggest you join us whil we finish this and you can come to SwordHaven as our guests.

Complete our search of the camp and sweep of detect magic assuming Fenna has it and then go back for my horse.

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2

Casimir grinned.

"Any man who wished to put a sword wound on me had better be prepared to take one himself in the process. But then, I'm certain one of the esteemed council members will be up for a bit of sport. Be warned, though...I don't fight fair."

Although he kept looking directly at Orlowska, no-one in the room could misunderstand where the remark was directed.

Male Halfling 8th level Fey Bloodline Sorcerer
Init +6 Perception +4 AC 21 Tch 15 FF 19 HP 62 Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +8 Spd 20' CMB +2 CMD 14 Acro+4 Bluff+11 Climb-1 Diplo+6 Disg+16 Esc+2 Fly+10 Know (Arca+6 Loc+7 Nat+7) Sense+0 Spellcraft+13 Stealth+14 Use Magic+12 Swim-1

Kip bobbed his head appreciatively as he dined on the succulent fowl along with Kalev. Although his hunger had begun to wane as his new ring's magic began to work upon his need for sustenance, he still quite enjoyed the act of eating actual food. He did not plan on giving that up, no matter how the ring would affect his appetite. He was still a halfling after all! He mused on the possibility that he might start to develop a bit of a belly if he continued to "double dip" as it were. A slight smile creased his lips.

As Kalev spoke, Kip nodded in agreement with his sentiment. Both with that which was spoken and that which was not.

Leaning back in his comfy chair, he took a sip of his wine and stared out the window, his thoughts firmly on Casimir and the rest of the guardians...

Male Taldan Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 5/ Hellknight 3 HP:31/81 AC:28 F:+11, R:+6, W:+8, CMD:25*, P:+10, I:+2, AOO:+16

Ricter throws the gnoll roughly onto the ground.

"Curses, no common"

He takes out his masterwork manacles and binds the creature. How many others are just incapacitated?

"How many nights have you been imprisoned here? We saw signs of a caravan's passage - the lawbreakers may be in reach!"

HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

Fenna futilely tries to catch some reaction from beneath Ricter's heavy helmet when Malthir speaks of slavery, before pointing out the makeshift altar up on the ridge to the Hellknight, "That will no doubt be a shrine to Kostchtchie, perhaps we might find something up there."

Looking over to Malthir as he finishes, Fenna speaks up, "You are indeed welcome to accompany us," she says to the mercenaries, before continuing on to the Baron, "though if so, we may need to head back to Swordhaven without finding our quarry; I do not question the valour of our new friends, but after so long in captivity they may not yet be ready to defend themselves, should we lead them into danger."

Yes, Fenna has detect magic for when we begin the search.

Your Humble Narrator


You could have captured two, the others had time to get up and be finished off.

The speaker continued to talk on behalf of his men, after exchanging some slightly worried glances. Generally though, the four seemed reassured. The leader introduced himself as Balthus and his men as Gabriel, Dagult and Barristan. Balthus casually ordered his men to gather their gear while he conversed with Malthir and Ricter, clearly enjoying the spectacle of Ricter manacling the Gnoll.

My lord and his entourage are generous- we will need rest and succor before we can be of much assistance in your exploration however. We were taken last night, though the Gnolls took us blindfolded and marched us through the night. I believe coins and plunder changed hands, but we were mostly kept senseless... the 3rd of Gozran eh... Almost a month since we were taken.

After some searching, the four men recover their gear; stashed away in a simple wooden crate and unsorted. They are well equipped mercenaries, each with finely crafted armour, mostly breastplate but a well-forged half-plate for their leader- the man who had introduced himself as Balthus. Their weapons and backpacks were of similarly excellent quality; designed to release the many weapons worn as quickly and efficiently as possible. Balthus himself appeared to favour a hefty spear that reacted to Fenna's Detect Magic spell- and he seemed to use it in conjunction with a wooden tower shield. The other men were similarly garbed and appeared to also favour fighting in a small unit with large shields.

Malthir and the newly liberated prisoners searched through the camp with Kundal and Fenna. Once her Detect Magic spell had identified the various items she and Ricter climbed up the hill to inspect the altar to Kostchtchie high above. Concealed from view from below, the altar itself was a primitive stone thing that nevertheless radiated an magical aura Knowledge (Arcana) check to identify. Bloodstains soaked the stones that made up the simple altar, with the stone-carved rune that adorned the dead giant's chest engraved into it. A war-hammer too large for most men to lift lay casually against the altar, clearly the sacrificial weapon used to kill those taken. It seemed apparent from this angle that sacrifices to the Demon Lord were made here and the shattered bodies and bones that the group had found below were clearly from those slain here.

The camp itself was fairly sparse- the Gnoll's equipment was reasonably basic and the plunder they had been taking from their victims did appear to be recently depleted; stored in one of the larger hide tents. With a careful appraisal assisted by Balthus, who claimed to be a merchant's son, the items of value in the camp were totalled-


Everburning Torch (110GP value)
Climbers Kit (80GP value)
Good Quality Lock (80GP value)
Potion of Invisibility (300GP value)
Pathfinder Chronicle (Geography, 50GP value)
Key of Lock Jamming (400GP value)

Gems and Jewels

Turquoise 5gp, Amber 91gp, Sardonyx 40gp, Sardonyx 13gp, Red-brown spinel 70gp, Red garnet 73gp, Bracelet 27gp, Sard 25gp, Rock crystal (clear quartz) 33gp, Tigereye 2gp, Agate 1gp


4 Platinum Pieces
24 Gold Pieces
323 Silver Pieces
927 Copper Pieces


Casimir's bold announcement raised eyebrows and extracted sighs of both surprise and exasperation from various council members. Rickard Sellemius sneered openly at Casimir's words and began to rise to his feet. Swordlord Stefan Maseri was quicker still, his sword drawn from his scabbard in one swift motion as he rose to his feet.

If it must come to bloodshed, I would be honoured to duel to a yield with the representative of Kardas he declared formally.

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

Fenna, any idea what the magic might be of this Altar before I use this hammer for one good deed?

Malthir then detects evil on the Altar and the hammer...

HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

Fenna looks over the altar coldly, fixing her sight on it while her magically attuned senses adjust to its aura.

Knowledge(arcana): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2

Casimir shot Rickard a brief glance, then smiled broadly and got to his feet as well, drawing Brightclaw.

The honor is all mine, Lord Maseri.

Male Taldan Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 5/ Hellknight 3 HP:31/81 AC:28 F:+11, R:+6, W:+8, CMD:25*, P:+10, I:+2, AOO:+16

Ricter is walking back down the hill when Malthir makes his way up and spies the hammer.

"If only a day has passed since the handover, those tracks we found earlier are likely from the cart of the slavers. The wargs can wait - I advise we proceed back to Kardas with haste and bring low these scum who dare flout Kardas' laws."

He then makes his way back down to the camp and talks with the newly freed captives.

"Blathus, I know it has been some time but can you remember anything about the appearance of those who first captured you?"

Whilst conversing with the soldiers, Ricter tries to discreetly make sure none of them head off to see what Malthir and Fenna are doing. Having felt the force of the giant's blows first hand he suspects the alter can withstand any punishment the Baron can throw at it. It would not do for the Lord of Kardas to be seen failing feats of strength...

Male Halfling 8th level Fey Bloodline Sorcerer
Init +6 Perception +4 AC 21 Tch 15 FF 19 HP 62 Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +8 Spd 20' CMB +2 CMD 14 Acro+4 Bluff+11 Climb-1 Diplo+6 Disg+16 Esc+2 Fly+10 Know (Arca+6 Loc+7 Nat+7) Sense+0 Spellcraft+13 Stealth+14 Use Magic+12 Swim-1

As Kip continues to stare out the window, a thought flashes into his mind. With a hint of dismay in his voice he turns and asks Kalev, What is the date today?

HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

I'm going to guess that result isn't going to reveal much.

"I am unsure, beyond speculation," the former priestess replies, shaking her head, "though there is little doubt that it is not pleasant... perhaps some fell magic to channel the souls of those sacrificed here to Kostchtchie's realm, rather than their rightful afterlife?"

Male (HP 26/71, AC- 23 T- 15 FF- 18 CMD- 28, F +11, R +10, W +6, P +15*, In +3*, AOO +17) Half-orc Ranger (Guide) 7/Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 1

Why, I've lost track of is the [occ]DM, please assist with a date ;)[/ooc], I believe... Kalev says after a little thought.

Why do you ask, my big-hearted friend?

Male Halfling 8th level Fey Bloodline Sorcerer
Init +6 Perception +4 AC 21 Tch 15 FF 19 HP 62 Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +8 Spd 20' CMB +2 CMD 14 Acro+4 Bluff+11 Climb-1 Diplo+6 Disg+16 Esc+2 Fly+10 Know (Arca+6 Loc+7 Nat+7) Sense+0 Spellcraft+13 Stealth+14 Use Magic+12 Swim-1
Kalev Lehola wrote:

Why, I've lost track of is the the 4th day of Gozren, I believe... Kalev says after a little thought.

Why do you ask, my big-hearted friend?

Kip sighs. It seems, that in all of the excitement of the past few weeks, I have forgotten my birthday. It passed a few days ago...

Kip sets his wine glass down and fidgets a bit in his seat.

I have never missed a birthday before...

Your Humble Narrator


Fenna is unsure what the magical aura around the altar is, but it leaves her feeling very uneasy. Malthir, stood over the altar with hammer in hand, has a strong sense of trepidation as he contemplates smashing it, as though his limbs are fighting to not shake. He instinctively knows that there will no doubt be repercussions should he destroy the foul altar, perhaps an enemy gained or another burden for him to shoulder... The hammer appears to be an ordinary weapon but the evil emanating from the altar is of such magnitude that he almost falls to the ground, failing to gauge its power as it overwhelms his mind and senses, leaving him with a stinging headache once he recovers.

Stood down in the camp itself away from Malthir and Fenna, Balthus nodded to Ricter.

I now believe they were using a pseudonym- the caravan was chartered as "Matthias' Exports". They were obviously River Kingdom locals, but I know not if they hail from Daggermark or merely found their marks there...

Balthus gave Ricter a hard look as though recognising his insignia for the first time. His gaze hardened as he asked bluntly-

I would surmise that you do not encourage such slavery, in here of all places, my lord, or surely you would not have allowed us our weapons and armour?

His tone was light hearted but with a wary edge to it. Such a reaction was not uncommon among those who recognised the Order of the Chain. Balthus and his men were tense and ready to fight for their freedom if they had to.

Still stupidly busy but things will settle for me soon. Posting from a Starbucks in London while I wait for gf to arrive. Next update will be for those in Restov but it would help me if I knew of the Kameland's groups intentions and know for sure if Malthir is going to smash the altar.

Your Humble Narrator

Not much for Kalev and Kip at the moment sadly, sorry guys.


The Champion of the Swordlords moved into a formal stance and bowed to Casimir. The "Man of Iron" strode over and held out a silk handkerchief, with the duel to begin as soon as it touched the ground. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as the delicate fabric slowly floated to the floor...

DM needs time to stat out Swordlord Maseri beyond the very basics I currently have down ;).

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

Iomedae protect me! as he enacts a prayer to her for her protection.
Malthir begins to destroy the Altar, knowing there is no way he will allow an object of such evil to exist near his kingdom...the hammer blows fall over and over again on the foul object.

Male Taldan Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 5/ Hellknight 3 HP:31/81 AC:28 F:+11, R:+6, W:+8, CMD:25*, P:+10, I:+2, AOO:+16

Ricter keeps the even tone of a teacher, neither trying to intimidate nor put at ease.

"Though a plough is a boon for a farmer, it is of no use to a herdsman in the desert. So too is slavery a vital tool in the cities of Cheliax and many others, but in the River Kingdoms it is of little use. The law reflects that."

"Had this caravan crossed my path in a another time and place I would have fought to aid it's drivers in binding and selling you. He and now, though, they defy the law of the land and will be dragged to the dungeons of Swordhaven."

"All Hellknights fight for the law first and foremost. My order merely takes particular interest in seeing that the right people are enslaved"

Male (HP 26/71, AC- 23 T- 15 FF- 18 CMD- 28, F +11, R +10, W +6, P +15*, In +3*, AOO +17) Half-orc Ranger (Guide) 7/Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 1

I'm sorry, I had completely forgotten, good friend, Kalev says, placing a big hand on Kip's shoulder. We will have a feast upon returning to Swordhaven, but for now, Kalev turns and calls to the barkeep, Good man, bring my friend anything he fancies.

Male Halfling 8th level Fey Bloodline Sorcerer
Init +6 Perception +4 AC 21 Tch 15 FF 19 HP 62 Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +8 Spd 20' CMB +2 CMD 14 Acro+4 Bluff+11 Climb-1 Diplo+6 Disg+16 Esc+2 Fly+10 Know (Arca+6 Loc+7 Nat+7) Sense+0 Spellcraft+13 Stealth+14 Use Magic+12 Swim-1

No apologies required my friend. If I can't remember my own birthday, I shouldn't expect others to. Kip smiles warmly at Kalev.

A feast sounds fantastic... but I worry that events will continue to conspire to keep us all from sitting around a table together any time soon.

At the barman's expectant look, Kip waves him off before continuing with Kalev, What I most fancy is to know how Cas is fairing with the Swordlord's. I do so wish that we could have accompanied him...

Kip leans back in his seat. Resigned to wait as long as it takes to hear from Casimir, he changes his mind and orders the strongest drinks the establishment has available. One for Kalev and one for himself.

Do you think Kip can find an establishment that sells shirts that read "I went to Restov and all I got was this lousy shirt"? :D (I kid, I kid)

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2

As Casimir stared down the Swordlord champion, he could not help but wonder if this was such a good idea.

Probably for the best that Maseri rose to answer the challenge before Rickard. I must remember that I represent Kardas in this, much as I would have liked to teach that arrogant ass a lesson. He has a real mean streak to him, that one. Something tells me we had better prepare to fend for ourselves before he replaces his father.

As the handkerchief gently floated downward, he shot the distracting thoughts from his mind and focused on the fight ahead.

Best keep my wits - after all, they DID warn me that spellcasting in the manor was strictly forbidden. How did I ever manage to get myself into yet another duel with a trained swordsman where I can't use all of my abilities?

Your Humble Narrator


Ricter's uncompromising explanation seemed to satisfy Balthus and his fellows. Just as he finished speaking and Balthus grunted an acknowledgement, a great crashing sound could be heard upon the cliff above, where Ricter knew Malthir and Fenna were, followed by several more as the hammer blows fell. Nearby, Kundal made a patrol of the village.

Malthir's arm felt more and more weary as the hammer blows fell. The first made an impressive impact but the following repeat blows seemed more and more difficult- his arm seemed to drag as he swiftly struggled to continue the assault...

Malthir I need a Fortitude save and a Will save for now.

___________________________________________________________________________ __


Both duellist's already had their swords out and were stood a mere ten feet apart. As the handkerchief fell, Casimir seemed to have ample time to study his opponents equipment and physique- and vice versa. The Swordlord was a few years older than Casimir, in his prime and with more experience to boot. He seemed both strong and agile but the size of his muscles surely limited his agility and reflexes, at least to some extent; Casimir estimated he must be about as strong as Kalev although it was possible his strength was also magically augmented. Casimir was also sure that he was the quicker of the two. The glint of mithril shone through below his throat, a breastplate by the looks of it. Several rings adorned his fingers and any number could be magical...

Stefan's Aldori sword had its own name, legacy and tales; for Stefan Maseri's deeds were known throughout southern Brevoy. A veteran of dozens of duels and winner of both sword and lance tournaments all over Brevoy, Maseri's acumen in single combat was considered among the greatest in Brevoy. Despite the Swordlord Champion's prowess and reputation as a man of lightning reflexes, Casimir reacted just a moment faster and took the initiative, his first play in motion before Maseri had formulated his...

Nevertheless... Knowing Maseri's reputation, Casimir was aware the most he would likely be able to manage was a respectable loss.

Stefan Maseri Initiative: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Casimir Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2

Let's find out if he has Combat Reflexes or not...

As soon as the first sliver of silk touched ground, Casimir sprang forward and lashed out with Brightclaw, intent on knocking his opponent's sword from his grasp before he could react.

Disarm: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

Fortitude Save 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
Willpower Save 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

Need more power, this evil will not stop me! Fenana please give me your prayers and protection!

Cast divine favor on myself, ask for prayer and protection from evil from Fenna. Go two handed on the hammer and put the shield away to maximize some major damage and then start pounding again.

With great effort the magically enhanced Malthir begins to pound away on the Altar this time focused on it's destruction Malthir gets the feeling that something is trying to resist his efforts.

HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

Seeing Malthir struggle against the altar, Fenna calls out to Aroden for support in his efforts. "May the Soldier's shield protect our noble baron from the fell magics at play here, and let the Craftsmans' mighty arm lend him the strength to unmake this blasphemous affront to civilisation."

Your Humble Narrator


Malthir managed to resist the numbing magic upon his flesh and the hammer crashed into the altar with new strength, finally shattering it after several two-handed blows. However, Malthir could not help but feel uneasy and less sure of himself as he stood triumphant atop the ruined piece of stone and to Fenna, Malthir's strong and imposing presence and character seemed greatly diminished...

Malthir, your current Charisma has been reduced by 6...

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --


Stefan Maseri AOO Disarm (Success): 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (14) + 22 = 36
Disarm Direction: 1d8 ⇒ 1
Damage On Casimir Due to Successful Disarm: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

The Swordlord Council watched with interest as Casimir immediately closed and launched an attack meant to disarm against the older Swordlord. Casimir was immediately made to regret his decision however, as it became apparent that Stefan Maseri was a master at such a maneuver. The Swordlord champion tilted his one handed blade expertly, reversing Casimir's own maneuver as he spun on one heel- using his momentum to send Casimir's blade veering off to the right as he stepped in close to the Kardas representative. His sword having reversed direction immediately after he easily disarmed Casimir, Maseri sliced open Casimir's thigh with an elegant, one-handed counter-attack even as he completed the spin. With one smooth routine, the renowned swordsman had parried Casimir's own attack, disarmed him and launched a successful riposte which left blood trickling down Casimir's leg.

Stefan Maseri's face was devoid of anger or any kind of emotion as he faced Casimir, sword still in hand, back to a neutral guard stance. He raised his own blade expertly, switching to an offensive posture and clearly about to press his advantage; but he paused for a mere moment to ask softly-

Do you yield Lord Casimir?

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

Malthir is satisfied by the results, although he feels a bit odd, he returns to the others, The Altar to the evil god is no more, this place can no longer be used as a center for their evil deeds. Again good has triumphed over evil!
You men ready for a little exploration before we return to civilization?
he says a little gruffer than normal...

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2

Casimir winces as he tries to decide what stings more - the embarrassment or the slash in his thigh.

Lord Maseri's question gives him a moment to consider his options. His fingers tingle with the desire to release his magic, but without Brightblade in his grasp, he feels oddly disconnected from his arcane art. And even if he could manage to maintain his focus long enough to get a spell off, it would likely accomplish nothing more than prolong the inevitable and potentially anger the entire council.

Forcing a apologetic smile, he spreads his hands, palms up and bows lightly to the Swordlord champion.

"I do, Lord Maseri. The point of this exercise was to provide me with an injury to show off. I believe this will suffice." He says, gesturing to his bleeding thigh.

Your Humble Narrator

The large, scarred Gorumite man moved over and clapped Casimir heartily on the shoulder as Stefan bowed and moved back to his seat.

Not to worry, that is not the nastiest duel Maseri has had this year... A trumped up Surtovan sod tried his luck back in Abadius. He had him on the floor, disarmed and with a blade to his throat in about the same time it took this duel to end.

Anything more from Casimir or is he leaving the estate? Malthir and co., I assume you meet up back at the Gnoll camp.

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