DM Alexander Kilcoyne's Kingmaker PBP- Chapter 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Alexander Kilcoyne

"We are essentially pawns in a larger game - what we have to find out is who it is that are making the moves, and what we can do to become masters of our own destiny."

Spymaster Casimir, Aldori Duellist & Statkari

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Male Halfling 8th level Fey Bloodline Sorcerer
Init +6 Perception +4 AC 21 Tch 15 FF 19 HP 62 Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +8 Spd 20' CMB +2 CMD 14 Acro+4 Bluff+11 Climb-1 Diplo+6 Disg+16 Esc+2 Fly+10 Know (Arca+6 Loc+7 Nat+7) Sense+0 Spellcraft+13 Stealth+14 Use Magic+12 Swim-1

Retcon: Riders to Varnland

Kip hearing no objections, prepares a sending for Maegar. He also informs Ilya and a contingent of Hellknights to prepare to ride for Varnland pending Maegar's response.

Proposed sending (pending council approval) Kardas reports Lord Sirian ambushed. All dead. Gift stolen. Promissory notes recovered. Kardas to raise Sirian. How does thee fair? Ilya rides for Varnland. Requests?

Retcon: Dragon research

Kip is indeed frustrated by the fey's lack of cooperation. He begins to fear that his theory regarding the entire thing to be a ruse is true. Even the good fey refuse to reveal the truth, likely for fear of reprisal. The question is, reprisal from who or what?

Current time

Kip offers to the Baron and those assembled, We should tread carefully here... While we want to appear independent and strong, we do not wish to provoke hostilities either. Kardas has enough enemies at the moment without creating another. Especially one as close and powerful as the Surtovas. We should hear what they have to say, and if the message is as you fear Malthir, than I suggest you rebuke them in the nicest way possible. Take the matter "under advisement" and delay response. Or claim inability to comply due to our recent troubles. Whatever it takes. Now is not the time for grand standing. The people of Kardas are depending on us. Rash actions or overt defiance and insult will not serve our citizens or Kardas well. Do not make this personal...

PS. If Kip is made aware of the Hellknight's plan on using detect chaos in the manner described... he would have something to say about it. ;)

Ricter will bring the 'sweeps' up with Casimir, but views it as too minor a decision to involve the rest of the Guardians and Statkari.

"If they come to demand assistance we have nothing to fear from them. The fact we are potentially useful to them means they do not have the strength to threaten us - at least not in the near future. As for the immediate threat, I would not be confident sending an army of a hundred average soldiers against all the Guardians, all the Statkari and four Hellknights."

"Of course, these may not be average soldiers. Kip is right we should rebuke them in the nicest way possible, but stalling or excuses may create more animosity than clearly and immediately explaining our reasoning."

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2

Casimir agrees with Kip, both in regards to the message to Varn and the approach to the Surtova delegation. He has no objection to Ricter's proposed sweeps, provided that the Hellknight do not act on finding any agents, but merely reports back to him and the other Statkari.

Like Kip, I counsel caution and restraint, Baron. We must appear strong, but not hostile. Until demands are made that we can not honor, these people should be treated as any other diplomatic guest. And any refusal to meet such demands must be made with proper tact. While I'm all for telling Surtova's lapdogs to bugger off back to New Stetven, open provocation is probably not the best thing right now.

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

Agreed, let's go find out what they want.

HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

"It is certainly true that we should avoid being overly antagonistic, but it is just as important not to show the Surtovan's any signs of weakness that may tempt them into thinking we are easy prey." Fenna comments, following the other Statkari towards their mounts.

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

BTW I am on vacation starting Sat. for a week. I will be sitting around the pool/beach for a week though with wifi so I expect to be able to post a couple of times a days. But just in case I disappear for a day you know why.

Your Humble Narrator

Despite Malthir's vacation, going to move the game on somewhat. Been swamped, trying to catch up on PbP today. Good news is, I have accommodation for next university year :). Btw Ricter, great post regarding the Hellknight's placement, good to know. Obviously they have to be "called to arms" as one unit to function as the army they are listed as in the Campaign Info tab.

Ilya was sent as Kardas' representative with two full ranked Hellknights to accompany him; disguising themselves as sellswords. A message was magically sent to Varn himself via a Sending spell, a spell with which he was either familiar with or which he had received instruction on- his reply was 25 words exactly.

Shame about Sirian. You have my thanks. Treat him well. Varnhold and I fare well. Grand Diplomat Ilya? Brief him on our pending trade agreement.

The Hellknights are set to work under the plans of their new Field Maralictor, Statkari Ricter. No individuals with a significant chaotic aura have thus far been detected, although the Hellknight's distinct ability to sense such individuals has been widely publicised by an underground agitator movement designed to discredit them- an unknown group of Kardas citizens who call themselves "The River Patriots"- a reference perhaps, to the river freedoms that they seem to feel the Hellknights are not respecting. While, thanks perhaps to the recent tournament, the movement has not gained much traction, the information in the pamphlets about how their ability to Detect Chaos functions is now widespread knowledge.

26th of Pharast, 4713

A small host has been gathered- significantly, every Hellknight in Kardas has been recalled in time. Even the most dubious of these Warriors of Order cannot deny that they make a fearsome sight- clad in their distinctive, dark full plate and mounted upon powerful steeds, also clad in dark chain-shirt barding. Kalev has also gathered a little under two dozen skilled hunters and border men and the few fully trained members of the militia stand behind them. All in all, the Swordhaven host numbered a little under 80 men.

The two armed groups met several miles from Swordhaven itself, the mighty castle of Kardasholme barely visible in the distance. The Surtovan host made its intent clear- a parley flag was waved and a small group of perhaps a dozen knights slowly marched their steeds forward. The main body of men are held well back and other than their rough numbers, it is difficult to tell much about them.

HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

Watching the group of knights ride forward from the visiting host, Fenna leans across to Malthir. "Given the actions of the last Surtovan Knight to visit these lands, I am not fully convinced that these men will abide by the terms of parley... would it be impolite to ask them to explain the past trickery of their house?"

Male Halfling 8th level Fey Bloodline Sorcerer
Init +6 Perception +4 AC 21 Tch 15 FF 19 HP 62 Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +8 Spd 20' CMB +2 CMD 14 Acro+4 Bluff+11 Climb-1 Diplo+6 Disg+16 Esc+2 Fly+10 Know (Arca+6 Loc+7 Nat+7) Sense+0 Spellcraft+13 Stealth+14 Use Magic+12 Swim-1

Kip raises an eyebrow at Fenna's comment. Forgive me, but what actions does she refer to? I presume this pre-dates my time with the Guardians?

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

Malthir looks back to the gathered group of men and women with a serious look, If they try to betray us, we will cut them down to a man. If I raise my fist clenched into the air, it means they mean to attack and you should move forward to attack, but this would be a last resort.
We should be careful referring to the last incident with some of their knights. I think we should let it be for know. Ricter, pick 6 men to accompany us. Guardians, let's go see what they want.

Malthir rides out to meet the group of knights.

Your Humble Narrator

Is Kip's question going to be ignored? :P.

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

Malthir let's Fenna address Kip's question

Male Taldan Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 5/ Hellknight 3 HP:31/81 AC:28 F:+11, R:+6, W:+8, CMD:25*, P:+10, I:+2, AOO:+16

Knowing them all to be equally potent, Ricter gestures for the six Hellknights nearest him to ride forward. He has them ride a dozen feet to the left of the guardians to symbolize the relationship between his order and Kardas - allied, but seperate. He himself, however, rides side by side with the rest of the Statkari.

HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

"Yes," Fenna replies to Kip in a hushed tone as they begin to ride forwards, "some time before Kardas was founded, when the Guardians were still fighting to tame the Greenbelt, and Sir Edric Orlavsky still rode among us, a group of men-at-arms approached us in the forests. They were led by a knight claiming loyalty to House Orlavsky, and they were apparently under instructions to escort Sir Edric home."

"When he proved reluctant to leave, they showed their true intent, attacking without warning... upon questioning the survivors, it became clear that the men were in fact loyal to House Surtova, and meant to take Sir Edric as a political prisoner in order to ensure the loyalty of his family."

Your Humble Narrator

The two small groups approached and the Surtovan's banners were clearly on display- a gray ship against a field of blue below and black above, the upper shield spangled with silver stars. The Guardians recognised this as the crest of House Surtova, the "regents" of the Dragonscale throne for over a dozen years now since the disappearance of house Rogarvia.

The two entourages met in between the two small forces of men. The knights were all garbed for battle, atop armoured warhorses and clad in at least half-plate if not full-plate. Great helms of iron adorned their heads, save for the man who spoke first. He rode in the centre of his twelve knights and looked like he had seen close to fifty summers. He was completely bald.

I am Duke Demid, of the Duchy of Korsun and I am here in capacity as emissary of the Dragonscale Throne of Brevoy and King's Regent Noleski Surtova. Am I correct in my assumption that I have the honour of addressing Baron Malthir of Kardas and his entourage? he asked in a north Brevic accent.

Knowledge (Nobility), (History) and (Geography) all potentially represent what you know of the man and/or his duchy.

Male Halfling 8th level Fey Bloodline Sorcerer
Init +6 Perception +4 AC 21 Tch 15 FF 19 HP 62 Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +8 Spd 20' CMB +2 CMD 14 Acro+4 Bluff+11 Climb-1 Diplo+6 Disg+16 Esc+2 Fly+10 Know (Arca+6 Loc+7 Nat+7) Sense+0 Spellcraft+13 Stealth+14 Use Magic+12 Swim-1

Kip acknowledged Fenna with a bow of thanks, as she filled him in on the previous encounter with the Surtovas, but otherwise remained quiet.

As the groups met, Kip hung to the back, realizing his contributions to the discussion would be limited at best. He did muse upon the probability of open conflict and wondered if the Duke would like to hear one of his jokes...

...and silently cursed himself for not procuring a scroll that would have allowed him to eavesdrop on the thoughts of the Duke and his retinue.

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

Malthir bows his head to the Duke and responds,
Duke Demid you are correct, I am Baron Malthir Al Dagon and this is part of my ruling council, the Statkari.
Welcome to Kardas. We received no news of your coming arrival and were quite surprised actually. Initially we were a little alarmed at a group of armed men entering our country. We have had quite a few troubles lately.
How can we be of service?

Your Humble Narrator

Duke Demid looked Malthir up and down.

Baron Malthir he acknowledged in greeting. We rode hard from New Stetven and frankly, these lands are too deadly to not travel armed. I doubt the negotiations I am here for will prove to be a reprieve to the troubles you and your Barony he stressed the word to contradict Malthir's use of the word country have recently faced. No doubt this is unbeknownst to you, but we have come to discuss a very serious matter he finished gravely.

The two charters you were issued some years ago- to first explore and then settle this land known as the Greenbelt within the Stolen Lands. They wrongfully claimed upon the authority of the King's Regent, Noleski Surtova, to grant these charters. Not only were you not established as a vassal of the Duchy of Restov, you were set up as an independent nation, illegitimately.

The Duke paused to gauge the reaction to this news and allow reply.

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

That is quite surprising. If they were not issued by the King's regent, then who were they issued by? We were assured that they were issued under his authority.
Also, why has it taken over two years to bring this to my attention?

Your Humble Narrator

The charters were issued by the Lord Mayor of Restov and his swordlord allies in the area of Brevoy formerly known as Rostland; in particular, those within the Duchy of Restov. While they called upon the authority of the Dragonscale Throne, such a measure was never brought to the King' Regent's attention. With the rising hostilities in Brevoy itself and the air of secrecy the Swordlords maintained around the affair, it took the Dragonscale Throne quite some time to become aware and divine the nature of the illegitimate founding of the Barony of Kardas. Said hostilities also made it difficult to send envoys to your court. We are aware of your innocence in this matter- you and your small group are not blamed for the actions of those who granted you said charters. I'm sure we can come to an amiable compromise.

Duke Demid gestured to his knights around him.

We rode hard today to be here by evening, and rode hard for over a week before arriving. Will you receive a small number of us in a more pleasant climate perhaps Baron?

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

Of course. I must apologize in advance though as you will find my hospitality for your men lacking.
We just fought a small troll army that did much damage to Swordhaven and our ability to support such a host will be very limited. Food and supplies are very limited at the moment so I would ask that you keep the rest of your men at the outskirts of the city and we will do what we can.
Is this acceptable Duke Demid?

I will send a message to the Castle letting them know we are on the way.

Assuming he agrees, Do you need anything else from your entourage before you bring your men?

Your Humble Narrator

Duke Demid nodded.

Eleven of my knights with attending squires as well as my steward. A little more than a score of men. The rest will camp here so as not to alarm your citizens.

Male Taldan Human Fighter (Weapon Master) 5/ Hellknight 3 HP:31/81 AC:28 F:+11, R:+6, W:+8, CMD:25*, P:+10, I:+2, AOO:+16

As Demid explains how Kardas's existance may violate the laws of Brevoy, Ricter exchanges a glance with the six Hellknights standing ready to one side of the Statkari. Their helms make it impossible to tell how they are reacting to this news, but reacting they are. Nonethless, Ricter seems content to wait until a formal meeting to speak his piece.

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

Malthir uses sending to give Vaysh a short message about their arrival and to prepare things.

He then leads Duke Demid and his party back to SwordHaven, trying to carry on a conversation with the man to learn a little more about him but keep the conversation pleasant. He tell Demid of their recent troubles with the Trolls and then asks Demid about himself and his holdings in Brevoy.

Diplomacy 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21

Your Humble Narrator

The check is to improve attitude or just represent general niceties?

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

Both really, Malthir was trying to have a nice conversation with him to get to know him better.

Knowledge Nobility 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Male Halfling 8th level Fey Bloodline Sorcerer
Init +6 Perception +4 AC 21 Tch 15 FF 19 HP 62 Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +8 Spd 20' CMB +2 CMD 14 Acro+4 Bluff+11 Climb-1 Diplo+6 Disg+16 Esc+2 Fly+10 Know (Arca+6 Loc+7 Nat+7) Sense+0 Spellcraft+13 Stealth+14 Use Magic+12 Swim-1

Kip listens as the Duke and Baron exchange words and can't help but think to himself, Hmmmmm... yet another "lawful" petition. That makes three... Interesting timing of the visit too. Just after the arrival, and formal declaration of the HellKnights alliance...

HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

Knowledge(History) 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Fenna listens to the exchange silently, holding her thoughts for when they can be spoken privately; the only hint of reaction is a brief glance towards the northern horizon when the legitimacy of the charters is brought into question.

Which branch of knowledge would it be to judge the legality of this situation? Feel free to roll for me, with the +10 insight bonus from the Azlant Pendant.

Particularly, I'm wondering about the amount of autonomy granted to the Lord Mayor of Restov, and whether Brevoy actually had any legitimate claim to the Greenbelt in the first place, beyond proximity.

Your Humble Narrator

DM Only:

1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17

Despite Malthir putting his best foot forward and doing his best to make amiable conversation with Duke Demid as they approached Kardasholme, the man seemed very focused on the task at hand. Duke Demid hinted at extensive holdings in Surtovan lands and listened to Malthir speak of the recent Troll attacks without comment.

Who is going to be present for these talks inside Kardasholme? Duke Demid seems like he is going to keep his retinue of knights around him at all times.


Your fairly sure that Brevoy still has a legitimate claim to these lands as a 'de jure' kingdom who once held the area. Regardless of the amount of autonomy Restov had, which truthfully was little, the charters did claim on the authority of the Dragonscale Throne.

Male Halfling 8th level Fey Bloodline Sorcerer
Init +6 Perception +4 AC 21 Tch 15 FF 19 HP 62 Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +8 Spd 20' CMB +2 CMD 14 Acro+4 Bluff+11 Climb-1 Diplo+6 Disg+16 Esc+2 Fly+10 Know (Arca+6 Loc+7 Nat+7) Sense+0 Spellcraft+13 Stealth+14 Use Magic+12 Swim-1

Kip will be present at the talks...

As the two groups moved towards the city, Kip cleared his throat and addressed the Duke when an opportunity presented itself. Pardon me sir, Kip Bendybrook, Kardas' Magister and current Guardian, pleased to make your acquittance. If you would indulge me for a moment, as I am quite unfamiliar with affairs of this type, how does one go about setting up an independent nation, legitimately? Kip put extra emphasis on the last three words.

As soon as the Guardians returned to the caste, Kip set off peruse the charters in question... seeing as how he had never laid eyes upon them before.

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2

Casimir is there, for sure.

Your Humble Narrator

Naturally I assumed all PC's, the question was more for who among the NPC's is there?

Your Humble Narrator
Kip Bendybrook wrote:

Kip will be present at the talks...

As the two groups moved towards the city, Kip cleared his throat and addressed the Duke when an opportunity presented itself. Pardon me sir, Kip Bendybrook, Kardas' Magister and current Guardian, pleased to make your acquittance. If you would indulge me for a moment, as I am quite unfamiliar with affairs of this type, how does one go about setting up an independent nation, legitimately? Kip put extra emphasis on the last three words.

In exactly the manner in which the charters were originally granted- but with legitimate authority of the Dragonscale Throne, not illegitimate. Kip couldn't quite tell if the Duke was deliberately being unhelpful.

Eventually, once everyone who the Guardians wanted present had been gathered, Duke Demid spoke once again.

Despite the wrongdoing's of those in Restov, I have reviewed the situation to the best of my ability and I do not believe you guilty of any intentional breach of Brevoy's laws. I am not unsympathetic to your situation, nor am I unimpressed by what you have accomplished here in a short time.

By this point the Duke was calmly seated, with a scribe next to him documenting every word spoken in the meeting. Despite the fact he was a guest in Kardasholme, his confidence and mannerisms radiated a sense of control and authority. It was likely he had been Duke of his own duchy for decades- it could be he simply felt confident having put the Statkari on the back-foot as they reacted to him. Maybe it was simply the presence of eleven veteran knights that gave him the confidence to speak as frankly as he did. Or, perhaps, he was simply too set in his ways to change them to fit circumstances.

I have been given the authority to revoke your title. This leads us to one of two or three basic outcomes. Please indulge me while I list them off.

The first- Baron Malthir would swear fealty to the Dragonscale Throne and become a vassal of the King's Regent. The levies and armed forces Kardas can field will, in times of war and conflict, be raised by the King's Regent to wield as he sees fit, with Baron Malthir and his commanders commanding said force. In accordance with the royal laws of Brevoy, Baron Malthir would have the right to hold back 30% of said forces for his personal use, even in said times of warfare. In addition, in accordance with the royal laws of Brevoy, 30% of Kardas' income would be paid on a yearly basis as tax to the Dragonscale Throne. Baron Malthir would be permitted to retain his own advisor's and establish his own vassals, should Kardas grow to the size of a Duchy or Kingdom.

The second- Should Baron Malthir refuse to bend the knee, the Barony of Kardas could be revoked. Baron Malthir would be stripped of his title and lose any claim on the lands of Kardas but would not be punished, imprisoned or exiled for his refusal. The Barony of Kardas would become a part of my personal demesne, in accordance with the wishes and good grace of the Dragonscale Throne. Baron Malthir and his "Statkari" could remain in the court of Kardas as nobility, if they so desired. Kardas would be considered a part of Brevoy and all maps would eventually encompass the change to Brevoy's borders.

The third- Baron Malthir refuses to bend the knee or allow his title to be revoked. This would naturally lead to open warfare. Kardas has good relationships with Varnhold in the east and a newly formed alliance with the Hellknights, but with a war in the north, is vulnerable to an opportunistic strike from Mivon to the south; eager as always for a profitable series of raids. To the direct west, Drelev's holding are loyal to the Dragonscale Throne and would fight as part of Brevoy to assault your lands. Even further west, Pitax is an unknown quantity; my prediction would be that they would make opportunistic land grabs if either side left any holes in their defences. Said Hellknight's allegiances could waver if they felt they were defending an rebellious Barony. The Guardians of Kardas have a fearsome reputation as powerful warriors, but a mere Barony cannot stand against even a fraction of Brevoy's power; not even with men worth dozens of soldiers. Defeat would be all but inevitable.

Duke Demid paused to let his words sink in, and then turned to Malthir.

Baron Malthir, I would hear you speak frankly. Your "Guardians" too, if they wish to add their words to yours. If these were the options available to you and yours, what would you choose? he asked, phrasing it rhetorically. Would you sacrifice yourself for your people or would you lead them into a war few would believe you could win? Perhaps you would hope that the fire you would ignite in Kardas with your defiance would be enough to light a flame for the Swordlords, Restov, House Orlovsky, to rally to and finally start this civil war that is brewing? Would you risk your people on that chance, Baron Malthir? he questioned relentlessly and gravely, his eyes afire, yet perhaps not in anger...

*Demesne*- Collection of lands and titles held by one individual.

Ricter & Kip:

Result of Sense Motive

You can sense that perhaps, Duke Demid wants to offer the Barony of Kardas another solution, dependent on Malthir's answer. He seems to genuinely want to know what Malthir would do in such a situation, to gain a measure of the man. You can't help but think that the next few moments in these talks are going to be crucial...

You've also got something of a sense for Demid's character, or at least how he is trying to portray it. He seems to appreciate frankness and diplomatic niceties actually seem to irritate him a little. He doesn't seem to particularly enjoy detailing the three options he proposed either.

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2
DM Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:
Naturally I assumed all PC's, the question was more for who among the NPC's is there?

I would think all available statkari/councilmembers. Signifer Grachus too, I suppose.

Your Humble Narrator

That is what i've essentially assumed thus far, so unless I hear strong objections we can assume that.

"You are correct that the Hellknights would not aid the defence of Kardas against Brevoy under the exact circumstances you describe."

"This is a serious matter since Kardas would not exist without the charter. It was not set up as an independant nation from the start. The tide of immigrants that has given this barony it's size and prosperity would have been a mere trickle had Kardas been founded by a band of unknown adventurers instead of a group with the patronage of the Dragonscale Throne. That, Magister, is why this issue is not the nonsense it may first appear to be to some. This entire realm could be viewed as the profits of fraud"

"As you rightly say, Duke, we Guardians are guilty of no intentional wrongdoing and the two reasonable options you present reflect this. I would suggest to the Baron that swearing fealty to the power that most percieve to have granted his authority all along is the most elegent solution. Kardas can continue it's growth - which would likely be redoubled by it's strengthened ties with the dominant local power - and two of the many, many factions that divide and weaken this fractured region become a stronger, unified whole."

"That is how this matter would be resolved in a perfect world. Sadly, the reality is that such unity will be for nought since all can see that Brevoy will soon collapse into civil war, regardless of what Kardas may do. The levy of armed forces you speak of will come as surely as the next sunrise and it will weaken the Barony such that it will surely fall to the swarms of violent, chaotic creatures that infest this region."

"Bring together disparate nations is a beautiful thing worth striving for. Until Brevoy itself is unified and peaceful, though, bringing Kardas into it's struggles will likely doom us. A nations laws have been broken and that cannot go unresolved, but fore the sake of this barony and all the potential it holds, there must be another way?"

There is actually the hint of a plea in the Hellknight's voice

Male Halfling 8th level Fey Bloodline Sorcerer
Init +6 Perception +4 AC 21 Tch 15 FF 19 HP 62 Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +8 Spd 20' CMB +2 CMD 14 Acro+4 Bluff+11 Climb-1 Diplo+6 Disg+16 Esc+2 Fly+10 Know (Arca+6 Loc+7 Nat+7) Sense+0 Spellcraft+13 Stealth+14 Use Magic+12 Swim-1

Kip listens as the Duke lists the three choices laid out before Malthir and Kardas. So our choices are extortion, larceny or assault? Kip thinks to himself. This is bull droppings...

Kip mutters to no one in particular, I have a different understanding of the term "independent" than some others seem to...

Have you actually read the charters Ricter? I have just reviewed them myself...

You can tell Kip wishes to say more but holds his tongue for the moment in hopes of giving council to Malthir...

What exactly Kip says to Malthir depends on whether it can be done without everyone else hearing... ? :)

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

Malthir looks at his fellows with a resigned look on his face,
Duke Demid. I will be frank.
None of these choices appeal to me. Brevoy was my home. I wish no conflict with you or the country of my birth.
Nor do I want to get involved in the troubles it currently faces. If I was a lesser man, I would agree to your first choice and then break my word when I was stronger. Yet I can not even consider something of that nature.
My word and my honor are my bond.
Iomedae brought me here. She helped us form Kardas. It was through her divine guidance that I was chosen to lead and fight for the people here...I can not walk away from that. I would hear the people's voice and if they told me to bend my knee to the Dragonscale throne I would do so. But I know in my heart that this is not the words of my people. They would ask me to fight for them and in turn say no...even if it meant a potential war.
Is there no other accomodation that can be reached Duke Demid?

Male Halfling 8th level Fey Bloodline Sorcerer
Init +6 Perception +4 AC 21 Tch 15 FF 19 HP 62 Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +8 Spd 20' CMB +2 CMD 14 Acro+4 Bluff+11 Climb-1 Diplo+6 Disg+16 Esc+2 Fly+10 Know (Arca+6 Loc+7 Nat+7) Sense+0 Spellcraft+13 Stealth+14 Use Magic+12 Swim-1

Um... Nevermind then... ;)

HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

Fenna continues to listen quietly as the Duke speaks his piece, and she nods thoughtfully as the other Statkari give their replies, listening with particular interest to Ricter's precise choice of words.

"Your Grace," the gnomish councillor speaks softly, "the news you bring does indeed place us in an awkward position. You have accurately laid out three outcomes, but I worry that none of them provide a solution amicable to all. The third option you describe would in my opinion be the worst outcome, and be detrimental to both the Dragonscale Throne and Kardas; as you say, Kardas cannot hope to stand long against the might of Brevoy, but our people are strong willed, and fight fiercely even against far stronger foes, as the recent conflict with the trolls has shown... there would be much loss of life on both sides, should events fall to such terrible measures. But as Field Maralictor Vorsk observes, with the civil war on the brink of eruption in Brevoy, swearing fealty to the Dragonscale Throne is likely to expose our people to almost as much bloodshed."

"I believe that the people of Kardas would find the remaining possibility similarly distasteful; they came here to live as citizens of Kardas, not of Brevoy. Though as much as I say that none of these things are to my liking, I find myself unable to offer any alternatives."

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16
Kip Bendybrook wrote:
Um... Nevermind then... ;)

Fearful that he may have spoken for his people in haste he adds,

Statkari, speak your mind. The Duke will want my assertion confirmed or rebuted.
No woman or man that speaks today will be punished for it.

Your Humble Narrator

Unless you were to play for time and ask for a recess or try and surreptitiously smuggle Baron Malthir out of the room, there's no real way you could hope to have a quiet or private conversation in the room. Duke Demid has heard enough to make his reply, but i'll leave some time for Kip to say his piece if he intended to.

Male Halfling 8th level Fey Bloodline Sorcerer
Init +6 Perception +4 AC 21 Tch 15 FF 19 HP 62 Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +8 Spd 20' CMB +2 CMD 14 Acro+4 Bluff+11 Climb-1 Diplo+6 Disg+16 Esc+2 Fly+10 Know (Arca+6 Loc+7 Nat+7) Sense+0 Spellcraft+13 Stealth+14 Use Magic+12 Swim-1

Having no opportunity to speak with Malthir without everyone overhearing, and upon Malthir's response, Kip voices his agreement with Malthir and Fenna's observations... I stand for a strong, free and independent Kardas!

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2

Casimir leans back in his chair and fixes a hard stare on the Duke, while absently traces his fingers across the hilt of his sword.

"Words are wind, Duke, and actions speak louder than the strongest gale. You demand fealty and threaten ruin if we refuse - but there is a flip side to that coin. All that we have achieved here in Kardas, we owe to three things - the might of the Guardians, the courage of the citizens and the support of the Swordlords of Restov. The only time House Surtova and the Dragonscale Throne have shown any interest in these lands was when knights loyal to House Surtova came calling intent to abduct one of our number."

"I have little taste for either of the options you mention. And I am pleased that my Baron has no wish to bend a knee. You threaten war and bloody vengeance - so be it. If what I have been told is true, war is coming regardless of what we do here in Kardas. Seems to me, House Surtova has a choice - either Kardas remains neutral, or we join forces with Restov and the Swordlords. This city is built with resources granted by the Swordlords, as reward for taming these lands. And if you think that we will repay them by sending soldiers to fight them, you have the wits of a rock troll. It is true that we would be hard pressed to withstand the might of Brevoy - but does the Dragonscale Throne really wish to divert troops to tame us. The more you tighten your grip, the firmer you push us into the arms of the Swordlords."

Your Humble Narrator

Duke Demid listened without comment and then finally raised his hands to calm the room. The other Statkari had also been outspoken, some of them shouting that they would fight for their independence. Demid eventually slammed his mailed fist against the table for quiet.

I hear your words and respect them, Kardas. Your honesty and frankness are virtues that impress me- I have to spend far too much time in the Surtovan court, where there are daggers in men's words and little can be taken at face value. I agree. Open war would serve neither Brevoy nor Kardas and truthfully, your levies are so few that they would be of little aid in the coming conflict.

Statkari Vorsk, I do indeed have an alternative solution to propose. I am willing and able, to have the Dragonscale Throne declare Kardas an independent nation, its sovereignty recognised in all the courts of Brevoy. Depending on your succession laws of course (though I will assume Primogeniture), the Barony of Kardas could pass to Baron Malthir's children and his children and his children; not as a mere vassal, but as the independent nation you all desire.

Duke Demid let the words stand for a moment.

Noleski Surtova is not a man to give something for nothing though, good rulers of Kardas. In order to keep face, he would require two things from your Barony. Firstly- a token tribute, a one-time gift of goodwill from your Barony. Secondly- a written declaration, signed by Baron Malthir and all Statkari, that the Barony of Kardas has no intention of involving itself in any civil war that might grip Brevoy in years to come.

Duke Demid outlined the nature of the proposed gift briefly- mostly livestock, trade goods and perhaps a little jewellery.


I trust the political implications of this move are obvious. You would retain your independence and be free of all machinations from the Dragonscale Throne; and in return, the southern Brevoy rebels can no longer count on your Barony for aid and support in the coming war. You could, today, secure your independence, not to mention your northern border, forever.

*Primogeniture*- Eldest son inherits all titles, the rest get nothing. This is pretty standard in Brevoy, although some Duchies instead use Gavelkind, where titles are divided amongst the sons of a dead Lord (Eldest still gets the most).

hp 66/66, AC 26/17/20, CMD 23/24, F: +8, R: +11, W: +7, init: +5, per: +10 Human Bard 6/Fighter 2

"So what you are saying is that Surtova would graciously grant us what we have already won by blood and sweat, and in return have us stand idly by while his forces burn and pillage Rostland? - I do not like the taste of the wine you offer, but if that is the price of a free and independent Kardas, I will drink it none the less."

Male Halfling 8th level Fey Bloodline Sorcerer
Init +6 Perception +4 AC 21 Tch 15 FF 19 HP 62 Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +8 Spd 20' CMB +2 CMD 14 Acro+4 Bluff+11 Climb-1 Diplo+6 Disg+16 Esc+2 Fly+10 Know (Arca+6 Loc+7 Nat+7) Sense+0 Spellcraft+13 Stealth+14 Use Magic+12 Swim-1

Kip is fine with the proposal. Not being an original member of the Guardians, joining after the establishment of Kardas, and having no interest in the internal affairs of Brevoy, he would have opposed Kardas' involvement on either side of the coming civil conflict. If Restov sought to create Kardas to feed their war effort, they planned poorly in his opinion. At best, they can count on not having two fronts to defend.

A neutral Kardas is in Kardas' best interests.

Kip is sure to stress that neither side should count on assistance in any coming conflict. Normal relations could continue, but neither side should be shown favour in Kip's opinion.

Duke of Kardas, First Sword of Iomedae HP:51/76 AC:27 F:+14, R:+8, W:+12 CMD:23/24 P:-1 Init:+0 AOO:+16

Duke Demid, we appreciate your candor and the offer presented by Brevoy. I must speak with my council and give you my decision in the morning. You and your men are welcome to stay with us or if you feel more comfortable, you can retire to your own men?

Later at their private council.
I am inclined to accept their offer. we gain two things from accepting.
First we are allowed to continue to grow Kardas into a strong kingdom without interferance from either half of Brevoy.
Second the agreement removes our involvement from the coming conflict. To be honest I am not sure who I would even side with...I would actually rather stay out of their conflict. We have enough enemies as it is.

Your Humble Narrator

Duke Demid respectfully withdrew from the room to allow Kardas its council- thought he stayed in the castle rather than withdrawing out of the city.

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