"We are essentially pawns in a larger game - what we have to find out is who it is that are making the moves, and what we can do to become masters of our own destiny."
Vital Strike automatically upgrades to the next feat in the chain at the appropiate BAB
Ultimate Combat and Ultimate Magic are banned- in rare cases individual elements may be allowed with my express permission.
No Alchemists and Summoners
Detect Magic Changes-
1. You must make a will save against an illusions DC+2 to realise it is an illusion and have its magical aura register while using Detect Magic. The increase in DC is to represent that your not really interacting with it in any sensory way (close inspection, using hands/hearing) as well as balancing a cantrip against higher level spells. This will save will be made by me in secret.
2. You will no longer be able to detect magic auras that are part of a trap until the trap is triggered. In the process of making a magical trap, part of the creation includes a permanent Magic Aura spell masking the aura. Resetting such a trap includes a re-activation of the Magic Aura spell.
Regarding the spell "Bestow Grace"
This spell is banned.
Using a grapple check to deal damage-
When using this option you may crit as normal on the attack roll, using the threat range and critical modifier of the weapon you are inflicting damage with. Improved Critical or Keen applies but as usual with this option you do not add the weapon's enhancement bonus to attack rolls etc. to the CMB roll.
Regarding the errata to combat maneuvers that any weapon used to perform a maneuver adds its enhancement bonus and any relevant feats to the roll-
This errata is ignored in the case of trip weapons. A weapon must have the 'Trip' quality for its enhancement bonus to affect the CMB roll, or any applicable feats/class features you have that could affect it.
Changes to the 'Fuse Grenade' Item-
1. The fuse grenade explodes on its own initiative count, which is equal to the PC's initiative count when he lights the grenade. If the PC should delay, ready an action or have his initiative changed by any way whatsoever, the fuse grenade retains the original initiative count.
2. The fuse grenade has a chance of exploding the same round it is thrown. The 1d3 rounds duration has been house ruled to 1d4-1, meaning that it might essentially explode the same turn it is thrown (on the roll of a 1, making a 0 rounds duration total).
Spiritual Weapon-
As many may have suspected, all references to 'Wisdom' in the case of an Oracle casting the spell should be replaced with 'Charisma', so as not to unnecessarily gimp the Oracle.
Totem Warrior Barbarian Archetype-
In exchange for the ability to have more than one totem, a Barbarian taking the Totem Warrior archetype must exchange Fast Movement for this ability.
The 10% Magic Item Rule-
When looking for magical items for sale, if the cost of a given item is less than 10% of the cities base value, a roll is not required to find one.
100% Cost Crafting-
Crafting magical items gives no discount (except for scrolls and potions).
The Kingdom-City Ratio House Rule (thanks Nethys)
The number of cities a kingdom can support is based off its size. A kingdom may have one city for every 5 size (min. 1). A kingdom of size 9 or less may only support one city. A kingdom of size 10-14 may have two cities. A kingdom of size 15-19 may have three cities, and so on.
Rather than gain a single cohort and a slew of followers who go adventuring with you, the Leadership feat gives you access to three skilled characters (negotiable but one arcane and one divine caster is recommended) who are willing allies and associates, but explicitly unable or unwilling to risk their lives in front-line adventuring.
How It Works: The character with Leadership is considered to have a small team of supporters supporting him from a safe location (be that a friendly city, a guild hall, a king’s court, a pirate’s ship, a traveler’s caravan, or the character’s own stronghold). Access to these characters allows the character to have spells cast, magic items created, and research performed – but only when he can make it back to their safe location.
When the character is at this safe location, he can gain any of the following benefits:
• Information or services that can be obtained with any Intelligence-based skill (including all Knowledge skills) with a skill bonus equal to the character’s Leadership score (to a maximum of the character’s level +8). One skill check can be made each day.
• The casting of any spell available to one divine and one arcane spellcasting class (normally a cleric and a wizard) of half the character’s Leadership score or less (to a maximum of half the character’s level), with a caster level equal to the character’s Leadership score (to a maximum of the character’s class level). While there is no cost for the spellcasting itself, the character does have to pay for any expensive material components required, and pay the initial cost of any any expensive focus. A total number of spell levels equal to the character’s Leadership score may be cast each day.
• The creation of magic items that could be created by one divine and one arcane character class (normally a cleric and a wizard) of a level equal to half the character’s Leadership score (to a maximum of half the character’s level). All item creation feats available to a spellcaster of this level are considered to be available. Such items must require a Spellcraft check with a DC of 10 + the character’s Leadership score or less to create. Items can be created for 100% of the normal cost, but this must be paid in advance. Creation of such items takes the normal enchanting time, but enchanting can continue after the character leaves the safe location (and thus the item may be waiting for the character when he next returns). Only a single item can be on order at a time.
Benefit for the Character: While you don’t have the firepower of a cohort standing next to you while adventuring, you do get more between adventures support than a single cohort could provide you. The ability to have questions answered, afflictions removed, and items crafted gives you a significant benefit, without slowing down adventure encounters. Additionally, while your allies may not be able to directly aid you in combat, they also aren’t at risk of being killed (forcing you to spend resources to restore them, or to find a new cohort).
Benefit for the GM: You don’t have to deal with a cohort in combat, or track where a slew of followers are. While some notes about these allies will aid with roleplaying encounters with them, they do not require a full set of combat-ready character sheets. The safe location selected as home for the character’s allies becomes a natural base of operations for the PCs, and if an adventure gets derailed it’s easy to use the allies’ connections and lore to put the PCs back on the right track without adding a conspicuous or contrived new source of information.
NPC Corpse Costs-
Reincarnation- 1BP.
Reincarnation + x2 Restoration to remove Permanent Negative Levels (over a 2 week period)- 2BP.
Raise Dead- 3BP.
Raise Dead+ x2 Restoration to remove Permanent Negative Levels (over a 2 week period)- 4BP.
A pair of Restorations to remove Permanent Negative Levels- 1BP.
Selling The Swag-
Anything with a sale value of 4,000GP or more needs to be sold via your kingdoms market to liquidate it into GP, as a Minor item (so DC 20). If the sale value is equal to or exceeds 8,000GP, it must be sold as a Medium item (DC 35) and if it is equal to or exceeds 16,000 it must be sold as a Major item (DC 50).
If a medium item is sold as a minor, for example, you gain BP as if it was a minor item (and the sell DC is based as a minor item). If a medium item is sold as a major due to its price, you use the higher DC but do not gain BP as though the item was major- gain Medium BP as normal.
The above statement has been added to the rules in Campaign Info for your convenience.
Expanded PC Leadership (spoilered for length):
Expanded PC Leadership-
Essentially, although I like the abstraction Kingmaker uses, I feel the group doesn't get enough of their own input in how things go. I feel that the leader titles and descriptions, as well as how much input the system is encouraging you to have, is a little lacking.
Essentially, each of you now has your own 3/4/5 noteworthy underlings. It will be your responsibility to let me know what each of them is going to be ordered to do and it will be relatively free-form. I expect you to use your imagination to assign them in ways you think will be useful and I will handle it off-screen, assigning a DC and perhaps a BP cost depending on the task; with any relevant rolls handled by me off-screen. This is much more "zoomed in" than general Kingdom turns. For example, some tasks I could think of that some of you might want your underlings to do (for example)-
Casimir: Set up a Spy Network in a foreign country or city.
Casimir: Pay particular attention to travellers entering the country.
Casimir: Investigate a particular individual.
Malthir: Have Master Teldas look into means of improving the castle.
Ricter: Bring in a particular individual for questioning.
Ricter: Supervise militia recruitment and training.
Ricter: Lead the Hellknight army somewhere in his absence.
Fenna: Investigate a certain type of sector of the market for corruption.
Fenna: Consult/Research on potential trade routes Kardas could exploit.
Kalev: Scout out a particular hex.
Kalev: Inspect/tighten up border controls.
Kalev: Explore/map a scouted hex.
Kip: Perform long study of a particular magical effect or phenomenon.
Kip: General research.
Kip: Seek out exceptional Fey to make contact with.
Some roles have clear ranks of skill (for example, its very obvious Stanislaw's chance of success in any given task is far higher than his colleagues) which I have attempted to keep consistent. You can assign a complex task to a lower ranked underling but he might not be particularly successful.
Note- Each task will take at least 1 kingdom turn to complete, to make the bookkeeping a little easier for me.
A final note before I briefly detail these various individuals- you are able to bring in further members to your personal "retinue"; up to a total maximum of 4 (rising to 5 when the Barony becomes a Duchy and 6 when it becomes a Kingdom). I would suggest only attempting to recruit fairly talented individuals and only those relevant to your own role; even the lowest ranked staff members are pretty exceptional compared to a standard Commoner. Thus, you can only recruit named NPC's.
Malthir (Ruler)-
Castle’s Steward- Master Teldas (Taldan Male raised from the original Kardasholme staff)
Squire- Noleski Trollblood (needs no introduction ;) )
Herald/Heraldic Expert- Antal (Halfling who is extremely knowledgeable regarding local nobility)
As the Ruler, all the PC’s and NPC’s are already somewhat beholden to him. Malthir’s three staff members are capable of much less than most other lieutenants and are far less specialised.
Ricter (General)-
Exceptional Lieutenant- Kesten Garess (former General, Noble and Soldier, a very efficient “aide de camp” for strategy and logistics)
Superior Lieutenant- Hellknight Pellius (formidable warrior who specialises in “bringing wanted men in”. Particularly skilled at disarming foes and an expert on exotic weaponry)
Decent Lieutenant- Balthus (recently rescued slave who appears to be at least as loyal and strong as most of Ricter’s Hellknight, if perhaps not particularly intelligent)
Signifer Grachius is primarily involved with the Hellknights rather than the kingdom itself and acts as de facto leader in Ricter’s absence. As General, the militia report to Ricter and by default, so do any army leaders that are not Statkari.
Fenna (Councillor)-
Merchant Liason and Trade Route Expert- Joseph Bodeski (elder brother of Statkari & Guardian Casimir, Joseph has a keen mind for economics and representing the merchant class.)
Agricultural Expert- Lily Teskerton (paramour of Ilya who has recently begun to dominate the agricultural market in Kardas. Clever to a fault and benevolent/popular to the nation’s many farmers)
Foresting Expert- Corax Altertine (has rapidly acquired much of the logging industry within Kardas based off his profits of the sales of a rare grove of trees the Guardians pointed him to. Anyone who makes their trade within the Narlmarch forest usually consults with either him or Kressle. Despite his disastrous conflict with the now slain Nixie, Corax generally tries to consider the Fey folk of Kardas and the Narlmarches in accordance with Kardas’ culture)
As Councillor, Fenna must do her best to impartially represent the interests of the majority of Kardas’ common people; most of which fall within three sectors- Farming, Mercantile and Forestral. It is likely that if Swordhaven’s port is developed further, she will add a River expert to her retinue. She also liaisons with a huge number of internal representatives, companies, unions, councils and committees.
Kalev (Marshall)-
Exceptional Ranger- Kressle (wife of Casimir, particularly skilful in the forest; very effective against human foes)
Superior Ranger- Kundal (former Lycanthrope indebted to the Guardians. Better suited to tasks requiring brute force and still suffering from post-reincarnation (Restoration required to become fully effective))
Decent Ranger- Red Eyes (Unique, intelligent magical beast that seems to be manifesting more and more talents as time passes. Despite his power and effectiveness, his effective rank is essentially reduced due to his limited time spent away from his pack)
As Marshall, Kalev is responsible for internal security of the kingdom, much like the Warden is responsible for the security of the castle and capital. The Captain of the Guards in each city report directly to him, as do the border patrols and general long patrols.
Casimir (Spymaster)-
Exceptional Spy- Uncle Stanislaw (with Hat of Disguise, magical weapon and many other talents/tricks). Extremely capable.
Superior Spy- Lucius (Brevic Spy who has now sworn oaths to Kardas as part of the Swordlord Council’s gratitude- with Hat of Disguise)
Decent Spy- Mikmek (Fanatically loyal kobold who has been affiliated with the Guardians for many years. No particular talents except stealth and keen eyes, along with the occasional sneak attack)
As Spymaster, Casimir’s three lieutenant’s reports all filter their way to him eventually; unusual sightings, rumours of note, growing unrest, foreign intelligence and political climates as well as potential problems within the economy. He has various agents placed internally within Kardas but currently has no spy networks built in any other nations.
Kip (Magister)-
Expert in Transmutation- Lord Sirian (ambassador from Varnhold who is happy to assist Kip in his duties as his own take up very little of his time)
Apprentice- Doritian Queck (Gnome who took up arcane magic as a means of staving off the Bleaching; particularly fond of Necromancy)
Apprentice- Zordion Kaleb (Young Human teenager, something of a universalist Hedge Wizard)
As Magister of a kingdom with little formal education or arcane training program as yet, Kip’s role is something of an easy one. Popular with the Fey and knowing that he fiercely represents their interests, Kip frequently ensures their interests and lifestyle is not detrimentally affected by Kardas’ growth and laws. In addition, he has thus far taken on two apprentices although his life would be made far easier if he could find a way to add a Wizard to his retinue...