Confirmation Gameplay

Game Master Vahanian 89

CHRONICLES!!!! Finally...

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Grand Lodge

F Half-Orc Spiritualist 3 | HP 15/24 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 12 | Fort +8 | Ref +4 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perception +5 (Darkvision 60 ft.) | Sense Motive +11 | Spells: Level 1: 0/5 | Bonded Senses: 3/3 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Spells: None Yet

I will be playing a Wardens of the Reborn Forge marathon this weekend, so likely won't be able to post Friday night - Sunday evening (7/15-7-17).

Feel free to bot if needed. Likely Qiang will go up and attack, and Nuo will hang back or move up to heal if needed.

The Exchange

Female CG Juggler 3 | HP: 18/18 | AC: 18 (14 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +1, R: +7, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6, SM: +4 | Speed 30ft | Performance(4/10) Used | 1st-Lvl Spells (0/4) Used | Active conditions: None
Nuo Fukui wrote:

I will be playing a Wardens of the Reborn Forge marathon this weekend, so likely won't be able to post Friday night - Sunday evening (7/15-7-17).

Likely Qiang will go up and attack, and Nuo will hang back or move up to heal if needed.

Wardens is awesome. Have fun!

Try not to die (ask me about that later).

Grand Lodge

F Half-Orc Spiritualist 3 | HP 15/24 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 12 | Fort +8 | Ref +4 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perception +5 (Darkvision 60 ft.) | Sense Motive +11 | Spells: Level 1: 0/5 | Bonded Senses: 3/3 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Spells: None Yet

Just checking in to say that Friday has come and, as stated before, I won't be able to post until Sunday evening. Have a good weekend everyone!

Ellie Doubledown wrote:

Wardens is awesome. Have fun!

Try not to die (ask me about that later).

I'm excited, and I'll try not to. ;)

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

Just a heads up for everyone. My computer died on sunday and is currently in a shop being looked at. I should have more info on what I need to do to fix it but I think the motherboard died. So right now I can only post from my phone or at work, so my posting rate will be much much slower. Especially on my GM threads. I hope to get this fixed ASAP and will keep you up to date.

Silver Crusade

Human Sensei of the Four Winds Monk 2 | HP:18/18 | AC: 16 (16 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMD: 18 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +7 | Init: +1 | Perc: +9, SM: +9 | Active conditions: None

I will be mostly offline from Thurs-Sun. I will try to check in, but feel free to bot me rather than wait. Thanks!

Grand Lodge

F Half-Orc Spiritualist 3 | HP 15/24 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 12 | Fort +8 | Ref +4 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perception +5 (Darkvision 60 ft.) | Sense Motive +11 | Spells: Level 1: 0/5 | Bonded Senses: 3/3 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Spells: None Yet

Need to announce absence again, heh...

I am travelling to Gen Con Tuesday August 2 and playing games from Wednesday to Sunday, and travel back August 8. During those times, my attendance will be spotty, but I will try to keep up with what I can. No guarantees.

The Exchange

Female CG Juggler 3 | HP: 18/18 | AC: 18 (14 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +1, R: +7, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6, SM: +4 | Speed 30ft | Performance(4/10) Used | 1st-Lvl Spells (0/4) Used | Active conditions: None

I can echo you this time- -I'll be in Indy as well (and gone the same days). I will Likely be unable to update much at all, as I'm GMing the whole con.

Say hello sometime!

The Exchange

Female CN Human(Varisian) Warpriest of Calistria 4 | HP:11/31 | AC: 18( 11Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +6(+7 vs. Charm/Compulsion) | Init: +1 | Perc: +2, SM: +8 | Speed 20ft | Spells 1st: 4/4 2nd:2/2 |Blessings 2/5| Fervor: 3/4|Active conditions:

Like the previous two, I'm also going to Gen Con. So, the same spotty updating applies to me as well.

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

NEWS TIME!!!!! I have good news and news... news. First I got a call today saying that my computer has been fixed and I will be picking it up after work. Second I will be leaving at 4:15 am on Wednesday to head to Indy for Gen Con. So I will only be able to post tonight/tomorrow until after Gen Con. Thanks for everyones patience!!

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

I am also GMing the whole time at Gen con so say hi! I run a lot of 8-01. So if your playing it you might have me GM!

Grand Lodge

F Half-Orc Spiritualist 3 | HP 15/24 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 12 | Fort +8 | Ref +4 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perception +5 (Darkvision 60 ft.) | Sense Motive +11 | Spells: Level 1: 0/5 | Bonded Senses: 3/3 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Spells: None Yet

Yup, Gen Con time! About to drive out. If I know a way to find you, I'd love to say hi. I'm playing 8-01 in the Thursday 2:00 PM slot.

The Exchange

Female CG Juggler 3 | HP: 18/18 | AC: 18 (14 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +1, R: +7, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6, SM: +4 | Speed 30ft | Performance(4/10) Used | 1st-Lvl Spells (0/4) Used | Active conditions: None

Well, if you're playing 7-25, you might get stuck with me.

Otherwise, I'll be the guy in a purple shirt with a Montreal Expos ballcap.

The Exchange

Female CN Human(Varisian) Warpriest of Calistria 4 | HP:11/31 | AC: 18( 11Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +6(+7 vs. Charm/Compulsion) | Init: +1 | Perc: +2, SM: +8 | Speed 20ft | Spells 1st: 4/4 2nd:2/2 |Blessings 2/5| Fervor: 3/4|Active conditions:

*chuckles* I'm actually scheduled to play 8-01 at the same time as Nuo. No games of 7-25 though.

Grand Lodge

F Half-Orc Spiritualist 3 | HP 15/24 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 12 | Fort +8 | Ref +4 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perception +5 (Darkvision 60 ft.) | Sense Motive +11 | Spells: Level 1: 0/5 | Bonded Senses: 3/3 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Spells: None Yet

To say that I'm an overweight short white guy with glasses would be silly amongst the sea of them, but I'll try to wear my maroon PFRPG shirt that day. :p

Silver Crusade

Human Sensei of the Four Winds Monk 2 | HP:18/18 | AC: 16 (16 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMD: 18 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +7 | Init: +1 | Perc: +9, SM: +9 | Active conditions: None

Is everyone returning yet? How was GenCon?

The Exchange

Female CG Juggler 3 | HP: 18/18 | AC: 18 (14 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +1, R: +7, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6, SM: +4 | Speed 30ft | Performance(4/10) Used | 1st-Lvl Spells (0/4) Used | Active conditions: None

GenCon was great. Just home late last night, so today is a catchup day at work. Should be back in the swing of things tomorrow.

Grand Lodge

F Half-Orc Spiritualist 3 | HP 15/24 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 12 | Fort +8 | Ref +4 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perception +5 (Darkvision 60 ft.) | Sense Motive +11 | Spells: Level 1: 0/5 | Bonded Senses: 3/3 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Spells: None Yet

Yeah. Lots of people will be home later though because of airline drama. But pretty much things should be coming back full force tomorrow. ;)

The Exchange

Female CN Human(Varisian) Warpriest of Calistria 4 | HP:11/31 | AC: 18( 11Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +6(+7 vs. Charm/Compulsion) | Init: +1 | Perc: +2, SM: +8 | Speed 20ft | Spells 1st: 4/4 2nd:2/2 |Blessings 2/5| Fervor: 3/4|Active conditions:

I also had a good time at GenCon. Spent yesterday doing laundry and food shopping, but I'm good to go now.

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

I had a grand time at Gen Con. Yesterday was spent playing catch up at both jobs though so that sucked. If you played 8-01 with a guy in glasses by the name of Alan, last name spelt and showed up as Aaron, that was me. Back to the action.

Grand Lodge

F Half-Orc Spiritualist 3 | HP 15/24 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 12 | Fort +8 | Ref +4 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perception +5 (Darkvision 60 ft.) | Sense Motive +11 | Spells: Level 1: 0/5 | Bonded Senses: 3/3 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Spells: None Yet

Must have missed ya. That ballroom is crazy.

Gen Con was great though. Not sure I'll go again due to massive amount of time off I had to use and having so many other conventions right in my city, but I still had a great time.

As for the scenario, I've played this three times now so I am letting others decide courses of action. ;)

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

I will probably go next year if there is still a group from my area going but I really want to hit up Paizo con next year. Never been west before.

The Exchange

Female CG Juggler 3 | HP: 18/18 | AC: 18 (14 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +1, R: +7, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6, SM: +4 | Speed 30ft | Performance(4/10) Used | 1st-Lvl Spells (0/4) Used | Active conditions: None

I had a blast. Taking a backseat in this story to allow others to piece things together as well.

Still following along, though. I'm not dead!

Silver Crusade

Human Sensei of the Four Winds Monk 2 | HP:18/18 | AC: 16 (16 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMD: 18 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +7 | Init: +1 | Perc: +9, SM: +9 | Active conditions: None

Have any of us not done this scenario before?

The Exchange

Female CN Human(Varisian) Warpriest of Calistria 4 | HP:11/31 | AC: 18( 11Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +6(+7 vs. Charm/Compulsion) | Init: +1 | Perc: +2, SM: +8 | Speed 20ft | Spells 1st: 4/4 2nd:2/2 |Blessings 2/5| Fervor: 3/4|Active conditions:

*raises hand* It's actually my first run though it.

Silver Crusade

Human Sensei of the Four Winds Monk 2 | HP:18/18 | AC: 16 (16 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMD: 18 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +7 | Init: +1 | Perc: +9, SM: +9 | Active conditions: None

You going to do the last scenario as part of GD5?

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

Sure we should be able to do that

Grand Lodge

F Half-Orc Spiritualist 3 | HP 15/24 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 12 | Fort +8 | Ref +4 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perception +5 (Darkvision 60 ft.) | Sense Motive +11 | Spells: Level 1: 0/5 | Bonded Senses: 3/3 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Spells: None Yet

NOT A DAY JOB: Profession (Scribe): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21 - For faction journal card.

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

I have the chronicles done but when i email them to myself they dont let me open them so idk what i did wrong. Sorry for the delay.

Grand Lodge

F Half-Orc Spiritualist 3 | HP 15/24 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 12 | Fort +8 | Ref +4 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perception +5 (Darkvision 60 ft.) | Sense Motive +11 | Spells: Level 1: 0/5 | Bonded Senses: 3/3 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Spells: None Yet

Posting may become less frequent Saturday - Tuesday. I will still try to check in and post, but I will be visiting my dad. Just thought I'd give a heads-up about that.

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

I'm so sorry about not posting this weekend. I got a call Friday saying my grandma had been rushed to the hospital and spent the weekend with her and my family. Luckily she will be ok and it wasnt as bad as she had thought. Sorry again. I will get a full post up here in a bit.

Dark Archive

Male Nagaji Bloodrager 04 HP 40/40 - AC: 17 /T: 12 /FF: 16 - Perception +10 - F: +8 / R: +4 /W: +4 - CMB +8 - CMD +19 - Speed 40 - Init. +3 - Bloodrage Rounds 12/12

No problem, RL trumps game time. Best wishes to you and your grandmother!

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

Chronicles are up.

Silver Crusade

Human Sensei of the Four Winds Monk 2 | HP:18/18 | AC: 16 (16 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMD: 18 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +7 | Init: +1 | Perc: +9, SM: +9 | Active conditions: None

Rush to the hospital is never a fun thing, though - glad it is not as bad as feared!

Thanks for the chronicle! Need to go level up Max now...

Dark Archive

Male Nagaji Bloodrager 04 HP 40/40 - AC: 17 /T: 12 /FF: 16 - Perception +10 - F: +8 / R: +4 /W: +4 - CMB +8 - CMD +19 - Speed 40 - Init. +3 - Bloodrage Rounds 12/12

Thanks for the chronicles.
As for Yelek I'm considering buying a large masterwork bastard sword for him. He would wield it 2 handed so by RAW he shouldn't need proficency with a Bastard Sword (if wielded 2 handed you don't need proficency). But I'm unsure about this ruling so I'm asking for a clarification: does Yelek need exotic weapon proficency(bastard sword) to use a large bastard sword 2 handed?

Silver Crusade

Human Sensei of the Four Winds Monk 2 | HP:18/18 | AC: 16 (16 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMD: 18 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +7 | Init: +1 | Perc: +9, SM: +9 | Active conditions: None

I don't think you need to the proficiency to use it two handed, as long as you are proficient with martial weapons. However, doing so this way won't let you take things like weapon focus and specialization, which require proficiency with the weapon, and some feats that apply to two-handed weapons may not apply here since it is not technically a 2-handed weapon.

If you only intend to use it 2 handed, why not go with the greatsword?

Dark Archive

Male Nagaji Bloodrager 04 HP 40/40 - AC: 17 /T: 12 /FF: 16 - Perception +10 - F: +8 / R: +4 /W: +4 - CMB +8 - CMD +19 - Speed 40 - Init. +3 - Bloodrage Rounds 12/12
Brother Max wrote:
If you only intend to use it 2 handed, why not go with the greatsword?

Because I had this idea for Yelek to go around swinging a large sword and you can wield a large bastard sword but you can't wield a large greatsword.

Grand Lodge

F Half-Orc Spiritualist 3 | HP 15/24 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 12 | Fort +8 | Ref +4 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perception +5 (Darkvision 60 ft.) | Sense Motive +11 | Spells: Level 1: 0/5 | Bonded Senses: 3/3 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Spells: None Yet

Nuo is ready. All that changed was she got a Wand of Mage Armor and traded her Mage Armor spell for Shield.

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

I think you actually do need proficiency with it to use it. Because its an over sized and exotic weapon.


PRD wrote:

Inappropriately Sized Weapons: A creature can't make optimum use of a weapon that isn't properly sized for it. A cumulative –2 penalty applies on attack rolls for each size category of difference between the size of its intended wielder and the size of its actual wielder. If the creature isn't proficient with the weapon, a –4 nonproficiency penalty also applies.
The measure of how much effort it takes to use a weapon (whether the weapon is designated as a light, one-handed, or two-handed weapon for a particular wielder) is altered by one step for each size category of difference between the wielder's size and the size of the creature for which the weapon was designed. For example, a Small creature would wield a Medium one-handed weapon as a two-handed weapon. If a weapon's designation would be changed to something other than light, one-handed, or two-handed by this alteration, the creature can't wield the weapon at all.

Based on those rules I would say he has to have the exotic weapon proficiency since a medium character can NOT wield a 2-handed large weapon ever.

I think the question is does having Exotic Weapon Proficiency[Bastard Sword] treat a large Bastard Sword sword a one-handed weapon.

If it does then you could use it with the Exotic Proficiency as a two-handed weapon, if it does not then you cannot use it at all.

This is how i have always seen it explained?

Is everyone ready to move on?

Silver Crusade

Human Sensei of the Four Winds Monk 2 | HP:18/18 | AC: 16 (16 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMD: 18 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +7 | Init: +1 | Perc: +9, SM: +9 | Active conditions: None

Max is updated to level 2. Still a monk, so still sane. Also picked up a wand of mage armor for 2 prestige, and 10 shurikens to have at least something for range.

Used level 1 retraining, so a fair amount changes. Init is now only +1, and Perception and Sense Motive are each +9.

The Exchange

Dwarf Kineticist 2 | HP 28/28 | AC 16; Tch 13; FF 16 | F +9; R +6; W +1 | CMB+0; CMD 13 | Speed 20 ft | Init +5 | Kinetic Blade: +4 (1d6+6) | Perc +8

I'm good to go.

The Exchange

Female CG Juggler 3 | HP: 18/18 | AC: 18 (14 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +1, R: +7, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6, SM: +4 | Speed 30ft | Performance(4/10) Used | 1st-Lvl Spells (0/4) Used | Active conditions: None

Ellie picks up a 2PP Wand of CLW and is good to go.

Dark Archive

Male Nagaji Bloodrager 04 HP 40/40 - AC: 17 /T: 12 /FF: 16 - Perception +10 - F: +8 / R: +4 /W: +4 - CMB +8 - CMD +19 - Speed 40 - Init. +3 - Bloodrage Rounds 12/12


The Exchange

Female CN Human(Varisian) Warpriest of Calistria 4 | HP:11/31 | AC: 18( 11Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +2, W: +6(+7 vs. Charm/Compulsion) | Init: +1 | Perc: +2, SM: +8 | Speed 20ft | Spells 1st: 4/4 2nd:2/2 |Blessings 2/5| Fervor: 3/4|Active conditions:

I'm ready. Purchases are on my character sheet.

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

Awesome! I will get the scenario and get us started tomorrow!

Silver Crusade

Human Sensei of the Four Winds Monk 2 | HP:18/18 | AC: 16 (16 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMD: 18 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +7 | Init: +1 | Perc: +9, SM: +9 | Active conditions: None

Which scenario is it? Is it ok the Max is level 2?

Dark Archive

Male Nagaji Bloodrager 04 HP 40/40 - AC: 17 /T: 12 /FF: 16 - Perception +10 - F: +8 / R: +4 /W: +4 - CMB +8 - CMD +19 - Speed 40 - Init. +3 - Bloodrage Rounds 12/12

If anyone's interessed we've got a couple of open spots for Serpent's Ire run for this year's PbP Gamesday. If some of you would be interessed to join HERE's the link for the game's recruitment's thread.

Deity, Benevolent or Malevolent that remains to be seen.

Sorry everyone. The scenario is the consortium compact. it is an evergreen that is playable once as a level 2

Grand Lodge

F Half-Orc Spiritualist 3 | HP 15/24 | AC 12 | T 10 | FF 12 | CMD 12 | Fort +8 | Ref +4 | Will +11 | Init +2 | Perception +5 (Darkvision 60 ft.) | Sense Motive +11 | Spells: Level 1: 0/5 | Bonded Senses: 3/3 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Spells: None Yet

Crap. Any chance you have the Confirmation chronicles? I completely forgot to download it!

The Exchange

Female CG Juggler 3 | HP: 18/18 | AC: 18 (14 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 17 | F: +1, R: +7, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6, SM: +4 | Speed 30ft | Performance(4/10) Used | 1st-Lvl Spells (0/4) Used | Active conditions: None
Nuo Fukui wrote:
Crap. Any chance you have the Confirmation chronicles? I completely forgot to download it!

Likewise. I'm super good at this.

Dark Archive

Male Nagaji Bloodrager 04 HP 40/40 - AC: 17 /T: 12 /FF: 16 - Perception +10 - F: +8 / R: +4 /W: +4 - CMB +8 - CMD +19 - Speed 40 - Init. +3 - Bloodrage Rounds 12/12

What if Yelek is still lvl 1?

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