Little Finder |

Right well share what you know here, it is what the discussion thread is for, E.G. share why you suspect Paul, and maybe ask paul's friends about him? you can ask them specific questions, they already know you want to know about the mill and that you are all working for Graves.
If everyone does the same, share what you know OC.
That way everyone can help you chose what to ask them. Then in character you will know what to ask or do.

Elon Shabin |

Basically at the mill, there were some huge footprints, and inside were claw marks of some kind of huge beast. I don't know precisely what type, or even if the footprints and the clawmarks are connected somehow.
I know that Argius is EVIL with a capitalised E (I cast detect evil in the mill, he came up as evil)
One of the marketplace ladies has a sample of my blood, and in return gave me a page of a diary saying that Paul has an overly toothy smile that looked too big for his own face. Basically I have possibly put two and two together and gotten 190, but I think that there is something going on with that man.
I have to also admit that I am not overly wanting to trust Graves right now, but that is more to do with not knowing what the man's agenda is and so on. No-one is purely good as far as the character is concerned.
I think that's it. Might be wrong

Little Finder |

It is ok to tell me that you are stuck.
Right, you read Elon's post in the discussion about what he knows? you can discuss and share OC here and come to choices as a group of players even if
Share what you know/don't know and see where you want to go from here.
You can share and discuss OC even if you don't knwo officially IC. and decide as a team. As in this style of game often you will each have varying information and opinions you will need to work as a team.

Little Finder |

OK recap of info: All this is OC unless you knew it IC but youmay discuss it as a group here so you are all on the same page as players.
Some players have a deal with paul, hand him sybils diary in exchange for location of Toby and information on Mr Graves. (Archaus has diary and knows about the deal)
Toby owned the mill and was run out of town for taking what the town would not give. Small in stature and thin. (Elon knows this.)
Diary pages: Elon has the diary pages.
“Billy and the misses have been arguing for a while. She wants to move, he does not. The lat I heard them arguing so much was just before the Toby incident.”
“The first orb has been moved as requested. Rumors have it that someone is out to get them. As usual the merchants and leaders pay no head. Silly men and there invincible attitudes.”
“the second Orb is now missing. The town is getting worried. Something strange is happening, more and more of Drink 592 are going missing. Well to be more accurate the ingredients are.”
“Only two people know where the Leader Orb is kept, and one of them hasn’t been her for along time. I believe it is an inside job. The city down the river has a lot to gain from this, though my instincts tell me that this is so some one will lose. Not so someone will win.”
“Mr graves can’t tell who did it. We are in trouble this time. He says he is sending for help but I’m not sure they will get here in time.”
“Billy and the misses are up to something. General rumors say so anyway. No smoke without fire and there is a hell of a lot of smoke in their direction.”[i]
And the most recent entry said:
[i]“ ’midnight didn’t come….’ I found that written on the back of my hand, in my hand writing this morning. I have no idea how it got there. But I know I wrote it. I just know I did.
The pages for the middle of the book read like this.
“Paul isn’t what he seems. I saw him and those idiot dribble brothers walking down the river. They sat by the water for a while. Not unusual in itself but now I cant recall the rest of my night. The next I remember I am sat on the other bank, still hidden but they are gone and it is nearly dawn.”
“Paul keeps asking me about combinations of liquids. There is something in his eye. He isn’t the same man who entered the village all that time ago to start his tavern. I am sure of it now. At first I thought he was been arrogant after our encounter the other night but no. That is not the man I spent time with.”
“A lot of my customers are looking tired and withdrawn. I have sold more pick-me-ups than I expect to for this time of year. Also I have sold more treen drinks. The only ingredient they have in common is kale routes. And the butcher is selling more red meats. I wish I knew what was going on.”
“went to see Mr. Graves for the sixth time and yet again I was turned away by that idiot. Though I found a weird receipt in my records not long after that said ‘keep looking’ I can only presume some one else is concerned.”
“Paul smiled at me the other day and I saw it. Something off about it. To wide or to toothy. My memory is begging to fuzz again. I need to write before I forget. Maybe it was moving in a way it shouldn’t. but something was off. Paul cant be trusted don’t forget Sybil.”
Full diary has not been read yet. (Archauss has it.)
Argius, detected as evil by Elon. Argius can manipulate memories. The Orb creature afraid of him.
The Orb responded to healing. Showed visions of gods arguing.
Eliana, who you rescued from the mill, doesn’t trust Argius doesn't want anyone to know she is alive. Some one tried to kill her. She may be close to Mr Graves.
Mr graves can see the future. Paul warned not to trust him. Graves is currently making magic weapons for you all.
Not sure if I have missed anything, so please share if I have

Krallek Meatshield |

Krallek is still here and checking in with the boards more than once per day. But I really am none too skilled at investigative style rp. I could regale the tale of my investigative efforts in "The Assassin's Knot" way back in second edition. Our DM actually got mad at the 4 of us because we were so bad at investigating. He docked us xp because after 4 straight nights of playing we hadn't uncovered a single useful piece of information and were essentially back at the beginning of the module.
So essentially Krallek will stand by and watch while you guys investigate. I will be here checking in regularly and will step in if the need arises.

Little Finder |

Krallek, just been looking at the info and just checking, how have you got +6 to your spear? I know it is definitely at min +4 you should have from your strength. Just wanted to check if I have missed anything?
(if it is a mistake, I will keep your damage as it is for the hits you have already done, but future rolls with the spear will be at the correct number.)

Little Finder |

You can all level up to level 2. You will get your weapons tomorrow morning (in game) and will all be on full health, magic etc.
Can I have reminders of what weapons people wanted?(It was one enchantment of your choice. Any enchantment, I remember one of you wanted magic ammo and I worked out a way to put it in to a quiver.)
AS it has been a while feel free to change your mind.
Basicly you all kicked butt in that fight. it was not supposed to happen till you where higher level so it is worth a level up.