Little Finder |

Hi I am back.
To clear up, it is one item each. YES any enchantment. It may seem powerful and I know the GM inside some of you is panicing, but be warned this is not an easy campaign so without the weapons you would al be in heaps of trouble.
Ok list so far:
Galacia: Quiver of spell storing.
How it will work: If you can cast a spell you can embed it into the arrow INSTEAD of casting it yourself. So touch spells will trigger when/if the arrow hits, AOE will trigger when the arrow hits the square you want to center it on. The spell slot will still be used up.
As magic is hard to come by, finding magic ammo is hard so i dont mind giving you some extra range on your known spells and magic via this method. So you buy normal arrows and pick what spell from your list you want them to have, when you are firing them.
Archaouss: +1 Dagger of Speed
Elon: +1 flaming burst quarterstaff
Krallek: +1 flaming burst longspear
Carth: +1 Speed Heavy Repeating Crossbow
Let me know if this is wrong.

Little Finder |

Ok everyone please remember that levelling up to level 2 you can discuss with me if you want to swap some class skills around. wether pathfinder allows it or not.
Krallek I think we need to do something about your skill points. I want you to have something to do outside of battle.
You can have a bonus +1 in perception for trying to use the skill so often. You have gained experience enough to know when you should of noticed something wether you did or not. That is enough to give you 1 bonus point.
Take a look at your build and see if there is anything you want to lose and swap it out for soem skill points. Have a think and come back to me.
Everyone else gets a bonus +1 in any skill, it has to be something you have been using thus far or had experience with. Even if you have failed in using it. If you put the bonus point in linguistics you do not gain a language from it.

Krallek Meatshield |

The problem as I see it is, Krallek has nothing to share in this sharing session. Maybe it's because I started late but I don't know what info was doled out in secret or even when it was doled out.
All I have to add is that "Argius" and "Argius Otherer" sound suspiciously similar.

Little Finder |

it ok Krallek, i know some characters don't know much if anything. No one is being penalized i'm just trying to keep this moving without you all blundering around blindly and without you running in to things that are way above level at this point.
I will say this you are all way ahead from where I thought you would be. You have a large part of the info you all need and some people are on the right track in what they think is going on.

Little Finder |

If the situation is such that the player’s character is doing nothing or just following along, posts stating such should be used to acknowledge that the player has been reading the other posts and is current on the events in game.
"Grog follows the conversation between the gruff man and the chatterbox half-elven slip of a girl, glancing at each in turn. Finally he rolls his eyes as they continue to bicker like brother and sister once again without signs of stopping.
Some days it is entertaining, yet other days it is a distraction. But right now, they have work to do. He grunts out, "Enuff. Let's move." To emphasize his impatience, he squeezes his right hand and the knuckles crack.
He grasps his weapon tighter and rolls his shoulders, slightly flexing his muscles in anticipation as moves into position to descend the stairs. "
Not posting does NOT mean your character is standing around with nothing to say. Not posting is not participating or playing at all. People that do that are actually negatively impacting the game.
I am taking inspiration from one of my DM's who has this rule. It has helped his game's a lot and I hope it will help this game as well. I will be changing some of my way of doing things also. I.E. keeping the game moving and open myself.

Krallek Meatshield |

Guys, I'm so sorry but this campaign has been profoundly frustrating. I've no idea why some of you are keeping secrets and or dancing around the truth but I personally am frustrated beyond belief. Elon, your last post is just one example of what is frustrating me. Why are you holding out? Why is Archie holding out? If this Sybil person gave you info, why not share it? Is it for role play reasons?

Little Finder |

Thank you Krallek.
It is frustrating as a GM. I have been giving you all information that pertains to the man story and some side storys as well. The lack of sharing makes it difficult for me to keep everyone interested and involed. I am a relatively new GM as well so there are some issues from my side as well. but I agree with Krallek.

Elon Shabin |

For one, at the time, Elon got the diary with someone who is now an ex player, and then has not really had the opportunity in his opinion to share said information.
When we then went to the Mill and the footprints happened, Elon's intent was to warn the town of the danger, and thus leave you as a large group for a moment or two.
When you look at in game , there isn't really much opportunity to give the information out, hence it has not been shared. Or rather, when we had the chances, Elon and myself were uncomfortable with giving the information out for free, seeing as he didn't want just any Tom, Dick or Harry overhearing them, especially as the very thing we might have been hunting was listening in.
Seeing as we now have a breather, then we can share EVERYTHING, and go on from there.
I was not intending to keep things from players and thus cause frustration. My apologies for that.

Krallek Meatshield |

OK good luck to you Little Finder. This story has great potential I believe. However, I must respectfully bow out. We seem to have lost Archie, Galacia, and Velaana. And the rest of us seem to have a hard time moving the story forward. I check the boards religiously up to 5 times per day and this pbp moves at a pace of 2 posts or so per week; sometimes less. For various reasons, some are keeping secrets that would actually move us forward. Perhaps it is just my rp style but we don't seem to mesh well as a group. So even if we did get the story moving again, I'd not likely enjoy it much.
Good luck to all of you and see you on the boards.