Castle Caldwell and Beyond: (A 5e Campaign) - The Wrecking Crew (Inactive)

Game Master Terquem

The Wrecking Crew, a special last chance arm of the Solution Society, is about to take on the first task in a one year long probation.
Can they survive, let alone succeed? | Journal where details of the setting can be learned |

Journey to Limecracker Hovel

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Day 1, Wednesdayapproximate time of day, 9:30, turn 58. Location – Chapel Hill Lodge, Pawkatukit, Harrispania. Lighting is by oil lamp and glass covered windows.

It is quiet in the hall, a group sits at a long table, waiting for a young man to speak.

Well, I admit that at first it seemed like a deal that was too good to be true, the young man says.

His name is Clifton Caldwell, and he is the oldest son of Byron and Elizabeth Caldwell, the wealthiest family in Harrispania (rumor says they own a third of the ships that leave Seaport every month). He is a handsome, young, Alodoan man, in his early thirties, with striking chiseled features, short, wavy hair that is dark, but has been died at the tips a lighter color, as is the fashion among young men of Harrispania. His eyes are golden brown, and he has a charming, and sincere smile.

You see, Clifton goes on to say, holding a mug of fine Baylor Golden Harvest Ale in his handsthe castle, originally, was a simple affair, four corner towers, and a curtain wall with a simple gate house. Some of the architects I spoke to have told me the towers are far too large for the size, um, how did they say it, um, permiter?

perimeter Branhilde corrects him, as she pours her own glass with white Alodoan wine.

Yes, per e miter, he pronounces slowly this time. but in any case, none of them could tell me who originally built the castle for Duke Julian Marcus, the original owner, that is who the master builder was, or even when it was completed. Now this was some hundred and fifty years ago, so I was told. After the Duke moved his family north, to the capitol of the Empire, he sold the castle to a large extended family who had holdings in the copper mines of Baravkovia. The main family, I know nothing about them, never moved into the castle, but instead began many projects meant to turn the once simple defensive structure into a turn of the century manor house. They had the north wall taken down, between the towers, and a large mansion style house built in the space cleared, so that some of the house is within the area of the curtain wall, and some of the house forms a false castle exterior facing the north. The house was finished, and some part of the family occupied it, for a short time, while other improvements were going on. Then suddenly, in the year 1367*, the family completely disappears from the history of the castle, they simply abandoned it. That was, what, fourteen years ago. The castle has fallen into disrepair, to say the least.

He smiles, takes a deep breath, and lets it out slowly I’ve ridden close to the place, there are large portions of the curtain wall that have collapsed, the main gate appears to be completely missing, and reports from the rangers who are part of the Empire’s Groundsmen Brigade tell me the place is completely overrun by vagrants, trespassers, and wild animals.

I’ve heard similar stories from employees traveling near the placeBranhilde says pouring another glass of wine

That’s why I came to you. I know that in the north, the Solution Society has the best reputation for solving complicated problems like this. I was given an opportunity to purchase the castle, and the surrounding acreage for twelve thousand Atalls**. With the stipulation that the entire structure be ready to pass a complete building inspection of the Harrispania defense ministry by the fall of next year. You see, if I can bring the place up to code, not only will it be a truly wonderful winter home, but I will receive a substantial subsidy from the empire if I can maintain a company of volunteers of the army, housed on the grounds, and be willing to patrol the southern forests on a quarterly schedule. It was a tremendous bargain, or so I thought. Now I can’t even send working crews to begin clearing the grounds. There are just too many stories of dangerous animals, bandits, and even strange monsters lurking around the place.

Clifton takes a deep drink of the ale in his hands, and says quite seriously, I need the place cleared in two weeks, with a guarantee that nothing dangerous resides within the walls, signed by an officer of the society. It’s the only way the construction crews will set foot on the grounds. So I’ll pay the fee we discussed, and your people can start as soon as they are ready.

All of you are sitting at a long table in the main hall of the Chapel Hill Lodge of the Solution Society. Clifton Caldwell sits in the middle of the table, and Branhilde sits across from him, while the rest of you fill in chairs to the left and right on either side. It is the middle of spring, in Harrispania, and the weather is rainy, and often windy, with powerful warm winds blowing up the coast from the south. It is morning, Day 1, a Wednesday

You may ask Clifton or Branhilde any questions you have. Maps are being built.

Are there any questions for the Dungeon master?

*The year:
the year this adventure begins, in this setting will be 1381 – it is the first time I have established a date for any of the campaigns in this setting. I would love to see someone suggest an Alodoan Calendar. The world has a standard twelve month, four season calendar, so let’s create some names of the monts. I’ve already created a Dwarven Calendar for the Baylor campaign, so I’m curious to see what we come up with

this is the common name of the gold coin used in most high denomination transactions, equivalent to the standard Gold Piece of the rules

Human/Alodoan Bard 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 14 | Vision: Normal | PP 10 | S+4/D+4/C+2/I+1/W+0/C+5 | B.I. (1d6) 3/3 | Spell Slots: 1st (3/3) | HD 2/2 | Insp: [ ]

Perry listens respectfully to Clifton dutifully, then speaks up once the man has finished.

"We appreciate the opportunity, Mr. Caldwell," Perry says, "Now, I do have a question. You mention wild animals and such; do you have any information on what sorts of creatures there might be? After all, the better prepared we are, the more efficiently we can get this done for you."

Perry smiles gregariously as he awaits Mr. Caldwell's reply.

Female Iarishean/Wood Elf Monk 2 | AC 15 | HP 15/15 | Darkvision 60 ft. | PP 14 | S +3, D +5, C +1, I -1, W +2, C +0 | Insp: [ ]

Ayita fidgets anxiously in her chair and eventually gets the courage to speak up.

She turns and addresses the bard. "I agree. Being prepared and knowing what we will face will offer us the best chance of success. Since there are apparently many rumors going around, I believe questioning someone who's witnessed the creatures roaming within Castle Caldwell firsthand would provide the most reliable information."

"Mr. Caldwell, where does the Empire's Groundsmen Bridage make base? I suggest we speak with one of the rangers there before heading to the Castle."


Day 1, Wednesday approximate time of day, 9:30, turn 58. Location – Chapel Hill Lodge, Pawkatukit, Harrispania. Lighting is by oil lamp and glass covered windows.

Um, you see Caldwell turns one way and then the other, and then smiles I've only been there twice myself, and never very close, but, um he begins to pat his jacket carefully as if he is searching for something, and then he finds some folded papers in an inside pocket, I have some notes here, and a crude map.

He then laughs when the full meaning of the young woman's question strikes home

Base, for the Groundsmen, haha, that's a good one. I thought everybody understood about the Groundsmen, well maybe you don't. They have small offices, in the capital of every country, and that is about it, but the men and women, they are everywhere. They are the kinds of men and women who like to be alone, I guess, that is about the nicest way of putting it. They are responsible for keeping track of everything that is going on where nobody lives, wild places, dark forests, mountains. They keep track of the natural resources, and the movements of herds and flocks, and they only report to their leaders every three or four months at a time. I ran across one of them, her name is Darinna Lorantus, she was in the wilds to the west of here, and she, she he flips the pages in his hands

Perception Skill Check, DC 12:
You spot a few different crude drawings of the outline of a castle on some of the pages as he shuffles them in his hands

Here it is, here it is he says bringing a sheet of paper close to his face, as he reads from it, he often looks up and makes comments about his notes

She mentioned seeing wolves, kobolds, I don't even know what that is, goblins, I hear there are many of them in the forest west of the castle, bandits, and even occasionally traveling merchants will shelter down in a storm, in the ruins of the castle. She doesn't bother with it, as it is, how did she say it

Caldwell puts the paper down, and lifts his hands making a strange gesture with two fingers of each hand in the air, like rabbit's ears twitching

Not her problem the young man says in a mocking tone

Shadow's Status | Alodoan/Human Fighter 5 | AC 14 | HP 14/49| Vision | PP +3 | S=+6* | D=+1 | C=+4* | I=+ 2 | W=+ 0 | C =+2

Victor clucks his tongue, "You must understand Mr. Caldwell, these lower classes they rarely like to get their hands dirty if they can help it. Trust me of all the people here I understand your plight, I had to rout goblins and worse from my family estate. Ah well, it is hard to find good help. Luckily for you, we are here to help! Worry not about animals and goblins, I am sure our group is more than capable of handling such mundane matters, well I certainly am. Tell me, where are you staying while in the city? I have rooms at the Cliffside Inn, the view of the sea is to die for, the service is excellent as well".

Victor looks around, "Where are the servants? I could use another glass of wine.." he states as he chugs the glass he is currently holding.

Female Iarishean/Wood Elf Monk 2 | AC 15 | HP 15/15 | Darkvision 60 ft. | PP 14 | S +3, D +5, C +1, I -1, W +2, C +0 | Insp: [ ]

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Ayita catches a glimpse of Caldwell's papers but feels no need to mention anything at this time.

Showing genuine concern, "It sounds like we have a bigger problem than just a dilapidated old castle. If traveling merchants are taking shelter there, they are unwittingly putting themselves in danger. It is downright irresponsible to allow this to continue any further. Mr. Caldwell, you have my thanks for taking the initiative to right this place."

Nature (lore): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11
"I know little of kobolds or goblins except that in all the tales I've heard they are irrevocably evil and deserving of a swift death. Wolves on the other hand are children of nature and we should treat them as such. We should try our best to encourage them to leave without bringing them harm."

Male Vangar/Human Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 17/17 | Standard vision | PP=12 | S +4 D +2 C +2 I +0 W +4 Ch +3

Magnus walks to the large hearth dominating the north wall of the chamber. Draining off his tankard of ale, he pitches the dregs into the fire, then seems to study the patterns left on the ashes.

"There will be much blood," he says, returning to the table to refill his mug from a pitcher there. "The crows will eat well, and it may be they feast on some of us. What rewards should we expect in return? Are there valuables within the keep? And will we have rights of salvage or will you expect some portion to be returned to you?"

The blond man watches Caldwell intently, waiting for a response.

Human/Alodoan Bard 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 14 | Vision: Normal | PP 10 | S+4/D+4/C+2/I+1/W+0/C+5 | B.I. (1d6) 3/3 | Spell Slots: 1st (3/3) | HD 2/2 | Insp: [ ]

Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + 0 = 16

Perry's face takes on a look of mild fascination at Ayita's "slaughter the goblins, spare the wolves" imperative, then changes to a sort of alarmed incredulity at the creepy blonde guy's macabre declarations.

Perry scoots his chair slightly in the opposite direction.


I might have a hard time knowing if Victor is “in character” or just making simple mistakes, but it should be fun trying to figure it out. The coast, by the way, is 12 miles to the east.

When one of the men begins talking about “servants,” and “lower classes,” Branhilde buries her face in her hands, and sighs heavily.
Caldwell listens to the man, and gives him a gentle, but curious smile, as if to say, “Oh yes, I have no idea what you are talking about, but I, um, agree.”

Ayita’s Knowledge of the Activity of Wolves in this area:
Wolves are uncommon in this part of the country, though they are seen, rarely, in the forests to the west, and in the mountains, also to the west. That there may be wolves in or near the castle suggests that something may have driven the wolves eastward away from the denser forests to the west.

Caldwell hears the elven woman’s remark, and nods his head vigorously in support of her remarks, but then at the end adds, Well, certainly I don’t think killing animals unnecessarily is ever a good idea, but at the same time I’d need some assurances that they would not keep coming back. I hear animals, once they have established a, territory, I suppose, will keep returning to that place even if you try to drive them out.

When the tall blond man begins speaking, Branhilde drops her head on the table and puts her hands over her head.

Caldwell, answers him, Well, anything you find in the castle ruin is your to keep. I imagine the place has been ransacked many times by now. As to payment, I’ve signed the contract with the society, and the terms are all fixed. I am willing to pay half to each of you now, and the other half upon completion of the task.

At this Branhilde snaps her head up and raises her hands, Hold on a moment, let’s not talk about contract terms right now. All will be explained to the crew when we are finished with you, Mister Caldwell.

Male Baylor / Dwarven - Hill {Spells 1: 3/3} {1 DD} Cleric (War Priest) / 2; AC-18; HP-23; Darkvision 60'; PP=13, S+1, D+0, C+3, I-1, W+5, Ch+3 (Advantage on poison & Resistance)


Shadow's Status | Alodoan/Human Fighter 5 | AC 14 | HP 14/49| Vision | PP +3 | S=+6* | D=+1 | C=+4* | I=+ 2 | W=+ 0 | C =+2

Victor is NOT a pathological liar...

Shadow's Status | Alodoan/Human Fighter 5 | AC 14 | HP 14/49| Vision | PP +3 | S=+6* | D=+1 | C=+4* | I=+ 2 | W=+ 0 | C =+2

Victor shakes his head at Magnus, "Branhilde is quite correct, one should never discuss the terms of contract while negotiating a contract. It is unseemly".

He sighs and fills his own wine glass when no servant appears, "So Mr. Caldwell, are you sure you would like us to keep anything we find? What if we find a trap door to some sort of treasure rooms with precious family heirlooms, you would want those back no?"


Um, well, no, actually. I can't imagine anything of value is still hidden in that ruin at all. I just want the place safe to begin remodeling.
Caldwell says, tipping his head and looking off into the distance.

Female Iarishean/Wood Elf Monk 2 | AC 15 | HP 15/15 | Darkvision 60 ft. | PP 14 | S +3, D +5, C +1, I -1, W +2, C +0 | Insp: [ ]

"You are quiet right, Mr. Caldwell. Of course the safety of the people comes first. Others of my tribe are experienced in dealing with wild animals. Alas, I am not. I shall pray to Mielikki for guidance on this matter."

Ayita lowers her head and mumbles to herself in Elvish, "What would Rowtag do in this situation? He'd find a way to save the wolves..."

Ayita recognizes the cleric's actions as similar to rituals the shamans of her tribe would use to portend significant events. Still she is put off by his grim statements. Ayita also has little interest in accumulating treasure and turns away from the fighter's discussion for now. She scootches next to the handsome bard who so far seems to be the most likeable of the group (at least to her).

She extends a hand to him."My name is Ayita. This is a customary human greeting, yes?"

Male Baylor / Dwarven - Hill {Spells 1: 3/3} {1 DD} Cleric (War Priest) / 2; AC-18; HP-23; Darkvision 60'; PP=13, S+1, D+0, C+3, I-1, W+5, Ch+3 (Advantage on poison & Resistance)

Klodd sits silent for the most part, but if you watch him you don't have any doubts where he stands on things.

  • Klodd Raises his eyebrows at Victor's first statement.
  • He gasps in amazement at Ayita's statement about running off the wolves.
  • "I'll bet those wolves would make for some fine winter cloaks myself". He then slaps his leg laughing at his bad joke.
  • He nods at Magnus's inquisition about treasure.
  • He is in the middle of a big drink of his ale when Victor mentions giving back heirlooms and treasures, and chokes nearly asphyxiating himself, as he stands to cough, and spit.

Human/Alodoan Bard 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 14 | Vision: Normal | PP 10 | S+4/D+4/C+2/I+1/W+0/C+5 | B.I. (1d6) 3/3 | Spell Slots: 1st (3/3) | HD 2/2 | Insp: [ ]

Perry looks up from his extended double-facepalm to regard Ayita's outstretched hand. "Well, I guess bumpkin is better than lunatic," he thinks to himself.

"You can call me Perry," he says, shaking her hand and giving the nicest smile he can muster. "Nice to meet you."

Turning his attention to Mr. Caldwell, Perry says, "I have a feeling we're ready to start. I noticed you had some sketched maps among your papers; could we borrow those? They would probably help."

Alodoan/Half-Elf | Warlock/1 | AC 13 | HP 9/9 | Darkvision (60ft)| PP: 13 | S= -1 D= +2 C= +1 I= +0 W= +3* Ch= +5 | Spell Slots Used: 0/1 | Insp:[ ] | *Charm (Immune to sleep.)

Naill sits at the table, unable to think of any questions to ask, his face set with a grim frown. When Magnus talks of blood, crows and the possibility that some of the group may not return Naill lets out a little squeaky cough which he tries to recover from by shifting in his chair and taking a swallow of his (until now untouched) wine which only makes him cough again.


Oh, oh, yes certainly, Caldwell says shuffling the papers in his hands until the map he drew is once again on the top, then he peels it out of the stack, and hands it to Perry

Now, through the gate you can see some kind of fountain or well, I don't know if there is any water in it, and the front of the house. The facade, of the house, is very broken down, but the main entrance doors seem in tact. It's a two story house, in the style of a turn of the century parlor mansion, so I imagine the bedrooms will be on the second floor, and the first floor will have large rooms for gatherings, dances and such things. We sent a scout around the outside, and the wall of the castle seems collapsed on the north west corner near the northwest tower. And then around the back of the structure, at the back of the house, one of the small towers seems to be collapsing as well.

Thank you, Mister Caldwell. I'm sure that's all the information we need at this time, Branhilde says as she stands up. You will be staying in town I hope until the task is complete, in case we have any other questions.

Oh, no, I must return to Seaport tomorrow, for business, but I will return in one week, and then I'd like a progress report if possible. Caldwell also stands and offers his hand shake to those around him.

Good, that will be fine, Branhilde says as she gets ready to show Caldwell to the door. If the rest of you do not have any more questions, please report to Mister Nickels in the training Hall for final instructions and to receive some additional funding for the mission

Shadow's Status | Alodoan/Human Fighter 5 | AC 14 | HP 14/49| Vision | PP +3 | S=+6* | D=+1 | C=+4* | I=+ 2 | W=+ 0 | C =+2

"Do we have any more questions? This seems to be a very dangerous mission, animals, Goblins, Bandits, even worse traveling merchants few things more shifty than traveling merchants! Hmmm. Mr. Caldwell when your minions were mapping out the place did any confrontations take place? Ah and uh, if by chance we should happen to knock down a few walls this wouldn't present a problem right? I mean the place is a wreck right now anyhow right?" Victor asks as he glares at the Dwarf who is spitting out perfectly good spirits for no apparent reason. Can't hold his liquor that one, how can I trust a Dwarf that can't hold his liquor!

Female Iarishean/Wood Elf Monk 2 | AC 15 | HP 15/15 | Darkvision 60 ft. | PP 14 | S +3, D +5, C +1, I -1, W +2, C +0 | Insp: [ ]

"It appears time is of the essence. I shall report to this Mr. Nickels at once."

Ayita starts to head for the door, briefly turning around to see if anyone is following her.

Human/Alodoan Bard 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 14 | Vision: Normal | PP 10 | S+4/D+4/C+2/I+1/W+0/C+5 | B.I. (1d6) 3/3 | Spell Slots: 1st (3/3) | HD 2/2 | Insp: [ ]

Perry accepts the map from Mr. Caldwell, then stands and shakes his hand when he finishes speaking.

"Thank you Mr. Caldwell. We'll get this all taken care of right away."

With that, Perry turns and follows Ayita toward the door, heading for Mr. Nickels' training hall.

Male Half-Elf/Alodoan Rogue level 1 AC:15| HP10/10| Darkvision 60ft | Passive Perception 2 | str+1, *dex+4 , con+2, *int+4, wis+2, cha+2

Histoff falls into and gets out into sleep at some random intervals during the explanation.
So we are finally going to work Histoff says cheerfully.
He quickly grabs a drink from the Chapel Hill Lodge owner/bartender mumbling about the insufficient taste of the drink
(known as the dancing gnome known to make it's drinker fully restored to full awakeness mentally)
and also not forgetting to leave a golden coin for good luck.

Histoff of courses rushes to go after Perry and Ayita/

ooc: sorry had a busy week because of personal reasons.
ooc2: will finish the sheet at most at 10:00 pm gmt+2 time (:

Alodoan/Half-Elf | Warlock/1 | AC 13 | HP 9/9 | Darkvision (60ft)| PP: 13 | S= -1 D= +2 C= +1 I= +0 W= +3* Ch= +5 | Spell Slots Used: 0/1 | Insp:[ ] | *Charm (Immune to sleep.)

Niall gets up, he doesn't shake hands but he does nod to Caldwell. Then he walks out following Ayita and Perry.

Female Iarishean/Wood Elf Monk 2 | AC 15 | HP 15/15 | Darkvision 60 ft. | PP 14 | S +3, D +5, C +1, I -1, W +2, C +0 | Insp: [ ]

Ayita speaks as the party walks down the hallway.

"I think our first course of action when we get to the castle should be to scout out the perimeter. This will help us decide the best entrance to begin at."

"Per e miter, " she giggles.

"My heritage makes me a natural for scouting. You," she says pointing to the half-elf rogue, "should come with me to scout. I can see through your bumbling act and have a feeling you are also skilled at stealth. It's best never to go off on ones own in uncharted situations like this, especially since we are expecting danger. You can back me up in case we encounter anything. However, if we perform our duties correctly, we should be able to scout unnoticed."

"I'm Ayita by the way." she extends her hand to the rogue.

Male Vangar/Human Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 17/17 | Standard vision | PP=12 | S +4 D +2 C +2 I +0 W +4 Ch +3

"The elf speaks wisdom," Magnus says as the group of probationers files out of the room toward the training hall. "We should also take some time to share our preferred methods of battle, so we will know who is best on the front line and who is better skulking in the back or casting the runes. Me, I prefer to fight with axe or sword and a heavy shield, so I can look my foe in the eye when he dies and hear the crows' whispers as they carry his spirit away."

Human/Alodoan Bard 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 14 | Vision: Normal | PP 10 | S+4/D+4/C+2/I+1/W+0/C+5 | B.I. (1d6) 3/3 | Spell Slots: 1st (3/3) | HD 2/2 | Insp: [ ]

Perry scrunches his eyebrows at the creepy one.

"Do you have some sort of morbid crow fetish or something?" he asks, unconsciously shaking his head in fascinated disbelief.

"Anyway," Perry continues, "To answer your question, I'm pretty well-rounded; I'm handy with a longsword, have some useful magic, and can even cure wounds if needed."

Female Iarishean/Wood Elf Monk 2 | AC 15 | HP 15/15 | Darkvision 60 ft. | PP 14 | S +3, D +5, C +1, I -1, W +2, C +0 | Insp: [ ]

Ayita smiles at the cleric. "I can wield a sword or bow equally well. However, my true strength lies within myself. My body is attuned with nature and can be used as a weapon itself. Similarly, I am skilled at stealth and acrobatics."

Male Vangar/Human Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 17/17 | Standard vision | PP=12 | S +4 D +2 C +2 I +0 W +4 Ch +3

"I serve the blind god, Vodhan, who died and was consumed by ravens before being reborn in the halls of the Storm King," Magnus says, adopting the patient tone he uses with all soft Alodoans as he explains his faith. "The same fate awaits us all - and better to be eaten by crows and carried into the sky than to be food for earthbound rats and worms, don't you think?

Female Iarishean/Wood Elf Monk 2 | AC 15 | HP 15/15 | Darkvision 60 ft. | PP 14 | S +3, D +5, C +1, I -1, W +2, C +0 | Insp: [ ]

"Mielikki teaches that we are all part of the circle of life. We borrow our bodies from the earth and when the time comes, we return our bodies to it. Whether crow or worm, all of Mielikki's children have a place in this world."


Day 1, Wednesday approximate time of day, 9:50 am (turn 60). Location: Chapel Hill Lodge, Pawkatukit, Harrispania. Lighting is by day light.

The door from the meeting hall leads out into a portico and colonnade, adjacent to a courtyard, a grassy area completely within the walls of the Chapel Hill Lodge. There are benches in the courtyard, where you can see a person or two, who you do not recognize, sitting and reading a paper, or book, while in the courtyard, a few other individuals are practicing simple exercise routines.

Across the courtyard, directly across from the meeting hall, is the exercise and training hall, and you head there directly.

Once in the door of the training hall, you see a wide open room with a hard wood floor. There are window, without glass, that can be shut with wooden shutters that stand open letting in the light of day, and the smells of the dining hall just around the corner from where you are. In the center of the room stands a wooden frame, two upright beams with holes in them at various elevations. A pole passes through one of the lower holes, just about three feet off the floor.

Mister Nickels, the gnome warrior, is hanging by his hands from the pole, his feet just inches off the floor, and he is shirtless. He is pulling himself up so that his chin clears the pole, and he counts out loud with each attempt,

twenty- two, twenty-three, twenty-four

He cannot see you at first.

His upper body is sinewy, taunt, and the muscles ripple on his arms, and on his shoulders and stomach. He has a few scars, but he is not covered with them. He wears cotton shorts, and low soft leather boots.

Male Half-Elf/Alodoan Rogue level 1 AC:15| HP10/10| Darkvision 60ft | Passive Perception 2 | str+1, *dex+4 , con+2, *int+4, wis+2, cha+2

Histoff shakes Ayita hand and smiles,Histoff Histoff says.
I am quite good at stealth and I will back you up when needed he continues.

Histoff then looks at Magnus,I prefer to lurk in the shadows and surprise the enemy, I can equally fight in the front too
Histoff stops for a second as if remembering something unsettling and continues with a smirk I have also some skill with ranged weapon but I lost my crossbow and the bolts some time ago

well I do remember some old tale about a good god that made some good trickery to both good gods and evil gods, I must say he is the closest god I can believe in
Histoff says and after that laughs.

So I can make a god ?

When they arrive, Histoff looks at Mister Nickels thinking to himself
now that is something you don't see every day, a great warrior and a gnome nonetheless and smiles

deleted my post because I posted as wonder and then edited it twice but I am starting to get the hang of it

Shadow's Status | Alodoan/Human Fighter 5 | AC 14 | HP 14/49| Vision | PP +3 | S=+6* | D=+1 | C=+4* | I=+ 2 | W=+ 0 | C =+2

Victor shrugs as Mr.Caldwell does not respond to his concerns.

"Why all this concern for the Gods are they going to help us clear this estate?"

As they approach Nickels Victor begins clapping, "Bravo Mr. Nickels, that is an incredible feat! I am sorry I did not bring any wine to quench your thirst after such vigorous training".

Female Iarishean/Wood Elf Monk 2 | AC 15 | HP 15/15 | Darkvision 60 ft. | PP 14 | S +3, D +5, C +1, I -1, W +2, C +0 | Insp: [ ]

I think being the Wrecking Crew requires breaking down at least one wall.

"Mr. Nickels, Branhilde told us to speak with you before heading out."

Turning to the fighter, "The gods are always with us my friend. Those with the will to believe shall find the strength they need in their most dire moment. They may very well provide us with the edge we need to succeed on this quest. I would not be so quick to dismiss them."


Ah Victor thanks for pointing that out I should not have missed that, let me try to fix that with a Flash back!

Just before Victor enters the training hall his mind goes back to the last thing Caldwell said before the group left the Meeting Hall

Flash back

Oh, no, we didn’t encounter anything on our two trips to the castle, but the second time we were there it was raining, so that must count for something. I mean, nobody likes to be out in the rain this time of year, am I right? And as far as damage is concerned, just be careful. I understand the original castle walls were quite thick, and some of the older castle stairs, made of wood, are rotted to the point of near collapse. You’re more likely to damage the place just walking around inside of it, haha, but no, I won’t hold the society responsible for any damage done to the property. Just make sure that it’s safe to send in a working crew in two weeks

Lijan - yes, let me know what your ideas are, and we'll work something out

Alodoan/Half-Elf | Warlock/1 | AC 13 | HP 9/9 | Darkvision (60ft)| PP: 13 | S= -1 D= +2 C= +1 I= +0 W= +3* Ch= +5 | Spell Slots Used: 0/1 | Insp:[ ] | *Charm (Immune to sleep.)

Niall ways into the discussion on fighting.

" I prefer to avoid fighting where I can, though I doubt we'll be able to talk these brigands, Kobolds, and Goblins out of Mr Caldwell's castle. I have gained some power over magic and will use that to strike down foes from afar. "

As the group enters the training hall Niall stays at the back of the group.

Male Baylor / Dwarven - Hill {Spells 1: 3/3} {1 DD} Cleric (War Priest) / 2; AC-18; HP-23; Darkvision 60'; PP=13, S+1, D+0, C+3, I-1, W+5, Ch+3 (Advantage on poison & Resistance)

Before the meeting is done, Klodd says a quick prayer, and throws back a full mug to honor it.

Klodd enters the training hall, and begins to do some stretching exercises, limbering up his armor encased body. he then practices a few shield smashes, and swings his hammer around loosening up his shoulder.

"Well I myself fight with the power of Fergus Mithril Blood behind my swings. Not only am I pretty good at raising welts on monster hides, but I can patch up holes in my friends as well. Maybe there will be some friends among you"?

Shadow's Status | Alodoan/Human Fighter 5 | AC 14 | HP 14/49| Vision | PP +3 | S=+6* | D=+1 | C=+4* | I=+ 2 | W=+ 0 | C =+2

"I feel more friendly at just the thought of being patched up. Perhaps the object should be to not be struck in the first place but we can discuss that id due time".


Victor’s is the first voice the Gnome trainer hears. He turns his head, sees your group come in through the door, and drops of the bar.
Mister Nickels bends down to the floor and picks up a towel, he wipes the sweat from his face and then approaches your group saying,

I see you’ve finished with the meeting, good. Now, let’s deal with some details.

Ayita, speaks, and the gnome faces her to say, You can follow directions, that he points at her faceis important

The gnome then watches the dwarf stretch and do some light exercises,

That’s good form,master dwarf. Now gather in around me, I’ll be brief. The castle is southeast of Pawkatukit, about four miles as the crow flies, but you have to travel east, along the River Road all the way to the Mackenzie Bridge, that’s where the Gillian road meets the River road, then take the bridge, and the Gillian road south, across the river. Now as soon as you cross the river, you’ll be looking south, and to the southeast, if you follow the road, you’d reach Seaport in about seven more miles, but you’ll go west, off the road to reach the castle, which is about a mile back that way up a steady rise that leads toward the Red Root Forest. The castle is on the top of the hill. The back side of the castle faces the River, and is maybe a quarter mile from the river, but there is no way to cross the river except the Mackenzie Bridge, so you got to walk about six miles to get there. I suggest getting started as soon as possible. Take a tent, or two, if you don’t want to camp inside the ruins of the castle, or take your chances inside, whatever suits you, but I don’t recommend hiking back here, or to Seaport every day, you’ll lose too much time doing that.

Nickels stops talking and turns away from you, he walks to a small bench by a wall, and reaches for a duffel bag below the bench, he rummages around in the bag, and takes out several small pouches.
Each of you is being paid fifty gold pieces up front for the job, and you’ll get another fifty when the work is completed. I suggest buying some rations, but you can spend the money any way you like.
Any questions, make ‘em quick, we all have work to do today, and you’ve got just two weeks to clean house at Castle Caldwell.

Human/Alodoan Bard 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 14 | Vision: Normal | PP 10 | S+4/D+4/C+2/I+1/W+0/C+5 | B.I. (1d6) 3/3 | Spell Slots: 1st (3/3) | HD 2/2 | Insp: [ ]

"Wait, why is the river uncrossable at more convenient locations? Would buying a boat help?"


Sorry, all of you would know that the river that flows from the west to the eastern sea shore, here at Pawkatukit, is fifteen to twenty feet below the level of the banks on either side, it is a wide swift river, but it is not deep, being only about ten to fifteen feet deep here, deeper toward the west, shallower toward the east. Where the Mackenzie Bridge (a covered bridge, supported in two places by foundations sunk to the river bed) crosses the river, the bridge is about nine feet above the water. There are very few places where it is safe to put in a boat, and the nearest one is to the west, but you couldn't put out until you were a mile east of the Bridge anyway. This River, which hasn't yet been named, is modeled on the Connecticut River, here's a picture of one of the places I visited many years ago The Connecticut River at French King bridge

Male Half-Elf/Alodoan Rogue level 1 AC:15| HP10/10| Darkvision 60ft | Passive Perception 2 | str+1, *dex+4 , con+2, *int+4, wis+2, cha+2

Histoff smiles when he gets the pouch, smiling he throws the pouch up and down looking at the pouch
Rations........and a tent...... Histoff says to himself out loudly.
Thank you Master Nickels
Histoff goes towards the exit, and then turn around towards the group,smiles agains and says/asks rhetorically
should we not get out and buy supplies and a big tent and get over with this spooky castle ?
he also adds
have a nice day Master nickels as if he already set himself to buy the supplies

Human/Alodoan Bard 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 14 | Vision: Normal | PP 10 | S+4/D+4/C+2/I+1/W+0/C+5 | B.I. (1d6) 3/3 | Spell Slots: 1st (3/3) | HD 2/2 | Insp: [ ]

Perry nods as he stows his coin pouch. "Yeah," he says, "I think the sooner we get this over with, the better."

Shadow's Status | Alodoan/Human Fighter 5 | AC 14 | HP 14/49| Vision | PP +3 | S=+6* | D=+1 | C=+4* | I=+ 2 | W=+ 0 | C =+2

"What no Inn conveniently nearby? What a terrible place to set this castle in, what if the guest rooms are overfull for gatherings? Who ever heard of such a thing... Well perhaps we should buy some supplies and construct a small cottage first, better protection from the weather and more defensible against these wild animals we keep hearing about I say".

Female Iarishean/Wood Elf Monk 2 | AC 15 | HP 15/15 | Darkvision 60 ft. | PP 14 | S +3, D +5, C +1, I -1, W +2, C +0 | Insp: [ ]

Ayita scrunches her face as she struggles to memorize the directions to the castle. In Elvish, "Damn it!

"Mr. Nickels, I do have some questions as I am unfamiliar with these areas. Are the roads you speak of well traveled? Should we expect any trouble on our way to Castle Caldwell? What is Seaport like? Is it similar to Pawkatukit?

Addressing the party, "I have all the supplies I need but I assume a few of you may wish to shop. I'll head to the east gate and wait for the rest of you there."

Male Vangar/Human Cleric 2 | AC 18 | HP 17/17 | Standard vision | PP=12 | S +4 D +2 C +2 I +0 W +4 Ch +3

Magnus tucks the pouch into his tunic and nods.
"Yes, we should all be sure to be well-provisioned," he says. "One would look very foolish fainting from hunger during battle."

Is anything in the PHB available for sale? I'm primarily asking about healing potions.


Yes everything listed in the PHB can be purchased in Pawkatukit. I will answer Victor's and Ayita's questions tomorrow


Nickels approaches the exercise bar again, as if he is certain the conversation is done, without looking in your direction, he answers the recent questions

There is a small village, north of the Mackenzie Bridge, about halfway between the bridge and Gaderston, they have a tavern, but last time I was there, there was no Inn, but if you’re desperate, being only about three to three and a half miles away, you could try to find a farmer there who’ll let you sleep in his barn.

The River Road isn’t as well travelled as the Gillian Road. The Gillian Road is a major road from Seaport to Cooperstown, through Gaderston, Fillmore, and Stonebridge. You’ll pass a lot of small farming communities along the River Road, toward Mackenzie Bridge, to the north that is, but as long as you are on the north side of the river you shouldn’t run into any trouble, the south side of the river, and Red Root Forest, that’s another story, dangerous territory, not altogether settled by any means, and pretty much the wild lands between the empire and the City States. You’ll find, Kobolds, Goblins, even Orcs, if you get near the caves in some of the hills deep in the forest, so don’t wander to far south if you can help it. Seaport is too big a town for a guy like me, I avoid it, never liked the smell of that place. Its big, really big, probably almost ten thousand people live in Seaport. The folks there are nice enough, like our neighbors here in Pawkatukit, but you run into strangers there from across the sea, strange folk with strange ways. If you need to find something unusual, I’d say go there and look, but don’t count on getting a fair deal. A lot of goods move in and out of Seaport, prices are all over the place and change every week, so I hear.

Just as you are about to leave, Nickles steps away from the bar, and says something peculiar, his voice taking on a different lilt, as if he is almost being nostalgic

There’s one more thing. It’s about Kobolds. Most of the ones I’ve run into are trouble, frightened, desperate, dangerous creatures living on the edge, but, well, sometimes you’ll run across a hovel, they call them, where the Kobolds are different, nice even, if a little bit strange. Mind you I’m not saying search one out, but if you do find a Kobold hovel, don’t automatically assume the little buggers are dangerous, sometimes they can be, well, helpful, even help a guy out when he is on his last leg.

There won’t be any “Magic Shops” in this setting. Magic items are rare, but not unattainable, you normally have to seek out a reclusive wizard to find something of the permanent magic variety, and when you do find something, the price is always in more than gold pieces

Female Iarishean/Wood Elf Monk 2 | AC 15 | HP 15/15 | Darkvision 60 ft. | PP 14 | S +3, D +5, C +1, I -1, W +2, C +0 | Insp: [ ]

"Thank you, Mr. Nickels. But I don't think I'll ever be able to trust a kobold. We'll be sure to send word of our progress at the end of the week."

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

With that, Ayita dashes out of the training hall and leaps stumbles onto the rooftops of Pawkatukit and sneaks (poorly) across town. She heads to the River Road to wait for the rest of her companions.

And the townsfolk wonder what is that strange elf is doing up there. It looks like she's going to fall.

In Elvish, "Mielikki please guide me to do better once I get to the castle. I cannot let these people down."

Human/Alodoan Bard 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 14 | Vision: Normal | PP 10 | S+4/D+4/C+2/I+1/W+0/C+5 | B.I. (1d6) 3/3 | Spell Slots: 1st (3/3) | HD 2/2 | Insp: [ ]

"...the hell?"

After a moment of sending a blank stare in the direction that the elf suddenly went bounding out of sight, Perry regains his focus and turns to Mr. Nickels.

"Thanks for all the instruction, sir," he says with a formal nod. "We'll certainly do our best."

Perry then turns to his remaining companions and says, "Shall we?"

Ready to shop and move out.

Male Half-Elf/Alodoan Rogue level 1 AC:15| HP10/10| Darkvision 60ft | Passive Perception 2 | str+1, *dex+4 , con+2, *int+4, wis+2, cha+2

GOOD KOBOLDS ? Histoff asks rhetorically
All we need is an army of good kobolds aiding us and we finish the task early he says with humor he also adds
unless we find one little dragon
We also need a tent....I can pay for one but certainly not carry one

Thanks Again Master Nickels
Histoff then proceeds to go to the nearest market to buy some rations for the market.

Is 7 rations to buy is good enough (will I need more ) ? I already have 2 rations

I don't think my character will be able to also carry a tent + my character likes to be on a light load

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