GM_Ragged |
Eventually the ambient translation magic in the Chateau starts to work.
"...oopliboopooblthe flaming wastes you think you'rebbloopllooophave to send me back now itpploopoooble...I said send me back - I've done my service and now you have to send me back! I can't seem to leave for some reason"
The elemental adopts a wide, squat pose that is eerily reminiscent of someone standing with their hands on their hips.
Mordan Talus |
Eventually the ambient translation magic in the Chateau starts to work.
"...oopliboopooblthe flaming wastes you think you'rebbloopllooophave to send me back now itpploopoooble...I said send me back - I've done my service and now you have to send me back! I can't seem to leave for some reason"
The elemental adopts a wide, squat pose that is eerily reminiscent of someone standing with their hands on their hips.
"I am so sorry. I didn't even think that could happen." Looking around for a servent he'll ask, "Is there a swimming pool or a pond or something were he can hang out?" Turniing back to the agitated elemental he'll reasure it, "Just until this Corvin character gets back. He should be able to help you get home."
GM_Ragged |
Corlan of Greyhawk |
Corlan tries to tune in, but realizes that the chateau is blocking him. He merely gets an impression of a message saying "The uploader has not made this video available in your country."
GM_Ragged |
GM_Ragged wrote: tries to tune in, but realizes that the chateau is blocking him. He merely gets an impression of a message saying "The uploader has not made this video available in your country."
Try this:
I think the video captures the "bored beyond insanity amid decadent opulence" of the Ambers.
GM_Ragged |
"Well isn't that just typical!" bubbles the water elemental angrily. "That's all we are to summoners, isn't it? Something disposable. You use us and then cast us aside, once you've had your satisfaction. You drag us out of our homes and trap us...wherever the hells this is. You lead us on and then you break our hearts..."
It sobs quietly.. "I have a name you know. You didn't even bother to ask that, did you. I'm just a...a thing to you. Sit on that man' head, put out his hair, then clear off. I feel. I compose poetry. I have depths. But no - just pluck me from the water then walk away once you have no more use for me..."
"I suppose I'll just slope off and sit in some cistern or something until whatever anchoring magic is in this place dissipates. Don't worry about me. Not that you ever did. You heartless bastard."
It begins to slope off moistly down the hallway.
Corlan of Greyhawk |
"My kid nephew used to compose poetry. Thing is, he had an intelligence of like 6--maybe not the sharpest sword in the armory, if you get my drift--so it just sounded like a spastic kobold had gotten a hold of a speak-'n'-spell. Reason I mention this is because water elementals have an intelligence of probably 4--if I remember anything from 8th grade science class (which is highly questionable, at that)--which makes my kid nephew seem like a genius in comparison."
"Point being, we're probably best off not subjected to his verses anyway."
Mordan Talus |
"Maybe so, but I still feel like a heel. Do you think it would help if I summoned a bunch more? They could start their own water elemental colony. Maybe even a water polo team."
"But if ...."
"All right, all right. It was just a thought."
"A bad thought, so... No."
Celeste Toronos |
Celeste goes and looks in the room to the west of the dining room, hopefully someone is there to follow her. As she said to the rest of the party, she is trying not to get drawn into anymore of the fantasies of the Ambers.
GM_Ragged |
Sorry, the map is very out of date. The three rooms on the 'southern' half of the hallway are, left to right,
1) The room where you met Jean-Louis, and watched some wresting. He's still there mopping up.
2) The drawing room, where you met Biffy. He's there smoking his pipe and reading a book.
3) The dining room, where there were lots of transparent spirits sitting down to dinner.
GM_Ragged |
The door opens into what appears to be a woman's boudoir - at the back of the room there is a large canopied four-poster bed, a vanity with mirror, and a large armoire. Separated more conceptually than physically by a laquered folding screen, at the front of the room nearest the door is a chaise longue and a number of padded stools, centered around a low table.
Sitting on the chaise longue is a large, hideously deformed hairy humanoid creature that some may recognize as an ogre. It is wearing a lacy white woman's dress several sizes too small for it, so much so that the dress has ripped and torn at the seams in several places. On the table in front of it is a delicate china tea service, and a sugared sponge cake on a silver cakestand.
The ogre looks up as the door opens, and successive looks of surprise, annoyance guilt wash across its deformed features, before it composes its face into an even more disconcerting forced smile.
"OH, YOU 'AVE COME FOR TEA! PLEASE TAKE A SEAT AND I WILL POUR" it bellows in mockery of a refined voice. It seems to struggle for a moment for something else to say, before settling on "REMARKABLE WEATHER WE ARE 'AVIN' FOR THE TIME OF YEAR"
GM_Ragged |
"I AM LADY CANDICE DAMP...DOMBY...DAMBREYVIL WHICH IS WHY I AM WEARIN' THIS PRETTY DRESS, WHAT IS TOTALLY PRETTY AND RIGHT FOR A LADY LIKE ME TO BE WEARIN', AND NOT UGLY LIKE THE UNIFORM I MAKE MY SERVANTS WEAR" bellows the ogre, a look of rage coming into its eyes is it talks of the uniform, causing it to crush a china teacup in its hand. It looks at it with confusion for a moment, before struggling to regain control. "WHOOPS BUTTERFINGERS" it says before, just, managing to pour another cup of tea.
Lucia von Hendriks |
Lucia looks from Celeste to the ogre lady and then back to Celeste. Although she doesn't say a word, her narrowed eyes seem to tell the half-elf, I blame you for this latest bit of madness!
"We could always just leave and politely close the door behind us," she says softly aloud to no one in particular.
Celeste Toronos |
Celeste nods politely, closes the door firmly and moves to the next door along. Taking a deep breath to prepare herself she opens this one.
'It's not enough you whisper in my head constantly!' She mutters to herself. 'Now you bring me to a plane of maddened fools.'
Celeste is trying very hard not to be drawn into the constant bizarre encounters.
Though she is still very pleased with her hat.
GM_Ragged |
Celeste opens the door, to reveal a room shrouded in darkness - few wide steps lead down to a sunken floor, creating an amphitheatre effect. The only illumination in the room is a shaft of bright light in the centre. In the shaft of light stands a figure in dark robes, his face hidden by a cowl. He extends a thin, almost skeletal arm, and points an accusatory finger.
"BORDEN READ?" he intones in a deep, echoing voice.
GM_Ragged |
The accusing finger does not waver.
"Borden Read..." it intones again solemnly
The lights go up as the figure throws back his cowl to reveal a man with waxy skin, a wide cheesy grin and bouffant hair. The room is revealed to be a stage painted in bright colours, with a podium at the centre. The rows of steps are suddenly filled with numerous ghostly figures (possibly the same ones who were at dinner earlier) all silently cheering, whooping, clapping and waving their arms.
Borden is seized with the urge to whoop, hollar, punch the air, hug his friends and rush down to the podium.
This is similar to the irresitable dance spell, so he doesn't get a save to avoid it, but can make a Will save to shorted the duration.
They have this in Australia, right?
Lucia von Hendriks |
Lucia's eyes widen as Borden gives her a crushing hug, but he soon releases her to hug and high-five the others. Her look of surprise transforms into her trademarked smirk.
"Here we go again.... Hmm, perhaps this Stephen fellow was killed because he allowed foolishness like this to run rampant in his castle."
Borden Read |
Yes, sadly they do :)
Borden bounds down the stairs, gyrating as he goes with an insane grin on his face and fist pumping in the air!
will: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Against his inner... well... everything... he finds himself saying as he arrives at the podium, Wow! Really happy to be here!.
What the hells?, he wonders as the words escape his mouth.
GM_Ragged |
"And we're really glad to have you here, Borden." says the Grinning Man. "Now how would you like to win THESE PRIZES?"
Three small pedestals appear, with an object on top of each.
"WOOOOOOO!" goes the ghostly audience.
"Be the envy of your friends and never without a drink, with this stylish addition to any home. This cut glass decanter will supply up to two bottles worth of whisky a day, at the temperature of your choosing. Then how about A BAG OF TRICKS?"
"WOOOOOOO!" goes the ghostly audience.
"Liven up any party by producing useful items and random small animals from this magic bag! Thousands of uses, some of them even legal. And finally, you'll just love this COLLECTION OF IOUN STONES!"
"WOOOOOOO!" goes the ghostly audience.
"Including a clear spindle, a dusky rose prism and several others that you can never remember, these stones will delight young and old by orbiting your head, and granting a selection of magical effects. And they can all be yours, Borden, if the price is right!"
"WOOOOOOO!" goes the ghostly audience.
"Now, to win these, we're going to play a game called 'You Bet Your Life'. For each item, we'll show you a price, but one digit will be missing. You have to guess the missing digit. If you're within one, you win the prize! But if you're more than one out, we will remove some of your lifeforce for each number you're out. Sound fair? Good. At the end of the game, you'll have the option to spend one more point of lifeforce to win today's SUPER SPECIAL PRIZE!"
"WOOOOOOO!" goes the ghostly audience.
"Ready to play Borden? Let's start with the decanter. The price is 16?00 - what's the missing number?"
Why not all shout numbers out at once to help him?
Mordan Talus |
"How do you know how mutch it costs?"
"I don't really, nobody does. It's a guessig game."
"He loses life force for each number he is off by?"
"Yeah, I guess that kinda sucks doesn't it."
"If there is no way to know the price then he should minimize the risk.
"I suppose, although if he gets the wiskey we may never see him again!"
"If his guess is too far off he may die on the spot"
"Point taken"
Uh, yeah. 5"
Borden Read |
I am gonna try an appraise roll to narrow it down a few numbers, is that Ok?
Appraise 2 (+6): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
GM_Ragged |
A buzzer sounds.
"I'm sorry Borden - that's incorrect - let's look at the correct answer."
The ? slowly changes into a 3.
"I'm afraid we're going to have to take away some of your life force"
Borden is suddenly racked with pain, as he feels energy leaving his body.
He loses 1d4 ⇒ 2 HP permanently.
"But not to worry - there's still the ioun stones and our FABULOUS mystery star prize. First, give me a bid on the ious stones - the price is 57?50 - what's the missing digit?"