Dibbets |

Raising an eyebrow Dibbs responds "What? - theys jus told ye exactly what we's told ye. Truth like." addressing Mugg and Clayne directly before adding "Nei whippin needed, happened as they saids. Only they didnae run away, they gots taken by tha Dajoboy... Iffin it matters we took care o' tha flayed boys hangin frae the Warn Tree and put the Cryin' Woman back inna muck..." turning back to Lanteri and spitting on the ground before closing "Woulda mentioned it but I dinnae like tae brag."

Cap'n Voodoo |

Mugg scowls, but Clayne looks impressed. "Lotsa bad things in the swamp. They're lucky to get out alive."
Mugg scratches at his heavy jaw. "Still, never heard of sharkmen in the Hungermire. Only out at sea...Well, the Baron will be grateful for the return of his property, but its best you finish up here quick and sail on off."
Captain Lanteri scowls back, but nods. "The sooner we're off, the better. I won't argue that sentiment."
The overseers trundle off and Lanteri turns back to the returning crew. "All hands will be needed and you're near worthless now. You've got until high sun then you're back to work and you'll be putting in extra time this evening!"

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

Kaul nudges his smaller shipmate as the wee grubber recounts their tale;
"An' the Gurglin' Bairns... don' ferget tae mention them scary wee feckers!"
The thug grins and nods in agreement, before adding nonchalantly for the benefit of all who listen;
"Dealt with them... We deal wi' most things that cross us like..."
As the overseers begin to exit Kauly pipes up with a question for them;
"Perhaps the Baron would like tae reward the return o' such valuable slaves? Hur... Coin or a tasty wee drop for our journey? Hur?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 4
Awww B0ll0cks

James "Madman Jim" Patterson |

Jim stifles a rum-laden burp. "Huh...now that you mensh--mention it, sharks in a swamp's not right. Maybe it was that temple ruin they wanted to use." He stretches, then stops and straightens up a bit. "Don't worry about us, Cap'n. We'll give you our wages' worth."

Dibbets |

Snorting as he thinks Feck me lassie, I could put anuvver half bottle in me ballast an still sail straighter than ye... how the feck ye gots a ship is beyond me like, but keeps a genial face on. With a shallow eyes-up bow he answers "As yer orders Cap'n..." before humming a delightfully dirty ditty and looking to secure hisself for a nap.

Cap'n Voodoo |

"Perhaps the Baron would like tae reward the return o' such valuable slaves? Hur... Coin or a tasty wee drop for our journey? Hur?"
Mugg and Clayne don't seem to hear Kaul as they push back through the palms away from the beach. The captain gives Yarba the word to call all crew to work excepting the rescue team and their recovered companions. Finding some sand nearby, sleep comes quickly, but is all too brief before they're roused for a quick luncheon and it's back to work on the tough work of cleaning and patching the ship's hull.
All- healed up and spells recharged. still not fully recovered for grueling work, however.
Give me 4 CON checks and a sailor skill roll.

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

Constitution: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Constitution: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Constitution: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Constitution: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Just feckin stellar... The dice-bots doth hate me
Profession: Sailor: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

Dingus Mack |

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19 CON Check #1
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17 CON Check #2
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12 CON Check #3
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19 CON Check #4
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 Profession: Sailor
Dingus is able to clear his head for the most part plotting the rise of his dastardly empire, and the high offices reserved for his shipmates.
In Fact he seems to work better and more efficiently hungover than he does stone sober. Maybe he has an attention problem and his condition forces him to concentrate more.

James "Madman Jim" Patterson |

"'Fore we get started, Dibbets, could I get a lesser restoration?"
Lesser restoration dispels any magical effects reducing one of the subject's ability scores or cures 1d4 points of temporary ability damage to one of the subject's ability scores. It also eliminates any fatigue suffered by the character, and improves an exhausted condition to fatigued. It does not restore permanent ability drain.

Dibbets |

Depends on what the Cap'ns referring to with respect to the Con checks.
Dibbets is immune to fatigue and yet he still has to make them, so I'm assuming it isn't a fatigue related deal.
If it is a fatigue related deal, then sure I'll burn whatever I need to heal up as many as I can (10 people if he uses his 3rd level slots as well)...

Cap'n Voodoo |
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Jim gets a bolster from Dibbets, but soon wanes in the tropic heat. Dibbets himself remains unbowed, but cramps afflict him as the late hours pass. Kaul is bleary eyed and foul tempered throughout the job and only poor Anatoly looks worse. The northern half-orc has not recovered at all from the Caller's touch and looks half-dead himself as he staggers around. Later in the day, he falls silently into the familiar routine and contributes something to the afternoon effort, but he looks awful.
Surprisingly, Dingus wins the prize for most valuable sailor this day. Still dressed in a manky burlap sack so as not to soil his silk kimono with tar, he uses his anchoring rod to good effect to suspend tackle and stabilize scaffolding. He works tirelessly despite his weariness perhaps driven on by the thought that this ship may be his first conquest in the empire he has constructed in his fevered dreams!
All in all, it is a strong effort and the veteran sailors guide the work so well, despite their grogginess, that they easily make up for the missed time. 'Handsome' leads a rousing tune as the rum rations are passed out at the end of the day and Dingus finds himself the unaccustomed center of attention. His hard work has made up more than a little for his strange appearance and behavior.

Dibbets |
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Either in sight or out of sight of Lanteri, but with deliberate intent, Dibbets takes his rum ration and walks to face either her or her quarters. Holding the rum out to the side he pours it expressionlessly into the sand. After that he stumps off to the ship's flank, finding a seat in the scruff and sings
To ladies forbearing and mild,
Though his record be dark,
is the man-eating shark,
Who will eat neither woman nor child."
"He dines upon seamen and skippers,
And tourists his hunger assuage,
And a fresh cabin boy
will inspire him with joy
If he's past the maturity age."
"A doctor, a lawyer, a preacher,
He'll gobble one any fine day,
But the ladies, God bless 'em
He'll only address 'em
Politely and go on his way."
"I can readily cite you an instance
Where a lovely young lady of Breem,
Who was tender and sweet
and delicious to eat
Fell into the bay with a scream."
"She struggled and flounced in the water,
And signaled in vain for her bar,
And she'd surely been drowned
if she hadn't been found
By a chivalrous man-eating shark."
"He bowed in a manner most polished
Thus soothing her impulses wild.
"Don't be frightened," he said,
"I've been properly bred,
And will eat neither woman nor child.""
"Then her proffered his fin and she took it
Such gallantry none can dispute.
While the passengers cheered
as the vessel they neared
And a broadside was fired in salute."
"And they soon stood alongside the vessel,
When a life-saving dinghy was lowered
With the pick of the crew,
And her relatives too
And the mate and the skipper aboard."
"So they took her aboard in a jiffy,
And the shark stood attention the while,
Then he raised on his flipper
and ate up the skipper
And went on his way with a smile."
"And this shows that the prince of the ocean,
To ladies forbearing and mile,
Though his record be dark
Is the man-eating shark,
Who will eat neither woman nor child."

Cap'n Voodoo |

Jim Stork catches Jim Patterson in private a while later when he steps out to drain his bladder. "Tell your little friend to take it easy. No point putting Lanteri on the defensive. You're doing good by the crew, but most don't mind her and then there's her promise of treasure. Once we've got the gold, I think that we're in and she's out. No point antagonizing her before then."

Cap'n Voodoo |

As the rum is finished, the captain makes it clear that there will be no leave once again despite the return of most of the missing crew and their hard effort in flipping the ship to start work on the other side of the hull. Lanteri declares that tomorrow will be an epic work because she wants to finish up the job and get back to sea without further delay. She declares lights out and all hands to get some rest for what is likely a long day ahead.

Cap'n Voodoo |

The sky has just begun to lighten when the ship's officers rouse the crew and get them preparing for a final great push for repairs. The morning turns between Yarba's shouts and threats and Hinson's jolly rousing songs, but finally a break is called for food and water and a short respite in the shade of the palms.
Mugg and Clayne show up again, a slight nervousness apparent to the observant. They approach Kaul to tell the indignant Orc-blood that the Baron has invited he and his companions to a dinner acknowledging their service.
Lanteri overhears and steps forward to declare that no crew have time to attend because the ship is to be completely repaired and underway this very night.

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

Being a mercenary basterd, Kaul happily knocks back his rum, then tries to wangle Jim's that he passes on.
When its likely not given, the scarred thug cracks his no-neck indifferently;
"Down the 'atch... Down the throat. Lest ye shake hands with the Ol' Sea Goat... Hur!"
On the Morn
Kaul sleeps fitfully, his dreams haunted for the first time by jungle inspired visions of Tum Bo-Bo. More than once he wakes slick with night sweats, afore exhaustion pulls him back under...
When the foremen return with their master's offer, Kaul grins like a loon until Jimmer suggests exercising caution.
Wearing a scowl, the thug pulls Jim aside with a hard grin;
"You losing yer stones Madman? We risk life and soul fer a bunch o' worthless swabs an' slaves... anb now yer suggestin' we de-cline the good Baron an' his hospitality?"
As Dingus adds in his two fangs worth, the brutal half orc chuckles;
"Well said shipmate. Them swabs owe us big... they can cover fer us if they know what's good fer 'em..."

James "Madman Jim" Patterson |

Jim shrugs. "They'll set sail when the captain says, whether we're here or no. I'd rather be on board, myself. Besides, I don't trust the Baron. Something about this offer doesn't smell right."

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

Kaul shoots him a skeptical look;
"Oh aye. An straight-as-an-arra Jim Stork's mumblings o' keeping' things low-keel don't smack o' nuthin' neither..."
The thug is clearly hungover and ornery;
"Baron might be mad as a bag o' snakes..." and shoots a look at their serpentine sorcerer before continuing;
... (No offense Dingus mate)... but supper with the auld fart'll be a darn sight more rewarding than the lash or these swabs wittering on... 'Sides maybes ye might get to knock boots with a pretty slave or three matey... Show em those rapier skills hur-hur-hur..."
Filling time until the wee voice of reason (*cough*) chips in :)

Dibbets |

Dibbs takes it all in quietly, not looking to take a side one way or the other before shrugging "Feck it, he didnae hae decent hooch anyways. Iffin we wants tae go we coulda put the repairs back a day tae make sure like... but I ain't gots interest tae get back near tha jungle like." sniffing as he stumps to one side, lifting his kilt to p1ss into the shallows.
"Taint worth tha fight... sides, we went out fer Rafe more'n tha others. He's back an we can't gie tha ship to it's Captain..." looking directly at Jimmer "till we scraped off ol' barnacles"

Cap'n Voodoo |

Having commanded that no crew have time for meeting with the Baron, Lanteri moves off to get all hands back to work on the hull. The invitees huddle and confer a bit, but it is decided that they need to keep their eyes and hands on the potential prize. They wave Mugg and Clayne off. The overseers look a bit angry, but don't say a word as they head back through the palms toward town.
As with many things, Lanteri's insistence on a rush job leads to a couple setbacks: poorly cut boards, spilled tar and a hammered thumb or two.
Is our crew's work willing or reluctant? another pro sailor check if you wish to contribute.

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

Reluctant for Kaul - he makes no bones about it, and having been on the end of the lash and keelhauled more than once he doesn't fear anyone or anything onboard...
The brutal thug's work ethic sinks like a stone once the Baron's men are sent packing, and any work he undertakes is token gesture only.
Should anyone actually threaten him, he meets their gaze with a angler fish grin and taps Lopper's handle while he considers their potential punishment...

Cap'n Voodoo |

The work does not progress nearly as fast as Lanteri would wish. In fact, it does not even meet the notable speed and skill shown the day before. The effort by those same crew are lacking this day though Dibbets can't seem to do a sailor's work half-way and eases the chores of those around him almost by accident.
Lanteri fumes at the coming of the day's end. She calls a short break near sunset to inspect the work with the bosun, carpneter and mates while the rest of the crew lay about rubbing sore muscles or just lying near dead in the sand. Finally, Lanteri addresses the crew. "This will get us there. Once we've recovered what we're after, we can hull her in copper... or even GOLD if we want!"
There is a cheer from the crew which fades to a moan with the realization that a lot more work is now expected to right the ship and load her back up.

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

At Lanteri's address, and to those who don't know him better, Kaul looks uncharacteristically buoyant. Nodding and grinning at her words;
Hur. An' we'll wash her decks in yer blood... you an' any swab that looks at me and Lopps sideways...
To those familiar with the ornery orc-blood, the hard look of murder dances a jig in his beady eyes.

Cap'n Voodoo |

Despite Dibbets' dark rumblings, the weather remains clear and a gibbous moon provides plenty of light to ease the hard work. Fortunately, all is ready just in time for the lifting tide and the Magpie drifts out of the sheltered bay.
Lanteri relents once the ship is afloat and allows all hands to rest under a minimal watch with the ship anchored a short distance from shore.

"Keelhaul" Kaul |

Likewise Kaul's mood remains black and belligerent.
Bereft of anyone or anything willing to take him on the thug sulks into his berth and hunkers down to catch up on "Me beauty sleep hur..."
Kauly will grab some shut eye until his appointed watch

Dibbets |
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Noting the mwangi Dibbs swings silent and monkey-like through the rigging before hanging inverted o'ertop Nkechi. He opens with a "Eh, Nkechi." before waiting for his attention and dropping his voice a mite for a more intimate discussion "Ain't said thanks like fer ye warnin on tha way intae tha jungle... so... cheers eh?" holding for a few more moments before adding "Ye reckons tha devil bit hae still gots a tad o' scale waitin tae burst oot like?"

Cap'n Voodoo |

"Ye reckons tha devil bit hae still gots a tad o' scale waitin tae burst oot like?"
The fellow priest acknowledges Dibbets with a nod and then a look of confusion. "Huh?" Upon translation, he looks up at the moon. "Good chance."
dial down the brogue, bro. It took me a while to suss that out ; )

Dibbets |

With a resigned sigh Dibbs starts with an epithet before following up with some slightly more pertinent words "Feck. Micht be a bit ay a giveaway if we tie th' buggers doon willnae it? but if th' bastards turn an' start chewin' oan lae ay th' crew 'en we're pure fecked. Whit dae ye hink? Ur ye up fur a nicht spent lookin' an' watchin'? Aam nae takin' tae th' keptin as she isnae worth pissin' oan if she waur alecht."
Sorry Cap'n... will be a bit more restrained inna future like.

Cap'n Voodoo |

Nkechi looks up to the nearly full moon again which has peaked and begun its descent. He indicates it with his chin. "No need to worry tonight. If they have not felt the change yet, it will not happen this night. The full moon is in two nights- your call on warning the captain. It could be dangerous is they aren't tied up good though."

Dibbets |

Dibbs doffs his imaginary hat upside down "Cheers aye" before withdrawing somewhat and pondering dark thoughts. Right... two nights... need to get the Captain in with the sharkmen when they turn... easy enough to rescue them after they've dealt wi' the worthless hag...

Cap'n Voodoo |

Fortunately, the fair weather continues the next day and the Magpie heads southwestward staying well clear of the Sahuagin Coast. By afternoon watch, the bearing turns more WNW until by evening, our crew is in all too familiar waters as the ship follows the southern coast of Raptor Island looking for a small inlet to anchor for the night.

Dibbets |

During the day Dibbs passes word down the chain to his mates that they've a topic of some interest to discuss once the ship's pulled up for the night... and when the time comes he's direct in his approach. "We's gots an issue fer tomorrer... those wi' a touch o' tha biteys are goan get bitey again. Now while it mights be fun an all tae let em run an see what happens... might be we wants to take advantage like."