cctodd |

All right, everyone. I've selected the party - it was a tough choice! I've chosen:
Satinder - Aasimar Ranger
Baldric - Human Lore Warden and Martial Master
Rhiannon Unwin - Half-Elf Rogue
Vikh the Bloodboiler - Human Skald
Zwain the Insane - Human Wizard
Travok Shortstrider - Dwarven Cleric
Thanks again to all who applied. I look forward to seeing you all around the boards.
For those selected, please head over to the discussion thread to check in.

UnArcaneElection |

Have to say not "too bad", but instead that even not getting in to THIS PARTICULAR PbP, it's been awesome putting this together, and I intend to finish anyway. Although now that the pressure is off, possibly inserting some sleep along the way . . . .
(Yes, I really do share a certain Deadly Sin with the character I have been making for this.)
It's been awesome, folks.

UnArcaneElection |

For what it's worth, I actually finished the character sheet anyway (along with that of his cat). Will stand me in good stead when I find another Rise of the RuneLords, Shattered Star, or Iron Gods recruitment thread (Mirosir's meant for any of these 3 APs). Got to finish some of the other characters some time . . . .