CCC-PDX-01-01 The White Well [5e Adventurers League] (Inactive)

Game Master Aeshuura

An Adventure for 3 - 7 characters, from levels 1 - 4 for the Adventurers League Organized Play.

Current Characters

Grand Lodge Aeshuura

Owlbear Rodeo
(8,069 posts)
Uzbin Parault
Scarab Sages Saashaa

(885 posts)
Ammon the Fiend

Male Tiefling ; DCI #7203792324 Warlock 2 | HP 13/13 | AC 12 | Passive Per 11/Ins 11 | Init +1 | Saves Wis +3 Cha +5

played by Daniel Stewart (92 posts)
Priest of Asmodeus
Garzak RedDrake

Male Goblin Draconic Sorcerer 2 | HP 14 | AC 16 | ST S -1 D +3 C +3 I +1 W 0 CH +4 | Spells 1st/1 | SP 2 | PP 10 Perc + 0 | Fury 0/1 | Insp X

played by Dave Chua (62 posts)
GM Star Drake

played by Dave Chua (489 posts)
Jemet Winderbole
Lawrick Cornad

Saves: STR 0, DEX +5, CON +2, WIS -1, INT +3, CHA +2 | HP 10/10 | Hit Dice: d8 | AC: 14 | Initiative: +3 | Perception: +1 | Passive Perception: 11 | Proficiency Bonus +2

played by legoguy4492 (30 posts)
Pirate Queen
Saphina Greenfoot

Rogue 2, Fighter 1, HP 20/28, AC 15/17 (w shield), Pass Perc 15, Pass Inv 15, +3 Init, HAS Second Wind, NO Inspiration, S -1,C 3, D 5, I 3, W 1, Ch 0

played by Greycastle (197 posts)

Half-Elf Wizard 4 / Cleric 2 | HP 26/26 | AC 10 | Saves: S+0, D+0, C+0, I+3, W+5, Ch+3 | Init +0 | Spell DC 13 | Spells: 1st: 2/4, 2nd: 2/3, 3rd: 1/3 |Pass Perc 15 | Status: Norm | Insp: Yes | Channel 1/1

played by Saashaa (511 posts)
Dragon-Charming Bard
Seyhannah Kassim

Bard (Dervish of Dawn) 3; Init +4; Perc +5 (dark vision 60ft); hp 22/22
AC 19, T 15, FF 14, CMD 17; F +2, R +7, W +2

played by Greycastle (144 posts)

Init +0 | Max HP: 21 | AC 12 | Saves: str 0; dex 2; con 1; int 5; wis 1; cha 3 | Insp: [ ] Current Damage: -0

played by Vrog Skyreaver (232 posts)