Race |
| HP 66/66 | Temp: | AC 21 (22 w/ protective ward or shield, 23 w/ both) | Fort +11; Ref +11; Will +10 | Perc: +10E |
Classes/Levels |
| Speed 40ft | Hero Points 1/3 | Focus Points: 1/1 | Active conditions: | ◆◇↺ |
Gender |
LN Male (he/his) Elf Dragon Scholar Monk 5 |
About Edjarha Aivot
Edjarha Aivot
Male elf monk 5
LN, Medium, Elf, Humanoid
Perception +10E (+12 for initiative and break ties); low-light vision
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnomish, Goblin, Infernal, Sylvan
Acrobatics +9T
Arcana +13E
Athletics +13T
Crafting +11T
Dragon Lore +11T
Elven Lore +11T
Intimidation +7T
Medicine +8T
Nature +8T
Occultism +11T
Religion +8T
Society +11T
Survival +8T
Str 18 (+4), Dex 14 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 18 (+4), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 10 (+0)
AC 21; Fort +11E; Ref +11E; Will +10E
HP 66
Speed 40 feet
Melee [1] dagger +13 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+4 piercing/slashing
Melee [1] +1 striking dragon tail +14 (nonlethal, backswing, magic), Damage 2d10+4 bludgeoning
Melee [1] +1 striking fist +14 (nonlethal, agile, finesse, magic), Damage 2d6+4 bludgeoning
Melee [1] staff +13 (two-hand (1d8)), Damage 1d4+4 bludgeoning
Ranged [1] lesser alchemist's fire +2 (thrown 20 ft., alchemical, bomb,consumable,fire,splash), Damage 1d8 fire plus 1 persistent fire damage plus 1 fire splash damage
Ranged [1] dagger +11 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+4 piercing/slashing
Ranged [1] sling +11 (propulsive, range increment 50 feet, reload 1), Damage 1d6+2 bludgeoning
Arcane prepared spells DC 21, attack +11; Cantrips (3rd) electric arc, ray of frost
Innate arcane spells DC 17; Cantrips (3rd) detect magic, shield
Arcane focus spells (3rd) protective ward
Focus points 1
Ancestry Elven Lore
Class Dancing Leaf, Dragon Stance, Flying Kick
Free Archetype (Wizard) Arcane School Spell (Abjuration), Wizard Dedication
Skill Intimidating Glare, Multilingual, Quick Jump
General Ancestral Paragon (Otherworldly Magic)
Other Abilities flurry of blows, mystic strikes, powerful fist, seer elf
Magic Gear +1 striking handwraps of mighty blows
Mundane Gear dagger, lesser alchemist's fire, sling, staff, backpack, basic crafter's book, bedroll, belt pouch, belt pouch, candles (10), chalks (10), flint and steels (2), rations (1 week)s (2), repair kit, rope (foot)s (50), sling bullets (20), soap, spellbook, torches (5), waterskin, wooden religious symbol, writing set, purse (3 gp; 8 sp; 2 cp)
[dice=+1 striking dragon tail attack (Flurry attack 1)]1d20+14[/dice]
[dice=Bludgeoning damage]2d10+4[/dice]
[dice=+1 striking dragon tail attack (Flurry attack 2)]1d20+14-5[/dice] [ooc]+1 if the first attack missed (backswing)[/ooc
[dice=Bludgeoning damage]2d10+4[/dice]
[dice=Ray of frost]1d20+11[/dice]
[dice=Cold damage]3d4+4[/dice]
[dice=Electric arc (DC 21 basic Reflex)]3d4+4[/dice]